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Insects won’t take over the earth, they own it now. A leading biologist explains why bugs are the world’s most successful design.


They incorporate astonishingly sophisticated design features, both structurally and functionally, which render them especially well suited for survival on this planet.无论在结构上还是机能上,它们具有令人惊讶的设计能力特征,来展示出它们在这个星球上的适应性。

There’s no denying it: Bugs Rule. There are currently 200 million insects for every man, woman and child. Of the 1.5million species identified, more than half are insects.不可否认的是:昆虫法则。当前每一个人都对应2亿虫类。1.5亿被人所识别,其中一半以上为昆虫。

We humans may not like the idea, but there is no denying it: Bugs Rule. Estimates have it that there are some 1018 bugs now alive on the planet. It is not only their sheer number, but also their diversity that is staggering: Of the total 1.5 million species of animals, plants and microorganisms that have been identified, more than


over 800,000—are insects. And while new species of insects are being discovered daily, over 10 million may yet remain unknown.


What makes insects the most successful inhabitants of the earth? One answer is that they are small, which has made it possible for them to colonize literally every nook and cranny. But there is another reason: Insects are built to last. It is these features that have allowed them to gain the evolutionary advantage they have achieved.


The suit of armor that insects are encased in provides them with protection from predators and keeps them from drying out, the latter being of considerable concern, given their tiny size. Without their outer casing, they would

never have mastered life in the open. The insect skeleton is appropriately hinged in places to provide for mobility. Like our own, their legs have flexible joints, but so do their principal body parts—their head, thorax and abdomen. Even the wings of the insect, which can beat at frequencies of hundreds of times per second, are no more than flaplike elaborations of their skeleton. It is thanks to the combined motor capacity of their legs and wings that insects are able to achieve the feats of agility for which they are famous. (Think of a housefly evading swats or cockroaches in your kitchen, scurrying for cover when you turn on the lights.) Potentially, because of its rigidity, the insect skeleton imposes limits on growth. Insects solve the problem by molting: As they get too large for their armor, they simply shed it.



Agility in animals correlates with high respiratory demand, and insects have a remarkable way of delivering oxygen to their internal organs. Air flows into the insect body through a series of openings called spiracles that lead inward into tubes, or tracheae. Instead of conveying oxygen by way of blood, insects provide or direct aeration of their tissues. The flight muscles of insects could not function nearly as effectively without such a quick means of oxygen delivery.


Insects occupy virtually every feeding niche. Put in another way, this means that they are able to eat literally anything. Their success in this regard derives from the extraordinary diversification of their mouth parts.

Beetles and caterpillars have jaws for cutting and tearing, mosquitoes have slender stylets for piercing skin and sucking blood and butterflies have coiled tubes for imbibing nectar.


Insects have extraordinary sensory capacities. Their eyes, which may take the form of enormous hemispheres bulging from their head, typically consist of hundreds of tiny, tightly opposed units, called facets. Each facet points in one particular direction, with the result that the two eyes see in virtually all directions. For an aerial hunter such as a robber fly, this means being able to spot prey instantly from wherever it may appear. Insects can also see a color—ultraviolet—to which we are blind. Flowers are often adorned with ultraviolet patterns that are invisible to us, but visible and attractive to the pollinating insect.




Insects are also the best defended of animals. Their chemical weapons are prodigious. Some, such as bombardier beetles, discharge irritating chemicals called quinones when disturbed. They make the quinones in special glands by mixing chemicals and causing an explosion. The explosion is of such magnitude that the quinones are expelled boiling hot, at 100 degrees centigrade. Other insects are no less remarkable. Certain Australian beetle larvae and European moths emit hydrogen cyanide, the infamous poison of detective novels. There are cockroaches in New Zealand that spray ethyl acrolein, a tear gas. Anyone who collects insects as a matter of routine knows that picking them up by hand can be hazardous. Many bite, others sting and still others, such as several strains of caterpillar, have hairs that cause itching upon contact. Insects lacking such defenses may be otherwise protected. Some may be so well

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