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Legal Writing: Structuring a Better Legal Memorandum or Opinion In writing a letter to a client, a legal opinion, or a memorandum of law, lawyers will habitually deal with issues in the order they recall them instead of presenting the ideas in a logical pattern that helps the reader to grasp the argument. You should consider how the issues fit together so you can present them in a way that they hang together and present a coherent image. You should also use the organization, the lay-out, and the logic tools that make the information usable for lawyer or client.


In addition, the purpose of any writing should guide its organization and content.

Legal memorandums have differing purposes in different situations. You have to decide whether the memorandum you are writing is needed for help

? decide whether to take a case

? advise a client

? draft a pleading

? prepare for trial

Giving thought to your purpose, your reader's needs, and the constraints on both of you will help you to focus and organize your message.

Reader’s Logic

Communications research has proven that readers approach a document with preconceived ideas about the subject or the writer. General readers approach the letters with prejudices about the facts, based on prior experience or private interest.

A letter or memo needs a summary answer near the beginning to disabuse the reader of the preconceived opinion, so that they are receptive to the truth of the facts and law. Otherwise, a reader assimilates the information by predicting how it fits into their pre-existing framework of belief. And then they are dazed or confused by your conclusions at the end of the letter.

A meaningful introductory paragraph makes them set aside their preconceptions and primes them for acceptance of your ideas.


I want to share with you one area of concern that has arisen from my, reviews of associates’letter opinions. There is a systemic problem which is that the law firm seldom has a common organizational structure for letter opinions. Every associate adopts a different pattern and individual associates change their patterns in different letters.

In this situation, both partners and clients have difficulty with the letters. Without a consistent organizational pattern, the reader never knows where to expect a particular type of information nor when to conclude that it is missing.

Predictability and consistency in the readers’ eyes are very important to effective and quality writing.

The real parts

There are functional parts to a document that most legal writers forget about. The reader of a document or letter of more than 3 pages will benefit from a miniature table of contents -- a listing of topic headings. A shorter letter needs an introductory paragraph that lets your reader know what is ahead and puts forward your position or conclusions in the affirmative. Write a summary introduction or preview paragraph.

Give an overview at the end that refines your whole message. A closing paragraph should clearly state or summarize what the reader is to do or what the writer will be doing next.

Most writers will be comfortable beginning their writing in the middle of the document, where the substance is worked out. Then they can finish the project by writing the summary introduction and conclusion after the contents are settled.

Information Access

Easy access to information is also feature now demanded of legal writing. To make the information accessible use a table of contents, use headings and numbering systems to show the architecture of the document and how the ideas are structured, give a preview and an overview.


Sometimes parts are titled: Facts, Law, Conclusions. These headings give no hint of the nature of the parts or of the content of the document. These topics would be useless in an outline and they are also useless for the purpose of headings.

Headings should actually describe the information that follows. Think of using headings like a flow chart. The headings lead the reader from main points to subordinate points and mark new topics. They can work like the skeleton to hold the body of your work together. Headings can:

? show that you are moving to another topic

? be descriptive and predictive

? show readers where a pause is suitable

? break up the document into manageable pieces for serial reading

? be an internal index helping readers to find important information.

Legal memoranda

? Heading and introduction

Identify the client and how or why the matter or research assignment was referred to you.

? Issues

Set out the basic legal questions that you will answer.

? Summary

Provide a brief answer to the questions. Brief here means no more than five to ten lines.

? Statement of facts

Set out all the important facts. If there is a dispute over the facts, set out both

versions. Be as brief as possible. You can set the facts out chronologically or by another method. (See chapter on organization). One study on judges' opinions of briefs identified inadequate statement of facts as the major problem with legal memoranda.

? Survey of pertinent statutes

While this section is optional, your reader will find it helpful to have the applicable statutory provisions set out. If the provisions are long,

paraphrase them here, and set them out on an attachment.

? Survey of precedents

You must review the relevant, primary precedents governing the facts. It is usually not necessary to prepare a history of the case law; the most recent or

definitive cases will suffice.

? Discussion of each issue

A dispassionate discussion of the issues and the applicable law is the central

purpose of the memorandum. In this section you predict the answers that a court would give if it were faced with your facts, given the pertinent law conclusion.

A summary of your predictions about the state of the law and its application to

your case. This is where you expand on the brief answer furnished at the beginning.

? Recommendation

You recommend the best solution to the problem facing the client. What should

the client do? What do you propose to do for the client? These are the questions you answer here.

Legal Memorandum Legal Opinion


Heading and Introduction Heading and Introduction Statement of Legal Issues Issues Summary Brief Answer


Statement of Facts Statement of Facts Survey of Pertinent Statutes Discussion Review of Precedents

Discussion of Each Issue

Basis of action

Conclusion Detailed Conclusion Recommendation Recommendation Using the tools above will improve the comprehension of your ideas just as DSL speeds the expression of your thoughts.


Patterns of Persuasion

You may chose to use a specific pattern of organization that suits your purpose.

Persuasive documents are written with the purpose of proving that a conclusion is sound or a recommendation ought to be put into effect. The ancient Greek and Roman style of argument was this: Introduction

Narration (plainly stating the facts of the case)

Division (stating how the argument is organized: what is first, what is second, and so on.)

Confirmation (presenting the facts that support the speaker's point of view)

Confutation (examining the facts that do not support the argument) Conclusion (weighing the facts, assessing both sides of the argument and stating the conclusions)

Application of a Theory

1. Description of the theory to be applied

2. Presentation of the data

3. Interpretation of the data according to the theory

4. Implications of the interpretation

5. Conclusion

An alternative model is designed for readers who are likely to be unsympathetic to the theory or point of view or to your procedures and findings:

1. Theory to be applied

a. describe it

b. establish its validity

c. defend its use in this case

2. Presentation of the data

3. Interpretation of the data according to the theory

4. Implications of the interpretation

5. Review of alternative theories and their interpretation of the data (optional)

6. Conclusion


说明:你是一家公司的秘书赵梅,这次负责填写公司的会议记录。 会议于2009年5月9日举行,应出席30人,无人请假,无人缺席,全部出席。会议由公司董事长蔡文斌提出了一项廉政建设的提议,全票通过。会后需要做的事情有制定廉政法规,发放到各部门,并组织学习。此次会议取得了很大的成果,将会对公司的廉政建设起到进一步的推动作用。 Words for reference:廉政建设construction of a clean and honest administration 提出Formulate 分发、发放Distribute Memo Date: Number Present: Excused(Names): Absent Names): Things to do after meeting: 1. 2. 3. Motion: Made by: V ote for:Against: Abstentions:、 Summany of Discussion: Taken by:

Memo Date:May 9,2009 Number Present:30 Excused(Names):None Absent Names):None Things to do after meeting: 1.Formulate regulations on the construction of a clean and honest administration;2.Distribute it to all departments; 3.Organize group study about the regulation Motion:Construction of a clean and honest administration Made by:President Cai Wenbin V ote for:Full Against:None Abstentions:None 、 Summany of Discussion:The meeting achieved great success,and it will greatly improve the company’s construction of a clean and honest administration· Taken by:Zhao Mei Abstention弃权


一、缩略词 英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。很显然如果能熟练掌握缩略词,会对考试大有裨益。 缩略词的写法一般为四种方式: F拿掉所有元音 MKT: market MGR: manager MSG: message STD: standard RCV: receive F保留前几个字母 INFO :information INS :insurance EXCH exchange I owe you IOU In stead of I/O F保留开头和结尾个发音字母 WK:week RM:room PL:people F根据发音 R :are THO:though THRU:through 高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表 缩略词原词 APT :Apartment ACC:Accountant

ACDG :According ACPT: Accept AD :Advertisement ADS :Address ADV:Advice AMAP :As much/many as possible AMT:Amount APV :Approve ASAP :As soon as possible BAL :Balance BLDG :Building CERT Certificate CFM :Conform CNCL :Cancel CNF:Conference CMI :Commission CMP :Complete CMPE :Compete/competitive CMU :Communication CONC :Concern/concerning/concerned COND :Condition CO. :Company DEPT:Department DISC :Departure EXCH:Exchange EXPLN:Explain EXT:Extent FLT :Final FRT:Freight FYR :For your reference


Memo A memorandum (plural memoranda, abbreviation memo) is sent to people or whole departments inside the organization, never to a customer. Pay attention to the following points: ●Most companies print their own memo stationery, but the headings are always the same. ●C.C. means carbon copies, and indicates that you have sent a copy of the memo to someone else. ●The subject line should summarize what the memo is about. ●No greeting (such as Dear…) ●The text is divided into paragraphs. Use bullet points to list items. ●Put your initials at the end, not your full name. Differences among memo, notes and notices Memo: addressed to groups or individuals. More formal status than a note. Formal style, no omission of words, no abbreviations, formal style of address, use of job titles. Notes: addressed to an individual. Informal, short, abbreviations (tel no.), contractions (you’ve), omission of subjects, auxiliaries and articles ([I] can’t find…), use of fist name.

super memo 使用

背GRE单词的新方法——SuperMemo 背单词不仅仅可以使用印出来的单词书,那样太被动,考试时单词是主动独立出现的而非在某个红宝书的位置上。过遍数是必须的,但刷书并不高效(如果你体会过即使把5个list背了2遍还是忘了大多数……),我们都知道,可是没办法。没办法??? 这篇文章适合刚开始背红宝书或将要背红宝书,或其他任何考试任何词库的同学们,已经背了很多个list不想重来的同学就算了,因为这个方法只需要看纸质红宝书一次,其他的重复工作全在电脑上解决(想背的瞬间反应有些混乱的词也要15遍以上的)。也许背完书它还是新的,但你和它已经心心相印。你大概会用3.5个月以上的时间(愿意的话可以更短,但是何必呢,17天搞定?),每天花费从刚开始的1~2小时到后来的3~4小时甚至5个,开始正式体会到把红宝书了然于胸的感觉。这个软件会养成你记忆的习惯,我已经用它开始背日语了~就已经完成的40个list来看(2010-05~07),一开始(平均)重复3遍后平均记忆率在80%~90%,现在大概90% ~95%(每天都可以统计地看到),红宝书仍然可以当二手卖,很新(虽然很不客气我买了盗版,现在散页了)。 我个人记性很不好,被烦人的记忆问题困扰过很久,也曾找过不同的研究大脑的资料,比如“听觉记忆法”、“右脑记忆法”一类“打开海马记忆回路”的东西,结果发现效果还是很差。记忆具体事情的情况是容不得心理作用的,很好被检验。到头来,还是发现智能的重复是这个问题的最佳答案。 对于大量GRE单词,一个list一个list的过,然后复习,显然不是一个好的重复方式,而且会形成区域记忆,对容易混淆的词根本还是一塌糊涂。我可不想突击GRE单词,考完试就忘了,那些很多都是有用的词,于是我需要一个能够对每个单词分别记录状态并单独重复的,出现方式有随机性的记忆工具,让自己把它们记住了长期不忘,而且是全面的、地毯式的,最好能让我最后达到中英文互相反应。偶然地,我找到了SuperMemo。它就能做到智能的重复。

bec email memo 格式范文

13th December Dear Sir or Madam With regard to your concerns about the experience on the 1st December, I have now spoken to the servers and as a result I’m in a position to respond. Unfortunately, the operator who should be on duty at that day ate a plate of bad spaghetti for the dinner, and he was about to go to toilet when you made the booking. So he didn’t write down the information carefully, which made the desk clerk can’t find your booking record and the double-booking. I have reprimanded him severely and gave the punishment. The towels in the bathroom needn’t to change due to the disinfection cabinet in every room just at the corner in the bathroom. The cabinet can clean the towels automatically and immediately as long as you put the towels in it. This is a special device in our hotel. Following this letter, I’d like to suggest that we’ll give you 60% discount of your next coming. Let me express my sincere apology. Y our sincerely Jack Manager of the hotel


MEMO范文 To: All Staff From: Mike HR Manager Date: Jan 9th, 2010 Subject: Newly-appointed Sales Manager I am pleased to announce that Sally Jolie is appointed as our new Sales Manager at the Head Office of our company. The appointment was made by the board meeting on last Tuesday and she is going to take office form the first day of next month. She is an expert on global marketing and sales. I am sure we will have a more powerful team by enrolling her. Please get ready for the welcome party being held on this Sunday. Thank you for your cooperation. Mike HR Manager 英语大作文范文 Advertisement Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society. There are many way to advertise and ads come in different forms. Newspapers and billboards carry advertisements; some products are announced on TV and radio which have a wide audience. Advertising is a big industry and many agencies are set up for furnish a variety of services for it. However, advertising is not welcome sometimes. A most irritating thing is to watch advertisements before and during films on TV. There are so many of them that they make you forget what you are sitting there for. The ironical thing is that advertisements of one type of things are often shown one after another so that you are confused as to which product you should ch oose. What’s more, advertising is not always truthful. The advertisers exaggerate the benefits of the merchandise they want to sell in order to gain more profits. Thus the


商务英语便函的写作方式memo格式 memo多用于公司内部,通常是个人写给个人或者个人写给整个公司或者部门。下面是小编整理的商务英语便函memo的写作方式,以供大家学习参考。 商务英语memo写作方式例子:Pearson Co.Ltd MEMO To: John Carter, Regional Sales Manager From: Mary Walden, National Sales Director Date: 29 March 2004 Subject: Annual Sales Conference This years Annual Sales Conferences will take place in our London Branch from 3 April to 8 April. Please book your flight in advance and we will meet all your expense during your stay there. (今年的年度销售大会将于4月3日至4月8日在我们伦敦分公司举行。请提前预定航班。您在此期间的所有开支将由我们支付。) 通过上面的列子可以看出memo 通常包含一下几个部分: 商务英语memo写作格式:公司名称: 收函人姓名(和职务)To: 留言人姓名(和职务)From: 留言日期Date:

便函主题Subject: 正文: a.公司名称:因为大部分memo都是用专门的公司用纸书写,因此上面会有公司的名称,电话等。如果没有你可以把它们打印出来。 b.To:指这个memo是写给谁的。 c.From:指这个memo是谁写的。 d.Date:指的是写这个memo时的日期。日期按照影视英语的写法要先写日子,然后是月份和年。这里需要注意月份的英语单词应该是拼写出来。在较为正式的场合下,月份通常不用阿拉伯数字,也不能缩写形式。 e.Subject:指的是主题,即这个memo主要是说哪方面的事情。这个单词可以缩写为Sub。主题有时候也可以用Re:来表示。Re是regarding 的缩写,即这个memo是关于什么内容的,也就是主题,它就等于subject。 f.正文:即这个memo的具体内容。 商务英语memo写作方式:几个问题 1. 这个memo是谁写的?她的职务是什么? 2. 这个memo是写给谁的?他的职务是什么? 3.指这个memo是什么时候写的? 请写出年月日。 4.这个memo的主题是什么? 答案: 1.这个memo是Mary Walden 写的,她的职务是全国销售总


You are the Managing Director of a company whose profits have recently increased and you would like to reward staff for this. Write a memo to all staff: Thanking them for their contribution Explaining why profits increased Telling them what their reward will be. Write 40~50 words 题目解读 BEC中级写作考试总时长为45分钟,根据词数要求和分值,通常小作文写作不超过15分钟。应试创作可分成以下三步:1.审题构思Read & Plan (3 mins);2.写作Write (10 mins);3.检查Check (2 mins)。 Part One的题目背景通常是一事、两人、三要点。本题中,最近公司利润增长,“你”作为公司的董事总经理(Managing Director)将对全体员工(all staff)进行奖励,备忘录的内容需包括三个要点:感谢员工的贡献,解释利润增长原因,并告之奖励内容。正文词数要求为40~50个词,因为商务英语要求简洁,词数要求有上限,这和四、六级以及考研写作只规定词数下限有所区别,但实际考试时允许少量超标,比如接近60词。 内容、结构、语言和形式 内容 首先可根据各要点的逻辑关系调整写作顺序,比如在本题中,先解释利润增长的原因,再感谢员工,最后宣布奖励。其次应针对要点简要展开论述,比如利润增长的原因可能是销售量增加(the increase of sales)、成本降低(the reduction of cost)或推出新产品(the launch of the new product);而奖励的内容经常是集体旅行(a company trip)、涨工资(an increase of salary)或发放奖金(bonus)。要点扩展应注意两点:其一,商务交流要求具体,比如利润的增长比去年同时段增加10%;其二,扩展内容应符合商务实际,如全体员工工资上浮50%、增加带薪假期(paid leave)、开派对(a party)或唱卡拉OK(Karaoke)等奖励都是不符合商务实际的。如果确实对商务实务不熟悉,可用简单的理由以避免出错,比如公司业绩增长的原因可以宽泛地写成是员工的努力工作和加班(hard work and long working hours)。 结构 因为文章内容很少,总词数只有50个词左右,写作时应写成一个整体,不应出现每句一段的散文诗文章,而且不要刻意使用first和second之类的过渡词语。


Legal Writing: Structuring a Better Legal Memorandum or Opinion In writing a letter to a client, a legal opinion, or a memorandum of law, lawyers will habitually deal with issues in the order they recall them instead of presenting the ideas in a logical pattern that helps the reader to grasp the argument. You should consider how the issues fit together so you can present them in a way that they hang together and present a coherent image. You should also use the organization, the lay-out, and the logic tools that make the information usable for lawyer or client. Purpose In addition, the purpose of any writing should guide its organization and content. Legal memorandums have differing purposes in different situations. You have to decide whether the memorandum you are writing is needed for help ? decide whether to take a case ? advise a client ? draft a pleading ? prepare for trial Giving thought to your purpose, your reader's needs, and the constraints on both of you will help you to focus and organize your message. Reader’s Logic Communications research has proven that readers approach a document with preconceived ideas about the subject or the writer. General readers approach the letters with prejudices about the facts, based on prior experience or private interest. A letter or memo needs a summary answer near the beginning to disabuse the reader of the preconceived opinion, so that they are receptive to the truth of the facts and law. Otherwise, a reader assimilates the information by predicting how it fits into their pre-existing framework of belief. And then they are dazed or confused by your conclusions at the end of the letter. A meaningful introductory paragraph makes them set aside their preconceptions and primes them for acceptance of your ideas.


memo的寫法 現在有些課堂上,老師會要求同學寫memo。可能是老師先提出一些問題,要同學依照著這些問題來寫memo。老師也可能沒有限定問題,讓同學寫自己想寫的。在探討如何寫memo前,最要先了解為什麼要寫memo?其實寫memo 一個很重要的功能是要讓同學學習跟文本對話。 基於單一文本之閱讀寫memo,只是最初階的練習,練習的重點就是讓同學學習簡約地摘要閱讀文本,以及基於所摘要的文本,進一步對文本加以評論。進階的練習,就會讓同學整合不同文本,練習寫memo了。進階版其實可以想成同學論文寫文獻回顧的小練習。同學們不是常感到文獻回顧很難整合,很容易寫得像「分屍」狀態嗎?如果擔心文獻回顧寫得像「分屍」,那課堂上如果有提供練習寫memo的機會,而且老師同學會看的話,請好好把握吧!有老師、其他同學幫你看memo,不是很好嗎? 以下是林國明老師所寫的,關於如何評論單篇期刊論文的文章,應該對如何寫memo感到疑惑的同學。有一些幫助。 寫文獻評論單篇期刊論文 台大社會系林國明 (可轉載但請原文轉載) 一、目的

要作研究,必得學會評論別人的著作。撰寫文獻評論是學術訓練非常重要的基本工,它對研究的重要性有二。第一,學習。研究既是「從作中學」(learning by doing),也是「從讀中學」(learning by reading)。從閱讀別人的作品中,我們練習如何評價作品的貢獻與限制,我們學到「好的研究」可以長成怎樣,「壞的研究」應該如何避免。第二,定位自己的研究。我們是在知識社群中作研究。我們的提問,我們用來理解或解釋這個世界的概念,我們回答研究問題的論點,都不是憑空出現,不是個人天縱英明,而是累積了前人知識的產物。評論文獻,讓我們可以體察自己的研究受惠於哪些知識傳承,瞭解前人在相關的研究所做的貢獻與不足。這樣,我們才能有個方向,驅策自己的研究—那怕只是一篇小小的期末報告--- 能對知識的累積,有一點點貢獻。 二、內容 老師常要求大學部學生寫「讀書心得」,要求研究所學生寫critical memos。這都是「文獻評論」的形式。學生們練習寫「文獻評論」的機會其實不少。但大多數人都不知道「文獻評論」該怎麼寫。「文獻評論」是可以有格式的。格式讓初學者可以依樣畫葫蘆來練習。哪天你練到功力深厚,自是不必受到格式的羈絆。但學會飛天之前,要先把馬步蹲穩。 讓我們從單篇期刊論文的評論開始。期刊論文因為篇幅的限制,通常處理的研究問題不能過大,論點要簡單清晰,作者必須在有限的篇幅中顯現出駕馭理論和經驗資料的功力。初學者拿單篇期刊論文來練功,再適合不過了。 單篇期刊論文的評論,在內容上,要告訴讀者三件事: 這篇論文在說什麼?


Memo sample letters 1 告知信息类 例题: ●You are a manager at an auditors called Golding & Co. Your company has just merged with a competitor to become MasonGolding. You have been asked to inform staff of the change of name. ●Write a memo of 40 - 50 words: * informing staff of the new name * telling them when to start using the new name * asking staff to use only the new name after that time. 收购与兼并merger and aquisition 范文: As a result of our merger with Mason&Co., the name of our company will be changed MasonGolding. Please start to use the new name on 1 March 2006. You are reminded that only the new name can be used from then on. remind/ advise 总结:告知用词 tell notify mention express inform explain note report advise I am writing to tell/inform you that….. I am writing to explain…. (tell your boss why you cannot attend) I am writing to express (my regret) 例题 You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organise foreign language training for some of your staff. Write a memo t o staff: explaining why the courses are necessary saying which members of staff should attend announcing when the courses will start Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet. [范文] To: All staff From: the Training Manager Date: 1 March 2005 Subject: A Foreign Language Training Course I was asked to organise a foreign language training course because of the large export order we received recently. It will start on 15 March and will last 2 weeks. Those who will deal with orders


题型:1.商务书信类;2.商务便条便函类;3.商务信函类;4. 商务报告类 这一题型要求考生根据所提供的短文,如书信、传真、便函、留言条(电话留言条)等,起草一封书信,字数要求达到120—140词左右。 题目结构: Input: 1 situation description 2 task 3 target reader Reading: texts in note, letter, fax, memo + content points (handwritten notes; second letter) Write: business letter (120-140 words) 【例题】 ●You have organised a production conference for your company which will be held on 10 October 2005. The following is the letter of confirmation you received from the Conference Centre. ●Read the letter and fax below, which gives details of the conference. ●Then, using all information from the fax, write your letter to John Smith at the Nuffield Conference Centre, explaining the changes to the arrangements. ●Do not include postal addresses. ●Write 120-140 words on separate sheet.


MEMO TO: All staff FROM: June Wang, Managing Director DATE:November 8, 2016 SUBEJECT:Reward for the increased profit of company Today I’m going to present all of you the bonus for our company’s profits have increased and we all have done a great job inlastmonth. Firstly, thank you all and Ireally appreciate that all of you are hardworking, responsible as well asefficient.We couldn’t get such a success without your contribution. It’s because of your passion on work that offer better service to our customers. It also leaded by your efficient planning and executing. What’more, the creative mode of promoting satisfied our customer and attract a number of potential customers. You really did a great job. Cheer for our success and your bonus which is 30% of your wage will be presented today.


背单词不仅仅可以使用印出来的单词书,那样太被动,考试时单词是主动独立出现的而非在某个红宝书的位置上。过遍数是必须的,但刷书并不高效(如果你体会过即使把5个list背了2遍还是忘了大多数……),我们都知道,可是没办法。没办法??? 这篇文章适合刚开始背红宝书或将要背红宝书,或其他任何考试任何词库的同学们,已经背了很多个list不想重来的同学就算了,因为这个方法只需要看纸质红宝书一次,其他的重复工作全在电脑上解决(想背的瞬间反应有些混乱的词也要15遍以上的)。也许你背完书还是新的,但你和它已经心心相印。你大概会用2个半~3个月的时间(愿意的话可以更短,但是何必呢,17天搞定?你就牛了?),每天花费从刚开始的1~2小时到后来的3~4小时甚至5将红宝书了然于胸。这个软件会养成你记忆的习惯~就我已经完成的40个list来看(2010-07),一开始(平均)重复3遍后记忆率在80%~90%,现在大概90%~95%(每天都可以统计地看到),红宝书仍然可以当二手卖,很新。 我个人记性很不好,被烦人的记忆问题困扰过很久,也曾找过不同的研究大脑的资料,比如“听觉记忆法”、“右脑记忆法”一类“打开海马记忆回路”的东西,结果发现效果还是很差。记忆具体事情的情况是容不得心理作用的,很好被检验。到头来,还是发现智能的重复是这个问题的最佳答案。 对于大量GRE单词,一个list一个list的过,然后复习,显然不是一个好的重复方式,而且会形成区域记忆,对容易混淆的词根本还是一塌糊涂。我可不想突击GRE单词,考完试就忘了,那些很多都是有用的词,于是我需要一个能够对每个单词分别记录并单独重复的,出现方式有随机性的记忆工具,让自己把它们记住了长期不忘,而且是全面的、地毯式的,最好能让我最后达到中英文互相反应。偶然地,我找到了SuperMemo。它就能做到智能的重复。


需求分析说明书实例 1.引言 1.1编写目的 在完成了针对《档案管理系统》软件市场的前期调查,同时与多位软件使用者进行了全面深入地探讨和分析的基础上,提出了这份软件需求规格说明书。 此需求规格说明书对《档案管理系统》软件做了全面细致的用户需求分析,明确所要开发的软件应具有的功能、性能与界面,使系统分析人员及软件开发人员能清楚地了解用户的需求,并在此基础上进一步提出概要设计说明书和完成后续设计与开发工作。本说明书的预期读者为客户、业务或需求分析人员、测试人员、用户文档编写者、项目管理人员。 1.2项目背景 由于文件多,种类多,文件创建者多,创建时间为不定期,要保护好一些公司重要的文件极为不便,同时由于人员的流动,对原有的文件的再现,显得力不从心,有时查找与重新整理文件要浪费许多的人力、物力。而且近年来,由于竞争的激烈程度不断的加深,档案的管理不当会严重到导致公司的面临着亏损甚至破产的局面。于是人们不断地在探索希望能找到解决的方法。 为了解决以上的问题,让企事业单位能够有效的掌握,有效的共享文件资源,保护好文件,及促进档案管理的信息化、规范化和集成化,本人多方听取意见、追加和完善大量实用功能,进而了解文件管理的流程,同时结合各部门、各行业与企业文件管理的方法,开发出一套适合于档案多而复杂的管理系统。 1.3定义、缩写词和符号 需求:用户解决问题或达到目标所需的条件或功能;系统或系统部件要满足合同、标准,规范或其它正式规定文档所需具有的条件或权能。 1.4参考资料 鲁荣江、王立丰:《Visual Basic 项目案例导航》,科学出版社,2002年6月版 陈明:《软件工程》,中央广播电视大学出版社,2002年6月版 段兴:《Visual Basic 6.0 控件实用程序设计100例》,人民邮电出版社,2002年12月 杜春雷、孙会莲:《如何使用Visual basic 6.0中文版》,机械出版社,2000年1月 张曜、张青、李丁:《Visual Basic 函数实用手册》,治金工业出版社,2002年12月 范国平、陈晓鹏:《Access 2000 数据库系统开发实例导航》,人民邮电出版社,2002年12月版闪四清:《SQL Server 实用简明教程》,清华大学出版社,2003年1月版 2.任务概述 2.1目标 2.1.1开发目标 在当今世界电脑普及的时刻,人们已经习惯用电脑办公,结果自然会产生大量的电子文件,这些文件有宝贵的历史价值,但我们如果将更多的时间花费在寻找这些文件上,即费时又费力。本软件根据此需求进行开发的。 2.1.2应用目标 让企事业单位能够有效的掌握,有效的共享文件资源,保护好文件,及促进档案管理的信息化、规范化和集成化,实现计算机的智能化管理,以提高工作效率和经济效益。 2.2运行环境 2.2.1硬件环境 A.一台586 以上的微机及兼容 B.内存16MB(最好32MB内存) C.VGA 彩显一台 2.2.2软件环境 A.windows 98 以上的操作系统 B.Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.中文版数据库管理系统 C.Office 2000应用软件 2.3条件与限制

备忘录写作(Memo Writing)

发信人: Entrepreneur ( blue is the color ), 信区: KaoY an 标题: <胡敏>决战新考研(完) 发信站: 荔园晨风BBS站(2004年12月10日23:04:48 星期五), 站内信件 备忘录写作(Memo Writing) 备忘录是一种正式的专业文件。它结构清晰、阅读方便、传递迅速,经常为公司或团体所使用。 大多数备忘录的特点是简明扼要,但它们同时也应具备优秀应用文的其他写作原则:面向你的读者,表达清楚且准确。 备忘录通常提出请求或发布人们对某个具体问题的迅速反应。备忘录简洁短小,各部分题目虽然看上去有些唐突,但它们可以使读者对事情有个大致了解并快速做出反应。 备忘录通常要发送、张贴、转寄,也就是说它们要迅速送到很多人手里。粗心就会出错,其影响会迅速扩大,因为为了纠正错误人们往往会写更多的备忘录。备忘录也要归档,这意味着它们将来有一天还会纠缠你。事实上“memo”来自于拉丁语“memorandum”,意思 是“必须记住的东西”。 备忘录的常见格式 备忘录书端(Header):书端是写在备忘录开头的压缩信息。情况不同,书端的格式可能不同,但是通常应采用下面这种格式。 Date: January 24, 1998 To: F. Prefect From: A. Dent Subject(或Re或Docket): My Suggested Revisions to the Local Demolition Schedule 日期:1998年1月24日 致:F. 普里费科特 自: A. 邓特 事由:关于地方拆除计划的建议修订案 日期:要采用正式的全部拼写。在有些国家,“12/01/98”是指“1998年12月1日”,而在 其他国家却是“1998年1月12日”。 致和自:通常,省去诸如“教授”或“先生”这类头衔。“自:”后面写你名字的首字母 大写,然后接你的姓。 事由:要具体。 备忘录目的(Purpose):阐明写作原因。采用回答记者问题的方式,回答:who,what,w hen,where and why。 样题: Directions: Y ou are an active member of the student newspaper. The newspaper is currently


Memo范文 1.说明性memo Memorandum To: All employees of Carson Bank From: Robert Dickinson, President RD Date: June 20, 2003 Subject: Instructions for New Safes Ten new safes have been install ed in the offices to replace the old ones. To avoid any trouble, please follow the booklet of directions. Please contact me if you have any questions. 2.要求性memo INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Winfred Johnson From: Joyce Medo Date July 7, 2008 Subject: Special Requests for Video Classics Several community colleges and high schools in the area have asked us about stocking videotapes in the following areas: Shakespearean plays, American literature, first aid, and reading tutorials for children. No other video company is carrying a rental inventory of educational materials. Please check the availability and the cost of tapes in these areas

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