当前位置:文档之家› 外文翻译:手动变速器概述



Manual transmission

Manual transmission is the most basic of transmission of a type, its effect is changing, and provide the transmission reverse and neutral. Usually, the pilot on the clutch pedal through manipulation and in any HuanDangGan can choose between gear. There are a few manual transmission, such as motorcycles, cars, some transmission shift transmission allows only sequence, the transmission is called sequence shift transmission. In recent years, along with the electronic control components durability, computerized automatic switching clutch automatic shift of transmission in Europe since the start line are more and more popular, car V olkswagen and ford are sold in the city on the double clutch provide updated generation, transmission from the start with two clutches, every shift automatically switch to another group of clutch engagement, need not as quick as traditional in manual have only one group separated again clutch engagement, shifting speed is faster, more small change gear vibration.

Internal structure: shaft

Decorate a form of transmission shaft type usually have two and three shaft type two kinds. Usually a rear wheel drive car will adopt three axis type, i.e. input shaft transmission, the output shaft and oart. Input shaft front associated with engine, borrow clutch output shaft back-end through the flange and universal transmission device connected.

Input shaft and the output shaft in the same horizontal line, with their oart parallel arrangement. From the input shaft power through the gears to preach to the output shaft oart again. In many input and output shaft transmission shaft could engage in together, so to power, then the gear oart called directly. Direct files through uniaxial transmission, the ratio of 1:1, the highest transmission efficiency. Even in the transmission directly, cannot offer the input shaft, and the output shaft is decorated in a straight line to reduce work needed to inherit the torque transmission.

Reversing device

Generally speaking, the reverse gear reducer than can also


In synchronized meshing gears have type synchronizer Settings, can make two gear engagement in the first, before the speed reached synchronizer in all of this manual gear

transmission of the car has been used


The clutch is can make two gear with a separate with mechanical parts, two gear transmission power can be combined, but when to speed, so will depend on the first two gear clutch, change gear ratio, the two gear transmission power, continue again Control:


In simple terms, the high speed, low speed ShengDang when the time came

Every car high speed

Compared with automatic transmission

This refers to the automatic transmission of traditional hydraulic transmission, namely through hydraulic torque converter and planetary gear transmission power automatic transmission.

Advantages:transmission efficiency than automatic gearboxes for high, of course, theoretically can compare economical.maintenance will be cheaper than transmission.If you want to higher cost, can begin from both the row of convenience and high power








一般来说, 倒档的减速比都会比一档的还大




离合器是可以使两个齿轮分开跟结合的一个机械部分, 两个齿轮结合的时候可以传输动力, 却没办法变速, 所以要靠离合器先把两个齿轮分开, 改换齿轮比, 再把两个齿轮结合, 再继续传输动力



简单来说, 转速过高的时候升档, 转速过低的时候降档









中英文对照外文翻译 汽车变速器设计 我们知道,汽车发动机在一定的转速下能够达到最好的状态,此时发出的功率比较大,燃油经济性也比较好。因此,我们希望发动机总是在最好的状态下工作。但是,汽车在使用的时候需要有不同的速度,这样就产生了矛盾。这个矛盾要通过变速器来解决。 汽车变速器的作用用一句话概括,就叫做变速变扭,即增速减扭或减速增扭。为什么减速可以增扭,而增速又要减扭呢?设发动机输出的功率不变,功率可以表示为 N = w T,其中w是转动的角速度,T 是扭距。当N固定的时候,w与T是成反比的。所以增速必减扭,减速必增扭。汽车变速器齿轮传动就根据变速变扭的原理,分成各个档位对应不同的传动比,以适应不同的运行状况。 一般的手动变速器内设置输入轴、中间轴和输出轴,又称三轴式,另外还有倒档轴。三轴式是变速器的主体结构,输入轴的转速也就是发动机的转速,输出轴转速则是中间轴与输出轴之间不同齿轮啮合所产生的转速。不同的齿轮啮合就有不同的传动比,也就有了不同的转速。例如郑州日产ZN6481W2G型SUV车手动变速器,它的传动比分别是:1档3.704:1;2档2.202:1;3档1.414:1;4档1:1;5档(超速档)0.802:1。 当汽车启动司机选择1档时,拨叉将1/2档同步器向后接合1档

齿轮并将它锁定输出轴上,动力经输入轴、中间轴和输出轴上的1档齿轮,1档齿轮带动输出轴,输出轴将动力传递到传动轴上(红色箭头)。典型1档变速齿轮传动比是3:1,也就是说输入轴转3圈,输出轴转1圈。 当汽车增速司机选择2档时,拨叉将1/2档同步器与1档分离后接合2档齿轮并锁定输出轴上,动力传递路线相似,所不同的是输出轴上的1档齿轮换成2档齿轮带动输出轴。典型2档变速齿轮传动比是2.2:1,输入轴转2.2圈,输出轴转1圈,比1档转速增加,扭矩降低。 当汽车加油增速司机选择3档时,拨叉使1/2档同步器回到空档位置,又使3/4档同步器移动直至将3档齿轮锁定在输出轴上,使动力可以从轴入轴—中间轴—输出轴上的3档变速齿轮,通过3档变速齿轮带动输出轴。典型3档传动比是1.7:1,输入轴转1.7圈,输出轴转1圈,是进一步的增速。 当汽车加油增速司机选择4档时,拨叉将3/4档同步器脱离3档齿轮直接与输入轴主动齿轮接合,动力直接从输入轴传递到输出轴,此时传动比1:1,即输出轴与输入轴转速一样。由于动力不经中间轴,又称直接档,该档传动比的传动效率最高。汽车多数运行时间都用直接档以达到最好的燃油经济性。 换档时要先进入空档,变速器处于空档时变速齿轮没有锁定在输出轴上,它们不能带动输出轴转动,没有动力输出。 一般汽车手动变速器传动比主要分上述1-4档,通常设计者首先确定最低(1档)与最高(4档)传动比后,中间各档传动比一

机械毕业设计英文外文翻译436手动变速器 (2)

附录 附录A. Manual Transmission It’s no secret that cars with manual transmissions are usually more fun to drive than the automatic-equipped counterparts. If you have even a passing interest in the act of driving, then chances are you also appreciate a fine-shifting manual gearbox. But how does a manual transmission actually work? A history hows that manual transmissions preceded automatics by several decades. In fact,up until General Motors offered an automatic in 1938, all cars were of the shift-it-yourself variety. While it’s logical for many types of today’s vehicles to be equipped with an automatic――such as a full-size sedan, SUV or pickup――the fact remains that nothing is more of a thrill to drive than a tautly suspended sport sedan, snort coupe or two-sealer equipped with a precise-shifting five-or six-speed gearbox. We know whicn types or cars have manual trannies. Now let’s take a look at how they work. From the most basic four-speed manual in a car from the’60s to the most high-tech six-speed one in a car of today, the principles of a manual gearbox are the same. The driver must shift from gear to gear. Normally, a manual transmission bolts to a clutch housing (or bell housing), in turn, bolts to the back of the engine. If the vehicle has front-wheel drive,


The development of automobile As the world energy crisis and the war and the energy consumption of oil -- and are full of energy in one day someday it will disappear without a trace. Oil is not inresources. So in oil consumption must be clean before finding a replacement. With the development of science and technology the progress of the society people invented the electric car. Electric cars will become the most ideal of transportation. In the development of world each aspect is fruitful especially with the automobile electronic technology and computer and rapid development of the information age. The electronic control technology in the car on a wide range of applications the application of the electronic device cars and electronic technology not only to improve and enhance the quality and the traditional automobile electrical performance but also improve the automobile fuel economy performance reliability and emission spurification. Widely used in automobile electronic products not only reduces the cost and reduce the complexity of the maintenance. From the fuel injection engine ignition devices air control and emission control and fault diagnosis to the body auxiliary devices are generally used in electronic control technology auto development mainly electromechanical integration. Widely used in automotive electronic control ignition system mainly electronic control fuel injection system electronic control ignition system electronic control automatic transmission electronic control ABS/ASR control system electronic control suspension system electronic control power steering system vehicle dynamic control system the airbag systems active belt system electronic control system and the automatic air-conditioning and GPS navigation system etc. With the system response the use function of quick car high reliability guarantees of engine power and reduce fuel consumption and emission regulations meet standards. The car is essential to modern traffic tools. And electric cars bring us infinite joy will give us the physical and mental relaxation. Take for example automatic transmission in road can not on the clutch can achieve automatic shift and engine flameout not so effective improve the driving convenience lighten the fatigue strength. Automatic transmission consists mainly of hydraulic torque converter gear transmission pump hydraulic control system electronic control system and oil cooling system etc. The electronic control of suspension is mainly used to cushion the impact of the body and the road to reduce vibration that car getting smooth-going and stability. When the vehicle in the car when the road uneven road can according to automatically adjust the height. When the car ratio of height low set to gas or oil cylinder filling or oil. If is opposite gas or diarrhea. To ensure and improve the level of driving cars driving stability. Variable force power steering system can significantly change the driver for the work efficiency and the state so widely used in electric cars. VDC to vehicle performance has important function it can according to the need of active braking to change the wheels of the car car motions of state and optimum control performance and increased automobile adhesion controlling and stability. Besides these appear beyond 4WS 4WD electric cars can greatly improve the performance of the value and ascending simultaneously. ABS braking distance is reduced and can keep turning skills effectively improve the stability of the directions simultaneously reduce tyre wear. The airbag appear in large programs protected the driver and passengers safety and greatly reduce automobile in collision of drivers and passengers in the buffer to protect the safety of life. Intelligent electronic technology in the bus to promote safe driving and that the other functions. The realization of automatic driving through various sensors. Except some smart cars equipped with multiple outside sensors can fully perception of information and traffic facilities


变速器设计文献综述 摘要:车辆的变速器很大程度上影响着车辆行驶的经济性、动力性、驾乘舒适性,是车辆最重要的部件之一。本文分析了国内外变速器产业的发展状况,介绍了国内外先进的变速器设计方法、科学的开发流程等,还根据我国变速器产业的发展现状提出了一些问题,并且对变速器产业的发展提出了一些合理的建议。 关键词:变速器,科学开发流程、先进设计方法 一.变速器研究意义 变速器是伴随汽车出现的产物,是组成一辆汽车的必需品,而变速器设计更是汽车设计中最重要的环节之一。变速器的作用是用来改变传动比,使发动机尽量工作在有利的工况下,满足不同的行驶要求。在不同的行驶条件下,要求汽车行驶速度和驱动扭矩能在很大范围内变化,而汽车发动机的特性是转速变化范围较小,扭矩变化范围更不可能满足实际路况需要,而变速器能做到在大范围内改变汽车行驶速度的大小和汽车驱动轮上扭矩的大小。因此,变速器的性能直接影响到汽车行驶性能。随着技术进步,变速器在最基本的传动功能之外,也在实现越来越多的功能,例如实现倒车行驶,用来满足汽车倒退行驶的需要; 中断动力传递,在发动机能够怠速运转,汽车换档或需要停车时,中断向驱动轮的动力传递; 实现空档,当离合器接合时,变速箱可以不输出动力。由此可见,研究变速器对汽车产业发展具有十分重大的意义。

二.国内外变速器使用的现状 在欧洲市场上,原本手动变速器占据的绝大部分的市场,在不断被自动变速器侵占。例如在西欧,2005年生产的装配有自动变速器的汽车占汽车总量的23%。而10年前,这个数字仅为13%。可见自动变速器正在成为市场的主流。在中国市场上,配备自动变速器也已经成为车用变速器的重要趋势。然而,在自动变速器方面,由于其新工艺、新技术和设计原理与传统手动变速器有比较大的差异,导致国内厂家在自动变速器的研发上与国际先进水平存在较大差距,即使向国外厂商寻求技术帮助,他们也不约而同地对国内厂家进行了技术封锁,这导致我国的自动变速器相比国外产品性能低下,需要大量依赖进口。据统计,进口产品占我国自动变速器市场的78%。而在手动变速器方面,经过长时间的发展,设计原理和生产工艺等都较为成熟,技术难度也相对较低,因此我国通过引进国外先进技术,消化吸收并自主创新,能做到自主生产,基本满足了本土车辆厂商的生产需要。可以预见的是,未来汽车变速器的市场将以自动变速器为主,发展和掌握高端自动变速器制造技术是追赶世界变速器制造技术的重要途径。而优先开发手自一体变速器在技术上可以延续我国在手动变速箱上积累的经验,更有利于我国变速器产业的发展。 三. 国外变速器先进的设计方法 近10年以来,我国变速器产业特别重视新产品的开发研制,无论是从人力物力的投入,还是资金的投入,都是非常巨大的。


外文翻译 文章出处《Tribology International》, 2009, 42(5):714-723 译文: 有限元热分析的陶瓷离合器 1 引言 磨料空转车辆离合器是力封闭联轴器。扭矩和高速传输被压紧表面之间产生的摩擦力所保证。应用陶瓷是因为它作为摩擦介质具有好耐热和耐磨损性能,提供了机会以驱动更高的压力,以及一个低的密度。因此,一个提功率密度启用了一个平行的最小化建筑空间。 测量使用陶瓷饰面离合器盘的第一个原型在卡尔斯鲁厄大学的一个实验室专门从事客车驱动系统进行了测试执行。在分析过程中的有限元(FE)模型是将与测量数据和测量条件的知识所构成。计算的目的是要确定在离合器盘上温度的分布以及环境中的在每一时刻的及时测量目。至关重要的是熟悉的温度范围,为了检验该系统的耐磨特性。因此,重要信息从测量数据中得出。在临界负载的情况下,预计最高温度必须在时间和空间上进行预测,为保护接近发热体的位置测量工具的。 本研究的目的是分析和修改该离合器系统通过改进,以提供更好的工作条件热传导和系统或增加转化成摩擦热的能量的对流。此外,人们希望找到更有效的更好的离合器系统设计方案。 计算是由宇宙星空的设计的软件进行的。在模型开发阶段,非常谨慎,必须采取几何元素,选择适当的简化尺寸,并且由于正确调整的时间步长大量的硬件要求瞬态计算。热物性参数的改变,如表面热对流化系数和热负荷,必须考虑到到在一个持续的基础上在时间和地点方面。离合器系统的分析测试这两方面,只能通过加热隔板连接的两个独立的模型来管理,根据该假说认为,接触温度必须是在两个相同的双方,同时他们要有适当接触,其价值需通过迭代来进行调整。计算显示,该热分区按周期变化,它沿不同的内,外接触环。在不同的冷却特性下,在陶瓷和钢之间的结果是不同的,热流从陶瓷侧面向钢侧流动。此热流也通过迭代确定;它的价值也改变了周期和不同沿着所述内和外接触环。 2 采用工程陶瓷作为摩擦材料的第一个原型机 这款检查过的离合器盘是根据“特定的陶瓷”产品而开发的,此材料的研发过程在流程在卡尔斯鲁厄大学的Institute for Product Development (IPEK)杂志上发表过。此开发过程已经具有的可能性,用于连接到一个真实的传动轴;甚至,它为面板有一个好的初始行为起到一个很好的缓冲作用。磨料配件必须符合以下基本要求:


原文: Transmission design As we all know automobile engine to a certain speed can be achieved under the best conditions, when compared issued by the power, fuel economy is relatively good. Therefore, we hope that the engine is always in the best of conditions to work under. However, the use of motor vehicles need to have different speeds, thus creating a conflict. Transmission through this conflict to resolve. Automotive Transmission role sum up in one sentence, called variable speed twisting, twisting or slow down the growth rate by increasing torsional. Why can slow down by twisting, and the growth rate but also by twisting? For the same engine power output, power can be expressed as N = WT, where w is the angular velocity of rotation. When N fixed, w and T is inversely proportional to the. Therefore, the growth rate will reduce twisting, twisting slowdown will increase. Automotive Transmission speed gear based on the principle of variable twisted into various stalls of different transmission ratio corresponding to adapt to different operational conditions. General to set up a manual gearbox input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft, also known as the three-axis, as well as Daodang axis. Three-axis is the main transmission structure, input shaft speed is the speed of the engine, the output shaft speed is the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing between different from the speed. Different gears are different transmission ratio, and will have a different speed. For example Zhengzhou richan ZN6481W2G manual transmission car-SUV, its transmission ratio are: 1 File 3.704:1; stalls 2.202:1; stalls 1.414:1; stalls 1:1 5 stalls (speeding file) 0.802: 1. When drivers choose a launch vehicle stalls, Plectrum will be 1 / 2 file synchronization engagement with a back stall gear and output shaft lock it, the power input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft gear of a stall, a stall the output shaft gear driven, and the output shaft power will be transmitted to the drive shaft (red arrow). A typical stall Biansuchilun transmission ratio is 3:1, that is to say three laps


外文翻译 Auto Transmission First, an overview of automotive transmission and the development trend Automobile available more than a century, especially from the mass production of motor vehicles and the automotive industry since the development of large, Car has been the economic development of the world for mankind to enter the modern life and have had a tremendous impact on the immeasurable, The progress of human society has made indelible contributions to the great, epoch-making set off arevolution. From From the vehicle as a power plant using internal combustion engine to start, auto transmission has become an important component. Is Generation is widely used in automotive reciprocating piston internal combustion engine with a small size, light weight, reliable operation and the use of The advantages of convenience, but its torque and speed range of smaller changes, and complex condition requires the use of motor vehicles Traction and the speed can be considerable changes in the scope. Therefore, its performance and vehicle dynamics and economy of There are large inter-contradictions, which contradictions of modern automotive internal combustion engine by itself is insoluble. Because Here, in the automotive power train set up the transmission and main reducer in order to achieve the purpose of deceleration by moment. Speed The main function of performance: ⑴ change gear ratio of motor vehicles, and expand the wheel drive torque and rotational speed of the Fan Wai, in order to adapt to constantly changing driving cycle, while the engine in the most favorable conditions within the scope of work; ⑵no change in the direction of engine rotation, under the premise of the realization of cars driving back; ⑶the realization of the free, temporary Interruption of power transmission, in order to be able to start the engine, idling, etc.. V ariable-speed drive transmission by the manipulation of institutions and agencies. Change the transmission ratio by way of transmission is divided into There are class-type, non-stage and multi-purpose three. Have class most widely used transmission. It uses gear drive, with a number of transmission ratio setting. Stepless transmission Continuously V ariable Transmission (CVT) transmission ratio of a certain The framework of multi-level changes may be unlimited, there is a common type of power and torque (dynamic fluid-type) and so on. Continuously V ariable Transmission Transmission development is the ultimate goal, because only it can make the most economical engine in working condition Can provide the best vehicle fuel economy and optimal power in order to provide the most comfortable By the feeling. Today's CVT is a typical representative of the CVT


汽车变速器设计 ----------外文翻译 我们知道,汽车发动机在一定的转速下能够达到最好的状态,此时发出的功率比较大,燃油经济性也比较好。因此,我们希望发动机总是在最好的状态下工作。但是,汽车在使用的时候需要有不同的速度,这样就产生了矛盾。这个矛盾要通过变速器来解决。 汽车变速器的作用用一句话概括,就叫做变速变扭,即增速减扭或减速增扭。为什么减速可以增扭,而增速又要减扭呢?设发动机输出的功率不变,功率可以表示为 N = w T,其中w是转动的角速度,T是扭距。当N固定的时候,w与T是成反比的。所以增速必减扭,减速必增扭。汽车变速器齿轮传动就根据变速变扭的原理,分成各个档位对应不同的传动比,以适应不同的运行状况。 一般的手动变速器内设置输入轴、中间轴和输出轴,又称三轴式,另外还有倒档轴。三轴式是变速器的主体结构,输入轴的转速也就是发动机的转速,输出轴转速则是中间轴与输出轴之间不同齿轮啮合所产生的转速。不同的齿轮啮合就有不同的传动比,也就有了不同的转速。例如郑州日产ZN6481W2G型SUV车手动变速器,它的传动比分别是:1档3.704:1;2档2.202:1;3档1.414:1;4档1:1;5档(超速档)0.802:1。 当汽车启动司机选择1档时,拨叉将1/2档同步器向后接合1档齿轮并将它锁定输出轴上,动力经输入轴、中间轴和输出轴上的1档齿轮,1档齿轮带动输出轴,输出轴将动力传递到传动轴上(红色箭头)。典型1档变速齿轮传动比是3:1,也就是说输入轴转3圈,输出轴转1圈。 当汽车增速司机选择2档时,拨叉将1/2档同步器与1档分离后接合2档齿轮并锁定输出轴上,动力传递路线相似,所不同的是输出轴上的1档齿轮换成2档齿轮带动输出轴。典型2档变速齿轮传动比是2.2:1,输入轴转2.2圈,输出轴转1圈,比1档转速增加,扭矩降低。


外文资料翻译 学生姓名:常世鹏 专业班级:车辆工程07级5班 指导教师:朱天军 河北工程大学机电学院 2011 年 6 月 Dual-clutch transmission technology highlights Transmission technology motor vehicles as a whole is shifting from manual to automatic transmission development, especially at this stage of rapid development of computer technology used in variable-speed transmission system, so that the car automatic transmission technology has been rapid development. In recent years, the automotive automatic transmission there are three main types: mechanical electronic control automatic transmission (AMT), Stepless automatic transmission (CVT) automatic transmission and hydraulic machinery (AT). In the electronically controlled automatic transmission in the field of mechanical, in recent years, there is a new


Gearbox shell machining process design 《Manufacturing Engineering and Technology—Machining》 Mechanical Industry Press In March 2004, version 1 p560—564 (Serope kalpakjian)(Steven R.Schmid) Abstract Gearbox shell is a more complex structure of spare parts box, its high precision, complex process, and the processing quality will affect the overall performance engine, so it has become the engine manufacturer's focus parts one.Machining process planning must guarantee the machining quality of parts, to meet the technical requirements stipulated in drawings, at the same time should also have high productivity and efficiency. Therefore, machining process planning design is an important work, requires designers must have a rich experience in production practice and wide range of mechanical manufacturing technology basic theory knowledge. In the specified procedure, should according to the production of parts and the existing equipment conditions, taking the processing quality into account, productivity and economy requirements, after repeated analysis and comparison, to determine the optimal or the best solution. 1.Technical Characteristics of the gearbox shell The gearbox shell process features are: the structure of complex shape; processing plane, more than holes; uneven wall thickness and stiffness is low; processing of high precision typical of box-type processing part. The main processing of the surface of cylinder block top surface, the main bearing side, cylinder bore, the main and camshaft bearing bore holes and so on, they will directly affect the machining accuracy of the engine assembly precision and performance, mainly rely on precision equipment, industrial fixtures reliability and processing technology to ensure the reasonableness. 2.The gearbox shell process design principles and the basis Design Technology program should be to ensure product quality at the same time, give full consideration to the production cycle, cost and environmental protection; based on the enterprises ability to actively adopt advanced process technology and equipment, and constantly enhance their level of technology. Gearbox shell machining process design should follow the following basic principles: 2.1 The selection of processing equipment The principle of selection adopted the principle of selection adopted the principle of combining rigid-flexible, processing each horizontal machining center is located mainly small operations with vertical machining center, the key process a crank hole, cylinder hole, balancer shaft hole High-speed processing of high-precision horizontal machining center, an upper and lower non-critical processes before and after the four-dimensional high-efficiency rough milling and have a certain adjustment range of special machine processing; 2.2 Concentration process principle Focus on a key process in principle process the body cylinder bore, crankshaft hole, Balance Shaft hole surface finishing and the combination of precision milling


附录 附录A外文文献原文 7-Speed Dual Clutch Transmission System for Sporty Application ABSTRACT:With its 7-speed dual clutch transmission, ZF has introduced an innovative transmission for sporty applications. The close ratios combined with extremely spontaneous drive behavior makes it an ideal transmission for sporty applications. This article describes the compact gear set with lubrication by injection for improving the level of efficiency and increasing the engine-speed-strength, the dual clutch unit as well as the hydraulic control unit, which is based on the pre-control principle, are also described in detail. The hy-draulic control principle provides the option of a hydraulic cruise mode in the event of an electronics failure. In addition to the transmission design, functional features that also highlight the sporty character of the transmission are described in detail. Key words: Automatic transmission; Dual clutch; Vehicle connection; Efficiency 1 Introduction When it comes to the field of automatic transmissions, dual clutch systems currently represent the benchmark in terms of spontaneity and sportiness. In this type of transmission, which is based on a countershaft transmission, these advantages are combined with a very direct "vehicle connection", high rpm performance, and excellent transmission efficiency. The 7-speed dual clutch transmission for the standard driveline presented here is designed for a torque capacity of up to 520 Nm and rotational speeds of up to 9250 rpms. In order to be able to achieve these performance data in the existing installation space, a concept was developed in which an oil chamber as well as lubrication by injection are used. Before introducing the transmission′s several unique features in more detail below, an overview of the basic transmission design will be presented, Fig. 1.The engine torque is introduced to the dual clutch via a torsion damper (not shown in Fig. 1). The multidisk clutches in the dual clutch are radially nested in one another and transfer the torque to both input shafts in the countershaft transmission gear set. In this case, due to the

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