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动突然想到;猛然悟到(疾病、地震、洪水等)侵袭;袭击(钟)敲响报(时 An idea suddenly struck me. 我心中忽然产生一个念头。 The earthquake struck the city in the night. The clock struck nine.钟敲了九下。补充:He struck me with a stick. 他用棍子打我。Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁;趁机行事。 121 subject 题目, 主题, 科目, 学科, [语法]主语受实验者易受[遭, 患]... 的 the subject of an experiment 实验对象 be subject to cold 易患感冒 be subject to damage 易受损伤使服从, 使隶属(to (v 受...支配的, 附属的 subject another's will to one's own 使别人的意志服从己意 subject to the law of the land 受国家法律的管辖的 be subject to taxation 应纳税 The schedule is subject to change without notice. "时间表随时可能改变,不另行通知。注:(be subject to 服从, 以...为条件, 受...的支配; 须经, 必须得到;易遭[受,发生] 122 succeed 成功继...之后; 接替; 继承; 接着...发生 succeed sb. as secretary 继某人任书记 Day succeeds day.日复一日。He had no son to succeed him.他没有儿子继承他。 succeed to a fortune 继承大笔遗产 to succeed to the throne 继承王位 succeed

sb. as 继某人出任(某职 succeed sb. in 继某人接掌(某职权; 袭某人爵位[官衔]succeed to 继承(常与 to 连用)继位;继承;继任 123 tense 紧张的, 拉紧的; [语法]时态v.(使紧张, (使拉紧 He tensed his muscles for the leap.他拉紧了他的肌肉准备跳跃。He tensed as he heard it slow down.他听到它慢下来时变得很紧张。 124 term n.学期, 期间,期限,特定的期间 a term of office 任期 to get a term of seven years in prison 被判 7 年徒刑 He was made captain of the football team for a term of one year. 他被推选为足球队队长,任期一年。名词;术语 (pl 合同或协议书的条件、条款、细则 technical terms 专门名词,术语 come to terms with 与…达成协议 If you agree to my terms -- free meals and good wages — I will work for you. 如果你同意我的条件,免费用餐并给高薪,我就为你工作。 vt 称为;把…叫做 His life may be termed happy. 他的生活可称之为幸福。 21

in the long term 从长远的观点看 in the short term 从眼前的观点看 in terms of 以…的观点;就…而说 on good terms 好的关系 on bad terms 坏的关系 on speaking terms 友好的关系 on friendly terms 友善的关系 on equal terms 同等 125 126 thirsty tight 渴的,口渴的紧的, 绷紧的, 渴望的(for 不漏水(不透气的(比赛)势均力敌的棘手的,麻烦的,困难的 127 track 轨迹, 车辙, 航迹, 足迹, 小路,小径轨道,铁轨路线;轨迹; 跑道 128 trade 贸易, 商业, 交易, 生意职业, 行业, (常与 in, with 连用)交易;贸易;做买卖以...换取... (sth.for sth.; 同某人交换某物 (sth. with sb. 129 treasure n.财宝, 财富, 珍品, 财产 vt.珍爱, 珍惜, 储藏, 珍藏 . trade seats with sb 和某人对换座位 Trade space for time 以空间换取时间 trade If you don't like your book, I'll trade with you.如果你不喜欢你的书, 我和你对换。 treasure sth. up in one's memory 铭记某事 I treasure your friendship.我珍惜你的友谊。 He treasures the watch his mother gave him.他珍爱母亲送给他的表。 130 treat 对待;看待治疗处置;用,使用 to treat an illness 治病 Glass must be treated carefully. 玻璃必须小心使用。 treat sb. to an ice-cream 请某人吃一杯冰淇淋 I'll treat myself to a sunbath.我要好好地享受一次日光浴。treat his guests with courtesy; 殷勤地招待他的客人;This is my treat.这次由我请客。 stand treat 负担请客的费用,请客 131 type 类型打字,用打字机打出〈计〉键入 132 value 价值估价;评价; 尊重, 重视 I valued the house at 50,000 yuan.

我估计这所房子值五万元。I have always valued his advice.我一向尊重他的指教。to type a letter 用打字机打一封信 We trade with other countries. 我们和其他国家做生意。跟踪,追踪,尾随 track game through the forest. 追踪猎物穿过森林 The hunter followed the animal's tracks. 猎人追踪动物的足迹。 He is thirsty for power.他渴望掌权。 a tight boat 不漏水的 A tight race / game 不分胜负的赛跑/比赛 In a tight corner/ place / spot 处境困难宴请, 招待, 款待,做东 22

133 voice 声音, 嗓音 [语法]语态发言权 vt.表达, 吐露 have a voice in this matter.对这件事有发言权 voice different opinions about it 对此发表不同的看法。 He voiced the feelings of the crowd. 他表达出群众的情绪。补充:with one voice 异口同声;一致地 Our group rejected the proposal with one voice.我们小组一致反对提议 134 wave 波, 波浪; 飘扬;摇摆(常与 to 连用)招手,挥手(致意) He waved desperately to his companion.他绝望地向他的伙伴挥了挥手。She waved her hand to say good-bye. 她挥手告别。He waved to us to stop.他挥手叫我们停住。 wave sb. a greeting 挥手向某人致意卷(头发) Her hair waves naturally. 她的头发卷得很自然。补充:The red flag is -ving in the breeze. 红旗迎风飘扬。 135 weather 天气度过(暴风雨, 困难等; 经受住 weather the storm 战胜暴风雨 We have weathered another war. 我们又度过了

一场战争。补充:under the weather 有病;不舒服;难过 to weigh anchor 起锚weigh the matter seriously 认真考虑这件事 weigh the advantages & disadvantages 权衡利弊 136 weigh vt. 称 ... 重量 , 称 vi.重(若干起(锚)考虑, 斟酌; 衡量重压, 压下The fruit weighed the branches down. 果子压得树枝下垂。补充:weigh heavy [light]称起来分量重[轻] This box weighs five kilogrammes.这只箱子重五公斤。 His words weighed heavily with me.他的话对我很有分量。 137 when 当…时虽然,尽管 She stopped short when she ought to have continued.尽管她应该继续下去,她却突然停住了。We have only three books when we need five.虽然我们需要五本书, 却只有三本。Why use wood when you can use plastic? 既然能用塑料, 为什么还要用木料? 138 while 当…时;一会儿;然而(表对比性转折)尽管,虽然: While the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them. 虽然祖父母们都爱他们的孩子,“ 但却对他们要求严格”While I understand what you say, I can't agree with you.

虽然我理解你的意思,但我还是不同意。 139 whole 全部, 全体, 整体, 完整的, 完全的 adv.完全, 整个 a whole new idea. 全新的想法 swallow sth. whole 全盘接受;生吞活剥补充:Three whole years 整整三年 the whole truth 全部真相 as a whole 整个看来 on the whole 总的看来 23

140 wide 宽的全部地,充分地 The children were still wide awake, when the clock struck twelve for the New Year's Day. 当新年的钟声敲响十二下时孩子们仍然完全醒着。Open one’s eyes wide 睁大眼睛 141 wind 风蜿蜒前进wind one’s w ay. The path winds through the woods. 这条路蜿蜒穿过树林。把…上紧;把…拧;. 绕, 缠, 上发条, 旋紧 142 word 字, 词, 话诺言消息, wind a clock 给表上紧发条 wind the line off the reel. 把线从线轴上解开来 No word has come from the battle front. 前线还没有消息传来。Word came that they failed again.有消息说他们又失败了。Please send me word of your arrival. 143 work 工作 (pl 工厂 (pl工事著作,作品 a gas works 煤气厂defense works 防御工事 Shakespeare's works 莎士比亚著作 a work of art 一件艺术品Does this method work? 这种方法有效吗? ten dollars' worth of apples the worth of higher education.高等教育的价值 books of real worth 真正有价值的书 It is worth while visiting [to visit] the place.这地方值得参观。 It is worth while to discuss [discussing] the problem.这个问题值得讨论一下。奏效;起作用 144 worth 值钱的, 值的; 值得…的价值(n 24


高考英语熟词生义词汇整理 从近几年的高考英语试题中可发现高考命题非常重视对常用词汇较少使用意义的考查,这个点能够从单项选择和完形填空中均可看出。很多考生因不懂这些熟词的“新含义”而出现思维堵塞的现象,这严重地影响了考生对题干乃至全文的准确理解,给他们造成了不应有的失分。英语中的一词多义现象是普遍存有的。下面举例近几年高考中出现的对这种词汇的考查: 例如:2001年全国卷中第26题: We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it_____ very well. A.worked out B.tried out C.went on D.carried on 准确答案为A。此处work out的词义为“(情况)发展……”、“实行……”。 too hard. A. draw B. strike C. rush D. push(逼迫,敦促) 本来push表示推的意思。 A. received B. admitted(准许进入,准许加入俱乐部,组织等;接收入学) C, turned D. moved admit 本来表示承认 山东卷2009:-Do you have enough to _______all your daily expenses?

-Oh ,yes, enough and to spare..(闲置的,不用的,闲钱) A. cover (钱充足----之用) B. spend C, fill D. offer 2009湖北卷:Some parents are just too protective. They want to _______their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined. A. spot B. dismiss C, shelter( 保护,庇护) D. distinguish Shelter 本意:居所,住处,遮蔽物,庇护处 2008年山东卷:The fact that she never apologized________a lot about what kind of person she is . A. says (显示,表明) B. talks C. appears D. declares 2008湖北卷:Though having lived abroad for years , many Chinese still ________the traditional customs. A. perform B. possess C. observe(遵守规则,法律等) D. support 2009年山东卷完型填空41:I can still remember he was always wearing (流露,面带)a smile and willing to help. (2011浙江)9. The professor could tell by the _____ look in Maria’s eyes that she didn’t understand a single word of his lecture. A. cold B. blank (“茫然 的”) C. innocent D. fresh A


容易忽略的熟词生义(500个) above / beyond: 介词,后面接抽象而不是具体名词时表示“无法做到”,例如:“above comprehension”的意思是“无法理解”。 in the absence of something: “缺少,没有”,用于替代“in short of”或者“be lacking in”。be absorbed in something: “专心从事”。 abuse: 用在物品词后面表示“过量使用”,用在有生命的事物后面则表示“虐待”。 have access to something: 这个短语最常用的意思是“to have something that you can use”,就是“能够用到”,当然,要根据它后面接的单词来判断其中文含义,比如“have access to town”表示“有道路通往市区”,“have access to the teacher”则是“有条件向老师请教”,而“have access to the Internet”则表示“有上网条件”。 accessible / available: 形容词,中文的含义同上。 by accident: 介词词组,属于副词用法,修饰动作,意思是“偶然”。 accommodate: 英文解释为“to accept someone's opinions and try to do what they want, especially when their opinions or needs are different from yours”或者“to get used to a new situation or to make yourself do this”,因此中文的意思是“接受;适应”。 account: 名词,“解释,解说,叙述”。 account for: 本身是“解释说明”的含义,但在使用时可以翻译成“是…的原因”。此外,在数字概念上表示“占…份额,比重”。 acknowledge: 这个词有两个常用含义,“向某个人表示感谢”或“承认”。 acquire: 这个词的中文非常灵活,通常由后面跟随的名词决定,如“acquire bad habits”就是“养成坏习惯”的含义。在商业用语中,该词则表示“吞并”。其名词形式acquisition也有这个含义。action: 在军事用语中可以表示“战斗”。 in action: 表示“正在起作用”。 adapt: 动词,在科技用语中表示“(将某个领域的研究成果)应用于(另一领域)”。 address somebody: “对某人说话,发言”。 adopt: 动词有“收养”的意思。 afford: 用法非常灵活,总的来讲表示“承担不起”,后面可以接表示金钱,时间或者情感的词汇。cannot afford to: 英文解释为“if you cannot afford to do something, you must not do it because it could cause serious problems for you”,所以这个词组的中文应当理解为“不应当,一定不要做”。 agent: 目前的含义主要指“行政职能机构”,比如美国的很多国家机构都叫agency,另外在生物化学领域,这个词翻译成“介质,载体”,而在计算机英语中则是“服务器”。 agree with: “使人或者身体的某个部分觉得舒适”。 agreeable: “惬意,令人愉快,恰倒好处”。 agreement: 在阅读文章时通常是“一致的意见”这个含义。 air: 名词有“气氛”的含义,动词则表示“公开表达或发表”。


高中英语教材中的熟词生义汇总 注:下述划线词汇皆为考试说明内词汇,所供例句主要从《柯林斯英汉双解学习词典》中摘抄,兼顾其它几本权威辞典,词汇含义皆控制在高中英语教材各模块后面词汇表中,未作扩充,所以同学们在熟词生义方面建议先过教材关,然后再作适当补充。 M1 1. It’s said that this disease affects millions in the world every year. (侵袭,使感染) 2. In the last years, I have read various news, which is vital to my argument. (论点) 3. —Hi, would you please go through the report of chemical composition inspection? (成分) —Ok, I’m glad to. 4. In my opinion, government officials clearly deserve some of the blame as well in dealing with the disaster. (应受到) 5. After dealing with Rose, he found her cold, ice-like and distant. (冷漠的,疏远的) 6. The Christie Ball soon became the social event of the year. (社交活动) 7. There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off. (故障)


熟词生义 一些英语词汇的意义,我们经常见到一部分,而另一部分不太常见,这部分意义也很实用,有时还成为考点。在此,我把一些常见词的不常见的意义列举一下,希望能对各位同学的学习有所帮助。 Part A 1.act (熟义:行动)vi.起作用It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act. 2.address (熟义:地址;写地址)vt.向……发表演说;直接向……说话 It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting. 3.admit(熟义:承认;允许进入)容纳 The great hall can admit 5000 students. 4.against prep.映衬The picture looks nice against the white wall. 5.air v.抒发;倾诉;播送Don’t air your troubles too often. 6.attend v. 看护;治疗The nurse attended to him day and night. 7.back vt.支持Many of his friends backed his plan. 8.build n. 身材;体形The athlete has a solid build. 9.cause n.事业 10.dash v. 急送;催促Being badly ill, he was dashed to hospital. His mother dashed him into going to school every day. 11.express adj.明确的;快的;丝毫不差的;n. 快车 His express wish was that you should come here by express train. 12.fail v.不足;缺乏 Our water supply failed. He is failing in health./ His health is failing. He failed to lend her a hand. 13.foreign 不熟悉的;和……格格不入The subject is foreign to me. 14.freeze v.不许动Freeze! Or I’ll shoot. 15.fine v./n. 罚款 16.ground n. 理由He has strong grounds for more money. 17.industry n. 努力;勤勉His success was due to industry. 18.interest n.利益;股份in/to one’s interest(s) to do sth 19.introduce v.以……开始He introduced his speech with a joke. 20.invite v.吸引;招引(inviting) Don’t leave the window open –it’s inviting thieves to enter. The dishes are really inviting. 21.jam (熟义:果酱) vt./n.塞进;塞满;堵塞;困境 He jammed four apples in his pocket. The accident jammed the main road for 2 hours. There are traffic jams every day on this road. 22.job n.费力的事vt.做零工;假公济私 Removing the table is quite a job. He jobbed his son into the position. 23.jump n./v. 大幅度上涨Last week the prices of goods jumped.


熟词生义 A 1.absent(熟义:adj.缺席的) He looked at me in an absent way.(adj.茫然的,恍惚的) 2.abuse(熟义:v.滥用;漫骂) She is quite a successful career woman,but actually she's much abused at home.(v.虐待) 4.ache(熟义:v.&n.疼痛) He was aching for home.(v.渴望) 5. act(熟义:V.&n.行动) lt takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.(vi.起作用) 6.address(熟义:n.地址v.写地址) It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting.(vt.向……发表演说; 直接向…,一说话) 7.admit(熟义v.承认) The servant opened the door and admitted me into the house. (v.允许进入) The theatre only admits 1, 000 persons. (v. 容纳) 8. against(熟义:prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰) The picture looks nice against the white wall.(prep.映衬) 9. age(熟义:n.年龄) Worry aged him rapidly.(v.(使)变老) 10. air(熟义:n.空气) Don’t air your troubles too often.(V.抒发;倾诉;播送) There was a comfortable air about her room.(n.样子,神态,气氛) 11. alone(熟义:adv.单独地,一个人地) She alone was able to answer the question.(adv.仅仅,只有) 12.amount(熟义:n.量) The cost amounted to$200.(v.(to)共计,达到) What you have said amounts to a plain refusal.(v.相当于) 13.announce(熟义:宣布) A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring.(vt.显示,预告) 14.appreciate(熟义:v.欣赏;感激;感谢) I appreciate that I may be wrong.(V.意识到(realize)) 15.attend(熟义:v.出席;参加) The nurse attended to him day and night.(v.看护;治疗;陪同) 16.accompany(熟义:vt.陪伴;伴奏) Strong winds accompanied the heavy rain.(v.伴随) 17.allow(熟义:v.允许) This diet allows you one glass of wine a day.(vt.使可能) 18.approach(熟义:vt.靠近;接近) I approached him about filling the manager's job.(v.接洽;建议;要求) 19. available(熟义:adj.可得到的;可找到的) The worthy professor is now available.(adj.(人)有空的) B 20.become(熟义:v.变得,变成)


高中英语熟词生义归纳 A 1.absent(熟义:adj.不在的,缺席的) He listened to me with an absent expression on his face.adj.心不在焉的 2.absorb(熟义:vt.吸收) I haven’t really had time to absorb everything that he said.vt.理解,掌握 He lay on the couch,absorbed in his book.vt.专心于 3.abuse(熟义:v.滥用;漫骂) She is quite a successful career woman,but actually she’s much abused at home.n.恶习 4.accommodate(熟义:vt.住宿,留宿) This hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests.vt.容纳 5.accompany(熟义:vt.陪伴,伴随) The well-known singer was accompanied at the piano by Mr.Moore.vt.为……伴奏或伴唱6.account(熟义:n.账目) There are several accounts of the story in the newspaper.n.报道,叙述 Recent work pressure may account for his behaviour.v.归因于,解释 7.act(熟义:v.&n.行动,行为) The act is passed by the Congress finally.n.法案 (2014·高考安徽卷)...acts as a remote control for TVs and videos.v.起作用 8.address(熟义:n.地址;v.写地址) It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting. vt.向……发表演说;直接向……说话 9.acknowledge(熟义:vt.承认,道谢) He acknowledged me by lifting his hat.vt.向……打招呼 10.admit(熟义:v.承认;允许进入) The great hall can admit 5,000 students.vt.容纳 11.affect(熟义:vt.影响) The audience was deeply affected by his lecture.vt.感动 Be careful not to be affected with H7N9.vt.疾病侵袭 12.against(熟义:prep.逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰;与……竞争) (2014·高考福建卷)Against this background,the fact that there is an argument within the Government over whether to publish an official report...prep.在……背景下 13.age(熟义:n.年龄) Worry aged him rapidly.vt.(使)变老 14.aggressive(熟义:adj.好斗的;侵略的) If he wants to succeed,he has to be aggressive.adj.进取的 15.air(熟义:n.空气;航空)


1 英语《考试说明》附录中部分熟词生义词学习一览表 单词学习要点 add I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result.我还要补充一下,我们对测试结果表示满意。address an address of welcom欢迎 address a meetin向大会发表演 address the whole nation向全国发表演 HowshallIaddressyou?我应当怎样称呼您?Don't address me as ‘boss'.不要叫我“老板 address the letter /envelope在信上写地 admit Thisticketadmitstwopeopletothefootballmatch.这张票可供两人入场看足球赛 be admitted to /into Beijing University被北京大学录 The cinema admits about 2000 people这座电影院约可2000人The rules and regulations admit ofnootherexplanation.这些规章制度不容许有其解释 afford He can't afford an hour for lunch他抽不出一小时午饭 against against a dark background与黑色背景成对; againstthecold防againstarainyday防备雨Weare all takingmedicine againstthe flu我们都服药预防流感 air air one's view发表意 She aired the room by opening the window.她打窗子使房间通风 allow allowed him1000 for expenses 给他每1000英镑的开 allow of no excus不容辩 We must allow for his youth我们应当体谅他年轻 attend Attend to the very sick patients照应重病 attend to the problem处理问 beat beat sb at the table tennis match. to beat a drum击The heart beats.心脏跳动 The bird beat its wings.鸟扑打翅膀 beyond askedfornothingbeyond peaceandquiet除平安平静外一无所. Don't stay there beyond midnight. 不要过了午夜还留在那儿。 The road is beyond that hill.路在山的那一边 block The police have blocked the road. 警察已经封锁了道路


熟词新义归纳 1.It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act. 起作用 2.The president should be addressed as “ Mr. President” . 被称作 3.The picture looks good against the white wall. 在。。。。。。相称下 https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c1467707.html,y down your arms or we’ll fire! 武器,开枪,开火 5.Don’t air your troubles too often. 发牢骚 6.The theatre only admits 1,000 persons. 容纳 7.L ong plane trips don’t agree with me. 适应 8.Attempts are being made to arrest the spread of the disease. 遏制,阻止 9.The worthy professor is now available. 可见到的 10.We appreciate the danger ahead. 意识到 11.The balance of the wages was devoted to new books on flower culture. 剩余 12.Many of his friends backed his plan. 支持 13.The boy badly wants a new bike. 非常,急迫 14.All our plans broke down. 破灭 15.The football player has a solid build. 体格 16.He likes to bare his heart / soul with his close friends. 说出心里话 17.Why was she so bitter against Mr. Smith? 强烈 18.The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow. 被。。。覆盖 19.The behavior of this computer is very good. 性能 20.His songs always make me feel blue. 忧伤 21.We chanced to be out when she called. 碰巧 22.Do you think long dresses will ever come back? 再流行 23.This style is certain to come in this year. 流行 24.On the whole she counted herself a fortunate person. 认为 25.The various governments decided to act in concert over this matter. 互相配合 26.The tornado claimed dozens of lives. 夺走 27.Every minute counts. 重要 28.The UN has done a lot for the cause of the world peace. 事业 29.Mother cans fruit. 把。。。做成罐头 30.The corporation has enough capital to build another factory. 资金 31.Do you deal with Smith, the butcher? 有生意、贸易往来 32.Can you develop this film for us? 冲洗 33.The game ended in a draw. 平局 34.The farmers drove wells to water the crops. 打井 35.You must pay a deposit if you want to reserve the room. 定金,押金 36.We sheltered from the storm in a deserted hut. 荒芜的,空无一人的 37.I can’t digest her endless complaint a moment longer. 忍受,消化,领悟 38.My brother doctored the old watch. 修理,修补 39.Customs duties are paid on imported goods. 税 40.He directed the building of the new bridge. 主持 41.Now we are leading an easy life. 舒适的


A 1.accident: ①事故(n.) I saw an accident when I walked in the street. ②意外、偶然的事(n.) (accidentally) 2.appear: ①出现(vi) A ship appeared on the horizon. (disappear消失) ②好像,似乎(vi) She appears to have many friends. 3.apply: ①申请(for)(vi) Mr. Wang decided to apply for the job. ②运用、应用(to)(vt.) Our teacher applies this teaching method to his class. 4.arm: 手臂(n.) 武装(v) Lay down your arms or we'll fire! 放下武器,否则,我们就开枪了! Police say the man is armed with guns and very dangerous. 警察说该男子携有枪,十分危险。 5.area: ①地区(n.) Do you like the area where you are living? ②面积(n.) The city covers an area of 30,000 square kilometer. 6.ask (熟义:问) vt.要求 The teacher asked that all the students stay at the classroom. 老师要求所有学生呆在教室 7.attend (熟义:出席) vt. 参加; vi. 看护,治疗 Mr. Park attended a summer course. 帕克先生参加一个暑期课程。 If you go out, who'll attend to the baby? 如果你走了,谁来照看婴儿? B 1.break: ①打破、打碎(vt.) The boy broke the windows of the house. ②休息(n.) We have been working all the morning, Let’s have a break. 2.bill: ①账单(n.) Have you paid the bill? ②钞票(n.) a ten-dollar bill 3.book (熟义:书) v. 预定,预购 I would like to book three seats for tonight’s concert. 我想预定今晚音乐会的三个座位。 4.beat (熟义:击打)v. ① (心脏) 跳动 He is alive---his heart is still beating. 他还活着---心脏还在跳动。 ②打败 He beat me at chess. 他下棋赢了我。 C 1.can(熟义:能) n. 罐头vt. 做成罐头 2.capital(熟义:首都) n. 大写字母;资本 Write your name in block capitals, please. 姓名请用大写。 3.change(熟义:变化) n. 零钱,找头 Have you got change for a five-pound note? 你有没有5英镑的零钱? 4.charge: ①负责(n.) The young man is in charge of the company. ②充电(vt.) My cellphone is fully charged. ③收取(费用)(vt.) How much do you charge me for mending shoes? ④指控(vt.) He was charged with murder. 5.cost (熟义:花费;值……) vt.使失去(生命、健康等) Careless driving cost his life. 粗心的驾驶使他付出生命的代价。 6.course (熟义:过程) n.课程;航线;一道菜 I’d like to take a refresher course to improve my driving. 我想参加补习训练以提高自己的驾驶技术。The plane was off the course. 飞机偏离航向。 They were treated with a five-course dinner for lunch. 招待他们五道菜的正餐。 7.court: ①法庭、宫廷(n.)


最新高中英语熟词生义词汇汇总大全 M1 1. It’s said that this disease affects millions in the world every year. (侵袭,使感染) 2. In the last years, I have read various news, which is vital to my argument. (论点) 3. — Hi, would you please go through the report of chemical composition inspection? (成分)—Ok, I’m glad to. 4. In my opinion, government officials clearly deserve some of the blame as well in dealing with the disaster. (应受到) 5. After dealing with Rose, he found her cold, ice-like and distant. (冷漠的,疏远的) 6. The Christie Ball soon became the social event of the year. (社交活动) 7. There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off. (故障) 8. Sometimes the young man just need to turn to a mother figure for a bit of a chat and comfort. (角色) 9. The physical universe is limited in space and time , as we know. (物质的) 10. Police searched five houses in south-east London and recovered stolen goods.(重新获得) 11. They saw the man with a little girl skipping along behind him.(蹦跳着走) 12. The company is struggling to find buyers for its new product. (勉力维持,竭力做……) 13. There should be greater treatment of waste water before it is poured out. (处理) M2 1. Too much protein in the diet may advance the ageing process. vt. (推动;加速…的进程) 2. Abbot looked blank, saying “ I don’t quite follow, sir.” adj. (茫然的,面无表情的) 3. Farmers are deserting their fields and coming here looking for jobs. vt. (抛弃,舍弃) 4. I would certainly dismiss any behaviors of impropriety by the Labour Party. vt. (不予考虑) 5. After due consideration it was decided to send him away to live with parents. adj. (适当的) 6. He gave a mild answer, in spite of his anger. adj. (温和的) 7. We were only able to make a rough evaluation of how much fuel would be required. adj. (大概的)


高考常考熟词生义汇总 在高考英语试卷中,有些词我们明明很熟悉,但考查的却是我们不熟悉的那层意思,如果没有好好掌握词的含义的话,很有可能会丢分。那么如何避免分数的流失呢?很简单,小编特地为大家整理了高考中常出现的熟词生义,有很多还是试题中的考点呢。同时在后面为大家补充了其他一些比较常见的熟词生义。牢牢地记住它们,高考中再出现的话就不怕不怕啦。 1. absent 熟义:缺席的 生义:心不在焉的,出神的 While doing a Watched-Pot Wait, we tend to get absent-minded. (2017 天津阅读) 考点? 译文:当我们做着类似于盯着壶水开这种等待的时候,我们容易走神。 2. address 熟义:地址;写地址 生义:解决;处理 The Coalition for the Homeless is an organization that seeks to address the needs of the homeless in the United States. (2011 辽宁阅读) 考点?

译文:解决无家可归人的需求 3. available 熟义:可得到的;可找到的 生义:(人)有空的 It’s important that you let them know when you’ll be available. (2017 全国卷补全文章 考点? 译文:当你有空时 4. blank 熟义:空白的;空白 生义:没表情的;不理解的 The professor could tell by the blank look in Mary’s eyes that she didn’t understand a single wor d of his lecture. (2011 浙江单选 考点? 译文:茫然的表情 5. count 熟义:计算;数


注:下述划线词汇皆为考试说明内词汇,所供例句主要从《柯林斯英汉双解学习词典》中摘抄,兼顾其它几本权威辞典,词汇含义皆控制在高中英语教材各模块后面词汇表中,未作扩充,所以各位同学在熟词生义方面建议先过教材关,然后再作适当补充。 M1 1. It’s said that this disease affects millions in the world every year. (侵袭,使感染) 2. In the last years, I have read various news, which is vital to my argument. (论点) 3. —Hi, would you please go through the report of chemical composition inspection? (成分) —Ok, I’m glad to. 4. In my opinion, government officials clearly deserve some of the blame as well in dealing with the disaster. (应受到) 5. After dealing with Rose, he found her cold, ice-like and distant. (冷漠的,疏远的) 6. The Christie Ball soon became the social event of the year. (社交活动) 7. There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off. (故障) 8. Sometimes the young man just need to turn to a mother figure for a bit of a chat and comfort. (角色) 9. The physical universe is limited in space and time , as we know. (物质的) 10. Police searched five houses in south-east London and recovered stolen goods.(重新获得) 11. They saw the man with a little girl skipping along behind him.(蹦跳着走) 12. The company is struggling to find buyers for its new product. (勉力维持,竭力做……) 13. There should be greater treatment of waste water before it is poured out. (处理) M2 1. Too much protein in the diet may advance the ageing process. vt. (推动;加速…的进程) 2. Abbot looked blank, saying “I don’t quite follow, sir.”adj. (茫然的,面无表情的) 3. Farmers are deserting their fields and coming here looking for jobs. vt. (抛弃,舍弃)


A 1. about 熟义:关于 We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.prep.&adv.到处=(美)around 2. absent 熟义:adj. 缺席的 He looked at me in an absent way. adj. 茫然的,恍惚的 3. abuse 熟义:v 滥用,谩骂 She is quite a successful career woman, but actually she's much abused at home. v. 虐待 4.accept vt.&vi.①同意(接受别人的观点,看法)(熟义:接受) Tom accepted her explanation.汤姆同意她的解释。 ②认可,认为 I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to crash into the sea.飞机只有坠入大海,别无他法,我只好认命了。 5. accommodate 熟义:住宿,留宿 This hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests. vt 容纳 He accommodated me when I asked him for help. v. 准予,提供 6. ache 熟义:v/n 疼痛 He was aching for home. v. 渴望 7.act vi.熟义:行动 It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.(vi.起作用)只需几分钟,药物就起作用了。 8. acknowledge 熟义:vt. 承认,道谢 He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. vt. 对...打招呼 9. across 熟义:prep. 越过 The two roads cut across each other. prep. 与...交叉,与...成十字 10.add 熟义:加 “They don't know.”he added.vt.接着说,又说;补充说 11. address vt.①称呼(熟义:地址,写地址) The president should be addressed as“Mr President.”总统应称为“总统先生”。 ②直接向……说③向……发表演说 She turned to address the man on her left.她转身过去,向她左边的那人讲话。 He is going to address the meeting in a minute.他一会儿就要在大会上讲话了。 It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting. vt. 向...发表演说

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