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Video 1

H: Well, Mr. Aubrey, let's move on to next point, shall we?

A: OK. It's the question of the delivery date.

H: What's your deadline?

A: September 20th. We really have to insist on that because we have a very strict timetable.

It's essential for us to have it before the 30th, otherwise...

H: Yes, of course, but let me explain the position.

A: OK, go ahead, please.

H: As you know, we had a disastrous hurricane here last month and part of our workshop was damaged.

That halted production for 10days.

A: Yes, you told me.

H: So, eh, there's a backlog of orders to fill.

A: I understand but...

H: We're working at full capacity, but the earliest delivery date we can make is the last week in September.

A: I'm afraid that's not good enough.

H: Why not?

A: The engines have to be installed after we receive them. That takes time.

I do hope you'll appreciate our position, Harry. Can't you arrange

delivery for September 20th?

H: Mm! We can try but we can't guarantee it.

A: If not the 20th, then when?

H: We can guarantee September 25th.

A: Why the 25th?

H: That's the date the ship is scheduled to arrive.

We can't make an earlier shipment because production won't be complete in time.

A: Let me see, it'll take about a week for onward transport to the destination until the 5th of October.

H: Yes, I'm sorry. We can try to meet an earlier date but I don't hold out much hope.

A: OK, let's make it the 25th. But we must install absolutely on September 25th as the last possible date.

H: Fair enough.

A: All right, then. Let's make it the 25th of September.

But if it is possible earlier then all the better.

H: Of course. You can count on me. I'll do my best.

Video 2

B: Hello, Ms. Lester. Haven't seen you for a long time.

L: Hello, Mr. Backer. Nice to meet you again.

Unfortunately, we have a problem! I've just received a fax from my head office and it seems there may have been some misunderstanding about our last order.

B: Oh dear, what seems to be the problem?

L: The consignment arrived at the port yesterday on time, but while unloading, we noticed the goods were not the A1 quality we order.

B: Really! Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Something must have gone wrong. Let me check this on the computer...Er...

Oh dear, yes, I'm afraid there's been a slip-up in our Shipping Department.

I'm very sorry. It's certainly our fault.

Mm...What would you like us to do about it?

L: Well, we can keep this delivery and try to find another buyer for it. But of course, we'd need a price adjustment, say a 25% reduction on the lot. And we'd need a now delivery of A1 quality dispatched immediately.

B: That sounds fair enough. Thank you. But just let me check our stock position...

Yes, we can ship a delivery of A1 quality by the first available steamer.

Let me see, yes, actually there's one scheduled for the day after


We'll make an immediate arrangement for the shipment.

L: OK. that'll be fine. Let's hope the steamer arrives on schedule and we can have the goods by the middle of next month.

B: We'll keep in touch with the shipping company and let you know if there are any problems.

L: Good. Thank you.

B: Ms. Lester, thank you very much for your cooperation.

L: We hope you'll help us out if we're in difficulties sometime in the future.

B: Yes, of course. Whenever you need us, we'll try our best to help. That's a promise.


Not Your Average Teen Lots of teenage girls dream of becoming rich and famous. But it's not a fantasy for Michelle Wie. Just before her 16th birthday last fall, she became the highest-paid woman golfer in history simply by turning professional and lending her name to commercial endorsements that will pay her between $10 million and $12 million a year, most of which will go into a trust fund until she becomes an adult. Wie has been a celebrity since she was 13, when people began predicting she would become the Tiger Woods of women' sgolf. But, as correspondent Steve Kroft reports, that has never been enough for Wie. She wants to become the first woman ever to successfully compete with men in a professional sport. She has tried a couple of times on the PGA Tour without embarrassing herself. As you will see, she has changed a lot since we first talked to her way back in 2004, when she was 14. At the time, Wie told Kroft her ultimate goal was to play in the Masters. "I think it'd be pretty neat walking down the Masters fairways," she said. It was a neat dream for a 14-year-old kid. Nothing has happened in the last two years to change Wie's mind or shake her confidence. She is stronger now, more mature and glamorous. She has already demonstrated that she can play herself into the middle of the pack against the best men on the PGA Tour and has come within a shot of winning her first two starts on the LPGA Tour this year as a part-time professional. The day before 60 Minutes interviewed her at the Fields Open in Honolulu, she shot a final round of 66, coming from six strokes off the lead to just miss a playoff. "You won your first check yesterday," Kroft says. "Uh-huh," Wie says. "It was, it was really cool. I mean, I was like looking at how much I won. I was like 'Oh my God.' " Wie says she won around $72,000. Asked whether she gets to keep that money, Wie said she didn't know. "I'm trying to negotiate with my dad how much I can spend of that, and stuff like that. We're still working it out. But, you know, I'm definitely gonna go shopping today," she says, laughing. Half of her life is spent in the adult world, competing with men and women twice her age for paychecks they may need to make expenses and dealing with the media, sponsors and marketing executives. The rest of the time she is a junior at Punahou High School in Honolulu, where she is an A student and claims to lead the life of a typical 16-year-old.


新视野商务英语视听说(第三版)上 Unit 1 Job Interview Warm-up 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B Listening Practice 1.interested 2.impressive growth 3.major 4.past experience 5.Peking University 6.marketing 7.chief responsibility 8.trade conferences 9.exhibitions 10. Language Focus A Task2 1.C 2.A 3.C Video 1 Viewing Task 1 1. yourself 2. Finance 3. international finance 4. leading 5. chance 6. use

Task 2 1. consultant 2. restoration 3. transferred 4. Friday Language Focus B Task 1 1. experience 2. investment 3. position 4. accounting 5. leave 6. challenging Task 2 HFGDACEB Video 2 Task 1 FTFFT Task 2 1. Sales Manager / sales manager 2. Five / five / 5 3. Brand Manager / brand manager 4. Biscuits 5. Business Administration / business administration 6. oral English


Unit 3 New orleans is sinking For 300 years, the sea has been closing in on New Orleans. As the coastal erosion continues, it is estimated the city will be off shore in 90 years. Even in good weather, New Orleans is sinking. As the city begins what is likely to be the biggest demolition project in U.S. history, the question is, can we or should we put New Orleans back together again? Life has been returning to high and dry land on Bourbon Street, but to find the monumental challenge facing the city you have to visit neighborhoods you have never heard of. On Lizardi Street, 60 Minutes took a walk with the men in charge of finishing what Katrina started. Correspondent Scott Pelley reports. Before Katrina, "There would be noise and activity and families and people, and children, and, you know, I haven't seen a child in a month here," says Greg Meffert, a city official who, with his colleague Mike Centineo, is trying to figure out how much of the city will have to be demolished.


Unit 2 Part 3 1 Alice: Excuse me, sir, are you Mr. Hayes? Bill: Yes, I’m Bill Hayes. A: Are you the General Manager of the Beautify Cosmetic Corporation in America? B: Yes, exactly. A: How do you do, Mr. Hayes? I’m Alice Wang, Manager of Human Resources at the Beijing Sanmei Factory. I’m here especially to meet you. B: How do you do, Miss Wang? It’s very kind of you to come all the way to meet me. A: My pleasure. 2. Conversation 1: A: What is your job, Vincent? B: I’m a Regional Sales Manager. A: What are your main duties? B: My main duties are to develop customer relations and grow the sales of security products in Ohio. Conversation 2: A: What is your occupation, Flora? B: I’m a business analyst. A: Which company do you work for? B: I work for Delicate & Elegant Fashion. It’s a British company. A: What do you do for them? B: I’m in charge of the budget. Conversation 3 A: What do you do, Patrick? B: I’m a lawyer. A: what does your job involve? B: I give legal advice and assistance to clients and represent them in court or in other legal matters. Conversation 4: A: What kind of job do you have, Rachel? B: I’m responsible for receiving visitors. I have to make sure all visitors check in on arrival, and also arrange taxi and bus transport for them. A: Are you in reception? B: Yes, you’re right. I’m a receptionist. Part 4 Video 1 Introducer: Good afternoon, everyone! This is Robin Copperfield, the new Vice President of our company. He will be in charge of the accounting work. Let’s give him a warm welcome! Robin Copperfield: Thank you!


Unit 1 Pirates of the Internet It’s no secret that online piracy has decimated the music industry as millions of people stopped buying CDs and started stealing their favorite songs by downloading them from the internet. Now the hign-tech thieves are coming after Hollywood. Illegal downloading of full-length feature films is a relatively new phenomenon, but it’s becoming easier and easier to do. The people running America’s movie studios know that if they don’t do something----and fast---they could be in the same boat as the record companies. Correspodent: “What’s really at stake for the movie industry with all this privacy?” Chernin: “Well, I think, you know, ultimately, our absolute features.” Peter Chernin runs 20th Century Fox, one of the biggest studios in Hollywood. He knows the pirates of the Internet are gaining on him. Correspont: “Do you know how many movies are being downloaded today, in one day, in the United States?” Chernin: “I think it’s probably in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.” Correspondent: “And it’s only going to grow.” Chernin: “It’s only going to grow. √Somebody can put a perfect digital copy up on the internet. A perfect digital copy, all right. And with the click of mouse, send out a million copies all over the world, in an instant.”

we learn 全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程4答案(最全最新)第二单元

大学英语新标准视听说教程4 答案 we learn 全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程4答案(最全最新) Unit 2 Consumerism Warm Up Answer the questions: last thing I bought was a packet of instant noodles. This bag of instant noodles is made in China. 2. I think it is mostly good. Listening and Speaking/Lesson A Listening: A. Listening for gist: 1. A scientist who is calling for a change in our shopping habits. 2. Some of the ways that our purchasing preferences are hurting the environment. B. Listening for details: away 2% trash. Repair reuse recycle. billion 95 80. bike walk. 250 twentyfive thousand disease. eat meat. Listening and Speaking/Lesson B Listening1:

A. New words andexxxxxpressions: B. Pre-listening task: C. Listening comprehension1: our stuff comes from. of the products we buy are made or grown somewhere else. C. Listening comprehension2: statistics designed electronics resources African diamonds Listening2: A. Listening for gist: 一二四 B. Listening for details: twelve fires a dollar % million Video Before You Watch About the video: Vocabulary matching: Global warming fossil fuels greenhouse gases carbon footprint


新视野商务英语视听说下 Unit 1 A Factory Tour Part Ⅰ: warm-up (1) eat (2)tour (3)taste (4)enjoy (5)make (6)closed (7)shop Part Ⅱ: listening practice Task1 (1)f (2)e (3)g (4)j (5)c (6)h (7)b (8)a (9)d (10) i Task2 1. (1)aerospace (2)manufacturer (3)services (4)showcase (5)production (6) various (7) producer (8) advanced (9) globe (10) leader 2. (1)~(5) F F F T F Part Ⅲ 1. (1) c (2) b (3) c (4) a (5) a 2. (1)6000units (2) only 1% (3) First, they will confirm the quality of each part according to the regulations at every point in the process. Also, they have computer-controlled equipment to test the quality of the semi-finished product and of the final product. Lastly, they send some products to the public quality-control centre for checking. Part Ⅳ 1 (1)200 markets across six continents (2) about 300000 (3)108 (4)8 (5)93 2 (1)2 0~30 (2)13 (3)15 (4)3 0~45 Part Ⅴ 1. (1) c (2) b (3) c (4) c (5) b

英语高级视听说下册 unit 10

Burning Rage This story originally aired on Nov. 13, 2005. When they first emerged in the mid-1990s, the environmental extremists calling themselves the "Earth Liberation Front" announced they were "the burning rage of a dying planet." Ever since, the ELF, along with its sister group, the Animal Liberation Front, has been burning everything from SUV dealerships to research labs to housing developments. In the last decade, these so-called "Eco-terrorists" have been responsible for more than $100 million in damages. And their tactics are beginning to escalate. Some splinter groups have set off homemade bombs and threatened to kill people. As correspondent Ed Bradley first reported last November, things have gotten so bad, the FBI now considers them the country's biggest domestic terrorist threat. 错误! The biggest act of eco-terrorism in U.S. history was a fire, deliberately set on the night of August 1, 2003, that destroyed a nearly-completed $23 million apartment complex just outside San Diego. The fire was set to protest urban sprawl. "It was the biggest fire I have ever responded to as a firefighter," remembers Jeff Carle, a division chief for the San Diego Fire Department. "That fire was not stoppable. At the stage that the fire was in when we arrived, there were problems in the adjacent occupied apartment complexes. Pine trees were starting to catch fire. Items on patios were starting to light up and catch fire. And we had to direct our activity towards saving life before we could do anything about the property." Hundreds were roused from their beds and evacuated. Luckily, nobody –including firefighters – was injured. By the time the fire burned itself out the next morning, all that remained was a 12-foot-long banner that read: "If you build it, we will burn it." Also on the banner was the acronym: E-L-F. When Carle saw the banner, he says he knew he had a problem. A problem, because he knew what ELF stood for: the Earth Liberation Front, the most radical fringe of the environmental movement. It's the same group that set nine simultaneous fires across the Vail Mountain ski resort in 1998 to protest its expansion, causing $12 million in damage. And it is the same group that has left SUV dealerships across America looking like scenes from Iraq's Sunni triangle, their way of protesting the gas-guzzling habits of American car buyers. The ELF is a spin-off of another group called the ALF, or Animal Liberation Front, whose masked members have been known to videotape themselves breaking into research labs, where they destroy years of painstaking work and free captive animals. In recent years,

新英语视听说教程 答案及原文unit 5

Unit 5Careers and Professions Think ahead/Warm up What kind of career would you like to follow after your graduation? /what would you like to do after your graduation? What characteristics and skills do you need to be successful in that job? /what characteristics and skills do you think are the prerequisite for a job? Part 1 Task 2 Exercise 1 1. F 2.T 3.F 4.T Exercise 2 1.find assignments on the company’s core project/ work on core project 2.build a relationship with the boss 3.Be prepared. Part 2 Task 1 Exercise 1 English level: fluent, got the certificate of the Secondary English Training Health condition: in top condition Working experience: two years of nursing experience, and now

working as a nurse in a hospital Height: one meter and sixty-eight centimeters/168cm Eyesight: never had any vision problems Strengths: friendliness, open-minded attitude, a warm personality Weak points: hard to tell others when she does n’t like what they are doing Exercise 2 flying into the blue sky working with people quite fluent make the passenger relaxed and happy in top condition any vision problem speak in another language use gestures and draw pictures


UNIT3 A PILL TO FORGET (CBS) If there were something you could take after experiencing a painful or traumatic event that would permanently weaken your memory of what had just happened, would you take it? As correspondent Lesley Stahl reports, it’s an id ea that may not be so far off, and that has some critics alarmed, and some trauma victims filled with hope. "I couldn't get my body to stop shaking. I was trembling, constantly trembling. Memories of it would just come back, reoccurring over and over and over," subway conductor Beatriz Arguedas recalls. Last Sept. 30, Beatriz was driving her normal route on the Red Line in Boston when one of her worst fears came to pass: "Upon entering one of the busiest stations, a man jumped in front of my train, to commit suicide," she explains. Beatriz saw the man jump. "We sort of made eye contact and then I felt the thud from him hitting the train and then the crackling sound underneath the train and, then, of course, my heart starts thumping," she recalls. "She came into our emergency room afterwards, very upset. No physical injury. Entirely a psychological trauma," says Dr. Roger Pitman, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School who has studied and treated patients with post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, for 25 years. "They're caught up so much with this past event that it's constantly in their mind," Pitman explains. "They're living it over and over and over as if it's happening again. And they just can't get involved in real life." When Beatriz arrived in the emergency room, Pitman enrolled her in an experimental study of a drug called propranolol, a medication commonly used for high blood pressure ... and unofficially for stage fright. Pitman thought it might do something almost magical – trick Beat riz’s brain into making a weaker memory of the event she had just experienced. In the study, which is still under way, half the subjects get propranolol; half get a placebo. Asked whether he knows if Beatriz got the drug or the placebo, Dr. Pitman says he has no idea and neither does she, and that the research team won't know for another two years.

新视野商务英语视听说(第二版)第三单元 听力原文

Unit 3 Part 2 A: Good morning, Paper Mills plc. How can I help you B: Good morning. Can I talk to Pail Osman, please A: Who’s calling please B: Simon Weller, calling from Singapore. A: Well, Mr. Weller, I’m afraid Mr. Osman is not available at the moment. He has just left for a workshop. B: What time do you expect him back I need to talk with him. A: He told me he would come back in half an hour. Can I take a message or would you like to call him on his cellphone @ B: I’ll try his cellphone. Could you give me the number, please A: . B: Just let me check that. . A: That’s right. B: Thank you. Bye. Part 3 2. Operator: Hello, ABC Ltd. How can I help you Paul: This is Paul Jackson of Grandiose. Can I have extension 3421, please O: Certainly, hold on a minute, I’ll put you through. ¥ Roy: Louise Paulson’s office, Roy speaking. P: This is Paul Jackson calling. Is Louise in R: I’m afraid she’s out at the moment. Can I take a message P: Yes. Could you ask her to call me at 979-326-8965. I need to talk to her about the order; it’s urgent. R: Could you repeat the number please P: Yes, that’s 979-326-8965 and this is Paul Jackson. R: Thank you Mr. Jackson. I’ll make sure Louise gets this as soon as possible. P: Thanks. Bye. R: Bye. Part 4 。 Video 1 Receptionist: Hello, International sales. Schulz: Hello, this is Mr. Schulz here, calling from England. R: Yes, Mr. Schulz. Who do you want to speak to S: I’d like to speak to Mr. Matthews. R: Fine. Hold the line, please. I’m connecting you now.


第一册1234 第一单元 Sharing: Task 1 (1) their social life (2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2 (1) busy (2) friends (3) university (4) social life Sharing: Task 3 Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, f Sharing: Task 4 Q 1 Key(s): danced Q 2 Key(s): (1) view of (2) fun Q 3 Key(s): drink Q 4 Key(s): (1) west (2) delicious meal Q 5 Key(s): (1) house (2) television/TV Listening: Task 2 Activity 1 Q 1 Key(s): 1962 Q 2 Key(s): fourth/4th Q 3 Key(s): 1990 Q 4 Key(s): 1996 Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) teacher

(2) cleaned houses (3) lost (4) visited (5) work (6) his wife (7) in his own words Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) home (2) country (3) relatives (4) foreigner (5) speak (6) passed on (7) heat (8) sea (9) happiness Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 (1) It was great (2) He's a football player/He is a football player (3) It was really beautiful Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1 Q 1 a small town Q 2 1993 Q 3 2008 Q 4 2003 Q 5 7/seven

新视野商务英语视听说下册1-8单元video原文unit 3

Video 1 J: Good morning, is that Rockey speaking? R: Morning, this is Rockey, is that Jacques? J: Y es. R: Nice talking to you again. How’s the weather in your part of world? J: Terrific.Sunny,28°C, light breeze… R: Stop! I can’t take any more. It’s snowing here! So, what can I do for you, Jacques? J: I need a couple of your Q2000 speedboats to rent to my guests. Can you give me a quote? R: Let’s see…uh, the list price is us$6500. Y ou’re a valued customer, so I’ll give you a 10% discount. J: That’s very reasonable. Do you have them in stock? R: Sure we do! W e set up new inventory controls last year. So we don’t have any backlogs any more. J: That’s good. The tourist reason is just around the corner, so I need them pretty quick. What’s the earliest shipping date you can manage? R: Then can be ready for shipment in two or three weeks. J: Perfect. What’s the total CIF price, Rockey? R: Hang on…the price will be US$7850 to your usual port.

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