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限时规范练25(必修5Unit 13A)




Biorobotics is a field within robotic science that is based on the movements of living things.The most famous biorobots look and move a lot like humans.However,there are several robots that have been made to mimic (模仿) animals.While many companies develop such robots as toys,some are used for practical purposes.

One example of a biorobot is a flying robot that is based on the movements of bees.The robot,named “Carlton”,was developed by the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.Built to be both light and powerful,it can hover like a bee in tight spaces and also change direction without losing speed.This robot’s abilities make it very useful for military and police search and rescue missions.For example,Carlton can hide behind a tall wall,rise up to quickly look at what is on the other side,and then hide again.It can also send video images of what it sees to soldiers in a safe location far away.

“Modsnake” is a robot that was modeled on snakes.This robot was developed by the Carnegie Mellon University Biorobotics Lab.It is made to move like a snake,so it can pass through narrow spaces,move over all sorts of obstacles,climb poles,and even

swim.The way Modsnake moves makes it useful for a variety of tasks such as checking for survivors in fallen buildings,finding damaged areas inside of pipes and cleaning up oil spills in lakes and rivers.

A third robot,based on cockroaches,also has several

uses.“Sprawl” was designed by a research team at Stanford University to take videos and recover small objects.Like many six-legged robots,Sprawl was made to move like an insect.However,Sprawl is uncommonly fast and strong for its size,just like a real cockroach.These characteristics make it particularly useful for military situations in which an enemy might try to disable it.It is very difficult to shoot because it moves quickly and is relatively

small.Even if an enemy shoots Sprawl,it can usually keep functioning.


1.What is the text mainly about?

A.Biorobots’ military uses.

B.Biorobots based on animals.

C.Biorobots’ flying abilities.

D.Biorobots that work like humans.

剖析主旨大意题。由第一段中的“there are several robots that have been made to mimic animals”以及文中对Carlton,Modsnake和Sprawl的形貌可知,本文主要介绍了三款


2.What’s the characteristic of Carlton?





剖析细节明白题。由第二段中的“Built to be bot h light and powerful...change direction without losing speed”和“Carlton can hide behind a tall wall,rise up to quickly look at what is on the other side,and then hide again”



3.What does the author suggest about Modsnake?

A.It has six legs.

B.It can be dangerous.

C.It is multi-functional.

D.It moves like an insect.

剖析推理判断题。由第三段中的“it can pass through narrow spaces,move over all sorts of obstacles,climb poles,and even swim”和“useful for a variety of tasks...cleaning up oil spills in lakes and rivers”可知,Modsnake能够通




The American writer J.D.Salinger is known for his reclusive (隐居的) nature.He has not given an interview since 1974,or published

any new work since 1965.Salinger’s entire published works consist of one novel and 13 short stories,all written in the period 1948-1959.In 1997,a rumour started that Salinger was going to bring out the first book version of his last published story.Fans became very excited.However,because of the publicity,Salinger quickly receded from the arrangement.

Ironically (讽刺地) for a future writer,when he was at college one of his professors insisted he was the worst English student in the history of the college.Before writing his famous book,he had only published a few short stories in magazines.

Salinger established his reputation with a single novel,The Catcher in the Rye (1951),an immediate bestseller which still sells 250,000 copies per year.The main character,Holden Caulfield,is a sensitive,rebellious (叛逆的) teenager experiencing the growing pains of high school.

Salinger did not do much to help publicise his masterpiece and asked that his photograph should not be used in connection with

it.The public attention which followed the success of the book led him to move from New York to the faraway hills of Cornish,New

Hampshire.Since the late 1960s he has tried to escape publicity.In 1974 he told a reporter that he liked to write but that he wrote for himself and his own pleasure.

Later,he tried to stop the publication of a biography which included letters he had written to other authors and friends.In 2000 his daughter published a biography.In it she stated her father was not a recluse.She said he travelled often and had friends all over the world.She added that he enjoyed being with people and was friendly except where publicity and celebrity are concerned.

Salinger refused to sell the movie rights to any of his stories to Hollywood and would not allow any of his works to be involved with film.


4.What does the underlined word “receded” in Paragraph 1 mean?





剖析词义预测题。由第一段中的“J.D.Salinger is known for his reclus ive nature”和“Fans became very excited”以及“However,because of the publicity”可知,J.D.塞林格喜好隐居的生存,不喜好受到民众的追捧,以是当运动公然后,他就打退堂鼓了,不想到场运动摆设。

5.What can be inferred about J.D.Salinger when he was in college?

A.He was locally well-known.

B.He didn’t do well in his studies.

C.He was deeply interested in world history.

D.He was greatly influenced by his professors.

剖析细节明白题。由第二段中的“one of his professors insisted he was the worst English student in the history of the college”可知,J.D.塞林格在大学时期,学习体现欠安。

6.What do we learn about The Catcher in the Rye?

A.It focuses on a teenager’s psychological growth.

B.It received a great deal of criticism.

C.It brought Salinger much trouble.

D.It still tops the best-seller list.

剖析推理判断题。由第三段中的“The main character,Holde n Caulfield,is a sensitive,rebellious teenager experiencing the growing pains of high school”可知,J.D.塞林格的《麦田里的守望者》主要讲述青少年Holden


7.Why did J.D.Salinger move to New Hampshire?

A.To work on a report.

B.To avoid public attention.

C.To advertise his new book.

D.To return to his birthplace.

剖析细节明白题。由第四段中的“The public attention...led him to move...to the faraway hills of Cornish,New Hampshire”和“Since the late 1960s he has tried to escape publicity”可知,J.D.塞林格从纽约搬到新罕布什尔州是为了制止惹人注意。


I finished training as a nurse in Auckland and I was expecting to get a job in a small hospital somewhere.But then a friend told me about Volunteer Now.I’d always wanted to go to an African country and use my nursing skills to help people.And here was a chance to do that,so I decided to apply.1 I got one hospital to sponsor me and then I borrowed some money from the bank.

So I went to Madagascar and joined a team of people working with a local supervisor.2

By going round villages,we taught basic ways to improve hygiene (卫生) and to avoid catching diseases.For example,we gave instruction about how to avoid catching malaria (疟疾) and distributed mosquito nets to some of the homes.I think we did some good.I hope so anyway.

3 I was suddenly in a completely different culture,teaching people who had such a different lifestyle from my own.It made a big difference to the way I see the world.And I also made some very good friends out there,both local people and the other volunteers.

4 After I came back,I got accepted straight away for a job at the university hospital.

5 I’m sure I wouldn’t have managed to do

that if I hadn’t worked in Madagascar and got this practical experience.

A.We set up a program there.

B.I also got a lot from this program.

C.It is one of the best hospitals in Auckland.

D.So I’d recommend Volunteer Now to anyone.

E.I failed to take the opportunity though I could.

F.I had to raise $500 before I went,but that was quite easy.

G.We had such good times together and we’ve kept in touch since then.


1.F 后一句讲的是作者怎样筹到经费,而与经费相关的是F项。

2.A 该空前谈到作者去了马达加斯加并参加了一个医疗队,该空后讲到作者所在的医疗队教人们改善卫生和防备疾病的根本要领,A项在此承先启后。

3.B 本段讲述了这段经历给“我”带来的好处,故选B项。

4.G 该空前讲到“我”跟一些当地人和其他志愿者成了好朋侪,G项承接上文,说明“我们”的相处环境和后续发展。

5.C C项中的one of the best hospitals与上文the university hospital相照应,阐明这家医院的环境。


While most cloning techniques are still carried out within laboratories,there is a commercial industry that exists to produce clones of animals.

Utah State University,1. example,is cloning cows.“Cloning is an excellent way to help endangered

species,promote disease resistance,or even increase milk production if the technique 2. (apply) in a proper way,” the academic institution states.

3. is also possible to clone your pet,for a fee.You probably have heard the news

4. one couple in the UK spent £67,000 on cloning their dead dog after

5. (send) the DNA to a company in South Korea.The cloned puppies were shipped to the UK.

US company ViaGen claims to be “6. most reliable animal cloning company in America” and is able to clone horses,livestock — including cows,pigs,sheep and goats — as well as pets.ViaGen has cloned thousands of animals during 7. (it) 15 years.“Our cloned pets are ‘normal 8. (health) puppies and kittens’,” the company says.

“The process of cloning a pet from start to finish can take eight to twelve 9. (month),” the company states.“This is due to the time it takes 10. (create) the embryo,the 60-62 days for the dog or cat to experience a normal pregnancy,aftercare of the puppy or kitten before it’s given to the pet owner.”

1.for考查介词。for example意为“例如”。

2.is applied 考查一般如今时的被动语态。the technique与apply之间是被动干系,设空处所在句为if引导的条件状语从句,由主句时态可知,此处应用一样平常如今时,故填is applied。

3.It 考查it的用法。设空处做情势主语,真正的主语是to clone your pet,故填It。

4.that 考察连接词。设空处引导同位语从句,说明news的具体内容,又因从句身分及意义均完备,故填that。

5.sending 考查动词-ing情势做宾语的用法。设空处做介词after的宾语,又因one couple与send之间是逻辑上的主谓干系,故填sending。

6.the 考察定冠词。由语境可知,此处表示“美国最可靠的动物克隆公司”,形容词最高级前用定冠词,故填the。

7.its考查代词。设空处限定15 years,故填its(它的)。

8.healthy 考查形容词做定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰puppies and kittens,由normal以及语境可知,此处表示“健康的”,故填healthy。

9.months 考察名词复数。设空处做宾语,由eight to twelve 可知,此处应用名词复数,故填months。

10.to create 考查不定式做补语的用法。take time to do sth.意为“花时间做某事”。

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