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Never ever give up-by Diana Nyad

Never ever give up-by Diana Nyad
Never ever give up-by Diana Nyad

It's the fifth time I stand on this shore, the Cuban shore, looking out at that distant horizon, believing, again, that I'm going to make it all the way across that vast, dangerous wilderness of an ocean. Not only have I tried four times, but the greatest swimmers in the world have been trying since 1950, and it's still never been done.

The team is proud of our four attempts. It's an expedition of some 30 people. Bonnie is my best friend and head handler, who somehow summons will, that last drop of will within me, when I think it's gone, after many, many hours and days out there. The shark experts are the best in the world -- large predators below. The box jellyfish, the deadliest venom in all of the ocean, is in these waters, and I have come close to dying from them on a previous attempt. The conditions themselves, besides the sheer distance of over 100 miles in the open ocean -- the currents and whirling eddies and the Gulf Stream itself, the most unpredictable of all of the planet Earth.

And by the way, it's amusing to me that journalists and people before these attempts often ask me, "Well, are you going to go with any boats or any people or anything?" And I'm thinking, what

are they imagining? That I'll just sort of do some celestial navigation, and carry a bowie knife in my mouth, and I'll hunt fish and skin them alive and eat them, and maybe drag a desalinization plant behind me for fresh water. (Laughter)

Yes, I have a team. (Laughter) And the team is expert, and the team is courageous, and brimming with innovation and scientific discovery, as is true with any major expedition on the planet.

And we've been on a journey. And the debate has raged, hasn't it, since the Greeks, of isn't it what it's all about? Isn't life about the journey, not really the destination? And here we've been on this journey, and the truth is, it's been thrilling. We haven't reached that other shore, and still our sense of pride and commitment, unwavering commitment. When I turned 60, the dream was still alive from having tried this in my 20s, and dreamed it and imagined it. The most famous body of water on the Earth today, I imagine, Cuba to Florida. And it was deep. It was deep in my soul. And when I turned 60, it wasn't so much about the athletic accomplishment, it wasn't the ego of "I want to be the first." That's always there and it's undeniable. But it was deeper. It was, how much life is there left? Let's face it, we're all on a one-way street,

aren't we, and what are we going to do? What are we going to do as we go forward to have no regrets looking back? And all this past year in training, I had that Teddy Roosevelt quote to paraphrase it, floating around in my brain, and it says, "You go ahead, you go ahead and sit back in your comfortable chair and you be the critic, you be the observer, while the brave one gets in the ring and engages and gets bloody and gets dirty and fails over and over and over again, but yet isn't afraid and isn't timid and lives life in a bold way."

And so of course I want to make it across. It is the goal, and I should be so shallow to say that this year, the destination was even sweeter than the journey. (Laughter) (Applause) But the journey itself was worthwhile taking. And at this point, by this summer, everybody -- scientists, sports scientists, endurance experts, neurologists, my own team, Bonnie -- said it's impossible. It just simply can't be done, and Bonnie said to me, "But if you're going to take the journey, I'm going to see you through to the end of it, so I'll be there."

And now we're there. And as we're looking out, kind of a surreal moment before the first stroke, standing on the rocks at Marina

Hemingway, the Cuban flag is flying above, all my team's out in their boats, hands up in the air, "We're here, we're here for you," Bonnie and I look at each other, and we say, this year, the mantra is -- and I've been using it in training -- find a way. You have a dream and you have obstacles in front of you, as we all do. None of us ever get through this life without heartache, without turmoil, and if you believe and you have faith and you can get knocked down and get back up again and you believe in perseverance as a great human quality, you find your way, and Bonnie grabbed my shoulders, and she said, "Let's find our way to Florida."

And we started, and for the next 53 hours, it was an intense, unforgettable life experience. The highs were high, the awe, I'm not a religious person, but I'll tell you, to be in the azure blue of the Gulf Stream as if, as you're breathing, you're looking down miles and miles and miles, to feel the majesty of this blue planet we live on, it's awe-inspiring. I have a playlist of about 85 songs, and especially in the middle of the night, and that night, because we use no lights -- lights attract jellyfish, lights attract sharks, lights attract baitfish that attract sharks, so we go in the pitch black of the night. You've never seen black this black. You can't see the front of your hand, and the people on the boat, Bonnie

and my team on the boat, they just hear the slapping of the arms, and they know where I am, because there's no visual at all. And I'm out there kind of tripping out on my little playlist. (Laughter) I've got a tight rubber cap, so I don't hear a thing. I've got goggles and I'm turning my head 50 t imes a minute, and I'm singing, ? Imagine there's no heaven ? ? doo doo doo doo doo ? ? It's easy if you try ? ? doo doo doo doo doo ? And I can sing that song a thousand times in a row. (Laughter) Now there's a talent unto itself. (Laughter) (Applause) An d each time I get done with ? Ooh, you may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one ? 222. ? Imagine there's no heaven ? And when I get through the end of a thousand of John Lennon's "Imagine," I have swum nine hours and 45 minutes, exactly.

And then there are the crises. Of course there are. And the vomiting starts, the seawater, you're not well, you're wearing a jellyfish mask for the ultimate protection. It's difficult to swim in. It's causing abrasions on the inside of the mouth, but the tentacles can't get you. And the hypothermia sets in. The water's 85 degrees, and yet you're losing weight and using calories, and as you come over toward the side of the boat, not allowed to touch it, not allowed to get out, but Bonnie and her team hand me nutrition

and asks me what I'm doing, am I all right, I am seeing the Taj Mahal over here. I'm in a very different state, and I'm thinking, wow, I never thought I'd be running into the Taj Mahal out here. It's gorgeous. I mean, how long did it take them to build that? It's just -- So, uh, wooo. (Laughter) And then we kind of have a cardinal rule that I'm never told, really, how far it is, because we don't know how far it is. What's going to happen to you between this point and that point? What's going to happen to the weather and the currents and, God forbid, you're stung when you don't think you could be stung in all this armor, and Bonnie made a decision coming into that third morning that I was suffering and I was hanging on by a thread and she said, "Come here," and I came close to the boat, and she said, "Look, look out there," and I saw light, because the day's easier than the night, and I thought we were coming into day, and I saw a stream of white light along the horizon, and I said, "It's going to be morning soon." And she said, "No, those are the lights of Key West." It was 15 more hours, which for most swimmers would be a long time. (Laughter) (Applause) You have no idea how many 15-hour training swims I had done.

So here we go, and I somehow, without a decision, went into no counting of strokes and no singing and no quoting Stephen Hawking and the parameters of the universe, I just went into thinking about this dream, and why, and how. And as I said, when I turned 60, it wasn't about that concrete "Can you do it?" That's the everyday machinations. That's the discipline, and it's the preparation, and there's a pride in that. But I decided to think, as I went along, about, the phrase usually is reaching for the stars, and in my case, it's reaching for the horizon. And when you reach for the horizon, as I've proven, you may not get there, but what a tremendous build of character and spirit that you lay down. What a foundation you lay down in reaching for those horizons.

And now the shore is coming, and there's just a little part of me that's sad. The epic journey is going to be over.

So many people come up to me now and say, "What's next? We love that! That little tracker that was on the computer? When are you going to do the next one? We just can't wait to follow the next one." Well, they were just there for 53 hours, and I was there for years. And so there won't be another epic journey in the ocean.

But the point is, and the point was that every day of our lives is epic, and I'll tell you, when I walked up onto that beach, staggered up onto that beach, and I had so many times in a very puffed up ego way, rehearsed what I would say on the beach. When Bonnie thought that the back of my throat was swelling up, and she brought the medical team over to our boat to say that she's really beginning to have trouble breathing. Another 12, 24 hours in the saltwater, the whole thing -- and I just thought in my hallucinatory moment, that I heard the word tracheotomy. (Laughter) And Bonnie said to the doctor, "I'm not worried about her not breathing. If she can't talk when she gets to the shore, she's gonna be pissed off." (Laughter)

But the truth is, all those orations that I had practiced just to get myself through some training swims as motivation, it wasn't like that. It was a very real moment, with that crowd, with my team. We did it. I didn't do it. We did it. And we'll never forget it. It'll always be part of us.

And the three things that I did sort of blurt out when we got there, was first, "Never, ever give up." I live it. What's the phrase from today from Socrates? To be is to do. So I don't stand up and say,

don't ever give up. I didn't give up, and there was action behind these words.

The second is, "You can chase your dreams at any age; you're never too old." Sixty-four, that no one at any age, any gender, could ever do, has done it, and there's no doubt in my mind that I am at the prime of my life today. (Applause) Yeah. Thank you.

And the third thing I said on that beach was, "It looks like the most solitary endeavor in the world, and in many ways, of course, it is, and in other ways, and the most important ways, it's a team, and if you think I'm a badass, you want to meet Bonnie." (Laughter)

Bonnie, where are you? Where are you? There's Bonnie Stoll. (Applause) My buddy.

The Henry David Thoreau quote goes, when you achieve your dreams, it's not so much what you get as who you have become in achieving them. And yeah, I stand before you now. In the three months since that swim ended, I've sat down with Oprah and I've been in President Obama's Oval Office. I've been invited to speak in front of esteemed groups such as yourselves. I've signed a wonderful major book contract. All of that's great, and I don't

denigrate it. I'm proud of it all, but the truth is, I'm walking around tall because I am that bold, fearless person, and I will be, every day, until it's time for these days to be done.

Thank you very much and enjoy the conference.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. (Applause) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Find a way! (Applause)


英语演讲稿:未来的工作 这篇《英语演讲稿范文:未来的工作》,是特地,希望对大家有所帮助! 热门演讲推荐:竞聘演讲稿 | 国旗下演讲稿 | 英语演讲稿 | 师德师风演讲稿 | 年会主持词 | 领导致辞 everybody good afternoon:. first of all thank the teacher gave me a story in my own future ideal job. everyone has a dream job. my dream is to bee a boss, own a pany. in order to achieve my dreams, i need to find a good job, to accumulate some experience and wealth, it is the necessary things of course, in the school good achievement and rich knowledge is also very important. good achievement and rich experience can let me work to make the right choice, have more opportunities and achievements. at the same time, munication is very important, because it determines whether my pany has a good future development. so i need to exercise their municative ability. i need to use all of the free time to learn


2018环保局演讲稿(3篇) 尊敬的各位领导,各位评委: 大家好! 首先感谢各位领导、同事对我生活的关心和帮助,让我感到河北人特有的热情,让我在异乡感到家的温暖。我先自我介绍一下:我叫xx,xx年出生,中共党员,毕业于xx大学,化学工艺系,研究生,至今未婚,也没谈恋爱。我现在在化工园区招商局工作。XX年4月14日来到园区,截至我站在这还不到两个月。我曾听过王立群老先生讲过成功的人要四行,1、自己要行2、要有人说你行3、说你行的人的行4、身体的行。我认为我行,在座的各位也行,我的身体也行,就差 1条还没人说我行,希望今天能得到大家的支持和厚爱。今天竞聘,主要有三个目的。 1、因为刚刚来到化工园区,我希望能通过这次活动让大家了解我,同时也让我能够更熟悉和了解大家,以便我能够更快地融入到园区这个大家庭中来。 2、能通过这次活动锻炼自己,让自己更加进步,因为只有要求不断进步的人在事业上才能有所进步。 3、通过参加这次活动,能够更加深入地了解环保工作,以至于在今后的工作中能够有针对性的提出一些有利于环保工作的合理化建议。 我再说说我竞聘这个职位的优势。 1、专业优势:由于我熟悉基本化工工艺,并能够正确的分析化工工艺的一些流程,这样就能对每个企业的环保问题有一个正确的分析,并提出合理的解决方案。同时我在大学期间学过化工原理,传递工程,分离工程,选修过环境化学和绿色化学,粗略的了解环境的相关知识。另外我能熟练使用常用的分析仪器,如气相色谱、液相色谱、红外分析仪、紫外分析仪、物理化学吸附仪、微量水分测定仪等。这样能为环境监测站贡献一份力量。我还掌握系统的实验设计方法和科学数据处理方法,能完成采样及数据分析工作。 2、性格优势:我具有积极健康的心态,为人诚恳,有较强的责任感和进取心,有亲和力和 第1 页共1 页


Study on Layout Optimization of Passenger Station based on Multi-objective Planning Abstract—This paper study on the optimal layout of passenger station and the basic principle of selection location. There are both quantitative index and qualitative index existing in the evaluation indexes of the layout of passenger station. To unify the evaluation indexes, this paper establishes a multi-objective planning optimization model of the layout of passenger station, by using the basic idea of multi-objective planning and introducing the effect of targets of the evaluation indexes. In Nanning railway terminal for example, four evaluation indexes: construction investment、operation cost in railway terminal、cost of passenger trip and the other social benefits are determined. Calculate respectively all effect of targets of the evaluation indexes and then determine the optimal scheme of the layout of passenger station in Nanning railway hub by the total effect of targets after being weighted. Keywords-component; multi-objective; passenger station; Layout Optimization In the past, paying much attention to improving line carrying capacity and neglecting the carrying capacity of hubs or stations in China leaded to the shortage of passenger capacity and the difficulty in meeting the demand of transport market. At present, China is in the primary stage of high-speed railway construction. High-speed railway being introduced into existing railway terminal will break the transport pattern of existing railway hub and will dramatically change the original railway hub transportation structure、transportation operation mode and transportation path. It is an important question in railway terminal planning to reasonably determine the locations and the number of the high-speed passenger stations in hub and optimize the layout of passenger stations in terminal. I Layout Optimization model of Passenger Station in railway hub A. Layout of passenger station in railway hub and basic principle of selection location (1)For human-oriented, make the trip distance and time of passenger from the starting point to passenger station shortest、the travel cost lowest、the riding most convenient and reduce the passenger transfer or make it more convenient. (Including


1 / 49 大蛇z人物技能习得简表 1.(按势力及人物排列) 简表中: MN——Mosou No-use,无双消费技未使用; XXX人——XXX人击破; X武将——X武将击破; XX%体——体力维持在XX%以上; XX'——战斗开始后XX分钟之内;蜀赵云3武将(体力)3武将30%体(无回)110人10'(防)MN180人8'(速) 关羽3武将(攻) 70人30%体(马) 100人4武将(体力)MN180人8'(力) 张飞3武将(体力)70人3武将(力)110人50%体(攻)MN180人65%体(无回) 诸葛亮60人(必) 80人30%体(特) 4武将10'(无双) MN6武将8'(减) 刘备60人(防) 70人3武将(速) MN3武将50%体(马)马超3武将(攻) 80人12'(敏) MN100人10'(马) MN6武将8'(力) 黄忠3武将(体回) 70人3武将(无双) 110人50%体(速)姜维60人(攻)3武将12'(技)110人50%体(必)MN180人8'(待) 魏延3武将(技) 70人3武将(敏) MN100人50%

体(无回)庞统60人(无双) 3武将12'(技) 110人50%体(必) MN6武将8'(减) 月英60人(速) 3武将12'(必) MN3武将50% 体(减) 180人6'(防) 2 / 49 关平3武将(体力) 70人3武将(力) MN3武将50%体(经)星彩3武将(技) 80人12'(敏) MN100人50%体(无回) 180人6'(防)魏夏侯惇3武将(体力) 3武将30%体(连) 110人50%体(技) 180人6武将(攻) 典韦3武将(体力) 80人12'(攻) 4武将50%(速) MN6武将65%体(经) 许褚60人(运)3武将12'(体力)4武将50%体(力)MN180人65%体(无回) 曹操60人(无双) 3武将30%体(经) 4武将50%体(技)夏侯渊60人(力) 3武将12'(必) 100人4武将(体力)MN180人65%体(体回) 张辽50人(马) 3武将12'(力) 100人4武将(无双) 180人6武将(攻) 司马懿50人(技) 80人30%体(必) MN3武将50%体(减)徐晃3武将(无回) 80人12'(无双) 100人4


关于坚持的英语演讲稿 Results are not important, but they can persist for many years as a commemoration of. Many years ago, as a result of habits and overeating formed one of obesity, as well as indicators of overall physical disorders, so that affects my work and life. In friends to encourage and supervise, the participated in the team Now considered to have been more than three years, neither the fine rain, regardless of winter heat, a day out with 5:00 time. The beginning, have been discouraged, suffering, and disappointment, but in the end of the urging of friends, to re-get up, stand on the playground. 成绩并不重要,但可以作为坚持多年晨跑的一个纪念。多年前,由于庸懒习惯和暴饮暴食,形成了一身的肥胖,以及体检指标的全盘失常,以致于影响到了我的工作和生活。在好友的鼓励和督促下,参加了晨跑队伍。现在算来,已经三年多了,无论天晴下雨,不管寒冬酷暑,每天五点准时起来出门晨跑。开始时,也曾气馁过、痛苦过、失望过,但最后都在好友们的催促下,重新爬起来,站到了操场上。 In fact, I did not build big, nor strong muscles, not a sport-born people. Over the past few years to adhere to it, because I have a team behind, the strength of a strongteam here, very grateful to our team, for a long time, we encourage each other, and with sweat, enjoying common health happy. For example, Friends of the several run in order to maintain order and unable to attend the 10,000 meters race, and they are always concerned about the brothers and promptly inform the place and time, gives us confidence and courage. At the same time, also came on their own inner desire and pursuit for a good health, who wrote many of their own log in order to refuel for their own, and inspiring. 其实我没有高大身材,也没健壮肌肉,天生不属于运动型的人。几年来能够坚持下来,因为我的背后有一个团队,有着强大团队的力量,在这里,非常感谢我们的晨跑队,长期以来,我们相互鼓励着,一起流汗,共同享受着健康带来的快


3分钟环保的演讲稿 地球是个家,包括你我他,环境很美丽,维护靠大家。保护环境,人人有责!下面是WTT小雅为大家整理了环保的演讲稿范文3分钟,欢迎参考。 环保的演讲稿范文3分钟篇1 我们每个人都知道,水是生命之源,如果没有了水,世界上所有依赖水存活的生命体都会消失。而在这个社会上,一些人却毫无节制地浪费水。你们可曾想过,那些在极度缺水地区的人,他们该怎样生活?他们看到你们这样浪费对于他们来说就是命的水,心里是什么滋味?小小的一瓶水,也许就会挽救一个快要渴死的人。所以,请大家好好想一想,我们该如何正确利用身边的每一滴水。 珍惜水资源,从身边做起。 当美丽的鱼儿失去了它们的家园,哽咽着却流不出泪水时,你不心痛吗?当较弱的小花拼命避开烈日的灼烧,枯萎了姿容,只想要一滴雨珠的滋润却得不到时,你不惋惜吗?当炎热的夏天到来时,你渴望一个可以畅游的泳池却无处寻找水源时,你不难过吗?是谁耗尽了这个美丽星球上最珍贵的宝藏--水?是你!人类! 当你懊悔地留下眼泪时,千万别让这滴泪成为最后一滴水。谁是那么的稀少,珍贵,海洋随辽阔,却不能提供给我们可以饮

用的淡水,一滴水,要经历多么复杂的历程,才能成为人类的滋养。节约每一滴水,就是为人类的生存保驾护航。 从今天起,做个节约用水的水资源卫士,洗好手及时关上水龙头,家中倡导循环用水,纠正他人的浪费习惯,保护水源洁净。从我做起,从身边小事做起,做个真正懂得热爱生命,珍视水资源的人! 环保的演讲稿范文3分钟篇2 大家早上好!暖和的天气,相信大家的心情与我一样,都感到十分惬意。但当你突然看到操场上飘来一张纸屑,草丛里多了一些脚印,那么,你一定会觉得大煞风景。是的,我们每一个细小的行为都有可能会影响到环保、护绿。因此,今天我要讲的是《保护环境从我做起》。 如今,环境污染已经给我们的生命带来巨大的危害,给生存环境带来极大的破坏。我们经常看到报道因水源污染,有人吃到水中的鱼而中毒;城市中因空气中的尘埃、车辆尾气、烟雾等造成人们哮喘病比例的增大;严重污染更会带来生态环境的失衡,造成诸如沙尘暴、酸雨、洪水、泥石流等自然灾害。 正因为我们有这样的认识,越来越多的人参与到爱绿、护绿的环保活动中。大家都知道吗?因此,作为小学生,作为城市的小主人,也要积极参与到环保行动中。 也许有些同学可能认为:环保是专家们的事情,是大人的事情,与我们无关。那么,你错了!环境保护,人人有责!小行为事


《大蛇无双Z》PC版剧情模式全40剧本解锁 1. 大坂城之战 登场角色:曹操 / 刘备 / 孙权 关卡难度:★★★★★ 出现条件:曹操、刘备、孙权熟练度皆达20。 2. 樊城之战 登场角色:织田信长/ 丰臣秀吉/ 德川家康 关卡难度:★★★★★ 出现条件:取得织田信长、丰臣秀吉、德川家康3名角色。(所以初期就能使用)3. 合淝新城之战 登场角色:诸葛亮 / 周瑜 / 武田信玄 关卡难度:★☆☆☆☆ 出现条件:吴12章过关,并符合登场角色使用条件。 4. 严岛突破战 登场角色:赵云/ 真田幸村/ 岛津义弘 关卡难度:★☆☆☆☆ 出现条件:取得赵云、真田幸村、岛津义弘三名角色。 5. 祁山之战 登场角色:上杉谦信 / 关羽 / 徐晃 关卡难度:★☆☆☆☆ 出现条件:完成3个故事模式的关卡,并符合登场角色使用条件。 6. 小田原城决战 登场角色:关羽 / 夏侯惇 / 吕蒙 关卡难度:★★★★★ 出现条件:取得15个素材,并符合登场角色使用条件。 7. 吴郡之战 登场角色:姜维 / 陆逊 / 岛左近 关卡难度:★☆☆☆☆ 出现条件:完成4个故事模式的关卡,并符合登场角色使用条件。 8. 邪马台决战 登场角色:前田庆次/ 吕布/ 本多忠胜 关卡难度:★★★★★ 出现条件:取得全部素材(共30个),并符合登场角色使用条件。 9. 荆州之战 登场角色:柴田胜家 / 曹仁 / 孙坚 关卡难度:★☆☆☆☆ 出现条件:完成5个故事模式的关卡,并符合登场角色使用条件。

10. 新城之战 登场角色:典韦 / 周泰 / 森兰丸 关卡难度:★★☆☆☆ 出现条件:取得典韦、周泰、森兰丸三名角色。 11. 南中救援战 登场角色:马超/ 浅井长政/ 直江兼续 关卡难度:★☆☆☆☆ 出现条件:战12章过关,并符合登场角色使用条件。 12. 南中争霸战 登场角色:孙策 / 前田利家 / 庞德 关卡难度:★☆☆☆☆ 出现条件:魏12章过关,并符合登场角色使用条件。 13. 冀州攻防战 登场角色:庞统 / 张角 / 左慈 关卡难度:★★☆☆☆ 出现条件:完成40个故事模式的关卡,并符合登场角色使用条件。 14. 大坂湾之战 登场角色:貂蝉/ 张郃/ 长宗我部元亲 关卡难度:★☆☆☆☆ 出现条件:吴终章过关,并符合登场角色使用条件。 15. 汉水之战 登场角色:曹丕/ 关平/ 加西亚(ガラシャ) 关卡难度:★☆☆☆☆ 出现条件:魏终章过关,并符合登场角色使用条件。 16. 上田城之战 登场角色:甘宁 / 风魔小太郎 / 张辽 关卡难度:★★★★☆ 出现条件:甘宁、风魔小太郎、张辽等级皆达30。 17. 九州之战 登场角色:孙尚香/ 阿市(お市) / 大乔 关卡难度:★★☆☆☆ 出现条件:完成20个故事模式的关卡,并符合登场角色使用条件。 18. 本能寺之战 登场角色:黄忠 / 夏侯渊 / 稻姫 关卡难度:★★★★☆ 出现条件:黄忠、夏侯渊、稻姬等级皆达30。 19. 火河决战


关于工作的优秀英语演讲稿 Different people have various ambitions. Some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. Some want to be scientists or businessmen. Still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days to come. Unlike other people, I prefer to be a farmer. However, it is not easy to be a farmer for Iwill be looked upon by others. Anyway,what I am trying to do is to make great contributions to agriculture. It is well known that farming is the basic of the country. Above all, farming is not only a challenge but also a good opportunity for the young. We can also make a big profit by growing vegetables and food in a scientific way. Besides we can apply what we have learned in school to farming. Thus our countryside will become more and more properous. I believe that any man with knowledge can do whatever they can so long as this job can meet his or her interest. All the working position can provide him with a good chance to become a talent. 1 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考


关于争做环保小卫士演讲稿(精选5篇) 关于争做环保小卫士演讲稿(精选5篇) 演讲稿的格式由称谓、开场白、主干、结尾等几部分组成。在我们平凡的日常里,很多地方都会使用到演讲稿,如何写一份恰当的演讲稿呢?以下是小编精心整理的关于争做环保小卫士演讲稿,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 争做环保小卫士演讲稿1尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 生态失去平衡,水资源、大气等的污染又造成了全球气候变暖。气候变化是当今全球面临的重大挑战。遏制气候变暖,拯救地球家园,是全人类共同的使命。每个国家和民族、个人,都应当责无旁贷地行动起来!使人与自然能和谐相处。 关注生态环境不单是为了保护地球,也是为了维护人类自身的健康和地球上各种生物之间的生态平衡。保护能源,倡导环保,已是迫在眉睫大事,必须从我做起,节约用水、电等,为共同创建我们的美好家园而努力。 但是真正做到自觉长久地保护环境,保护资源,还有许多事在等待着我们去做。作为生活中的每一个普通人,

虽然不可能都直接从事环保工作,但我们完全可以从身边点滴做起。当看到洗手间的水龙头在滴水时,是不是能够举手关上呢?当购物时能否自觉使用环保袋呢?一件件小事虽然都很不起眼,但却体现我们究竟具备了多少环保意识。 当今,全世界掀起了一轮提倡环保、节约能源,降低消耗的潮流。我家也不例外,节约用电:参加了地球一小时”熄灯活动,为我们的地球母亲熄灯一小时,为此我还感到特别的骄傲;使用节能灯具;离开房间时关灯;看完电视拔下插头,从不让它处于待机状态;使用太阳能热水器。上街购物时用环保袋,尽量不使用塑料袋。节约用水:洗脸、洗菜、洗衣物的水用于冲洗厕所或拖地。节约纸张,我打草稿时都是使用的双面纸张,减少纸张使用量。我还在我家的小院栽上了各种花草树木等等。这样不仅环保,还能省下不少钱呢! 据悉,如果少吃一公斤肉类,就可减少二氧化碳36.4公斤;如果你节约了10度电,那么你就少排放了8千克二氧化碳;如果你少买一件不必要的衣服,可减排6.4千克二氧化碳。 大自然已经给了我们太多太多,我们要重视这来之不易的环境,为了我们赖以生存的家园,为了圆那个绿色的梦,从我做起,从生活中的点滴做起,“保护环境,举手之劳!”也许我们的行动很微不足道,但用我们聚沙成塔的信


第一章结束就会加入立花誾千代(再临的初始武将),这是游戏最早可以得到的万能型武将,强力推荐(建议把存储经验全给她)。她的C5是正面的范围浮空技能(这个雷球在以后特技多了的时候,扣血量相当实在,打大蛇就只用了这个,他就一直中招倒地,根本爬不起来),C6是360度群晕技能。再推荐一套连击:C5把敌人浮空,敌人落地前接12口,前期的武将一行血,基本就空了。她的R1技能也可以打掉武将很多血,还会提供大概15-20秒的增益(增加攻击力和范围),买一赠一,相当实惠。有了天舞之后,加上旋风和神速(神速最好别过5,不然手指吃苦),平砍即可搞定一切关卡。 第二章过后还会加入月英,也是好用的武将,C1(要连按△)刷兵还是对将都很实用,对武将时掌握好距离,一次最多可以打掉半血。装了天舞之后,在难しい模式下,可以秒一般的武将。 有了这三个人,蜀国的任务就没什么难点了。这时就有一些存储经验和强化特技,再来进行其他国的任务就变得简单了。 ------------------------------------------------------ 魏国,前期可以用一下张辽,推荐技能C3、C4。张辽的攻击力是不错的,就是范围有点郁闷。想当年我玩三国无双OL的时候,用了好久的钩镰刀,虽说不是高手,但是,刀下鬼也是有很多的,呵呵。 之后在魏3章外传打出宁宁:「冀州讨伐战」宁宁的2个分身出现后4分钟内将其击破。宁宁的速度比女忍慢一些,比较好控制,C技有点少,但是都很好用。 魏6章外传「凉州之战」击破6个妖术兵长和伪曹丕,就可以得到洛神了,技能很粘人的,就是造型……我一直认为有些夸张,还好第四套衣服挺好看(5代的造型)。 ------------------------------------------------------ 吴国,初期就有服部半藏,虽说变弱了,可比另外两个要好用一些。出了岛左近(再临的初始武将)以后,可以用方向+R1来清兵。 吴4章外传打出女忍くのいち(再临的初始武将):全部NPC撤退成功,女忍无败走过关即可。女忍的R1是无敌和增强攻击力,在激难模式下是最安全的技能,缺点就是女忍出招速度太快,控制方面不如宁宁。 吴5章「关原之战」可以打到孙尚香(再临的初始武将),方向+R1清兵挺方便的。 ------------------------------------------------------ 战国,用织田信长主攻,10级以后的C2开始有空中的连击。明智光秀的方向+R1可以负责清兵。 比较好用的曹仁要在战国5章外传「长筱之战」才会出现(还很不好拿),所以前期推荐在战国3章「九州岛之战」出现的张角(个人觉得张角的C4和R1非常好用,就是攻击力好像比别的武将低一点点)和小乔,这两个人都很搞笑,张角


关于工作的英语演讲稿 【篇一:关于工作的英语演讲稿】 关于工作的英语演讲稿 different people have various ambitions. some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. some want to be scientists or businessmen. still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days to come. unlike other people, i prefer to be a farmer. however, it is not easy to be a farmer for iwill be looked upon by others. anyway,what i am trying to do is to make great contributions to agriculture. it is well known that farming is the basic of the country. above all, farming is not only a challenge but also a good opportunity for the young. we can also make a big profit by growing vegetables and food in a scientific way. besides we can apply what we have learned in school to farming. thus our countryside will become more and more properous. i believe that any man with knowledge can do whatever they can so long as this job can meet his or her interest. all the working position can provide him with a good chance to become a talent. 【篇二:关于责任感的英语演讲稿】 im grateful that ive been given this opportunity to stand here as a spokesman. facing all of you on the stage, i have the exciting feeling of participating in this speech competition. the topic today is what we cannot afford to lose. if you ask me this question, i must tell you that i think the answer is a word---- responsibility. in my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class who worked very hard, however she could never do satisfactorily in her lessons. the teacher asked me to help her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from me. but as a young boy, i was so restless and thoughtless, i always tried to get more time to play and enjoy myself. so she was always slighted over by me. one day before the final exam, she came up to me and said, could you please explain this to me? i can not understand it. i


卫生局长演讲稿范文 卫生局长的职责是贯彻执行国家在医政方面的方针、政策,负责医疗卫生体制改革的调研、指导等工作,那么你想知道卫生局长演讲要说些什么吗?以下是第一范文网为你整理推荐卫生局长演讲稿,希望你喜欢。 各位领导、各位专家、各位代表: 早上好! 在鲜花盛开、绿树成荫、生机盎然的五月,第三届武汉中西医结合学会神经外科专业委员会学术会议在这里隆重举行,这是我们武汉市神经外科界的一次盛会。借此机会,我代表武汉市卫计委及神经外科界的全体同仁,向参加会议的各位领导、各位专家学者、各位代表表示热烈的欢迎!向长期无私地支持武汉市卫生事业发展的各位领导、各位专家学者及各位朋友表示衷心的感谢! 长江航运总医院〃武汉脑科医院与北京天坛医院合作已12个春秋。北京天坛医院一直本着“真诚合作、资源共享、无私奉献”的精神,常年选派神经外科专家常驻长江航运总医院〃武汉脑科医院,使医院的神经外科事业有了迅猛的发展,专科品牌深入人心,使天坛医院的精湛技术和服务品质惠及到了武汉乃至华中地区的广大脑科患者,这大大地缓解了湖北患者北上就医难、看病贵的民生难题。正是在北京天坛医院无私的帮助下,我们共同见证了长江航运总医院〃武汉脑科医院破茧成蝶的过程,神经外科开放床位数从20xx年10张发展到现在110张,住院病人数从20xx年全年300余人到现在6000余人,手术台数从20xx年全年100台到现在20xx余台。这是北京天坛 医院各位领导、各位专家对长江航运总医院〃武汉脑科医院大力支持与无私帮助的硕果。20xx年的精诚合作、20xx年的谆谆教导、20xx年的无私奉献,使长江航运总医院〃武汉脑科医院神经外科享有了华中领先、脑科一流的盛


本科毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 专业名称:土木工程 年级班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 二○年月日

Urban transportation Planning An urban transportation system is basic component of an urban area's social,economic,and physical structure. Not only does the design and performance of a transportation system provide opportunities for mobility,but over the long term,it influences patterns of growth and the level of economic activity through the accessibility it provides to land. Planning for the development or maintenance of the urban transportation system is thus an important activity,both for promoting the efficient movement of people and goods in an urban area and for maintaining the strong supportive role that transportation can play in attaining other community objectives. There are several basic concepts about an urban transportation system that should be kept in mind. Most important,a transportation system in an urban area is defined as consisting of the facilities and services that allow travel throughout the region,providing opportunities for:(I)mobility to residents of an urban area and movement of goods and (2) accessibility to land .Given this definition,an urban transportation system can be further characterized by three major components: the spatial configuration that permits travel from one location to another; the transportation technologies that provide the means of moving over these distances; and the institutional framework that provides for the planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of system facilities. The Spatial Configuration of a Transportation System One way to describe the spatial dimension of an urban transportation system is to consider the characteristics of individual trips from an origin to a destination. For example, a trip can consist of several types of movement undertaken to achieve different objectives. Travelers leaving home might use a local bus system to reach a suburban subway station(a trip collection process),proceed through the station to the subway platform (a transfer process),ride the subway to a downtown station (a line-haul process),and walk to a place of employment (a distribution process). Similarly,one can view a home-to-work trip by car as consisting of similar segments,with the local street system providing the trip collection process, a freeway providing the line-haul capability,a parking lot in the central business district serving as a transfer point,and walking,as before,serving the distribution function. The facilities and services that provide these opportunities for travel,when


关于人英语演讲稿(精选多篇) 关于人的优美句子 1、“黑皮小子”是我对在公交车上偶遇两次的一个男孩的称呼代号。一听这个外号,你也定会知道他极黑了。他的脸总是黑黑的;裸露在短袖外的胳膊也是黑黑的;就连两只有厚厚耳垂的耳朵也那么黑黑的,时不时像黑色的猎犬竖起来倾听着什么;黑黑的扁鼻子时不时地深呼吸着,像是在警觉地嗅着什么异样的味道。 2、我不知道,如何诠释我的母亲,因为母亲淡淡的生活中却常常跳动着不一样的间最无私、最伟大、最崇高的爱,莫过于母爱。无私,因为她的爱只有付出,无需回报;伟大,因为她的爱寓于

普通、平凡和简单之中;崇高,是因为她的爱是用生命化作乳汁,哺育着我,使我的生命得以延续,得以蓬勃,得以灿烂。 3、我的左撇子伙伴是用左手写字的,就像我们的右手一样挥洒自如。在日常生活中,曾见过用左手拿筷子的,也有像超级林丹用左手打羽毛球的,但很少碰见用左手写字的。中国汉字笔画笔顺是左起右收,适合用右手写字。但我的左撇子伙伴写字是右起左收的,像鸡爪一样迈出田字格,左看右看,上看下看,每一个字都很难看。平时考试时间终了,他总是做不完试卷。于是老师就跟家长商量,决定让他左改右写。经过老师引导,家长配合,他自己刻苦练字,考试能够提前完成了。现在他的字像他本人一样阳光、帅气。 4、老师,他们是辛勤的园丁,帮助着那些幼苗茁壮成长。他们不怕辛苦地给我们改厚厚一叠的作业,给我们上课。一步一步一点一点地给我们知识。虽然

他们有时也会批评一些人,但是他们的批评是对我们有帮助的,我们也要理解他们。那些学习差的同学,老师会逐一地耐心教导,使他们的学习突飞猛进。使他们的耐心教导培养出了一批批优秀的人才。他们不怕辛苦、不怕劳累地教育着我们这些幼苗,难道不是美吗? 5、我有一个表妹,还不到十岁,她那圆圆的小脸蛋儿,粉白中透着粉红,她的头发很浓密,而且好像马鬓毛一样的粗硬,但还是保留着孩子一样的蓬乱的美,卷曲的环绕着她那小小的耳朵。说起她,她可是一个古灵精怪的小女孩。 6、黑皮小子是一个善良的人,他要跟所有见过的人成为最好的朋友!这样人人都是他的好朋友,那么人人都是好友一样坦诚、关爱相交,这样人与人自然会和谐起来,少了许多争执了。 7、有人说,老师是土壤,把知识化作养分,传授给祖国的花朵,让他们茁壮成长。亦有人说,老师是一座知识的桥梁,把我们带进奇妙的科学世界,让


小小解说员演讲稿 这就是本校的翰墨缘,翰墨缘指诗文书画等笔墨遇合的机缘。这是是伊秉绶写的隶书,他是清朝人,嘉庆七年。书法为学校传统教学特色,是省首批书法教育研究会实验基地,中国书法教育专业委员会实验学校,曾与日本雪心书道社、钱塘书画社、西泠印社等进行交流活动,已举办了七届校书法节,师生作品获得过国内外各级各类比赛奖项。 我校创建于1947年,1999年命名为杭州市永天实验小学,现有14个教学班,学生346人,全部实行小班化教学,设施齐备,建有电脑信息中心、校园网络系统以及各类专用教室,标准的塑胶跑道,校园绿化覆盖率超过40%。下城区教育局局长周培植为永天实验小学命名揭牌。风景如画的校园,学校围绕“多元化、活动化、合作化、个别化”的教学理念,在杭州市率先开展小班化教育实验,开设了陶艺、书法、形体训练、环保、艺术欣赏等校本课程,着力培养学生的创新精神、实践能力和合作意识。学生在上书法课,赠春联活动学校以工会为载体,全方位开展争创“巾帼文明示范岗”等活动,组织了“争创星级办公室”竞赛、“岗位明星”评比、“创新杯”教学比武等活动,教师之间形成了互相影响,互相督促,互相帮助,共同进步的群体意识。 我校经过装修,操场不再是草地变成了篮球场,教学楼更是焕然一新,教室的地砖现已经变成了整洁的地板,还有崭新的 投影仪。走廊上都展现了我校的书法特色。

小小解说员演讲稿2 各位老师、各位同学,大家好! 欢迎大家来到萧山美德档案展示馆参观,我是17号讲解员xxxxx 我们现在所在的美德档案馆从2013年10月开始对外免费开放。这个展馆很大,总面积有800平方米!展馆分为图版展示区、实物展示区、阅读区、多媒体互动区和道德讲堂总堂等5个区域。不管你是大人还是孩子,都可以到这里参观历届“美德标兵”的先进事迹,了解中华民族优秀的美德文化。 从现在起,就由我带领大家一起领略美德标兵们的风采。大家请随我往我左手边的展区。现在我们看到的这块展板上介绍的是:(临浦镇的倪月儿。2008年5月15日的凌晨,她自己永远闭上了双眼,却为另一个人送去了光明,犹如月儿一般的皎洁,在人生的星空,再次绽放生命的璀璨。她将角膜和遗体捐献给需要的人,把爱留在了人间。) 大家猜一猜边展板上的这位漂亮的大姐姐是谁?是的,她就是(自强不息、扛起家庭重担的丁飞。她是戴村镇永兴小学老师,早在十年前不幸就降临到这个家庭:祖父自幼双目失明,生活不能自理,父亲在42岁时患肝癌去世,母亲又患多种疾病经常与病床相伴,弟弟年仅七岁尚不懂事。是还在初二就读的丁飞,

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