当前位置:文档之家› 考研英语经验谈16-考研英语范文甘愿做一颗螺丝钉






study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should

1) describe the picture,

2) interpret its meaning, and

3) point out its implications in our life.

you should write about 160—200 words neatly on answer sheet 2. (20 points)


the scene above depicts multiple rows of students in the midst of a graduation ceremony. their academic caps and gowns signify that they have successfully completed their courses and are preparing to enter into society. the hand in the foreground holds two small screws, implying that such students are the screws that hold society together and ensure it functions properly.

such an analogy encourages us to consider our purpose and place in life. while many people harbor grand desires to improve and change their respective communities and countries, not a single unit could stay together without the screws that hold things in place. success, therefore, depends on the smaller tools, or pieces, that keep structures from tumbling. just as screws are the small yet essential objects that strengthen and sustain, we should strive to steadily support the society we live and work within. without our earnest efforts, communities could not be so securely maintained.

the screws also promote a particular sense of perspective. human society is vast and seemingly boundless, and it also important to be modest. regardless of how great one's achievements may be, one is still only a single screw in the large machinery. but if you must be a screw, be a strong and shining one!







2018考研英语作文模板必背20篇:大作文(3) As is shown in the picture, on arriving at the finishing line of a race on the playground, the lovely young man has to continue his new journey in no time instead of stopping to take a rest. He has successfully settled the puzzle of “stopping or going on” which might have confused many others. With the increasing pace of modern life, perhaps no change has characterized the past decade more dramatically than that of people's view on their own life. It is generally agreed upon that people have to adjust themselves to this new change. On the one hand, no doubt, people will gain a lot by setting new goals in their daily life. Take the famous scientist Thomas Edison for example. He had done very well in his early life, but continued to pursue something more difficult all through his life. On the other hand, if one is obsessed with the success he has achieved, he would lose the chance to pursue new success. What is more, he may become the slave of his success. There are many cases showing that people lose their courage to better themselves after becoming successful. To sum up, one's view on his success determines his future. In my opinion, it is necessary to carry out a nation-wide campaign publicizing people who have a burning desire for more and ever greater achievement when they are already well-known. So that people in the society will develop a forward-looking attitude and make their life worth living and the world more beautiful as well. 以上是中公考研为大家准备整理的2018考研英语作文模板必背20篇:大作文(3)的内容。中公考研提醒大家2018考研招生简章、2018考研招生目录、2018考研参考书目以及2018考研大纲已陆续公布,中公考研将为大家及时提供相关资讯。另外,为了帮助考生更 好地复习,中公考研为广大学子推出2018考研VIP1对1、秋季集训营、保研课程系列备考专题,针对每一个科目要点进行深入的指导分析,还会根据每年的考研大纲进行针对性的分析哦~欢迎各位考生了解咨询。同时,中公考研一直为大家推出考研直播课堂,足不出户就可以边听课边学习,为大家的考研梦想助力!


一、网恋 Directions: Write an essay entitled On-line Love Affair, your essay should meet the requirements below: (1)its side-effect (2)your viewpoints You should write 160~200words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 背诵范文: Although the popular belief is that internet increasingly plays an important role in our daily life, a current survey indicates that it has also brought some youngsters great disadvantages. They can do whatever they like, such matters as playing games, chatting. And some are even falling in love with chatters, which is called on-line love. Fresh notion as on-line love is, it sounds ridiculous when analyzed profoundly. What these young people fail to understand is that both sides have not well acquainted with mutually. Some net friends are reported to have been deceived by those people who are doing some criminal activities per year through the internet. Internet has indubitably provided various information for us, and on-line love is nothing but an artifact of fictitious world offered by internet. On the other hand, it is vital that we should make internet serve us better, and at the same time,as far as on-line love is concerned, being objective and levelheaded analysis is not far from being a sensible attitude. 范文精译: 尽管大家普遍认为网络在我们的日常生活中越来越重要,但当前的调查表明它同时也给一些年轻人带来了弊端。人们可以通过网络做他们喜欢做的一切,诸如打游戏、聊天。有些人甚至与聊天者谈起了恋爱,这就是所谓的网恋。 尽管网恋比较新颖,但仔细分析过后不免有些荒唐。这些年轻人没有意识到他们双方并不彼此了解。据报道,每年都有网友被那些专门通过网络做非法勾当的人欺骗。 毋庸置疑,网络给我们提供了各种各样的信息,而网恋只不过是网络这个虚幻世界的产物。一方面,我们应该使网络更好地为我们服务;同时就网恋而言,客观对待、冷静分析才是明智之举。 二、论美女经济 Directions: Write an essay with the title of On“Beauty Economy”,and your essay should be based on the following outline : (1)describe briefly the phenomenon of “beauty economy” (2)list positive effect (3)list negative effect You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 背诵范文: The “beauty economy” actually is “the eyeball economy”. The beauties are used to attract the public attention and make a profit. Meanwhile, the beauty contest activity which we are familiar with is regarded as the most gigantic manifestation of beauty economy. In the supporter’s eyes, the beauty economy gains high business profits through plans, organization, propaganda of the beauty contest. The participants can have the qualifications to participate in the competition as honour. The winners make their social status reach a high position. Thereupon, people become enthusiastic about beauty economy. The merchant has been laughing uproariously which hawked. The beautiful woman has the stage which declares a position. However, others don’t agree with it. Firstly, the beauties are treated as “unliving objects” just like the flower vase, and people pay too much attention to the pretty appearance of the beauties, but their internal world is ignored. Secondly, it leads to the distorted beauty culture. Many girls even women worship blindly the beauties and spend a lot of money in face-lifting to emulate them. Then our traditional aesthetic conceptions are totally overturned, and our conventional virtues completely disappear. Last but not the least, the beauty economy misleads the values. Relying on“being beautiful”, pursuing the wealth, they go after like ducks. And it also causes them to be the money worship.

80+分 考生的考研英语高分经验之谈(纯干货)

考研路上,总有一些考试大神的存在,他们看似毫不费力的就获得了400+的高分,英语也轻松拿到80+,其实这一切的成绩背后都付出了巨大的努力,当然,也有一些技巧和方法,看看这篇大神的经验贴吧,希望对你有益~ 先介绍一下,我是15年英语二,阅读全对,完形错了2分。 一定要先说几个常见的误区: 没有一套方法能让你不背单词而做对阅读。 没有一套单词能让你不看真题就拿高分。 英语,整个考研过程中最见成效的科目,一分辛苦一分才,踏踏实实做阅读,背单词,英语水平就能得到真实的提高。它最不依赖老师的一门学科,虽然初期的时候跟着老师学了不少东西,但是真正的提高还是靠自己不断的积累。我把考研英语界的老师分为技巧派和基础派。个人非常反对技巧派,尤其是纯技巧派,讲一些不需要看文章直接得答案的方法。现在考研英语界的很多老师都是营销高手,就抓住你的不想努力还想拿高分的心里,希望大家擦亮双眼,被骗钱还是其次,浪费时间可就太惨了。 本人是一个纯的基础派,所用的所有方法也是建立在读懂的基础之上的。先简单说说各部分的应对策略。 完形:英语二中最难的一部分,就算全部读懂也不一定做对,需要自己总结一些做题方法,例如同义复现原则。 阅读:最基础的一部分,需要单词和语法的积累,英语二还需要关注细节。但只要把文章读明白是基本不会错太多。 新题型:送分题 翻译:也不难,但是需要关注一些特定句式的固定译法。自己就总结好多这种句式,以防出现翻译对了不拿分的情况 作文:大多数人对作文有误解,认为背背老师给的模版就行了。模版是一种绝对拿不了高分的东西。想拿高分必须在写作过程中用一些特别地道的词汇,尤其是动词,这其实看前期的积累。 我的考研英语准备经历了漫长的准备过程,下面把自己的经历分享的给大家,希望大家能得到帮助。 未准备考研阶段


考研英语作文范文和模板:图表作文 图表作文 1.写作攻略图表作文是考研英语写作中较为常见的题型之一,也是难度较大的一种写作题型。这类作文可综合提供题目、数据、图像、提纲,形式多样,但实际上只涉及5个方面:描述图表、指明寓意、分析原因、联系实际、给出建议,而每次考试只是从这5个方面的内容中选出3个结合在一起。从写作类型来看,基本上属于说明文。要求考生围绕题目将有关信息转化为文字形式,考生应该具有一定数据分析和材料归纳的能力,同时会运用一定的写作方法。考研试题一般以三段式写作方法来组织文章,第一段总结归纳信息反映的整体情况,点出主题思想,第二段回答第一段所得出的问题,对数字、数据等做出有条理的分析比较,第三段做出总结或给以简单的评论。表格和图表题型写作要点:(1)考生应仔细研究题目以及提示信息,认清图表中的数字、线条、阴影等部分的变化趋势和走向,抓住其主要特点,然后根据图表所显示的中心信息确定内容层次以及主题句。(2)考生应该仔细研究图表所给出的大量信息,从中选取最重要,最有代表性的信息,然后根据全文的主旨去组织运用所获取的关键信息。切忌简单



书信类一 (一) 2005-2009大纲样题: Dear Sir or Madam, As I am planning to take the National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates (NETEM) , I have decided to place an order of some NETEM books with due consideration of the good reputation of your bookstore and the high quality of your books. Firstly, please give me particular accounts as regards names, authors, publishing houses and prices of these books. Secondly, I also need to know the terms of payment and after-sell service. Thirdly, I wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver these books by EMS to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School by September 1, 2008. I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely,


2018考研英语:80分经验谈 英语这部分,我考完之后唯一的反应就是,如果有师弟师妹问我经验,我就要告诉你们好好背单词,玩儿命背单词。 ?单词 可能是因为我英语基础还不错,所以这一块我基本没有特别费劲。我英语一直有个致命的问题,就是我之前从来不背单词,而且背单词的功夫也特别差,忘性特别大。就包括我考四级的时候都是靠的语感,但是考研英语真的是不一样了。词汇量很大,而且它的阅读和我们做的四六级不一样。你做四六级基本百分之八十五以上的题目都能在原文找到答案,但是考研阅读的题类似于咱们语文考试的阅读,大部分题你非但找不到答案,还需要你阅读全文之后回答类似于中心思想之类的题目。所以难度很大,读懂文章是关键,这时候单词就格外重要。考研的人都知道,单词书是我们每天必备的。我个人习惯不喜欢用顺序的(永远停留在A和B这两个序列),我喜欢乱序版的,推荐凯程的《考研英语词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版)》。我其实大概是大三下学期的期末阶段才开始背单词的。很多人问我老是忘怎么办,没辙,就是反复背,反复背。到后来背单词就会成为你生活的一部分,就是习惯成自然了。一句话,单词是核心。 ?真题 真题也是很重要的,但是我不建议大家一上来就做真题,或者说,你可以练习一套,但是不要是近三年的。因为真题毕竟就只有那么几套,你做一遍基本就有印象了,以后再做都会失去意义。我建议大家分块联系,阅读、完型、作文、翻译。然后留几套真题在最后冲刺的时候练手,找感觉。我不会建议大家买各种模拟题,那些题答案都有错的,而且不符合考研出题思路。我记得当时我做了几套,自己都心灰意冷了。所以不要做,不好,也会影响心情,不值当。 ?阅读 英语阅读推荐新航道的《考研英语阅读理解精读200篇》和那个黄皮儿的《张剑考研英语黄皮书2018新编考研英语阅读理解150篇(基础训练)》都不错。完形填空我搜了好久,相比较而言我推荐《考研英语完形填空与阅读理解PARTB(新题型)》,是从9几年开始的,我觉得不错。 ?作文 作文的话,没事儿就写几篇。但是切忌背模版,也不是说不能背,但是你要是完全按照模板去写就悲剧了,你的分儿会很低很低,那么多人都一样,都没自己的东西。我从高中开


研究生学位英语必背模版 一、学位英语必背句型 1.as is known /as it is known to all …众所周知 2.with the pace of modern life increasing….随着现代生活步伐的加快 3.with the development of modern society…随着现代社会的 4.personally I’m in favor of the former/latter view…我个人偏向于前/后一种观点 5. there is no doubt that…勿容质疑 6.however everything has two sides…任何事物都具有两方面 7.as a Chinese saying goes…正如中国的一句谚语所说 8.the same is the case with sth…也不例外 9.in the appraisal of …在。。。的评价中 11. according to …there are at least three good reasons…firstly secondly…thirdly….列举的用法 12. In my opinion, in the appraisal of …it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negate everything. We should appreciate the great contribution made by them, and at the same time pay enough attention to the problems caused by them。 我认为,在对….的评价中,完全的肯定任何事情和否认任何事情都是片面的。我们在欣赏到他们做出的巨大的贡献的同时也要更加注意他们带来的问题。 二、学位英语作文速成模板 1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为…… 2.另一些人认为…… 3.我的看法……


考研英语作文范文10篇 范文1 "Good Health" 1.身体健康的重要性。 2.保持健康的途径。 3.我自己的实践。 Good Health The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful. There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one's health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time. As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much importance to enough sleep and relaxation. I believe this will ensure my good health for the rest of my life. <评析> 这篇文章语句通顺,语言流畅,句式变化多样,用词面比较宽。就内容来说,则很切题,包括了提纲中的所有要点。第一段的第二句即主题句是从提纲发展而来的,第二段的首句,即主题句也是由提纲中的第二点发展而来。 范文2 Hope Project Education plays a very important role in the modernization of our country. However, because of historical factors, there are still a lot of people in China who are undereducated, especially among youngsters in rural areas. They cannot afford the expenses of schooling and need help. At the same time, China is not able to invest too much money in the matter at present time. It is in this particular situation that the authorities carry out the "Hope Project ". This project is necessary to our country. It is an urgent measure that the government has taken. In the first place, this project will provide conditions for the youngsters to go back to school, which will contribute to their future success. Thus it will lead to the enhancement of the intelligence level in our country. Secondly, education makes it possible for people to acquire knowledge, which is useful to their future work. Hence, this Project benefits the modernization of our country a lot. Finally, it can make more people educated. Therefore, it may indirectly


2020MBA考研英语作文7种经典框架模板 01 观点表达(自己/一方/双方) Some people hold the view that_______. However, towards the same issue, others believe that ________. Many people claim that ______. Nevertheless,some others stand on a very different ground. They point out that _______. ln my opinion, ______. For my part, ______. As far as I am concerned, _____. From my point of view, _____. I am convinced that _____. I completely approve of/ side with the former/latter point of view. I can hardly share this viewpoint for the reasons below. Despite the fact that the majority hold the opinion that _______, I doubt whether the argument can bear much analysis. 02 连接词

Firstly/first of all/to begin with/in the first place/for one thing Secondly/ in the second place Besides/ for another/furthermore/moreover/in addition/what is more 03 开头段引起下文 There are many reasons that can verify this. There are three premier causes as follows. Among countless factors which influence my decision,there are three conspicuous aspects. Admittedly, there are merits to both sides of the argument. Before rendering my opinion, I think it is important to take a glance at the arguments on both sides. On such a controversial issue, people seldom reach an absolute consensus. This issue is so controversial that people can hardly reach an absolute consensus. It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person. It is crucial that we analyze the causes of this disturbing issue and explore effective solutions. From my


6级作文模板 1)先背3个句子 1 Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are commonly and widely used in everyday life.(讲重要性) 2 The popularity of digital …will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life. On the one hand …, But on the other hand.(讲影响) 3To conclude,…..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.(结尾段) Ps:灵活运用第1句和第2句,根据不同模板自由组合。 2)模板(2个模板) 1 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲不好的地方。 中间段:措施 结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结 开头段Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are commonly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that…… 中间段 Firstly….Secondly…https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c5899072.html,stly but in no means least…… 结尾段 To conclude,…..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them. 2 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲争论 中间段:转折(即列出两种不同人的观点) 结尾段:直接进入总结(即你的观点) 开头段:It is accepted that …. Plays a significant part for both …, and what’s more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of….. However, whether … deserves such an attention , people’s ideas vary. 中间段:On the one hand, some people hold the view that ….. On the other hand, a great many people insist that…. 结尾段:From my perspective, however…. (你的观点) . Therefore, it’s time that (措施之类的) 6级作文万能句子 (补充在”…..”里面的万能句子,自己琢磨每个句子放在哪里比较适合)


2020年考研英语作文范文 Part A 51. Directions: you are going to hold a club reading session.Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members。 You should state reasons for yourrecommendation。 You should write neatly on theANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ”instead. Do not write the address 。(10 points) Dear friends, I am writing to tell you about a fantasticbook I have just read, as we always share the same taste of books。 The book is called Journey to the West, which tells us a story thatfour monks conquered multiple handicaps to achieve their final destination.Besides the touching and thrilling plot, the book also features humorouslanguages, thanks to the talented author。 So I recommend it to all of you as one ofthe favorite books that I have ever read. I am sure you will love it as much asI do. I am looking forward to discussing more with you after you read it. Yours sincerely, LiMing


20篇必背范文: 小作文4篇书信,3篇告示,3篇摘要。大作文1篇提纲,2篇情景,2篇图表, 5篇图画【1998,2001,2002,2003,2004】 小作文(一)2005-2009大纲样题: Dear Sir or Madam, As I am planning to take the National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates (NETEM) , I have decided to place an order of some NETEM books with due consideration of the good reputation of your bookstore and the high quality of your books. Firstly, please give me particular accounts as regards names, authors, publishing houses and prices of these books. Secondly, I also need to know the terms of payment and after-sell service. Thirdly, I wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver these books by EMS to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School by September 1, 2008. I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 尊敬的先生或女士: 由于我计划参加全国硕士研究生入学考试英语考试,充分考虑到贵书店的良好声誉和书籍的优良品质,我决定订购一些考研英语书籍。 首先,请给我关于这些书的书名、作者、出版社、价格的详细信息。其次,我也想知道付款方式和售后服务。第三,我想知道您是否方便把这些书通过特快邮政专递在2008年9月1日前送到北京新东方学校总部。 非常感谢您好心考虑我的请求。期待着尽快得到您的答复。 您真诚的, 李明 (二)2005: Dear Mr. Wang, I am much grateful to be employed by you two months ago as an editor for your magazine Design & Fashions. I appreciate the opportunity of having worked here with you and other colleagues. The experiences will be unforgettable throughout my life. However, as a young man whose primary interest is in computer science rather than fashion designing, I find my present job doesn't fall in with my previous training and strength. I therefore decide to quit this job for something else that may conform to my former preparation. Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconveniences my leaving may occur. Yours truly, Li Ming 尊敬的王先生: 十分感激您两个月之前聘用我为杂志《设计与时尚》的编辑。我非常珍惜这个和您以及其他同事共事的机会。这将是我一生中的难忘经历。 但是,对于一个喜欢计算机科学远多于时尚设计的年轻人来说,我认识到目前的工作并不符合我的教育背景与个人能力。因此,我决定辞职,找一份与我从前教育背景相关的工作。 我为离开可能造成的不便深表歉意。 您真诚的, 李明 (三)2006:


考研英语怎么学习经验谈:如何从零基础到80分 关于这个问题,我看到过很多的回答,其实大家都还蛮好的,我今天只是想补充一下,告诉你在复习的时候怎么合理的利用你的时间。 下面我要开始讲道理了,请你搬个小板凳坐直坐好了听我讲—————————————————————————————————————————————————— (以下的复习规划最适合19届的考研小白了) 一、从你决定考研的现在到明年5月,这是考研复习的第一个阶段。 在这个阶段呢,你最主要任务就是解决单词的问题。词汇量是考研英语的根本。大纲中规定的是5500个单词,但是实实在在考的也就不到2000个单词,所以你在复习单词的时候一定要有一个非常详细的计划,单词复习是一个需要详细制定计划,并且循序渐进的过程。 这一阶段复习规划: ①单词记忆,每天30分钟,目标是大纲单词、常见超纲词、短语和固定搭配背2遍,基本扫清单词的障碍。(可以使用《非常词汇》,在语境中记单词,记得快,也不会忘,而且记住的全是重点单词。) ②考研语法学习,每天30分钟,目标是考研基本语法融会贯通,能灵活运用。这一项的复习可以用专门针对长难句的专项训练书,也可以使用一些讲解比较详细的真题书。 ③阅读理解,每天1个小时(刚开始完成2篇阅读),阅读文章时你要学会把握文章主旨信息和文章的整体框架;认识阅读理解的特点,当然最重要的一点就是,要随时积累文章里面的词汇和句子,这不仅是对基础的积累,也可以作为你写作的素材积累。 二、明年6月至9月底是全面复习的第二阶段。 如果说第一阶段主要是打基础,那么,第二个阶段你就要开始进行全方位准备了。说的简单一点吧,这个时候,你应该开始拿起笔练习写作和翻译,但是你要记住,这个阶段的复习,不只是停留在背单词和读文章这个层面上。因为在前面的阶段里,你已掌握了大量的单词,并进行了高强度的阅读训练,所以这个阶段,应该开始试着用英语表达你的想法,并且检查自己对英语的理解能力。 在这个阶段不但应该解决了所有的基础问题,同时还要有一段时间进行提高,为你下一步的全程模拟做好充分的准备。

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