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面试 小说阅读答案试题

面试|小说阅读答案试题 面试|小说阅读答案试题 面试 武德是应届毕业的研究生,今天要去一家大公司面试。他太完美了,在校时是品学兼优的“三好学生”,高高的个子,帅气的脸庞,还有超强的口才,他对今天的面试充满了信心。 一大早武德从学校出来,上了一辆公交车,他选了个靠窗户的座位坐下,看着窗外美好的风景,心里格外高兴。一抹阳光射过来,他眯起了眼睛…… 又过了一站,上来了一个背着包的女学生。她,修长的身材,还有长长的披肩发,她在武德的后面找了个空座位坐下,把掉在额前的一缕头发划在了耳后。 公交车继续向前行驶着,车上的人慢慢地多起来,又过了几站,上车的人更多了,一个上了岁数的老太太上了车。站在门口的一个中年男人扶着老太太往里走,走到武德的跟前停了下来,一双灼灼逼人的眼睛看着他,中年人眼睛里的含意很清楚,希望他能够给老太太让个座位…… 武德环视了一眼车厢,车厢里有很多年轻人。车厢里有很多年轻人,为什么一定要让我让呢?今天我可是有重要的事情。他对中年人很不满意。 “年轻人,能给老年人让个座吗?”中年人终于开口了。中年人声音很高,显然对武不满意。 满车厢的人一下子都把眼睛集中到他俩身上。这时,武感到自己很尴尬,干脆把头扭到一边看着窗外,不理中年人。武可不想把这个座位让出来,在一群人中间挤来挤去,把今天面试的好心情破坏了。 “大娘,您坐我这儿吧!”一阵悦耳的声音飘到了武的耳边,武用眼睛的余光朝后扫了一眼,看见后面的那个身材修长的年轻姑娘主动站了起来。. “谢谢!”中年男人朝年轻姑娘投去赞许的目光。同时又狠狠剜了一眼武。武赶紧又把头扭到一边看着窗外。 “不用谢,这是我应该做的事。”年轻姑娘面带着微笑说,又习惯地把掉在额前的一缕头发划在了耳后。



1、说明文的类型:事物、事理说明文(从内容角度,根据说明的对象和目的)。 事物说明文一般标题就是说明的对象;事理说明文找准开头结尾的总结句。 因为说明对象是一篇文章所要介绍的事物或事理,一般是一个名词或名词短语,可以从两个方面入手:一看文题二看首尾段。事物说明文指出被说明事物即可。事理说明文指出说明内容,形成一个短语:介绍了……的……(对象加内容) 。 2、说明文的语言:平实、生动说明文(语言表达角度)。 3、说明方法:一般回答三个字,要掌握几种常见的说明方法,会分析在文中的作用: ①.举例子:具体真切地说明了事物的××特点。 ②.分类别:条理清楚地说明了事物的××特点。对事物的特征/事理分门别类加以说明,使说明更有条理性。使说明的内容眉目清楚,避免重复交叉的现象。 ③.列数字:具体而准确地说明该事物的××特点。使说明更有说服力。 ④.作比较:突出强调了被说明对象的××特点(地位、影响等)。 ⑤.下定义:用简明科学的语言对说明的对象/科学事理加以揭示,从而更科学、更本质、更概括地揭示事物的特征/事理。 ⑥.打比方:打比方就是修辞方法中的比喻。生动形象地说明该事物的×特点,增强了文章的趣味性。 ⑦.画图表:使读者一目了然,非常直观形象地说明的事物的××特点。 ⑧.作诠释:对事物的特征/事理加以具体的解释说明,使说明更通俗易懂。 下定义与作诠释的区别是:定义要求完整,而诠释并不要求完整,对事物的特征/事理加以具体的解释说明,使说明更通俗易懂。可以颠倒。 ⑨.摹状貌:对事物的特征/事理加以形象化的描摹,使说明更具体生动形象。 ⑩.引资料:能使说明的内容更具体、更充实。用引用的方法说明事物的特征,增强说服力,如引用古诗文、谚语、俗话。引用说明在文章开头,还起到引出说明对象的作用。 4、说明顺序:时间顺序(程序顺序)、空间顺序、逻辑顺序。在答题时可答得具体些。 如:空间顺序(从上到下,从里到外,总到分,外到内,前到后,左到右,整体到局部,都可反之等,常用方位词如介绍建筑物或实体)。 逻辑顺序(先结果后原因,层层递进,现象到本质,因到果,果到因,主到次,浅入深,个别到一般等,常用表因果、表事理顺序的词,如“因为、所以”“首先、其次”)。 时间顺序则是说明事物发展、演变,例如介绍工作程序的文章。 ü 掌握答题格式:本文使用了的说明顺序对加以说明,使说明更有条理性,便于读者理解。(第一空应该填具体的说明顺序,第二空应该填写具体的事物名称或说明的事理。如果是事理性说明文,但又不能准确表述,可用“事理”、“科学事理”等模糊性的语言表述。) 5、说明对象:指文章说明的主要人或事物(一般不必答人或事物的特点)。 6、说明文的结构常见的形式有:“总——分”式(或由总到分,或由分到总,或总分总)、并列式、递进式等。分析文章结构,抓中心句及连接词,如“首先”“其次”“还”“也”“此外”等词语


101. To get ready for ------- presentation, Mrs. Warren spent the afternoon memorizing her prepared speech. (A) she (B) her (C) hers (D) herself 102. In the event ------- bad weather, the marathon will be postponed to the following Saturday. (A) of (B) against (C) with (D) by 103. Mr. Johnson requested his intern ------- the report on his desk by the end of the day. (A) type (B) was typing (C) will type (D) to type 104. The conference center is unavailable every day between six ------- seven o’clock due to cleaning and maintenance. (A) and (B) of (C) if (D) yet 105. ------- 80 percent of Fine Diamond's clients are wealthy jewelry collectors from the North American continent. (A) More (B) Higher (C) Over (D) Further 106. Prior to any meetings with clients, the vice president ------- researches the competition to make sure his company is offering the best on the market. (A) nearly (B) well (C) always (D) far 107. Ms. Dorsey ------- finished her twentieth


一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 1.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。 What will the world of the future be like? There are plenty of people who are happy to give their opinion of what we will be doing in 2050. Here are two predictions about the world of tomorrow. When we dream about the future, many like to think of owning a personal flying car. The advantages are obvious. This technology would allow total freedom of movement. We could fly at 480 km per hour, avoiding traffic lights and busy roads. However, some people believe there will be problems with traffic control. If the cars become popular, there is likely to be air traffic jam. Another big problem is mechanical failure. What will happen if the cars stop working? These are problems we must expect if flying cars become a reality. Three-dimensional printing is another new technology with exciting possibilities. 3D printers are used to build an object with liquid plastic. They build the object layer by layer until it is complete. Car companies already use 3D printers to make life-size models of car parts, and medical companies use the technology to make man-made body parts. As we move into the future, 3D printing will revolutionize the way we shop, the way we manufacture and the way we treat sick people. The disadvantage is that such equipment will be extremely expensive. So in the future, we might be able to fly to work or print out new shoes. Although there are some problems to solve before this will be possible, we can certainly dream of a world where technology makes life easier and safer for millions of people. (1)What is the passage mainly about? A. Environmental protection. B. The world of tomorrow. C. Advantages of technology. (2)What do we learn from the passage? A. Some people think technology development may bring new problems B. 3D printing can bring great changes to our life and its equipment is cheap. C. The flying cars won't bring air traffic jam even when they become popular.


初中语文小说阅读专题训练试题(有答案和解析)含解析 一、中考语文小说阅读专题训练 1.阅读下面的文字,完成下面小题。 霞光灿烂的早晨 陈忠实 不管夜里睡得多么迟,饲养员恒老八准定在五点钟醒来。屋里静极了,耳边没有了骡马踢踏的骚动声音,也没有牛倒嚼时磨牙的声音。 恒老八坐起来的时候,猛乍想起,昨日后晌,队里已经把牲畜包养到户了。他昨晚睡在这里,是队长派他看守一时来不及挪走的农具草料。窗外很黑,隐隐传来一声鸡啼。他又钻进被窝,却怎么也不能再次入睡…… 编上了号码的纸块儿,盖着队长的私人印章,揉成一团,掺杂在许多空白纸块揉成的纸团当中,一同放到碗里,摇啊搅啊。队长端着碗,走到每一个农户的户主面前,由他们随意拣出一只来……队里给牲畜核了价,价钱比牲畜交易市场的行情低得多了,而且是三年还清。这样的美事,谁不想抓到手一匹马或一头牛哩!八老汉早在心里祈愿,要是能抓到那头母牛就好了。可惜,这牛到了杨三家里,明年准定生出一头小牛犊,人家的小院里,该是怎样一种生气勃勃的气派……他嫉妒起杨三来了。 杨恒老汉为公社整整喂了十九年牲畜了。十九年来,他睡在塬坡上的这间饲养棚里。无数个日日夜夜,牛马嚼草的声音,像音乐一样和谐悦耳。牛马的粪便和草料混合的气味,灌进鼻孔,渗透进衣裤的布眼儿……可惜!没有抓到一头!这样的生活今天完结啰!从明天开始,他就要在自个的责任田里劳作了。 木格窗户透出一缕缕微微的亮光。山野里传来一声声沉重的吭哧声,伴和着车轮的吱吱响。一听见别人干活,恒老八躺不住了,他拉开门栓,一股初冬的寒风迎面扑来,让他打个寒颤。从村庄通到塬坡上来的小路上,有人躬着腰,推着独轮小车,前头有婆娘肩头挂着绳拽着。那是杨云山嘛!狗东西,杨庄第一号懒民,混工分专家,刚一包产到户,天不明就推粪上坡了。勤人倒不显眼,懒民比一般庄稼人还积极了。他想笑骂那小子几句,想想又没有开口。既然懒民都赶紧给责任田施冬肥,恒老八这样的正经庄稼人还停得住么?回,赶紧回去。 恒老八下了坡,刚到村口,老伴迎面走来;“人家都给麦地上粪哩,你倒好,睡到这时光!” “八叔━—”玉琴跑着喊着,挡在当面,“我那头黄牛,不吃草咧,你去给看看——” 不等老八开口,八婶转过身来:“各家种各家的地,过各家的日月了。他给你家去看牛病,谁给他记工分?” “你这人——”老八瞪起眼,盯着老伴。这样的话,居然能说得出口来,还说她贤明哩!“嗨呀!我说笑话嘛!”八婶勉强笑笑,算是圆了场,转身走了。 牛只是夜里受了凉,没什么大碍。八老汉给牛扎了针,又叮嘱了几句。婆媳二人要留他吃饭,挽留不住,说着感恩戴德的话,送到门口。他在饲养室里多少次治好牛马的小伤小病,也就是那么回事了。如今却受到这样的款待,真是叫八老汉感慨系之。 老远就看见公社郑书记站在自家门口的粪堆前,帮老伴敲碎冻结的粪疙瘩,还笑着说着什么。郑书记一大早到村里来,有啥事呢?


【语文】说明文阅读专题训练练习题20篇及解析 一、中考语文说明文阅读专题训练 1.阅读下文,回答问题。 被误解的食品添加剂 ①说到食品添加剂,估计很多人会敬而远之,一些人对食品添加剂还存有根深蒂固的误解。那么,我们对食品添加剂必须退避三舍吗? ②事实上,食品添加剂只是众多添加剂中的一种。添加剂还包括:饲料添加剂、药品添加剂、塑料添加剂、涂料添加剂、油墨添加剂、汽油添加剂等。三聚氰胺是添加剂,但它是水泥添加剂,在水泥里面作为高效减水剂;也是塑料添加剂,在塑料里面作为阻燃剂;还可以作为涂料添加剂,在涂料里面作为甲醛吸收剂。但是,三聚氰胺不是食品添加剂。苏丹红、三聚氰胺、瘦肉精、吊白块在食品中都是非法添加物。所以,正确认识食品添加剂,严厉打击食品非法添加行为,对维护食品安全是非常重要的。 ③也许有人会好奇,为何一定要使用食品添加剂呢?其实,对于现代生活来说,食品添加剂不但重要而且必要。因为,如果没有它们,我们的生活反倒会更加危险。 ④目前全世界范围内,因食用致病微生物污染的食品引发疾病,是食品安全头号问题,所以如果不使用防腐剂和保鲜剂等食品添加剂的话,肉制品、烘烤食品、方便食品、水果,甚至酱油和醋等食物或调味品就很容易被致病微生物污染,从而危害人体健康。而那些号称不添加防腐剂的食品,事实上更容易在开封后受到污染和变质,且无污染和无添加往往是商家为了迎合消费者心理而造出的噱头而已。 ⑤有些人不喜欢使用食品添加剂的食物往往是带有一种传统的情结。但食品添加剂并非现代食品工业的产物,而是和人类文明历史一样的悠久。如油、盐、酱、醋以及点豆腐用的卤水,炸油条用的明矾和小苏打,都是食品添加剂,食品添加剂早就已经成为我们饮食中不可或缺的一部分。 ⑥食品添加剂作为现代食品工业的重要组成部分,按规定使用对人体是无害的,且可以改善食品的品质和色、香、味,以及防腐、保鲜。正是因为有了食品添加剂的发展,才有大量的方便食品供应,才给人们的生活带来极大的便利。 ⑦我国古代的哲人就告诉过我们“过犹不及”“适可而止”,如果拿食品添加剂当饭吃,那肯定也是不行的。所有的食品安全都涉及量的问题,这也是我们国家对食品添加剂的使用标准严格限定的原因。 ⑧那么,也许有的人会说,每种食品添加剂虽然都在标准内,但是一天吃那么多食物,加在一起摄入的量还安全吗?答案是安全的,《GB2760—2014》中规定了食品添加剂在各种食品中的最大使用量,其目的是确保一天吃多种食品时,其食品添加剂的摄入量不超过每日允许摄入量(ADI)。而这个ADI值是经过国家卫生部门评估而来的,也就是在确保不产生健康风险的情况下,以体重为基础的人体每日可能摄入的食品添加剂量。所以即使一天吃很多种食品,也不会造成摄入的食品添加剂过量。 ⑨最后,需要注意的是会对特殊人群造成不利影响的食品添加剂。如甜味剂阿斯巴甜,在《GB2760—2014》中规定添加阿斯巴甜的食品应标明:“阿斯巴甜(含苯丙氨酸)”。此外,像二氧化硫、硫磺、亚硫酸盐等含硫食物在婴幼儿食品中禁止使用,在可以添加的食品中也有严格的最大使用量和残留量的规定,以避免对人类健康产生危害。


历年托业考试真题填空题目及答案 Part V Direction:In this part of the test has incompletesentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D)are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the onethat best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet,find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet. 101. For several years now, we have seen a marked inattendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences. (A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase 102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river isarranged to your . (A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy 103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation's R&Dcenter was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee.(A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) instructural 104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement forjob-related courses taken with a supervisor's . (A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, hasimpeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) bequalified 106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment,the local health clinic will be offering free flu


(英语)英语阅读理解练习题20篇及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Many people have long dreamed of being able to fly around as simply as riding a bicycle. Yet the safety and strength of a flying bike was always a big problem. Over the past 10 years, developments in technology have moved the dream of personal flying vehicles closer to reality. Now, two groups of inventors say such vehicles may be available soon. The British company Malloy Aeronautics has developed a prototype (原型) of its flying bicycle. Grant Stapleton, marketing sales director of Malloy Aeronautics, says the Hoverbike is able to get in and out of small spaces very quickly. It can be moved across continents very quickly because it can be folded and packed, he adds. Mr. Stapleton says safety was the company's main concern. He says the designers solved the safety issue by using overlapping rotors ( 交叠式旋翼 )to power the vehicle. The company is testing a full-size prototype of the Hoverbike, which will most likely be used first by the police and emergency rescue teams. In New Zealand, the Martin Aircraft Company is also testing a full-size prototype of its personal flying device, called the Jetpack. It can fly for more than 30 minutes, up to 1,000 meters high and reach a speed of 74 kilometers per hour. Peter Coker is the CEO of Martin Aircraft Company. He said the Jetpack “is built around safety from the start. In his words, reliability is the most important element of it. We have safety built into the actual structure itself, very similar to a Formula One racing car.” The Jetpack uses a gasoline-powered engine that produces two powerful jet streams. Mr. Coker says it also has a parachute (降落伞) that can be used should there be an emergency. “It starts to work at very low altitude and actually saves both the aircraft and the pilot,” he adds. Mr. Coker says the Jetpack will be ready for sale soon. (1)We can learn from the passage that the Hoverbike . A. can hardly get in and out of small spaces quickly B. can fly for over 30 minutes, up to 1,000 meters high C. has been used by the police and emergency rescue teams D. can be transported quickly after being folded and packed (2)The writer uses the example of For One racing car to show that . A. the Jetpack is very safe and reliable B. the engine of the Jetpack is powerful C. the actual structure of the Jetpack is unique D. the Jetpack can reach a great speed and height (3)The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer s to. A. the jet stream B. the engine C. the Jetpack D. the parachute (4)What is the authors main purpose of writing the passage? A. To describe the problems of inventing flying vehicles. B. To introduce the latest development of flying vehicles. C. To show the differences between two flying vehicles. D. To advertise the two personal


近五年全国各地高考小说阅读题型分析 类型一:分析景物(环境) 一、常见题型 1.景物(环境)描写特点及作用。 2.景物描写的手法。 3.景物的寓意。 二、知识点汇总 1.分析景物特点:景+特点+意境 2.分析景物作用: (1)社会环境:①交待故事发生的时代背景;②交待人物活动及其成长的时代背景;③揭示社会关系;④交待人物身份,表现(影响、决定)人物性格;⑤提示社会本质,提示主题。 (2)自然环境:①自身的、独立的审美价值;表现地域风光;②交往故事发生的时间,突出季节特征;③渲染营造烘托氛围,奠定感情基调,为下文刻画人物作铺垫;④换转或展开情节,为情节发展作铺垫,推动情节发展;⑤设置悬念,激趣,产生波澜;⑥烘托表现人物心理、性格,暗示人物心理转变,暗示人物命运;⑦景与人的映衬。 3.景物描写的常见手法(同散文中的景物描写手法),主要有: ①各种修辞;②衬托;③视听动静声色各种感觉等;④白描;⑤分层写景,远近高低结合等。 4.景物的寓意:双关含义,表面(本义)义、象征义、比喻义等。 三、强化训练 阅读下面的文字,完成11~14题(07宁夏)。 林冲见差拨 只说公人将林冲送到沧州牢城营内来,营内收管林冲,发在单身房里听候点视。却有一般的罪人,都

来看觑他,对林冲说道:“此间管营,差拨,都十分害人,只是要诈人钱物。若有人情钱物送与他时,便觑的你好;若是无钱,将你撇在土牢里,求生不生,求死不死。若得了人情,入门便不打你一百杀威棒,只说有病,把来寄下;若不得人情时,这一百棒打得个七死八活。”林冲道:“众兄长如此指教,且如要使钱,把多少与他?”众人道:“若要使得好时,管营把五两银子与他,差拨也得五两银子送他,十分好了。” 正说之间,只见差拨过来问道:“那个是新来的配军?”林冲见问,向前答应道:“小人便是。”那差拨不见他把钱出来,变了面皮,指着林冲便骂道!“你这个贼配军!见我如何不下拜,却来唱喏!你这厮可知在东京做出事来!见我还是大刺刺的!我看这贼配军满脸都是饿纹,一世也不发迹!打不死,拷不杀顽囚!你这把贼骨头,好歹落在我手里,教你粉骨碎身!少间叫你便见功效!”把林冲骂得一佛出世,那里敢抬头应答。众人见骂,各自散了。 林冲等他发作过了,去取五两银子,陪着笑脸告道:“差拨哥哥,些小薄礼,休言轻微。”差拨看了道:“你教我送与管营和俺的,都在里面?” 林冲道:“只是送与差拨哥哥的;另有十两银子,就烦差拨哥哥送与管营。”差拨见了,看着林冲笑道:“林教头,我也闻你的好名字。端的是个好男子!想是高太尉陷害你了。虽然目下暂时受苦,久后必然发迹。据你的大名,这表人物,必不是等闲之人,久后必做大官!”林冲笑道:“总赖顾。”差拨道:“你只管放心。”又取出柴大官人的书礼,说道:“相烦老哥将这两封书下一下。”差拨道:“即有柴大官人的书,烦恼做甚?这一封书直一锭金子。我一面与你下书。少间管营来点你,要打一百杀威棒时,你便只说你‘一路有病,未曾痊可’。我自来与你支吾,要瞒生人的眼目。”林冲道:“多谢指教。”差拨拿了银子并书,离了单身房,自去了。林冲叹口气道:““有钱可以通神,”此语不差!端的有这般的苦处!” 原来差拨落了五两银子,只将五两银子并书来见管营,备说林冲是个好汉,柴大官人有书相荐在此呈上,本是高太尉陷害配他到此,又无十分大事。管营道,“况是柴大官人有书,必须要看顾他。”便教唤林冲来见。 且说林冲正在单身房里闷坐,只见牌头叫道:“管营在厅上叫唤新到罪人林冲来点名。”林冲听得唤,来到厅前。管营道:“你是新到犯人,太祖武德皇帝留下旧制:


阅读下面的文字,完成后面题目。(20分) 青春之门 赵东 ①我是一个喜欢在人家门前徘徊的孩子,无意间看见的小花猫或蓝风铃什么的,都会引逗得我在人家门口默默地望上半天。我的一双眼睛以外永远是一扇门,把自己内心世界与外面的大世界隔绝开来,于是心中就总是酝酿着孩提时代的那种清纯,于是眼睛就总是贪婪地向门外张望。 ②从前一直认为那扇门很大,大得连风雨都推不动。那时门里只有爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和玩具熊,一本旧旧的连环画早就翻烂了;;一段关于公主与巫婆的故事早就听腻了……可门却关得那么严,我出不去。只好经常站在窗前,夏天看窗外的白鹭在云里钻来钻去,心儿便也插上翅膀飞出大门;冬天在窗花上模仿各种野兽在雪地中的脚印,每一串脚印都跳到了门外……懂事的时候,我就试图接近那扇门,有时间就与它培养感情,跟它说话,给它唱歌,向它做鬼脸儿……可是不论我怎样讨好,它都不理我,它离我好远呵! ③后来,我可能是长大了,在某年某月的某一天,那扇门竟訇然地向我敞开了。我一下子仿佛置身于另一个清新的世界。跑呵跳呵,朋友也多起来,调皮的鸟,溢香的花,青翠的山,幽蓝的湖,还有伙伴的友情,对知识的求索,对异性那种神秘而清纯的爱慕……排山倒海地向我推来。穿越过一段时间的隧道,我终于跨过了这扇既陌生又熟悉的大门。 ④由小男孩迅速长成个小伙子,这不能不算是大自然对自己的慷慨。那扇绚丽芬芳的五彩门已经被丢在身后了,喜欢在门前徘徊的我,突然像失去了什么,周围是一片空蒙寂寥,于是便发现了自己的孤独。总想把甜密和痛苦都揉进梦里,让一个清丽修长的身影夜夜光着脚熨干我潮湿的情绪:总想把静谧和骚动都捏进指缝,让一个绵软的笑时时眯着眼流入我荒凉的田野。 ⑤这就是我所踏上的青春的阶梯吗?这样的年龄悄悄地来了,这样的季节悄悄地来了,谁也无法拒绝,谁也无法回避。青春的门应该是属于诗的,它不仅奔流着执著的血浆,还燃烧着热情的生命。清晨,我在它的呼唤中醒来;夜晚,我在它的抚慰中睡去;仅仅是在短暂的瞬间,我便迎来了青春之门,我便告别了青春之门,向人生的又一新领域奋力攀登。仅仅是在短短的路途中,便


2018年托业考试(TOEIC)阅读试题及答案 1.The factory must be torn down because it is not allowed in _______ area. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 这工厂必须拆除,因为在住宅区禁设工厂。 答案: residential 2.The cowboy looked ________ in that strange-looking hat. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 那位牛仟戴着怪模怪样的帽子,看起来很可笑。 答案: ridiculous 3. It's too ______ to do the bungee jumping from the cliff. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 从悬崖上做高空弹跳太冒险了。 答案: risky 4.Don't believe him. What he said just now was _______. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied 不要相信他。他刚刚说的都是废话。 答案: rubbish 5. Both the Bible and the Koran are regarded as ________ books. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied 「圣经」与「可兰经」都被视为圣书。 答案: sacred


班级: 姓名: 考场: 座号: 密封线 An old lady in a plane had a blanket (毯子over her head and she did not want to take it off . The air hostess spoke to her, but the old lady said, “I have never been in a plane before , and I am frightened. I am going to keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the ground again !” Then the captain came. He said, “Madam, I am the captain of this plane. The weather is fine, there are no clouds in the sky, and everything is going very well. ”But she continued to hide. So the captain turned and started to go back. Then the old lady looked out from under the blanket with one eye and said, “I am sorry, young man, but I don’t like planes and I am never going to fly again. But I’ll say one thing, ”She continued kindly, “You and yo ur wife keep your plane very clean!” 1. An old lady had _________ . A. glasses B. a blanket over her head C. a coat D. a basket 2. A. She didn’t want to ________ . A. take it off B. turn it off C. get on D. talk about it 3. _________ spoke to her . A. The air hostess


英语四级阅读试题及答案详解1 Reading is thought to be a kind of conversation between the reader and the text. The reader puts questions, as it were, to the text and gets answers. In the light of these he puts __1__ questions, and so on. For most of the time this “conversation” goes on below the level of consciousness. At times, however, we become __2__ of it. This is usually when we are running into difficulties, when mismatch is occurring between __3__ and meaning. When successful matching is being experienced, our question of the text continues at the unconscious level. Different people __4__ with the text differently. Some stay very close to the words on the page, others take off imaginatively from the words, interpreting, criticizing, analyzing and examining. The former represents a kind of comprehension which is __5__ in the text. The latter represents __6__ levels of comprehension. The balance between these is important, especially for advanced readers. There is another conversation which from our point of view is __7__ important, and that is to do not with what is read but with how it is read. We call this a “process” conversation as __8__ to a “content” conversation. It is concerned not with meaning but with the __9__ we employ in reading. If we are an advanced reader our ability to hold a


2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持 (非听力部分) Part V Direction : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet. 101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences. (A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase 102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your . (A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy ] 103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation‘s R&D center was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural 104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘s . (A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve 105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified 106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend. (A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented 107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match. | (A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident 108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows cl ients to manage to employees‘ files. (A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly 109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.

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