当前位置:文档之家› 解剖学常用英语与拉丁语名词(修订本)




1.*human anatomy [ ??????? ????????] 人体解剖

2.*systematic anatomy [ ??????????? ????????]


3.*topographic anatomy

[???????????? ????????]

4.*regional anatomy [????????● ????????] 局部


5.applied anatomy [???●??? ????????] 应用解剖学


6.caput[ ??????], *head [???] 头

7.#cranio- [ ????????],*cranium[ ???????] 颅

8.*face [????] 面

9.#nasus [??????],*nose [??◆?] 鼻

10.#os [ ?],*mouth [??◆?] 口

11.#auris [ ??ris],*ea r[i?] 耳

12.#oculus [ ?kjul?s],*eye [??] 眼

13.#cervix [ ???????],#collum [ ??●??],*neck [???]

14.*trunk [?????] 躯干

15.*chest [?????] 胸

16.*abdomen [ ???????] 腹

17.#dorsum [ d ????],*back [???] 背

18.#lumbus [●?????]腰(部)

19.#loin [●???] 腰

20.#membrum [ ???????],*limb [●??] 肢


21.#vertical [ ???????●] 垂直

22.#horizontal [??????????●] 水平

23.#median [ ???????] 正中

24.#sagittal [ ??????●] 矢状

25.#coronal [ ?????●] 冠状

26.#transverse [ tr?nzv???] 横

27.dexter [??????],#right [????] 右

28.sinister [ ???????],#left [●???] 左

29.#medial [ ??????●] 内侧

30.#lateral [ ●?????●] 外侧

31.intermediate [????????????] 中间

32.collateral [ ??●?????●] 侧的,副的

33.#internal [???????●] 内

34.#external [????????●] 外

35.#anterior [?????????] 前

36.#posterior [??????????] 后

37.#ventral [ ??????●] 腹侧

38.#dorsal [ ?????●] 背侧

39.#superior [ ??◆????????] 上

40.#inferior [?????????] 下

41.#superficial [ ??◆?????????●] 浅

42.profundus [??????????],#deep [????] 深

43.#proximal [ ????????●] 近侧

44.#distal [ ?????●] 远侧

45.#central [ ??????●] 中央,中心

46.#peripheral [?????????●] 周围

47.#radial [ ??????●] 桡侧

48.#ulnar [ ?●???] 尺侧

49.#tibial [ ?????●] 胫侧

50.#fibular [ ????◆●?] 腓侧


51.osteologia [ ??????●?????],osteology

[ ??????●????]骨学

52.*os [ ?],bone [??◆?] 骨

53.diaphysis [??????????],shaft[?????]骨干

54.medullary [?????●???] 髓质的, 骨髓的, 脊髓的

55.#epiphysial line [ ?????????● ●???] 骺线

56.osseous substance[ ?????? ?????????] 骨质

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,pact bone [ ??????? ??◆?] 骨密质

58.spongy bone [ ??????? ??◆?] 骨松质59. #cartilage [ ?????●???] 软骨

60.#epiphysial cartilage

[ ?????????● ??????●???] 骺软骨

61.#diploe [ ???●???] 板障

62.#periosteum [ ???????????] 骨膜

63.#bone marrow [ ??◆? ?????◆] 骨髓

64.#process [ ??????] 突

65.#spine [?????] 棘

66.#eminence [ ???????] 隆起

67.#tuberosity [ ??◆??????????] 粗隆

68.#tuber[ ??◆???]结节

69.#crest[ ????]嵴

70.#fossa[ ????]窝

71.#fovea[ ??◆???]凹

72.#foveolar[??◆?????●?] 小凹的,孔穴的

73.#sulcus[ ??●???]沟


75.#cavity[ ??????]腔

76.#sinus[ ??????]窦

77.#antrum[ ??????]房

78.cellula[ ??●?◆●?]小房

79. #canal[ ????●]管

80.#meatus [????????]道

81.#aperture[ ?????◆?]口



84.#capitulum[ ??????◆●??]小头

85.#condyle[ ?????●]髁

86.#epicondyle[ ??????????●]上髁

87.#surface[ ??????]面

88.#border [ ?????]缘

89.#notch [????]切迹

90.*vertebra [ ????????]椎骨

91.#vertebral body [ ????????● ????]椎体

92.#vertebral canal [ ????????● ?????●]椎管

93.#vertebral arch [ ????????● ????]椎弓


foramina[ ?????????????● ?????????? ]椎间孔

95.*cervical vertebrae[ ???????● ??????????]


96.#atlas[ ??●??]寰椎

97.#axis [ ?????]枢椎

98.#vertebra prominens[ ????????? ??????????]


99.*thoracic vertebrae [ ??????? ??????????]胸椎100.*lumbar vertebrae [ ●???? ??????????]腰椎101.*sacrum [ ???????]骶骨

102.sacral hiatus [ ??????● ?????????]骶管裂孔103.sacral cornu [ ??????● ??????◆]骶角

104.*coccyx[ ???????]尾骨

105.#vertebral column[ ????????● ???●??]脊柱106.*costa [ ?????],*rib [???]肋

107.#costal bone[ ?????● ??◆?]肋骨

108.costal cartilage[ ?????● ??????●???]肋软骨109.*sternum[ ???????]胸骨

110.*frontal bone [ ?????● ??◆?]额骨

111.*parietal bone [????????● ??◆?]顶骨

112.*occipital bone [ ?? ?????● ??◆?]枕骨

113.foramen magnum[????????? ???????]枕骨大孔

114.#external occipital protuberance[????????● ????????● ??????◆???????]枕外隆凸

115.#temporal bone [ ???????● ??◆?]颞骨

116.internal acoustic pore[???????● ???◆????? ???]内耳门117.styloid process[ ???●??? ???????]茎突

118.mastoid process[ ??????? ???????]乳突


foramen[ ????●?◆???????? ?????????]茎乳孔

120.*sphenoid bone[ ???????? ??◆?]蝶骨

121.*ethmoid bone[ ?????? ??◆?]筛骨

122.nasal bone [ ?????● ??◆?]鼻骨

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,crimal bone [ ●??????● ??◆?]泪骨

124.*maxilla [??????●? ]上颌骨

125.#nasal concha [ ?????● ??????]鼻甲

126.palatine bone [ ??●????? ??◆?]腭骨

127.#zygomatic bone [ ?????◆?????? ??◆?]颧骨128.*mandible[ ??????●]下颌骨

129.mental foramen[ ?????● ?????????]颏孔130.#hyoid bone [ ?????? ??◆?]舌骨

131.#cranial cavity [ ???????● ???????]颅腔

132.suture [ ??◆????]缝

133.coronal suture [ ?????● ???◆????]冠状缝

134.sagittal suture [ ??????● ???◆????]矢状缝

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,mbdoid suture [ ●?????? ???◆????]人字缝136.#anterior cranial fossa [Anti[??? ????????● ?????]颅前窝

137.#middle cranial fossa[ midl ???????● ?????]颅中窝

138.#posterior cranial fossa [?????????? ????????● ?????]颅后窝139.#pterion [ ???????] 翼点

140.#temporal fossa [ ???????● ?????]颞窝

141.#infratemporal fossa [ ?????????????● ?????]颞下窝

142.#pterygopalatine fossa [ ??????◆???●???? ?????]翼腭窝

143.#orbit [ ?????] 眶

144.fontanel(le)[ ????????●]囟

145.cranial fontanelle [ ???????● ?????????●]颅囟

146.nasolacrimal canal [ ?????◆?●??????● ?????●]鼻泪管

147.#nasal cavity [ ?????● ???????]鼻腔

148.#paranasal sinus [ ??????????● ???????]鼻旁窦

149.#frontal sinus [ ?????● ???????]额窦

150.#sphenoidal sinus[?????????● ???????]蝶窦

151.#maxillary sinus[??????●??? ???????]上颌窦152.#ethmoidal sinus[????????● ???????]筛窦

153.*scapula [ ?????◆●?]肩胛骨

154.acromion [?????◆????]肩峰

155.glenoid cavity[ ?●?????? ? ??????]关节盂

156.*clavicle [ ?●????●]锁骨

157.*humerus [ ??◆??????]肱骨

158.sulcus for radial nerve [ ??●??? ??? ???????● ????]桡神经沟

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,teral epicondyle [ ●?????● ???????????●]外上髁

160.medial epicondyle [ ??????● ???????????●]内上髁

161.olecranon [?◆?●???????]鹰嘴

162.coronoid process[ ???????? ???????]冠突

163.*radius [ ???????]桡骨

164.*ulna [ ?●??]尺骨

165.#carpal bones [ ???● ??◆??]腕骨

166.#metacarpal bones [ ?????????● ??◆??]掌骨167.#phalanges of fingers [???●??????? ?? ??◆?]指骨

168.*hip bone [??? ??◆?]髋骨

169.*ilium [ ?●???]髂骨

170.*ischium [ ??????]坐骨

171.*pubis [pju:bis]耻骨

172.iliac crest [ ?●??? ?????]髂嵴

173.*anterior superior iliac spine

[????????? ??◆???????? ??●??? ?

????] 髂前上棘

174.posterior superior iliac spine [?????????? ??◆???????? ??●??? ?????]髂后上棘

175.tubercle of iliac crest[ ??◆????● ?? ??●??? ?????]


176.greater sciatic notch [ ?????? ???????? ????]坐骨大切迹177.lesser sciatic notch [ ●??? ???????? ????] 坐骨小切迹

178.arcuate line [ ????◆?? ●???]弓状线

179.#ischial tuberosity [ ??● ??◆??? ???????]坐骨结节

180.#pubic tubercle [ ??◆???? ???◆????●]耻骨结节

181.#obturator foramen [ ????◆?????? ?????????]闭孔

182.#acetabulum [????????◆●??]髋臼

183.*femur [ ?????] 股骨

184.medial condyle [ ??????● ??????●]内侧髁https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,teral condyle [ ●?????● ??????●]外侧髁

186.adductor tubercle[??????? ???◆????]●收肌结节

187.*patella [?????●?]髌骨

188.*tibia [ ?????]胫骨

189.*fibula [ ????◆●?]腓骨

190.tarsal bones [ ?????● ??◆??]跗骨

191.talus [ ???●??]距骨

192.calcaneus [ ??●????????]跟骨

193.metatarsal bon e[ ??????????● ??◆?]跖骨194.#phalanges of toes [???●??????? ?? ??◆?]趾骨


195.*articulation [??????◆?●?????],joint [??????]关节

196.#synovial joint [?????◆???● ??????]滑膜关节n 197.articular cartilage [???????◆●? ??????●???]关节软骨

198.#articular cavity [???????◆●? ???????]关节腔199.#articular capsule [???????◆●? ??????◆?●]关节囊

200.*ligament [ ●???????]韧带

201.synovial membrane [?????◆???● ?????????]滑膜

202.#articular disc [???????◆●? ????]关节盘

203.#meniscus [minisk??]半月板

204.articular labrum [???????◆●? ?●??????]关节唇

205.fibrous joint [ faibr?s]纤维连结

206.syndesmosis [ ?????????◆???]韧带连结

207.cartilaginous joint [ ??????●??????? ??????]软骨连结

208.synchondrosis [ ??????????◆???]透明软骨结合

209.symphysis[ ????????]纤维软骨联合

210.synostosis[ ????????◆???]骨性结合


212.#flexion[ ?●?????]屈



215.#abduction [?????????]展

216.#rotation [??◆???????]旋转

217.#medial rotation [ ??????● ??◆???????]旋内218.#lateral rotation [ ●?????● ??◆???????]旋外219.#pronation [???????????]旋前

220.#supination [ ??◆??????????]旋后

221.circumduction [ ?????????????]环转

222.*vertebral column [ ????????● ???●??]脊柱223.*intervertebral disc [ ?????????????● ????]椎间盘

224.anterior longitudinal ligament [????????? ●????????◆????● ?●???


225.posterior longitudinal ligament [?????????? ●????????◆????● ?●?


226.ligmneta flava [ ●??????? ??●????]黄韧带227.interspinal ligament [ int??sp?in?l ●???????]棘间韧带

228.supraspinal ligament [ ??◆???????????● ?●???????]棘上韧带229.ligamentum nuchae [ ●??????????]项韧带

230.zygapophyseal joint [ ???????????● ??????]关节突关节

231.thorax[ ???????],thoracic cage [ ???????? ?????]胸廓

232.sternocostal joint [ ??????◆??????● ?????? ]胸肋关节


joint[ ??????◆?●??????◆●? ?????? ]


234.*sternal angle [ ?????● ????●]胸骨角

235.*costal arch [ ????● ????]肋弓

236.*temporomandibular joint [ ???????◆????????◆●? ?????? ]


237.*shoulder joint [ ??◆●?? ??????]肩关节

238.*elbow joint [ ?●??◆ ??????]肘关节

239.#radiocarpal joint[ reidi?u ka:pl ??????],wrist joint[???? ??????]桡腕关节,腕关节

240.*pelvis[ ??●???]骨盆

241.greater pelvis[ ?????? ???●???]大骨盆

242.lesser pelvis[ ●??? ???●????]小骨盆

243.sacrotuberous ligament [ ??????◆???◆?????? ?●???????]骶结节韧带

244.sacrospinous ligment [ ??????◆???????? ?●???????]骶棘韧带245.#pubic symphysis [ ??◆???? ?????????]耻骨联合

246.*hip joint [??? ??????]髋关节

247.knee joint [??? ??????]膝关节

248.#anterior cruciate ligament [????????? ???◆????? ?●???????]


249.#posterior cruciate ligament [?????????? ???◆????? ?●??????


250.#ankle joint [ ???● ??????]踝关节

251.talocalcaneal joint[ ???●?◆??●???????● 距跟关节


252.*muscle[ ???●] 肌

253.*tendon [ ??????] 腱

254.aponeurosis [ ???◆??◆????◆???]腱膜

255.#fascia [ ?????]筋膜

256.#tendinous sheath [ ???????? ????]腱鞘

257.mesotendon [ ????◆???????] 腱系膜

258.#facial muscles [ ?????● ????●?],muscles of expression [ ???●? ?? ??????????]面肌,表情肌

259.galea aponeurotica [ ???●?? ??????◆????????] 帽状腱膜260.orbicularis oculi [ ?????◆?●????? ????◆●??] 眼轮匝肌261.orbicularis oris [ ?????◆?●????? ??????] 口轮匝肌

262.#masticatory muscles [ ???????????? ????●?] 咀嚼肌

263.#masseter [????????] 咬肌264.#temporalis [ ????????●??] 颞肌

265.medial pterygoid [ ??????● ?????????] 翼内肌

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,teral pterygoid [ ●?????● ?????????] 翼外肌


[ ??????◆??●???????????? ] 胸锁乳突

268.#scalenus [?????●?????] 斜角肌

269.#trapezius [???????????] 斜方肌

270.#latissimus dorsi [●????????? ??????] 背阔肌

271.levator scapulae [●???????] 肩胛提肌

272.rhomboideus [???????????] 菱形肌

273.#erector spinae [??????? ???????] 竖脊肌

274.splenius [ ??●??????] 夹肌

275.#pectoralis major [ ?????????●?? ???????] 胸大肌

276.pectoralis minor [ ?????????●?? ??????] 胸小肌

277.serratus anterior [????????? ?????????] 前锯肌

278.intercostales externi [ ??????????●?? ?????????] 肋间外肌

279.intercostales interni [ ?????????●? ????????] 肋间内肌

280.*diaphragm [ ????????] 膈

281.#obliquus externus abdominis [???●?????? ?????????? ??????????] 腹外斜肌

282.#obliquus internus abdominis [???●?????? ????????? ??????????] 腹内斜肌

283.#transversus abdominis [???????????? ??????????] 腹横肌

284.#conjoint tendon [ ????????? ???????] 联合键

285.#inguinal ligament [ ??????● ?●???????] 腹股沟韧带

286.#inguinal cana l[ ??????● ?????●] 腹股沟管287.#rectus abdominis [ ?????? ??????????] 腹直肌

288.#sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘

289.#arcuate line [ ????◆?? ●???] 弓状线(腹直肌鞘)

290.li n ea alba [ ●???? ??●??] 白线

291.#thoracolumbar fascia [ ???????◆?●???? ??????] 胸腰筋膜292.*deltoid [ ??●????] 三角肌

293.teres [ ???????] 圆肌

294.subscapularis [?????????◆?●?????] 肩胛下肌295.#biceps brachii [ ??????? ???????] 肱二头肌

296.coracobrachialis [ ?????◆????????●??]喙肱肌

297.#brachialis [ ???????●??] 肱肌

298.#triceps brachii [ ??????? ??????? ] 肱三头肌

299.#brachioradialis [ ??????◆?????????●??] 肱桡肌

300.palmaris longus [??●??????? ?●?????] 掌长肌301.flexor carpi ulnaris [ ?●???? ??????? ?●???????] 尺侧


302.flexor pollicis longus [ ?●???? ???●????? ?●?????] 拇


303.#pronator teres [???◆?????? ????????] 旋前圆肌

304.flexor digitorum superificialis[ ?●???? ???????????

? ???◆?????????●??] 指浅屈肌

305.flexor digitorum superificialis profundus

[ ?●???? ??????????

?? ???◆?????????●

?? ??????????] 指深


306.extensor carpi radialis longus [????????? ??????? ?????????●

?? ?●?????] 桡侧腕长伸肌

307.extensor carpi radialis brevis [????????? ??????? ?????????●

?? ???????] 桡侧腕短伸肌

308.estensor digitorum [????????? ???????????? ] 指伸肌

309.extensor pollicis longus [????????? ???●????? ?●????? ]


310.extensor pollicis brevis [????????? ???●????? ??????? ] 拇短


311.thenar [ ??????] 鱼际

312.opponens pollocis [????◆???? ???●?????] 拇对掌肌

313.lumbricales [ ●???????●??] 蚓状肌

314.supinator [ ??◆????????] 旋后肌

315.abductor pollicis longus [?b d?kt? ???●????? ?●?????]拇长展肌316.abductor pollicis brevis [?b d?kt? ???●????? ??????? ]拇短展肌317.*cubital fossa [ ??◆????● ?????????] 肘窝

318.#carpal canal [ ????● ?????●] 腕管

319.axillary fossa [?????●??? ?????] 腋窝

320.deltopectoral groove [ ??●??◆????????●] 三角胸肌间沟

321.#trilateral foramen [?????●?????● ?????????] 三边孔

322.#quadrilateral foramen [ ???????●?????● ?????????] 四边孔323.#gluteus [?●◆???????] 臀肌

324.piriformis [ ???????????] 梨状肌

325.iliopsoas [ ?●??◆???◆??] 髂腰肌

326.psoas [ ???◆??] 腰大肌

327.#quadriceps femoris [ ?w ???????? ????????] 股四头肌

328.sartorius [??????????] 缝匠肌

329.gracilis [ ?????●??] 股薄肌

330.adductor longus [??????? ?●????? ] 长收肌331.adductor brevis [??????? ???????] 短收肌332.adductor magnus [??????? ???????] 大收肌333.#biceps femoris [ ??????? ????????] 股二头肌

334.#semitendinosus [ ???????????????] 半腱肌

335.#semimenbranosus [ ????????????????] 半膜肌336.tibialis anterior [ ?????●?? ?????????] 胫骨前肌

337.extensor hallucis longus [????????? ???●??? ?●?????] 拇长伸

338.peroneus longus [?????◆?????●?????] 腓骨长肌

339.peroneus brevis [?????◆?????●????? ??????? ] 腓骨短肌340.#tibialis posterior [ ?????●?? ??????????] 胫骨后肌

341.#triceps surae [???????? ???◆????] 小腿三头肌342.#gastrocnemius [ ???????????????] 腓肠肌

343.#soleus [ ??◆●???] 比目鱼肌

344.#tendo calcaneus [ ?????◆ ??●????????] 跟腱345.#femoral triangle [ fem???● ????????●] 股三角346.#adductor canal [?????●? ?????●] 收肌管

347.#popliteal fossa [????●????● ?????] 腘窝


348.#splanchnology [??●??????●????]内脏学

349.#viscera [ ??????] 内脏(单viscus [ ??????])350.anterior median line [????????? ???????? ●???]前正中线351.sternal line [ ?????● ●???] 胸骨线

352.#midclavicular line [??? ??●?????◆●? ●???] 锁骨中线

353.parasternal line [ ??????????● ●???] 胸骨旁线

354.anterior axillary line [????????? ?????●??? ●???] 腋前线

355.posterior axillary line [?????????? ?????●??? ●??? ] 腋后线356.#midaxillary line [????????●??? ●???] 腋中线357.#scapular line [ ?????◆●? ●???] 肩胛线

358.posterior median line [?????????? ???????? ●???] 后正中线


359.*digestive system [?????????? ???????], alimentary system [ ?●????????? ???????????]


360.alimentary canal [ ?●????????? ?????●] 消化管

361.alimentary gland [ ?●????????? ?●???] 消化腺

362.*oral cavity [ ????● ???????] 口腔

363.oral lip [ ????● ●??] 口唇

364.nasolabial sulcus [ ?????◆●?????● ???●???] 鼻唇沟

365.#cheek [?????] 颊

366.papilla of parotid duct [?????●? ?? ???????? ???

?] 腮腺管乳头

367.#palate [ ??●??] 腭

368.hard palate [???? ???●??] 硬腭

369.soft palate [???? ???●??] 软腭

370.velum palatinum [ ???●?? ???●??????◆?] 腭帆

371.#uvula [ ?◆???◆●?] 腭垂

372.palatoglossal arch [ ??●???◆??●?◆??● ????] 腭舌弓373.palatopharyngeal arch [ ??●???◆??????????● ????] 腭咽弓374.#isthmus of fauces [ ????? ?? ????????] 咽峡

375.*tooth [?◆??],dens [????],dent [????] 牙376.#deciduous teeth [????????◆?? ????] 乳牙377.#permanent teeth [ ????????? ????] 恒牙378.wisdom tooth [ ?????? ?◆??] 迟牙,智牙379.incisors [?????????] 切牙

380.canine teeth [ ??????? ????] 尖牙

381.molars [ ??◆●?z] 磨牙

382.premolars [ ???????◆●?z] 前磨牙

383.crown of tooth [ ??◆? ?? ?◆??] 牙冠384.root of tooth [?◆?? ?? ?◆??] 牙根

385.neck of tooth [??? ?? ?◆??] 牙颈

386.dentine [ ???????] 牙质

387.enamel [??????●] 釉质

388.cement [???????] 牙骨质

389.dental pulp [ ????● ??●?] 牙髄

390.*tongue [???],lingua [ ●?????] 舌

391.body of tongue [ ???? ?? ???] 舌体392.root of tongue [?◆?? ?? ???] 舌根

393.apex of tongue [ ?????? ?? ???] 舌尖394.terminal sulcus [ ??????● ???●???] 界沟

395.#filiform papillae [ ??●???? ? ?????●??] 丝状乳头

396.#fungiform papillae [ ?????????? ?????●??] 菌状乳头

397.#foliate papillae [ ??◆●???? ?????●??] 叶状乳头

398.#vallate papillae [ ??●??? ?????●??] 轮廓乳头

399.*tonsil [ ?????●] 扁桃体

400.lingual tonsil [ ●?????● ??????●] 舌扁桃体401.frenulum of tongue [ ?????◆●?? ?? ???] 舌系带

402.sublingual caruncle [????●?????● ???????●] 舌下阜

403.sublingual fold [????●?????● ??◆●?] 舌下襞

404.#genioglossus [?????????●?◆???] 颏舌肌

405.#salivary gland [ ??●????? ?●???] 唾液腺406.#parotid gland [???????? ?●???] 腮腺

407.parotid duct [???????? ????] 腮腺管

408.#submandibular gland [ ???????????◆●???? ?●???] 下颌下腺409.#sublingual gland [????●?????● ?●???] 舌下腺

410.*pharynx [ ???????] 咽

411.#nasopharynx [ ?????◆????????] 鼻咽

412.auditory tube [ ???????? ???◆??] 咽鼓管413.pharyngeal opening of auditory tube [ ???????????● ??◆???? ??? ???

????? ???◆??]咽鼓管咽口

414.tubal torus [ ??◆??● ???????] 咽鼓管圆枕415.pharyngeal recess [ ???????????● ??????] 咽隐窝

416.#oropharynx [ ?◆??????????] 口咽

417.epiglottic vallecula [ ?????●???? ???●???◆●?] 会厌谷418.palatine tonsil [ ??●????? ??????●] 腭扁桃体419.#laryngopharynx [●???????◆????????] 喉咽420.#piriform recess [ ????????? ??????] 梨状隐窝

421.*esophagus [????????????] 食管

422.*stomach [ ??????],gaster [ ??????],ventriculus [ ????????◆●??] 胃

423.#cardia [ ??????] 贲门

424.#pylorus [????●?????] 幽门

425.pyloric canal [????●????? ?????●] 幽门管426.pyloric antrum [????●????? ???????] 幽门窦

427.pyloric valve [????●????? ??●?] 幽门瓣

428.pyloric sphincter [????●????? ????????] 幽门括约肌

429.#bowel [ ??◆?●],intestine [?????????] 肠

430.#small intestine [????● ?????????] 小肠

431.*duodenum [ ??◆????◆???????] 十二指肠432.superior duodenal flexure [??◆???????? ??◆????◆?????● ??

●????] 十二指肠上曲

433.duodenal bulb [ ??◆????◆?????● ??●?] 十二指肠球

434.inferior duodenal flexure [????????? ??◆????◆?????● ??●

????] 十二指肠下曲

435.longitudinal fold of duodenum [●????????◆????● ??◆●? ?? ??


436.#major duodenal papilla [ ?????? ??◆????◆?????● ???

??●?] 十二指肠大乳头

437.#duodenojejunal flexure [ ??◆????◆????????????◆???● ??

●????] 十二指肠空肠曲438.#suspensory ligament of duodenum [??????????? ?●??????? ?? ???◆????◆???????] 十二指肠悬韧带

439.*jejunum [??????◆????] 空肠

440.*ileum [ ?●???] 回肠

441.#large intestine [●?????????????] 大肠

442.colic bands [ ??●?? ??????] 结肠带

443.haustra of colon [ ???????● ?? ??◆?●?◆?] 结肠袋

444.epiploicae appendices [ ?????●?????????● ???????????]


445.#caecum [???????] 盲肠

446.ileocecal orifice [ ?●??◆??????● ???????] 回盲口

447.ileocecal valve [ ?●??◆??????● ??●?] 回盲瓣

448.*vermiform appendix [ ????????? ?????????],appendix [?????????] 阑尾

449.*colon [ ?◆?●?◆?] 结肠

450.#ascending colon [???????? ?◆?●?◆?] 升结肠451.#transverse colon [ ????????? ??◆?●?◆?] 横结肠

452.#descending colon [????????? ??◆?●?◆?] 降结肠

453.#sigmoid colon [ ??????? ??◆?●?◆?] 乙状结肠

454.*rectum [ ??????] 直肠

455.sacral flexure of rectum [ ??????● ??●???? ?? ???????] 直肠骶曲

456.perineal flexure of rectum [ ?????????● ??●???? ?? ???????] 直肠会阴曲

457.ampulla of rectum [????◆●? ?? ???????] 直肠壶腹

458.#anal canal [ ????● ?????●] 肛管

459.anal column [ ????● ???●??] 肛柱

460.anal valve [ ????● ??●??] 肛瓣

461.anal sinus [ ????● ???????] 肛窦

462.#dentate line [ ??????? ●???] 齿状线

463.#anus [ ?????] 肛门

464.*liver [ ●???] 肝

465.#porta hepatis [ ????? ????????] 肝门466.fissure for teres hepatis [ ???? ??? ???????? ????????] 肝圆韧带裂

467.fissure for ligamentum venosum [ ???? ??? ?●?????????? ????

?????] 静脉韧带裂

468.fossa for gallbladder [ ???? ??? ????●?●???] 胆囊窝

469.sulcus for vena cava [ ??●??? ??? ?????? ?????]


470.*gallbladder [ ???●?●???] 胆囊

471.fundus of gallbladder [ ?????? ?? ????●?●???] 胆囊底472.body of gallbladder [???? ?? ????●?●???] 胆囊体

473.neck of gallbladder [????? ????●?●???] 胆囊颈

474.cystic duct [ ?????? ????] 胆囊管

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,mon hepatic duct [ ????? ???????? ????] 肝总管476.#common bile duct [ ????? ???● ????] 胆总管

477.hepatopancreatic ampulla [ ??????◆??????????? ????◆●?]


478.*pancreas [ ????????] 胰


479.*respiratory system

[?????????????? ???????],呼吸系统

480.nasal septum [ ?????● ???????] 鼻中隔

481.#nasal cavity [ ?????● ???????] 鼻腔482.nostril [ ??????●] 鼻孔

483.choanae [ ??◆????] 鼻后孔

484.#sphenoethmoidal recess [ ?????????????● ??????] 蝶筛隐窝485.*larynx [ ●??????] 喉

486.#thyroid cartilage [ ??????? ??????●???] 甲状软骨

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,ryngeal prominence [ ●????????????● ??????????] 喉结488.#cricoid cartilage [ ???????? ??????●???] 环状软骨489.#epiglottic cartilage [ ?????●???? ??????●???] 会厌软骨490.#arytenoid cartilage [ ??????????? ??????●???] 杓状软骨

491.cricothyroid joint [ ?????????????? ??????] 环甲关节

492.cricoarytenoid joint [ ??????????????? ??????] 环杓关节

493.quadrangular membrane [ ????????◆●???? ?????????] 方形膜

494.conus elasticus [ ????? ??●????????] 弹性圆锥

495.#glottis [ ?●????] 声门

496.#fissure of glottis [ ???? ?? ??●????] 声门裂

497.#vocal fold [ ??◆?● ??◆●?] 声襞

498.#vocal cord [ ??◆?● ????] 声带

499.cricothyroid muscle [ ?????????????? ????●] 环甲肌500.aditus laryngis [ ?????? ●?????????] 喉口

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,ryngeal vestibule [ ●????????????● ????????◆?●] 喉前庭

502.intermedial cavity of larynx [ ???????????● ??????? ??

●??????] 喉中间腔

503.ventricle of larynx [ ???????● ?? ?●??????] 喉室504.infraglottic cavity [ ???????●???? ???????] 声门下腔505.carina of trachea [ ??????? ?? ????????] 气管隆嵴

506.*bronchi [ ??????] 支气管

507.*lung [●??],pulmo [ ??●??◆] 肺

508.#hilum of lung [ ???●?? ?? ●??] 肺门509.#root of lung [?◆?? ?? ●??],radix of lung [ ??????? ?? ●??] 肺根

510.*pleura [ ?●◆???] 胸膜

511.#parietal pleura [?????????● ??●◆???] 壁胸膜

512.#visceral pleura [ ??????● ??●◆???] 脏胸膜

513.#pleural cavity [ ?●◆???● ???????] 胸膜腔

514.#pleural recess [ ?●◆???● ??????] 胸膜隐窝

515.#costodiaphragmatic recess [ ?????◆?????????????? ??????]


516.#mediastinum [ ??????????????] 纵隔


517.*urinary system [ ?◆??????? ???????] 泌尿系统

518.*kidney [ ?????],ren(拉)肾

519.renal cortex [ ????● ????????] 肾皮质520.renal pelvis [ ????● ???●???] 肾盂

521.renal sinus [ ????● ???????] 肾窦

522.renal pyramids [ ????● ?????????] 肾锥体

523.renal papillae [ ????● ?????●??] 肾乳头524.renal hilum [ ????● ????●??] 肾门

525.major renal calices [ ?????? ?????● ???●?????] 肾大盏

526.minor renal calices [ ????? ?????● ???●?????] 肾小盏

527.fibrous capsule [ ??????? ??????◆?●] 纤维囊

528.fatty renal capsule [ ???? ?????● ??????◆?●] 脂肪囊529.renal fascia [ ????● ??????] 肾筋膜

530.renal region [ ????● ????????] 肾区531.*ureter [ ◆???????] 输尿管

532.*urinary bladder [ ?◆??????? ??●???] 膀胱

533.#trigone of bladder [ ??????◆? ?? ??●???] 膀胱三角534.detrusor of bladder [?????◆??? ?? ??●???] 膀胱逼尿肌535.interureteric fold [ ??????◆?????????? ??◆●?],

536.interureteric ridge [ ??????◆?????????? ????] 输尿管间襞

537.vesical uvula [ ??????● ??◆???◆●?] 膀胱垂

538.ureteric orifice [ ?◆????????? ???????] 输尿管口539.internal urethral orifice [???????● ?◆????????● ???????] 尿道内口

540.*urethra [ ◆????????] 尿道

541.#pelvic cavity [ ??●??? ???????] 盆腔


542.*genital system [ ??????● ???????],543.reproductive system [ ????????????? ???????] 生殖系统544.#male genital organ [???● ???????● ??????] 男性生殖器官

545.*testis [ ??????] 睾丸

546.tunica vaginalis of testis [ ??◆????? ?????????●?? ?? ???????] 睾丸鞘膜

547.epididymis [ ???????????] 附睾

548.#ductus deferens [ ?????? ?????????] 输精管

549.ampulla ductus deferentis [????◆●? ??????? ??????????

??] 输精管壶腹

550.#spermatic cord [?????????? ????] 精索

551.ejaculatory duct [???????◆●????? ????] 射精管

552.#scrotum [ ????◆???] 阴囊

553.#prostate [ ????????] 前列腺

554.seminal vesicle [ ??????● ??????●] 精囊

555.bulbourethral gland [ ??●??◆?◆????????● ?●???] 尿道球腺

556.#penis [ ??????] 阴茎

557.bulb of urethra [??●? ?? ?◆????????] 尿道球558.#male urethra [???● ?◆????????] 男性尿道

559.#female genital organ [ ??????● ???????● ??????]


560.*ovary [ ?◆????] 卵巢

561.hilum of ovary [ ???●?? ?? ??◆????] 卵巢门562.suspensory ligament of ovary [??????????? ?●??????? ?? ?◆????] 卵巢悬韧带

563.proper ligament of ovary [ ????? ?●??????? ?? ??◆????] 卵巢固有韧带

564.#uterine tube [ ?◆??????? ???◆??] 输卵管

565.isthmus of uterine tube [ ????? ?? ??◆??????? ???◆

?] 输卵管峡

566.ampulla of uterine tube [????◆●? ?? ??◆??????? ???

◆??] 输卵管壶腹

567.infundibulum of uterine tube [ ??????????◆●?? ?? ??◆????

??? ???◆??] 输卵管漏斗

568.fimbriae of uterine tube [ ??????:?? ??◆??????? ???◆??] 输卵管伞569.ovarian fimbria [?◆???????? ???????] 卵巢伞

570.*uterus [ ?◆??????],womb [?◆??] 子宫

571.fundus of uterus [ ?????? ?? ??◆??????] 子宫底572.#neck of uterus [????? ??◆??????] 子宫颈

573.vaginal part of cervix [ ????????● ???? ?? ?????? ?] 子宫颈阴道部

574.supravaginal part of cervix [ ??◆????????????● ???? ?? ????????]子宫颈阴道上部

575.body of uterus [?????? ??◆??????] 子宫体

576.horn of uterus [?????? ??◆??????] 子宫角

577.isthmus of uterus [ ??????? ??◆??????] 子宫峡

578.cavity of uterus [ ???????? ??◆??????] 子宫腔

579.canal of cervix of uterus [ ????●?? ???????? ?? ??◆??????] 子宫颈管

580.orifice of uterus [ ???????? ??◆??????] 子宫口

581.broad ligament of uterus [?????

●??????? ?? ??◆??????] 子宫


582.round ligament of uterus [??◆??

●??????? ?? ??◆??????] 子宫


583.cardinal ligament of uterus [ ???????●

●??????? ?? ??◆??????] 子宫


584.uterosacral ligament [ ?◆????????????●

●???????] 子宫骶韧带

585.#vagina [ ????????] 阴道

586.vaginal orifice [ ????????● ???????] 阴道口587.#fornix of vagina [ ??????? ?? ?????????] 阴道穹

588.greater vestibular gland [ ????????? ????????◆●????

?●???] 前庭大腺

589.#pudendum [??◆????????] 外阴

590.vaginal vestibule [ ????????● ????????◆?●] 阴道前庭591.#mamma [??????],breast [?????] 乳房

592.mammary [ ??????] 乳头

593.lobe of mammary gland [●?◆? ?? ??????? ?●???]


https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,ctiferous duct [●?????????? ????] 输乳管

595.suspensory ligament of breast [??????????? ?? ?????] 乳房悬韧带

596.#perineum [ ??????????] 会阴

597.ischioanal fossa [ ?????◆?????● ?????],ischiorectal fossa [ ?????◆?????● ?????] 坐骨肛门(直肠)窝

598.#pelvic diaphragm [ ??●??? ?????????] 盆膈

599.#urogenital diaphragm [ ◆???◆???????● ?????????] 尿生殖膈

600.perineal body [ ?????????● ?????] 会阴中心腱


601.*peritoneum [ ??????◆??????] 腹膜

602.parietal peritoneum [?????????● ???????◆??????] 壁腹膜

603.visceral peritoneum [ ??????● ???????◆??????] 脏腹膜

604.#peritoneal cavity [ ??????◆?????● ???????] 腹膜腔605.#omentum [?◆???????] 网膜

606.#lesser omentum [ ●??? ?◆???????] 小网膜

607.hepatogastic ligament [ ??????◆??????

●???????] 肝胃韧带

608.#hepatoduodenal ligament [ ??????◆???◆????◆????●

●???????] 肝十二指肠韧带

609.greater omentum [ ????????? ?◆???????] 大网膜610.gastrocolic ligament [ ?◆????????????●

●???????] 胃结肠韧带

611.#omental bursa [?◆??????● ??????] 网膜囊

612.#omental foramen [?◆??????● ?????????] 网膜孔613.#mesentery [ ?????????] 肠系膜

614.radix of mesentery [ ??????? ?? ??????????] 肠系膜根

615.#mesoappendix [ ????◆?????????] 阑尾系膜616.#transverse mesocolon [ ????????? ????????◆●??] 横结肠系膜

617.#sigmoid mesocolon [ ??????? ????????◆●??],mesosigmoid [ ????????????] 乙状结肠系膜

618.falciform ligament of liver [ ??●??????

●??????? ?? ?●???] 镰状韧带

619.ligamentum teres hepatic [ ●?????????? ???????? ????????] 肝圆韧带

620.coronary ligament [ ???????? ●???????] 冠状韧带

621.bare area of liver [??? ????? ?? ?●???] 肝裸区

622.gastrosplenic ligament [ ??????◆???●????

●???????] 胃脾韧带

623.splenorenal ligament [ ??●???◆?????●

●???????] 脾肾韧带

624.gastrophrenic ligament [ ??????◆???????

●???????] 胃膈韧带

625.#hepatorenal recess [ ??????◆?????● ??????] 肝肾隐窝626.#rectovesical pouch [ ????????????● ??◆??] 直肠膀胱


627.#vesicouterine pouch [ ????????◆??????? ??◆??] 膀


628.#rectouterine pouch [ ???????◆??????? ??◆??] 直



629.*endocrine system [ ????◆????? ???????] 内分泌系统630.endocrine gland [ ????◆????? ?●???] 内分泌腺

631.*hypophysis [???????????],pituitary gland [?????◆???????? ?●???] 垂体

632.*thyroid gland [ ??????? ?●???] 甲状腺633.#parathyroid gland [ ???????????? ?●???] 甲状旁腺

634.*suprarenal gland [ ??◆?????????● ?●???] 肾上腺

635.#pineal body [???????● ?????] 松果体636.#pancreatic islet [ ??????????? ???●??] 胰岛

637.#thymus [ ??????] 胸腺


638.*circulatory system [ ?????◆●????? ???????] 循环系统

639.*heart [ ????] 心

640.*artery [ ??????] 动脉

641.#capillary [ ?????●???] 毛细血管

642.*vein [ ???] 静脉

643.vascular anastomosis [ ?????◆●? ??????????◆???] 血管吻合644.collateral circulation [ ??●?????● ??????◆?●?????] 侧支循

645.#cardiac apex [ ??????? ???????] 心尖646.#cardiac base [ ??????? ?????] 心底

647.#coronary sulcus [ ???????? ???●???] 冠状沟648.#anterior interventricular groove [????????? ??????????????◆●? ?

?◆??] 前室间沟

649.#posterior interventricular groove [?????????? ??????????????◆●?

??◆??] 后室间沟

650.cardiac apical incisure [ ??????? ??????● ????????] 心尖


651.#auricle of heart [ ?????● ?? ????] 心耳652.*right atrium [???? ????????] 右心房

653.pectinate muscles [ ???????? ????●?] 梳状肌654.orifice of coronary sinus [ ?????? ?? ????????? ???????] 冠


655.#right atrioventricular orifice [???? ???????◆?????????◆●? ???

????] 右房室口656.*fossa ovalis [ ???? ??◆??●??] 卵圆窝

657.*right ventricle [???? ????????●] 右心室

658.papillary muscles [?????●??? ????●?] 乳头肌659.chordae tendines [ ?????? ??????????] 腱索

660.supraventricular crest [ ??◆?????????????◆●? ?????] 室上

661.#septomarginal trabecula [ ?????◆?????????● ????????◆●?] 隔缘肉柱

662.#moderator band [ ????????? ????] 节制索663.*tricuspid valve [??????????? ??●?] 三尖瓣664.#tricuspid valve complex [??????????? ?????●???] 三尖瓣复合体665.conus arteriosus [ ??◆??? ??????????] 动脉圆锥

666.#pulmonic valve [??●?????? ??●?] 肺动脉瓣667.*left atrium [●??? ????????] 左心房

668.#left atrioventricular orifice [●??? ???????◆?????????◆●? ???

????] 左房室口

669.*left ventricle [●??? ????????●] 左心室670.*bicuspid valve [?????????? ??●?],mitral valve [ ??????● ??●?] 二尖瓣

671.#mitral complex [ ??????● ?????●???] 二尖瓣复合体

672.#aortic vestibule [???????? ????????◆?●] 主动脉前庭

673.aortic orifice [???????? ???????] 主动脉口674.endocardium [ ????◆????????] 心内膜

675.myocardium [ ????◆????????] 心肌层

676.epicardium [ ???????????] 心外膜

677.#interatrial septum [ ????????????● ???????] 房间隔

678.#interventricular septum [ ?????????????◆●? ???????] 室间隔679.right fibrous trigone [???? ???????? ???????◆?] 右纤维三

680.left fibrous trigone [●??? ???????? ???????◆? ] 左纤维


681.*pericardium[ ????????????]心包

682.fibrous pericardium [ ??????? ?????????????] 纤维性


683.serous pericardium [ ?????? ?????????????] 浆膜性心包684.#pericardial cavity [ ???????????● ???????] 心包腔

685.#transverse pericardial sinus [ ????????? ????????????● ?????

??] 心包横窦

686.#oblique pericardial sinus [???●??? ????????????● ???????] 心包斜窦

687.#conduction system of heart [ ????????? ??????? ?? ????]


688.*sinuatrial node [ ????◆???????● ??◆?] 窦房结

689.atrioventricular node [ ??????◆?????????◆●? ??◆?] 房室

690.atrioventricular bundle [ ??????◆?????????◆●? ?????●] 房


691.#coronary artery [ ???????? ???????] 冠状动脉

692.anterior interventricular branch [????????? ??????????????◆●?

???????] 前室间支

693.circumflex branch [ ???????●??? ???????] 旋支

694.right marginal branch [???? ?????????● ???????] 右缘支695.posterior interventricular branch [?????????? ??????????????◆●?

??◆????] 后室间支

696.#coronary sinus [ ???????? ???????] 冠状窦697.pulmonary trunk [ ??●?????? ?????] 肺动脉干

698.pulmona r y artery [ ??●?????? ???????] 肺动脉

699.#arterial ligament [?????????● ?●???????] 动脉韧带

700.*aorta [???????] 主动脉

701.#carotid sinus [ ??????? ???????] 颈动脉窦702.#carotid glomus [ ??????? ??●?◆??? ] 颈动脉小球

703.#aortic arch [???????? ????] 主动脉弓

704.thoracic aorta [ ???????? ???????] 胸主动脉705.abdominal aorta [????????● ???????] 腹主动脉

706.#iliac artery [ ?●??? ???????] 髂动脉

707.testicular artery [????????◆●? ???????] 睾丸动脉

708.ovarian artery [?◆???????? ???????] 卵巢动脉◆?

709.#coeliac trunk [ ???●??? ?????] 腹腔干

710.left gastric artery [●??? ???????? ???????]胃左动脉

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,mon hepatic artery [ ????? ???????? ???????] 肝总动

712.splenic artery [ ??●????? ???????] 脾动脉713.proper hepatic artery [ ????? ???????? ???????] 肝固有


714.gastroduodenal artery [ ??????◆?◆??????● ???????] 胃十二


715.#super i or mesenteric artery [ ??◆???????? ???????????? ??

????] 肠系膜上动脉

716.jejunal artery [??????◆???● ???????] 空肠动脉

717.ileal artery [ ?●??● ???????] 回肠动脉

718.colic artery [ ??●?? ???????] 结肠动脉719.#inferior mesenteric artery [????????? ???????????? ?????

??] 肠系膜下动脉

720.sigmoid artery [ ??????? ???????????? ??????

?] 乙状结肠动脉

721.superior rectal artery [ ??◆???????? ??????● ???????] 直肠上动脉

722.obturator artery [ ????◆??????? ???????] 闭孔动脉

723.superior gluteal artery [ ??◆???????? ??●◆????● ?????

??] 臀上动脉

724.inferior gluteal artery [????????? ??●◆????● ???????]


725.umbilical artery [?????●????● ???????] 脐动脉

726.uterine artery [ ?◆??????? ???????] 子宫动脉727.internal pudendal artery [???????● ??◆???????● ???????]


728.#femoral artery [ ??????● ???????] 股动脉729.#popliteal artery [????●????● ???????] 腘动脉730.posterior tibial artery [?????????? ??????● ???????] 胫后动

731.peroneal artery [ ????????● ???????]腓动脉

732.anterior tibial artery[????????? ??????● ???????]胫前


733.dorsal artery of foot[ ?????● ??????? ?? ?◆?] 足背


734.venous valve [ ?????? ??●?] 静脉瓣

735.#venous angle [ ??????? ????●] 静脉角

736.#superior vena cava [ ??◆???????? ?????? ??????] 上腔


737.#internal jugular vein [????????● ??????◆●? ????] 颈内静脉738.angular vein [ ????◆●? ????] 内眦静脉

739.retromandibular vein [ ?????◆????????◆●? ????] 下颌后静脉740.#pterygoid venous plexus [ ???????? ??????? ??●?????] 翼静脉

741.cavernous sinus [ ??????? ???????] 海绵窦

742.#subclavian vein [?????●?????? ????] 锁骨下静脉

743.#external jugular vein [????????● ??????◆●? ????] 颈外静

744.#cephalic vein [?????●?? ????] 头静脉

745.#basilic vein [?????●?? ????] 贵要静脉

746.median cubital vein [ ??????? ???◆????● ????] 肘正中静

747.median vein of forearm [ ??????? ???? ?? ????????]


748.branchiocephalic vein [ ???????◆??????●?? ????] 头臂静脉

749.#azygos vein [ ?????? ????] 奇静脉

750.hemiazygos vein [ ??????????? ????] 半奇静脉751.#inferior vena cava [????????? ?????? ??????] 下腔静脉752.#small saphenous vein [????● ????????? ????] 小隐静脉

753.#great saphenous vein [????? ???????? ????] 大隐静脉

754.hepatic vein [???????? ????] 肝静脉

755.*hepatic portal vein [???????? ??????● ????] 肝门静脉

756.paraumbilical vein [ ?????????●????● ????] 附脐静脉

757.#lymphatic vessels [●?????●?? ????●?] 淋巴管

758.lymphatic trunk [●???????? ?????] 淋巴干759.#lymphatic duct [●???????? ????] 淋巴导管760.*thoracic duct [ ???????? ????] 胸导管

761.cisterna chili [????????? ???●?] 乳糜池

762.#lymph node [●??? ??◆?] 淋巴结

763.retroauricular lymph node[ ?????◆???????◆●? ●??? ??◆

?] 耳后淋巴结

764.parotid lymph node [???????? ●??? ??◆?] 腮腺淋巴结

765.submandibular lymph node [ ???????????◆●? ●??? ??◆?] 下颌


766.supraclavicular lymph node [ ??◆?????●??????◆●? ●??? ??◆

?] 锁骨上淋巴结

767.pectoral lymph node [ ???????● ●??? ??◆?] 胸肌淋巴结

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,teral lymph node[ ●?????● ●??? ??◆?] 外侧淋巴结

769.subscapular lymph node [?????????◆●? ●??? ??◆?] 肩胛下淋巴

770.central lymph node [ ??????● ●??? ??◆?] 中央淋巴结

771.bronchopulmonary lymph node [ ?????◆???●?????? ●??? ??◆?]


772.s uperficial inguinal lymph node [ ??◆?????????● ???????● ●???

??◆?] 腹股沟浅淋巴结

773.deep inguinal lymph node [???? ???????● ●??? ??◆?] 腹股


774.lumbar lymph node [ ●???? ●??? ??◆?] 腰淋巴结

775.celiac lymph node [ ???●??? ●??? ??◆?] 腹腔淋巴结

776.superior mesenteric lymph node [ ??◆???????? ???????????? ●??

? ??◆?] 肠系膜上淋巴结

777.inferior mesenteric lymph node [????????? ???????????? ●???

??◆?] 肠系膜下淋巴结

778.*spleen [??●???] 脾


779.sensory organ [ ??????? ??????] 感觉器官

780.special sense [ ?????● ????] 特殊感觉

781.olfactory organ [ ●????????? ?????? ],organ of smell [ ●????????? ?????? ?? ???●] 嗅器

782.gustatory organ [??????????? ?????],organ of taste [ ????? ?? ?????] 味器

783.#optic organ [ ????? ??????],#visual organ [ ????◆?● ??????] 视器

784.*eyeball [ ?????●] 眼球

785.*cornea [ ??????] 角膜

786.*sclera [ ??●????] 巩膜

787.*iris [ ??????] 虹膜

788.*pupil [ ??◆???●l] 瞳孔

789.#ciliary body [ ??●???? ?????] 睫状体

790.choroid [ ???????] 脉络膜

791.*retina [ ??????] 视网膜

792.#optic disc[ ????? ????] 视神经盘

793.#macula lutea[ ????◆●? ?●?◆????] 黄斑

794.anterior chamber [????????? ????????] 前房795.aqueous humor [??????? ???◆???] 房水

796.*lens [●???] 晶状体

797.vitreous body [ ??????? ?????] 玻璃体

798.#eyelid [ ??●??] 眼睑

799.conjunctiva [ ??????????????] 结膜

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,crimal apparatus [ ●??????● ???????????] 泪器

801.*vestibulocochlear organ [ ???????◆●?◆????●?? ???????] 前庭


802.external auditory meatus [????????● ????????? ????????] 外耳

803.#tympanic membrane [????????? ?????????] 鼓膜

804.#tympanic cavity [????????? ???????] 鼓室805.mastoid antrum [ ??????? ??????] 乳突窦

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,byrinth[ ●???????] 迷路

807.vestibule [ ???????◆?●] 前庭

808.bony semicircular canals [ ??◆?? ???????????◆●?] 骨半规管

809.cochlea [ ???●??] 耳蜗

810.#spiral organ[ ???????● ???????] 螺旋器


811.*nervous system [ ?????? ???????] 神经系统

812.*neurology [??◆????●????] 神经学

813.*central nervous system [ ????????● ??????? ???????]


814.*peripheral nervous system [?????????● ??????? ???????] 周围神经系统

815.#somatic nerve [??◆?????? ????] 躯体神经

816.#visceral nerve [ ??????● ????] 内脏神经817.visceral nervous system [ ??????● ??????? ???????] 内脏神经系统

818.#autonomic nervous system [ ????◆?????? ??????? ???????]


819.visceral motor nerve [ ??????● ???◆?? ????] 内脏运动神经

820.visceral sensory nerve [ ??????● ???????? ????] 内脏感觉神经

821.afferent nerve [ ??????? ????] 传入神经

822.efferent nerve [ ??????? ????] 传出神经823.#sympathetic nerve [ ??????????? ????] 交感神经

824.#parasympathetic nerve [ ???????????????? ????] 副交感神经

825.#gray matter [???? ?????] 灰质

826.#cortex [ ???????] 皮质

827.*nucleus [ ??◆??●???] 神经核

828.#white matter [??????? ?????] 白质

829.#medulla [?????●?] 髓质

830.#fasciculus [???????◆●??] 纤维束

831.*ganglion [ ???●???] 神经节

832.*nerve [????] 神经

833.nerve plexus [???? ??●?????] 神经丛


834.anterior root [????????? ?◆??] 前根

835.posterior root [?????????? ?◆??] 后根836.#spinal ganglion [ ?????● ????●???] 脊神经节

837.cervical nerve [ ???????● ????] 颈神经838.thoracic nerve [ ?????????? ????] 胸神经

839.lumbar nerve [ ●???? ????] 腰神经

840.sacral nerve [ ??????● ????] 骶神经841.coccygeal nerve [ ?????????● ????] 尾神经

842.greater occipital nerve [ ????????? ????????● ????] 枕大神经

843.superior gluteal nerve [??◆???????? ?●◆?????● ??? ] 臀上皮神经

844.middle gluteal nerve [ ???● ?●◆?????● ????] 臀中皮神经

845.#cervical plexus [ ???????● ??●?????]


846.lesser occipital nerve [ ●??? ????????● ????] 枕小神经847.great auricular nerve [????? ???????◆●? ????] 耳大神经

848.transverse nerve of neck [ ????????? ???? ?? ???] 颈横神经(颈皮神经)

849.supraclavicular nerve [ ??◆?????●??????◆●? ????] 锁骨上神经

850.#phrenic nerve [ ?????? ????] 膈神经851.#brachial plexus [ ???????● ??●?????] 臂丛

852.long thoracic nerve [●?? ??????????? ????] 胸长神经853.dorsal scapular nerve [ ?????● ??????◆●? ????] 肩胛背神经

854.suprascapular nerve [ ?????????????◆●? ????] 肩胛上神经

855.subscapular nerve [?????????◆●? ????] 肩胛下神经

856.medial pectoral nerve [ ??????● ????????● ????]


https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,teral pectoral nerve [ ●?????● ????????● ????]


858.thoracodorsal nerve [ ???????◆??????● ????] 胸背神经859.#axillary nerve [?????●??? ????] 腋神经

860.#musculocutaneous nerve [ ?????◆●?◆???◆?????????? ?? ?] 肌皮神经

861.#median nerve [ ??????? ????] 正中神经

862.#ulnar nerve [ ?●?? ????] 尺神经

863.#radial nerve [ ??????● ????] 桡神经864.medial brachial cutaneous nerve [ ??????● ????????● ??◆??????????? ????]臂内侧皮神经

865.medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve [ ??????● ?????????????● ??◆

??????????? ????]前臂内侧皮神经

866.#intercostal nerve [ ????????????● ????] 肋间神经867.subcostal nerve [ ????????● ????] 肋下神经

868.intercostobrachial nerve [ ????????????????????● ????] 肋间臂神经

869.#lumbar plexus [ ●???? ??●?????] 腰丛870.iliohypogastric nerve [ ?●??◆??????◆???????? ????]


871.ilioinguinal nerve [ ?●??◆???????● ????] 骼腹股沟神经https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,teral femoral cutaneous nerve [ ●?????● ???????● ??◆?????

?????? ????] 股外侧皮神经

873.#femoral nerve [ ??????● ????] 股神经874.#obturator nerve [ ????◆????????? ????] 闭孔神经875.genitofemoral nerve [ ??????????????● ????] 生殖股神经

876.#sacral plexus [ ??????● ??●?????] 骶丛877.#superior gluteal nerve [??◆???????? ?●◆?????● ????] 臀上神经

878.#inferior gluteal nerve [????????? ?●◆?????● ????]


879.posterior femoral cutaneous nerve [?????????? ???????● ??◆??????????? ????]股后皮神经

880.pudendal nerve [??◆???????● ????] 阴部神经

881.#sciatic nerve [???????? ????] 坐骨神经882.#tibial nerve [ ?????● ????] 胫神经

883.medial plantar nerve [ ??????● ??●???? ????] 足底内侧神经

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,teral plantar nerve [ ●?????● ??●???? ????] 足底外侧神经

885.#common peroneal nerve [ ????? ?????????● ????]


886.superficial peroneal nerve [??◆????????● ?????????●

????] 腓浅神经

887.deep peroneal nerve [???? ?????????● ????] 腓深神经

888.*cranial nerve [ ???????● ????] 脑神经

889.#optic nerve [ ????? ????] 视神经

890.#oculomotor nerve [ ???◆●?◆???◆?? ????] 动眼神经891.#ciliary ganglion [ ??●???? ????●???] 睫状神经节

892.#trochlear nerve [ ????●?? ????] 滑车神经

893.#trigeminal nerve [???????????● ????] 三叉神经

894.#ophthalmic nerve [ ????●??? ????] 眼神经

895.frontal nerve [ ?????● ????] 额神经

896.supraorbital nerve [ ??◆??????????● ????] 眶上神经897.supratrochlear nerve [ ??◆?????????●?? ????] 滑车上神经

898.#maxillary nerve [??????●??? ????] 上颌神经

899.#infraorbital nerve [ ???????????● ????] 眶下神经

900.superior alveolar nerves [??◆???????? ?●????●? ????]


901.#mandibular nerve [????????◆●? ????] 下颌神经

902.auriculotemporal nerve [ ??????◆●?◆????????● ????]


903.buccal nerve [ ????● ????] 颊神经904.#lingual nerve [ ●?????● ????] 舌神经905.inferior alveolar nerve [????????? ?●????●? ????]


906.#abducent nerve [?????◆????? ????] 展神经

907.#facial nerve [ ?????● ????] 面神经908.#chorda tympani [ ????? ?????????] 鼓索

909.greater petrosal nerve [ ????????? ??????◆??● ????]


910.#pterygopalatine ganglion [ ??????◆???●????? ????●???] 翼腭神经节(蝶腭神经节)

911.#submandibular ganglion [ ???????????◆●???? ????●???]


912.#vestibulocochlear nerve [ ???????◆●?◆????●?? ????]


913.vestibular nerve [ ???????◆●???? ????] 前庭神经914.cochlear nerve [ ???●?? ????] 蜗神经915.#glossopharyngeal nerve [ ?●???◆????????????● ????] 舌咽神经

916.#otic ganglion [ ?◆??? ????●???] 耳神经节

917.#vagus nerve [ ?????? ????] 迷走神经918.superior laryngeal nerve [??◆???????? ?●????????????●

????] 喉上神经

919.#recurrent laryngeal nerve [????????? ?●????????????● ?

???] 喉返神经

920.#accessory nerve [????????? ????] 副神经

921.#hypoglossal nerve [ ?????◆??●??● ????] 舌下神经922.paravertebral ganglia [ ???? ?????????● ????] 椎旁神经节

923.prevertebral ganglia [ ?????????????● ????] 椎前神经节924.#greater splanchnic nerve [ ????????? ???●?????? ????] 内脏大神经

925.lesser splanchnic nerve [ ●??? ???●?????? ????] 内脏小神经


926.*spinal cord [ ?????● ????] 脊髓

927.#cauda equina [ ????? ????????] 马尾928.central canal [????????● ?????●] 中央管929.#anterior horn [????????? ????] 前角930.#posterior horn [?????????? ????] 后角931.#lateral horn [ ●?????● ????] 侧角

932.anterior funiculus [????????? ??◆????????◆●??] 前索https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f1131648.html,teral funiculus [ ●?????● ??◆????????◆●??] 外侧索934.posterior funiculus [?????????? ??◆????????◆●??] 后索935.anterior white commissure [????????? ??????? ???????◆?] 白质前连合

936.reticular formation [???????◆●? ??????????] 网状结构937.#fasciculus gracilis [???????◆●?? ??????●??] 薄束

938.#fasciculus conatus [???????◆●?? ??◆???????] 楔束

939.anterior spinocerebellar tract [????????? ???????◆????????●? ?

????] 脊髓小脑前束

940.posterior spinocerebellar tract [?????????? ???????◆????????●?

?????] 脊髓小脑后束

941.#corticospinal tract [ ?????????????● ?????] 皮质脊髓束

942.#spinothalamic tract [ ?????????●????

?????] 脊髓丘脑束

943.*brain stem [????? ????] 脑干

944.*medulla oblongata [?????●? ???●????????] 延髓

945.decussation of pyramid [ ???????????? ?? ????????]


946.#gracile nucleus [ ??????● ???◆??●???] 薄束核

947.#cuneate nucleus [ ??◆????? ???◆??●???] 楔束核

948.nucleus of solitary tract [ ??◆??●??? ?? ???●????? ?????]


949.dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve [ ?????●

??◆??●??? ?? ??????? ????] 迷走神


950.#nucleus ambiguous [ ??◆??●??? ????????◆??] 疑核

951.#spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve [ ?????●

??◆??●??? ?? ???????????● ???

] 三叉神经脊束核

952.#inferior salivatory nucleus [????????? ???●??????? ???◆??●???] 下泌涎核

953.#medial lemniscus [ ??????● ●?????????] 内侧丘系

954.#lateral lemniscus [ ●?????● ●?????????] 外侧丘系

955.#pyramidal tract[????????● ?????] 锥体束

956.#corticonuclear tract [ ??????????◆??●???????] 皮质核束

957.medial longitudinal fasciculus [ ??????● ●????????◆????● ?????

?◆●??] 内侧纵束

958.#trigeminal lemmniscus [???????????● ●?????????] 三叉丘系

959.*pons [????] 脑桥

960.#superior salivatory nucleus [??◆???????? ???●???? ???◆??●???]


961.#fourth ventricle [???? ????????●] 第四脑室

962.hypoglossal triangle [ ?????◆??●??● ????????●] 舌下神


963.vagal triangle [ ????● ????????●] 迷走神经三角

964.locus ceruleus [ ●?◆??? ????◆●???] 蓝斑

965.*mesencephalon [ ??????????●??],midbrain [ ?????????] 中脑

966.pretectal area [??????????● ??????]顶盖前区

967.superior colliculs [??◆???????? ???●???◆●??] 上丘

968.inferior colliculs [????????? ???●???◆●??] 下丘

969.cerebral peduncle [ ???????● ????????●] 大脑脚

970.#nucleus of trochlear nerve [ ??◆??●??? ?? ?????●?? ????]


971.#nucleus of oculomotor nerve [ ??◆??●??? ?? ????◆●?◆???◆?

? ????] 动眼神经核

972.#accessory nucleus of oculomotor nerve[????????? ???◆??●??? ??

???◆●?◆???◆?? ????] 动眼神经副核

973.#red nucleus [??? ???◆??●???] 红核

974.#substantia nigra [??????????? ??????] 黑质

975.rapheal nuclei [ ?????? ???◆??●???] 中缝核

976.*cerebellum [ ???????●??] 小脑

977.#vermis [ ??????] 小脑蚓

978.#cerebellar hemisphere [ ???????●? ?????????] 小脑半球

979.#tonsil of cerebellum [ ?????● ?? ????????●??] 小脑扁桃

980.spinocerebellum [ ?????????????●??] 脊髓小脑

981.cerebrocerebellum [ ??????????????●??] 大脑小脑

982.vestibule cerebellum [ ???????◆?● ???????●??] 前庭小脑

983.*diencephalons [ ??????????●??] 间脑

984.epithalamus [ ??????●????] 上丘脑

985.dorsal thalamus [ ?????● ??●????], thalamus [ ??●????]背侧丘脑

986.metathalamus [ ???????●????] 后丘脑

987.#medial geniculate body [ ??????● ????????◆●?? ?????] 内侧


988.#lateral geniculate body [●?????● ????????◆●?? ?????]


989.#hypothalamus [ ?????◆???●????] 下丘脑

990.optic chiasma [ ????? ????????] 视交叉

991.#supraoptic nucleus [ ????????????? ???◆??●???] 视上

992.#paraventricular nucleus [ ?????????????◆●?

??◆??●???] 室旁核

993.infundibular nucleus [ ??????????◆●???? ???◆??●???]


994.hypophysial portal [ ?????◆??????● ??????●] 垂体门脉995.subthalamus [??????●????] 底丘脑

996.supraopticohypophyseal tract [ ?????????????????????? ????●

?????] 视上垂体束

997.optic radiation [ ????? ????????????] 视辐射

998.acoustic radiation [???◆????? ????????????] 听辐射999.#third ventricle [ ??? ????????●] 第三脑室

1000.*telencephalon [ ??●????????●??] 端脑

1001.*brain [?????],encephalon [???????●??] 脑1002.*cerebrum [ ????????] 大脑

1003.c erebral hemisphere [ ???????● ?????????] 大脑半球

1004.#gyrus [ ????????] 脑回

1005.#cerebral cortex [ ???????● ????????] 大脑皮质

1006.c rus cerebri [ ??? ????????]大脑脚底1007.i nterpeduncular fossa [ ????????????◆●? ?????] 脚间窝

1008.#precentral gyrus [???????????● ????????] 中央前回

1009.s uperior frontal gyrus [??◆???????? ?????● ????????] 额上回

1010.m iddle frontal gyrus [ ???● ?????● ????????] 额中回

1011.i nferior frontal gyrus [?????????? ?????● ????????] 额下回1012.p ostcenral gyrus [??◆?????????● ????????] 中央后回

1013.#angular gyrus [ ????◆●? ?????????] 角回

1014.#transverse temporal gyrus [ ????????? ???????● ?????????] 颞横回

1015.#calcaine sulcus [ ?????? ???●???] 距状沟

1016.p rojection fibers [??????????? ????????] 投射纤维

1017.#limbic system [ ●????? ???????] 边缘系统

1018.#hippocampus [ ???????????] 海马

1019.#lateral ventricle [ ●?????● ????????●] 侧脑室

1020.#basal nuclei [ ????● ???◆??●???] 基底核

1021.#corpus striatum [ ?????? ???????????] 纹状体

1022.#caudate nucleus [ ??????? ???◆??●???] 尾状核

1023.#lentiform nucleus [ ●????????? ???◆??●???] 豆状核

1024.#globus pallidus [ ?●?◆??? ???●????] 苍白球

1025.c laustrum [ ?●???????] 屏状核

1026.#amygdaloid body [???????●??? ?????] 杏仁体

1027.#corpus callosum [ ?????? ??●?◆???] 胼胝体

1028.#fornix [ ???????] 穹隆

1029.#internal capsule [???????● ??????◆?●] 内囊

1030.#anterior commissure [????????? ???????◆?] 前连合

1031.#pyramidal system [????????● ???????] 椎体系

1032.#extrapyramidal system [ ???????????????● ???????] 椎体外


1033.#cerebrospinal fluid [ ???????◆??????● ??●◆?????] 脑


1034.#meninges [???????????] 脑脊膜

1035.#spinal dura mater [ ?????● ???◆??? ??????] 硬脊膜1036.#epidural space [ ??????◆???● ?????] 硬膜外隙

1037.#spinal arachnoid [ ?????● ?????????] 脊髓蛛网膜

1038.#subarachnoid space [ ???????????? ?????] 蛛网膜下隙

1039.#spinal pia mater [ ?????● ????? ??????] 软脊膜

1040.#cerebral dura mater [ ???????● ???◆??? ??????]


1041.#cerebral falx [ ???????● ??●??] 大脑镰1042.t entorium of cerebellum [??????????? ?? ????????●??]


1043.c erebral arachnoid mater [ ???????● ????????? ??????] 脑蛛网膜

1044.#arachnoid granulations [????????? ??????◆?●?????]


1045.#cerebral pia mater [ ???????● ????? ??????]


1046.#cerebral arterial circle [ ???????● ?????????● ????

●] 大脑动脉环(Willis环)

1047.c erebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons (CSFCN)[ ????????◆??????● ??●◆???

?? ?????????? ???◆?????] 触


1048.b lood-brain barrier [ ?●?? ????? ??????] 血-脑屏


1049.*triangle of auscultation [ ???????● ?? ??????●???????] 听诊三角

1050.*superior lumbar triangle [??◆???????? ?●???? ????????●]


1051.*inferior lumber triangle [????????? ?●???? ????????●]


1052.#axillary sheath [?????●??? ????] 腋鞘

1053.i ntercostals space [ ????????????● ?????] 肋间隙

1054.t horacolumbar fascia [ ???????◆?●???? ?????]胸腰筋膜

1055.*renal region [ ????● ????????] 肾区1056.*sheath of rectus abdominis [???? ?? ??????? ?????????◆]


1057.*inguinal canal [ ??????● ?????●] 腹股沟管

1058.#conjoined tendon [ ????????? ???????] 联合腱

1059.#inguinal triangle [ ??????● ????????●] 腹股沟三角

1060.#urogenital diaphragm [ ◆???◆???????● ?????????] 尿生


1061.*pelvic diaphragm [ ??●??? ?????????] 盆膈

1062.#spermatic cord [?????????? ???] 精索1063.*scalp [???●?] 头皮

1064.t emporal space [ ???????●?????] 颞间隙

1065.*carotid sheath [ ???????????] 颈动脉鞘1066.#suprasternal space [ ???◆??????????● ?????] 胸骨上间隙

1067.*pretracheal space [???????????●?????] 气管前间隙

1068.#submandibular triangle [ ???????????◆●???? ????????●] 肌三角

1069.#occipital triangle [ ???????● ????????●] 枕三角

1070.*scalene space [ ????●??? ?????] 斜角肌间隙

1071.#ansa cervicalis [ ???? ??????????] 颈袢1072.*carpal canal [ ???● ?????●] 腕管

1073.*cubital fossa [ ??◆????● ?????????] 肘窝

1074.m idpalmar spae [ ??? ???●?? ????] 掌中间隙

1075.*superficial palmar arch [??◆????????● ???●?? ????]


1076.#saphenous hiatus [????????? ?????????] 隐经脉裂孔

1077.*lacuna vasorum [●????◆??? ??????◆??? ] 血管


1078.*lacuna musculorum [●????◆??? ???????◆●?◆??] 肌


1079.f emoral canal [ ??????● ?????●] 股管

1080.f emoral ring [ ??????● ???] 股环

1081.*femoral triangle [ ??????● ????????●] 股三角

1082.#adductor canal [??????? ?????●] 收肌管

1083.*popliteal fossa [????●????● ?????] 腘窝

1084.#malleolar canal [???●???●? ?????●] 踝管

1085.#pulmonary ligament [ ??●?????? ?●???????] 肺韧带

1086.*costodiaphragmatic recess [ ?????◆??????????????? ??????] 肋膈隐窝

1087.*transverse sinus of pericardium [ ????????? ??????? ?? ??????

??????] 心包横窦

1088.#oblique sinus of pericardium [???●??? ??????? ?? ????

?????????] 心包斜窦

1089.*hepatorenal recess [ ??????◆?????● ??????] 肝肾隐窝

1090.*cystohepatic triangle [ ????????????? ????????●] 胆囊三

角(Calot's triangle)

1091.#hepatopancreatic ampulla [ ??????◆??????????? ????◆●?]


1092.#omental bursa [?◆??????● ??????] 网膜囊

1093.*omental foramen [?◆??????● ?????????] 网膜孔

1094.*rectouterine pouch [ ?????◆??◆??????? ??◆??] 直肠

子宫陷凹(Douglas's cavity)

1095.*rectovesical pouch [ ????????????● ??◆??] 直肠膀胱陷

1096.*retropublic space [ ?????◆????●???????] 耻骨后隙

1097.*retrorectal space [ ?????◆ ????????●?????] 直肠后隙


1、病理学 研究疾病的病因、发病机制、病理变化、结局和转归的医学基础学科。 2、适应 细胞和由其构成的组织、器官,对内、外环境中各种有害因子和刺激作用而产生的非损伤性应答反应。3、萎缩 已发育正常的细胞、组织或器官的体积缩小。 4、肥大 由于功能增加、合成代谢旺盛,使细胞、组织或器官体积增大。 5、假性肥大 实质细胞萎缩的同时,间质脂肪细胞可以增生,以维持器官原有体积甚至使体积增大。 6、增生 组织或器官内实质细胞数目增多,常导致组织、器官的体积增大。 7、化生 一种分化成熟的细胞类型或组织被另一种分化成熟的细胞类型或组织所取代的过程。有成熟组织中非成熟细胞直接转变。 8、损伤 当机体内外环境改变超过组织和细胞的适应能力后,可引起受损细胞和细胞间质发生物质代谢、组织化学、超微结构乃至光镜、肉眼可见的异常变化。 9、变性/可逆性损伤 指细胞或细胞间质受损伤后,由于代谢障碍,使细胞内出现异常物质或正常物质异常蓄积的现象,常伴有细胞功能低下。 10、细胞水肿/水变性 常是细胞损伤中最早出现的改变。因线粒体受损,ATP生成减少,细胞膜钠钾泵功能障碍,导致细胞内钠离子和水过多积聚。 11、气球样变 细胞水肿极期,水钠进一步积聚,细胞肿大明显,细胞质高度疏松呈空泡状,细胞核也可肿胀,细胞质膜表面出现囊泡,微绒毛变形消失。可见于病毒性肝炎时的肝细胞。 12、脂肪变 中性脂肪,特别是甘油三酯,蓄积于非脂肪细胞的细胞质中。 13、虎斑心 慢性酒精中毒或缺氧可引起心肌脂肪变,常累及左心室内膜下和乳头肌,脂肪变心肌呈黄色,与正常心肌的暗红色相间形成红黄色斑纹。 14、脂肪心/心肌脂肪浸润 心外膜增生的脂肪组织沿间质伸入心肌细胞间,并非心肌的脂肪变性。 15、玻璃样变/透明变 细胞内或间质内出现半透明状蛋白质蓄积,HE染色呈均质红染状。 16、淀粉样变 细胞间质出现淀粉样蛋白—黏多糖复合物沉淀。 17、黏液样变 细胞间质内黏多糖和蛋白质的蓄积。 18、病理性色素沉着 病理情况下,某些色素增多并积聚于细胞内外,常见的有含铁血黄素、脂褐素、黑色素、胆红素。 19、病理性钙化 骨、牙齿之外的组织中固态钙盐沉积。


(一) 有关"look"的词组: look out当心look on旁观 look back on回忆look dow n on轻视look forward to 期待 有关"play"的词组: play for money赌钱play safe求稳 play the game为人正直play high 豪赌 有关"make"的固定搭配: make after追逐make as if 假装 make aw ay逃走make into变成 make off匆匆离开 有关"eye"的固定搭配: have an eye for识别keep an eye on留心turn a blind eye to 熟视无睹 see eye to eye看法一致 eye-opener使人惊奇的事物 blue-eyed受宠的 green-eyed嫉妒的 (二) 同一汉语意思,但可有多种表达方式 例如,"在……情况下"可有如下表达方法:

on...occasion,in...case,in(under)...condition on condition that,under(in)...ci r cumstance in (under)...situation (三) 英语搭配看似相仿,汉语意思却相去甚远out of question毫无疑问 out of the question不可能 report somebody告发 report to somebody向……汇报 be in the green 处于青春期 be in green 穿绿衣 be in the red 负债 be in red 穿红衣 give somebody a hand帮……的忙 give one's hand to somebody同意嫁给某人lose heart失去信心lose one's heart to 爱上二、"似会非会"的易误解词 critic批评家economic经济的 critical紧要的economical节俭的compliment赞美dairy牛奶场 complement补充diary 日记


内分泌/代谢性系统疾病 症状 多尿polyuria [?p?li?ju?ri?] 多饮/烦渴polydipsia [?p?li?dipsi?] 心悸palpitation [p?lpi?tei?(?)n] 气短short of breath 皮肤潮湿moist skin 紧张nervous 焦虑uneasy / anxiety 好动restless 强直spasticity spastic; 抽搐twitch /tic 常见诊断 尿崩症diabetes insipidus [?dai??bi:ti:z] 甲亢hyperthyroidism [haip??θair?idiz(?)m] 甲减hypothyroidism 糖尿病diabetes mellitus [?melit?s] 糖尿病酮症酸中毒diabetic ketoacidosis DKA [?ki:t?u??si?d?usis] 高渗性非酮症糖尿病昏迷hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma 低血糖症hypoglycemia [?haip?uɡlai?si:mi?] 低钠血症hyponatremia 高钠血症hypernatremia [?haip?n??tri:mi?] 低钾血症hypokalemia [?haip?uk??li:mj?] 高钾血症hyperkalemia [?haip?k??li:mi?] 代谢性酸中毒metabolic acidosis [?met??b?lik] [??si?d?usis] 代谢性碱中毒metabolic alkalosis [??lk??l?usis] 呼吸性酸中毒respiratory acidosis 呼吸性碱中毒respiratory alkalosis 痛风gout [ɡu:] 系统性红斑狼疮systemic lupus erythematosus SLE [?lu:p?s] 皮肌炎dermatomyositis DM [?d?:m?t??mai??saitis] 系统性硬化病systemic sclerosis SSc 硬皮病 气管插管/切开记录 Endotracheal intubation [?end?u?tr??ki?l] 气管插管(术) tracheal cannula [?k?njul?] 气管插管(强调管子) Tracheotomy [?tr?ki??t?mi] 气管切开 mechanical ventilation 机械通气[mi?k?nik?l] sedate [si?deit] 镇静动词 Sedative Drugs 镇静药物 Dopamine [?d?up?min] 多巴胺 Noradrenalin [?n?:r??dren?lin] 去甲肾上腺素 Suction machine 吸痰器 Suck 吸动词


Air 空气airplane飞机airport机场animal动物answer回答,答案apartment 公寓apple苹果arm 臂art 艺术aunt 阿姨,姑姑,伯母,救命autumn秋天 Baby婴儿bag bakery面包店ball 球banana 香蕉band 乐队bank银行baseball 棒球basket篮子basketball 篮球Bathroom 浴室beach海滩bear熊bed 床bedroom卧室bee蜜蜂beef 牛肉bell 钟,铃bike自行车bird 鸟birthday生日Blackboard 黑板boat 小船body 身体book 书bookstore 书店bowl碗box 箱子boy 男孩bread面包breakfast 早餐bridge 桥Brother兄弟brush 刷子bus 汽车business生意businessman 商人butter 黄油 cake 蛋糕camera 照相机candy 糖果cap帽子Car 小车card卡片case盒子,案例cat猫center 中心chair椅子chalk粉笔chance机会cheese干酪chicken 鸡,鸡肉child 小孩chocolate 巧克力Chopstick 筷子church 教堂city 城市class 班级,课classmate 同学classroom教室clock 钟clothes 衣服club 俱乐部coat 大衣Coffee咖啡color 颜色computer 电脑cook厨师cookie 小甜饼couch 软沙发country 国家,乡村cousin堂兄弟姊妹, 表兄弟姊妹cover 盖子,封面Cow 奶牛cup 杯子 date 日期,约会day 天,日子desk书桌dictionary 字典dining room饭厅dinner 正餐dish 盘子,碟子doctor医生dog 狗doll 洋娃娃dollar 美元door 门dress女装,服装driver 司机 e-mail 电子邮件ear耳朵earth地球elementary school小学elephant 大象eraser 橡皮擦evening 傍晚event 事件excuse借口exercise 练习experience 经验eye眼睛 face 脸fact 事实factory 工厂fall 秋天family家庭fan扇farm农场farmer 农场主father父亲fish 鱼fisherman 渔民floor 地板flower花fly 苍蝇food 食物foot脚foreigner外国人fork叉子friend朋友fruit 水果future 未来 game 游戏,比赛garbage垃圾garden花园gas气体girl女孩gift礼物glove 手套goat山羊grade等级,分数,年级grandfather 爷爷grandmother奶奶grass 草group 团体,租 habit习惯hair 头发ham 火腿hamburger汉堡包hand 手hat 帽子head 头headache头痛health健康heart心heat热hill小山history历史hobby业余爱好holiday 假期home家homework 家庭作业hope 希望horse 马hospital


癌:上皮组织的恶性肿瘤。肉瘤:间叶组织的恶性肿瘤。 异型性:由于分化程度不同,导致肿瘤的细胞形态和组织结构相应的正常组织有不同程度的差异,此差异称异型性。转移:恶性肿瘤细胞从原发部位侵入淋巴管、血管或体腔,迁徙到其他部位,继续生长,形成同样类型的肿瘤。 乳头状瘤:见于鳞状上皮、尿路上皮等被覆的部位,乳头状瘤呈外生性向体表或体腔面生长,形成指状或乳头状突起,也可呈菜花状或绒毛状。 鳞状细胞癌:简称鳞癌,常发生在鳞状上皮被覆的部位,如皮肤、口腔、阴道等处,大体上呈菜花状,可形成溃疡。 脂肪肉瘤:起源于脂肪组织的恶性肿瘤,常发生于软组织深部、腹膜后等部位,较少从皮下脂肪层发生,多见于成人,多呈结节状或分叶状。 平滑肌肉瘤:多见于子宫,好发于中老年人…… 风湿小体:风湿病增生期病变,小体中央为纤维素样坏死物,周围有风湿细胞、淋巴细胞等细胞成分,此小体为风湿病特征病变。绒毛心:见于风湿性心外膜炎,当心外膜腔内渗出以纤维素为主时,覆盖于心外膜表面的纤维素可因心脏的不停冲动和牵拉而形成绒毛状,故得名。 肺肉质变:大叶性肺炎并发症。由于肺内炎性病灶中中性粒细胞渗出过少,释放的蛋白水解酶量不足以溶解渗出物中的纤维素,大量未能被溶解吸收的纤维素即被肉芽组织取代而机化,病变肺组织呈褐色肉样外观,故得名。

慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD):一组慢性气道阻塞性疾病的统称,共同特点为肺实质和小气道受损,导致慢性气道阻塞、呼吸阻力增加和肺功能不全,主要包括慢性支气管炎、支气管哮喘、支气管扩张和肺气肿等疾病。 肺气肿:指远于终末呼吸道(即肺腺泡)受损,管腔永久性膨大和含气量增多。 硅结节:硅肺的特征性病变,为境界清楚地圆形或椭圆形结节,直径3~5cm,色灰白,触之有沙砾感;由巨噬细胞、成纤维细胞增生和胶原形成,早期为细胞性结节,以后发展为纤维性结节、玻璃样结节。 燕麦细胞癌:属肺小细胞癌,癌细胞小,呈梭形或燕麦形,胞质少,似裸核,癌细胞呈弥漫分布或呈片状、条索状排列。假小叶:指由广泛增生的纤维组织分割原来的肝小叶并包绕成大小不等的圆形或类圆形肝细胞团。 早期胃癌:指癌组织仅限于黏膜层或黏膜下层,而不论有无淋巴结转移者;大体分为隆起型、表浅型和凹陷型。 早期肺癌:发生于支气管以上较大支气管者(中央型),是指癌组织仅局限于管壁内生长,未突破支气管外膜累及肺实质,且无淋巴结转移者;发生于小支气管者(周围型),是指癌组织直径<2cm,无局部淋巴结转移者。 第2/4页


英语固定搭配 注意:黑色粗体部分是着重要记忆的部分 一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事 agree to do sth. 同意做某事 arrange to do sth.安排做某事 ask to do sth. 要求做某事 beg to do sth. 请求做某事 care to do sth. 想要做某事 choose to do sth. 决定做某事 decide to do sth. 决定做某事 demand to do sth. 要求做某事 determine to do sth. 决心做某事 expect to do sth. 期待做某事 fear to do sth. 害怕做某事 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 learn to do sth. 学习做某事 manage to do sth. 设法做某事 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 pretend to do sth. 假装做某事

refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 want to do sth. 想要做某事 wish to do sth. 希望做某事 二、接动名词(不接不定式)作宾语的34个常用动词admit doing sth. 承认做某事 advise doing sth. 建议做某事 allow doing sth. 允许做某事 appreciate doing sth. 感激做某事 avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 consider doing sth. 考虑做某事 delay doing sth. 推迟做某事 deny doing sth. 否认做某事 dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事 enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事 escape doing sth. 逃脱做某事 excuse doing sth. 原谅做某事 fancy doing sth. 设想做某事 finish doing sth. 完成做某事 forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事 forgive doing sth. 原谅做某事


病理学的名词解释 适应:细胞、组织,器官对于内外环境的持续性刺激和各种有害因子而产生的非损伤性应答反应,形态学上表现为萎缩、肥大、增生、化生。 萎缩:是发育正常的细胞、组织或器官的体积缩小。分为病理性萎缩、生理性萎缩。化生:一种分化成熟的细胞类型被另一种分化成熟的细胞类型所取代的过程。 变性:细胞或细胞间质受损伤后,由于代谢功能障碍导致细胞内或细胞间质内呈现异常物质或正常物质异常蓄积的现象,通常伴有细胞功能低下。 虎斑心:是心肌脂肪变性时,左心室内膜下心肌和乳头肌处可见黄色条纹与暗红色心肌相间。 坏死:以酶溶性的变化为特点的活体内局部组织中细胞的死亡。 坏疽:局部组织大块坏死并继发腐败菌感染。包括干性坏疽、湿性坏疽、气性坏疽。修复:损伤造成机体部分细胞和组织的丧失后,机体对所形成的缺损进行修补恢复的过程。包括再生(周围同种细胞来修复)、纤维性修复(纤维结缔组织来修补)。 再生:是指由损生周围的同种细胞进行修补缺损的过程。 机化:由新生的肉芽组织长入并取代坏死组织、血栓、脓液、异物等的过程。 ~不稳定细胞:生理状态下,再生能力最强能不断地增生,以代替衰亡和破会的细胞,常见于皮肤、淋巴。 ~稳定细胞(静止细胞):生理状态下,有较强的再生能力。常见于腺体、平滑肌细胞。~永久性细胞:再生能力较弱或无再生能力。常见于骨骼、心肌细胞。 肉芽组织:有大量的新生毛细血管及成纤维细胞构成,伴有不等量的炎细胞浸润。肉眼表现呈鲜红色、颗粒状、柔软、湿润,形似鲜嫩的肉芽。 瘢痕组织:由肉芽组织改建形成的纤维结缔组织。肉眼上呈收缩状态,灰白色、半透明、质硬韧;镜下为透明变性的纤维结缔组织。 创伤愈合:机体遭受外力作用,皮肤等组织出现离断或缺损后的愈复过程。 充血:器官或组织因动脉输入血量的增多而发生的充血。 淤血:器官或局部的组织静脉血液回流受阻,血液淤积于小静脉和毛细血管内。 心力衰竭细胞:左心衰竭引起慢性肺淤血时,肺泡腔内含有含铁血黄素颗粒的巨噬细胞。肺褐色硬化:长期的左心衰竭所致慢性肺淤血晚期,会引起肺间质纤维化,使肺质地变硬,加之大量的含铁血黄素的沉积,肺呈棕褐色。 槟榔肝:在慢性肝淤血时,肝小叶中央区因严重的淤血呈暗红色,两个或多个肝小叶中央淤血区可相连,而肝小叶周边部肝细胞则因脂肪变性呈黄色,致使在肝的切面上出现红黄相间的状似槟榔切面的条纹。 血栓形成:在活体未破裂的心脏或血管腔内,血液发生凝固或血液中的某些有形成分凝集成固体质块的过程。 血栓:在血栓形成过程中所形成的固体质块。分为白色血栓(血小板)、红色血栓(红细胞)、混合血栓(血细胞,血小板)、透明血栓(纤维蛋白)。 再通:在血栓机化过程中,由于水分被吸收,血栓干燥收缩或部分溶解而出现了裂隙,周围新生的血管内皮细胞长入并被覆于裂隙表面形成新的血管,并相互吻合沟通,使被阻塞的血管部分地重建血流。 栓塞:循环血液中出现的不溶于血液的异常物质,随血液运行阻塞血管腔的现象。 梗死:器官或局部组织由于动脉血液阻塞、血流停止导致缺氧而发生的坏死。


英语常用固定搭配500个(一)名词的固定搭配 by accident 偶然 on account of 因为,由于 in addition 另外 in addition to 除……之外(包括) in the air 在流行中,在传播中 on (the/an) average 平均,一般来说 on the basis of 根据,在……的基础上 at (the) best 充其量,至多 for the better 好转,改善 on board 在船(车、飞机)上 out of breath 喘不过气来 on business 因公,因事 in any case 无论如何,总之 in case of 假使,万一 in case 假如,以防(万一),免得 in line 成一直线,排成一行 in line with 与……一致,按照 at a loss 困惑,不知所措 by all means 无论如何,必定

by means of 借助于,用 by no means 决不 in memory of 纪念 at the mercy of 在……支配下 by mistake 错误地 at the moment 现在,此刻 for a moment 片刻,一会儿 for the moment 现在,暂时 in a moment 立刻,马上 as a result of 由于……的结果 in return 作为报答,作为回报 on the road 在旅途中 as a rule 规章,规则;通常,照例in the long run 最终,从长远观点看for the sake of 为了……起见 on sale 出售;贱卖 on a large scale 大规模地 on a small scale 小规模地 in secret 秘密地,私下地


cushion---------------------垫子 quilt---------------------被子 cotton terry blanket--------------------- 毛巾被 feather quilt--------------------- 羽绒被 cotton quilt ---------------------棉被 bedding ---------------------床上用品 mosquito net--------------------- 蚊帐 pillow ---------------------枕头 bolster ---------------------长枕 pillow case--------------------- 枕套 tick ---------------------褥子 carpet ---------------------地毯(一般指大的整块的,铺房间的那种) rug--------------------- 地毯(一般指小块的,放在沙发等边上的那种) bed frame/bed base--------------------- 床架 headboard--------------------- 床头板 sofa bed--------------------- 沙发床 folding guest bed ---------------------折叠床 loftbed frame--------------------- 架在空中的床(下面可放沙发、桌子等)bunkbed frame ---------------------上下铺的床 slatted bed base ---------------------板条床 sprung base ---------------------弹簧床 bedspread ---------------------床罩 sheet ---------------------床单 mat--------------------- 席子 mattress--------------------- 床垫(厚的那种) mattress pad ---------------------床垫(薄的那种) bed canopy ---------------------支在床上的篷子(一般用于儿童床上的装饰)bedside table ---------------------床头柜 2. 厨房 refrigerator ---------------------冰箱 automatic rice cooker ---------------------电饭锅 steamer ---------------------蒸锅 oven ---------------------烤箱 grill ---------------------烧烤架 toaster ---------------------烤面包机 egg beater--------------------- 打蛋器 ice crusher ---------------------刨冰机 food processor ---------------------食品加工机 paper towel--------------------- 纸巾 apron ---------------------围裙 tableware ---------------------餐具


病理学常用名词解释(自行补充英文名称) 1.萎缩发育正常的器官、组织或细胞体积缩小。 2.肥大细胞、组织或器官体积的增大。 3.增生由实质细胞数量增多而造成的组织、器官的体积增大。 4.化生一种已分化组织转化为另一种相似性质的分化组织的过程。 5.变性由于物质代谢障碍,在细胞内或间质中出现异常物质,或正常物质数量增多。 6.水变性细胞内水分增多,造成细胞水肿。 7.脂肪变性除脂肪细胞外,细胞内出现脂滴或脂滴明显增多。 8.玻璃样变细胞内或间质中出现均质红染、半透明的玻璃样物质。(透明变性) 9.纤维素样变(纤维素样坏死) 为间质胶元纤维及小血管壁的一种变性,病变处组织结构消失,成为一堆颗粒状、细丝状、红染无结构的物质,状似纤维素。 10.粘液样变性组织间质内出现类粘液的积聚。 11.坏死活体内局部组织、细胞的死亡。 12.干酪样坏死是一种特殊类型的凝固性坏死,由于坏死组织中含较多的脂质,外观呈淡黄色,松软,均匀细腻,似奶酪,称之。常见于结核病。 13.坏疽肢体或与外界相通的内脏较大范围的坏死,同时伴有不同程度的腐败菌感染,呈黑色改变。 14.机化由新生肉芽组织逐渐取代坏死组织(血栓或其它异物等)的过程。 15.完全再生再生的细胞和组织完全保持原有的结构和功能。 16.不完全再生组织损伤后,由肉芽组织增生所代替,最后形成疤痕。 17.充血局部器官或组织的血液含量增多。 18.淤血(静脉性充血) 静脉回流受阻而发生的充血。血液淤积在小静脉和毛细血管。 19.心衰细胞慢性肺淤血或左心衰时,在肺组织中出现的,胞浆内有含铁血黄素颗粒的吞噬细胞。 20.槟榔肝慢性肝淤血合并脂肪变性时,肝小叶中央充血呈暗红色,小叶周边部因脂肪变性而呈淡黄色,形成红黄相间的花纹,似槟榔切面。


英语固定搭配 一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词 afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事 arrange to do sth.安排做某事ask to do sth. 要求做某事 beg to do sth. 请求做某事care to do sth. 想要做某事 choose to do sth. 决定做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事 demand to do sth. 要求做某事determine to do sth. 决心做某事 expect to do sth. 期待做某事fear to do sth. 害怕做某事 help to do sth. 帮助做某事hope to do sth. 希望做某事 learn to do sth. 学习做某事manage to do sth. 设法做某事 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事plan to do sth. 计划做某事 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 promise to do sth. 答应做某事refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 want to do sth. 想要做某事wish to do sth. 希望做某事 注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词: aim to do sth. 打算做某事fail to do sth. 未能做某事 long to do sth. 渴望做某事happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事struggle to do sth. 努力做某事 二、接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词 advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事bear sb. to do sth.忍受某人做某事 beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事 command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事drive sb. to do sth .驱使某人做某事 elect sb. to do sth. 选举某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事 force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事get sb. to do sth. 使(要)某人做某事 hate sb. to do sth. 讨厌某人做某事help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 intend sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 leave sb. to do sth. 留下某人做某事like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事 mean sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事 oblige sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做某事request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事teach sb. to do sth .教某人做某事 tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事 trouble sb. to do sth. 麻烦某人做某事want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 三、注:不要受汉语意思的影响而误用以下动词句型: 汉语的“原谅某人做某事”,英语可说成excuse [forgive] sb. for doing sth.。 汉语的“希望某人做某事”,英语可说成wish sb. to do sth.。 汉语的“建议某人做某事”,英语可说成advise sb. to do sth.。 汉语的“安排某人做某事”,英语可说成arrange for sb. to do sth.。 汉语的“要求某人做某事”,英语可说成demand of sb. to do sth.。


welcome[]vt、& n、欢迎;a、受欢迎得offer[]vt、& n、提供;贡献 be about to[](不久)就要,即将 training[]n、训练;培养 program[]n、规划;(教学)大纲 general[]a、一般得,普遍得 basic[]a、基本得,基础得 course[]n、课程;过程;疗程 biology[]n、生物学 devote[]vt、贡献 medical[]a、医学得,医药得 anatomy[]n、解剖学;解剖 physiology[]n、生理学 biochemistry[]n、生物化学 term[]n、学期;期限;术语 internal[]a、内服得;内部得 surgery[]n、外科学,外科 and so on[]等等,诸如此类 clinical[]a、临床得 have to[]不得不,只好 in addition[]另外 follow-up[]a、& n、接着得,后续得advanced[]a、高级得;先进得 besides[]ad、此外;prep、除…之外qualified[]a、合格得 campus[]n、校园 storey[]n、层(楼) collection[]n、收集,收藏 central[]a、中心得,中央得 laboratory[]n、实验室,研究室dormitory[]n、宿舍 altogether[]ad、总共 treat[]vt、治疗;处理;对待 divide[]vt、分;隔开 speciality[]n、专业;特征 department[]n、科室;系;学部traditional[]a、传统得 affiliate[]vt、使…加入;使附于 out-patient[]n、门珍病人 in-patient[]n、住院病人 emergency[]n、紧急情况 emergency room[]急诊室 timely[]a、及时得;合时得 available[]a、可取得得;可用得round the clock[]全天二十四小时consult[]vt、请教;瞧病;查阅consulting room[]诊室 complaint[]n、疾病;主诉;抱怨ward[]n、病房 surgical[]a、外科得 pediatric[]a、儿科得 intensive[]a、加强得;集中得intensive care unit[]监护抢救小组(室) separate[]a、单独得;分离得separate、、、from、、、[]把…分开section[]n、(组织)部分 x-ray[]n、x射线 pharmacy[]n、药房;药学 sterilize[]vt、消毒;使…断种instrument[]n、器械;仪器 store[]vt、& n、储藏;店铺 in store for[]贮藏以备… bank[]n、库;银行;河岸 blood[]血库 transfusion[]n、输血;注入 staff[]n、工作人员(全体) medical staff[]医务人员 make up[]v、组成;决定;配制 be made up of[]由…组成 operator[]n、话务员;技术员operate[]vi、& vt、运转;开动engage[]vt、使从事于,使忙于put、、、through to、、、[]接通(电话)…go on[]进行;继续 preparation[]n、准备;制备;制剂perform[]vt、执行;施行;演出acute[]a、急性得;尖锐得appendicitis[]n、阑尾炎immediately[]ad、即刻,立即 rib[]n、肋骨 fracture[]vt、使折断;n、骨折arrange[]vt、安排;布置 arrange for[]为…作准备(安排) arrangement[]n、安排;布置;筹备right away[]立刻 by the way[]顺便 type[]n、类型;典型;榜样anesthesia[]n、麻醉


1.病理学(pathology):是一门研究疾病的病因、发病机制、病理改变(包括代谢、机能和形态结构的改变)和转归的医学基础学科。其目的是认识和掌握疾病的本质和发生发展的规律,从而为防治疾病提供必要的理论基础和实践依据。 2.适应(adaptation):细胞和由其构成的组织、器官能耐受内、外环境中各种有害因子的刺激作用而得以存活的过程,称为适应。适应在形态上表现为萎缩、肥大、增生、化生。 3.萎缩(atrophy):是指已发育正常的实质细胞、组织或器官体积缩小,可以伴发细胞数量的减少。 4.肥大(hypertrophy):细胞、组织和器官体积的增大,称为肥大。 5.增生(hyperplasia):实质细胞的增多称为增生,增生可导致组织、器官的增大。细胞增生也常伴发细胞肥大。 6.化生(metaplasia):一种分化成熟的细胞因受刺激因素的作用转化为另一种分化成熟细胞的过程称为化生。 7.变性(degeneration):是指细胞或细胞间质受损伤后因代谢发生障碍所致的某些可逆性形态学变化。表现为细胞浆内或细胞间质内有各种异常物质或是异常增多的正常物质的蓄积,每伴有功能下降。 8.细胞水肿(cellular swelling):或称水变性(hydropic degeneration),是细胞轻度损伤后常发生的早期病变,好发于肝、心、肾等实质细胞的胞浆。细胞水肿的主要原因是缺氧、感染和中毒。其发生机制是:缺氧时线粒体受损伤,使A TP生成减少,细胞膜Na+-K+ 泵功能因而发生障碍,导致胞浆内Na+、水增多。病理变化:电镜下,胞核正常,胞浆内的线粒体、内质网等肿胀呈囊泡状。光镜下,弥漫性细胞胀大,胞浆淡染、清亮,核可稍大,重度水肿的细胞称为气球样变。肉眼观,发生了细胞水肿的肝、肾体积增大、颜色变淡。去除病因后,水肿的细胞可恢复正常。 11.脂肪变(fatty change):细胞浆内甘油三酯(或中性脂肪)的蓄积称为脂肪变或脂肪变性(fatty degeneration)。起因于营养障碍、感染、中毒和缺氧等。多发生于肝细胞、心肌纤维和肾小管上皮。 12.虎斑心:心肌脂肪变常累及左心室的内膜下和乳头肌,肉眼上表现为大致横行的黄色条纹,与未脂肪变的暗红色心肌相间,形似虎皮斑纹,称为虎斑心 13.心肌脂肪浸润(fatty change):心外膜处显著增多的脂肪组织,可沿心肌层的间质向着心腔方向伸入,心肌因受伸入脂肪组织的挤压而萎缩并显薄弱,称为心肌脂肪浸润,并非脂肪变性。 14.玻璃样变(hyaline change):又称玻璃样变性或透明变性(hyaline degeneration),泛指细胞内、纤维结缔组织间质或细动脉壁等,在HE染片中呈现均质、粉染至红染、毛玻璃样半透明的蛋白质蓄积。


英语常用词组固定搭配 一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词 afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事 arrange to do sth.安排做某事ask to do sth. 要求做某事 beg to do sth. 请求做某事care to do sth. 想要做某事 choose to do sth. 决定做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事 demand to do sth. 要求做某事determine to do sth. 决心做某事expect to do sth. 期待做某事fear to do sth. 害怕做某事 help to do sth. 帮助做某事hope to do sth. 希望做某事 learn to do sth. 学习做某事manage to do sth. 设法做成某事 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事plan to do sth. 计划做某事 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 promise to do sth. 答应做某事refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 want to do sth. 想要做某事wish to do sth. 希望做某事 注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词: aim to do sth. 打算做某事fail to do sth. 未能做某事 long to do sth(eager to do sth)渴望做某事happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事struggle to do sth. 努力做某事 二、接不定式作宾补(复合宾语)的36个常用动词 advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事bear sb. to do sth.忍受某人做某事 beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事drive sb. to do sth .驱使某人做某事elect sb. to do sth. 选举某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事get sb. to do sth. 使(要)某人做某事hate sb. to do sth. 讨厌某人做某事help sb. (to)do sth. 帮助某人做某事intend sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事leave sb. to do sth. 留下某人做某事like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事mean sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事oblige sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做某事request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事teach sb. to do sth .教某人做某事 tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事trouble sb. to do sth. 麻烦某人做某事want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 注:不要受汉语意思的影响而误用以下动词句型: 汉语说:“害怕某人做某事”,但英语不说fear sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“原谅某人做某事”,但英语不说excuse [forgive] sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“拒绝某人做某事”,但英语不说refuse sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“惩罚某人做某事”,但英语不说punish sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“建议某人做某事”,但英语不说suggest [propose] sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“赞成某人做某事”,但英语不说approve sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“通知某人做某事”,但英语不说inform sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“欢迎某人做某事”,但英语不说welcome sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“坚持某人做某事”,但英语不说insist [persist] sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“希望某人做某事”,但英语不说hope sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“安排某人做某事”,但英语不说arrange sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“要求某人做某事”,但英语不说demand sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“感谢某人做某事”,但英语不说thank sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“祝贺某人做某事”,但英语不说congratulate sb. to do sth.。 汉语说:“阻止某人做某事”,但英语不说prevent sb. to do sth.。 要表示以上意思,可换用其他表达: 汉语的“原谅某人做某事”,英语可说成excuse [forgive] sb. for doing sth.。 汉语的“希望某人做某事”,英语可说成wish sb. to do sth.。 汉语的“建议某人做某事”,英语可说成advise sb. to do sth.。 汉语的“安排某人做某事”,英语可说成arrange for sb. to do sth.。 汉语的“要求某人做某事”,英语可说成demand of sb. to do sth.。 汉语的“感谢某人做某事”,英语可说成thank sb. for doing sth.。 汉语的“祝贺某人做某事”,英语可说成congratulate sb. on doing sth.。 汉语的“阻止某人做某事”,英语可说成prevent sb. from doing sth.。 三、接动名词(不接不定式)作宾语的34个常用动词 admit doing sth. 承认做某事advise doing sth. 建议做某事allow doing sth. 允许做某事appreciate doing sth. 感激做某事avoid doing sth. 避免做某事consider doing sth. 考虑做某事delay doing sth. 推迟做某事deny doing sth. 否认做某事discuss doing sth. 讨论做某事dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事escape doing sth. 逃脱做某事excuse doing sth. 原谅做某事fancy doing sth. 设想做某事

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