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Lesson1:At the Airport


知识目标:1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写单词:home, time, clock

2. 句型“What time is it? It?s _____.”

能力目标:1. 能运用句型“What time is it? It?s _____.”来表达时间,如: seven o?clock, half past four, four forty-five

2. 可以运用所学对话熟练进行口语交际。


教学重点:学生对单词clock和airport的熟练掌握以及对关于时间句型"What time is it? It?s ____. "的灵活运用。






Free talk:

T: Hello! How are you?

S: I?m fine, and you? / Just so so. / I?m not bad…

T: Summer holiday is coming. What do you want to do?

S:I want to go on a trip…

T: But on September 1, what will you do?

S: I will go back to school.

T: Do you know what Li Ming will do on September 1?

(Let?s listen)

2.New concept

S: (after listening) He will go to school in Canada.

T: Why does Li Ming go to school in Canada? Do you go to school in Canada?

S: No.

T: So why does Li Ming go to school in Canada?

S: He wants to learn English.

T: Yes, Li Ming wants to go to school to learn English in Canada. Can you guess how Li Ming goes to Canada and what happens?

(Please read part 1 and part 2 silently)

T: Can you find some questions about our text?

分小组(Question Team and Answer Team)

Q: 1. When will Li Ming arrive?

2.When will Li Ming go home?

3.How long will Li Ming be in Canada?

4.How does Li Ming feel after the trip?

5.Where are Danny and Jenny now?(讲airport)

S: They are at the airport.

T: Yes! What?s this? This is an airport(机场图片). Try to read “port”. sport short horn T: What about other questions? Let?s go on.


What time will Li Ming?s plane arrive?

S: At five o?clock.

T: Good. (出示一个表示5点的钟表) What time is it? It?s five o?clock,Yes, we know the time from the clock.

T: What?s this?

S: This is a clock.

T:Clock! ck k (板书)

(chain drills)

T: What time is it?

S: It?s eight o?clock/ ten o?clock / twelve o?clock./ nine o?clock.

T: What time is it now?

S: It?s half past four.

T: half(做手势) past four.(板书)

T: What time do you get up?(示范)

S: At half past six.

T:Yes, we usually get up at half past six.

S1: What time do you go to school?

S2: At half past seven.

S3: What time do you go home?

S4: At half past eleven.( in pairs)

S5: What time do you have supper?

S6: I have supper at six fifteen.

T: At six fifteen? Can you show us with this clock?


T: Good. Look! It is 6:15.

T:(教师用手来拨)What time is it?

S: At four forty-five / five fifteen.

T: (game:What time is it?) 出示多组电子表,让学生来问答。

T: Does Li Ming come out at four forty-five?

S: No.

T: What about five fifteen?

S: No.

T: So at that time, how does Danny feel?

引导学生说出DANNY is bored or worried.

T: Why does Danny feel bored and worried? (Let?s listen and imitate.)

(After listening)

T: Why does Danny feel bored and worried?

S: He always asks the time like “ What time is it?”

T: Good! Can you read picture 1 2 3 with your partner? (鼓励学生带着Jenny 和Danny的感情色彩试读句子)

T: OK. Each of you did a good job. Li Ming's plane will arrive at five o?clock. Why he didn?t come out until five fifteen? Do you know? Who kno ws?

S: 学生用英语表达的各种猜测。

T: Well, (出示图片)学生看大屏幕Let?s see what happens.

S: Get off the plane./Pick his luggage./Show his passport to the custom...

T: Oh, Li Ming comes out! How do Danny and Jenny feel?

S: They feel happy.

T: OK. Let?s read p4-p6 together.

T: Does Li Ming have a good trip?

S: Yes, Li Ming has a good trip.

T: How does Li Ming feel after the trip?

S: He feels tired.

T: Good. Let?s see part 3 and answer the questions.


T: Let?s check your answer(学生之间一问一答)

T: Let?s see Part2. What time is it in Beijing?

S: It?s one o?clock in the afternoon in Beijing.

T: Yes. So p.m means “ in the afternoon”and what does a.m. mean?

S: In the morning.

T: Good. What time is it in Ottawa?

S: It?s one o?clock in the morning in Ottawa.

T: OK. From these two cloc ks we know “At the same time, different countries have different times, we call it “Jetlag” (学生跟读单词). After class, you can finish next two clocks. OK?

S: OK.

3. Task

T: Yes, this is Jetlag. The world we live is big. Different countries have different times, but we always say that the world is too small. We have modern transport, such as high speed train or plane. Many people go on a trip by plane.

If your friends come to visit you by plane, you will meet them at the airport. Can you make up a dialogue at the airport?

4. Group work ---- Dialogue show.

5. Class over.


Lesson 1 At the Airport

clock What time is it?

airport It?s half past four.


Lesson 2:Jenny’s House


本节课是冀教版六年级上册Unit 1 Lesson 2 My House的内容。学生已学过一些房间的名称。这一课主要是围绕Jenny家里的各类房间,如study, kitchen,living room,bedroom and bathroom及一些常见的生活用品和家具toilet,fridge,TV, sofa, table, bed等展开的话题。这些东西都是学生们非常熟悉而且和我们生活息息相关的,学生也会乐于学。




1. 语言知识:


(2)句型:There be句型

2. 语言技能:



3. 情感态度:



重点:能运用There be句型进行简单的描述。



Warm up

Free talk.

S: Where do you live?

T: I live in an apartment.

T:I think many Chinese people live in an apartment, but also many people live in houses. Now let?s see some beautiful houses.

New Concepts

T: Look at this house. It?s a lovely house. Can you guess whose house it is?

S: It?s Jenny?s house.

T: Bingo. Write house on the blackboard, teach the pronunciation of “au” . Show the houses I made it.

S: This is a house.

T: Let?s go to Jenny?s house. First, listen and answer the questions:

How many bedrooms are there in Jenny?s house?

How many floors (楼层) are there in Jenny?s house?

S: There are four bedrooms in Jenny?s house.

S2: There are two floors.

T: Yes, two floors. (Teach floor using the card and PPT. Show the first floor and the second floor) How many floors are there in this office building?

S: There are four floors. We are on the second floor.

This time listen and imitate, then answer the questions:

How many rooms are there on the first floor? What are they ?

How many rooms are there on the second floor? What are they ?

T: Jenn y?s house is big. There are eight rooms. Let?s go inside and have a look.

T: Which room do you want to go?

S: I want to go to room 1.

T: What?s this?

S: It?s a bed.

T: What room is it?

S: It?s a bedroom.(write “bedroom” on the blackboard)

T: Do you have a bedroom?

S: Yes, I do.

T: What?s in your bedroom?

S: There is a bed/a lamp /a closet in my bedroom. Xx, what?s in your bedroom?

S2: There is a mirror and some flowers in my bedroom.

T: A beautiful bedroom. Let?s go on. Which room do you want to go?

S: I want to go to room 2. (for example)

T: (PPT) A living room. This is a living room. What can you do in the living room? S: I can watch TV in the living room.

T: Which program do you like best?

S: Cartoons./Films...

T: What?s your favo urite cartoon character?

S: …

T: What else can you do in the living room?

S: I can sit on the sofa/read the newspaper/play checkers with my father/talk with my friends on the phone…

T: There is another name of living room. We call it sitting room. They are the same. T: Let?s go on. Which room do you want to go?

S: I want to go to room 3.

T: (PPT) A b athroom. The weather is so hot. I need to take a bath in the…

S: Bathroom.

(拓展:take a bath 和take a shower 的区别,用图展示bathtub 和shower)

T: Do you like to take a bath or take a shower? What else do we need in the bathroom? We need it everyday, so it is a toilet (pay more attention about the pronunciation ) Practice toilet one by one.

T: Guess, which room is it? Your mother always cooks there.

S: It is kitchen. (write ki and chen on the blackboard then write t, tell students t is silent )

T: Who cooks in the kitchen?

S: My mother or my father.

T: What?s in the kitchen?

S: There is a pot/frying pan/flour/eggs/milk/butter…

T: Look, what is it? There are many books in it.(show ppt用猜图片的方式,遮住一部分,让学生猜study)

T: Right. It is the study.

Chant: (齐说)Study, study, what? s in the study?

(一个人说)Books, books, there are many books in the study.

(齐说)Study, study, what? s in the study?

(一个人说)Bookcase, bookcase, there is a bookcase in the study. …

T: Look at the blackboard , can you say something about Jenny?s house?

S: This is Jenny?s house, there is a …

T: Show me your paper part 2 Look and write. You can write more sentences.


T: We visited Jenny?s house just now. Can you show us your house or your apartment? Talk in pairs and then show us. First I will show you my home. Look!

S1: Here?s my house\apartment, come in, please! I?ll show you the rooms in my

house\apartment. (Welcome to my apartment!) This is the... It?s big /small/ beautiful. There is ... in it. It is … (colour). I ... in the ...


Miss Song bought a new apartment. Please help her to design the apartment. (you can get the furniture with your star. )


Jenny ?s house

There are

There is

on the second floor. a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen

on the first floor.


小学英语教案 任课教师: 任教年级:六年级上

Lesson 1 At the Airport 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1.学生能听懂会读本课课文。 2.使学生通过练习复习句子:What time is it? It’s ____.复习所学过的时间表达法。 (二)能力目标 1.学生能够模仿课文对话,能练习相互问候的日常用语。 2.培养以旧带新掌握一定的语言技巧的能力,练习该如何表达时间。(三)情感目标 以情感培养人,培养学生珍惜时间的好习惯。 二、教学重点 掌握what time is it ? It’s_ 三、教学难点 学生能够准确的用英语表达时间。 四、教学用具 录音机,磁带

五、教学资源 2 : 10 two ten or ewo past ten. 4 : 30 four thirty or half past four. 9 : 00 nine o’clock or nine. 5 : 45 five forty-five or a quarter to six. 六、教学过程: Step 1 : Review 1) Play a game: “ The number game” to review number , play with numbers up to ten thousand . 2) Review some phrases : What day is it ? What time is it ? Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1.引出新课题,教授新单词airport,教读数遍并让学生明白单词的意思。 2.Ask and answer: 1).Who is this? JennyDannyLi Ming. 2).Where does Jenny live? Canada.


Lesson 1 : How Are You? 【知识目标】 1.学习日常问候用语。 2.理解领会对话,学会向别人介绍自己。 【技能目标】 熟练的向他人问好并介绍自己。 【情感态度价值观】 培通过学生之间互相打招呼,增进学生之间的友谊。 【教学方法】 一对一练习法, 【教学重难点】 1.学习日常问候用语。 2.理解领会对话,学会向别人介绍自己。 【教学用具】 录音机,多媒体课件 【教学过程】 1.教师课前用Hi,或Hello等和学生打招呼。 2.新的学期开始,教师作自我介绍,启发再次相逢后的学生互相打招呼,引导学生用How are you?句型互相问候,做好新学期学习的准备。 3.教师引导学生观察教材No2的插图,学生交流对图画的理解,教师设置情景加深学生的理解.

4.教师打开同步课件,学生跟读,教师用汉语翻译并解释,强调Nice to meet you.的用法和意思。 5.学生熟悉对话后,教师和学生一对一练习,学生自由组合练习。 【结束新课】 让自告奋勇的学生上台表演,教师给以评价和鼓励。 【布置作业】 背诵对话并完成activity book中的习题。 Lesson 2:Friends 【知识目标】 1.体会理解运用人称代词。 2.学会介绍他人。 【技能目标】 能把所学知识运用到日常对话中。 【情感态度价值观】 培养学生善于用英语交流的意识。 【教学方法】 讲解法,演示法 【教学重难点】 1.体会理解运用人称代词。 2.学会介绍他人。

【教学用具】 录音机,手偶 【教学过程】 1.复习上节课学会的问候用语,点名让两位同学自己设置情景互相介绍自己。 2.教师展示写有his, he, her, she, I,my等代词的卡片,并用汉语解释运用几个代词的环境,教师借助手偶示范:My name is _____. His/Her name is ____.启发学生用What’s his/her name?互相提问。 3.学生讨论教材插图的字面意思,教师作必要的汉语补充,在第一副图,使学生理解介绍boy时,用he/his,介绍girl时,用her/she;播放本课录音,学生看书跟读,熟练后,教师设置情景: 师:Is he/she a boy/girl?(借助手偶) 生A:Yes, he/she is a boy/girl. He/She name is_______. 生B:No, she/he is a girl/boy. Her/His name is_______. 以此来强化练习。学生掌握代词熟读句子后,自由组合一对一练习,指定两名学生向全班同学介绍对方。其余学生可作必要补充。教师鼓励学生踊跃参与。 【结束新课】 学生熟读并背诵本课对话。 【布置作业】 完成activity book中的No1,2,3。 Lesson 3: Is This Your Pencil? 【知识目标】


Unit 1How can I get there? 第一课时 一、教学内容 Part A Let's try & Let's talk 二、教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、写句子:“Where is the museum shop?”“It's near the door.”。 2.能够听、说、认读单词ask、sir和句型“Is there a…?”“I want to…”“What a great museum!”。 三、教学重难点 1.学习句子“Where is the museum shop?”“It's near the door.”。 2.正确使用方位介词。 四、教学准备 单词卡、录音机、磁带。 五、教学过程 Step 1 热身(Warming-up) Let's do Go to the bookstore.Buy some books. Go to the post office.Send a letter. Go to the hospital.See the doctor. Go to the cinema.See a film.

Go to the museum.See some robots. Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation) 1.学习Let's try (1)打开课本读一读Let's try中呈现的问题和选项。 (2)播放录音,让学生听完后勾出正确的选项。 (3)全班核对答案。 2.学习Let's talk (1)播放Let's talk的录音,学生带着问题听录音:Where is the museum shop?Where is the post office?听完录音后让学生回答这两个问题,教师板书:It's near the door.It's next to the museum.教师讲解:near表示“在附近”,next to表示“与……相邻”,它的范围比near小。最后让学生用near和next to来讲述学校周围的建筑物。 (2)讲解“A talking robot!What a great museum!”,让学生说说这两个感叹句的意思。 (3)再次播放录音,学生一边听一边跟读。 (4)分角色朗读课文。 Step 3 巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) 1.三人一组分角色练习Let's talk的对话,然后请一些同学到台前表演。 2.教学Part A:Talk about the places in your city/town/village.


Unit 1 第一课时 课题:Unit 1 How can I get there? Part A Let’s learn 课型:词汇课 Learning aims a.我能借助读音规则、录音和图片,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写四会 单词science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital,能读懂句子 Where is the … ? It’s next to the ….并能在情景中运用,达到语音清晰,语 调自然。(重点) b.我会借助图片,在老师的帮助下,在实际情境中模仿范例写句子,达到书 写规范,格式正确。(难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English :Knowledge is power.(知识就是力量。) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s review.(通过提示写出next的同类词,复习三年级下册和五年级上 册学过的单词:in,on,under,behind,in front of。句子:Where is the … ? It’s next to the ….) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital Where is the … ? It’s next to the …. Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words https://www.doczj.com/doc/4a8265968.html,ing the pictures to practice the sentences.



Lesson 1 At the Airport 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1.学生能听懂会读本课课文。 2.使学生通过练习复习句子:What time is it? It’s ____.复习所学过的时间表达法。 (二)能力目标 1.学生能够模仿课文对话,能练习相互问候的日常用语。 2.培养以旧带新掌握一定的语言技巧的能力,练习该如何表达时间。 (三)情感目标 以情感培养人,培养学生珍惜时间的好习惯。 二、教学重点 掌握what time is it ? It’s_ 三、教学难点 学生能够准确的用英语表达时间。 四、教学用具 录音机,磁带 五、教学资源 2 : 10 two ten or ewo past ten. 4 : 30 four thirty or half past four. 9 : 00 nine o’clock or nine. 5 : 45 five forty-five or a quarter to six. 六、教学过程: Step 1 : Review 1) Play a game: “ The number game” to review number , play with numbers up to ten thousand . 2) Review some phrases : What day is it ? What time is it ? Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1.引出新课题,教授新单词airport,教读数遍并让学生明白单词的意思。 2.Ask and answer: 1).Who is this? JennyDannyLi Ming. 2).Where does Jenny live? Canada. Where does Li Ming live? China. 3)How long is it from September 1 to June 25? Ss count the months: October November December January February…June. Wow!That’sten months. 3.Teaching “ What time is it ? ” 1) 指着自己的手腕处,T: What time is it ? (强调连读is it) S:“It’s ______”Explain that we use “o’clock” only on the hour. 2) Demonstrate : T draws a clock on the blackboard.More the hands on the clock as T asks and answer the question . Then get volunteers to answer the question . Eg: 2:40 two forty 5:10 five ten 6:37 six thirty seven 9:00 nine o’clock 3.Practice : 1) Practice in pairs . 2)Ask the volunteers to more the hands on the clock as they ask and answer the question . 4.Teaching “ the text ” 1)When the students listen to the tape , think over the question : a.Why does LiMing come to Canada (He wants to learn English) b.When does Li Ming arrive ? c.What time did Li Ming’s plane arrive ? d.Who meets him at the airport ? e.Did he have a good trip ? 2)Read the dialogue and discuss the questions in groups . 3)Ask the students to answer the questions . 4)Read by themselves , then read role-play . Step 3.Homework Make up a dialogue about meeting someone at the airport . Use“ What time is it ? It’s .” 七、 Blackboard

冀教版三年级英语 教案

Lesson16 Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner 【课题】:Lesson16 Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner;This lesson has one class. 【课型】:New class. 【课标定位】:1.Can speak new words and phrases. 2.Can understand the simple story with the help of pictures. 【教学目标】:1.Be able to read and spell the following words: breakfast, lunch dinner, morning, afternoon, evening, night. 2.To apply the learned words and sentences in daily life. 【教学重点】:Can listen, say, remember the words: good,breakfast, lunch,dinner, morning, afternoon, evening, night. 【教学难点】:The flexible use of actual life. 【自学指南】:Try to understand the content of dialogue according to the words given. 【自学测评】:Find out the difficult words and sentences. 【情景引入】:We all know that there are three meals a day, we will learn words on three meals in this class. 【核心活动】:Step1:Warm-up! 1. Greeting: the teacher and students greet for each other to close the distance between the teacher and students. 2. Review morning, afternoon and evening. For example, ask the students to say in Chinese what activities they do in the morning/afternoon/evening. Write on the blackboard. Step2: New Concepts Part1.Breakfast,lunch or supper? Please look at the book and guess what the pictures are about. (Teacher says the sentences and do the action to help students understand the Chinese meaning of morning, afternoon, evening. If necessary, we can explain in Chinese.) 1. Present: Write breakfast, lunch and supper on the blackboard and translate each word. Practice saying the words with the class a few times. 2. Student book: Discuss the pictures in book. For example, ask the students to find the words breakfast/lunch/supper in the sentences and ask the times of eating breakfast/lunch/supper. Part2.Practice 1. Ask questions to check their comprehension. Use English as much as possible and use gestures to make your meaning clear. For example: What does Li Ming have in the morning/afternoon/evening? What does Li Ming do after breakfast/lunch/supper? 2. Work in pairs: Talk about what they do in the morning, afternoon and evening.


小学英语六年级上册全册课程纲要 ◆课程类型:必修课程◆教学材料:人民教育出版社 ◆课时安排:42课时 ◆授课对象:小学六年级 一、课程标准相关的陈述 能借助录音、图像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料;能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问;能在口头表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本达意;能认读所学词语;能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词;能读懂教材中简短的要求或指令;能正确地使用大写小字母和常用的标点符号;能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句. 学习目标: 1、我能够借助拼读规则、图片听、说、读、写64个短语和单词以及12组句子和9个单句(包括社区生活,交通法规,课余活动,业余爱好,职业,心情等几个话题)。要求能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短语篇。 2、我能够借助拼读规则、图片听、说、认读83个单词(带“△”)。 3、我能借助录音能听懂、会唱6首歌曲。 4、我能根据练习,作业及小组合作完成6个自我评价活动。 5、我能借助动画理解6个幽默小故事。 6、我能借助课本,课件了解6项简单的中西方文化生活知识。 能力目标: 1、我能借助录音,图片使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。 2、我能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。 3、养成良好的书写习惯。 4、进一步养成听英语、读英语和说英语的良好习惯。 二、课时安排

单元课题课时 Unit 1 How can I get there? 6 Unit 2 Ways to go to school 6 Unit 3 My weekend plan 6 Recycle 1 3 Unit 4 I have a pen pal 6 Unit 5 What does he do ? 6 Unit 6 How do you feel? 6 Recycle 2 3 三、课程实施 1、六年级上册的教材与五年级上、下册的结构、板块设计基本相同,不同之处主要有以下两个方面: (1)五年级上、下册教材中的主句型在Let's talk 部分只要求达到听、说、认读,在Read and write 部分要求达到能够书写。六年级上册的主句型在Let's talk 部分即要求达到听、说、读、写四会掌握. (2)语音部分由原来的字母组合朗读过渡到句子的语调和单词间的连读与重音。 2、本教材的设计体现了“以人为本”的教育思想,形式多样活泼,很符合该年龄阶段的儿童。教材以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际意义的语言任务。体现了交际教学思想,注重学生语言应用能力的培养。在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用上都紧密联系学生的生活实际、贯彻了语言的交际功能和语言应用的基本原则。 3、复现率高。本册教材大量复现学生已经学过的词汇和句型,注重单元与单元之间内容的衔接,使语言在重复和滚动式的递进中不断巩固。如第一单元的话题是谈论地点与方位,告诉别人怎么去某个地方,第二单元紧接着谈论交通方式,第三单元结合谈论周末活动展开以各种疑问词开头的问句:What are you going to do? Where are you going ? When are you going ?第四单元与第五单元联系紧密,第四单元谈论笔友和


Module 1 Unit 1

Module2 Citie life 一、教学内容分析 本模块的话题涉及城市的生活。在第三单元里面,出现了一个新学生David,他给班上的同学介绍了他在纽约的生活。在第四单元里,是一张Li Wei 写给Lily的明信片。在这张明信片黎,Li WeI 描述了她在城市里假期生活。 二、语法和交际用语 1、询问比人来自哪里及回答:Where are you from? I am from(New York City in America)。 2、谈论一个城市:A: What’s … like? B: Do you like living in our city? 运用形容词来描述一个城市,如:It’s a big and modern city. 3、祈使句的使用:Don’t take photots here. 4、交际用语:I can’t wait to (get back home) I eally miss…. 三、教学目标 1.词汇 (1)“四会”掌握词汇:city, student, New York, America, quiet, cheap, modern, noisy, wide, crowded, hotel, comfortable, heavy, slow, postcard, dirty, afraid, be afraid, because, sell. Countryside, theatre, all day, miss (2)“三会”掌握词汇:was, be born, expensive, street, supermarket, traffic, holiday, different to , outside, 2.“四会”掌握句型: 1、Where is /are from…? 2、hat’s… like? 3、It’very different to… 4、…be afraid to do something… 5、There is much more to do ,,, than… 6、…can’t wait fo… (二)语言技能目标 1.能够按“四会”和“三会”的要求运用本模块的单词。 2.能正确理解课文意思及用正确的语音语调流利地朗读课文,并能听、读与课文类似的对话和短文。 3.能用英语谈论城市的特征。 4.能用总结人称代词的用法。 5、学习如何正确书写明信片。


备课本冀教版六年级上册 英语 全册教案 班级______ 教师______ 日期______

冀教版六年级上册英语教学计划 教师_______日期_______ 我担任六年级上册的英语教学工作,根据学生的实际情况,拟定以下教学计划: 一、学情分析 我任教的六年级(1)班的学生对英语学习兴趣整体有所下降,两极分化比较严重。所以本学期应做好后进生的转化工作。激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心,培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯,使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。同时培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。教师在教学过程中应强调语言的综合运用,注意学生能力的培养,突出对学生学习兴趣的激发,重视知识的灵活扩展,真正将英语教学的目标落实到实处。在五年级的对话的基础上,增加了阅读的内容和难度。本册中所涉及的一般现在时、一般将来时、过去时等句型中对人称、是动词的变化、行为动词的运用对小学生都是一个难点,要打好此部分的基础,为六年级的毕业考试打好基础。 二、教材分析 教材的特点是:1.强调语言运用。2.注重能力培养3.突出兴趣激发4.重视双向交流5.融合学科内容6.重视灵活扩展7.实现整体设计。 三、教学目标 1、能听、说、读、写61个单词或短语以及7组句子和4个单句。(包括长度、重量、高度、看病、情感、周末和假期活动、旅行、晚会等几个话题)。要求能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短语篇。 2、能完成1个手工制作。 3、能听懂、会唱6首歌曲。

4、能听懂、会吟唱6首歌谣。 5、能完成4个自我评价活动。 6、能理解6个幽默小故事。 7、能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。 四、教材重难点 重点: 1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。 2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。 3、能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。 4、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。 难点: 1.、一般过去时、一般将来时等几个小学阶段所学句型中对人称、是动词的变化、行为动词的运用。 2、对四会要求掌握所学句型的灵活运用:对话、写作、阅读。 3、教学内容与学生的生活经验知识层次的有机结合。 五、教学措施 1、以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。 2、通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习。 3、培养学生拼读音标的能力,确保学生自主学习的质量。 4、设计全面、高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范、正确地书写。



冀教版英语四年级下册教学设计 Lesson11 How’s The Weather Today ? 万全区第一小学王海云 一、教学目标 知识目标:通过教学让学生可以读、写、说出并听懂snowy, windy, sunny, cloudy, rainy等词汇运用; 能力目标:指导学生在任务型教学模式中,让学生学会用英语How’s the weather today ? It’s ______与他人谈论天气的字让现象和形容词的比较的话题,以及进一步提高听力能力和英语语言表达能力; 情感、态度、价值观:通过师生在教学的双边活动中主动性和创造性的发挥,激发学生的学习兴趣,体验英语语言的美,体验知识间的相互应用、相互依存、联系,让学生充满自信,体验成就感和合作精神。 二、本课教学重点: 1、学生能够读、写、说出并且听懂下列描述天气的形容词: cloudy ,rainy ,snowy ,sunny ,windy 2、学生能够读、写、说出并且听懂下列标准用语:How’s the weather today ? It’s______. 难点:在于把所学知识运用到实际谈话中去。 教学准备:电脑课件、彩色小花(课件、图片、彩色小花) 三、教学过程 第一环节:激趣导入 Sing a songs

(分组演唱,五个组每组唱两个月份,最后两个月合唱。这样可以让学生有竞争意识,我会表扬唱的声音大的小组并奖励。) 第二环节:新旧衔接 以画图的形式复习snow ,wind, sun ,cloud, rain。 如画出太阳: T: What‘s this? S: This is the sun. T: How’s the weather ? S: It‘s sunny. 仿照例子,依次引出表示天气的词.引导学生总结发音和书写规律。又以小星星的形式进行奖励。(字母y在单词里发短/i/,在练习单词是我会用大小声,拼读,唇语等方法。第三环节:教授新知 学习句式“How’s the weather today ? It’s ______” 1.引导学生进行朗读,利用表示天气的形容词进行造句练习,以小星星的形式进行奖励。 2.以歌曲《How’s the weather 》提高学生的学习兴趣,巩固练习此句式。(教师唱一遍歌曲,教师的引领起着很大的作用,动画播放完有的同学能学会,老师唱完了大多数孩子都能学会。) 第四环节、整体感知 利用录音让学生跟读课文。回答提出的题。 1.What day is it today?


Unit 1 How can I get there? 单元整体分析 本单元是人教版英语六年级上册的第一单元,单元的话题是“How can I get there?” 本单元通过不同的场景,提供了表达地点、问路的句型结构。教学中三个版块:A 部分,B部分和C 部分。A部分包括重点词汇和情景对话,共两个课时。第一课时呈现了吴一凡和Robin的谈话,引出表示地点的词汇。.第二课时吴一凡和Robin的谈话,引出句型Where is the...? It’s…A 部分重点掌握词汇和询问地点并回答的句型。B部分包括重点词汇、情景对话和读和写,共三个课时。第一课时呈现Mike问路的对话,引出关于路线的一些词汇。第二课时吴一凡和Mike 看完电影讨论吃饭地点在哪,呈现了问路并回答的句型How can we get there? Turn left/right....,并进一步表达句型Where is the ...? It’s next to...第三课时通过图片了解辨别方位的方法。通过吴一凡、Mike和Robin寻找意大利餐馆,拓展本单元所学句型。B部分重点是掌握词汇和问路及回答的句型How can we get there? Turn left/right... C 部分包括听力测试、介词词组的总结和故事,共一课时。重点是复习巩固本单元所学重点词汇和句型。 在课堂教学中,首先要整体把握本单元教学内容,教学重点和教学难点,了解学生学情。然后围绕本单元主题“How can I get there?”展开教学设计。本单元的教学内容与学生的生活相关,在组织语言教学时要注意设计生活化,充分利用教材已经设定的情境展开教学,引导学生在合作学习中表达和语用所学句型。鼓励学生自编对话巩固所学知识。同时还要引导学生自己归纳介词词组,启发学生的思维。 本单元所需要掌握的词汇中science, post office 中的office,在四年级、五年级的教材中已经学过。本单元所需要掌握的询问地点并回答的句型在Where is the ...?It’s in/on/under/near/in front of/behind....在四年级、五年级的教材中已经学过。这个句型的表达为本单元的教学奠定了一定的基础。 单元教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1)能够听、说、读、写单词和词组:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right (2)能够听、说、认读单词:ask, sir, interesting, Italian, restaurant, pizza, street, get, GPS, street, gave, feature, follow, far, tell (3)能够听、说、读、写句型: —Where is the...? —It’s near the door.. —How can we get there? —Turn left at the bookstore. (4)能够掌握句式: Where+系动词+地点名词? It+系动词+表示地点的介词短语。 How can I/we + get to +地点? (5)知道英语句子有升降调。 2. 能力目标 (1)能够正确使用science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right这些单词和词组描述城市设施及其位置。 (2)能够在情景中运用句型询问地点并作答: —Where is the....? —It’s ... (3)能够在情景中运用句型问路并描述路线。


六年级英语上册《Unit 1 Lesson 1 At the Airport》教案 教材分析 本课是冀教版六年级上册第一单元第一课,是一节新授课。 本课首先介绍了Li Ming到达加拿大后的安排,以Jenny和Danny在机场等Li Ming为背景,引出时间表达法,难度:容易。 《义务教育小学英语课程标准》中提出:能听懂简单配图小故事、理解有关时间表达的英语知识,通过学习具有表达时间的能力,在听、说、读、写的过程中学习时间表达法,进一步理解用英语表达时间的观念。 据此,本课教学目标可以包含:1.知识与技能:(1)学习新单词;听懂故事的意思;(2)能用英语表达时间。2.过程与方法:(1)在听、说、读、写的过程中理解和记忆时间表达法;(2)通过角色扮演等方法询问时间。 3.情感态度和价值观:(1)使学生准确理解Jenny和Danny在机场等Li Ming 时的迫切相见的心情;(2)教育学生对待自己的朋友要有耐心的思想。 本课教学可以采取角色扮演、情景对话等方法开展教学。 学生分析 本课的教学对象是12岁左右的学生,这个年龄阶段的学生已经具备比较成熟的思想和比较独立的生活方式,拥有自己的朋友圈,自己已经能够和别人进行简单的交流。 六年级的学生通过之前的学习和生活实践,已经掌握Li Ming、Jenny 和Danny每个人的性格特点和他们的生活经历等知识和同学们在三年的英语学习中用预习、理解、练习、复习等方法,能够比较容易理解本课知识。

通过学习本课,学生可以获得用英语表达时间的方法、用英语询问时间的能力、促使学生对学习英语的观念的提升。 学生采用听、说、读、写等方法学习本课。 教学目标 知识与技能 1.学习新单词——airport,clock,plane,短语——at the airport,have a good trip;全体学生能听懂简单配图小故事的意思。 2.学生会用英语表达时间。 过程与方法 1.在听、说、读、写的过程中理解和记忆时间表达法。 2.通过角色扮演、情景对话的方法询问时间。 情感态度和价值观 1.使学生准确理解Jenny和Danny在机场等Li Ming时的迫切相 见的心情。 2.教育学生要用真心对待自己的朋友,即使相隔很远,也无法疏 远和朋友间的友谊。 重点难点 教学重点 学习新单词——airport,clock,plane,短语——at the airport,have a good trip;全体学生能听懂简单配图小故事的意思。 教学难点 学生能用英语表达时间。


Unit 1 第一课时总第一课时教学设计 课题:Unit 1 How can I get there? Part A Let’s learn 课型:词汇课 Learning aims a.我能借助读音规则、录音和图片,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写四会 单词science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital,能读懂句子 Where is the … ? I t’s next to the ….并能在情景中运用,达到语音清晰,语 调自然。(重点) b.我会借助图片,在老师的帮助下,在实际情境中模仿范例写句子,达到书 写规范,格式正确。(难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English :Knowledge is power.(知识就是力量。) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s review.(通过提示写出next的同类词,复习三年级下册和五年级上 册学过的单词:in,on,under,behind,in front of。句子:Where is the … ? It’s next to the ….) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital Where is the … ? It’s next to the …. Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words https://www.doczj.com/doc/4a8265968.html,ing the pictures to practice the sentences.


冀教版六年级上册英语教案作者 Lesson 1 At the Airport 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1.学生能听懂会读本课课文。 2.使学生通过练习复习句子:What time is it? It‘s ____.复习所学过的时间表达法。 (二)能力目标 1.学生能够模仿课文对话,能练习相互问候的日常用语。 2.培养以旧带新掌握一定的语言技巧的能力,练习该如何表达时间。 (三)情感目标 以情感培养人,培养学生珍惜时间的好习惯。 二、教学重点 掌握what time is it ? It‘s_ 三、教学难点 学生能够准确的用英语表达时间。 四、教学用具 录音机,磁带 五、教学资源 2 : 10 two ten or ewo past ten. 4 : 30 four thirty or half past four. 9 : 00 nine o‘clock or nine. 5 : 45 five forty-five or a quarter to six. 六、教学过程: Step 1 : Review 1) Play a game: ― The number game‖ to review number , play with numbers up to ten thousand . 2) Review some phrases : What day is it ? What time is it ? Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1.引出新课题,教授新单词airport,教读数遍并让学生明白单词的意思。 2.Ask and answer: 1).Who is this? JennyDannyLi Ming. 2).Where does Jenny live? Canada. Where does Li Ming live? China. 3)How long is it from September 1 to June 25? Ss count the months: October November December J anuary February…June. Wow!That‘sten months. 3.Teaching ― What time is it ? ‖ 1) 指着自己的手腕处,T: What time is it ? (强调连读is it) S:―It‘s ______‖Explain that we use ―o‘clock‖ only on the hour. 2) Demonstrate : T draws a clock on the blackboard.More the hands on the clock as T asks and answer the question .


冀教版初中英语教学设计 Unit1 Lesson2 May I Invite Danny and Jenny? 一、教学理念: 根据新课标,教师应把握好教学设计的系统性、科学性、有效性;时间分配的合理性,知识传递的准确性,学生学习的高效性;培养学生发现问题、解决问题的能力,帮助学生养成独立思考、共同讨论、合作探究的习惯;同时培养学生综合运用语言的能力及互助创新能力,课后师生及时交流,教师反思。 二、教材分析 本课是本单元的中心课文,主要以“邀请”这个话题为主线,电话交际为辅线来展开教学活动。 本课涉及到本单元的重点内容有: 1、Talking about Distance e.g. Canada is far from China. 2、Asking for Permission. e.g. May I invite them, Mom? 3、Showing Intentions e.g. I want them to come on our trip to Beijing. 而本课的主要内容就是在讨论距离be far from请求许可.May I …? Yes,you may. No, you may not.表明意图I want to…中展开教学活动。 三、教学策略 教学设计力求活用教学方法,全方位、多角度、多层次调动学生的主动性、积极性、培养合作意识和探究能力,由点到面、循序渐进、环环相扣,让学生在轻松、活跃的气氛中得到听、说、读、写四

种技能的培养及能力的提高。 四、教学目标 1.帮助学生掌握语言目标知识,灵活运用本课的重点词汇、短语、句型 2.帮助学生掌握语言技能知识,熟练使用电话用语和邀请的日常交际用语。 3.帮助学生正确表达与本课有关的Distance 、Permission、Intentions内容 五、教学方法 个人阅读、小组讨论、师生互动 六、教学工具 Multimedia Recorder and Tape 七、教学重点难点 1. 词汇want ,come,hello,with,who,when,do,leave,for,arrive 2.短语leave for arrive in /at talk to /with 3.句型1. want somebody to do something 2. invite somebody to somewhere 3. Thanks for… 4. Oh, please, Mom? Please, please. 八、教学过程 Step1 Lead-in (1 minute) As we all see in the pictures, Beijing is preparing for the coming Olympic Games. Many visitors are hoping to Beijing.Do you want to go to Beijing?

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