当前位置:文档之家› 【原创】同等学力申硕英语大纲第五版词汇手册(k)




keen [ki:n]

adj.锋利的; 热衷的, 热心的, 渴望(做某事); 激烈的, 紧张的;良好的; 敏锐的, 敏捷的

This knife is very keen.这把小刀非常锋利。

He is not very keen on jazz.他对爵士音乐不太感兴趣。

The boy is keen to go to sea.这孩子很想去航海。

The parents were keen that their daughter should become musician.父母渴望他们的女儿成为音乐家。

She has a keen mind.她头脑机敏。

My daughter is keen of hearing.我的女儿听觉灵敏。

keep [ki:p]

vt. & vi. & link v.(使)保持; (使)继续

Please keep quiet.请保持安静。

The machine kept running.机器一直运转。

I think we shall keep friends.我想我们要保持朋友关系。


The fish won't keep long; we must eat it now.这鱼无法保存很久, 我们必须现在就把它吃掉。

vt.保有, 保存, 保留; 阻止, 防止, 耽搁; 履行, 遵守

Why didn't Daddy let me keep the ten dollars爸爸为什么不让我留下这十美元

Will you keep us the seats你给我们保留座位好吗

What kept you什么事耽误了你

She kept her promise.她遵守了诺言。

keeper [‘ki:p?]


He found a job as a keeper.他找到了一份当饲养员的工作。Anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper.垂钓者必须事先得到公园管理者的许可。

kettle [‘ketl]


Put the kettle on, and I'd like a cup of tea.把壶烧开, 我要喝杯茶。key [ki:]

n.钥匙;键;曲调; 口吻, 基调;题解, 答案

I've left my keys at home and can't get my books.我把钥匙丢在家里了, 我的书拿不着了。

I wish that she would not hit the keys of the typewriter so hard.我真希望她不要那么用力敲打字机键盘。

This piece changes key many times.这首曲子有多处变调。

Her speech was all in the same key.她的演说自始至终是一个基调。

I don't know the key to the puzzle.我不知道这个谜语的答案。


I have keyed this sentence three times, and it's still wrong!我把这个

句子输入了三次, 可是仍然不对。

It was he who keyed the door yesterday.正是他昨天用钥匙锁门的。keyboard [‘ki:b?:d]

n.(打字机, 钢琴等的)键盘

I bought a keyboard in the supermarket yesterday.昨天我在超市上买了个键盘。

kick [kik]

vt. & vi.踢

The baby was kicking and screaming.这婴儿又踢又叫。

The man kicked the door shut.那男人一脚把门踢上了。

n.踢;极度兴奋, 快乐;精力, 效应

He gave the ball a kick.他把球猛踢了一下。

I get a big kick from[out of] motor racing.我觉得赛车很刺激。

He has no kick left in him.他已筋疲力尽。

kid [kid]

n.小孩; 年轻人;小山羊; 小山羊皮

Tell that kid to stop making so much noise.告诉那孩子小点声。vt. & vi.欺骗, 戏弄, 取笑

Don't take any notice of him; he is kidding around.别理他, 他不过是在胡闹。

kidnap [‘kidn?p]

vt.诱拐, 绑架, 劫持

His son was kidnapped yesterday.他儿子昨天被绑架了。


n.肾, 肾脏;个性,脾气;类型

She got a very dangerous disease of kidneys.她得了一种很危险的肾病。

I hoped that he would not prove of similar kidney.我希望他最终将证实不是同一类型的人。

kill [kil]

vt. & vi.杀死

These flowers kill easily.这些花很容易枯死。

I was almost killed in the fighting.在战斗中, 我差一点儿被杀死。vt.使停止[结束, 失败];破坏, 减弱, 抵消

This has killed my hopes.这毁灭了我的希望。

One colour may kill another near it.一种颜色可能使相近的颜色显不出来。

killer [‘k?l?]


He is a hired killer.他是一个受雇的杀手。

Heart attacks have become Britain’s No. 1 killer disease.心脏病已成为英国的头号致命疾病。

Overdoses were the single biggest killer among the city’s young. 吸毒过量是城市年轻人唯一的最大杀手。

He plays well but still lacks the killer instinct. 他球打得非常好,但还缺乏杀气。

kilometer [‘kil?’mi:t?]

n.〈美〉千米, 公里

kilometer post里程标

kilometer stone里程碑

kilometer wave千米波

kilogram [‘kil?uɡr?m]


Apple costs five dollars a kilogram.苹果每千克5美元。



decibels above kilowatt <电工>千瓦分贝

wattless kilowatt无功千伏安

kin [kin]

n.亲戚, 家族

What kin is he to you你和他是什么亲戚关系

Marriage between close kin is prohibited. 禁止近亲结婚。

Ties with extended kin vary from family to family. 大家庭成员的关系因各家庭而异

One of the drivers was fatally injured; his next of kin has been informed. 其中一名司机受了致命伤,已通知了他的近亲。

kind [kaind]

adj.亲切的, 和蔼的, 友好的, 仁慈的

The kind old man is accompanied all the time.这位和蔼的老人一直有人陪伴着。

He is kind and friendly despite his rather bluff manner.他为人厚道, 待人亲切, 虽然态度有点粗鲁。

She was kind and generous.她心地善良, 宽容大量。

They were exceedingly kind.他们极为客气。

She has been very kind about letting us use her house.她十分友好, 让我们使用她的房子。

Be kind to animals.对动物要仁慈。

Be kind to old people.对老人要爱戴。

She is always kind to her pupils.她对她的学生总是很和善。

He is kind and gentle to the weak.他对弱者总是友好和善。

He is kind with his parents.他和他的双亲关系很好。

You are kind to come.难得你来。

You were kind enough to wait for us.你等我们, 真是太好了。

It's very kind of you to show so much concern for us.谢谢您对我们这么关心。

It was very kind of you to visit me when I was ill.感谢你在我生病时来看我。

It's too kind of you to have told me that.你把那件事告诉了我, 真是


n.种类;本质, 性质

He is the kind who always arrives late.他是那种经常迟到的人。The analysis of what kind of temperament you possess is vital.分析一下你有什么样的气质是十分重要的。



There is a kindergarten behind my house.我家后面有一所幼儿园。kind-hearted [‘ka?nd‘hɑ:t?d]


She is one of the most kind-hearted girls that I saw.她是我看到的姑娘中最善良的一个。

kindness [‘kaindnis]

n.亲切, 仁慈, 好意;友好的行为

Will you have the kindness to hand me that book请把那本书递给我好吗

Many thanks for your kindness in seeing me off.多谢您好意相送。

I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news.我认为告诉他这条坏消息倒是友好的行为。

king [ki?]

n.君主, 国王;重要的人[动物, 事物]; 大王

They made him king.他们拥戴他为国王。

There is a portrait of King Charles on the wall.墙上挂着查尔斯国王的画像。

The lion is king of the jungle.狮子是丛林之王。

kingdom [‘ki?d?m]


After the old king died, his son ruled over the kingdom.老国王死后, 他儿子统治这个王国。

This creature had the largest eyes in the whole animal kingdom.这种动物在整个动物界中眼睛最大。

This is the fight of the kingdom of the mind.这是思想领域的斗争。kiss [kis]

vt. & vi.吻

They were so excited that they kissed and kissed again.他们激动得一次又一次地亲吻。

He took her in his arms and kissed her.他拥抱她并吻她。


My mother gave me a kiss on the forehead.妈妈吻了我的前额。

kit [kit]


The captain wants to inspect your kit.船长想检查你的行装。

This furniture comes as a kit.这是一套组合家具。

Check the acidity of the soil with a test kit. 用试验器具测一下土壤


There should be a needle and thread in the sewing kit. 缝纫工具箱中应该有针线。

Have you made up the kit yet 你准备好全套工具了吗?

They built the garage from a kit. 他们用全套设备建成了那个车库。The doll’s house comes in kit form. 这个玩具房以套装部件销售。kitchen [‘kit?in]


I was too awkward to help in kitchen.我笨手笨脚, 在厨房里帮不上什么忙。

We handed our trays through the kitchen hatch as we left. 我们离开时从厨房小窗口递进盘子。

All our chalets have kitchen facilities. 我们所有的度假小屋都配有厨房设施。

kite [kait]


The kites fly upwind.How beautiful the scene is!这些风筝迎风飞翔, 多美的景色啊!

John wants to fly his new stunt kite. 约翰想放他新的特技风筝。v.飞;飞奔

he kited into England on Concorde.他乘坐协和式飞机飞到英格兰。kitten [‘kitn]


We keep a little multicolored kitten in the house.我家有只小花猫。knapsack [‘n?p’s?k]


After a short rest,they took up their knapsacks and went on.休息了一会儿之后,他们又背起背包上路了。


n.膝, 膝盖, 膝部

She fell down and hurt her knee.她跌倒了, 摔破了膝盖。

I rested my chin on my drawn-up knees. 我将下巴搁在屈起的膝盖上。

He went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness. 他跪下请求原谅。

She sat on her father’s knee while he read her a story. 她坐在爸爸腿上听他读故事。

kneel [ni:l]


They knelt down and prayed.他们跪下祷告。

Everyone in church knelt in prayer.教堂里每个人都跪着祈祷。knife [naif]


The knife is so dull that it will not cut.刀子太钝了, 割不开东西。

She picked up her knife and fork and started to eat. 她拿起刀叉开始吃起来。

vt.切割, 刺

Somebody knifed her.有人砍了她一刀。

knight [nait]

n.(中古时代的)武士, 骑士; 爵士; (国际象棋中)马, 有马头的棋子Knight was the top title for field soldiers during the Middle Ages.欧洲中世纪时期, 骑士是步兵中的最高头衔。

He was made an honourary knight.他被授予荣誉爵士称号。


Mr. John Smith was knighted by the Queen and became Sir John Smith.约翰·史密斯先生被女王封为爵士, 成了约翰·史密斯爵士。knit [nit]

vt. & vi.编结, 编织; (使)紧密地结合

She knits all day.她整日编织毛线。

Mother is knitting a sweater.母亲正在织毛衣。

A broken bone can knit.碎骨可长合。

The doctor knit the two broken bones in his arm.医生把他臂上的两块折骨接好了。

knob [n?b]

n.(门、抽屉的)球形把手, 球形柄; (收音机等的)旋钮; 小块

We have replaced the knobs on all the doors.我们将门上所有的把手


My radio's knob got loose.我收音机上的旋钮松动了。

There is a knob of butter on the table.桌子上有一小块黄油。

knock [n?k]

n.短促的敲打(声); 爆震声

When he heard the knock, he ceased writing.当他听到敲门声, 就停下来不写了。

vt. & vi.敲, 击, 打

Please knock before entering.进来前先敲门。

The children were knocking the bottom of the box.孩子们在敲箱子底。

vt.批评, 数落, 非难

The newspapers are too fond of knocking the team.报纸专爱挖苦那个队。

knot [n?t]

n.结; 一小群人; 硬节, 节瘤; 节, 海里/小时

He made a knot in the rope.他在绳子上打了个结。

A knot of people stood talking outside the door.一群人站在门外聊天。

A knot sometimes forms in a tired muscle.疲乏的肌肉上有时会起硬块。

The steamer makes 20 knots an hour.这艘轮船的时速是20海里。

vt. & vi.(使)打结, 缠结

My thread has knotted.我的线打起结来了。

She knotted the parcel firmly.她把那个小包扎得很紧。


vt. & vi.知道, 懂得

I honestly don't know.我真的不知道。

He knows English and French.他懂英文和法文。

I know he is always shooting off his mouth.我知道他说话老是漏嘴。He knew where she was hiding.他知道她藏在哪里。

vt.认识, 了解, 熟悉

I got to know him in the autumn of 1963.我是在1963年秋天认识他的。

know-how [‘n??’ha?]

n.<口>技术; 实际知识;技能;本事;窍门

They are almost totally dependent on Western know-how.他们几乎完全依赖西方技术。

He has decided to visit Japan with a view to enlarging his managerial know-how.为了增进实际管理知识,他决定访问日本。

I don’t have much know-how about engines.发动机方面的技术知识我知之甚少。

knowledge [‘n?lid?]

n.了解, 理解; 个人的知识[学识, 见闻]; 学问

He denied any knowledge of them.他否认了解他们。

He is limited in an up-to-date knowledge.他的最新知识有限。

He is poor in money, but rich in knowledge.他贫于金钱, 但富于学问。



Her lawyer seemed very knowledgeable and experienced.她的律师似乎既有知识又有经验。

He’s quite knowledgeable about the theatre.他对戏剧很有心得。Her lawyer seemed very knowledgeable and experienced. 她的律师似乎既有知识又有经验。

known [n??n]


a known fact 大家知道的事实

a medieval map of the known world 中世纪的已知世界的地图

He is a known artist.他是一个知名的艺术家。

make yourself known to sb 向某人作自我介绍

I made myself known to the hotel manager. 我向旅馆老板作了自我介绍。

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