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新加坡小学一年级英语试及答案PRACTICE 6

新加坡小学一年级英语试及答案PRACTICE 6
新加坡小学一年级英语试及答案PRACTICE 6


Vocabulary (30 marks)

(A) Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (10*2 = 20 marks)

bicycle softly pony lollipops playground plants piano gloves carpenter overseas


The children are enjoying themselves in the



Mother bought a pair of _________ for the winter.


Mr Lim is a ___________ who makes furniture.


Talk ______________ as the baby is sleeping. 5.

The ______________ are really tasty.


Please write to me when you are _____________. 7.

Mother waters the __________ every morning. 8.

Meiling is learning to ride a ____________.


I like that _____________ over there.

It took so gentle.


My _________ needs tuning.

(B) Fill in the blanks with the correct words (10*1 = 10 marks)

11. This is a ___________.

(market, bookshop, school)

12. It sells ____________ too.

(stationery, fish, cakes)

13. Dustin is celebrating his ___________.

(national day, birthday, new year)

14. There are six ____________ on his cake.

(candles, matches, lights)

15. Switch off the ____________ if you are not listening to the


(fan, radio, violin)

16. Don't waste _____________. (electricity, light, gas)

17. Ann is fixing a ______________.

(parcel, puzzle, map)

18. It is a ____________ of the sun.

(picture, calendar, paper)

19. This is a ______________.

(compass, telephone, calculator)

20. It helps us to ____________ Mathematics problems.

(solve, open, find)

Grammar (40 marks)

(C) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets.

(16 * 1 = 16 marks)

21. I (do not, does not) watch television every night.

22. The girls (do not, does not) jog every morning.

23. We (do not, does not) like to eat bread.

24. She (do not, does not) know how to play the piano.

25. You (do not, does not) have to go to school on Sunday.

26. Mr and Mrs Lim (do not, does not) want to buy Tom a bicycle.

27. My grandmother (do not, does not) like vegetables.

28. The baby (do not, does not) cry.

29. We (listen, listens) to what Daddy and Mummy say.

30. They (play, plays) with the tortoise.

31. Thomas (read, reads) every day.

32. Mrs Tay (wash, washes) the clothes in the afternoon.

33. I (help, helps) my mother perpare lunch.

34. They (work, works) hard for better results.

35. Mother (buy, buys) a cake for my birthday every year.

36. My mother (drive, drives) well.

(D) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence

with a full-stop or with a question mark. (7*2=10 marks)

37. has weeks raining it many been for

_____________________________________________________________________ 38. been boy has good always he a

_____________________________________________________________________ 39. two coughing has days been for he

_____________________________________________________________________ 40. good asked his Jason care to of the dentist

teeth take


41. clean every day the has John to blackboard

_____________________________________________________________________ 42. good have been childhood friends they since

_____________________________________________________________________ 43. the east rises the sun in in sets and the west


(E) Complete the sentences with the helping words. (5*2 = 10 marks)

Why does he love dogs

It is because they ___________________.

What do we use when we write

We use a _____________________________.

When is Chinese New Year

It is in the _________________________.

What are they doing in the field

They _________________________________.

Has she done her homework

Yes, she _____________________________.

(F) Comprehension (5*2=10 marks)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Johnny was sick last Friday. He did not go to school. He woke up in the morning with a terrible stomachache. He had to visit the toilet a few times. Johnny's mother took him to a doctor. The doctor asked Johnny some questions. After the examination, the nurse gave Johnny some medicine for his stomachache. Johnny could only eat porridge that day for ease of digestion. Johnny slept most of the time. He felt much better in the evening.

49. Why was Johnny not in school last Friday

_____________________________________________________________________ __

50. What sickness did Johnny have

_____________________________________________________________________ __

51. What did the doctor do

_____________________________________________________________________ __

52. Why did Johnny eat only porridge that day

_____________________________________________________________________ __

53. When did Johnny feel better

_____________________________________________________________________ __

(G) Written Expression (20 marks)

Look at the pictures and write a story about the pictures.


John likes to eat sweets. He does not like to brush his teeth.












(Primary 1 English)

Practice 6


1. playground

2. gloves

3. carpenter

4. softly

5. lollipops

6. overseas

7. plants

8. bicycle

9. pony10. piano


11. bookshop12. stationery13. birthday14. candles15. radio

16. electricity17. puzzle18. picture19. calculator20. solve


21. do not22. do not23. do not24. does not25. do not26. do not 27. does not28. does not29. listen30. play31. reads32. washes

33. help34. work35. buys36. drives


37. It has been raining for many weeks.

38. He has always been a good boy.

39. He has been coughing for two days.

40. The dentist asked Jason to take good care of his teeth.

41. John has to clean the blackboard every day.

42. They have been good friends since childhood.

43. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.


44. It is because they are cute and loyal.

45. We use a pen and a piece of paper.

46. It is in the month of February.

47. They are having a game of football.

48. Yes, she has done her homework.


49. It was because Johnny was sick.

50. He had a stomachache.

51. The doctor examined Johnny and asked him some questions.

52. It was because the doctor told him to eat only porridge.

53. He felt better in the evening.


新加坡的小学英语科 新加坡实行双语教育 政策,即所有的学生,一方面要学习自己的母语哩另一方面又要学习英语。英语也是新加坡政府规定的四种官方语言之一,又是惟一法定的工作语言,虽然新加坡华人占绝大多数,但英语并非“外语” ,而是最重要的国语。由此有人指出,新加坡的“双语教育”政策的实质是“双语教育,英语为本”。 新加坡小学的教育目标是为以后的学习打下基础,因而主要课程是母语、英语和数学,其中母语和英语尤其重要。由于新加坡实行分流教育制度,导致不同阶段不同班级对英语的要求有所不同。小学一年级至四年级为基础阶段、所有的学生都必须学习英语,母语和英语都是学习的重点。各校根据教育部课程发展署的规定使用某种教材。1981年开始选用PER(Primary English Programe)和NESPE 两种英语教材,教材仍以结构法(structura1 approach) 为主。1991 年修订新大纲后,强调以交际为主,提倡发展儿童智力、启发逻辑思维穹培养能力。教材改用新编的PETS(Primary English Thematic Series) 。此教材通过教学实验后,师生反映内容较深,儿童难学。 新加坡小学开设的英语课,除正课外,教育部还规定每周有一节英语会话课。会话课由一位教师专门负责辅导,主要启发学生开口讲、参与活动,训练学会思考、分析问题和解决问题的能力,师生反映较好。新加坡小学四年级末通过考试进行分流,学生被分流到不同的班级,进入定向阶段。定向阶段分为正常双语班、延长双语班和单语班,前二者均修读英语和母语,后者只修读母语,虽然英语不是一门正式课程,但仍需学习英语口语。在整个小学阶段,平均而言,学生接触英语的总时间(包括英语科目和用英语教授其他科目占用的时间)比母语要多得多,英语为71%,母语为29%。由此可见,英语在新加坡小学学科课程中是王关重要的。 原文摘自: http://www.iedu.sg/show-19-8505-1.html


课题 第一章绪论 第二节中国旅游客源地概述(一) 日期 年月日 教 学 目 标 (1)知识目标:要求学生掌握中国旅游客源地的内含以及主要的旅游客源地,了解中国入境旅游的现状和发展阶段。 (2)能力目标:提高学生的阅读、分析和概括归纳能力。 (3)情感态度价值观:使学生对中国入境旅游市场具有清楚的认识,增强职业的自豪感。课型 新课 教法 讲授法与小组讨论法结合 教具 课件 重点 中国主要旅游客源地的分布 难点 中国主要旅游客源地分布规律 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动及设计意图 〈导入新课〉(2分钟) 提问: 1、请说出中国旅游客源地的含义。 2、我国的旅游客源地主要分布在哪里?为什么? 〈讲授新课〉(39分钟) 第一章绪论 第二节中国旅游客源地概述(一) 中国旅游客源地是指中国内地旅游的境外人士的居住地(国家和地区),即入境旅游市场。包括外国旅游者和华侨、港澳台同胞。 一、中国入境旅游现状(约29分钟) 在ppt上打出几个重要的旅游统计数据概念的内含,要求学生初步了解。

提问:根据表1-1分析我国入境旅游市场2000后的变 化及原因。 表1-1:2000年以来中国入境过夜旅游情况一览表年份 入境过夜旅游人数 外汇收入 人次(万) 世界排名 美元(亿) 世界排名 2000 3122.88 5 162.24 7 2001 3316.67 5 177.92 5 2002 3680.26 5 203.85 5 2003 3297.05 5 174.06 7 2004 4180 4 257.39 * 2000年以来,中国的入境过夜旅游者人数和旅游外汇收 入均名列世界前茅。 要求学生在仔细阅读图表后进行分组讨论。 提问:根据表1-1和1-2分析我国主要旅游客源地的分布及其规律。 表1-2:2004年入境外国旅游者人数前15位的国家排名 国家 旅游者人数

新加坡小学一年级英语试卷及答案PRACTICE 1

PRACTICE 1 Vocabulary (30 marks) (A) Look at the pictures and tick √ the correct boxes. (6*2 = 12 marks) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(B) Match each picture to the correct word. (4*2 = 8 marks) 7.* *straw *basket 8.* *newspapers 9.* *book *spectacles 10.* *umbrella (C) Choose the most suitable answer. Write its number in the brackets provided.(5*2 = 10 marks) ( ) 11. Mother went to the __________ to buy some fish. A. market B. bookshop C. toilet D. clinic ( ) 12. I like Jenny because she is __________. A. fierce B. kind C. loud D. angry ( ) 13. Peter drinks soup with his ___________. A. fork B. spoon C. hands D. toothpick ( ) 14. She has just taken a meal. She feels ________ now. A. full B. hungry C. sad D. gentle ( ) 15. The sponge is _________. A. hard B. heavy C. soft D. rough Grammar (40 marks)


PRACTICE 5 Vocabulary (5 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks) ()1. Yacob looked at the aggressor without battli ng a/an __________ A. ear B. lips C. eyelid D. no stril ()2. The _________ of elepha nts are stack ing heavy logs. A. bevy B. herd C. flock D. shoal ()3. Despite her many successes, Tenzin rema ins __________ . A. humble B. beautiful C. proud D. silly ()4. We were struck by the __________ of his character. A. shame B. beauty C. model D. attractio n ()5. People on the street are stari ng at that lady's ___________ . A. n eat B. sutiable C. clea n D. stra nge Grammar (35 marks) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks) 6. Pulau Rendang has developed ( in, in to, on ) a tourist attracti on. 7. The twins ( is, are, have ) going to visit their grandmother later. 8. Of all the childre n, only three ( wear, wears, weari ng ) spectacles. 9. A salad ( is, are, am ) a mixture of fresh fruits and vegetables. 10. Are there ( any, much, a ) cookies in the jar? 11. Fruits and nuts ( is, are, am ) good for our body. 12. The coc onut tree is useful to ( us, our, ours ). 13. My friends ( like, likes, lik ing ) my stickers. 14. The bottle of min eral water ( is, are, am ) almost empty. 15. Mingmei returned the book to me as it was ( I, me, mine ). 16. There isn't ( eno ugh, few, some ) flour to bake cookies. 17. Weili ng does not ( like, likes, lik ing ) to eat meat.


新加坡幼儿园共分三种类型 新加坡拥有优质的教育资源,也是最适合华人移民的国家之一。许多中国家长选择投资移民新加坡,只为了让孩子接受到高质量的教育。新加坡是少数接受中小学出国留学的国际之一,在低龄留学教育方面有着独特的优势,以从小培养适应新加坡发展的双语人才为目标,扩大海外中小学生的招生量,并且非常欢迎来自中国的学生。幼儿园类型 新加坡幼儿园共分三种类型:政府幼儿园、私立幼儿园和国际幼儿园,均对国际留学生开放,学生只要成功申请便可入读。政府幼儿园有两家,PAP和NTUC,其中PAP有90所分校,NTUC 有80所分校;其余都是私立幼儿园和国际学校,其中私立幼儿园有300余所。 政府幼儿园遍及全国、费用相对较低、批准率高,但缺点是名额有限,申请成功率较低;私立幼儿园更好申请,但费用相对较高;国际幼儿园与私立类似,只是开办方不同。 新加坡对于申请留学孩子的年龄有严格要求,并非按照国内以月份生日来计算,而是以年份来计算。按照新加坡的计算方式,在国内过完3周岁生日的孩子才可以零条件申请上新加坡幼儿园。 新加坡幼儿园一年四季都可以申请入学,但是从申请成功率来讲,任何一所学校都最好提前三个月以上着手准备,只要学校有空位即可申请该校。 教育模式

新加坡是以“快乐教育”为主的国家,从幼儿园开始包括小学的教育模式,大多以培养孩子的动手能力和思考能力为主。“一般一周会有一至两次外出参观活动,引导孩子思考,寓教于乐。” 新加坡的幼儿教育很注重“玩”。所谓“玩”就是动手能力,譬如做小点心、做些理化小实验等,在玩的过程中自然而然地掌握知识,既让孩子们感受快乐童年,又让他们乐于接收新事物和新知识。 此外,新加坡幼儿园的授课是纯英文的,但在公立幼儿园,下午会根据留学生的不同国籍,安排一个半小时的母语课,譬如,中国的孩子学习中文,马来西亚的孩子学习马来文,目的是为了不让孩子忘记本国文化。 零条件申请仅截至“小一” 新加坡是一个把年龄段卡得很死的国家。赴新加坡上幼儿园及小学一年级都是可以直入的,不需要任何考试。但是从小学二年级开始一直到初中结束,留学生申请入学就要参加升学体制由新加坡教育部组织的入学考试,要考英文和数学。“当地的小学六年级、初中四年级(相当于国内的毕业班)是不接受留学生直接申请的。” 很多选择从小留学新加坡的学生和家长,是希望令未来升学或者跳转到其他欧美国家接受高等教育更具优势。 小学教育:重在挖掘学生潜质 新加坡属于英联邦国家,属英国教育体制,当地小学一共上6年,与国内一致。不同的是,小学1-3年级是不上正式课程的。每天上午会教授一些华文、英文和数学课程,下午则是培养兴趣


新加坡小学教育分为几个阶段 【新加坡小学教育分为几个阶段--学前准备阶段】 在新加坡,因为多民族的现状,使得新加坡把英语这门外语定为工作语言的同时,也看到了双语教育的必要性。所以,新加坡要求所有学生都要学习两种语言,即作为工作语言,英语和为了文化与价值观的交流而使用的母语。在学校里,数学、科学和其他绝大部分科目是用英语实行教学的,而母语则主要用来实行基础价值观的培养,改造与发展等。 【新加坡小学教育分为几个阶段--基础教育阶段】 基础阶段包括小学一年级至四年级,入学年龄为6周岁。基础阶段的重点是基本的读写水平与计算机技能,其核心课程是英语、母语和数学。近80%的教学时间用于核心课程,以协助学生在两种语文水平与数学方面奠定良好的扎实的基础。此外,学生还学习音乐、工艺美术、健康教育、体育并参加课外活动。该阶段还实施道德教育,其目的是为了保证学生能清楚地了亚洲价值观的核心和国民的同一性。 留学专家表示,随着孩子智力的持续发展,年级的逐步升高,到小学三年级末时,新加坡学校还要对学生实行一次初步评价,向家长们提出相关孩子们可能选择的教育途径的建议。 【新加坡小学教育分为几个阶段--定向阶段】 小学五年级与六年级是小学教育的定向阶段,学生根据各自的水平分别进入3种语言流学习。 第一语言流:英语作为第一语言,母语(如华文、马来文和泰米尔文)也作为第一语言;第二语言流:英语作为第一语言,母语作为第二语言;第三语言流:英语作为第一语言,母语作为熟练的口语。 定向阶段同样继续强调基本的语文和数学水平,将为所有的学生提供同样的英语和数学课程,另外,还提供一些不同的课程,一些核



新加坡小学二年级英语试卷P R A C T I C E LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】

PRACTICE 3 Vocabulary (15 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (15*1=15 marks) ( ) 1. The piglets loved the dirty ___________. A. kennel B. cage C. sty D. coop ( ) 2. She strung the __________ into a beautiful necklace. A. marbles B. beads C. balls D. counters ( ) 3. Mr Tan's __________ is driving him to his office. A. chauffeur B. caddie C. housewife D. clerk ( ) 4. Zebras have __________ to hide from enemies. A. dots B. stripes C. lines D. strips ( ) 5. Adrian plays the ___________ very well. A. piano B. violin C. flute D. trumpet ( ) 6. The cake which was left in the oven was ___________. A. ashes B. burnt C. black D. sooty ( ) 7. The girl cried __________ when she lost her pen. A. happily B. sadly C. joyously D. curiously ( ) 8. Mrs Selvi looks fabulous in her _________. A. uniform B. sari C. qipao D. pyjamas A. uniform B. sari C. qipao D. pyjamas ( ) 9. The dough has to be _________ to make the bread. A. beaten B. kneaded C. pressed D. changed ( ) 10. The __________ arrested the burglar. A. policeman B. fireman C. chef D. officer ( ) 11. Still water is breeding grounds for ________. A. lizards B. mosquitoes C. birds D. tadpoles


世界各国面积排名国家国土面积(万平方公里) 1俄罗斯1,707. 5 2加拿大997. 1 3中国960. 1 4美国936. 4 5巴西854.7 6澳大利亚774. 1 7印度328.8 8阿根廷278.0 9哈萨克斯坦271.7 10苏丹250. 6 11阿尔及利亚238. 2 12刚果(金)234. 5 13沙特阿拉伯215.0 14墨西哥195.8 15印度尼西亚190. 5 16利比亚176.0 17伊朗163. 3 18蒙古156.7 19秘鲁128. 5 20乍得128. 4

21尼日尔126.7 22安哥拉124.7 23马里124.0 24南非122. 1 25哥伦比亚113.9 26埃塞俄比亚110. 4 27玻利维亚109.9 28毛里塔尼亚102. 6 29埃及100. 1 30坦桑尼亚94. 5 31尼日利亚92. 4 32委内瑞拉91. 2 33纳米比亚82. 4 34莫桑比克80. 2 35巴基斯坦79. 6 36土耳其77. 5 37智利75.7 38赞比亚75. 3 39缅甸67.7 40阿富汗65. 2 41索马里63.8 42中非62. 3 43乌克兰60. 4

44马达加斯加58.7 45博茨瓦纳58. 2 46肯尼亚58.0 47法国55. 2 48也门52.8 49泰国51. 3 50西班牙50. 6 51土库曼斯坦48.8 52喀唛隆47. 5 53巴布亚新几内亚46. 3 54瑞典45.0 55乌兹别克斯坦44.7 56摩洛哥44.7 57伊拉克43.8 58巴拉圭40.7 59津巴布韦39. 1 60日本37.8 61德国35.7 62刚果(布)34. 2 63芬兰33.8 64越南33. 2 65马来西亚33.0 66挪威32. 4


新加坡重点小学英语句法写作练习 新加坡重点小学一年级如何训练英文写作基本功(全程导学1) 本次教学,围绕and展开,训练孩子的写作意识。练习之前,让孩子看下面的句子: ① The shoes are wet. (鞋子湿了。) ② The trousers are wet. (裤子湿了。) 妈妈问孩子:这两句话,有什么相同的地方,有什么不同的地方? 孩子回答说:这两句话,结尾的地方都是“are wet” ,但两句话的开头不一样,一个是“鞋子”,一个是“裤子”。 妈妈说:很对!我们可以把不一样的地方,用and连起来。 妈妈还说:上面 2 句话,都是短句子。我们写英语作文,不但要会写短句子,还要会写长句子。咱们用 and 把这两句话连起来吧。 妈妈可以在纸上写:The shoes + the trousers + are wet = The shoes and the trousers are wet. 开始练习喽! 一、让孩子动笔,完成五组练习。 ① Michelle is in school. ② Sharon is in sch ool. ① + and + ② = ① Jim is my friend. ② Janet is my friend. ① + and + ② = ① The grass is green. ② The leaf is green. ① + and + ② =

① The sheep are in the pasture. ② The sheepdog is in the pasture. ① + and + ② = ① The dictionary is on the table. ② The magazine is on the t able. ① + and + ② = 二、练习完成之后,一起对答案。 注意!孩子有可能犯错误。就拿第一题来说,孩子有可能写成:Michelle and Sharon is in school. 家长要帮孩子改过来,提醒孩子注意,要把 is 改成 are Michelle and Sharon are in school. Jim and Janet are my friends. The grass and the leaf are green. The sheep and the sheepdog are in the pasture. The dictionary and the magazine are on the table. 孩子写错的句子,要重新誊抄一遍。 三、对完答案,让孩子像上面那样,把句子里的 and 和 are 都划上荧光笔。 新加坡重点小学一年级如何训练英文写作基本功(全程导学2) 本次教学,仍然围绕and展开,但和上一次练习,略有不同。练习之前,让孩子看下面的句子。 ① The floor is wet. (地板湿湿的。)


PRACTICE 9 Vocabulary (25 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (10*1=10 marks) ( ) 1. Files and rats are household _________. A. pets B. pests C. friends D. insects ( ) 2. Patrick and John are having a drink at the __________. A. bookshop B. stadium C. cafeteria D. market ( ) 3. The labourers wear _________ to protect their heads. A. helmets B. raincoats C. caps D. scarves ( ) 4. The soles of my shoes need to be mended. A. plumber B. chef C. cobbler D. hawker ( ) 5. Father expects us to be _________ and to listen to what he says. A. obedient B. naughty C. wilful D. drowsy ( ) 6. That building is undergoing major _________. A. renovation B. tearing C. rebuilding D. decoration ( ) 7. The _________ in the rubbish dump smells. A. garage B. garbage C. baggage D. cabbage ( ) 8. The soldiers marched ___________ in the parade. A. shyly B. timidly C. smartly D. bravely ( ) 9. The monkeys __________ incessantly. A. chatter B. chirp C. bark D. mew ( ) 10. Joanie __________ in pain when her father beat her. A. screamed B. laughed C. grinned D. sang Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (5*1=5 marks)


1 Nanyang Primary School 南洋小學 Address: 52, King's Road, Singapore 268097 2 Raffles Girls' Primary School 萊佛士女子小學 Address: 21, Hillcrest Road, Singapore 289072 3 Nan Hua Primary School 南華小學 Address: 30, Jalan Lempeng, Singapore 128806 4 Tao Nan School 道南政府學校 Address: 49, Marine Crescent, Singapore 449761 5 Catholic High School 公教中學 Address: 9, Bishan Street 22, Singapore 579767 6 Rosyth School 樂賽學校 Address: 21 SERANGOON NORTH AVENUE 4, SINGAPORE 555855 7 Methodist Girls' School (Primary) 美以美女子學校 "11 BLACKMORE DRIVE, SINGAPORE 599986 8 St. Hilda's Primary School 聖希爾達小學 Address: 2,Tampines Avenue 3,Singapore 529706 9 Henry Park Primary School 恆力小學 Address: 1 HOLLAND GROVE ROAD SINGAPORE 278790 10 Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School 培華長老會小學 Address: 7, Pei Wah Avenue,Singapore 597610 11 Maha Bodhi School 菩提小學 Address: 107, circuit Road,Singapore 379481 12 Ai Tong School 愛同小學 Address: 100 Bright Hill Drive, Singapore 579646 13 Rulang Primary School 孺廊小學 Address: 6, JURONG WEST STREET 52, Singapore 649295 14 Chongfu Primary School 崇福學校 Address: 170, YISHUN AVENUE 6, Singapore 768959 15 Bukit Panjang Primary School 武吉班讓小學 Address: 109, CASHEW ROAD, Singapore 679676 16 Maris Stella Primary School 海星小學 Address: 25, MOUNT VERNON ROAD, Singapore 368051 17 Pei Chun Public School 培群 Address: 16, TOA PAYOH lorong 7, Singapore ( 319320 ) 18 Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School 新加坡華人女子中學 Address: 190 DUNEARN ROAD, SINGAPORE 309437 19 CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School 聖尼各拉女校 Address: 501 Ang Mo Kio Street 13, Singapore 569405. 20 Northland Primary School 新華小學 Address: 15, YISHUN AVENUE 4, Singapore 769026 21 Yu Neng Primary School 育能小學 Address: 56, Bedok North St 3, Singapore 469623 22 Red Swastika School 卍慈中學 Address: 350, BEDOK NORTH AVENUE 3, Singapore 469719 23 Anglo-Chinese School (Primary) 英華學校 Address: 50, BARKER ROAD, Singapore 309918 24 Kong Hwa School 光華學校 Address: 350, GUILLEMARD ROAD, Singapore399772 25 Jurong Primary School 裕廊小學 Address: 200 JURONG EAST AVENUE 1, SINGAPORE 609789 26 Poi Ching School 培青小學 Address: 21, TAMPINES STREET 71, Singapore529067 27 St. Anthony's Primary School 聖安東尼小學 Address: 1,Bukit Batok Street 34, Singapore 659321 28 Radin Mas Primary School 拉丁馬士小學 Address: 1 BUKIT PURMEI AVENUE, SINGAPORE 099840 29 CHIJ Primary (Toa Payoh) 聖嬰女校 Address: 628 Toa Payoh, Lorong 1, Singapore 30 Compassvale Primary School 康柏小學 Address: 21 Compassvale St, Sengkang, Singapore 545091

新加坡小学一年级英语试卷及答案PRACTICE 7

PRACTICE 7 Vocabulary (30 marks) (A) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. (10*2=20 marks) 1. Menghua is sick. He has to take ____________. 2. The afternoon sun is glaring. Mrs Lim is wearing a pair of ___________. 3. The ___________ in China are so beautiful. 4.

You have to study hard for your coming _____________. 5. Peter changes into his swimming ___________ before jumping into the pool. 6. It's a ___________ day. Let's fly kites. 7. The __________ is so funny. He makes everyone laugh. 8.

Meimei has a pretty __________ on her hair. 9. I am feeling ___________. Please give me a drink. 10. Ivy needs an _________ for her letter. (B) Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (10*1=10 marks)


PRACTICE 8 Vocabulary (11 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks) ()1. The clock has stopped work ing. You n eed to cha nge the ________ A. switch B. batteries C. plug D. chemicals ()2. Nick stepped on the banana peel and _________ . A. flew B. boun ced C. leapt D. slipped ()3. The postma n delivered to Meixia ng a ________ from Japa n. A. parcel B. box C. case D. tube ()4. The little boy ___________ w he n he was praised. A. shouted B. blushed C. cried D. screamed ()5. The _________ of the choir is famous. A. con ductor B. prin cipal C. sin ger D. leader An swer the questi ons in complete senten ces using the words in the brackets. (3*2=6 marks) 6. Why did Mother give her the medici ne? (fever) 7. What is the baby doing? (favourite toys) 8. Why was the wizard puzzled? (poti on, did not work)

新加坡小学英语二年级试卷PRACTICE 8

新加坡小学英语二年级试卷PRACTICE 8 Vocabulary (11 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks) ( ) 1. The clock has stopped working. You need to change the _________. A. switch B. batteries C. plug D. chemicals ( ) 2. Nick stepped on the banana peel and _________. A. flew B. bounced C. leapt D. slipped ( ) 3. The postman delivered to Meixiang a _________ from Japan. A. parcel B. box C. case D. tube ( ) 4. The little boy __________ when he was praised. A. shouted B. blushed C. cried D. screamed ( ) 5. The _________ of the choir is famous. A. conductor B. principal C. singer D. leader (3*2=6 marks) 6. Why did Mother give her the medicine? (fever) ____________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 7. What is the baby doing? (favourite toys) ____________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 8. Why was the wizard puzzled? (potion, did not work)


教学准备 1. 教学目标 知识目标: 1、了解东南亚的位置,以及马六甲海峡的重要地理位置。 2、了解中南半岛和马来群岛的地形及河流特点 3、了解中南半岛和马来群岛的气候特点 能力目标: 1. 培养读图、绘图、填图及分析图表资料的能力; 2. 运用板块构造学说,解释马来群岛多火山、地震的原因。 3. 通过指导学生使用地图,分析东南亚的重要地理位置,地形、气候特点。 情感态度与价值观目标: 1、通过各自然地理要素之间关系的分析,了解地理事物之间是相互联系、相互影响的。 2、通过学生使用地图,提高学生的读图和分析图的能力并进一步培养学生分析和综合问题的能力。 2. 教学重点/难点 教学重点: 1、东南亚的地理位置 2、中南半岛和马来群岛的地形 3、东南亚的气候特点 5、教学难点: 1、通过分析地图和读图总结出东南亚的地形和气候特点。 2、能够分析东南亚的重要地理位置。 3. 教学用具 4. 标签

教学过程 【导入过渡】【课件展示】东南亚的国家图 提问:同学们,喜欢不喜欢旅游? 回答:喜欢。 讲述:喜欢旅游的同学有没有听说过新马泰旅游路线?新指新加坡,马指马来 西亚,泰指泰国。这条旅游路线就是从我们中国出发去泰国,马来西亚,新加 坡后回到我国境内的一条线路。那这几个国家都位于那个地区呢? 回答:东南亚。 这节课我们就来走进这个地区。 【课件展示】第二章第一节东南亚 认识一个地区,首先要了解这个地区的什么? 地理位置。 提问:地理位置包括哪2个方面? 回答:纬度位置和海陆位置。 【课件展示】东南亚的纬度位置图 提问:说出东南亚的纬度位置? 引导回答:10?S~23.5?N 过渡,那么,它的海陆位置又是怎么样? 【课件展示】东南亚在世界上的位置。 提问:说出东南亚的海陆位置? 引导回答:北部是亚洲,南部是大洋洲,东部是太平洋,西部接印度洋。 讲述:从亚洲到大洋洲,最近的路线是不是要经过东南亚地区?从印度洋到太 平洋的船只最近的路线也要经过东南亚地区?所以东南亚是连接亚洲和大洋洲,印度洋和太平洋的“十字路口” 【课件板书】


Unit 1 cat monkey duck dog panda bear pig rabbit bird mouse Unit 2 bag book pen pencil glue scissors eraser sharpener ruler pencil-box Unit 3 nose eye face mouth head ear neck arm hand leg knee foot Unit 4 doll ball kite balloon car bus bike taxi train ship plane boat Unit 5 red blue green yellow purple brown white black pink orange grey Unit 6 hamburger hot dog Coke cake egg orange pear apple banana milk juice water noodles rice chicken 三年级下册英语单词 Unit 1 school classroom storybook water bottle marker crayon Chinese book English book desk chair Unit 2 one two three six seven eight nine ten four five eleven twelve Unit 3 father(dad) mother(mum) brother sister daughter son grandfather(grandpa) grandmother(grandma) uncle aunt Unit 4 mango bread candy doughnut coffee fruit grapes honey ice cream jam Unit 5 kangaroo lion mosquito nest owl parrot quail rooster elephant tiger Unit 6 skirt T-shirt uniform vest watch box yacht zip zebra coat sweater


《全球城市竞争力报告(2009-2010)》 由中国社会科学院城市与竞争力研究中心主任倪鹏飞博士与美国学者彼得·卡尔·克拉索教授牵头,世界多个国家和地区的经济专家学者共同参与,全球城市竞争力项目组历时两年时间完成的《2009-2010全球城市竞争力报告》(以下简称报告)于2010年6月22日、25日在韩国首尔和中国南京发布。 本次报告的主题为“创新:城市竞争力不竭之源”。本报告从产出的角度,使用绿色GDP规模、人均绿色GDP、地均绿色GDP、经济增长、专利申请数、跨国公司指数等6项指标数据,编制全球500个城市的综合竞争力指数(GUCI),从多侧面比较和分析500个城市的竞争力指数及其具体构成指标数据,全面了解全球城市的发展和竞争的格局,通过研究发现: 世界城市竞争力的格局正在发生迅速的变化。首先,美欧等顶尖城市依然占据着城市竞争体系的高峰,显示无可匹敌的强劲竞争力,同时,其要素环境也表现优越,表明其未来依然有着持续引领的潜力。如,纽约、伦敦、东京、巴黎。其次,新兴工业化国家的中心区及大都市区表现突出,增长迅速,同时,其要素环境排名普遍靠前,彰显其巨大的发展潜力,预示其将快速赶超顶尖城市,进入较高水平梯队。如,上海综合竞争力进入全球前50,排名37,提升最多达9位。且北京,上海要素排名分列全球第8和全球第15名。再次,新兴工业化国家整体城市体现大幅度提升态势,在要素环境排名中表现尤为突出,未来的发展潜力不容小觑。总之,一方面,顶尖城市实力依然抢眼,另一方面,新兴城市追赶态势凶猛激烈,这种态势将刺激迅速变化的世界城市竞争力格局继续进行,而且愈演愈烈。 综合竞争力:纽约与伦敦雄踞,圣何塞与上海提升最快。排前10位城市是:纽约、伦敦、东京、巴黎、芝加哥、旧金山、洛杉矶、新加坡、首尔和香港。 前50强中美国占20个;欧盟占16个;中国占3个。前100名美国占38席,欧盟占33席,中国占3席。前200名美国占64席,欧盟占66席,中国占13席。中间100名亚洲有52个城市,后200名是亚洲和其他各洲的聚集地。 经济规模:中国城市演绎提升奇迹,欧美城市平庸稳中稍降。排前10位城市是:东京、巴黎、纽约、伦敦、洛杉矶、首尔、香港、大阪、墨西哥城和悉尼。 发展水平:圣何塞、旧金山、奥克兰蝉联三甲,亚洲城市潜力巨大。排前10位城市是:圣何塞、旧金山、奥克兰、华盛顿、利兹、休斯敦、洛杉矶、日内瓦、波士顿、纽约。 经济聚集:欧洲城市独占鳌头,收入呈高度集聚化。排前10位城市是:日内瓦、纽约、芝加哥、巴塞罗那、都柏林、旧金山、澳门、首尔、圣安娜、名古屋。 经济增长:中国城市持续领先,亚洲经济迅猛增长。排前10位城市是:鄂尔多斯、包头、烟台、呼和浩特、巴库、东莞、中山、日照、惠州和威海,中国独占9席。 专利申请: 人均财富助力科技创新,中国科技创新弱势明显。排前10位城市是:辛辛那提、威尔明顿、波特兰、温莎、西雅图、帕罗奥多、魁北克、明尼阿波利斯、斯图加特和普利茅斯。美国占6个,加拿大占2个。 国际影响力: 亚洲城市迅速提升,中低收入城市国际化趋势增强。排前10位城市是:纽约、东京、新加坡、伦敦、香港、北京、巴黎、上海、莫斯科和首尔。

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