当前位置:文档之家› 二年级朗文英语(2A)测试题Chapter3-4




Listening Part:

一、Listen and choose the right answer.


( ) 1、A Chinese B maths C music D English

( ) 2、A helpful B kind C friendly D unfriendly

( ) 3、A he B she C him D her

( ) 4、A who B Mrs C try D think

( ) 5、A stop B catch C prefect D caretaker

( ) 6、A waiter B waitress C housewife D cook

( ) 7、A doctor B nurse C policeman D policewoman ( ) 8、A fireman B dentist C job D work

( ) 9、A alarm B ring C save D wait

二、Listen and choose the right answer, write “A” or “B”。

(听录音,选择正确的答案,把编号写在括号内。) (10%)

( ) 1、_____ is your PE teacher. ( A、Who B、Whose )

( ) 2、Miss Pang is our ____ teacher. ( A、music B maths ) ( ) 3、She is kind. I like _____. ( A、she B、her )

( ) 4、Sorry, I don’t _______. ( A、understand B、kind ) ( ) 5、My ___ teacher is Mr Li. ( A、Chinese B、English ) ( ) 6、Look ______. ( A、in B、out )

( ) 7、___! Don’t walk on the grass. ( A、Hello B、Stop )

( ) 8、What’s your father’s ____? ( A、job B、work )

( ) 9、What’s _____ mother’s job? ( A、your B、you )

( )10、He is a ______. ( A 、doctor B 、dentist )

三、 Listen to the qustions, choose the right

answers,write ”A ”or “B ”(听问句选答案,选”A ”或 “B ”。)


( ) 1、A 、She is our Chinese teacher. B 、He is our Maths teacher.

( ) 2、A 、It is OK. B 、You are welcome.

( ) 3、A 、That ’s Mrs Tam. B 、This is Mrs Tam.

( ) 4、A 、She is kind. B 、 He is friendly.

( ) 5、A 、He is our prefect. B 、She is our teacher.

( ) 6、A 、He is a doctor B 、She is a housewife.

( ) 7、A 、I work in the fire station. B 、I am a fireman.

( ) 8、A 、She is a policeman. B 、He is a cook.

( ) 9、A 、I am fine. B 、I am five.

( )10、A 、I live in Kowloon. B 、I go to school by MTR.

四、What do the family do? Fill in the missing words .(他们


1 I am a _____________ .

2 My brother is a ________________ .

3 My father is a ___________________ .

? ? ? ? ?

4 My mother is _____________________.

5 My sister ______________________________.

Writing Part:

五、 Ask and answer. Write. (12%)

六、 What are their jobs? Write the missing letters. (12%) 1

2 A: Who's your__________teacher? B : My ___________ teacher is Mr Lee.

A: Who's your __________ teacher? B : My ___________ teacher is

Mr Smith.


A: Who's your_______ _______? B : My _________ __________ is Miss Liu.

A: Who's your________ ________? B : My __________ _________ is Mrs Cheung.



3 a ____________

a a _____________ d P_________--- w A

B A B Mr Lee Mr Smith Miss Liu A


七、What do their parents do? Write and match.(22%) 1

? ? ____ ___ a waiter. ____________ mother’s job ?


? ? ___ ___ a cook. _____ is _____ father ’s job?


? ? _____ ___ a nurse. What is your ______ job ?

4 ? ? _____ ___ a doctor.

What is your ______ _____?

八、Talk about the children. Write.(说一说,写一写。)(6%)

1. 2. He is un________.


6 a ____________ a _____________

a ____________ What is your She is He is f_______.

3. _She is h_______.

4. He is ________.

He is k_____

5. _________________

6. She is ________.


光亚学校小学二年级上期英语期末测试题 一、Listen and circle.听一听,圈出你听到的图片。 ( 20分) 1、 A.brother B.sister 2、 A. boat B.hill 3、 A. flower B.tree 4、 A.bookshop B.hospital 5、 A. thin B.short

二、Listen and choose.听一听,选一选,将听到的图片序号填在括号内。( 20分) ()1、A. B. ()2、A. B. ()3、A. B. ()4、 A. B. ()5、 A. B. 三、Listen and number.听一听,给图片用1、2、3、3、4、5排序。( 10分) ()()()()()

四、Read and choose.为下列句子选择正确的图片,将对应的图片序号填在括号内。( 6分) A. B. C. D. E. F. ( ) 1、There is a lake in the park. ( ) 2、I’m going to the supermarket. ( ) 3、This is my brother. ( ) 4、Andy is going to school. ( ) 5、She is a girl. She is tall. ( ) 6、Merry Christmas! Here is a present for you. 五、Read and choose.选择英文单词对应的中文意思。( 10分) ()1. sister A. 姐;妹 B. 兄;弟 ()2. woman A. 小女孩 B. 女人 ()3. he A. 他 B你 ()4. mother A. 妈妈 B.祖父 ()5. family A. 同学 B. 家庭 ()6.brother A.兄弟 B.父亲 ()7. thin A. 瘦的 B. 矮的 ()8. park A. 书店 B. 公园 ()9. flower A. 花 B. 树 ()10. card A. 贺卡 B. 飞机


2011 —— 2012学年度 第二学期期中考试试题 二年级科目:英语时间:90分钟 (请将答案写到答题卷上) 一、单项选择。(20分) 1. Neither you nor I a good singer. A. am B. is C. are D. aren‘t 2. -- is it? -- It‘s 8:50. A. What time B. What C. When D. How 3. I‘m looking forward you soon . A. to see B. see C. to seeing D. seeing 4. -–My favorite subject is English. What‘s ? -- Computer. A. you B. her C. mine D. yours 5. Our class begins 8:00 am. A. at B. in C. on D. for 6. Would you like to me for lunch? A. take part in B. join C. attend D. join in 7. Our family will hold a party _______ Christmas Eve. A. at B. in C. on D. to 8. Tom enjoys with his Chinese friends. A. work B. working C. to work D. to working 9. It‘s time the game. A. to start B. start C. starting D. for starting 10. She‘s never seen such a good film , she ? A. is B. isn‘t C. has D. hasn‘t 11.If it sunny tomorrow, I fishing in south lake. A. is; go B. will be; go C. is; will go D. will be; will go 12.--Why do you like English? --Because I find it . A. use B. interested C. useful D. interest 13.Before home, you must finish your homework. A. go B. going C. goes D. went 14.-- is your mother? --She is a nurse. A. Who B. What C. Where D. Which 15.--How much did you for the dictionary? --12 yuan. A. buy B. spend C. cost D. pay 16.-- I take some photos in the hall? --No, you . A. Can; needn‘t B. Must,; mustn‘t C. Could; won‘t D. May; mustn‘t 17. I live near the sea, I am not a good swimmer. A. But B. Although C. If D. So 18. Our history teacher always makes his classes . A. live and interesting B. lively and interest C. lively and interesting D. lively and interested 19. How many are there on the table ? A. milks B. milk C. bottles of milk D. bottles of milks 20.Mother us stories when we were young.


【精华】 小学二年级英语考试测试卷附答案 (实用版) Listening Part 一.选出所听到的内容,将其序号填入题前的括号内。(播一遍) ( )1. A .bee B. bus C. bear ( )2. A. what B. where C.who ( ) 3. A. some B. sofa C. sock ( )4. A. wind B. window C. winter ( ) 5. A. sleep B.slow C. sweep ( ) 6. A. shirt B. coat C. hat ( ) 7. A. train B. tree C. play ( ) 8. A. a pink hen B. abig duck C. a brown pig ( ) 9. A. an elephant B. an ice-cream C. an orange ( )10. A. some juice B. some water C. somesoup 二.听问题,选出正确的答句:(播二遍) ( )1. A. I see a snowman. B. I am cold. ( )2. A. Here you are. B. Thank you. ( )3. A. Have a pizza, please. B. I needa tie. ( )4. A. I live in SuZhou. B.I love SuZhou. ( )5. A. By plane. B. Get in the plane. 三. 听录音,勾出你所听到的内容。(播二遍) monkey horse sheep


二年级一对一学案 期末复习 —、数学园地。(20分) 1.一个加数是42,另一个加数是29,和是()。 2.妈妈看中不同款式的3件上衣和4条裤子,如果她要买一件上衣和一条裤子,她有()种买法。 3.6×9和9×6在计算时都要用到口诀()。 4.从42里连续减去()个7得0。 5.把下面乘法口诀填完整。 三四()五()四十五二九() ()五十六()四十九()七十二 6.从一张三角形纸上剪下一个角,剩下的部分可能有()个角,也可能有()个角。 7.根据乘法口诀七八五十六可以写出两道乘法算式是()和()。 8.买1只鸡的钱可以买4条鱼,现在用买5只鸡的钱可以买()条鱼。 9.摆6个要用()根小棒。 10.从2,4,6三个数字中任选两个数字可组成()个不同的两位数,其中最大的两位数是(),最小的两位数是()。 二、知识角。(11分) 1.在正确答案下面画“√”。(6分) (1)量下面哪段路要用米作单位? (2)计算下面哪个算式不能用简便算法? 2.我会判断。(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)(5分) (1)一条绳子就是一条线段。()

(2)1米比1厘米长,所以1米>100厘米。() (3)7时25分再过10分是7时35分。() (4)5个3的和比7个3的和多。() (5)—个点和两条线一定能组成一个角。() 三、头脑体操。(28分) 1.龟兔赛跑。(4分) 2.我会填。(6分) (1)7×()+1=36 (2)()×9-9=54 7×()-1=48 8×()-8=40 7×()+1=15 ()×7+7=63 3.在□里填上合适的数。(8分) 4.猜猜里面藏着几,猜对了送给你。(4分) 5.()里最大能填几?(6分) ()×4<30 34>5×()7×()<50 8×()<75 50>()×9 42>8×() 四、心灵手巧。(15分) 1.拿一些小棒摆正方形,像下图(是摆成的两个正方形)那样摆,摆7个正方形用几根小棒?把你摆的图案画出来再算一算。(5分) 2.右图由()条线段围成。请你在这个图形里加几条线段,把这个图形分成四个三角形。(6 分)


2019-2020 学年第一学期二年级英语期末考查卷
(考试时间:40 分钟)
听力部分:88 分
I. Listen and circle the letters you hear. (听音,圈出你所听到的字母。)10 分
1. Bb Dd
2. Ii Ll
3. Jj Zz
4.Tt Yy
5. Hh Ff
6. Xx Ss
7.Mm Nn
8. Vv Uu
9. Aa Rr
10. KT KD
II. Listen and choose the right pictures.(听音,选择正确的图片,将其序号填在括号内。)18 分
1. ( ) A.
2. ( ) A.
3. ( ) A.
4. ( ) A.
5. ( ) A.
6. ( ) A.
7. ( ) A.
8. ( ) A.
9. ( ) A.
III.Listen and write.(下面是 panpan 的一天。听音,将活动时间的序号填入横线中)12 分 A. 8:00 B. 12:00 C. 3:00 D. 6:00 E. 7:00 F.5:00
1._______ 2._______ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________
IV. Listen and tick. 听音,选出每个小朋友喜欢的食物, 在相应的格子内打勾“√”。10 分
V.Listen and number.(听音,给下列人物出行方式标号。)12 分。
( 4.

) 6.
VI. Listen, tick or cross.(听一听小朋友们喜欢哪些食物,不喜欢哪些食物,喜欢的请打“√”,
不喜欢的请打“×”。)8 分


二年级英语期末试卷 Listening Part I. 听音,根据你听到的字母顺序为下列字母标号(第个字母读两遍12%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) III. 听音,判断下列图片与你听到的内容是(T)否(F)相符(每小题读两遍,10%)()() ()() IV.听音,根据你听到的问句选择答句:(每个句子读两遍,10%)()1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does. ()2. A. I walk to school. B. I go by plane. ()3. A. We wear T-shirts. B. We wear sweater.

()4. A. I watch TV, B. I go to school. Writing Part I. 朋友,用线条连接相应的大、小字母。(20%) II. 将下列每项组字母重新排列,组成单词,并与图片连线:(20%) 1. okbo 2. eywlol 3. ioln 4. npe 5. ratni III. 选词填空:(20%) A.sweaters B.T-shirts C.gloves D.sunglasses E.coats F.jackets G.by bike H.walk I.By train 1.In spring, we wear _____. 2.In summer, we wear_____and_____. 3.In autumn, we wear _____.

4.In winter, we wear _____and_____. 5.I_____to school. 6.My father goes to school_____. 7.We go to Beijing_____.


小学二年级英语测试卷 班别 姓名 座号 得分 一、找出下列单词中含有的首字母,并将此字母写在横线上 1 pple 2 at 3 range 4 ouse 5 ion 6 oo 官方网站:哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 二、英汉连线 … vase 小提琴 violin 冬天 winter 花瓶 pencil 春天 spring 铅笔 English 英语 plane 轮船 ship 大象 train 火车 elephant 飞机 · 三、填所缺的词 1、I (起床) at six in the morning. A. gut up B. play football C. go to school D. go to work 2、He _______ (足球) in the afternoon. A. play basketball B. play the flute C. plays football D. sing 3、We (去上学) by bike. A. walk to school B. go out C. go to school D. go home 4、We have (数字和语文) in the morning. A. Maths and English B. Maths and Chinese C. Music and Chinese 5、My father goes to work (骑自行车)。 < A. by bike B. by bus C. by plane D. by train 6、They (吃午饭) at twelve. A. have breakfast B. have dinner C. have lunch D. have sweets 7、He plays the (笛子) in the classroom. A. drums B. flute C. play pingpong 8、Do you (去游泳)Yes,I do. A. go to swimming B. go swimming B. go swim


二年级英语期末试卷听力部分(79分) 一、听音,圈出所听到的字母。(每题2分,共计12分) 1.Aa Hh 2. Nn Mm 3. Xx Ss ()()()()()()()()()()3. Daming likes 4. Lingling likes

5. I like spring. It’s 6. I like winter. It’s 四、听音判断图片是否正确,分,共计 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1、()He doesn’t like this T-shirt. ()He doesn’t like this dress. 2、()We have Music in the morning. ()We have Art in the morning. 3、()It’s 4o’clock. ()It’s 8 o’clock. 4、()I go home in the afternoon. ()I play football in the afternoon.

六、听音,标号。用数字标出图片的先后顺序。(每题3分,共15分) 七、听音连线。(每题2分,共计10分) I get up at 6. I go to school at 7. . I have lunch at 12. I play football at 4 I go home at 5.

基础知识与综合运用部分(21分) 一、看图选句。将句子前的序号写在图片下面的括号里。(每题1分,共计4分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Nn的大小写字母。( 2.Do you like rice? B.Yes,he does. 3.Where do you live? C.No,I don’t. 四、单项选择,把正确答案的序号填在括号里。(5分) ( )1.Tom goes to school car. A in B by ( )2.She swimming. A go B goes ( )3.What do you do Sundays? A in B on ( )4.What does he do summer? A in B on ( )5.I get up 7. A in B at


上海版牛津小学英语二年级期末复习试卷 Listening Part 15% 一.选出所听到的内容,将其序号填入题前的括号内。(播一遍) 5% ( )1. A .bee B. bus C. bear ( ) 2. A. what B. where C. who ( ) 3. A. some B. sofa C. sock ( ) 4. A. wind B. window C. winter ( ) 5. A. sleep B. slow C. sweep ( ) 6. A. shirt B. coat C. hat ( ) 7. A. train B. tree C. play ( ) 8. A. a pink hen B. a big duck C. a brown pig ( ) 9. A. an elephant B. an ice-cream C. an orange ( ) 10. A. some juice B. some water C. some soup 二.听问题,选出正确的答句:(播二遍) 5% ( ) 1. A. I see a snowman. B. I am cold. ( ) 2. A. Here you are. B. Thank you. ( ) 3. A. Have a pizza, please. B. I need a tie. ( ) 4. A. I live in SuZhou. B.I love SuZhou. ( ) 5. A. By plane. B. Get in the plane. Writing Part 35% 一.找出每组中不同类的单词。6%


小学二年级下册英语试卷(A) 姓名得分 I. 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的所略词或单词(10分) ( ) 1、A、PRC B、PLA ( ) 1、A、cow B、down ( ) 1、A、light B、lizard ( ) 1、A、blue B、red ( ) 1、A、VCD B、DVD 二、听录音,选择正确的汉语翻译或相关内容(5分) 1、( ) A、 6 B、8 2、( ) A、课本 B、书包 3、( ) A、公共汽车 B 自行车 4、( ) A、黄色 B、红色 5、( ) A、苹果B、菠萝 三、听录音,选择正确的选项填入题前括号内(10分) ( )1、_______ is your cake? A、Here B、What C、Where ( ) 2、This is _______ pen . A、my B、his C、her ( ) 3、It's a ______ bag. A、yellow B、 green C、red ( ) 4、How many? ________ . A、 two B、ten C、five

( ) 5、How _______ you ? A、am B、is C、are II. 笔试部分 一。选择最佳答案(每题2 分,共20分) ( )1. How are you? A.Tom. B.Yes,it is. C.Fine,thank you.。 ( )2.How old are you? A. I’m Lucy. B.Good morning. C.I’m five。 ( )3. What colour do you like?? A.How are you? B.I like green. C.My mother。 ( )4. How many dogs are there? A.cat. B.two. C.He’s fourty。 ( )5. Have you got any fish? A.Yes,it is. B.No,I’m not. C.Yes,I have。 ( )6. How do you go to school? A.I don’t like it. B.I go to school by bus. C.It’s my brother’s。 ( )7.What’s your favorite food? A.It’s small. B.hot dog. C.I like it。 ( )8. Whose bike is it? A.It’s Tom’s. B.Yes. C.It’s red。 ( )9. What's for breakfast? A.It’s on the table. B.egg. C.it’s red。 ( )10. What do you do every day? A.cat. B. I read book. C. He is short?


二年级英语试卷 LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】

二年级下册英语期中考试卷 班级 姓名 成绩 听力部分 一、听音,给下列图片排出正确的序号。(12分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音,在你听到的单词后面打“√”。 (8分) 1. sunny ( ) windy( ) 2. autumn( ) summer( ) 3. fly a kite ( ) ride a bike ( ) 4. weather ( ) season ( ) 三、 听音,选择你听到的句子。 (10分) ( )1. ’s the weather like in spring ’s the weather like in winter ( ) 2. A. What ’s your favourite season B. What ’s your name ( ) 3. A. Can you make a model plane B. Can you make a snowman ( ) 4. A. Yes ,I can . B. No ,I can ’t. ( ) 5. A. Can you fly a kite B. Can you ride a bike 四、 听音,给下列句子标上正确的序号。 (10分) ( ) It ’s warm and windy . ( ) Wow! I can fly a kite . ( ) What ’s your favourite season? ( ) Spring. ( ) What ’s the weather like in spring? 五、听音,选择正确的图片。 (10分) 1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 笔试部分 六、判断句子的意思是否正确,是的打“√”,否则打“×”。 (10分) 1. Can you make a model plane 你会堆雪人嘛 ( ) 2. What ’s your favourite season 你最喜欢哪个季节 ( ) 学校 班别 姓名 学号


百度搜索 学而思网校 https://www.doczj.com/doc/4111980644.html, 第1页,共6页 第2页,共6页 绝密★启用前 外研版小学英语 二年级下册期末试卷(满分:100分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(每题2分,共20 分) ( ) 1. A. sunny B. windy ( ) 2. A. draw B. write ( ) 3. A. tidy B. do ( ) 4. A.drink B. talk ( ) 5. A. sad B. hide ( ) 6. A. usually B. ill ( ) 7. A.play B. cook ( ) 8. A. up B. down ( ) 9. A. left B. stop ( ) 10. A.well B. fly 二、听录音,选出你听到的句子。(每题2分,共10 分) ( ) 1. A. Lingling is skipping. B. Lingling is swimming. ( ) 2. A. It ’s sunny . B. It ’s windy . ( ) 3. A. She ’s doing homework . B. She ’s listening to CDs. ( ) 4. A. I am drinking B. I am talking . ( ) 5. A. She is sing . B. He is drinking . 三、听录音,判断对错。(每题3分,共15分) 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. ( ) ( ) 四、听录音,给下列图片排序号。(每题3分,共15分) ( ) ( ) ( )


小学英语测试题 听力部分 一、听音,选出正确的图形,在其编号下圈圈。(10分) 1.2. A B A B 3.4. A B A B 5. A B 二、听录音判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(20分) 1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. 6. 7. 8. ()( ) ( ) ( ) 9.10. ( ) ( )

三、听录音标号,并把数字填在括号里。(10分) 四、听录音,选出你听到的词,将其编号写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1.A.ear B.eye C.nose ( ) 2.A.face B.foot C.hand ( ) 3.A.hand B.head C.mouth ( ) 4.A.leg B.arm C.finger ( ) 5.A.body B.foot C.head 五、听录音,选出你听到的图形,在下列()里打“√”。(10分) ( ) ( ) ()() ()()()()

六、听录音画画。(10分) 1.()A.Good morning.B.Good night.C.Bye Bye.2.()A.He’s John.B.My name is John . C.This is John.3.()A.Nice to meet you. B.You’re good.C.Goodbye.4.()A.Hello! B.My name’s Sarah. C.I’m Sarah.5.()A.OK.B.Nice to meet you.C.Thank you. 笔试部分 八、看图连线。 Hi,this is Mike. Nice to meet you. Good afternoon Let’s go to school. Touch your foot.


人教版二年级英语期末试卷 人教版二年级英语期末试卷 一、 Circle the word that does not belong(圈出不同类的词 ) () 1. door dog room ()2. fork spoon pears () 3. summer water winter () 4. ride red skip () 5. duck chick bear 二、 Choice (选择填空) 1. your towel, please. (A: Wash B: Clean ) 2. The horse has eyes. ( A: two B: a ) 3. There a sofa in my room. (A: is B: are ) 4. Its hot. the window, please.(A: Close B: Open ) 5. you like the snowman? (A: Are B: Do ) 6. a bicycle here. ( A: Climb B: Ride ) 7. I like to some lemon juice. ( A: eat B: drink ) 8. This is Shanghai Zoo. I can see .(A: shells B: tigers ) 9. I can wash my towel with . (A: soap B: soup )

10. My brother a new belt. (A: have B: has ) In the morning I get up at six oclock. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. At seven oclock I have my breakfast and go to school. At about four oclock in the afternoon I go home. At six oclock I have dinner with my father and mother. Look, whats in the sky? The moon. Oh, its nine oclock. Its time to go to bed. 答案()1. I get up at 7:00 in the morning. () 2. At 7:30 I go to school. ()3. I go home at 4:00p.m. in the afternoon.. ()4. We have supper at 6:00p.m.. () 5. At 9:00p.m. I go to sleep. 希望提供的二年级英语期末试卷,能够真正的帮助到大家!


一、读一读,选出一个和其他两个不同类的单词,将序号填入题前括号内。 1、()A、face B、eye C、dress 2、()A、doctor B、teacher C、you 3、()A、thin B、red C、fat 4、()A、seven B、twelve C、tree 5、()A、short B、grandfather C、mother 二、读一读,在序号上圈出正确的句子。 1、当你的朋友口渴时,你要说:( ) A、Eat some jelly. B、Drink some juice. 2、当你介绍你的妈妈给小伙伴认识时,你要说:( ) A、Hi, this is my sister. B、Hi, this is my mother. 3、当你让爸爸睁开眼睛看礼物时,你要说:( ) A、Open your eyes. B、Open your present. 4、当你让小伙伴看小鸟时,你要说:( ) A、Look at the bird. B、I like the bird. 5、当你想知道有多少只风筝呀,你应该说:( ) A、Seven kites. B、How many kites? 三、根据情境选择正确的答句。10分 1、新年的时候拜访亲戚朋友,你要说:A、Happy New Year.B、Happy christmas. 2、介绍周末活动:A、I like football.B、I play football at the wee kend. 3、介绍冬天的天气情况:A、Its winter.B、Its cold in winter. 4、向别人询问时间:A、What do you do at the weekend?B、Whats th e time,please? 5、询问别人喜欢吃什么吗?A、Do you like meat?B、I like meat. 四、完成对话,选出正确的答句。 1、Do you like meat?A、Yes, I do.B、Yes, she does. 2、Whats the time, please?A、Its nine oclock.B、Its a clock. 3、What do you do at the weekend? A、I like basketball.B、I play basketball at the weekend. 4 Happy New Year.A、Thank you B、Happy New Year. 5 Does he like fish? A、Yes, I do B、No, he doesnt.


二年级上学期英语期末试题(沪教版)Part 1 Listening 听力部分40% 一、听录音选出听到的字母或单词,将其编号写在前面的括号内: 1. ( ) A. l B. m 2. ( ) A. ch B. mn 3. ( )A. opq B. tme 4. ( ) A.LIM B. CWP 5. ( ) A. boy B. bag 6. ( ) A. fox B. box 7. ( ) A. flower B. face 8. ( ) A. hair B. chair 9. ( ) A. hippo B. hop 10. ( ) A. moon B. spoon 二、听录音,圈出听到的图片,圈在答案的字母代号上:10% 1. A 三、听录音,选出听到的句子,将其编号写在前面的括号内:( ) 1. A. I can see a bee. B. I can see a moon. ( ) 2. A. Your eyes are big. B. My eyes are big. ( ) 3. A. I ' m a rabbit . I can hop. B. I ' m a monkey. I can swing. ( ) 4. A. Don ' t pick the flowers. B. Look at the flowers. ( ) 5. A. Put the bag in the box. B. Put the book in the bag. 四、听录音,用数字给下列图片编号:10% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、听录音,选出正确的应答句,将其编号写在前面的括号内:( ) 1. A. There is one plate. B. There are five bowls. ( ) 2. A. No, I can ' t. B. Yes, I can. ( ) 3. A. I ' m sorry. B. Yes, please. ( ) 4. A. He can sing. B. She can dance. ( ) 5. A. She ' s Sally. B. He ' s Jim. 10% 5% 5%


题型一:口语交际10% 请你根据实际情况回答问题。(画线部分可根据学生情况进行替换) 1. Good morning! 2. What time is it? 几点了It’s 7 o’clock. 3. What’s the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样? It's good. 好It's rainy. 雨天it's windy. 风天it's bad. 糟糕 4. When do you get up every day? 你每天什么时候起床 I usually get up at 6:oo a.m. 我通常早上六点起床 5. Can you ride a bike? 你能骑自行车吗 题型二:20% 1.请你清晰地读出下列字母。 Jj Kk Ee Zz Mm 2. 请你看图说出你学过的单词或短语。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 题型三:看图说话10% 请你仔细观察下面图片,用学过的单词或短语描述。 题型四:说唱歌谣10% 请你说、唱一首你最喜欢的歌谣。

题型一:口语交际10% 请你根据实际情况回答问题。(画线部分可根据学生情况进行替换) 1.Hello. 2.What season is it now? 现在是什么季节了it's summer 现在是夏季 3.What’s your favorite season? 你最喜欢的季节是什么 4.What can you do in this season? 在这个季节你能做什么 5.Do you like playing football? 你喜欢踢足球吗 题型二:20% 1.请你清晰地读出下列字母。 Tt Xx Ss Ii Ll 2.请你看图说出你学过的单词或短语。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 题型三:看图说话10% 请你仔细观察下面图片,用学过的单词或短语描述。 题型四:说唱歌谣10% 请你说、唱一首你最喜欢的歌谣。 西北旺学区2014--2015学年度第二学期二年级英语口语试卷


小学二年级英语期末考 试试题 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

小学二年级英语期末试卷 班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________ Listening Part 一.选出所听到的内容,将其序号填入题前的括号内。(播一遍) ( )1. A .bee B. bus C. bear ( ) 2. A. what B. where C. who ( ) 3. A. some B. sofa C. sock ( ) 4. A. wind B. window C. winter ( ) 5. A. sleep B. slow C. sweep ( ) 6. A. shirt B. coat C. hat ( ) 7. A. train B. tree C. play ( ) 8. A. a pink hen B. a big duck C. a brown pig ( ) 9. A. an elephant B. an ice-cream C. an orange ( ) 10. A. some juice B. some water C. some soup 二.听问题,选出正确的答句:(播二遍) ( ) 1. A. I see a snowman. B. I am cold. ( ) 2. A. Here you are. B. Thank you. ( ) 3. A. Have a pizza, please. B. I need a tie. ( ) 4. A. I live in SuZhou. love SuZhou. ( ) 5. A. By plane. B. Get in the plane. 一、写出下面字母的小写字母. H ____ F ____ K ____ G ____ M ____ N ____ P ____ Q ____ S ____ T ____ 二、补全单词。 1 __p 向上 9 w__y 道路 17__ce 冰 2 __weets 糖果 10 z__bra 斑马 18h__ad 头 3 __rain 火车 11 __ellow 黄色的 19 g__rl 女孩 4 __ain 雨 12 nos__ 鼻子 20__rog 青蛙 5 __ueen 皇后 13 mo__key 猴子 21__lephant 大象 6 __range 橘子 14 l__on 狮子 22 d__ck 鸭子 7 __rince 王子 15 kit__风筝 23 __ar 汽车


二年级英语期末测试题 二年级英语期末测试题 为了检验学生这一学期所学的知识,学校一般会通过期末考试的.形式来检测。小编为大家准备了二年级英语期末测试题,希望大家认真作答,为期末考试做好准备。篇一:人教版二年级英语期末测试题一.抄写下列单词或句子 (1‘×5=5’)Aroudskipturndrink ____________________________________________________ Areyoudoingyourhomework? _____________________________________________________ 二.选择填空(1‘×5=5’) 1.()What_____theweatherlike?A.isB.areC.am 2.()It‘s__________Day.A.ChildrenB.Children’sC.childr en‘s 3.()She’slistening_______music.A.inB.atC.to 4.()Samisn‘ttidying________room.A.herB.hisC.he 5.()Areyouplayingfootball?A.Yes,I’mnot.B.No, Iam.C.Yes,Iam. 篇二:小学二年级英语期末测试卷 一、听音选词。1()A.appleB.carC.batD.cat 2()A.duckB.elephantC.dogD.frog

3()A.girlB.headC.iceD.jug 4()A.kiteB.lionC.monkeyD.nose 5()A.orangeB.princeC.queenD.rain 6()A.sweetsB.teddyC.sisterD.up 7()A.trainB.underC.vaseD.way 8()A.X- rayB.yellowC.zebraD.zoo 9()A.princeB.queenC.lionD.jug 10()A.kiteB.batC.vaseD.you 二、选出不同类的一项 (1‘×5=5’) 1.()A.sunnyB.hotC.hat 2.()A.skippingB.singC.flying 3.()A.upB.downC.hill 4.()A.zooB.parkC.room 5.()A.swimmingB.footballC.basketball 三.读一读,看 图判断对∨错×(2‘×5=10’) 1.()Mayisdoingherhomework. 2.()Theboysaredoingadragondance. 3.()IshewatchingTV? 4.()Thetrainisgoingpastahospital. 5.()What‘stheweatherlike?It’swindy.附加题:根据 问句选择正确的答句(2‘×5=10’) 1.()Whatareyoudoing?A.Yes,sheis. 2.()Isshelisteningtotheradio?B.IliveinAppleStreet. 3.()Areyoudoingyourhomework?C.I‘mtidyingtheroom.

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