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第一节(共15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分37.5分)



TGBWP(the Great Books Winter Program) is an experience like no other in American education. For the past eleven years, TGBWP has gathered outstanding middle and high school students from across the world to read selections from the greatest works of literature, experience college-level lectures, engage in lively discussions and enjoy winter camp fun with other literary-minded students.

Here is a sample of what you will get at Great Books:

Membership in an international community of enthusiastic young learners and distinguished college teachers who read and discuss great books and big ideas. You will discuss the likes of Plato, Mark Twain, Dickens, and Tolstoy with other teens from around the globe who l o v e literature just as much as you do!

Find your voice in the classroom. TGBWP gives students the opportunity to grow academically and socially as they prepare for high school and college. Open discussions encourage students to express themselves and give power to their ideas. Students gain confidence in their ability to read a text closely and express their ideas clearly both orally and in writing.

Experience time away from home and spend it at a top college -- choose from two campus

settings: Amherst College in Massachusetts and Stanford University in California. This is the perfect opportunity to preview life on a college campus!

Don’t miss this opportunity to join students from 47 states and 28 countries in this unique learning environment.

Categories Reading/Writing Arts/Photography/Film Music/Singing/ Dancing Travel/ Touring Academic/Pre-College

Ages 11-18

Type Overnight/Residential

More information: CLICK HERE

1. What do we know about TGBWP?

A. A course on literacy skills improvement.

B. An education department of universities.

C. A camp suitable for teen literature lovers.

D. A program of studying American literature.

2. What does TGBWP offer its participants according to the text?

A. College-level evaluation in literature.

B. Admissions to world famous universities.

C. Free literature courses and literature works.

D. Chances to experience college life beforehand.

3. Suppose this text is an Ad, what else must be included in “More information”?

A. Contact information.

B. Membership benefits.

C. Registration requirements.

D. Activity arrangements.


When people think about British music, for the most part they think about the 60s or 70s with

the likes of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones or more modern artists like Adele or Ed Sheeran.

However, stuck between these two ages was, in my opinion, British music’s best period. The 90s were an optimistic time for Britain and indeed Europe, with the economy recovering from the

lows of the 80s and the Cold War ending.

One of the defining fea tures of 90s music was the birth of “Britpop”. This was a style of pop

and commonly featured electric guitars, drums and

music that aimed to promote “Britishness” 

male singers. Britpop was the style used by world-famous bands such as Oasis, Blur, Pulp and

Suede who became known as “The Big Four”. The summer of 1995 was dominated by the “Battl of Britpop” which was between Blur and Oasis for the number one spot. Eventually, Blur won the

battle and Oasis settled for second.

the boys, with major female groups also finding fame, the However, the 90s weren’t only for

who were extremely popular in Britain and

most well-known of which were “the Spice Girls” 

around the world. Once again they promoted “Britishness” and had catchy melodies and lyrics, but they also started the “Girl Power” movement which helped empower girls and women worldwide.

It isn’t too far to assume that without their music, many female singers and artists who we love

today would not have had the confidence to pursue their dream.

British music may have had many great times, however the 90s are often overlooked.

Although I was not alive to enjoy the music properly, the 90s had a huge impact on British culture

that can be felt today and I feel that the decade should get the recognition it deserves!

4. What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A. The Cold War came to an end in the 80s.

B. Britain’s economy began to pick up in the 90s.

C. The Beatles represented the best British music.

D. Adele is better than Ed Sheeran in modern music.

5. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. Britpop.

B. Britishness.

C. The Big Four.

D. Battle of Britpop.


6. What’s the most important influence of “the Spice Girls” according to the

A. Promoting “Britishness”.

B. Empowering girls and women.

C. Creating catchy melodies.

D. Finding fame for female groups.

7. The writer thinks the impact of the 90s music on British culture is ________.

A. underestimated

B. well-recognized

C. fairly evaluated

D. reasonably doubted


Ameri ca’s first transcontinental railroad, completed 150 years ago today at Promontory Summit in Utah, connected the vast United States and brought America into the modern age. Chinese immigrants contributed greatly to this notable achievement, but the historical accounts that followed often ignored their role.

Between 1863 and 1869, as many as 20,000 Chinese workers helped build the dangerous western part of the railroad, a winding ribbon of track known as the Central Pacific. At first, the

-only workforce. When not enough white men Central Pacific Ra ilroad’s directors wanted a whites

signed up, the railroad began hiring Chinese men for the backbreaking labor. Company leaders were skeptical of the new recruits’ ability

to do the work, but they proved themselves not only capable but even superior to the other workers.

Chinese workers cut through dense forests, filled deep narrow steep-sided valley, constructed long trestles(高架桥) and built enormous retaining walls(防护墙) -- some of which remain complete and undamaged today. All work was done by hand using carts, shovels and picks but no machinery. However, progress came at great cost: an estimated 1,200 Chinese laborers died along the Central Pacific route.

Despite these facts, Chinese workers were often left out of the official story because of their identity of foreigners. On the transcontinental railroad's 100th birthday, the Chinese workers were

still not honored. It was another fifty years later that their role was gradually highlighted. To celebrate the railroad’s 150th anniversary in 2019, the California assembly passed a resolution in 2017 to recognize and honor the Chinese railroad workers by designating May 10, 2017, and every May 10 thereafter, as California Chinese Railroad Workers Memorial Day.

8. What might be the best title for the text?

A. The Birth of the Central Pacific Cost Dearly

B. May 10--A Special Day for Chinese Immigrants

C. Chinese Workers’ Contributions Gained Recognition

D. The 150th anniversary of the Central Pacific Railroad

9. What does “they” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Chinese laborers.

B. White workers.

C. Company leaders.

D. Railroad directors.

10. Why does the author make such detailed descriptions in Paragraph 3?

superior skills.

A. To prove Chinese workers’ 

B. To stress the danger and difficulty of the work.

C. To describe the grand scenery along the railroad.

D. To show notable achievements made by Chinese workers.

11. What does the text intend to tell us?

B. No pains, no gains.

A. None so blind as those who won’t see.

C. Truth will come to light sooner or later.

D. Doing is better than saying.


Recently, researchers at the University of Toronto figured out a way with a quick video selfie

a technology

to accurately measure blood pressure with your smartphone’s camera by developing

known as transdermal optical imaging (TOI)(透皮光学成像).

Cameras on smartphones can catch red light reflected from hemoglobin (血红素)under our

skin, which permits TOI to visualize and measure blood flow changes. Researchers measured the

blood pressure of 1,328 Canadian and Chinese adults by getting two-minute videos of their faces

on an iPhone. “From the video got by the technology, you can see how the blood flows in different

parts of the face and through this flow, you can get a lot of information,”

said Kang Lee, lead

author of the study.

Lee also helped create an app called Anura, which allows people to try out the TOI software

for themselves, giving them the ability to record a 30-second video of their face and receive measurements for stress levels and resting heart rate. Lee said more research was needed to make

sure that the measurements were as accurate as possible, explaining that the study didn’t test

people with very dark or very fair skin.

“In order to improve our app to make it usable, par ticularly for people with hypertension (高

血压),we need to collect a lot of data from them, which is very hard because a lot of them are

already taking medicine,” Lee explained. “We cannot tell them not to take medicine, but from time to time, we get particip ants who don’t take medicine so we can get hypertensive people this way.

The scientists said there were many potential applications of the technology, including

providing health services for those who lived in remote areas.

12. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2?

A. Information offered by TOI.

B. New findings on hypertension.

C. How TOI is put into smart phones.

D. How the TOI technology works.

13. What might people benefit from the new technology mentioned above?

A. Living a life free from stress.

B. Improving the heart function gradually.

C. Accessing health services for free.

D. Knowing abnormal blood pressure earlier.

14. What can be done for a better Anura?

A. Equipping phones with better cameras.

B. Allowing phones to record longer videos.

C. Collecting data from more diverse samples.

D. Persuading participants not to take medicine.

15. Why does the author write this text?

A. To predict future applications of TOI.

B. To introduce TOI and an app related.

C. To describe functions of cameras on phones.

D. To evaluate the quality of an app called Anura.

第二节(共5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分12.5 分)



No-friend eating trend

When you eat lunch in a restaurant, you might see many people eating by themselves,

watching videos on their phones. 16 Do you worry they’re lonely?

You probably didn’t even notice because you were looking at your own phone. The New

York Post says that eating alone with electronic devices is a growing trend among young people

around the world.

According to a new survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of the US-based Highbush

Blueberry Council, the average adult eats six meals alone each week and 387 meals each year.

17 Maybe not.

“The way we define ‘togetherness’ and what it means to be connected seems to be evolving as technology evolves. Keeping our relationships strong doesn’t always require being together physically,” wrote the report.

Nowadays, many young people spend more time studying and working in competitive environments. 18 Instead, it’s natural to communicate with others through text, email

and social media.

Daniela Galarza, from the US, is one of these young people. She told the New York Post that

she spent nearly 10 hours on her work every day. She said, “Engaging w ith my friends and

families on social media platforms for about half an hour every day always helps me feel more

connected with them. 19 ”

creative to “Today, ‘togetherness’ is more of a feeling than a physical state, and people get

a spokesperson for The Highbush Blueberry Council told the New York Post.

stay connected,” 

“20 ”

A. I’m not lonely any more.

B. Do you feel pity for them?

C. Being together all the time is great.

D. Does it mean there are a lot of lonely people?

E. They enjoy eating alone with electronic devices.

F. They have less time to gather and eat with their friends or families.

G. The joy of being together – however you manage it – never changes.





凹坑) We’ve all been there before: You’re driving down the road when suddenly a pothole(

seems to appear out of nowhere and sends the 21 jumping. Most people think potholes are

22 , but artist Jim Bachor sees them as a canvas(画布) for his artwork.

Bachor uses the 23 art form of mosaic(马赛克) to create

eye-catching, colorful images of famous artists like Aretha Franklin

or simple everyday 24 like food. He even makes less-appealing

visuals of insects.

Bachor was a graphic designer for 20 years before he began his

25 in mosaic. He regards an incidental trip to Europe as his

motivation to change careers. While 26 in Italy, Bachor fell in love with Pompeii, the

preserved ancient Roman city. A tour guide pointed out a mosaic, made of mainly glass and

27 . So, this looks essentially the way the

marble, and told Bachor, “Glass and marble don’t

28 me so much.”

artist intended.” Bachor says, “That kind of staying power just

A year later Bachor returned to attend a mosaic class in Ravenna, Italy, to learn the proper

way to 29 the ancient technique. Years after that, he mastered the technique. He 30

that mosaics can be just as significant today as the art form over 1,000 years ago. “I just there was a(n) 31 to bring it into the new age as a contemporary subject,” he says.

So, Bachor decided to make a special piece of 32 for that pothole. He has

33 mosaic pothole art around Chicago, Detroit, New York City and even in Finland.

35 a

While he may not be getting 34 from drivers or passengers, Bachor’s art is

pleasant surprise to discover.

21. A. body B. rock C. car D. sand

22. A. challenging B. interesting C. discouraging D. annoying

23. A. modern B. ancient C. elegant D. mysterious

24. A. objects B. ideas C. routines D. projects

25. A. duty B. career C. belief D. instruction

26. A. traveling B. living C. working D. studying

27. A. last B. connect C. fade D. resolve

28. A. reminded B. confused C. troubled D. impressed

29. A. introduce B. perform C. promote D. describe

30. A. argued B. imagined C. remembered D. realized

31. A. link B. time C. opportunity D. voice

32. A. artwork B. machinery-work C. code D. literature

33. A. discovered B. created C. improved D. taught

34. A. help B. invitation C. money D. praise

35. A. nearly B. merely C. certainly D. personally

第二节(共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分)


Leather is a hugely popular material for a range of products, but this 36 (popular) comes at a price. The global leather industry kills over a billion animals every year. This 37 (cause) many to ask the question: is it possible to meet the global demand of leather without 38 (do) any harm to animals? A process called biofabrication(生物制作) may be the answer.

Biofabrication is not new; it is already commonly used in medicine. Scientists have applied

the technique to grow body parts like ear, skin, and bones for transplants(移植). But it can also

39 (use) to make other products, such as leather. Scientists will be able to make biofabricated leather with whatever qualities they want, such as extra softness, greater strength, or even different colors and patterns.

But how 40 (exact) does biofabrication work? 41 (grow) leather, scientists begin by taking some cells from an animal, not hurting 42 animal in any way. They then set the cells apart and grow them in a lab. This process takes millions of cells and expands them into billions. Next, the scientists take the cells and spread them out to form thin sheets, 43 are then put together to combine into a little 44 (thick) sheets. Anyone can then dye and finish the leather and design it in any way they like.

Andras Forgacs supports biofabrication. He says it may even be a “natural e volution of

We will be able to make the products we need in an efficient, manufacturing for mankind.” 

responsible, 45 creative way.






1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续


'Usual boring day!' This would be the answer from Roman if somebody asked him how his

day was. These days he found everything boring, nothing excited him.

One day he was lying in his room as usual. Suddenly light went off. His room was rather hot

without an air conditioner. Though he did not want to leave his room, he had to. Unwillingly, he

left his room and came to living room. Living room was slightly cool as it had two huge windows.

His young brother was playing with his friend. They were rolling on the floor. He was

looking out for the TV remote, but couldn't find. He got up and searched it everywhere, but remote

was nowhere. He looked at his brother who was still lying on the floor playing.

He asked him, "Where is the remote?"

"Under the Sofa," his brother yelled.

He tried to look through, but it was dark. He put his hand under the sofa. He touched

something, grabbed it and took his hand out. OMG! It was a snake in his hand!

After seeing that his brother started to yell, “ Snake, snake!” Mom came as soon as she their shouting. She too was horrified to see a snake. She was so scared that she even couldn’t

speak a word. Two kids were trying to hide into each other's back. “What an old trick!”thought and threw it over kids.

As the snake landed on the floor near to the kids, it started moving from left side to the right.

Only then did Roman realize that the snake was real, not a toy. He threw the snake over kids

because he thought it was a fake snake and kids were playing some tricks.

This time mom almost got heart attack. Now he was scared too. The snake was only 10

meters away from kids and was staring at kids. They even couldn’t call a rescue team. There might

be some deadly damage before their arrival. There was not much time to think. It was the time for

a quick action.

Paragraph 1:

As Roman was farther from the snake, he jumped to the window and grabbed the curtain.

Paragraph 2:

After the rescue team caught and took the snake away, everyone went inside the home.


第一部分阅读(每小题 2.5分,满分50分)

1~5 CDABA 6~10 BACAB 11~15 CDDCB 16~20 BDFAG



21~25 CDBAB 26~30 ACDBD 31~35 CABDC

第二节(共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分)

36. popularity 37.has caused 38.doing 39.be used 40.exactly

41.To grow 42.the 43.which 44.thicker 45.and





Possible versions:

Dear Jean,

Glad to know that you are interested in what Chinese teenagers like to do online, I am writing

to tell you more about it.

As smart phones have been widely used, many teenagers prefer surfing online with their phones. Shopping online and chatting with friends via Wechat or QQ are becoming increasingly popular. As for me, I like an Alipay app called the Ant Forest, which encourages users to adopt

low-carbon activities. I have a great sense of achievement when I turn the energy from low-carbon life into real trees through it. Are you using this app?

What about your favorite application? Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Lihua Dear Jean,

Nice to hear from you! I quite agree with you. The Internet does make our life more colorful, where most of us teenagers chat with friends, play games or watch various videos.

As to me, I prefer reading e-books with some reading apps such as WeChat reading because it’s

so convenient to read books online. With a mobile phone at hand, I can do my reading everywhere instead of carrying paper books. Besides, I can even listen to them as those apps are often equipped with audio software. Isn’t it fantastic?

Well, what do you usually do on the Internet?

Yours ,

Li Hua 第二节(满分25分)



第一段:1.使用窗帘救急; 2.通知救援队;




Possible version 1:

As Roman was farther from the snake, he jumped to the window and grabbed the curtain. He

pulled it so hard that curtain ended up landing in his hand. Then without waiting a second, he

threw the curtain over the snake. When the snake came under the curtain, he grabbed two kids by

their hands and brought them out of the room. He again went inside and took his mother to the

front yard. Mom was shaking like a leaf and kids were sweating hard. Later, he called the rescue

team from his cell phone.

After the rescue team caught and took the snake away, everyone went inside the home.

Roman went back to his room and tried to sleep, but couldn't, so he went upstairs to living room

where he found his brother was watching cartoon. He sat next to his brother and his cell phone

beeped. It was another text from his friend asking how his day was. Roman slowly typed:

"Jaw-breaking day". Then he kept his mobile aside and dragged his brother's head to his chest and

started to play with his hair gently. Then he whispered something in his ear which sounds

something like "Sorry".

Possible version 2:

As Roman was farther from the snake, he jumped to the window and grabbed the curtain.

He pulled it so hard that curtain was torn off immediately. Without hesitation, he threw the curtain

at the moving snake and covered it. Then he grabbed two extremely-frightened kids by their arms

and pushed them out of room. The moment the kids went out, they started screaming. Roman went

inside the room again and brought his mom out, who was standing still, frozen with fear. Later, he

called the rescue team.

After the rescue team caught and took the snake away, everyone went inside the home.

Everything returned to normal except that the two kids were still scared. Roman felt guilty and

even angry with himself. How could he have thrown the snake to two kids. But for the quick

action, it would have hurt them! He went up to the kids, patting them on the head, and said

carefully, “I’m so sorry. I mistook it for a fake one. Well….” After a short pause, he said in a excited voice, “Shall we play some game together now?” The k ids burst into a smile. “What a

thrilling day!” Roman texted his friend later that day.

重庆市万州分水中学高考语文 古今励志对联趣味素材 新人教版

重庆市万州分水中学高考语文古今励志对联趣味素材新人教版 1.养天地正气;法古今完人 2.宁静而致远;淡泊以清心 3.三思方举步;百折不回头 4.勤能补拙;学可医愚 5.处世当克己短;交友应学人长 6.无情未必真豪杰;有度方为大丈夫 7.心平气和千佳骈集;意粗性躁一事无成 8.浮躁一分到处便招忧悔;因循二字从来误尽英雄 9.气忌躁言忌浮才忌满学忌浅;胆欲大心欲细智欲圆行欲方 10.宴宾时多省点油盐米菜;报告里少吹些德绩能才。 11.献身国事汗青自是载功绩;致力民生百姓定当传口碑 12.从闾里来应记乡村尤窘迫;掌政权后当思华夏待繁昌。 13.大贪勿赦小贪勿宥不信官场生腐败;正气皆彰邪气皆除定然社会愈繁荣。 14.官路不通钱作马;权城欲破色为军。 15.诗书济世;诚信兴邦。 16.神剑高悬除腐败;浩歌齐唱倡廉风。 17.疾风知劲草;大雪见青松 18.高瞻远瞩公仆志;作假弄虚政客风 19.官正廉为本;民强德奠基 20.公仆凭一颗丹心报国;政客靠两支黑手捞钱。 21.蛀虫枯大树;蝼蚁毁长堤 22.两袖清风,耿耿丹心报国;一身正气,铮铮铁骨为民。 23.官廉政善江河丽;国泰民安岁月新。 24.克己奉公,焦裕禄、孔繁森、流芳百世;贪脏枉法,胡长清、陈克杰、遗臭万年。 25.琢完白璞方成玉;吹净黄沙始见金。 26.悟空手上千钧棒棒打妖男魔女;包拯堂前三口铡铡收污吏贪官。 27.至善和谐弦歌不辍;亲民廉政众口皆碑。 28.国盛民强党风进步;天青日丽正气恢弘。

29.璧玉留洁因瑕去;稻花生香缘稗除。 30.权为民用,纵然是清风两袖,自当流芳百世传佳话;利于己谋,即便有豪宅千顷,也会遗臭万年殃后人。 31.剑悬青天,看硕鼠谁敢掠利刃;情系桑梓,为人民无悔献青春。 32.虚竹幽兰生静气;和风朗月喻天怀 33.学不自满可言博;修而无我能达道 34.学当自发不为名;善应心甘非图报 35.学浅自知能事少;礼疏常觉慢人多 36.学问多自虚心得;风物长宜放眼量 37.言以思忠归浑厚;气因善养得和平 38.言语中尽可积德;妻子间也是修身 39.眼界高时无碍物;心源开处有清波 40.眼于局外看自我;人在心中求真如 41.一人知己亦已足;毕生自修无尽期 42.以诚换得天下怨;用心感知世上音 43.意淡名利喜风雨;心怀山川忘红尘 44.意闲闲意意自在;心静静心心自观 45.淫逸能废卧龙才;娇奢可夺帝王心 46.英雄不与剑上论;丈夫只在智中取 47.鹦鹉前头休多语;小人身边须慎行 48.鹰隼入云睐所向;骅骝得路慎于平 49.用权且须留三分;与人最宜宽一丈 50.用心计较般般易;退步思量事事难 51.有关家国书常读;无益身心事莫为 52.有守有为识进退;无物无我生妙相 53.渔樵以外清景少;松竹之间风骨多 54.与世不言人所短;临文期集古之长 55.与有肝胆人共事;从无字句处读书 56.欲除烦恼须无我;历尽艰难好作人 57.欲无后悔须修己;各有前因莫羡人 58.欲知世味须尝胆;不识人情且卧薪


2019年最新重庆市铜梁县巴川中学小升初数学试卷 一、填空题(共 12 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 25 分) 1 .( 2.00 分) 4 吨 90 千克 = _________吨. 2 .( 2.00 分)将 1 、 8 、 0 、 0 、 7 、 0 、 4 七个数字组成一个最大的七位数与最小的七位数,其差为 __________ . 3 .( 2.00 分)大圆半径是小圆半径的 4 倍,则大圆周长是小圆周长的______倍,小圆面积是大圆面积的_________倍. 4 .( 2.00 分)把一根木头锯成 7 段需要 7 分钟(若每次锯的时间都相等),那么将这根木头锯成 14 段所用时间为 _______分钟. 5 .( 2.00 分)公元 2018 年最新 10 月,国家银行开始加息,息前一年定期的年利率为 1.98% ,加息后若把 10000 元以一年定期存入银行,则比加息前的利息多了 21. 6 元,且加息前后都要上缴 20% 的利息德税,加息后一年定期的年利率为____________. 6 .( 2.00 分)如图:此图是甲、乙、丙三个人单独完成某项工程所需要天数统计图,请看图填空. ① 甲、乙合作这项工程的2 ,___________天可以完成; 5 ② 先由甲做 3 天,剩下的工程由乙、丙合做,还需要________天完成.

7 .( 2.00 分)甲、乙两人在长为 400 米的环形跑道上练习跑步,甲速度为 7.5 米 / 秒,乙速度为 8.5 米 / 秒,若甲、乙两人相距 160 米且同时同向出发,则经过________ 秒两人第一次相遇. 8 .( 2.00 分)把一个直径是 10 厘米的圆柱体挖去一个最大的圆锥台后剩下 25.12 立方分米,这个圆柱体的高是___________厘米.( π 取 3.14 ) 9 .( 3.00 分)观察下列各式,填空: 111111==? ,121112222224 ==??; 1232111333333339==??;123432111444444444416==??; (12345678987654321) 999999999999999999 =? _______. 10 .( 2.00 分)已知纽约时间比北京时间晚 13 小时,今年暑假重庆市巴川中学 “ 赴美夏令营 ” 活动团于 7 月 14 日北京时间 16 时从北京乘飞机到纽约,历时约 10 小时,则他们飞抵纽约时,当地时间约为 7 月_______日 _______ 时. 11 .( 2.00 分)甲、乙两个水池,原来乙水池存水量比甲水池存水量少 1 6,现在 把甲池中存水的 1 5 注入乙池后,再从乙池抽走 14 立方米的水,两个池中的水恰好 同样多,则乙池中原来有水_______立方米. 12 .( 2.00 分)如图:所示,长方形 ABCD 的边上两点 E 、 F ,连接 AF 、 BF 、 CE 、 BE ,把长方形分成若干块,其中 S 1 , S 2 , S 3 的面积分别是 S 1=18 , S 2=53 , S 3=35 ,则阴影部分的面积为 __________.

●第4章 电子在原子中的分布.

第4章 电子在原子中的分布 习题解答 2.1 假设原子是一个球体,原子半径为100pm ,原子核的半径为10–3pm ,试计算原子核和原 子体积的比值。 解:设原子核的半径为r ,原子的半径为R ,则 原子核的体积34π 3r V =核,原子的体积34π 3 R V =原 39331563334π 10pm 310410pm π 3 r V r R V R --=====核原原子的体原子核的体积积 2.2 试计算波长为401.4nm (相当于钾的紫光)光子的质量。已知光速c =2.998×108m·s –1,h =6.626×10–34 J· s 。(提示:光子的动量p =光子质量m ×光速c = h λ) 解:已知λ=401.4 nm =4.014×10–7 m c =2.998×108m·s –1,h =6.626×10–34 J· s =6.626×10–34 kg ·m 2 · s –1 由p =m ×c =h λ可计算得到光子的质量: 3421 368176.62610kg m s 5.50610kg 2.99810m s 4.01410m h m c λ-----???===????? 2.3 假若电子在10 000V 加速电压下的运动速度v 为5.9×107 m·s –1,试求此电子的波长。(提示:利用德布罗意关系式h mv λ=) 解:已知电子质量m =9.11×10–31 kg v =5.9×107 m·s –1 h =6.626×10–34 J· s =6.626×10–34 kg ·m 2 · s –1 根据德布洛依关系式: 3421 1131716.62610kg m s 1.210m 0.012nm 9.1110kg 5.910m s h mv λ-----???===?=???? 可见电子波的波长比可见光的波长(400~750nm)短得多。 2.5 说明四个量子数的物理意义和取值的要求,并说明n ,l 和m 之间的关系。 答:(1)主量子数n 是表示原子的电子层数的。用它来描述原子中电子出现概率最大的 区域离原子核的远近。n 的取值范围是n =1,2,3…(正整数); (2)角量子数l 是表示原子轨道或电子云的形状的,对于给定的n 值,l 只能取小于n 的整数值,l 的取值范围是l =0,1,2,3… (n –1); (3)磁量子数m 是决定原子轨道或电子云在空间的不同伸展方向的,m 的取值与角量


II.Grammar and Vocabulary Section B Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting.As we were about to arrive,the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight delay before setting down.High desert winds had forced the airport to close all but one runway.He said that we would be circling the city for a few minutes waiting to land.We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts(21)________(fasten) because there might be a few bumps.Well,that few minutes turned into about forty-five minutes, including a ride that would make a roller coaster(22)________(pale)by comparison. The movement was so sudden(23)________several passengers felt sick and had to use airsickness bags.(24)________you might guess,that’s not good thing to happen in a narrow space because it only serves to increase the discomfort of the situation. About twenty minutes into the adventure,the entire airplane became very quiet.There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be distinctly noticed.Every passenger simply held on for dear life… (25)________one.A baby was having a good time!With each bump of the aircraft,he(26)________let out a giggle of happiness.As I observed this,I realized that he didn’t know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his safety.He(27)________thought about the past nor about the future.Those are (28)________we grown-ups have learned from experience.He was enjoying the ride because he (29)________(not teach)to fear it.(30)________(understand)this,I took a deep breath and sat back into my seat,pretending I was really on a roller coaster.I smiled for the rest of the flight.I even managed to giggle once or twice,which is much to the chagrin of the man sitting next to me holding the airsickness bag. C Section People become quite illogical when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten.If you lived in the Mediterranean,for instance,you would consider octopus a great__31__.You would not be able to understand why some people find it repulsive.On the other hand,your stomach would__32__ at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat---the__33__accepted practice in many northern countries.The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we__34__to them all our lives. No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail.Cooked in wine, snails are a great luxury in various parts of the world.There are countless people who,ever since their early years,have learned to__35__snails with food.My friend,Robert,lives in a country where snails are despised.As his flat is in a large town,he has no garden of his own.For years he has been asking me to collect snails from my garden and take them to him.The idea never appealed to me very much,but one day,after a heavy__36__,I happened to be walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails taking a stroll on some of my__37__plants.Acting on a sudden impulse,I collected several dozen,put them in a paper bag,and took them to Robert.Robert was delighted to see me and__38__pleased with my little gift.I left the bag in the hall and Robert and I went into the living room where we talked for a couple of hours.I had forgotten all about the snails when Robert suddenly said that I must stay to dinner. 第1页/共8页

重庆市万州分水中学高二语文《项羽之死》优秀教案 人教版

重庆市万州分水中学高二语文《项羽之死》优秀教案人教版 一、教学目标 1、培养文言文自学能力:梳理知识点、确认重点字词句;借助书下注解和工具书解决疑难问题;学会交流学习,提高学习效率,共同进步。 2、把握文章内容,联系旧课文,掌握评价历史人物形象的方法。 3、以读促写,通过单项训练提高议论文写作能力。 二、课时安排 2课时 三、教学过程 第一课时 一、导入 我们曾在高一时学过《鸿门宴》,大家对项羽有了比较深入客观的了解,今天,我们将学习同样选自《史记·项羽本纪》的《项羽之死》,来进一步完善我们对项羽的了解,进一步学习如何分析评价一位历史人物。 回答项羽的形象:英雄、莽夫、勇猛、有勇无谋、自负、妇人之仁等。 《项羽之死》记述项羽一生的最后阶段,表现他无可奈何的失败和悲壮的死亡,是《项羽本纪》中最具悲剧性的一幕。这篇文章围绕项羽这个悲剧英雄,描写了垓下之围、东城快战、乌江自刎三个场面,多角度、多层次地展现了他的性格。 二、朗诵全文 (作用:教师富有感情的朗诵,能更好的表现文中描写的历史场景,营造悲剧氛围,感染学生,激发学生的学习兴趣。) 电脑显示: 1、结合书下注解,疏通文意,确定重点词、句,并加以理解和记忆。 2、设疑、解疑:通过交流、讨论,解决心中疑惑。 3、提交问题,共同讨论解决。 (学生按照要求进行自主学习,教师巡视课堂,了解学生学习情况,收集学生的疑难问题。) 有美人名虞,常幸从;骏马名骓,常骑之。于是项王乃悲歌慷慨,自为诗曰:“力拔山兮气盖世,时不利兮骓不逝。骓不逝兮可奈何,虞兮虞兮奈若何!”歌数阕,美人和之。项王泣数行下,左右皆泣,莫能仰视。 “有美人名虞”,但是并没有以后世流传的“虞姬”其名称呼;直到唐《括地志》等书才出现“虞姬”其名。当然,“姬”只是代称,并非虞姬的本名。虞姬其人有姓无名,名早已漶灭在历史断裂的黑洞里了,五代时期的词牌名则干脆以“虞美人”呼之。 《楚汉春秋》中记载的“美人和之”的和歌,歌曰:汉兵已略地,四方楚歌声;大王意气尽,贱妾何聊生。 三、梳理知识点,解决疑难问题 (一)确认书下注解在的重点词句 (二)补充讲解 1、项王军壁垓下:名词—动词,驻守 岸土赤而壁立:名词—状语,像墙壁一样 2、于是项王乃慷慨悲歌:情绪激昂。 3、力拔山兮气盖世:拔,撼动。盖,胜过、压倒、超过。 4、项王泣数行下:眼泪 5、平明(平旦)天亮 6、骑能属者百余人耳(定语后置句) 译:能跟从的骑兵一百多人罢了。 7、地方千里:地/方:土地方圆

重庆市万州分水中学高中历史 第6课 民国时期民族工业的曲折发展学案 新人教版必修2

重庆市万州分水中学高中历史必修二学案:第6课 民国时期民族工业的曲折 发展 ■民国初期的兴办实业潮■ 辛亥革命推翻了中国两千多年的专制统治,为民族工业的 发展扫清了一些障碍。中华民国的建立提高了民族资产阶级的政治地位,南京临时政府颁布的一系列发展实业的法令,激发 了民族资产阶级投资近代工业的热情。1915年因反对“二十一条”而掀起的抵制日货、提倡国货运动,对于民族资本主义的 发展也有促进作用。在民族资产阶级看来,发展工商业的大好时机已经到来,于是,各种发展实业的团体如雨后春笋般纷纷 涌现。1911-1913年,全国共成立实业团体72个,几乎遍及所有省区,海外华侨也大规模投资国内产业。 第一次世界大战期间,欧洲各帝国主义国家暂时放松了对中国的经济侵略,对华输出的资本和商品都有所减少,在客观上为民族工业的发展提供了有利的外部条件。处于帝国主义和封建主义双重压迫下的中国民族工业,得到了一次发展的机会,迎来了一个短暂的春天。 1912-1919年的8年间,新建厂矿企业470多家,新增资本达13000多万元,速度和规模都是空前的,超过了过去半个世纪的成就。 纺织业是当时最大的新式工业。1912-1922年,纱锭由50余万锭增至近160万锭,平均年增长率为12.1%;布机由2616台增至6675台,年平均增长率为11%。纺织业由长江下游的上海等地向北向西发展,天津、青岛、武汉成为新的纺织业中心。 面粉业是当时中国的第二大工业。由于洋面粉输入减少,欧洲需求增加,中国面粉除扩大内销外,还大量出口,面粉业蓬勃发展。1911年全国有面粉厂大约40家,资本600多万元;1919年增至120多家,资本约4500万元。此外,火柴、榨油、造纸等轻工业有了显著的发展,重工业有了一定的增长。 近代民族工业主要分布在沿海地区,其发展主要是在轻工业方面,重工业的基础极为薄弱,没有形成独立完整的工业体系。 在一些主要工业部门,外国资本仍然超过民族资本,外国资本控制了中国机器采煤量的75%,拥有中国布机总数的59%,日本资本控制了中国钢铁生产能力的94%。 资料卡片 今兹共和政体成立.喁喁望治之民,可共此运会,建设我新社会,以竞胜争存。而所谓产业革命者,

重庆市万州分水中学高中数学 4.1.1 圆的标准方程学案 新人教A版必修2.doc

重庆市万州分水中学高中数学 4.1.1 圆的标准方程学案新人教A 版必修2 预习目标 回忆圆的定义,初步了解用方程建立圆的标准方程. 一.预习内容 1:圆的定义是怎样的? 2:圆的特点是什么? 二.提出疑惑 同学们,通过你的自主学习,你还有那些疑惑,请填在下面的表格中 疑惑点疑惑内容 课内探究学案 一.学习目标 1.掌握圆的标准方程的特点,能根据所给有关圆心、半径的具体条件准确地写出圆的标准方程,能运用圆的标准方程正确地求出其圆心和半径,解决一些简单的实际问题.2.通过圆的标准方程的推导,培养学生利用求曲线的方程的一般步骤解决一些实际问题的能力. 3.通过圆的标准方程,解决一些如圆拱桥的实际问题,说明理论既来源于实践,又服务于实践,可以适时进行辩证唯物主义思想教育. 学习重点:(1)圆的标准方程的推导步骤;(2)根据具体条件正确写出圆的标准方程.学习难点:运用圆的标准方程解决一些简单的实际问题. 二.学习过程 探究一:如何建立圆的标准方程呢? 1.建系设点

2.写点集 3.列方程 4.化简方程 探究二:圆的方程形式有什么特点?当圆心在原点时,圆的方程是什么? 例1 写出下列各圆的方程:(请四位同学演板) (1)圆心在原点,半径是3; (3)经过点P(5,1),圆心在点C(8,-3); 变式训练1:说出下列圆的圆心和半径:(学生回答) (1)(x-3) +(y-2) =5; (2)(x+4) +(y+3) =7; (3)(x+2) + y=4 例2 (1)已知两点P (4,9)和P (6,3),求以PP为直径的圆的方程;(2)试判断点M(6,9)、N(3,3)、Q(5,3)是在圆上,在圆内,还是在圆外?

重庆市万州分水中学高考语文 专题复习 常见双音节古今异义词举例(1)讲义 新人教版

重庆市万州分水中学高考语文专题复习常见双音节古今异义词举 例(1)讲义新人教版 1.亲戚今义:旁系亲属;古义:指父亲兄弟,统指家里亲人。 例如:臣所以去亲戚而事君者,徒慕君之高义也。(《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》) 2.更衣今义:换衣服;古义:上厕所。例如:权起更衣,肃追于宇下。(《赤壁之战》) 4.非常今义:很、大(副词);古义:意外事故(名词); 例如:所以遣将守关者,备他盗之出入与非常也。(《鸿门宴》) 5.殷勤今义:热情、周到;古义:关切、问候。 例如:肃奉权旨,论天下事势,致殷勤之意。(《赤壁之战》) 7.春秋今义:①夏季、秋季;②时代名称;古义:①年龄。②一年。③书名。 例如:①天子春秋鼎盛。(《治安策》)②蝼蛄不知春秋。(《庄子逍遥游》) ③孔子成《春秋》而乱臣贼子惧。 (《孟子滕文公章句下》) 8.结束今义:事情做完,一个过程的完结;古义:整装。 例如:婉贞于是集诸少年结束而出。(《冯婉贞》) 9.约束今义:限制;古义:①盟约。②法令制度。 例如:①秦自缪公以来二十余君,未尝有坚明约束者也(《廉颇蔺相如列传》) ②例如:其游惰不事者何能一一遵上之约束乎 (《治平篇》) 11.牺牲今义:为正义而死;古义:作祭礼的牲畜。例如:牺牲玉帛,弗敢加也。(《曹刿论战》) 12.交通今义:来往和运输;古义:①勾结。②互想通连。 例如:①因其富厚,交通王侯。(《论贵粟疏》) ②枝枝相覆盖,叶叶相交通。(《孔雀东南飞》) 13.秋天今义:秋季古义:秋季的天空。例如:秋天漠漠向昏黑。(《茅屋为秋风所破歌》) 14.可恨今义:令人憎恨;古义:痛惜。 例如:用人不当其才,闻贤不试以事,良可恨也。(《马钧传》) 15.怠慢今义:冷淡、待人不够殷勤;古义:松懈、轻忽。例如:怠慢忘身、祸灾乃作。(《劝学》) 16.丈人今义:岳父;古义:①老人。②长辈。 例如:①愿丈人一言而生。(《中山狼传》) ②汉天子,我丈人行也。 常见双音节古今异义词举例(2) 1.风流今义:生活浪漫放荡;男女关系不正当;古义:①杰出、英俊。②繁华的景象,流风余韵。③学问才华,雍容的风度。 例如:①大江东去,浪淘尽。千古风流人物。(《念奴娇·亦壁怀古》) ②风流总被雨打风吹去。(《永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古》) ③摇落深知宋玉悲,风流儒雅亦吾师。(杜甫《咏怀古迹》) 2、.操持今义:料理、筹划;古义:拿着。例如:杖汉节牧羊,卧起操持,节旄尽落。(《苏武传》) 3.开张今义:店铺开业;古义:广泛。例如:诚宜开张圣听,以光先帝遗德。(《出师


Section B Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (B) With the coming of big data age, data science is supposed to be starved for, of which the adaption can point a profound change in corporate competitiveness. Companies, both born-in the digital era and traditional world are showing off their skills in data science. Therefore, it seems to have been creating a great demand for the experts of this type. Mr Carlos Guestrin, machine learning professor from University of Washington argues that all software applications will need inbuilt intelligence within five years, making data scientists—people trained to analyze large bodies of information — key workers in this emerging “cognitive” technology economy. There are already critical applicat ions that depend on machine learning, a subfield of data science, led by recommendation programs, fraud detection system, forecasting tools and applications for predicting customer behavior. Many companies that are born digital—particularly internet companies that have a great number of real-time customer interactions to handle—are all-in when it comes to data science. Pinterest, for instance, maintains more than 100 machine learning models that could be applied to different classes of problems, and it constantly fields request from managers eager to use this resource to deal with their business problem. The most important factor weighing on many traditional companies will be the high cost of launching a serious machine-learning operation. Netflix is estimated to spend $150m a year on a single application and the total bills is probably four times that once all its uses of the technology are taken into account. Another problem for many non-technology companies is talent.Of the computer science experts who use Kaggle, only about 1000 have deep learning skills, compared to 100,000 who can apply other machine learning techniques, says Mr Goldbloom. He adds that even some big companies of this type are often reluctant to expend their pay scales to hire the top talent in this field. A third barrier to adapting to the coming era of “smart” applications, however, is likely to be


2012年重庆市铜梁县巴川中学小升初数学试卷 一、填空.(每题2分,共28分) 甲、乙两数的比是4:5,如果比的后项增加20,那么比的前项必须增加 16 才能使比值不变. 考点:比的性质. 分析:根据一个比是4:5,若后项增加20,则比的后项由5变成25,相当于后项乘5,根据比的性质,要使比值不变,前项也应该乘5,即后项也应扩大5倍;据此进行解答即可. 解答:解:一个比是4:5,若后项增加20,则比的后项由5变成25,相当于后项乘5, 根据比的性质,要使比值不变,后项也应该乘5, 即变成4×5=20, 所以前项必须增加20-4=16; 故答案为:16. 点评:此题考查比的性质的运用,即比的前项和后项同时乘或除以相同的数(0除外),比值才不变.把3 1 3 小时:25分化成最简整数比是 8:1 ,比值是 8 . 考点:求比值和化简比. 分析:(1)先把比的前项和后项的单位统一,再根据比的基本性质作答,即把比的前项和后项同乘一个数或除以一个数(0除外)比值不变,即可化简比; (2)根据比与除法的联系,用比的前项除以后项,即可得出答案. 解答:解:(1)3 1 3 小时:25分, =200分:25分, =8:1; (2)3 1 3 小时:25分, =200分÷25分, =8; 故答案为:8:1,8. 点评:本题中化成最简单的整数比和求比值是不同的,求比值结果是一个数(整数、小数、分数);而化简比结果是一个比. 甲、乙两个圆的周长比是3:4,则面积比是 9:16 . 考点:比的应用.

分析:先求出它们半径的比,再根据圆面积公式求出它们面积的比.据此解答. 解答:解:2πr:2πR=3:4, 即r:R=3:4, πr2:πR2=r2:R2=32:42=9:16. 答:面积的比是9:16. 故答案为:9:16. 点评:本题的关键是求出它们半径的比,然后再根据圆的面积公式求面积的比. 6 1 50 吨= 6 吨 20 千克 2.25时= 2 时 15 分. 考点:时、分、秒及其关系、单位换算与计算;质量的单位换算. 分析:(1)把6 1 50 吨换算成吨与千克数,把6吨写在吨数的位置上,用 1 50 乘进率1000,把所得的结果写在千克的位置上; (2)把2.25时换算成小时和分钟数,把2写在小时的位置上,用0.25乘进率60,把所得的结果写在分钟的位置上. 解答:解:(1)6 1 50 吨=(6)吨(20)千克; (2)2.25时=(2)时(15)分. 故答案为:6,20; 2,15. 点评:此题考查名数的换算,把高级单位的名数换算成低级单位的名数,就乘单位间的进率,反之,则除以进率. 把 4 5 米长的铁丝平均截成4段,每段是全长的 1 4 ,每段长 1 5

重庆市万州分水中学高中语文《骑桶者》导学案 新人教版选修《外国小说欣赏》

重庆市万州分水中学高中语文《骑桶者》导学案新人教版选修《外国 小说欣赏》 一、学习目标 1、了解卡夫卡及其代表作品和艺术特点。 2、了解卡夫卡和现代派文学的关系。 3、理解小说题旨的多义性,透视“周围人”的冷漠,学会与人沟通。 4、理解虚构对于小说表达的重要性,以及真实与虚构的关系。 二、预习导引 ⒈作者简介: 弗兰茨·卡夫卡(1883—1924)奥地利小说家,表现主义小说的代表作家,现代派小说的鼻祖,二十世纪最伟大的小说家之一,20世纪德语小说家。代表作有:《城堡》《审判》《美国》《变形记》《判决》《地洞》《饥饿的艺术家》后世的许多现代主义文学流派如“荒诞派戏剧”、法国的“新小说”等都把卡夫卡奉为自己的鼻祖。 卡夫卡的小说揭示了一种荒诞的充满非理性色彩的景象,个人式的、忧郁的、孤独的情绪,运用的是象征式的手法。文笔明净而想像奇诡,常采用寓言体,背后的寓意人言人殊,暂无(或永无)定论。 卡夫卡将巴尔扎克手杖上的“我能摧毁一切障碍”的格言改成了“一切障碍都能摧毁我”。 2.字词积累 一、字音 煤屑不啻门槛费劲与劲旅平趴地窖穹顶蔑视 二、字形、字义 奔驰与松弛倒毙与惩前毖后、枪毙遭殃与怏怏不乐、泱泱大国 三、合作探究 问题1:第一段景物描写运用了什么修辞手法?有什么作用? 问题2:第一段采用了什么描写手法来写“我”?刻画了“我”怎样的性格特点? 问题3:“我”为什么要骑桶飞着去买煤? 问题4:试就文中“老板娘”这一人物形象作简要分析。 问题5.文章结尾“就这样,我浮升到冰山区域,永远消失,不复再见”一句意味深长,请简要分析。

问题6.意大利著名作家安贝托·艾柯说:“当我们踏进小说林的时候……我们必须准备好接受例如狼会说话的事实。”请结合这篇文章的艺术表现手法及效果,谈谈你对这句话的理解。 答案:1、2、3题见《学海导航》111页 4.参考答案:文中老板娘是一个生活富足,拥有一定资产的极端自私、势利、冷酷的私营主形象;她自私,一心惦记自己的生意,家人的健康与幸福;她势利,对不能“马上”支付煤款的老顾客视而不见;她冷酷,对行将冻死的乞者毫不同情,非但不予施舍,还试图用围裙将他扇走,得逞后又现出轻蔑与满足的神情。 解析:分析人物形象要注意结合人物的语言、动作、心理等描写。 5.参考答案:这里的“冰山区域”是一种冷酷的象征,揭示了那个社会冷酷的本质,它使无数穷人陷于无助与绝望的境地,以此深化了主题。 解析:理解句子含意应首先理解字面意思,然后结合语境揣摩其在文中的意思。“冰山”是冷的代名词,“我浮升到冰山区域”是“我”生活在社会冷酷的一角,这也就深化了作品主题。 6.参考答案:这篇小说运用了对比、象征、夸张等一系列表现手法,特别是“我”骑着煤桶去讨煤这一情节的安排,看似虚假荒诞,却反映了生活的真实。空桶是匮乏、冀求的象征,正是在艺术的空桶的飞翔中,我们见识了生活的沉重,将生活的沉重用文学的轻逸来表现,是以“轻”表达本质的“重”,表面的不真实写出了文学的真实,这也是作为西方表现主义小说的杰出代表卡夫卡惯用的技法,所以,如安贝托·艾柯所言:“当我们踏进小说林的时候……我们必须准备好接受例如狼会说话的事实。” 四、课堂检测 1.下列各句中没有错别字,且加点字注音全对的一项是( ) A.我极不寻常地高高漂浮在煤店老板的地窖穹.(qióng)顶前。 B.可是煤店老板对于我的通常的请求已经麻木不仁;我必须向他清楚地证明,我连一星半点煤屑都没有了,而煤店老板对我来说不啻.(chì)是天空中的太阳。 C.所有别的顾客你们确实供.(gòng)应过了。啊,但愿我能听到煤块在这只桶里滚动的响 声! D.由于饥饿难当,奄奄一息,快要倒毙在门槛.(kǎn)上,女主人因此赶忙决定,把最后 惨剩的咖啡倒给我。 答案:B 解析:A项,漂浮—飘浮;C项,“供”应读“gōng”;D项,惨剩—残剩。 2.依次填入下列各句中的词语最恰当的一项是( ) (1)奥地利作家卡夫卡的短篇小说《变形记》,描写的是人被异化为甲壳虫,最终被人们抛弃的故事,作品在______和夸张中显示了深刻的主题思想。 (2)小说是一种想象的艺术,它经由想象所呈示出的那个世界是一个相对______于现实的虚构世界。 (3)随着现代小说家们文体意识的______增强,他们让读者认识到,小说是有别于我们置身于其中的那个现实世界的。 A.荒谬独力逐渐B.荒诞独立逐渐 C.荒诞独立逐步 D.荒谬独力逐步 答案:B 解析:“荒谬”,极端错误,非常不合情理;“荒诞”,极不真实,极不近情理。“独立”,有不依靠他人的意思;“独力”,单独依靠自己的力量。“逐渐”,渐渐;“逐步”,一步一步地,强调步骤性。 3.下列各句中加点的成语运用有误的一项是( ) A.觉新知道他们虽说是来同他商量事情,其实他们还是固执己见 ....,不肯听从劝告。 B.有些人对经济建设上的浪费损失已经司空见惯,习以为常了,养成了麻木不仁 ....的恶习。

上海市进才中学2020届高三下学期3月月考英语试题 含解析

上海市进才中学2020届高三下学期3月月考 英语试题 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Grammar and Vocabulary Universities Show “ Red Card” to English Majors An increasing number of Chinese universities are showing English the “red card” and sending it off the academic playing field. Just last month, five more universities announced that they would no longer offer English as a major, _____1_____ CET-4 (大学英语四级考试) will still be required for graduation. At first sight, it may appear that these universities are downgrading the importance of learning English. In actual fact, they are responding to the economic reality _____2_____English majors do not have good job prospects after graduation. And the same holds true for graduates in other Arts majors. According to MyCOS, the Beijing-based education research group, English graduates, along with those in history, literature and law, have _____3_____(low) starting salaries and lowest employment rate. Engineering, economics and science graduates have better job prospects and make twice as much money, with IT graduates ____4____ (make) the most. In _____5_____ 1980s, the Chinese government made the study of English a priority as part of its reform and opening-up policy. English majors were in high demand in business and in government because people with good English-language skills were so rare. Today, about 350 million Chinese have studied, or are studying, English. Ten million of them _____6_____ (consider) functionally bilingual. So, when an employer looks at a graduate’s résumé , it is assumed that he or she has good English skills. However, for those of you who truly love English, you should not be discouraged. The demand for English teachers is still high at all levels of education, _____7_____in public schools and in private institutions. Zhang Lu is probably familiar to most of you as the elegant young woman _____8_____ (see) standing or sitting slightly behind top government officials when they meet leaders from

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