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【例】There's a rumor abroad that Kevin is athief.到处都在说凯文是小偷。

The news spread abroad soon.这则消息很快就传开了。

accord 【熟】n./vi.(with)相符吅,相一致


【例】Does American defense accord with Turkey and Greece still work?美国同土耳其和希腊的防卫协定还有效吗?

Our society accords great importance to the family.我们的社会赋予家庭以十分重要的地位。



【例】How is the new car behaving?新汽车的性能怎么样?

Under certain conditions,electrons can behave like waves rather than particles.在特定条件下,电子以波而非粒子的形式运动。



【例】Interest rates are rising and Standard &Poor's expects high-yield bond defaults to increase,to follow. 利率在上升,标准普尔预计高收益债券的拖欠现象也将相应增加。

We entered into a solemn bond.我们缔结了一项正式协定。



【例】I was aching to tell him the good news.我急着要把这好消息告诉他。across【熟】prep.在……对面ad./prep.横过,穿过


【例】The lake is half a mile across.湖面宽半英里。

The two lines cut across each other.这两条线互相交叉。

act 【熟】n.行为,举动


【例】The Reform Act of 1832 was very important in British history.1832年的选举修正条例在英国历史上具有重大意义。

Chris acted astonished as he examined the note.在检票票据的时候克里斯装出一副很吃惊的样子。



【例】I was surprised when he addressed me in English.他用英语跟我讲话,我很诧异。

Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are comprehensive programs that address the many needs of the




【例】We provide specially designed shopping trolleys to answer the needs of parents with young children.我们提供经过特殊设计的手推车,以满足带小孩的父母们的需要。



【例】I appreciate the reasons for your anxiety.我充分理解你担心的原因。

Gold has recently appreciated and will not depreciate in the months ahead.黄金最近涨价了,今后几个月可能不会降价。



【例】I don't think refusing to negotiate is the right way to approach this problem.我觉得拒绝谈判不是解决这个问题的正确方法。



【例】He argued me into joining the club.他说朋我加入俱乐部。

Supporters of the new supersystems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost reductions and better coordinate service.支持超大铁路集团的人宣称,公司吅并可大幅度降低成本,也有利于提供更好的相互协调的朋务。



【例】There are armies of shoppers looking for bargains.有大量的购物者在寻找廉价商品。



【例】His assumption of his friend's debts was admirable.他承担起朊友的债务,这令人钦佩。

His assumption of power was welcomed by everyone.他的掌权为大家所欢迎。



【例】The Sun went behind a bank of clouds.太阳钻到云堆里去了。

In traditional idea it is safe to bank the money.传统的观念认为把钱存进银行是安全的。



【例】"How nice to see you!"she said,with a beam of welcome.“见到你多好啊!”她笑脸相迎地说。

The winner beamed with satisfaction.获胜者满意地笑了。

The news was beamed to East Africa by satellite.新闻节目通过卫星向东非广播。



【例】He walked with a confident bearing.他走起路来满是自信的风度。

Jim will show you around and help you get your bearings.吆姆会带你四处逛逛,帮你熟悉一下这个地方。



【例】She noticed me looking at her and frowned slightly.Frowning become her.她注意到我在看她,就微微皱起了眉头,这一颦一蹙她就更好看了。

Don't be crude,Bernard,it doesn'tbecome you.不要这么粗鲁,伯纳德,这不像平时的你。



【例】How is the new car behaving?新汽车,的性能怎样?

Under certain conditions,electrons can behave like waves rather than particles.在特定条件下,电子以波而非粒子的形式运动。



【例】The cars behaviour is perfect.该车性能良好。

The ship's behaviour was satisfactory on its trail run.那艘船试航时的运转情况令人满意。


【生】v.使减弱 a.率真的,直言不讳的

【例】The constant repetition of violence has blunt the human response to it.暴力事件接连不断,人们都麻木了。

On screen,John Wayne was a blunt talker and straight shooter.在荧屏上,约翰·韦恩是一个直言不讳、说话一针见血的人。



【例】The board of directors unanimously agreed that Mr.White was the best candidate for the job·懂事会一致同意怀特先生是做这项工作的最佳候选人。

The college provided room and board for the first-year students.学院为一年级学生提供膳宿。



【例】An increasing body of evidence suggests that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies at times during our lives.越来越多的证据表明:一生中,我们体内会时不时地产生癌细胞。

That a play with little body but quite amusing.这是一部内容贫乏但娱人耳目的戏。

"National"could mean interprovincial--provinces combining efforts to create one body.“National”可意味着各省之间,即各省联吅起来创建一个机构。



【例】Interest rates are rising and Standard &poor's experts high-yield bond default to increase,to follow.利率在上升,标准普尓预计高收益债券的拖欠现象也将相应增加。

We entered into a solemn bond.我们缔结了一项正式协定。



【例】If you're late once more,you're getting the boot.你再迟到一次,就要被解雇了。



【例】He always likes toboss me around.他总喜欢对我发号施令。



【例】At the same time,listening through earphones to the same monotonous beats for long stretches encourages kids to stay inside their bubble instead of pursuing other endeavors.同时,使用耳机长时间的听同一单调的节奏会让孩子们沉浸在自己的幻想中,而不是努力追求其他的东西。



【例】Tension is building between the two countries.两国之间的紧张气氛日益加剧。

My brother and I are of the same build.我们弟兄俩体型一样。



【例】Many bulls escaped last week on hearing the bad news.听到利空消息,许多投机者出逃。

Bulls make money.Bears make money.Pigs get slaughter.牛(市)能赚钱,熊(市)能赚钱,只有猪被宰杀。

buy 【熟】vt.买


【例】They say the judge was bought.他们说法官被收买了。

cap 【熟】n.便帽,军帽


【例】Caps of snow stood on the chimney tops beyond.远处一堆堆积雪覆盖着那些烟囱的顶部。

Endowed with a cap of curly black hair,the pretty girl was admired by numerous young guys.这个长了一头乌黑卷发的漂亮姑娘受到许多年轻小伙的爱慕。charge【熟】vt.①索(价),要(人)支付,收费②指控n.①(pl.)代价,费用②控告,指控


【例】If the red light comes on,it means the battery isn't charging.如果红灯亮,就表示电池没在充电。

a positive/negative charge. 正/负电荷



高考英语熟词生义词汇整理 从近几年的高考英语试题中可发现高考命题非常重视对常用词汇较少使用意义的考查,这个点能够从单项选择和完形填空中均可看出。很多考生因不懂这些熟词的“新含义”而出现思维堵塞的现象,这严重地影响了考生对题干乃至全文的准确理解,给他们造成了不应有的失分。英语中的一词多义现象是普遍存有的。下面举例近几年高考中出现的对这种词汇的考查: 例如:2001年全国卷中第26题: We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it_____ very well. A.worked out B.tried out C.went on D.carried on 准确答案为A。此处work out的词义为“(情况)发展……”、“实行……”。 too hard. A. draw B. strike C. rush D. push(逼迫,敦促) 本来push表示推的意思。 A. received B. admitted(准许进入,准许加入俱乐部,组织等;接收入学) C, turned D. moved admit 本来表示承认 山东卷2009:-Do you have enough to _______all your daily expenses?

-Oh ,yes, enough and to spare..(闲置的,不用的,闲钱) A. cover (钱充足----之用) B. spend C, fill D. offer 2009湖北卷:Some parents are just too protective. They want to _______their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined. A. spot B. dismiss C, shelter( 保护,庇护) D. distinguish Shelter 本意:居所,住处,遮蔽物,庇护处 2008年山东卷:The fact that she never apologized________a lot about what kind of person she is . A. says (显示,表明) B. talks C. appears D. declares 2008湖北卷:Though having lived abroad for years , many Chinese still ________the traditional customs. A. perform B. possess C. observe(遵守规则,法律等) D. support 2009年山东卷完型填空41:I can still remember he was always wearing (流露,面带)a smile and willing to help. (2011浙江)9. The professor could tell by the _____ look in Maria’s eyes that she didn’t understand a single word of his lecture. A. cold B. blank (“茫然 的”) C. innocent D. fresh A


考研的困境 互联网时代的崛起,让我们有机会将最好的资源整合到一起,然后分享给大家。专业课资源一直是稀缺而又珍贵的,广大的考研学生在专业课复习过程中都会遇到比公共课更大的阻力。在国内,基础教育的不平衡,资源不对等的问题已经越来越严重了。在考研辅导层面也是这样的问题,天价辅导班层出不穷,其中面临的问题也是越来越多。我们很痛心的看到:1、高价辅导班给不到相应的辅导效果2、大多数学生都没有这样的经济能力来接受专业课方面的辅导3、低价低质量的专业课资料漫天飞,造成了很多学生的抱憾 总结下来,我们发现了问题的根本原因: 考研辅导市场在20年前开始崛起,由于考研群体并不多,出现的各大机构也仅仅是面向公共课的辅导,在这之间也诞生了很多的公共课名师,随着时间的推移,开始有人发掘统考专业课的市场。在做公共课和统考专业课的过程中,发现很多学生都有专业课方面的诉求,但是他们并没有相应的专业课辅导资源,于是专业课便以一对一的方式诞生了。由于本身并没有这方面的资源储备,学生报课之后才去寻找资源,找到就已经是“阿弥陀佛”了,又怎会计较讲的好不好?水平又如何呢?能不能合理的将课程讲完呢? 一对一就意味着由学生个人来承担所有的服务费用、机构利润、讲师课时费,怎能不天价?怎能不贵?学生又如何能接受得起辅导?既然没有这样专业的资源,只能去自己搜索寻找资料,每年考研的那么多,可是考上的学长学姐却像熊猫一样珍贵,多则几十人,少则几个人。考上的,又愿意在网上留下自己信息的,又有多少?你说你考清华的理论物理,我卖你北大的理论物理的真题,你又能分得清楚吗?归根结底,来自于信息的不透明和资源的封闭。 为什么在资源共享的时代却有了这样的困境上演?我们一直告诉自己,我们应该做点什么,不能让这样的闹剧一直上演。 研团网是一家承担着共享专业课资源社会责任诞生的网站,历时一年多的探索前行,我们让专业课前三的学长学姐们的经验传播到了成百上千的学生手中,让他们每个人的专业课都至少提升了20分,专业课复习时间节省了三分之一,学习成本降低了五分之四。我们真的做到了很多,也会做到越来越多。 心中有仁义,脚下无坎坷 一年的时间,接触了很多的小可爱,他们努力、勤奋、乐观深深的感染着我们。也正是因为有了你们的支持,才让这件事得以持续,让更多的同学获益。我们严格筛选每一位老师,对于成绩我们有自己苛刻和任性的要求:专业前三或者总分前三;对于知识点的讲解,我们有自己苛刻和任性的要求,学员打分,分数决定着课时费;对于课程品质,我们自己苛刻和任性的要求,学员反映不好,不再宣传课程,课程下架;对于价格,我们没有要求,只希望大家都承受得起。为了保证这样的课程品质和质量,我们将课程价格定在1000-2000之间,全年答疑仅需500。有时候做起来很难,但正所谓,心中有仁义,脚下无坎坷,鼓励总比困难多。每得到一个认可,我们就将成长一点。 研团网,让你的考研不留遗憾 当一件事情,付出了你所有的努力,它应该成功,即使没有成功,也是不抱遗憾的一段经历。 如果到考场才发现,自己复习的时候用到了假的资料,自己接受得辅导是有那样多的错误,自己曾经那么信任的学长学姐仅仅是以爱为名的欺骗,自己的复习方式原来都是一厢情愿,恐怕都会留下深深的遗憾吧。这样的遗憾,对于怀抱梦想、质朴单纯的你们,是不公平的,我们要给予的不止是祝愿,我们也会行动起来,可以无愧于心的说出:研团网,让你的考研不留遗憾


高中英语最常考的60个熟词新义,2019高考生尤其要掌握(含例句) 今天,和大家分享60个高中英语常考的熟词生义,它们分布在各类考试题型中,2019高考生尤其要掌握哦! 1.absent adj.缺席的→adj.茫然的,恍惚的 She looked at the picture in an absent(茫然的)way. 2.ache v.& n.疼痛→v.渴望 Having left for ages,he was aching(渴望)for home. 3.address n.地址 v.写地址→vt.发表演说 The president will address(发表演说)his speech at 3:00 pm.

4.against prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰→prep.以...为背景 The picture looks nice against(以...为背景)the white wall. 5.attend v.出席;参加→v.看护;治疗;陪同 The nurse attended(看护)to him day and night. 6.blank adj.空白的 n.空白→adj.没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的 The stranger returned my greeting with a blank(没表情的)look. 7.blue adj.& n.蓝色→adj.忧伤的 His songs always make me feel blue(忧伤的). 8.build vt.建筑,建造→v.逐渐增强 n.体格,体形,身材

One should receive training to build(逐渐增强)up one's confidence. You're right,Josh. He may have a small build(身材). 9.cause vt.促使,引起→n.原因,起因;事业,目标 Even with a staff of 22 volunteers,Thomas often devotes up to 50 hours a week to his cause(事业). 10.cloudy adj.阴的,多云的→adj.不明朗的,不清晰的 Who will take his place still remains cloudy(不明朗的). 11.coach n.教练→v.辅导,指导 She coached(指导)me in playing football. 12.count n.& v.计算,数→vi.有价值,重要


2016年高考英语熟词生义词汇 从近几年的高考英语试题中可发现高考命题非常重视对常用词汇较少使用意义的考查,这一点可以从单项选择和完形填空中均可看出。很多考生因不懂这些熟词的“新含义”而出现思维堵塞的现象,这严重地影响了考生对题干乃至全文的正确理解,给他们造成了不应有的失分。英语中的一词多义现象是普遍存在的。高中英语熟词新义总结 最佳方法:平时的积累。只有积累了一定的“熟词新义”后,才能形成一定的语感,才会在具体的 语境中快速捕捉单词的准确含义。所以有必要对高中教材中的词汇进行梳理,做到查漏补缺,加强记忆,然后在阅读中去体会,从而力求消化。 为了帮助同学们提高词汇复习效率,我对高中教材部分单词进行了盘点,按照字母的顺序进行了编排。由于版面的限制,没有列举例句,同学们可以对照教材词汇表学习。 一、 accept 接受,认可(Vt.);同意,承认(vi.) adapt 使适应;改编 add 增加,添加(Vt.);加起来,增添 (vi.);补充说(Vt.) amount 数量(n.);等于,共计(vi.,与to 连用) argue 争论,辩论(vi.);主张,说理,说服(Vt.) award 奖,奖品(n.);授奖,给予……金钱(v.) boom 发出隆隆声;(国家地区或行业的) 繁荣,迅速发展 burn 焚烧,烧焦;发出怪味,点(灯) compare 比较,比作(Vt.);比得上,与…匹敌(vi.) consider 考虑;认为;照顾到,考虑到(独立主格结构considering sth. 或sth. considered)depend 依靠,依赖;视情况而定 desire 希望, 期望; 请求, 要求(从句用should 型虚拟语气) equal 等于;比得上,匹敌(Vt.) equip 装配;配备(知识/ 信息/ 事实等) handle 门把手(n. ); 操作,处理(v.) hunt 打猎;猎取;搜寻(vi.) include 包括;计算在内(与in 连用) introduce 介绍;引进;提出;出台(政策/法规等) measure 测量;为……量尺寸;判断,权衡, 衡量(有measure sb. / sth against sb. / sth 搭配) owe 欠(钱/ 债务等);归功于,感激;幸亏 于,由于(owing to 的固定形式) perform 表演;(成功地)表现;完成,执行, 进行(尤其指复杂的活动);有……的用途 press 按,压,印;逼迫,迫使(press sb. to do sth.) process 制作,加工(食品);处理(文件/ 数据等);冲洗(照片) pronounce 发音;宣告,断言,宣布(官方意见或决定) publish 出版,发行;发表,刊登;(在报纸或墙壁上)公布,公开 raise 提高;举起;饲养,喂养;唤起(意识);使……产生(情感或反应);筹款


容易忽略的熟词生义(500个) above / beyond: 介词,后面接抽象而不是具体名词时表示“无法做到”,例如:“above comprehension”的意思是“无法理解”。 in the absence of something: “缺少,没有”,用于替代“in short of”或者“be lacking in”。be absorbed in something: “专心从事”。 abuse: 用在物品词后面表示“过量使用”,用在有生命的事物后面则表示“虐待”。 have access to something: 这个短语最常用的意思是“to have something that you can use”,就是“能够用到”,当然,要根据它后面接的单词来判断其中文含义,比如“have access to town”表示“有道路通往市区”,“have access to the teacher”则是“有条件向老师请教”,而“have access to the Internet”则表示“有上网条件”。 accessible / available: 形容词,中文的含义同上。 by accident: 介词词组,属于副词用法,修饰动作,意思是“偶然”。 accommodate: 英文解释为“to accept someone's opinions and try to do what they want, especially when their opinions or needs are different from yours”或者“to get used to a new situation or to make yourself do this”,因此中文的意思是“接受;适应”。 account: 名词,“解释,解说,叙述”。 account for: 本身是“解释说明”的含义,但在使用时可以翻译成“是…的原因”。此外,在数字概念上表示“占…份额,比重”。 acknowledge: 这个词有两个常用含义,“向某个人表示感谢”或“承认”。 acquire: 这个词的中文非常灵活,通常由后面跟随的名词决定,如“acquire bad habits”就是“养成坏习惯”的含义。在商业用语中,该词则表示“吞并”。其名词形式acquisition也有这个含义。action: 在军事用语中可以表示“战斗”。 in action: 表示“正在起作用”。 adapt: 动词,在科技用语中表示“(将某个领域的研究成果)应用于(另一领域)”。 address somebody: “对某人说话,发言”。 adopt: 动词有“收养”的意思。 afford: 用法非常灵活,总的来讲表示“承担不起”,后面可以接表示金钱,时间或者情感的词汇。cannot afford to: 英文解释为“if you cannot afford to do something, you must not do it because it could cause serious problems for you”,所以这个词组的中文应当理解为“不应当,一定不要做”。 agent: 目前的含义主要指“行政职能机构”,比如美国的很多国家机构都叫agency,另外在生物化学领域,这个词翻译成“介质,载体”,而在计算机英语中则是“服务器”。 agree with: “使人或者身体的某个部分觉得舒适”。 agreeable: “惬意,令人愉快,恰倒好处”。 agreement: 在阅读文章时通常是“一致的意见”这个含义。 air: 名词有“气氛”的含义,动词则表示“公开表达或发表”。


高考英语熟词生义总结 一、生僻动词小结 1.abandon 抛弃,舍弃,放弃7. payment 付款,支付,报酬 2.acknowledge 承认8. presentation 出示,展示,颁发 3.advocate 拥护,提倡,支持9. Principle 原则,规范,信条 4.bless 祝福10. Procedure 程序,步骤,手续 5.calculate 计算,核算,推测11. Profit 利润,利益 https://www.doczj.com/doc/494832465.html,pensate 补偿,弥补12. Qualification 资格,资历 7.consume 消耗,耗费13. Resignation 辞职信 8.correspond通信,一致14. Restriction限制,限制规定 9.decline 减少,下降,衰退15. Standard 标准,规范 10.dismiss 不予考虑,解雇16. Thrill 兴奋,激动 11.draft 起草,草拟17. Trial 试验,审讯,考验 12.evaluate评估,评价18. Urgency 紧急,急迫 13.assume假定,假设 https://www.doczj.com/doc/494832465.html,mit 做出错事,承诺三、生僻形容词总结 https://www.doczj.com/doc/494832465.html,promise 妥协,折中 1 accidental 偶然的,意外的 16.contradict 反驳,驳斥 2. Acute 灵敏的,敏锐的 17.distribute 分发,分配 3. Accessible 可接近的,容易理解的 18.fade 变淡,变暗,逐渐消退 4. Aggressive 好斗的 19.indicate 表明,象征,暗示 5. Ambiguous 模棱两可的,不清楚的 20.leak 渗入 6. Awesome令人惊叹的,困难的 21.litter 乱扔7. Complicated 难懂的,复杂的 22.negotiate 谈判,协商8. Concrete 具体的,确实的 23.salute 敬礼9. Delicate 精美的,易碎的 24.submit 屈服,投降,呈递文件,建议等10. Enthusiastic热情的,热心的 25.swap 交换东西11. Fundamental 基础的,基本的 26.withdraw 撤回,撤离12. Accurate 精确的 27.zip 拉上拉链13. Annual 每年一次的 28.prohibit禁止14. Alternative 可替代的 29.sacrifice 牺牲15. Awkward 笨拙的,尴尬的 30.shrink 缩小,收缩16. Artificial 人造的,假的 31.spin 快速旋转17. Compulsory强制的,强迫的 32.subscribe 订购,订阅18. Initial 最初的,开始的 33.yawn 打哈欠19. Innocent 清白的,无罪的 20. portable 便携式的 二、生僻名词总结21. Precise 精确地,细致的 1. allowance 津贴,补贴2 2. Thoughtful 深思的,沉思的 2. brand 品牌,烙印2 3. Plain 朴素的,清楚地 3. budget 预算2 4. Punctual 守时的 4. coincidence 巧合,一致2 5. Thorough 彻底的,完全的 5. contract 合同,合约 6. criterion 标准,准则


高考英语熟词新义归纳 1.It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act. 起作用 2.The picture looks good against the white wall. 在。。。。。。相称下 https://www.doczj.com/doc/494832465.html,y down your arms or we’ll fire! 武器,开枪,开火 4.Don’t air your troubles too often. 发牢骚 5.Many of his friends backed his plan. 支持 6.The boy badly wants a new bike. 非常,急迫 7.The football player has a solid build. 体格 8.His songs always make me feel blue. 忧伤 9.We chanced to be out when she called. 碰巧 10.Do you think long dresses will ever come back? 再流行 11The tornado claimed dozens of lives. 夺走 12.Every minute counts. 重要 13.The UN has done a lot for the cause of the world peace. 事业 14.Mother cans fruit. 把。。。做成罐头 15.The corporation has enough capital to build another factory. 资金 16.Can you develop this film for us? 冲洗 17.The game ended in a draw. 平局 18.You must pay a deposit if you want to reserve the room. 定金,押金 19.We sheltered from the storm in a deserted hut. 荒芜的,空无一人的 20.I can’t digest her endless complaint a moment longer. 忍受,消化,领悟 21.Customs duties are paid on imported goods. 税 22.Now we are leading an easy life. 舒适的 23.His name escaped me for the moment. 想不起 24.He boasted that he would throw me downstairs; but I made him eat his words. 收回 25.Let this be an example to you. 警告 26.Please send this parcel by express delivery. 快递 27.How do you employ your spare time? 利用 28.Have you entered yourself for the sports meet to be held next week? 报名参加 29.Tom is a man of great enterprise. 胆识,进取心 30.She’s a very good woman; unkindness is foreign to her nature. 无关的 31.The show was far from being a failure; it was a great success. 远非,远不是 32.The driver paid a fifty-dollar fine for speeding. 罚金 33.She’ll soon leave London for good. 永远 34.He has strong grounds for more money. 理由,意见 35.All this waiting and delay is really getting her down. 使她疲惫不堪 36.He got through £300 in a week. 用完 37.Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover. 考虑到 38.He as good as said I was a liar. 实际上 39.We study for the good of the people. 利益 40.These apples are still green ,you can’t pick them. 生的,未熟的 41.The boys have got out of hand. 难管,失控 42.The cars are made for the home market. 国内 43.The people of Hechuan held out for 36 years on the Fishing Castle. 坚持抵抗 44.Don’t look after your own interests. 利益 45.The company is introducing a new family saloon this year. 推出 46.The place is inviting. 诱人的 47.Our intelligence shows that the enemy is advancing. 情报 48.His success was due to industry. 勤奋 49.Mother is ironing my shirt with an electric iron. 熨,烫 50.He introduced his speech with a joke. 以。。。开始 51.He doesn’t like eating potaoes boiled in t heir jackets. 带皮的 52.He jammed four apples in his pocket. 塞 53.His joke killed the audience. 他的笑话使听众笑得死去活来。 54.The suspect is still at large. 逍遥法外 55.My father gave me a lecture for smoking. 训斥 56.He said he would be here by 12 o’clock , but he let us down. 使某人失望 57.My watch loses a minute a day. 慢 58.To be frank, this mission is beyond my might. 权力,力量 59.What is the message of the book? 中心思想 60.To learn English well is a must. 必要的事 61.---May I have one? ---Yes, by all means. 当然可以 62.He is so mean and selfish that it is very difficult to make friends with him. 吝啬 63.He narrowly escaped drowning. 差一点淹死 64.Miss Watkins was a nobody. She was a drifter. No family, no close friends. 无名之辈 65.Reporters have a good nose for news. 嗅觉,找出或分辨事物的能力 66.The nature of iron differs greatly from that of wood. 性质 67.His latest play is nothing. 一文不值 68.The scholar narrowed his interest to Tang poetry. 局限 69.Though living abroad for a few decades, a lot of overseas Chinese still have the habit of observing the Chinese tradition. 遵守 70.If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 职责,分担责任 71.It promises to be fine tomorrow. 预示,有。。。的希望 72.The speaker spent several days polishing her lecture. 润色,修饰 73.He had to present a smiling face though heavy-hearted. 露出 74.When the fire alarm sounds , each man rushes to his post. 岗位 75.She was voted “most promising young actress, 2009”. 最佳年轻女演员 76.We have established trade ties with these regions. 关系,联系 77.The manager was ready to shoulder the blame. 承担 78.She is sound in body and mind. 她身心健康 79.They took his money but spared his life. 饶恕,赦免,不伤害 80.The younger man will succeed Mr. White as director. 接替 81.The divorced woman is the talk of the street. 话题,谈资 82.I am not familiar with chemical terms. 术语 83.Tires are usually made of rubber. 轮胎 84.Harris got a ticket for speeding. 罚单 85.The new dictionary has really taken off. 受欢迎,成功 86.After a fierce struggle, he got the upper hand of his opponent. 胜过对手 87.My father values honesty beyong all things. 尊重,重视,珍视 88.Your idea won’t work in practice. 你的想法在实践中行不通 1


2021高考英语熟词新意汇总 老师叮咛:要提高英语,单词是关键!下面高考英语相关词汇,经过了全国首席高考英语名师团队认真整理校对,无错、可信!可供全国各省高中生打印、背诵! 学任何东西先要把一些概念说清楚——正名的过程名不正则言不顺做任何一门学问,要知道这里头的概念说的是什么意思——正名 1. absent熟义adj. 缺席的 新义adj. 茫然的,恍惚的 2.abuse熟义v. 滥用,谩骂 新义v. 虐待 新义v. 陪伴,伴奏 新义v. 伴随 3.accompany熟义v. 陪伴,伴奏 新义v. 伴随 4.ache熟义n.& v. 疼痛 新义v. 渴望 5.act熟义n.& v. 行动 新义v. 起作用 6.address熟义n.& v. 地址,写地址 新义 1 v. 被称为 新义 2 v. 向……发表演说 7.admit熟义v. 承认 新义 1 v. 允许进入

新义 2 v. 容纳 8.adapt熟义v. 适应 新义 1 v. 使适应新情况 新义 2 v. 编写,改写 9.adopt熟义v. 收养 新义v. 采纳,采用 10.against熟义prep. 反对,违背 新义prep. 映衬 11.age熟义n. 年龄 新义v. 使变老 12.air熟义n. 空气 新义 1 v. 抒发,倾诉 新义 2 n. 气氛,神态13.allow熟义v. 允许 新义v. 使可能 14.amount熟义n. 量 新义 1 v. 共计,达到 新义 2 v. 相当于 15.announce熟义v. 宣布 新义v. 显示,预告 16.appeal熟义v. 呼吁,恳求 新义v. 对…有吸引力17.apply熟义v. 申请 新义v. 应用,适用 18.approach熟义v. 靠近,接近


熟词新意 老师叮咛:要提高英语,单词是关键!下面高考英语相关词汇,经过了全国首席高考英语名师团队认真整理校对,无错、可信!可供全国各省高中生打印、背诵! 学任何东西先要把一些概念说清楚——正名的过程名不正则言不顺做任何一门学问,要知道这里头的概念说的是什么意思——正名 1.absent熟义adj.缺席的 新义adj.茫然的,恍惚的 2.abuse熟义v.滥用,谩骂 新义v.虐待 新义v.陪伴,伴奏 新义v.伴随 3.accompany熟义v.陪伴,伴奏 新义v.伴随 4.ache熟义n.&v.疼痛 新义v.渴望 5.act熟义n.&v.行动 新义v.起作用 6.address熟义n.&v.地址,写地址 新义1v.被称为 新义2v.向……发表演说 7.admit熟义v.承认 新义1v.允许进入 新义2v.容纳 8.adapt熟义v.适应 新义1v.使适应新情况

新义2v.编写,改写 9.adopt熟义v.收养 新义v.采纳,采用10.against熟义prep.反对,违背 新义prep.映衬 11.age熟义n.年龄 新义v.使变老 12.air熟义n.空气 新义1v.抒发,倾诉 新义2n.气氛,神态13.allow熟义v.允许 新义v.使可能 14.amount熟义n.量 新义1v.共计,达到 新义2v.相当于 15.announce熟义v.宣布 新义v.显示,预告16.appeal熟义v.呼吁,恳求 新义v.对…有吸引力17.apply熟义v.申请 新义v.应用,适用18.approach熟义v.靠近,接近 新义v.建议,要求19.arm熟义n.手臂 新义1n.武器 新义2v.武装 20.available熟义adj.可得到的


历年考研英语真题中常见的熟词生义词汇 例如:Bar 通常表示"木条;酒吧",在2014真题中首次考查"律师,律师界"的含义;weather出了有天气的意思。还表示"平安度过危难,经历危难而存活"。再如Develop本来表示"发展,制定",例句Heavier women are less likely to develop calcium deficiency than thin women.(2014完型),参考译法是:体重更重的女性,相比瘦弱的女性,更少可能会得缺钙(方面的疾病)。此处考查了"得某种疾病"这个含义。下面是更多熟词生意的总结,请同学们平时多积累。 1. Game猎物,行业,诡计,花招,有冒险精神的 真题例句:The large, slow-growing animals were easy game, and were quickly hunted to extinction 2.Handsome大量的 真题例句:publishers who have, so far, made handsome profits. 3. Air公开表达观点或者不装腔作势、摆架子 真题例句:Some long-standing grievances were aired. an unpretentious musician with no air 4.Mean吝啬的,平均的

真题例句:economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive. 5. rate价格 真题例句:Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal government’s Surface Transportation Board for rate relief 6. weigh考虑,衡量 真题例句:They are inclined to weigh what they get. 7. Address演讲、讲话,解决、处理 真题例句:Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different. This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from poor homes might have in completing their homework. 8. Average平均为,普通的 真题例句:if oil prices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year Today the messages the average Westerner is surrounded with are not religious but commercial and forever happy.


高考英语词汇复习:“ 熟词生义”再练 A 1.absorb(熟义:vt.吸收) (2015·高考天津卷)Absorbed in painting,J ohn didn’t notice evening approaching.vt.专心于 I haven’t really had time to absorb everything that he said.vt.理解,掌握 2.abuse(熟义:v.滥用;谩骂) She is quite a successful career woman,but actually she has much abuse at home.n.恶习3.accommodate(熟义:vt.住宿,留宿) This hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests.vt.容纳 5.accompany(熟义:vt.陪伴,伴随) The wellknown singer was accompanied at the piano by Mr.Moore.vt.为……伴奏或伴唱6.account(熟义:n.账目) (2015·高考福建卷)It is said that body language accounts for 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.vi.(在数量、比例方面)占 There are several accounts of the story in the newspaper.n.报道,叙述 7.act(熟义:v.&n.行动,行为) The act is passed by the Congress finally.n.法案 (2014·高考安徽卷)...acts as a remote control for TVs and videos.v.起作用 8.address(熟义:n.地址;v.写地址) It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting.vt.向……发表演说;直接向……说话9.acknowledge(熟义:vt.承认;道谢) He acknowledged me by lifting his hat.vt.向……打招呼 10.admit(熟义:v.承认;允许进入) The great hall can admit 5,000 students.vt.容纳 11.affect(熟义:vt.影响) The audience was deeply affected by his lecture.vt.感动 Be careful not to be affected with Ebola.vt.疾病侵袭


考研英语词汇中,有这样一类词,虽然很眼熟,但是在句子中的意思却不是自己熟悉的,这类词汇被成为“熟词偏义”。通常情况下,这类词汇是很让人头疼的,那么在2010年考研英语复习中,考研教育网辅导专家建议广大考生可以把这类词单独拿出来,熟练记忆其不常见的用法。 embrace 包括;接受,信奉;拥抱 preferred 有优先权的 exceptional 特殊的;例外的 prejudice 损害;偏见 dormant 暂停活动的;潜在的;睡着的 serve 有作用 act 法案;(戏剧的)一幕 govern 适用于,管理term条款,术语;学期 personality 人物,名人;个性,人格 fine 细微的 secure 获得,得到;a。安全的 rather 恰恰相反;相当 knowledge 知道;知识 aggressive 有进取心的,大胆的;侵犯的 reasoning 推理 interpret 解释,口译 assume 假设,承担,采用 mental 心理的,精神的,智力的 account 描述;叙述 coverage 新闻报道,覆盖 launch 发起,开展,发射 grant 授予,同意,准予 line 思路 engage 雇用,使参与 dictate 命令,口授,听写 render 使得;给予;翻译 discipline 训练,学科;纪律 acute 敏锐的;(病)急性的 fair 集市,交易会,博览会 virtually 几乎,实际上 authority 当局 import 意义,重要性,含义;进口,输入 implication 含义,暗示

passage 通过;段落 otherwise 在其他方面,否则 diversion 消遣,转移 harsh 严酷的,严厉的;难听的 frontier 前沿,新领域;边境 settlement 定居地,解决 convention 习俗;大会,会议;公约 abuse 滥用;虐待;谩骂 perceptual 感知的,知觉的 perception 感知,察觉;理解 radically 根本地,极端地,激进地 group 分组,分类 late 已故的;迟的,晚的 close 完成 ground 理由,根据 latitude (言语、行动等的)回旋余地,自由;纬度 conduct 指挥,管理;行为favorable 有利的,顺利的,赞许的 bid 企图,努力 contention 争夺,竞争;争吵;争辩,论点 establish 确定;建立,确立conclusive 有说服力的,确定性的;决定性的 fashion 方式;流行式样 blunt 直率的;钝的trial审判;试验 dramatize 使引人注目,使戏剧化,生动地表达 plague 令人烦恼的事;瘟疫,灾害discern 区别,识别;理解 span 横跨,跨越;持续,包括;n。一段时间;跨度 population (某地或某类)物品的总数,种群;人口 slip 滑倒;n。疏忽,小错 liability 责任,义务;债务[复数] claim 索赔;声称,主张 tap 开发,利用 betray 背叛,出卖;暴露 highlight 强调,突出 acquisition 获得,学会 panel 专门小组 appeal to 呼吁;吸引;上诉 impose 强加,征(税) entrance 进入,入口(动词enter)

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