当前位置:文档之家› 现代语言学复习要点



Chapter 1 Introduction 绪论

1 什么是语言学 what is linguistics?

1.1 定义 definition

Linguistics is generally defined as scientific study of language.

1.2 语言学的研究范畴 the scope of linguistics

a. The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics. 把语言作为一个整体而进行的全面的语言学研究一般称为普通语言学。

b. The study of sounds used in linguistic communication led to the establishment of a branch of lingu istics called phonetics. 语音学phonetics

How speech sounds are produced and classified.

c. how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication.

how sounds form systems and function to convey meaning. phonology 音位学/ 音系学phonology交际中语音的组合规律及传达意义的方式

d. The study of the way in which these symbols are arranged to form words has constituted the bran ch of study called

morphology. 形态学morphology

how morphemes are combined to form words.



e. The combination of these words to form permissible sentences in languages is governed by rules. The study of these rules

constitutes a major branch of linguistic studies, syntax. 句法学syntax

how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences.

f. The study of meanin

g. semantics 语义学 (in abstraction) semantics

g. the study of meaning is conducted in context of use. pragmatics语用学pragmatics

h. the study of language with reference to society. sociolinguistics. 社会语言学sociolinguistics

i. the study of language with reference to the workings of the mind. psycholinguistics 心理语言学


j. the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning. applied lingui stics 应用语言学applied linguistics

1.3 语言学研究中的一些基本概念 some important distinctions in linguistics.

1.3.1 规定性和描述性 prescriptive vs. descriptive

if a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use;


if it aims at to lay down rules for “correct” behaviour to tell people what they should say and what they should not say 如果某种研究的目的是在对所谓“正确的”行为制定一些规则——规定性的prescriptive


1.3.2 共时性和历时性 synchronic vs. diachronic

the description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study;

the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.


1.3.3 口头语和书面语 speech and writing

Speech and writing are two major media of communication. Modern linguistics regards the spoken la nguage as primary, not the written.

In the past, traditional grammarians tended to overemphasize the importance of the written word, partly because of its permanence.

1.3.4 语言和言语 langue and parole (both from French words)

瑞士语言学家F. de索绪尔

langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the member of a speech community. 语言,某一特定的语言社区中的所有成员所共有的那种抽象的语言系统;

parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use. 言语,在语言实际应用中的具体体现。



1.3.5 语言能力和语言运用 competence and performance 美国语言学家-乔姆斯基(和语言,言语类似的概念)

competence, the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language 能力是一个理想的语言使用者所具有的有关其所使用语言规则的知识;

performance, the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. 运用则指这种知识在语言交际过程中的实际运用。

Langue and parole索绪尔对语言的研究采取的是社会学的观点,语言是社会习惯的产物;Competence and performance 乔姆斯基则从心理学的角度来审视语言现象,能力是每个说话者个体的心里特征。

2 什么是语言? what is language?

2.1 语言的定义 definitions of language

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是用于人类交际目的一套任意的有声符号系统。有以下四个特征:

(1) language is a system (2) language is arbitrary (3) language is vocal (4) language is human specific

2.2 语言的甄别性特征 design features


a. 语言的任意性(武断性)arbitrariness

b. 语言的创造性 productivity

c. 语言的双重性 duality

d. 语言的位移性 displacement

e. 语言的文化传递性 cultural transmission

Chapter 2 Phonology音系学

1 语言的声音媒介 the phonic medium of language


2 语音学 phonetics

2.1 什么是语音学 what is phonetics

phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language; 对语言声音媒介的研究;


(1) 发音语音学 articulatory phonetics

(from the speaker’s point of view)how a speaker uses his speech organs to articulate the sounds

(2) 听觉语音学 auditory phonetics

(from the hearer’s point of view)how the sounds are perceived by the hearer

(3) 声学语音学 acoustic phonetics

It studies the way sounds travel by looking at the sound waves, the physical means by which sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another


2.2 语言的发音器官 organs of speech

the articulatory apparatus of a human being : pharyngeal cavity(the throat); voicing — voiceless

the oral cavity (the mouth); the nasal cavity (the nose)

2.3 语音的正字标音法—宽式和严式标音法

orthographic representation of speech sounds — broad and narrow transcriptions

国际音标 International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)


the transcription with letter-symbols only —— broad transcription

the transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics —— narrow transcription

2.4 英语语音的分类 classification of English speech sounds


2.4.1 英语辅音的分类 classification of English consonants

in terms of manner of articulation (按照发音方法)

stops爆破音; fricatives擦音; affricates塞擦音; liquids流音; nasals鼻音; glides滑音

in terms of place of articulation (按照发音位置)

bilabial双唇音; labiodental唇齿音; dental齿音; alveolar齿龈音; palatal鄂音; velar软腭音; glottal喉音

2.4.2 英语的元音分类 classification of English vowels

a. the individual vowels / monophthongs 单元音

the position of the tongue in the mouth(按照口中舌头的位置) front; central and back

the openness of the mouth (按照口张开的程度)close vowels闭元音, semi-close vowels半闭元音, semi-open vowels半开元音, and open vowels开元音

the shape of the lips (按照唇齿形状)rounded or not rounded

the length of the vowels (按照声音的长度) long vowels short vowels

b. diphthongs 双元音

3音位学 phonology

3.1 音位学和语音学 phonology and phonetics





3.2 音素、音位和音位变体 phone, phoneme, allophone

phone, the speech sounds we use when speaking a language. A phone is a phonetic unit or segment. 音素,我们在用一种语言讲话时所使用的声音。音素是一个语音单位或切分成分。

phonology is concerned with the speech sounds which distinguish meaning. 音位学关心的是能够区别意义的语音现象。


[在不同的语言环境中,] 能够代表同一个音位的不同音素叫做该音位的音位变体allophone。音位也可以另外定义为,[在某一特定的语言中,] 语音相似却不相互构成对比的一组声音。一个音位的选择不是随便或偶然的,它是由规则制约的。条件变体和自然变体


3.3 音位对立,互补分布和最小对立对

Phonemic contrast, complementary distribution, and minimal pair



These two allophones of the same phoneme are said to be in complementary distribution.



系统的音位是什么。确定某种语言音位的一个根本方法就是寻找最小对立对。minimal pairs

e.g.pill-bill bill-kill kill-dill dill-gill 可以确定 /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ 是英语中的音位

3.4 几条音位规则 some rules in phonology

3.4.1 序列规则 sequential rules

3.4.2 同化规则 assimilation rules

3.4.3 省略规则 deletion rule

3.5 超切分特征——重音,声调,语调 Suprasegmental features — stress, tone, intonation


但是在两个或者更多的音位切分序列层面上同样可以找到一些识别性特征。这些发生在切分层面以上的音位特征叫超切分特征。suprasegmental features

3.5.1 stress

3.5.2 tone

3.5.3 intonation

Chapter 3 Morphology 形态学

1 定义 definition

Morphology is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by whi ch words are formed. 形态学是语法学的一个分支,它研究的是单词的内在结构及单词的构成规律。


屈折形态学inflectional morphology和词汇形态学(派生形态学)lexical or derivational morphology 前者研究——单词的屈折变化;后者研究——构词法

2 词素 morpheme

2.1 词素:语言中最小的意义单位

Morpheme: the smallest meaningful unit of language


2.2 词素的类型 types of morphemes

2.2.1 自由词素 free morphemes

free morphemes, which are independent units of meaning and can be used by themselves.

bound morphemes, cannot be used by themselves, but must be combined with other morphemes

to form words that

can be used independently.

2.2.2. 黏着词素bound morphemes

bound morphemes are those that cannot be used independently but have to be combined with ot her morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word. bound morphemes include two types: roots and a ffixes.

root, a root is often seen as a part of word; it can never stand by itself although it bears clear, definite m eaning; it must by combined with another root or an affix to form a word.

affixes, affixes are of two types: inflectional and derivational.

inflectional affixes or inflectional morphemes manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical cate gories

such as number, tense, degree, and case.

derivational affixes are added to an existing form to create a word. Such a way of word-formation is called derivation派生法

and the new word formed by derivation is called a derivative派生词.

the existing form to which a derivational affix can be added is called a stem词干

A stem can be a bound root, a free morpheme, or a derived form itself.

[according to its position] in the new word, affixes are divided into two kinds: prefixes and suffixes 前缀会对词根的意思有所修改,但却不致改变原来单词的词类the part of speech。

后缀修改原有的单词的意义,很多情况下会使原有单词的词类the part of speech发生变化。

2.2.3 形态学原则 morphological rules

3 复合法 compounding


3.1 复合词的类型 types of compound words

3.2 复合词的特征 features of compounds

Chapter 4 Syntax 句法学

Syntax is a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of language.



a. a system of rules that govern the formation of grammatical sentences. 句法学概述:它是一套规则系统,用来指导构成合乎语法的句子。

b. examine the composition of sentences in terms of category and structure, as well as the structural co nstituency and syntactic categories of smaller structural units.


c.名词词组和动词之间的语法关系grammatical relations;

d.说话者内在的internalized以短语结构规则phrase structure rules ,X-标杆理论X-bar theory 以及移位规则movement rules为核心的组合规则系统。

e. conclude by introducing the current principles~and~parameters paradigm in syntactic exploration of U niversal Grammar.


1 句法是规则系统 syntax as a system of rules

a. 句法学由一套抽象的规则组成,这些规则能够使词相互结合构成合乎语法的句子。

b. Universally found in the grammars of all human languages, syntactic rules comprise the system of int

ernalized knowledge of a language speaker know as linguistic competence.


c. 任何语言的句法规则都是有限的。

2 句子结构 sentence structure

2.1 句子的基本结构 the basic components of a sentence

a. A sentence consists of at least a subject and its predicate which contains a finite verb or a verb phras e.

b. The referring expression被指示对象 is grammatically called subject.

2.2 句子的类型 types of sentences

three types: simple sentence; coordinate sentence / compound sentence; complex sentence

2.2.1 简单句

clause 子句,简单句中只含有一个子句,有一个主语一个谓语,该句子单独构成句子。 finite clause 定式子句,含有一个主语和一个限定动词同时在结构上能够独立存在的句子。

2.2.2 并列句

2.2.3 复合句

embedded clause从属子句, 被合并的句子或者居于从属地位的句子

the incorporated, or subordinate, clause

matrix clause主句, 包纳从属子句的句子。

subordinator 从属连词

2.3 句子的线性排列与层次结构 The linear and hierarchical structures of sentences

linearly structure and hierarchically structure

2.3.1 句子的线性次序排列 the linear word order of a sentence

2.3.2 句子的层次结构 the hierarchical structure of a sentence

e.g. The student // likes / the new linguistics professor.

2.3.3 句子的结构树形图 tree diagrams of sentence structure branching nodes 分叉点

3 句法类型 syntactic categories

Words and phrases are organized according to syntactic categories句法类型 they belong to.

Apart from sentences and clauses, a syntactic category usually refers to a word (lexical category词类) or a phrase (phrasal category词组类)

that performs a particular grammatical function, such as the subject in a sentence.

3.1 词类 lexical categories

3.2 词组类 phrasal categories

4 语法关系 grammatical relations

grammatical relations, Our linguistic knowledge includes an awareness of a distinction between the str uctural and logical functional relations of constituents.

subject of ……相对于……的主语; direct object of ……相对于……直接宾语 structural subject, structural object 结构主语,结构宾语 logical subject, logical object 逻辑主语,逻辑宾语

5 组合规则 combinational rules

5.1 短语结构规则 phrase structure rules

S→NP VP phrase structure rule or rewrite rule

5.2 短语结构规则的循环性 the recursive-ness of phrase structure rules

这些规则由于他们具有的循环特征recursive properties,可以生成无数个长度无限的句子来。

5.3 X-标杆理论 X-bar theory

head 核心词 XP必须包含X,X分别表示:N,V,A,P; XP→……X…… Det-specifier指示语, N-the head核心词, S-the complement补语” double bar但标杆’single bar双标杆 X-bar theory 6 句法位移和位移规则 syntactic movement and movement rules


syntactic movement 句法位移,受转换规则的这些规则支配的;

transformational rules 转换规则,转换规则的运用改变句子的句法表达方式。

6.1 名词词组位移与WH位移 NP-movement and WH-movement

句法位移主要有两种: postponing后移 preposing 前移

6.2 其他类型的位移 other types of movement

一般疑问句(general question)引起句法位移: AUX-movement 组动词位移

6.3 深层结构与表层结构 D-structure and S-structure在正式的语言研究中,前移和后移的表现形式通称为: D-structure and S-structure 深层结构,表层结构语法结构规则+词汇↓深层结构↓位移规则↓表层结构

6.4 移动α一条普遍规则 Moveα— a general movement rule

如同X-标杆规则可以将各种短语结构规则高度概括起来一样,句法位移也有一条普遍规则来解释句法成分位移现象: Move αor Move Alpha

7 普遍语法理论 toward a theory of Universal Grammar / UG principles-and-parameters theory 原则及参数理论 general principles 综合原则

7.1 普遍语法原则 general principles of Universal Grammar

Case Condition 格条件 Adjacency Condition 毗邻条件

7.2 普遍语法参数 the parameters of Universal Grammar

同英语类似的语言,毗邻参数值Adjacency Parameter设定为[+strict adjacency]“正绝对毗邻值”,而类似法语的语言,毗邻参数值则设定为[-strict adjacency]“负绝对毗邻值。

Chapter 5 Semantics 语义学

1 什么是语义学 what is semantics?

Semantics can be simply defined as the study of meaning. 对语言意义的研究

2 语义研究的几种主要理论 some views concerning the study of meaning

2.1 命名论 the name theory


2.2 意念论 the conceptualist view


2.3 语境论 contextualism


2.4 行为主义论 behaviorism


3 词汇意义 lexical meaning


3.1 意义和所指 sense and reference

Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It is the collection of all the featu

res of the linguistic

form; it is abstract and de-contextualized.

意义,是词汇内在的、抽象的、游离于语境之外的意义,是词汇所有特征的集合。这个意义正是词典编纂者感兴趣的。 Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the rel ationship between the

linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.


3.2 主要意义关系 major sense relations

3.2.1 同义关系 synonymy synonyms 同义词:

方言~(dialectal synonyms);语体~(stylistic synonyms);

情感意义或评价意义不同的~(stylistic that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning);

用于不同搭配的~(collocational synonyms);语义上有一定差别的~(semantically different synonyms) 3.2.2 多义关系 polysemy polysemy 多义词


3.2.3 同音/同形异议关系 homonymy homophones 同音异议词 homographs 同形异议词

complete homonymys 完全同音同形异议词(多义词的各种意义之间有联系,而完全同音同形异议词出于巧合)

3.2.4 上下义关系 hyponymy superordinate上义词hyponyms 下义词co-hyponyms 并列下义词,具有同一个上义词的下义词叫做并列下义词。

3.2.5 反义关系 antonymy antonyms 反义词

可分等级的~(gradable antonyms);互补性~(complementary antonyms);关系~(relational antonyms)4 句子间的语义关系 sense relations between sentences


5 意义分析 analysis of meaning

5.1 语义成分分析法——一种词义分析法 componential analysis — a way to analyze lexical meaning

e.g. man = +HUMAN, +ADULT, +ANIMATE, +MALE

5.2 述谓结构分析——一种句义分析法 predication analysis — a way to analyze sentence meaning



句子在语义上是否有意义是受被称为选择限制的规则支配的,即对词项间的相互搭配规则进行限制。 selectional restrictions

predication analysis 述谓分析——句子分成主语,谓语predicate和修饰语attribute;



Chapter 6 Pragmatics 语用学

1 什么是语用学 what is pragmatics?

1.1 定义 definition

Pragmatics, it is the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful commu nication. 语用学研究语言使用者是如何运用语句进行成功交际的。

1.2 语用学和语义学 pragmatics vs. semantics


1.3 语境 context

context, it is generally considered as constituted

组成 by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer.

1.4 句子意义和话语意义 sentence meaning vs. utterance meaning


2 语言行为理论 speech act theory



言内行为(表达字面意义的行为) locutionary act

言外行为(表达说话人意图)illocutionary act ——哲学家们最感兴趣的,舍尔对其进行分5类:

阐述类representatives;指令类directives;承诺类commissives;表达类expressives;宣告类declarations e.g. 指令类,让……做……

言后行为(由话语所带来的结果或变化) perlocutionary act

3 会话原则 principle of conversation

参与会话的人首先得愿意合作,这条基本原则叫做合作原则Cooperative Principle。这条基本原则包括4种准则maxims:

数量准则the maxim of quantity;质量准则 the maxim of quality;关联准则the maxim of relation;方式准则the maxim of manner

对于任何一种合作原则的违法,都使语言变得间接——会话含义conversational implicatures Chapter 7 Historical Linguistics 历史语言学 historical linguistics

Historical linguistics is the subfield of linguistics studies language change语言变化.

Historical linguistics are concerned with the historical development历史变迁

of language and the processes involved in language change. Historical linguistics look into the nature of language change and causes that led to language change. They also explore methods and techniques with which they can reconstruct linguistic history重建语言史 and establish the relationship between languages that belong to the same language family语系.

1 对语言进行历史研究的目的和意义 the purpose and significance of the historical study of language

历时语言学 diachronic linguistics diachronic 历时 synchronic 共时

2 语言变化的本质 the nature of language change Old English, Middle English and Modern English

3 英语的历史发展 the historical development of English

3.1 英语历史发展的主要阶段 major periods in the history of English

3.1.1 古英语 Old English

3.1.2 中古英语 Middle English

3.1.3 现代英语 Modern English

3.2 英语语言系统的变化 linguistic change of English

3.2.1 语音系统的变化 sound change 元音方面的变化 vowel sound change Great vowel shift 主要元音转移 语音的丧失 sound loss apocope 语音脱落 语音的增加 sound addition epenthesis 插入音 语音的位移 sound movement metathesis 语音变位

3.2.2 形态的变化 morphological change 词缀的丧失 affix loss 词缀的添加 affix addition

3.2.3 句法的变化 syntactic change 规则的丧失 rule loss 规则的添加 rule addition 规则方面的变化 rule change

3.2.4 词汇的变化 lexical change


4.1 词汇的丧失 lexical loss


4.2 词汇的添加 lexical addition

borrowing 外借,借词 word formation 构词法除了借词之外,构词法还有:

复合法compounding,派生法derivation,首字母缩略法acronym formation,混合法blending,缩写法abbreviation,略写法clipping,逆向构词法back-formation和创新词coinage

3.2.5 语义的变化 semantic change

semantic broadening or narrowing semantic shift 语义演变 语义的广义化 semantic broadening 语义的侠义化 semantic narrowing 语义的演变 semantic shift

4 语系 language family

historical and comparative linguistics 历史或比较语言学

genetic relationships 语系关系 language families 语系 ancestral languages 母语

Indo-European language family

4.1 语系的划分 classifying genetically related languages

sisters 姊妹 cousins 兄弟 family tree 谱系树 protolanguage 原始语

comparative reconstruction 比较重建法 proto 原始形式 cognates 同源词


the Indo-European Family, the Sino-

Tibetan Family, the Anstronesian Family, and the Afroasiatic Family.

4.2 印欧语系 the Indo-European Family

the Indo-European Family or Indo-

European is the first and most widely investigated language family of the world. Grimm’s major contribution—— sound shift 音替变


5 语言变化的原因 the causes of language change

Sound changes may result from physiological, assimilative processes. 语音方面的变化是生理上的同化过程的结果。 Other grammatical changes may be explained as analogic change. 类推变化

Rule simplification and elaboration may arise to maintain intelligibility and unambiguity, rule generalizatio n, external borrowing( from other languages), or internal borrowing (within the language )may also result in grammatical changes. Lexical items may be lost for no communicative need, or added for the necessi ty to express new concepts or name new objects. Many of these changes are realized by children acquir ing the language through grammatical restructuring 语言重建and the imperfect learning 语言不完整的模仿of the adult language varieties.

5.1 语音的同化 sound assimilation

5.2 规则的简化与统一 rule simplification and regularization

5.3 内部借用 internal borrowing

5.4 规则的细化 elaboration

5.5 社会因素 sociological triggers

5.6 文化传播 cultural transmission

5.7 儿童对成人语法的习得 children’s approximation toward the adult grammar

Chapter 8 Sociolinguistics 社会语言学

Sociolinguistics is the sub-

discipline of linguistics that studies language in social contexts. language variation language use regi onal ethnic social groups

situational use standard language lingua franca pidgin creole diglossia bilingualism

1 语言变异 language variation

1.1 言语社区 speech community

social groups speech community A speech community

1.2 言语变体 speech variety speech variety

standard language vernacular language dialect pidgin creole regional dialects sociolects social dialects registers

1.3 地域变异 regional variation language planning

1.4 社会变异 social variation

1.5 文体变异 stylistic variation

1.6 个人言语变异 idiolectal variation idiolect personal dialect

2 标准语与非标准语 standard and nonstandard language

cross-cultural communication lingua franca pidgin creole

2.1 标准语与非标准语 standard and nonstandard language

nonstandard vernacular languages national or official language

2.2 通用语 lingua francas

2.3 皮软语 pidgins

2.4 克里奥尔语 creoles

3 双言与双语现象 diglossia and bilingualism diglossia bilingualism

3.1 双言现象 diglossia high variety or H-variety low variety or L-variety

3.2 双语现象 bilingualism

4 少数民族方言 ethnic dialect

4.1 黑人英语,少数民族方言的个案研究 black English, a case study of ethnic dialect black English

e.g. Is it a Mr. Johson in the office? don’ know nothing ain’t……no don’t nobody never don’t nowhere

4.2 黑人英语的社会环境 the social environment of black English

5 社会方言 social dialect

5.1 教育变体 education varieties

5.2 年龄变体 age varieties

5.3 性别变体 gender varieties

governor governess master tress career woman man lady doctor woman athlete

5.4 语域变体 register varieties speech situations situational dialects judge defendant 5.5 称谓语 address terms

5.6 俚语 slang

come part, clue in to, became upset, made aware of, apace out, wired with, disheartened, sympathet ic, hard hats,

construction workers, young women, is going down the tubes, will be wasted, gross you out, disgust you, cut the headlights

on, turn on the headlights.

5.7 禁忌语 linguistic taboo

5.8 委婉语 Euphemism euphemism euphemismos

Chapter 9 Psycholinguistics 心里语言学 psycholinguistics psycholinguistics

acquire, produce and comprehend mind or brain localized and organized hemispheric organizatio n linguistic lateralization language centers critical period language and thought

1 语言的生理基础 the biological foundations of language

1.1 盖奇案例 the case of Phineas Gage

1.2人的大脑 the human brain

neurons cerebral cortex hemispheres

1.3 大脑左右半球的侧化 brain lateralization lateralization left hemisphere right hemisphere

2 语言侧化 linguistic lateralization linguistic lateralization

2.1 左半球的语言优势 left hemispheric dominance for language

2.2 两耳分听实验 dichotic listening research dichotic listening right ear advantage

3 语言中枢 the language centers

Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area, and the angular gyrus.

3.1 布罗卡区 Broca’s area Broca’s area

3.2 韦尼克区Wernicke’s area Wernicke’s area

3.3 角形脑回 the angular gyrus angular gyrus

3.4 语言的感知、理解与表达 language perception, comprehension and production

4 语言习得关键期 the critical period for language acquisition critical period

4.1 关键期建设 the critical period hypothesis cerebral plasticity

4.2 吉尼案例与语言机制退化 the case of Genie and the degeneration of language faculty with age

5 语言与思维 language and thought

5.1 有关语言与思维的一些早期观点

early views on language and thought the Sapir Whorf hypothesis

5.2 萨丕尔-沃尔夫假设 the Sapir Whorf hypothesis linguistic determinism linguistic relativism 5.3 对萨丕尔-沃尔夫假设的批判 arguments against the Sapir Whorf hypothesis

5.3.1 词与意义 words and meaning

5.3.2 语法结构 grammatical structure

5.3.3 翻译 translation

5.3.4 第二语言习得 second language acquisition

5.3.5 语言与世界观 language and world views

5.4 对语言与思维关系的再认识 understanding the relation of language and thought

5.4.1 语言的主要功能 major functions of language

5.4.2 语言与思维的发展和融合 the development and blending of language and thought

5.4.3 无言而思 thinking without language

5.4.4 语言——表达思维之约定俗称的编码系统

language as a conventional coding system to express thought

5.4.5 语言影响思维的方式 the ways in which language affects thought influences

Chapter 10 Language Acquisition

语言习得 language development in humans

1 第一语言习得 first language acquisition

1.1 语言习得的生物基础 the biological basis of language acquisition biological or nativist

1.2 语言习得即语法规则的习得

language acquisition as the acquisition of grammatical rules general principles

1.3 语言输入与交流的作用the role of input and interaction

caretaker speech babytalk motherese or parentese

1.4 语言教学的作用 the role of instruction conscious instruction

1.5 纠错与强化的作用 the role of correction and reinforcement behaviorist learning theory

1.6 模仿的作用 the role of imitation

2 第一语言习得的发展阶段 stages of first language acquisition babbling stages

one-word, two-word and multiword stages

2.1 前语言阶段 the prelinguistic stage

2.2 独词句阶段 the one-word stage holophrastic sentences overextension or underextension 2.3 双词句阶段 the two-word stage

2.4 多词句阶段 the multiword stage telegraphic speech

3 语法体系的发展 the development of the grammatical system

3.1 语音的发展 the development of phonology

3.2 句法的发展 the development of syntax

3.3 词形的发展 the development of morphology

3.4 词汇与语义的发展 the development of vocabulary and semantics

4 第二语言习得 second language acquisition

4.1 习得与学习 acquisition vs. learning acquisition learning

4.2 转移与干扰transfer and interference

transfer interference Contrastive Analysis

4.3 错误分析与第二语言的自然发展轨道

Error Analysis and the natural route of SLA development universal route Error Analysis

4.4 语际语与语言僵化现象 inter-language and fossilization interim knowledge inter-language fossilized

4.5 语言输入的作用 the role of input

4.6 正规教学的作用 the role of formal instruction

4.7 学习者的个人因素 individual learner factors

4.7.1 第二语言习得的最佳年龄 the optimum age for second language acquisition

4.7.2 学习第二语言的动机 motivation

instrumental motivation integrative motivation

4.7.3 语言文化深入 acculturation acculturation

4.7.4 学习者的个性 personality


全国 2018 年 1 月自学考试现代语言学试题 课程代码: 00830 I . Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C, or D in the brackets. ( 2%×10=20% ) 1. The language behavior of particular persons on particular occasions is determined by many other factors over and above their linguistic ______. () A. system B. structure C. competence D. performance 2. When we pronounce the long vowels [i:] or [u:], our ______, which is a bony structure at the end of the windpipe, is in a state of tension. () A. larynx B. hard palate C. glottis D. vocal cords 3. The word “ manuscript ” is a two-morpheme cluster which contains ______. () A. two roots B. a root and a prefix C. a root and a suffix D. a root and a free morpheme 4. The grammatical knowledge is represented through Phrase Structure Rules,which state explicitly all and only the possible combinations of the ______ of a language, for example, in English, NP→ ( Det ) (Adj) N (PP) (S).) A. phrases B. clauses C. sentences D. constituents 5. The view that the meaning of a linguistic form is defined as the“ situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer ” was proposed by ______. () A. Plato B. Ogden and Richards C. John Firth D. Bloomfield 6. According to John Austin's theory of speech act, a(n) ______ act is the change brought about by the utterance. () 1


自考《现代语言学》复习讲义 一、常考题型 1.填空 2.单项选择 3.判断正误 4.解释词语并举例说明 对名词解释并举一两个例子进行说明 5.回答问题 做题要求:用英文进行答题。 二、各章节学习要点 Chapter 1 Introduction (绪论) 1.What is linguistics? 1.1 Definition (语言学的定义) P.1 Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. Linguistics studies not any particular language, e.g., English, Chinese, Arabic, and Latin, but in language in general. 1.2 The Scope of linguistics (语言学的研究范畴) P.2—4 The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics(普通语言学).This deals with the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study, in contrast to those branches of study which relate linguistics to the research of other areas. Main branches of linguistics 语言学的主要分支: 1)phonetics(语音学) 2)phonology (音系学) 3)morphology (形态学) 4)syntax (句法学) 5)semantics (语义学) 6)pragmatics (语用学) The study of all these aspects of language forms the core of linguistics.


2018教师资格考试大纲:《英语学科知识与教学能力》 (高级中学) 一、考试目标 1.英语学科知识与能力 具有扎实的英语语言基础知识和语言能力;具备从事高中英语教学所需要的英语语言能力;能理解有关英语国家的语言、历史和文化等相关知识。 2.英语学科教学知识与能力 掌握外语教学基本理论、英语教学专业知识与国家英语课程标准内容等学科教学知识,并能用以指导高中英语教学。 3.英语学科教学设计能力 能够根据英语学科特点,针对高中学生的认知特点、语言水平和学习需要选择并设计合理的教学内容,形成完整合理的教学方案。 4.英语学科教学实施能力 理解高中英语课堂教学实施的基本原则和方法,具备实施语言课堂教学的基本能力;能够根据教学设计,结合教学实际情况,采用恰当的教学手段,引导学生进行有效学习。 5.英语学科教学评价知识与能力 了解高中英语课堂教学评价的基本知识和方法,能够对学生的语言学习进行恰当的评价;了解教学反思的基本方法和策略,能够对自己的课堂教学实践进行反思,提出改进的思路。 二、考试模块内容与要求 (一)语言知识与能力 1.掌握英语语言的基础知识,了解语言学研究中与语言教学相关的基本概念和知识,并能在课堂教学中加以运用。 2.具有良好的英语语言运用能力,包括用英语进行书面表达、获取教学资源和信息、表达思想情感和与学生良好沟通的能力;能够筛选并改编适合高中学生英语水平的语言材料。 3.能在语篇中理解英语国家的语言、历史和文学等相关的社会文化知识。 (二)语言教学知识与能力 1.了解外语教学基本理论,理解语言观、语言学习观、语言教学观等对高中英语教学的指导作用。

2.理解国家颁布的英语学科课程标准的目标内容(语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识),以及课程标准的其他相关知识,并能在教学设计与实施中运用。 3.掌握英语语言知识(语音、词汇、语法、语篇等)的教学基本原则、讲解和练习方法。 4.掌握英语语言技能(听、说、读、写)教学的基本原则和训练方法。 5.能结合中外社会文化语境,设计并实施英语知识和技能的教学与训练。 (三)教学设计 1.了解高中学生的认知特点、已有的英语知识、语言能力和学习需求,能够说明教学内容与学生已学知识之间的联系。 2.理解课程标准的目标要求,能够根据学生的特点选择恰当的教学内容。 3.能够根据教学内容和学生特点设定合理、明确与具体的教学目标。 4.能够根据教学目标创设相应的教学情景,设计有效的教学活动,安排合理的教学过程,筛选适当的辅助教学材料。 5.能够根据教学内容和教学过程,设计有效的学习评估活动。 (四)教学实施与评价 1.掌握英语课堂教学的基本步骤与方法,能够创设教学情景,激发学习动机,引导学生参与语言学习活动。 2.掌握指导学生学习的方法和策略,能依据英语学科和学生的特点,根据教学实际情况,恰当地运用语言讲解、练习、提问、反馈等方法,帮助学生有效学习。 3.掌握课堂管理的基本方法,熟悉课堂活动的常用组织形式,能在教学活动中以学生为中心组织教学,能在课堂教学的不同阶段发挥教师的作用。 4.掌握课堂总结的方法,能适时地对教学内容进行归纳、总结与评价,科学合理地布置作业。 5.掌握基本的现代教育技术,能够针对不同的教学内容与教学目标,整合多种资源,选择恰当的辅助教学手段进行有效教学。 6.了解形成性评价和终结性评价的知识与方法,并在高中英语教学中合理运用。 7.了解教学案例评析的基本方法,能够对教学案例进行评价。 8.了解教学反思的基本方法和策略,能够对自己的教学进行反思并提出改进思路。


全国2018年10月自学考试现代语言学试题 课程代码:00830 I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C, or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20% ) 1. The purpose of Chomsky’s definition is to focus attention on the purely ______ properties of language, and these properties can be studied from a mathematically precise point of view. ()A. lexical B. grammatical C. semantic D. structural 2. We refer to the limited range of sounds as the phonic medium of language and individual sounds within that range as ______.() A. vowels B. consonants C. sounds D. speech sounds 3. A(n) ______ refers to the existing form to which a derivational affix can be added. () A. root B. stem C. affix D. morpheme 4. All sentences in all languages can be represented by constituent structure trees, and all have syntactic rules that determine the linear order of words and their ______ structure. ()A. linear B. hierarchical C. constituent D. syntactic 5. In semantic analysis of a sentence, a(n) ______ is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal element in a sentence. () A. argument B. subject C. object D. predicate 6. Speaker A: Can you answer the telephone? Speaker B: I’m in the bath. Speaker B is violating the maxim of ______.() 1


第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握 第一部分: 1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语Specialty English 3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程Civil Engineering 5 地下工程Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程Port Engineering 13 安全性safety 17木结构timber structure 18 砌体结构masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构steelstructure 21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 24 钢筋rebar 25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构truss structure 29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure 30 近海工程offshore engineering 31 静力学statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics 34 简支梁simply supported beam 35 固定支座fixed bearing 36弹性力学elasticity 37 塑性力学plasticity 38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics 40 土力学soil mechanics 41 水力学hydraulics 42 流体力学fluid mechanics 43 固体力学solid mechanics 44 集中力concentrated force 45 压力pressure 46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 47 均布压力uniform pressure 48 体力body force 49 重力gravity 50 线荷载line load 51 弯矩bending moment 52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress 54 应变stain 55 正应力normal stress 56 剪应力shearing stress 57 主应力principal stress 58 变形deformation 59 内力internal force 60 偏移量挠度deflection 61 settlement 沉降 62 屈曲失稳buckle 63 轴力axial force 64 允许应力allowable stress 65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis 66 梁beam 67 壳shell 68 板plate 69 桥bridge 70 桩pile 71 主动土压力active earth pressure 72 被动土压力passive earth pressure 73 承载力load-bearing capacity 74 水位water Height 75 位移displacement 76 结构力学structural mechanics 77 材料力学material mechanics 78 经纬仪altometer 79 水准仪level 80 学科discipline 81 子学科sub-discipline 82 期刊journal ,periodical 83文献literature 84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号 85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号 86 卷volume 87 期number 88 专着monograph 89 会议论文集Proceeding 90 学位论文thesis, dissertation 91 专利patent 92 档案档案室archive 93 国际学术会议conference 94 导师advisor 95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis 96 博士研究生doctorate student 97 研究生postgraduate 98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引 99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引 101 题目title 102 摘要abstract 103 全文full-text 104 参考文献reference 105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation 106 主题词Subject 107 关键字keyword 108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会 109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署

全国 高等教育自学考试 语言学概论考试试题 课程代码

全国2002年10月高等教育自学考试 语言学概论试题 课程代码:00541 第一部分选择题 一、单项选择题(本大题共26小题,每小题1分,共26分)在每小题列出的四个选 项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.关于口语和书面语的关系,下列说明不正确的一项是( ) A.任何一种语言总是先有口语,后有书面语 B.书面语是第一性的,口语是第二性的 C.在一个只有口语而没有书面语的社会中,社会交际存在着较大的局限 D.书面语是经过加工、提炼和发展了的口语的书面形式 2.区分“语言”和“言语”的主要目的是( ) A.明确语言学的研究对象 B.更好地研究书面语 C.强调在社会环境中研究语言 D.强调研究言语的个人特色 3.二十世纪语言学在索绪尔语言理论的影响下,集中主要精力研究的是( ) A.语言的历史演变 B.语言和民族的关系 C.语言和社会的关系 D.语言系统本身的内在规律 4.对人类语言而言,声音四要素中作用最重要的一个是( ) A.音高 B.音强 C.音长 D.音质

5.下列各组中,都是前元音的一组是( ) 6.下列各组辅音中,发音部位相同的一组是( ) A.[p,k] B.[n,b] C.[ts,s] D.[d,f] 7.语音不同于一般声音的本质属性是( ) A.物理属性 B.社会属性 C.生理属性 D.心理属性 8.常用语汇和非常用语汇主要是从下列哪个角度区分出来的( ) A.词的使用场合 B.词的专业特色 C.词的使用频率 D.词的历史来源 9.汉语经常用四字格表示而且使用最多的熟语形式是( ) A.成语 B.谚语 C.惯用语 D.歇后语 10.“最小的有意义的能独立使用的语言单位”是( ) A.语素 B.词 C.词组 D.字 11.英语动词“唱”的原形是sing,过去时形式是sang,这在语法手段的词形变化中叫作( ) A.附加 B.屈折 C.异根 D.零形式 12.英语句子“我看电视”有时写作I watch TV,有时写作I watched TV。其中动词 “watch(看)”的词形变化反映了语法上哪一种谓词属性范畴( )


2019南开大学语言学概论和现代汉语考试大纲 一考试性质 本考试是全日制语言学及应用语言学专业、汉语言文字学专业、少数民族语言文学专业的入学资格之专业基础课考试。 二考试目的 本考试的目的是选拔全日制语言学及应用语言学专业、汉语言文字学专业、少数民族语言文学专业的硕士研究生。 三考试要求 考生应具备“语言学概论”“现代汉语”的基础知识,理解这两门课程的基本概念,能用所学的知识和方法分析简单的语音、词汇、语义和语法的事实。 考生要用汉语答题,书写工整,卷面整洁。 四考试内容 “语言学概论”部分 第一部分语言的性质,包括语言和言语、语言是人类最重要的交际工具、语言的其他派生功能、语言是自然形成的符号系统。 第二部分语音,包括语音的物理属性和生理基础、音素、音位、音位的组合。 第三部分语法,包括语法的性质和单位、构词法、构形法、句法。 第四部分语义,包括词汇、词义、词聚、句义、歧义。 第五部分语言的发展,包括语言发展的原因和特点、语言的分化和统一、语言的接触、语言系统的发展。 题型 一名词解释(略) 二判断 示例:洋泾浜不是自然语言。 答:对。洋泾浜是两个不同民族的人在某些特定场合临时把各自的语言混合在一起而造成的交际工具,不当作母语使用,离开特定的交际场合双方都不再使用它,所以不是自然语言。 三简答 示例:两个同义词可以在哪些方面有差别? 答:同义词之间的差别:a语体色彩或风格色彩、b感情色彩、c形象色彩。 四分析 示例:指出下面每个词是单纯词还是复合词,还是派生词: 剪刀克隆taller 绳子棕色菠萝氧吧dancer 质子actually 答案:单纯词有“克隆、菠萝、taller”,复合词有“剪刀、棕色、氧吧、质子”,派生词有“绳子、dancer、actually”。


全国2013年1月自学考试现代语言学试题 课程代码:00830 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 Ⅰ. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (2%×10=20%) 1. Which of the following does NOT account for the fact that modern linguistics gives priority to the spoken form of language? A. Speech precedes writing. B. There are still many languages that have only the spoken form. C. People were encouraged to imitate the “best authors” for language usage. D. The spoken is used for a wider range of purposes than the written. 2. In terms of manner of articulation, the English consonants [s]and [z]are classified as ______. A. liquids B. affricates C. stops D. fricatives 3. Which of the following words has four morphemes? A. Undoubtedly. B. Instrument. C. Astonishing. D. Thermometer. 4. The word very in the phrase “very curious of the answer” is a ______ in terms of X-bar schema. A. specifier B. head 1 全国2013年1月自学考试现代语言学试题


英语专业四级作文常用单词、短语下面列出的是一些应试作文的常用单词、短语。其中的动词、名词和形容词都是应试作文尤其是议论文写作时应该熟练运用的单词,而适当地运用下面这些短语对提高作文的措辞水平、提高作文得分大有好处。常用的形容词和副词: absurd 荒唐的addictive 上瘾的affectionate 有感情的aggressive 有上进心的 alert 敏锐的;警惕的arduous 费劲的artistic 艺术的authoritative 权威性的 awkward 尴尬的balanced 平衡的cogent 使人信服的cold-blooded 冷血的 cold-hearted 无情的compatible 兼容的complicated 复杂的compassionate 富有同情心的confident 自信的contemptible 可鄙的contributive 有贡献的corrupt 腐败的 delicious.美味可口的demanding 要求高的detrimental 有害的devious 偏离正道的dishonorable 不光彩的disturbed 受到干扰的ccentric 古怪的economical 经济的 evil 邪恶的exotic 异国的enlightened 开明的;文明的fallacious 荒谬的 fashionable 时髦的feasible 可行的fictitious 虚假的flexile 灵活多样的 fruitful 有成效的glamorous 富有魅力的gorgeous 辉煌的humane 人道的 incompatible 不调和的;不相容的mpressive 令人印象探刻的ignorant (of) 无视的;无知的 inborn 天生的inconceivable 不可思议的indecent 不妥的;不检点的indifferent 冷漠的 infectious 传染性的indispensable 不可或缺的inexhaustible 取之不尽的inferior 低人一等的 infirm (身体)弱的influential 有影响力的inhumane 不人道的inquisitive 多管闲事的 initially 首先insalubrious 有害无益instructive 有教育意义的intellectual 智力的 interim 中间的;过渡的interpersonal 人际关系的intimate 密切的inviolable 不可侵犯的 inward 内在的Irreparable 不可挽回的irresistible 不可抵抗的irritating 恼人的 isolated (from) 隔绝的laudable 可赞誉的lavishly 大方的legitimate 合法的 loyal 忠诚的luxurious 奢侈的magnanimous 宽宏大量的mature 成熟的 misleading 误导的money-oriented 向钱看的multilateral 多方面的misrepresented 不如实叙述的nourished 有营养的obscure 晦涩的palatable 美味的old-fashioned/out of date 过时的perilous 危险的permissive 宽容的;许可的pernicious 有害无益的pornographic 色情的 potential 潜在的practical 实际的;务实的preferential:优惠的pressing 紧迫的 professional 专业的prosperous 繁荣昌盛的prudent 明智的prevailing 占主导地位的;流行的psychological 心理上rational 理性的resentful 愤怒的reverse 相反的 rewarding 值得的ridiculous 荒谬的rigid 严格的rough 粗略的 shabby 破旧不堪的sheltered 受保护的sociable 好交际的self-contemptuous 自卑的 sole 惟一的stern/strict 严格的stressful 有压力的stringent 严厉的 stylish 时髦的superficial 表面现象的tempting 吸引人的time-honored 久享盛名的traditional 传统的typical 典型的unadvised 轻率的uncompromising 不妥协的unconcerned 冷漠的uneasy 不自在的unethical 不道德的unfeeling 冷漠的 unhealthy 不健康的unified 同一标准的unwholesome 不健康的unjust 不公平的 utterly 完全;绝对地unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的unsociable 不善于社交的untimely 不和适宜的 unique 独特的vexing 令人烦恼的voluntary 自愿的vulnerable 易受伤害的 vivid 形象的well-grounded 有充足理由的abolishment 废除wholesome 健康的常用的名词absurdity 荒唐;谬论abuse 滥用achievement 成绩acquaintance 熟人 admiration 崇拜adaptation 改写;适应adventures/explorer 探险者adverse impact 负面影响adversity 逆境affection 友情/感情alienation 疏远ambition 志向 amusement 娱乐anecdote 轶事apathy冷漠无情approach 鼓掌 architecture 建筑association 联想;联系assault 攻击assessment 评估 athlete 运动员art 艺术availability 可得到的东西barrier 妨碍


自学考试《现代语言学》模拟试题及答案2017 2017 年自学备考正在开展中,考生们要扎扎实实地复习,一步一步地前进,以下是搜索整理的一份《现代语言学》模拟试题及答案,供参考练习,希望对大家有所帮助!想 了解更多相关信息请持续关注我们! I .Multiple Choice Directions:Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A,B,C or D in the brackets.(2% x 10=20%) 1. The pair of words “lend”and “borrow”are ___.( ) A. gradable opposites B.relational opposites C.co-hyponyms D.synonyms 2. The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar .( ) A. Jacob Grimm B.Rasmus Rask C.Franz Bopp D.Sir William Jones 3. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __.( ) A.unusual B.something to be feared C.abnormal D.natural 4. __produce fast and fluent speech with good intonation and pronunciation but the content of their speech ranges from mildly inappropriate to complete nonsense,often as unintelligible.( ) A.Broca's aphasic B.The linguistic deprivation C.The damage on the angular gyrus D.Wernicke's aphasic 5.Some Southern learners of English in China tend to say “night ” as “light ”.This shows: .( ) A. They cannot pronounce/n/ B. Interlangue interference because there is notthe sound /n/in their mother tongue C. The teachers do not have a good teaching method D. They do not like to pronounce nasal sounds 6. A word with several meanings is called __word.( ) A.a polysemous B.a synonymous C.an abnormal D.a multiple 7. The function of the sentence “A nice day, isn't it? ” is __.( ) https://www.doczj.com/doc/3d2806561.html,rmative B.phatic C.directive D.performative


当代语言学的八大发展趋势 21世纪在即,?“回顾与前瞻”?构成各学科领域的世纪“门坎”?问题。综观语言的发展现状、考察相关科学的影响,语言学研究将在八个方面发生相应的转向,即由微观转向宏观、由单一转向多元、由系统转向运用、由描写转向解释、由结构转向认知、由静态转向动态、由分析转向综合、由模糊转向精确。认准趋势、把定方向,就能跟上语言学的发展潮流,促进语言学的研究。 关键词:21世纪;语言学;发展趋势;八大转向 面临世纪之交,人们都会很自然地提出一个问题:21世纪是怎么样的??对此问题的研究和探索会给人们带来思考与启发,指明方向与目标,所以,对各个学科和领域来说,这是一个无法避开的世纪“门坎”问题。 语言学被许多学者看作是先行科学,?回顾现代语言学的发展,透视21世纪的前景是语言学领域亟待研究的课题,?也是每个语言工作者的责任与义务。?近几年,此类相关文章时有发表,先声已奏。这里,我们从八个方面来谈一下语言学的发展趋势,以就教于同行方仁。 1. 由微观研究转向宏观研究 1.1 语言学研究对象的宏观化 语言学研究对象的宏观化,?指的是语言学不再把语言体系作为自己的唯一研究对象,其视野正向言语活动和言语机制延伸。 20世纪是语言作为一门独立学科飞速发展的时代,?学说纷繁,学派林立。?但纵观百年历程,以瑞士语言学家索绪尔学说为支柱的结构主义始终占有相当重要的地位。?结构主义建立了三种理论框架,其语言对象观把语言学研究紧紧束缚在了微观领域。??(1)?索绪尔(F.?de Saussure)?认为:“语言是每个人都具有的东西,同时对任何人又都是共同的,?而且是在储存人的意志之外的。语言的这种存在方式可表以如下的公式:1+1+1+......= 1(集体模型)”。(索绪尔,中译本:41)也就是说,语言是一种纯系统的框架。(2)结构主义“关于语言的定义是要把一切跟语言的组织、语言的系统无关的东西,简言之,一切我们用‘外部语言学’?这个术语所指的东西排除出去的”。(同上:?43)显然,这种观点把语言视作一种自足、封闭系统的框架,把语言与民族、社会、文化、政治、时空等因素割裂开来。(3)在语言学史上,?第一次明确提出语言和言语概念并加以严格区分的是索绪尔,但他对言语采取了“搁置”?的态度,认为“言语活动的整体是没法认识的,?因为它并不是同质的”,语言学“是以语言为唯一对象的”。(同上:?42)实际上,他所承认的语言学仅是“就语言和为语言而研究的语言”?,语言学是单一语言的框架。客观地讲,三个理论框架的思想对语言系统的研究曾起过非常积极的作用,但随着语言学的发展,这些“框架”?


传播学专业英语词汇表第一部分:基本传播学理论词汇 传播Communication 内向/自我传播Intrapersonal Communication 人际传播Interpersonal Communication 群体传播Group Communication 组织传播Organization Communication 大众传播Mass Communication 单向传播One-Sided Communication 双向传播Two-Sided Communication 互动传播Interactive Communication 媒介Media 大众传播媒介Mass Media 新媒介New Media 新闻洞News Hold 新闻价值News Value 传播者Communicator 主动传播者Active Communicator 受传者/受众/阅听大众Audience 受众兴坤Audience Interest 受众行为Audience Activity 信息Information

信号Signal 讯息Message 信息熵Entropy 冗余/冗余信息Redundancy 传播单位Communication Unit 奥斯古德模式Osgood Model 编码Encoding 解码Decoding 信源Source 传播的数学理论Mathematical Theory of Communication 传播渠道Communication Channel 有效传播Effective Communication 传播效果Effects 知识沟Knowledge-Gap 使用与满足模式Uses and Gratifications Model 使用与依从模式Uses and Dependencys Model 口传系统System of Oral Communication 地球村Global Village 内爆Implosion 全球化Globalization 本土化Localization 电子空间Cyber Space 数字化Digitalization


现代语言学试题 题型举例 Ⅰ. Define the following terms, giving examples for illustration (20%; 5 terms ): 1.duality----- 2.free morpheme---- 3.phonology ------ 4.context------- 5.polysemy ------ Ⅱ. Indicate the following statements true or false (20%; 20 statements): ( )1. While language is arbitrary by nature, it is not entirely arbitrary. ( )2. Phonology is a branch of linguistics which studies the sentence pattern of a language. ( )3. Phonemes are the smallest meaningful unit of language. ( )4. Modern linguists regard the written language as primary, not the spoken. ( )5. English is a typical tone language. Ⅲ. Fill each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given (20%; 20 blanks): 1. The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the a_________ of that phoneme. 2. A linguistic study is d___________ if it describes and analyses facts observed; it is p___________ if it tries to lay down rules for correct behavior. 3. Competence is the ideal language user’s knowledge of his l____________, while p____________ is the actual realization of this knowledge in utterances. 4. The two subtypes of affixes are p____________ and s_____________. 5. The description of a language at some point in time is a s______________ study. 6. P_______________ can be defined as the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. 7. The notion of c______________ is essential to the pragmatic study of language.

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