当前位置:文档之家› 主谓一致讲解与练习(答案)





根据对主谓一致部分全国各地试题的分析可知,今后该部分将是重点考查点之一。其考查重点为: 1. 语法一致的原则 2. 意义一致的原则 3. 邻近一致的原则

谓语受主语支配,须和主语在人称和数上保持一致,这叫做主谓一致。主谓一致一般遵循三条原则:语法 一致原则,意义一致原则和就近一致原则。

在英语中,谓语动词必须和主语在人称和数上同主语保持一致,叫做主谓一致。通常采用下列三个原则来处理, 即:语法形式一致的原则、逻辑意义一致的原则、就近(或毗邻)一致的原则。


即在语法形式上取得一致。如:主语为单数形式,谓语动词用单数;主语为复数形式,谓语动词也采用复数形 式。但须注意下列几种情况:

1. 以单数名词或代词、动词不定式短语、动名词短语或从句作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 例句: What you n eed most is to have a good sleep.


How you can get there is a problem.

你怎么至U 那儿去还是个问题。

[注意:]由what 引导的主语从句,后面的谓语动词多数情况用单数形式。但若表语是 复数或what 从句是一个带

有复数意义的并列结构”时,主句的谓语动词用复数 。

例如: What I bought were three En glish books.


What we badly n eed here are experie need teachers. 我们这里急需的是有经验的教师。

【考例】As the saying ________ ,"Where there is a will; there is a way."[ 昆明市]

A. go

B. goes

C. going

D. went

[答案]B .[解析]the saying 为第三人称单数形式,所以谓语动词用 goes 。

2、由and 或both...and 来连接并列主语时,谓语用复数。 例句: Swim ming and walk ing are good exercises.


Both Joh n and Ann have got pe n-frien ds. 约翰和安都有笔友。

1)并列主语如果表示同一个人、 同一事物或同一概念时, 谓语动词用单数形式(这时and 后的名词前没有冠词) 例如: The man ager and secretary was abse nt at the meet ing. 经理兼书记没有出席会议。

Their teacher and frie nd is Mr. Li. 他们的老师和朋友是李先生。

[注意]在“more than one +单数名词"作主语时,若在There be 句型中,亦可用复数。

例如: There is/are more tha n one man here.


【考例】 Trees and flowers ________ every year to make our country more beautiful.[ 陕西省]

3、如果主语是单数,尽管后面跟有 (together) with , as well as , like , but , except , besides , including , no less than ,

rather than , as much as , more than , along with , in addition to 等介词短语,其谓语动词仍用 单数形式;若主语为复数,则谓语动词也用复数。

例如: An English teacher together with some students has climbed to the top of the mountain.

2)由and 连接的并列单数主语前如果分别被 no , each


例如: Each man and each woma n is asked to help.

Many a student is having practice in that factory. More tha n one stude nt is in terested in the book.

, every 或 many a , more than one 修饰时,其谓语动词 每



不止一个学生对这本书感兴趣。 A. is pla nted B. was pla nted [解析]every year 说明本句表示一般现在时的概念,去掉 C. are pla nted D. were pla nted

B 、D 项;trees and flowers 表达复数意义,答案:C

Mary as well as her friends likes this pai ntin g. 玛丽和她的朋友都喜欢这幅画。

No one except my close friends knows anything about this matter. She,


like you and Tom, is very tall. 像你和汤姆那样她很高。

Every one knows smok ing cigarettes is bad for health. 大家都知道吸烟不禾U于身体健康。

5. 不定代词none以及由"none of +复数合词(或代词)"构成的短语作主语时,谓语用单复数均可。例如:Neither of them have replied. 他们两个谁也没有答复。

Neither of them has replied. 他们两个谁也没有答复。

6、在定语从句中,关系代词that, who , which等作主语时,其谓语动词的数,应与句中先行词的数一致。

例如:The horse which is tied to the tree belo ngs to Joh n. 拴在树上的那匹马是约翰的。

Those who want to go on a journey please sig n your n ame here. 要去旅游的请把名字签在这儿。

[注意]在以“one of the+复数名词”为先行词的定语从句中,关系代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数;但如果“one of

the +复数名词"这个结构前有the only之类的修饰语时,其从句的谓语动词用单数。

例如:This is one of the questio ns that have bee n asked by the stude nts. 这是学生提出的许多问题的一个。

He is the only one of the officers who was in vited to the ball here. 他是办公室唯一收至U邀请的人。

7、“ a lot of (lots of) , plenty of , a head of , heaps of , the rest (majority )of , some (many , anymore , most , all等)of + +名词”构成的短语作主语时,其谓语动词的数要与of后面的名词(短语)保持一致。

例如:Most of the stude nts in our class are league. 我们班上大多数学生是团员。

Most of the food tastes delicious. 大多数食物味道很好。

Lots of damage was caused by smok ing. 许多损害是由吸烟弓丨起的。


例句:All are present. 所有的人都出席了。(表人)All is well. 一切都好。(表示整个事情或情况)

注意:2)“a number of+复数名词”乍主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;“The number of+复数名词"作主语时,谓


例如:A number of stude nts in our class are out by the lake. 我们班有些学生到湖边去了。

The number of students in our school is 2500. 我们学校的学生人数是2500 名。

【考例】Look! There _______ p laying with the tourists on Yinhe Square. (2008 包头)

A. are a nu mber of deer

B. are a nu mber of deers

C. is a nu mber of deer

D. is a nu mber of deers

答案:A。该题考查的是主谓一致。这个句子的主语是 a number of deer, 是个复数概念,因此谓语动词应用复数形式。(deer单复数相同)

8、由分数或百分数+of +名词(或代词)”构成的短语作主语时,其谓语要与of后面的名词(短语)保持一致。

例如:Two thirds of the cou ntry is dry or desert. 这个国家的三分之二的地方气候干燥或者是沙漠地区。

More than 70 percent of the surface of our earth is covered by water. 地球70% 的表面被水所覆盖。

30 percent of the students in our class are girls. 我们班的30% 是女生。

9、如果主语是由“ a kind of,或this/that kind of, a series ( a species) of , a pair of 等+ 名词"构成谓语动词通


例如:This kind of men is dan gerous. 这种人是危险的。

That kind of sn ake/s nakes is dan gerous. 那种蛇很危险。

[注意]但"there/those kinds of +复数名词"作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。

例句:There kinds of tests are good . 这种测试很好。

Those kinds of apple trees have not yet grow n up. 那种苹果树还没有长。



1、表示总称意义形单意复的名词,如people, police, cattle 等作主语时,只当作复数看待,谓语在任何情况下


例句:Cattle are one cause of the problem. 造成戈壁滩的原因之一是牲畜问题。

The police are search ing for a murderer in that mountain. 警察正在山中搜寻一名杀人犯。

2、以集体名词army, class, enemy, family, government, group, team ,crew,crowd,public 等集体名词作主语时,谓语应视其情况而用不同形式:当作主语被看作一个整体时,谓语用单数,如果被看成是其中的个体成员时,谓语就用复数。例句:Our family is n ot poor any more. 我们家已经不再贫困了。

My family all speak the In tuit Ian guage. 我一家人都讲因努伊特语。

[注意]population单独使用作主语时,谓语动词用单数;而前面有some, most或与分数、百分数连用作主语时,则谓语动词用复数形式。

例如:Most of the population of the city are workers. 这个城市人口的大多数是工人。

One third of the population now smoke. 三分之一的人口在吸烟。

The populati on in our country is very large, and eighty perce nt of the populati on are farmers.

3、当一些有两部分构成的表示衣物或工具的名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数形式,如glasses, trousers (裤子), shoes ,chopsticks (筷子),goods (货物)‘scissors (剪刀),socks, compasses (圆规),但如果这些名词前有a pair of,等量词修饰时,(clothes被修饰a suit of ),谓语动词一般用单数形式。

例如:Your trousers n eed washi ng. 你的裤子该洗了。

My glasses are new. 我的眼镜是新的。

A pair of new shoes is in your suitcase. 一双新鞋在你的手提箱里。

Two pairs of socks are eno ugh for me. 对我来说,两双袜子就足够了。

4、由“ pair, piece of +名词/代词”乍主语时,谓语动词与pair, piece等词保持一致与后的代词、名词无关。例如:There is a pair of shoes left. 只剩下一双鞋。

The pieces of sto ne were the n carried to the new place for the temple. 所有石块被运至U新建寺庙的地方。



【考例】---How much ________ the shoes?---Five dollars ________ enough . [2007 年青岛市]

A. is ; is B are ; is C. are ; are D. is; are

[答案]B .[解析]答案为B o shoes作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式;five dollars是一个整体,应按单数对待。

【考例】How time flies! Ten years _______ passed. (2004 天津)

A. have

B. has

C. is

D. are

答案:B。该题考查的是主谓一致。Ten years通常被看作是一个时间整体,谓语动词用单数形式。

6. 某些形复意单的名词(如表示人名、地名、国名及组织、书籍、报刊等名称的专有名词和学科名词等)作主语, 谓语用单数。

例句:Physics is a difficult subject to lear n, I think. 我想,物理是一门难学的目。

The United States is in North America.


7、如果主语由“ the形容词(分词)”担任时,往往根据意义一致原则,来决定谓语动词的单、复数形式。如果表示一类人时,谓语动用复数形式;如果指个人或抽象概念时,则谓语动词用单数形式。

例如:The old is taken good care of in our cou ntry. 在我们国家老人受到很好的照顾。

The sick is one of the stude nts in our class. 那位病人是我们班的一个学生。

8、名词所有格之后的名词被省略的情况,一般只指商店、公共建筑物、住宅等,作主语时,谓语一般用单数。例如:The baker's is on the side of the street. 理发馆在街道的另一边。

My un cle's is n ot very far from here. 我叔叔的家离这儿不太远。


例如:Ten times five is / are fifty. 十乘五等于五十。

Three hundred and forty plus six hundred and sixty is / are one thousand.340 加660 等于1000。

10. 疑问代词who, what, which作主语时,谓语动词的形式取决于它产本身的含义。例如:Which is your room? 哪一间是你的房子?

Which are your rooms? 哪几间是你的房子?

11、表示数量的短语“one and a half+名词复数"及“a单数名词+ and + a half作主语时,谓语用单数。

例句:One and a half oran ges has bee n left on the table. 桌子上只剩下一个半桔了。

A month and a half has passed. 一个半月时间过去了。



1、当or, either...or , neither...nor , not only...but also... , not...but.... , whether...or... 等连接两个并列主语时, 谓语动词单复数取决于最靠近于它的名词或代词。

例句:Either you or Lily is to do the clea ning after supper. 不是该你,就是该莉莉在晚饭后打扫卫生。

Not o nly the mother but also the childre n were there. 不但母亲在那里,而且孩子们也在那里。

【考例】Not only Jim but also his sister ____ a few cities in the south since they came to China .卩临沂市]

A. will visit

B. has visited C . have visited D . visited

[答案]B .[解析]本题既考查时态,又考查并列连词not only . . . but also的用法。由时间状语si nee they came

to China ,可判断用现在完成时,排除A、D两项;not only . . . but also连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词


【考例】Neither Jim nor his cousins _ to America, but ___ of them know the country very well. [07 年潍坊市]

A. have been ;a11

B. have been; both C has been; all D . has been; both [答案]B .[解析]考查neither . . . nor的用法,以及both与all的区别。neither…nor连接两个主语时,谓语用就近原则” cousins是复数,谓语用have been,排除C和D项;指两者用both。

例如:There is a desk a table and three chairs in the room. 房间里有一张书桌,一张桌子和三把椅子

【考例】--There _________ no milk in the fridge. Could you get some for me, Dick?

--All right, Mum.[福州市]

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

[答案]A .[解析]本题考查"there be句型中be的数及时态,be在数上要与最近的主语保持一致.句子的主语是不



1 . How time flies! Ten years _______ passed.

A. have

B. has

C. is

D. are

2 . Not only his pare nts but also his brother ______ to the Summer Palace. They have n

t bee n back.

A. have bee n

B. have gone

C. has bee n

D. has gone

A. nor I am

B. nor I are

C. or me are

4. Look! There _____ playing with the tourists on Yinhe Square. (2004 A. are a number of deer B. are a number of deers C. is a number of deer 5. The number of ______ in our class ________ fifty. A. student, is

B. the students, are

C. the students, is

6. The number of the students in our class ___ 54.

7. Not only I but also Jane and Mary _______ tired of having one examination after another A .is B .are C . am

D .be 8. A library with five thousand books __ to the nation as a gift.

A .is offered

B .has offered

C . are offered

D . have offered

9. When and where to build the new factory _______ yet 10 . The number of people invited __fifty , but a number of them ______ absent for different reasons 13 . None of the money _ his 14 . About three — fifths of the work _____ done yesterday

1. Either Jane or Steven ____ watching TV now.

A. were

B. is

C. was

D. are

2. Two days ______ enough for me to finish the work, I need a third day. A. isn ' t

B. is

C. aren 't

D. are

3. — How many lessons do you usually have a day?

— Six lessons a day. And each of them ____ 45 minutes.

A. last

B. lasts

C. have

D. are 4. Neither Liping nor I ______ a basketball player.

A. am

B. is

C. be

D. are

5. There ____ many new words in lesson one. It is very easy. A. is B. aren ' t C. isn ' t D. are

6. The number of the students in our school __ 1200.

A. is

B. are

C. has

D. have 7. Maths _____ my favourite subject. A. be B. is C. am D. are

8. The boy with the two dogs ___ when the earthquake rocked the city. A. were sleeping B. is sleeping C. was sleeping D. are asleep 9. Everyone except Tom and John __ t here when the meeting began. A. are B. is C. were D. was 10. That place is not interesting at all, __of us wants to go there. A. Neither B. Both C. All D. Some

D. or me is 包头)

D. is a number of deers

D. students, are

A. is

B. are

C. has

D. have A . is not decided B . are not decided C . has not decided

D . have not decided

A . were , was

B . was, was

C . was , were

D . were . were 11 . Between the two buildings ________ a monument A .is standing B .standing

C . stands

12 . Many a student ___that mistake before.

A . had made

B . has been made

C . have made

D . stand

D . has made A .is B .are

C . belongs

D . were

A .had

B .was

C . were

D .have

15 . Neither your sister nor mine _______ the good news Let's tell them

A .know

B knows

C . knew

11. Nobody but Jane ___ the secret.

A. know

B. knows

C. have know

D. is

12. — What ' s on the plate? Some eggs and cakes on it?

—There _____ some eggs and cakes on it. A. is B. are C. was D. were 13. This pair of glasses ____ mine.

A. are

B. be

C. is

D. will be

14. Both Lily and Lucy _____ to the party yesterday. A. in vited

B. was in vited

C. had in vited

15. ——Two mon ths ___ quite a long time.

—Yes, I ' m afraid that he willmiss lots of his lessons. A. is B. are

B. are take n good care of

D. are bee n take n good care of all very ki nd and frien dly, His family a happy one. B. is, is

C. are, are

D. is, are

18. The sin ger and the dancer

A. has

B. have 19. The childre n in this class each ___ new school bag. A. have B. has

C. has got

D. are havi ng 20. All but one ____ here just now.

A. is

B. was

C. has bee n

D. were 21. If Bob's wife won't agree to go on holiday in wi nter,

___ .

A. n either he will

B. n either won't he

C. n either will he

D. he won't n either

22.1 have n't fini shed my homework yet. _______

A. so has he

B. Neither he has

C. He has too

D. He has n't either 23.

“ I'm going to visit the Lu Gou Bridge tomorrow. ______ . ” “

A. I am so

B. So am I

C. So go I

D. So I go

24. You as well as he _____ to blame (责备)for the accident (交通事故).

A. are

B. is

C. have

D. has

25. Neither my wife nor I myself _____ able to teach my daughter to sing English songs.

A. has bee n

B. is

C. are

D. am

1 . B .[解析]该题考查的是主谓一致。 Ten years 通常被看作是一个时间整体,谓语动词用单数形式。

2 . D .[解析]该题考查的是主谓一致。如果由 not only …but also 连接两个并列主语,其谓语动词同相邻的 主语保持一致,谓语动词应用单数形式。又因为他们还都没有回来,所以用

has gone 而不用has been 。

3 . A .[解析]该题考查的是主谓一致。 Neither …nor 是一组连词,可连接连个并列主语,其谓语动词应同靠近的 主语I 保持一致,因此应选A 。

4 . A .[解析]该题考查的是主谓一致。这个句子的主语是 a number of deer,是个复数概念,因此谓语动词应用 复数形式。(deer 单复数相同)

D. were in vited

C. was

D. were

16. In the city the old _____ A. take good care of C. is take n good care of 17. His family

A. are, is

come to Beiji ng. C. are D. is

5 . C .[解析]本题考查主谓一致的用法。the number of后接复数名词,作主语时,其谓语动词用单数形式。故应选C。

6 . A ?[解析]本题考查主谓一致的用法。the number of后接复数名词,作主语时,其谓语动词用单数形式。故应选A。

7 . B。不仅是我而且简和玛莉都已厌烦了一个接着一个的考试。” not only需用到就近原则,but also之后又

是两个人,是复数。故选 B 。

8 . A ?[解析]一座藏书量是5000册的图书馆作为礼物送给了那个国家。"要找出这句话的主说是 a library还是books,根据主谓一致原则with后面的短语是修饰、补充主语的情况的,故主语应是 a library,又因为此题是被


9 . A ?[解析]还未决定何时何地建设新工厂。”两个并列连词+主语+谓语”作主语看作一个整体,谓语动词用单


10 .C .[解析]邀请人的数目是50人,但是许多人由于各种原因都缺席了。”" the number o复数名词”意为"?…的数量”,作主语,谓语动词用单数;“a number of+复数名词"意为许多”,作主语,谓语动词用复数。

11. C. [解析]“一座纪念碑耸立在两楼之间。”倒装句的谓语动词要与后面的主语保持一致。

12 . D.[解析]许多学生以前就犯过这种错误。” “mana”虽然表达复数概念,意为许多”,但当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

13 . A.[解析]钱都不属于他。” nonef乍主语,谓语动词单复数都可,但这里的money为不可数名词,因此用

单数形式为好,而belong to 才是“属于”的意思,所以选A。

14. B. [解析]“昨天做了大约3/5 的工作。”主语含有分数,百分比等等,谓语动词要根据其后面的名词而定,是不可数名词和单数可数名词,谓语动词用单数,是复数名词,谓语动词用复数。

15 . B.[解析]句中的主语是your sister和mine ,由并列连词neither…nor连在一起,所以谓语动词要与后一个主语mine 相一致,这里mine 指my sister 。


(1).B (2). A (3). B (4). A (5).B (6).A (7).B (8). C

(9). D (10). A (11).B (12).B (13).C (14). D (15).A

(16).B (17).A (18).B (19).A (20) D (21).C (22). D

(23). B (24). A (25). D


主谓一致测试题及答案(word) 一、主谓一致 1.----Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xi'an? ---- is OK. It’s up to you. A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.All 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 句意:——明天你想去哪里,北京还是西安?——两个都可以。由你决定。考查不定代词辨析题。either二者择其一;neither两者都不,表否定;both两者都;all全都。both和all都需用复数动词形式,和is不搭配,可排除CD两项。根据OK,可知是肯定句,故选A。 2.There is only one position. The boss has to choose Jack Tom to be a manager. A.both; and B.neither; nor C.either; or D.not only; but also 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:只有一个位置,老板必须选择或者杰克或者汤姆作为经理。根据句意因为只有一个位置,结合选项,推测意思是老板不得不选择杰克或汤姆当经理,即固定短语either…or…,或者…或者,故答案选C。 点睛:A. both; and两者都…,连接两个不同的词语作主语时,谓语动词用复数;B. neither; nor既不…也不…;C. either; or或者…或者…;D. not only; but also不仅…而且…;B、C、D三个选项在连接两个不同的词语作主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,就是我们所说的“就近原则”。本题根据句意可知C选项符合题意,故答案选C。 3.—Why are you walking so quickly, Edward? —There_____ a talent show in ten minutes. A.will have B.will be C.is going to have D.are going to be 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 考点:考查一般将来时。 【详解】 试题分析:句意:——你为什么走那么快,爱德华?——十分钟后就有个才艺表演。根据时间状语in then minutes十分钟后,句子要用一般将来时;句型there be有……;其一般将来


主谓一致 使用主谓一致时,必须遵循三个原则,即语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致原则。 一、当单数可数名词、不可数名词、复合不定代词、单个不定式(疑问词+不定式)、动名词或主语从句以及表示“时间、价值、重量、距离、书名、影片名称”等名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式。例如: The curtains are closed and the living room is dark when Mom and Dad enter. Visiting a place like this is always very interesting. Why pleasant smells do not reduce pain in men is a question still to be answered by scientists. 二、all(some, a lot, plenty, any, part, the rest, most等)+of+名词作主语以及分数、百分数构成短语作主语时,谓语动词单复数形式取决于of后的名词或代词。表示复数概念用复数;表示单数概念用单数。例如: As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area need repairing. One study says that 90% of our time is spent watching television

or using computers. While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her. 三、在“名词/代词+介宾结构+谓语+…”结构中,谓语动词与名词/代词保持一致,介宾结构看作插入成分。该结构中的常见介词及介词短语有with, together with, along with, as well as, like, but, except, besides, including等。例如: Healthy eating along with regular exercise is probably the only way to become fit. Nobody but Tom and his father has ever been there. 四、a number of / a group of / a variety of / a total of 等构成短语作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;而the number of / the group of / the variety of / the total of 等构成短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如: The low number of attacks that happen every year proves that sharks do not feed on humans if they have the choice. Nowadays, a large number of women, especially those from the countryside, work in the clothing industry. 五、quality / pair / amount等构成短语作主语时,谓语动词根据


主谓一致用法总结 I.主谓一致定义 II.谓语受主语支配,和主语在人称和数上保持一致,这叫做主谓一致。 III.例: My favorite food is noodles. II. 主谓一致的重要原则 ?语法原则 ?意义原则 ?就近一致 (一)语法一致 IV.顾名思义,即谓语在语法角度上与主语保持一致,不考虑主语的意义。 V.以单数名词或代词,动词不定式短语作主语时,谓语动词要用单数;主语为复数时,谓语用复数。例如: 注意:不定式及动名词作主语时,谓语 动词单数。E.g. 2) 由and或both……and连接的并列成分作主语时,谓语动词用复数。例如: Both you and he are right. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have a son called Tom. 但并列主语如果指的是同一人,同一事物或同一概念,谓语动词用单数。例如:The poet and writer has written lots of books. The poet and the writer have come. 可通过名词前定冠词来判断。 3) 由and连接的并列单数主语之前如果分别由each, every修饰时,其谓语动词要用单数形式。例如: Now every man and every woman has the right to receive education. 4) 主语后面跟有 but ,except, besides, with ,together with 等介词短语时,谓语动词仍用与主语(即前面的词语)保持一致。例如: The teacher with his students is going to have a picnic in the park. The students with the teacher are going to have a picnic in the park. Nobody but two boys was late for class. 5) 集合名词作主语谓语动词要用复数。 如people, police, cattle, clothes等。 集合名词指可用来指称一群对象的词语,这些对象可以是人、动物、或是一群概念等事物。 常见集合名词:people, police, cattle, goods, clothes等。 e.g. The police are looking for him. ?有些集合名词如class, team, group, family 根据其表达意义不同,单复数用法也不同。


主谓一致的用法及专项练习题 一、主谓一致三原则 主谓一致是指谓语动词与主语在人称和数上保持一致,主谓一致必须遵循三原则:语法一致原则,意义一致原则,就近一致原则。1.语法一致原则:指主语是单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式, 主语是复数形式,谓语也用复数形式。 Tom is a good student. 汤姆是个好学生。 They often play football on the playgroun。 他们经常在操场上踢足球。 2.意义一致:指主语形式上为单数,但意义为复数,因此谓语动词 用复数形 或主语形式上为复数,但表示单数意义,这是谓语动词用单数形式。 My family are having lunch now. 我们一家人现在正吃午饭。 Twenty dollars is too expensive for the book. 这本书20美元太贵了。 3.就近一致:指谓语动词用单数形式还是用复数形式,取决于最靠 近他的主语。例如: Not only the teacher but also his students like playing football. 不仅老师喜欢踢足球,而且他的学生也喜欢踢足球。 There is a pen and some books on the desk. 课桌上有一支钢笔和一些书。 二、主谓一致常考题型 1. 单数名词(代词),不可数名词作主语时,谓语用单数形式,复数 名词(代词) 作主语,谓语用复数形式。 The desk is Tom’s. 这张桌子是汤姆的。

Some water is in the bottle. 一些水在瓶子里。 The students are playing football on the playground. 这些学生正在操场上踢足球。 2. many a+单数名词作主语,意义为“许多”,谓语要用单数。 Many a student has been to Shanghai. 许多学生到过上海。 3. more than one+单数名词作主语,谓语用单数。 More than one student has ever been to Beijing. 不止一个学生曾经去过北京。 4. 表示时间,价格,重量,数目,长度,数学运算等的词或短语作 主语时,这些通常作一个整体概念,谓语用单数形式。例如: Two months is a long holiday. 两个月是一个长假。 Twenty pounds isn’t so heavy. 2 0英镑并不太重。 Ten miles isn’t a long distance. 1 0英里并不是一段很长的距离。 Five minus four is one. 5减4等于1。 5. 主语是each/every+单数名词+and(each/every)+单数名词时, 谓语动词用单数。 Each boy and each girl has got a seat. 每个男孩和女孩都有一个座位。 Every man and every woman is at work. 每个男人和女人都在工作。 6. one and a half+复数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。 One and a half hours is enough. 一个半小时足够了。 7. 动词不定式/动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 To see is to believe 眼见为实。 Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes. 做眼睛保健操对你的眼睛十分有益。 8. a/an+单数名词+or two 作主语,谓语动词用单数。 A student or two has failed the exam.


主谓一致的用法讲解 一、概述 句子的主语有单复数及人称的变化,其谓语动词需要根据主语的人称和数的不同而有所变化。即:谓语动词与其主语在人称和数上必须保持一致。 Her dreams have come true. 她的梦想实现了。 Her dream has come true. 她的(一个)梦想实现了。 从以上两个例句可以看出谓语动词随主语的数而变化。 She/He often arrives school late. 她(他)常常上学迟到。 They often arrive school late. 他们常常上学迟到。 You often arrive school late. 你常常上学迟到。 从以上三个例句可以看出谓语动词随主语的人称变化而变化。 I am a teacher. 我是老师。 He/She is a teacher.他(她)是老师。 They are teachers.他们是老师。 从以上三个例句可以看出谓语动词be随主语的人称变化而变化。 二、主语与谓语一致所遵循的三个原则 主语的人称,特别是主语的数是决定谓语形式的关键。除第一人称I和第二人称you之外,单数主语之后的谓语动词用单数形式;复数主语之后的谓语动词用复数形式。主语和谓语动词的一致要遵循下面三个原则: 1、语法上的一致 所谓语法一致原则,即主语和谓语的语法形式在人称和数上取得一致。谓语的单、复数形式依据主语的单、复数形式而定:主语为复数,谓语动词用复数;主语为单数或者是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。 China belongs to the Third World. 中国属于第三世界。 We are sure he will come. 我们肯定他会来。 使用语法一致的情况 (1)当主语是and,both…and连接的并列结构 如果主语指的是两个或两个以上的人或物,则谓语动词用复数。 My mother and I have seen the film. 我妈妈和我已看过这部电影。 Both rice and wheat are grown in this part of China. 在中国的这个地方既种稻子又种小麦。 注意:由and连接的并列主语前面分别有each,every,no修饰时,其谓语动词用单数形式。Every boy and every girl has to receive education in our country. 在我国每一个男女孩子都得受教育。 No student and no teacher was invited to the party. 师生没有被邀请参加晚会。 (2)主语后面接说明主语的修饰语 主语后面接说明主语的修饰语如with,along with,together with,as well as,like,rather than,but,except,besides,including,in addition to,谓语动词不受修饰成分的影响,仍保持同主语一致的关系。 The teacher with two students was at the meeting. 那位老师和两个学生参加了会议。 The girl as well as the boys has learned to drive a car. 这个姑娘和男孩子一道,也学会了开汽车。 A library with five thousand books is offered to the nation as a gift.一个有5000册书的图书馆作为礼物赠送给了国家。


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 主谓一致用法归纳 主谓一致用法归纳: 谓语动词在语法上同主语一致一、语法形式一致原则 1.用and 或 both... and 连接的两个或两个以上单数的并列主语,谓语动词通常用复数。 例如: Tom and Mike are brothers. Both Jack and Mary have been given some good books.如 and 连接的两个部分是同一人或事物,或当作整体看待时,谓语动词则用单数。 例如: My old friend and classmate works in a hospital.我的同班老朋友在一所医院工作。 2.用 and 连接的并列主语被 each, every 或 no 修饰时,谓语动词通常用单数。 例如: No teacher and no student has come yet. Soon every man,woman and child was talking about this thing. 3.两个以上的并列短语或从句作主语,谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于是否把它们当作整体看待。 例如: How she came to be a teacher and what she must do then 1 / 8

were often on her mind.她是怎样成为一个教师的,她当时必须做什么,是时常出现在她脑海中的问题。 4.某些单复数同形的动物名词如 deer(鹿), fish(鱼),sheep(绵羊)等,它们作主语时,谓语动词用单数还是复数,取决于该名词所表示的数。 例如: There is a sheep under the tree. There are many sheep on the hill. 5. the +形容词是复数的概念。 the poor(穷人), the rich(富人), the youn g(年轻人),the old(老人), the dead(死者), the brave(勇士), the sick (病人)与谓语动词连用时,一般用复数。 例如: The rich never know what the poor have their minds.饱汉不知饿汉饥。 6.不定代词 another, anyone, anybody, anything, each,everyone, everybody, everything, one,someone, somebody,something 等作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。 例如: Was there anything about him in the newspaper?报纸中有关于他的消息吗? Everyone has his hobby.各有嗜好。 Nobody has time for such things.没有人有时间干这些事。 Something is wrong with my watch.我的表出毛病了。


主谓一致问题: 动名词短语,不定式短语, 名次性从句作主语, 谓语用单数 Doing this is not very easy. To do this alone is not possible. That he is honest is known to all. 主语带有together/along with, such as, as well as, accompanied by, including, rather than 等附加成分, 谓语的数不受附加成分的影响; My father, together with his wife and son, is going to visit China. 表示时间,距离,金额, 重量, 面积, 体积, 容积等度量的名词短语作主语时, 谓语用单数 Ten dollars is not too much. 下面用and连接的主语表示一个概念, 谓语用单数: law and order法制 a cup and saucer 茶杯碟子

the needle and thread 针线 horse and carriage马车 bread and butter奶油面包 soap and water肥皂水 fork and knife刀叉 trial and error反复尝试, 不断摸索 time and tide岁月 the ebb and flow盛衰, 潮涨潮落 某些固定结构中谓语的数 many a(each/every)( more than one)+ 单数名词, 谓语用单数 the number of(neither/either of)( one and a half)+ 复数名词, 谓语用单数 1. If law and order ___ not preserved, neither the citizen nor his property is safe. A. is B. are C. was D. were 2. how close parents are to their children __ a strong influence on the character of the children.


主谓一致的讲解 主谓一致是指: 1)语法形式上要一致,即名词单复数形式与谓语要一致。 2)意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致。 一、并列结构作主语时的主谓一致 1.由and 连接主语时 And 连接的两个或多个单数可数名词、不可数名词或代词作主语时根据意义或概念确定谓语用单数或复数 1)并列主语表示不同的人、物或概念时谓语动词用复数 Li Ming and Zhang Hua are good students. Like many others, the little tramp and the naughty boy have rushed there in search of gold. 小流浪汉和调皮的小男孩也赶到那里寻找金子 Both rice and wheat are grown in this area. 2)并列主语表示同一个人、物或概念时,谓语动词用单数形式。 The professor and writer is speaking at the meeting. 那位教授兼作家正在会上发言 A journalist and authour lives on the sixth floor. 一位新闻记者兼作家 His lawyer and former college friend was with him on his trip to Europe. 他的律师兼大学时代的朋友陪他去欧洲旅行 The Premier and Foreign Minister was present at the state banquet. 总理兼外长 比较:the writer and the educator have visited our school. the writer and educator has visited our school. His lawyer and his former college friend were with him on his trip to Europe. 注意:指同一个人或物时,并列主语前只用一个冠词,指不同的需要分别加冠词,但两个名词具有分别的对立的意思时只需要一个冠词即可 A boy and girl are playing tennis. 3)并列主语前有each, every, many a , no 等修饰时谓语动词用单数 Each doctor and (each) nurse working in the hospital was asked to help patients. Every man, woman and child is entitled to take part in the activity. 有权参加 Every boy and (every) girl admires him for his fine sense of humour. Many a boy and (many a ) girl has made the same mistake No boy and no girl is there now.没有任何男孩和女孩在那里 注意:many a 跟单数可数名词但是表示复数意义翻译为很多 Many a student was disappointed after seeing the movie. 4)并列主语为不可分的整体时,谓语动词用单数 A law and rule about protecting environment has been drawn up. 关于保护环境的法律法规已经起草完成。 The knife and fork has been washed 刀叉已经被洗好 War and peace is a constant theme in history 战争与和平是历史永恒的主题 注意;常被视为主体的结构 A cup and saucer 一副杯碟 A horse and cart 马车 A knife and fork 一副刀叉


主谓一致知识点总结(word) 一、主谓一致 1.—Mum,____ofthe apples____gone bad. —We'd better eat up the rest as soon as possible. A.one third; have B.one thirds; have C.one third; has D.first three; has 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-妈妈,三分之一的苹果已经坏了。-我们最好尽快吃了。在英语中的分数,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母要用复数形式。所以选A。 考点:考查分数及主谓一致。 2.Not only his friends but also he ________ always interested in science fiction. A.show B.shows C.are D.is 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:不仅他的朋友,而且他总是对科幻小说感兴趣。考查主谓一致。not only…but also连接两个主语的时候,谓语动词的数由离其最近的主语来决定,即就近原则,所以此处要根据he来确定谓语动词的形式;因为后面是interested in,所以用be interested in“对…感兴趣”,所以谓语动词用is;故答案选D。 3. students in our class going to the summer camp in Beijing next week. A.Two fifths; is B.Second fifths; are C.Second fifths; is D.Two fifths; are 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:我们班五分之二的学生打算下周去北京参加夏令营。 表达分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,因此五分之二的表达应该是two fifths,排除B,C;分数后面的名词为复数名词students,根据主谓一致的原则,只能用are,故答案选D。 【点睛】


【英语】英语主谓一致练习题及答案 一、主谓一致 1.Now my father _____ his bike to work every day instead of driving. A.ride B.rode C.rides D.will ride 【答案】C 【解析】 考查点:一般现在时的用法。解题思路:every day意为“每天”,表示经常性,习惯性的动作,故该句子要使用一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数,故答案选C;选项B、D时态错误; 2.It is reported that the population of China smaller in the past few months. The aging(老龄化) is a big problem. More parents are encouraged to give birth to more babies. A.became B.will become C.have become D.has become 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:据报道,中国人口在过去的几个月里已经变少了。老龄化是一个大问题。鼓励更多的父母生更多的孩子。A. became变成,一般过去时态;B. will become 将变成,一般将来时;C. have become已经变成,现在完成时;D. has become已经变成,现在完成时,第三人称单数。主语是the population,根据语境可知是现在完成时,其结构has done的形式。根据句意,故选D。 3.(用在否定句中)也,而且;根本 If you don't go, I won't either. 你如不去,我也不去。 It won't do them any good, but it won't do them any harm either. 这对他们没有好处,但也没有坏处。 4.(通常与or连用)或者 Either you or your father must see this young man today. 你或是你的父亲今天必须见这位年轻人。 副词 ad. 5.(两者之中)任何一个 I don't agree with either of you on these issues. 在这些问题上,你们两个我都不同意。 连接词 conj. 6.---______ is the population of the town? ---Over 20,000. And a third of the population ____ workers of the car factory.


高一英语“主谓一致”用法归纳 一、基本概念 所谓一致关系(Agreement)就是在英语句子中各个成分之间必须在人称、数、性等方面要保持一定的语法关系。在英语中最主要的一致关系是主语与谓语动词之间的一致。在判断一个句子主语、谓语是否一致时,要遵循下列三个原则:语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致原则。一般来说,主语的单复数形式决定着谓语动词需要采用的单复数形式。比较:The student studies very hard.这个学生学习非常努力。The students study very hard.这些学生学习非常努力。 主谓一致的原则说起来简单,但在实际使用中遇到的情况要复杂很多。在处理主谓一致的问题时,可依据上面提到的三个原则。“语法一致”也就是平常说的从语法形式上取得一致,即主语为单数形式,谓语动词亦用单数形式。“意义一致”就是从意义着眼来处理主谓语一致问题。有时,主语形式为单数,但意义为复数,谓语动词依意义而定,也采用复数形式。“就近原则”是指谓语动词的人称和数往往和其最近的主语保持一致。 二、基本用法 1.集合名词与谓语动词的一致 集合名词作主语,如果表示整体概念,谓语动词用单数形式;如果强调其成员,则用复数形式。常用的集合名词有: army,audience,class,club,committee,company,couple,crowd,family,flock,group,government,j-ury, majority,minority,organization,party,personnel,publ-ic,staff,team,union等。 The football team are discussing the problem with the coach now. 足球队员们现在正在与教练讨论这个问题。 The police have caught the criminal.警察已经逮捕了那个罪犯。 The majority were/was for the proposal.大多数人赞同这个提议。 Only a minority of students receive the scholarship.只有少数学生获得了奖学金。 【注意】 (1)有些有生命的集合名词作主语时,谓语动词只用复数。这样的名词常用的有:cattle,people,police,folk等。 The cattle are grazing in the fields.牛在田里吃草。 (2)无生命的集合名词作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。这样的名词常用的有:clothing,furniture,machinery,jewellery等。 Warm clothing is necessary in cold climates.气候寒冷的地方需要暖和的衣服。 All the furniture has been moved to another room. 所有家具已经搬到了另一个房间里。 2.由either...or...,neither...nor...,not only...but(also)...连接的两个名词或代词作主语时,主谓一致遵循就近原则,即谓语动词应与最近的一个主语的人称和数保持一致。 Either he or I am wrong.不是他错就是我错。 Not only the students but(also) the teacher is active in sports and games.不但学生,就连老师都积极参加体育运动。 Does neither the teacher nor the students know this matter? 教师和学生都不知道这件事吗? 【经典回放】 Either you or one of your students ______ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.


主谓一致详细讲解 1.由and所连接的两个名词指同一人物、同一事物、同一概念时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 例如: Both bread and butter were sold out in that grocery. Zhang Hua and Li Ming are good students. 注意:当两个主语为不可分的东西时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如: A watch and chain was found on the desk. Bread and butter is nutritious. When and where this took place is still unknown. 注意:一身兼二职的情况:The writer and runner is attending the conference. 2. 由every…and every…, each…and each…, many a…and many a …, no ...and no…等构 成复合主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如: Each man and each woman is invited.每个男人和女人都邀请了。 No boy and no girl is there now. 现在那里没有一个男孩和女孩。 Many a boy and many a girl has been invited.很多男孩和女孩都被邀请了。 In China every boy and every girl has the right to receive education. 在中国每个男孩和女孩都有接受教育的权利。 3. 由or, not only... but also..., not…but…, either...or, neither...nor,whether……or……连接 主语时,谓语与靠近的主语一致,即就近一致的原则。例如: He or his brothers were to blame .Either you or I am mad. Are either you or I mad? Neither you nor he is right. Not only the teacher but also his family were friendly to me. 4. 当主语后跟有with, along with, together with, besides, except, like, including, in addition to, as well as, rather than等词时,谓语动词根据前面的主语变化。例如: All but one were here just now. A library with five thousand books is offered to the nation. She as well as the other teachers is going t o Nanjing. 5. 某些词结尾字母为s, 但并不是复数形式,如: physics, maths , economics (经济学), politics, news…作主语时用单数形式。means, works(著作)单复同形。例如: Physics is very important. Every means has been tried. Every possible means has been used to prevent air pollution, but the sky is still not clear . 6. 当一些由两部分构成的表示衣物或工具的名称作主语时, 谓语用复数形式, 如: trousers , shorts, shoes, glasses, goods, clothes, chopsticks, scissors. 如果这些词由a pair, piece, kind , type ,box + of 修饰,则用单数形式.例如: My trousers are white and his clothes are black. A pair of shoes is lying here. These kinds of glasses are popular. 7.单复数同形的名词,如sheep, deer 等做主语时,应根据主语的单复数意义确定谓语动词 的形式。例如: A deer is over there. Some deer are over there . 8.population做主语时,通常看作单数,若population前有分数、百分数修饰时,则句子谓 语通常用复数。例如: The population in China is very large and 80% of the population live in rural areas . 9. 复数名词, 如: people, police, public ,crew ,cattle作主语时, 谓语动词用复数形式。例如:The police like to help people. People are talking abou t the news .. The cattle are grazing in the fields . 10. 集体名词, 如: family ,crowd ,class ,team ,audience ,committee ,club, group ,enemy ,

主谓一致用法详解及练习题 附答案

.主谓一致 主谓一致是指一个句子的主语和谓语动词保持数的一致关系。英语主谓一致一般要遵循三条原则,即:语法一致原则;意义一致原则和就近原则。 1.语法一致原则 语法一致原则是指谓语动词和它的主语在语法形式上必须取得一致,即主语是单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式,主语为复数形式,谓语动词也用复数形式,如: Tom doesn’t like swimming. 汤姆不喜欢游泳。 Jane and Mary look alike. 简和玛丽看起来很像。 2.意义一致原则 意义一致原则是指谓语动词和主语的一致,同由主语所表达的单数概念来决定,而不是根据主语的实际语法形式。 有时主语的语法形式是单数,但所表达的概念是复数意义,这时动词应采用复数形式,如: The football team are having breakfast now. 足球队员们在吃早饭。 The news was exciting. 这条消息令人振奋。 3.就近原则 就近原则指谓语动词的人称和数要在形式上与最靠近它的那个名词或代词取得一致。当一个句子有两个主语而它们又是either...or…, neither…nor…, not only…but also…, or 等连接时,谓语动词与靠近它的主语保持一致,如: Either your students or Mr Wang knows this. 你的学生们或王老师知道这件事。 Neither Jim nor his friends were interested in this film. 汤姆和他的朋友们都对这部电影不感兴趣。 主谓一致这三个原则中有很多需要注意的问题, 1.主语为集体名词 (1)某些集体名词既可表示单数也可表示复数。如果集体名词作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式,如果就其中一 个成员而言,谓语动词用复数形式,如: Our group were discussing heatedly on the subject. 我们小组成员正对这个问题进行热烈的讨论。(group 指小组成员)Our group is made up of four girls and five boys. 我们小组有4个女孩和5个男孩组成。(group 指小组整体) The population in China is very large, and one third of the population are farmers. 中国的人口很多,其中三分之一是农民。(前一个population 指整体,后一个population 指成员) (2)某些集体名词如people, police, cattle, youth 等常作复数看待,谓语动词与复数形式的谓语搭配,如: The police are searching for him. 警察正在搜寻他。 The cattle were driven away from the hill. 那些牲畜从山上被赶走了。 3.某些名词如equipment(设备),furniture(家具),jewelry(珠宝),clothing(衣服),machinery(机械),表示单数 概念,谓语动词要相应地采用单数形式,如: A lot of equipment has been replaced by the new equipment. 许多旧设备已经被新设备代替了。 All the machinery in the factory was controlled by robots. 这个厂所有的机械都由机器人来控制的。 2.主语为代词 (1).有些代词尽管意义上是多数,但谓语动词要用单数形式,这类代词有:either, neither, each, another, somebody, someone, something, anything, anyone, everyone, everything, everybody, no one, nothing, nobody 等,如: Neither likes the friends of the other. 两人都不喜欢对方的朋友。 Everything around us is matter. 我们周围所有的东西都是物质。 注意: ①在neither of 与either of 的结构中,谓语动词可用单数形式也可用复数形式,如: Neither of them was / were in good health, but both worked hard. 他们俩身体都不好,但工作却都很努力。 ②each 用于单数名词前,谓语动词用单数形式, each 用于复数主语后,谓语动词用复数形式。each of, each one of 后 接复数名词或代词,但谓语动词常用单数形式。 Each (one) of the houses was different. 每座房子都不同。 Each student has been given their own e-mail address. 每个学生都得到了一个自己的电子邮件地址。

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