当前位置:文档之家› 小学英语五年级下册期末测试题




一.Listen and tick:

1. ( ) January ( ) June ( ) July

2. ( ) play sports ( ) plant trees ( ) play the piano

3. ( ) summer ( )September ( ) skate

4. ( ) drawing pictures ( ) drinking water ( ) doing the dishes 二.Listen and choose the right questions:

( ) 1 A .Why do you like spring ?

B .Why do you like fall ?

C . Why do you like winter ?

( ) 2 .A .Is her birthday in June ?

B .What’s the date ?

C .When is the date ?

( ) 3 .A .What’s it doing ?

B .What’s she doing ?

C .What’s he do ing ?

三.Listen and number :

( ). Because I can plant trees .Which season do you like best ?

( ) .Spring .

( ) .What’s your favourite season ,Sarah ?

( ) .Why do you like winter ?

( ) .Winter .

( ) .Because I can skate .

( ) .Why do you like spring ?

四.Listen and match :


1 .When do you get up ? Spring .

2 .What’s the panda doing ? I get up at 6:40 .

3 .Which season do you like best ? It’s sleeping .

4 .Why do you like winter ? He’s cleaning the room .

5 .What’s he doing ? Because Ican make a snowmen.

五.Read and choose .

( ).1 .______ is your birthday ?

A. What


C. Why

( ).2.I eat dinner ________ 7:00 in the evening ? A. on B.in C.at

( ) .3.What _____ you doing ?

A. are

B. am C .is

( ) .4.Joan is ______the phone .

A. answering B .answer C. are answering

( ) .5 .When is your birthday ?It’s ______.

A. June 9

B. June the 9

C.June 9th .

六.Read and fill in the blanks .

in play sports like Because go shopping writing climbing doing

1 . I ______ summer ._______I can swim in the lake .

2 . He is ______an e_mail ___ the study .

3 . I often ______ . Sometimes I ______ .

4 . What are they doing ? They are _______trees .

七.Rearrange the words and write the sentences .

1. you How about ?

2 .weekend What you do on the do ?

3. noon at 12:00 get usually I up at .

4. the eating Are honey they ?

5. cooking Mum is dinner kitchen in the .

八.Read and write .

Jack is a reportor for Daily Report .He calls to fing out what people like to do in the evening.

Jack : Hello. Th is is Jack from Daily Report. I’m doing a survey .Can I ask you some questions, please ?

Child: Sure .

Jack : What are you doing ?

Child : I am watching TV .

Jack : What is your mother doing ?

Child : She’s cooking dinner .

Jack : What is your father doing ?

Child : He ’s reading a newspaper .

Jack : What is your pet doing ?

Child : You mean , my cat ? He’s watching the fishes in the fishbowl.

Jack : Thank you .

Child : You’re welcome .

What is persons doing:






一.Listen and tick:

1. January

2. play the piano

3. skate 4 . drinking water

二. Listen and choose the right questions :

1 .Summer is good ,but fall is my favourite season .

2. It’s March 12th .

3. Tom is running .

三.Listen and number :

A : What’s your favourite season , Sarah ?

B : Spring .

A : Why do you like spring ?

B : Because Ican plant trees .Which season do you like best ?

A : Winter .

B : Why do you like winter ?

A : Because I can skate .

四.Listen and match:

1.When do you get up ?I get up at 6:40 .

2. What’s the panda doing ? It’s sleeping .

3. Which season do you like best ? Spring .

4 . Why do you like winter ? Because I can make a snowmen.

5 . What’s he doing ? He’s cleaning the room .


2019学年度下学期单元自测题五年级下册数学期中测试 班级 姓名 等级 一、我会填。 1. 长方体和正方体都有( )个面,( )条棱,( )个顶点。 2.一个数的倍数的个数是( ),一个数的因数的个数是( )。 3. 72.5m 2=( )dm 2 3.05dm 3 =( )ml 3.5L =( )dm 3 =( )cm 3 4.在括号里填上合适的单位。 一瓶可乐的容积是1.25( );一个粉笔盒的体积约为1( ) 一辆小轿车油箱的容积约为40( ); 一间教室的面积是52 ( ) 5.两个质数的和为18,积是65,这两个质数分别是( )和( )。 6.用60dm 的铁丝焊成一个正方体(接口处不计),它的表面积是( ),体积是 ( )。 7.三个连续偶数的和是24,这三个偶数是( )、( )和( )。 8.把两个棱长是4cm 的正方体粘合成一个长方体,这个长方体的表面积是( ),体 积是( )。 9. 一个沙坑长4m ,宽1.5m ,深0.5m ,这个沙坑占地( )m 2 ,这个沙坑的容积是( ) m 3 。 10. 有一个长方体木料长3cm 、宽3cm 、高2cm 。把它切成棱长1cm 3 的小正方体木块能够 切成( )块。 11. 一段长方体木材长2m ,把它横截成三段后,表面积增加了8dm 2 ,这段长方体木材原 来的体积是( )dm 3 。 二、我会判。(对的打“√”,错的打“╳”)。 1.所有的奇数都是质数。 ( ) 2. 一个自然数不是质数,就是合数。 ( ) 3. 除了2以外,其余的质数都是奇数。 ( ) 4. 一个数最小的倍数应该是这个数本身。 ( ) 5. 个位是5的倍数的最小三位数与2的最小倍数的积是200。 ( ) 6. 一个数既是2的倍数又是3的倍数,它一定是6的倍数。 ( ) 7.一个油桶最多能盛500ml 油,其体积就是500ml 。 ( ) 8. 长方体的长、宽、高分别是 3 cm 、4 cm 和 4 cm ,其中有两个相对的面是正方形。 ( ) 9. 等底面积等高的长方体和正方体的体积一定相等。 ( ) 10.棱长6m 的正方体,表面积与体积相等。 ( ) 三、我会选。(将准确答案的序号写在括号里) 1. 如下图,小兰从左边看到的是( )。 2.一袋牛奶大约有250( )。 A.l B.cm 2 C.m 3 D.ml 3.同时是2,3,5的倍数的三位数中,最小的一个是( )。 A.120 B.210 C.150 4. 两个奇数的和( )。 A.一定是奇数 B.一定是偶数 C.一定是质数 D.一定是合数 5. 4和7都是28的( )。 A.奇数 B.偶数 C.因数 D.倍数 6. 一个长方体有四个面的面积相等,其他两个面是( ) A .长方形 B .正方形 C .不能确定 7. 一个棱长是6cm 的正方体,棱长总和是( )cm A .72 B .24 C .144 D.48 8. 一个数,它既是18的倍数,又是18的因数,这个数是( )。 A.36 B. 54 C. 18 D.1 9. 把一个长8cm 、宽6cm 、高4cm 的长方体,切成两个长方体,下图中( )的切法增加的表面积最多。 A . B . C . 10. 一个长2m 、宽2m 、高3m 木箱平放在地面上,占地面积至少是( )。 A .6m 2 B.6m 3 C.4m 2 D.4m 3 四、计算下面立体图形的表面积和体积。(单位:cm ) 五、解决问题。 1.小卖部要给一个长220cm ,宽40cm ,高80cm 的玻璃柜台各边都安上角铁,这个柜台 需要多少m 角铁? 10 4 5 4.5 4.5 4.5


六年级英语第一学期期末检测试题(二) 一、R ead and match often 从不in line 借书卡 clean 经常library card 规则 never 清理rule 成一条直线 always 出示、展示hurry 竹子building 建筑物bamboo 赶快 show 总是believe 相信 inside 极好的lucky 模仿 peace 到处copy 幸运的 all around 和平line 只读光盘 Fantastic 在……里面CD—ROM 排列 二、R ead and write 1、Rabbits like to eat carrots .And pandas eat __________.They eat for 12 hours a day. 2、Linda has got a _____dog and she often plays with it . 3、It’s beautiful .I want to ________a photo. 4、Tom,your room is very dirty(脏).Please ________it now. 5、Spring Festival is the most important in China .It starts in January,February. 三、R ead and choose ( )1、甲:My father gives me a interesting story—book.Do you want to read? 乙:______. A:Y es,me too . B:Yes,I’d love to . ( )2、甲:Let’s play computer game. 乙:_________But I haven’t got a computer. A:That sounds interesting. B:OK!Let’s play ( )3、听完一段离奇的故事,你不相信这事是真的,你可以这样说: A:I don’t know. B:I don’t believe it . ( )4、Simon:Tomorrow isChildren’s Day .We’re going to have a party. Daming:_____________. A:That’s OK B:Oh, that’s great! ( )5、甲:_______. 乙:Because it’s exciting. A:Why do you like basketball. B:What sports do you like?


人教版五年级数学下册期末测试卷 时间: 40分钟 满分:100 第一部分我能行 孩子,别紧张!其实这些题并不难。只要你细心审题,认真思考,耐心检查,老师相信你一定行! 一、学海拾贝:填一填.(每空1分,共27分) 1、全世界约有200个国家,其中缺水的国家有100多个,严重缺水的国家有40多个,缺水的国家约占全世界国家总数的 ()() ;严重缺水的国家约占全世界国家总数的 ()() ;看到这个材料,你的提议是( ). 2、 36的因数有( ),它最小的倍数是( ). 12和18的所有公因数有( ). 3、100以内是3的倍数,又是5的倍数的最大奇数是( ). 4、能同时被2、3、5整除的最小的两位数是( ). 5、填上最简分数: 8.63平方米=( )平方分米 3040亳升=( )升 2090立方分米=( )立方米 220分=( )小时 6、 )() ( 15)( 2416 )(8 5== ÷==←填小数. 7、一堆煤运走了3吨,还剩4吨,运走的占这堆煤的( ). 8、长方体有( )个面,( )条棱,( )个顶点. 9、一个正方体的棱长总和是24厘米,它的体积是( )立方厘米. 10、一根长2米的长方体钢材,沿横截面截成两段后,表面积增加0.8平方分米,这段长方体钢材的体积是( )立方分米. 11、在下面每组数的○中填上“>、<、=” 4 13○3.25 509○209 1211○169 65○0.825 1立方米○1升 二、火眼金睛判对错.(正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”)(5分) 1、12和30的最小公倍数是12. ( ) 2、约分和通分只改变分数分子和分母的大小,没有改变分数值的大小.( ) 3、一个容器的容积就是它的体积.( ) 4、做一个零件,甲用了 2 1 小时,乙用了31小时,甲的效率高.( ) 5、至少要8个小正方体才能拼成一个大正方体.( ) 三、慧眼识珠:选择正确答案的序号填在括号里.(5分) 1、把一张长方形的纸对折三次,其中每份是这张纸的( ). A 、 21 B 、6 1 C 、81 D 、91 2、一瓶蓝墨水的容积是60( ). A 、立方分米 B 、升 C 、亳升 D 、立方毫米 3、当a 为任意一个自然数时,下列三种说法不对的是( ). A 、一定是整数 B 、不是奇数就是偶数 C 、不是质数就是合数 4、下面各数不能化成有限小数的是( ). A 、163 B 、15 6 C 、94 5、一个长方体被挖掉一小块(如图)下面说法完全正确的是( ). A 、体积减少 ,表面积也减少 B 、体积减少, 表面积增加 C 、体积减少, 表面积不变 四、神机妙算.(24分) 1.直接写得数.(6分) 103+10 7 = 83+83= 118-115= 1- 125= 1310-13 4= 1-83-81 = 2.脱式计算.(6分 )


(教科版)小学三年级英语期末考试试卷 一. 请按顺序正确规范默写26个英文字母的大小写。(13分) 二、单词记忆给下列单词写出相应的汉语和英语单词(共15颗)。 1.look() 2.mother() 3.brother() 4.green() 5.ruler() 6.红色的() 7.头() 8. 来() 9.唱歌()10.母鸡()11.能()12.小姐() 三.观察规律,写出所缺的单词 1. one→( )→( )→four→five→( )→( )→eight→nine →( ) 2. Sunday____________Tuesday_____________thersday_______________saturday 四.选择填空 ( )1. –Nice to meet you. – A. How are you? B. I’m fine, thank you. C. Nice to meet you too. ( )2.-Who are you? - A. How are you? B. I’m Peter. C. Goodbye ( )3. -What’s your name? - A. My name’s Chen Ling B. Yes, I am. C. She is my sister ( )4. -Thank you.

- A. Thank you B. this’s all right C. No, I’m not ( )5. –Is he a boy? - . She’s a gril A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t C. No, she isn’t ( )6. -How are you? - A. How are you? B. I’m fine, thank you. C. Sit down, please. ( )7. –What’s the ? -It’s seven o’clock. A. colour B. time C. number ( )8.- are you? -I’m nine. A. What B. How C. How old ( )9. -What is this pen? -It’s blue. A. colour B. food C. weather ( )10.who is he ? ___________________________ A he's my father B she's my mother C she's my sister ( )11. I ____ a boy. My name _____ Mike. A. am,are B. am,am C. am,is D.are is ( )12.That is _____.


小学五年级英语试题及答案 I. 语音:判断下列每组单词中画线部分读音是否相同。若相同,在括号内写S;若不同在括号内写D。(10%) ( )1. you/ about ( )2. show/ snow ( )3. walk/ talk ( )4. season/ clean ( )5. woods/ food ( )6. pear/ year ( )7. park/ hard ( )8. thank/ they ( )9. chair/ school ( )10. why/ who II. 根据图片完成句子:(10%) 1. My daughter often plays the ______ after school every day. (钢琴) 2. This _____ is from Australian, and I like it very much. (袋鼠) 3. Lucy likes collecting ______.What’s her brother’s hobby? (树叶) 4. ---Can your brother ______, Mike? ---Yes, he can. (游泳) 5. John’s uncle is a _____, and he likes his job. (警察) III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:(10%) 1. February is the _____(two) month of a year. 2. Let’s go _____(shop) this afternoon, OK? 3. Tom usually _____(have) rice for lunch at home. 4. These children are catching _____ (butterfly) in the garden. 5. Please help _____ (we) with out English on Sunday. IV. 单项选择(10%) 1. ---When do you get up _____ the morning? ---_____ six thirty. A. at; In B. in; At C. on; At D. in; On 2. ---Listen! Who _____ in the classroom? ---It must be Alice, I think. A. sing B. sings C. sang D. is singing 3. ---_____. Can I ask you some questions? ---Sure. What are they? A. Sorry B. Hello C. Thank you D. Excuse me 4. –I like making snowmen in ____ winter. What about you? ---Me, too. A. a B. an C. the D. / 5. ---_____ are you going on vacation next month? ---To Canada. A. When B. What C. Where D. How V. 句型变化(10%) 1. They want to go with you. (改为否定句) They _______ _______ to go with you. 2. Vicky often writes the next words after school. (改为现在进行时)


五年级下册期末测试题 I. Read and choose. 选择正确的字母组合,把单词补充完整。( ) 1. w kend A. ee B. ea C. ei ( ) 2. bec se A. au B. ua C. ur ( ) 3. w k A. ir B. or C. er ( ) 4. s son A. ee B. ea C. ei ( ) 5. n th A. or B. er C. ur ( ) 6. sw A. inf B. iny C. ing ( ) 7. f t A. igh B. ihg C. ghe ( ) 8. ther A. ai B. ei C. ie II. Read and choose. 我会选,单项选择。 ( ) 1. He swimming every Saturday. A. go B. goes C. going ( ) 2. What time you get up every day? ---At six o’clock. A. does B. do C. are ( ) 3. I live on second floor. A. with B. an C. the ( ) 4. Who a birthday in October? A. have B. has C. having ( ) 5. Look, Jack is a new sweater today. A. having B. putting C. wearing ( ) 6. My birthday is May. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 7. What you on the weekend? A. do; do B. do; does C. does; does ( ) 8. My birthday is the 4th of January. A. at B. in C. on ( ) 9. I would like a cake with lots of grapes. A. have B. to have C. eat ( ) 10. big nature park! A. What a B. What C. How a III. Read and write. 根据句意和已给出的首字母,完成所缺的单词。 1. I like English. It’s i . 2. What’s the d today? 3. My birthday is in S . 4. He u reads magazines after school. 5. What’s the w like in spring?


五年级英语期末考试卷一 班级:姓名:学号:成绩: 听力部分(共30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍,10分) ( ) 1. A. quarter B. quietly C. quick ( ) 2. A. left B. lift C. let ( ) 3. A. dragonfly B. butterfly C. firefly ( ) 4. A. take B. talk C. make ( ) 5. A. toothache B. headache C. backache ( ) 6. A. 2:15 B. 1:45 C. 2:45 ( ) 7 A. Saturday B. Thursday C. Tuesday ( ) 8. A. stay at home B. stay in bed C. stay at school ( ) 9. A. head and hand B. hand and head C. head and shoulder ( ) 10. A. a bad cough B. a bad cold C. a high fever 二、听录音,根据你所听到的问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍,10分)( ) 1. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he can. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 2. A. I’m from French. B. We’re from France. C. They’re from China. ( ) 3 . A. I feel cold. B. I’ve got a fever. C. I feel cough. ( ) 4. A. She like Maths. B. She likes Social science. C. She likes Art. ( ) 5. A. He usually surfs the Internet. B. She usually reads the newspaper. C. They’re having a PE lesson. 三、听录音,将短文补充完整。(听三遍,10分) Amy lives in a big ________ in___________. She _______ goes climbing on Sundays. Amy’s father is a taxi driver. He’s very ________ every day. He likes __________ flower __________. Amy’s mother is a ___________ teacher. She ________ taking photos. She _________ takes photos at the ____________. They’re very happy.


小学英语五年级测试卷及答案 班级:姓名:分数: 一.按要求写出下列各题。(10分) 1. small(反义词) 2. it is(缩写形式) 3. short(反义词) 4. he(形物代) 5. let’s (完全形式) 6. tomato(复数形式) 7. have(单三)8. am(原形) 9.child(复数形式)10. we(宾格) 二.选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(10分) ()1. There is American in our classroom. A. a B, an C. the ( ) 2. It’s 10 o’clock. It’s time go to school. A. to B. for C. of ( ) 3. Look at the clock. What is it? A. class B. time C. can ( ) 4. Let’s computer games together. A. play B. to play C. plays ( ) 5. She from China. A. are B. comes C. am ( ) 6. ----Can I wear my T-shirt? ---- A. No, yo u can’t B. Yes, you can’t. C. No, you can. ( ) 7. ---- those sheep? ----Yes, they are. A. Are B. Is C. Am ( ) 8. How many are there? A. horse B. horses C. duck ( ) 9. Is this book? A. you B. I C. your ( ) 10. ---- are they? ---- they are three Yuan. A. How much B. How old C. How many 三.情景反应。(10分) ()1.你想知道对方来自于哪里,你问: A. Where are you? B. What are you? C. Where are you from? ()2. 当别人赞美你时,你应当说: A. Ok. B. That’s all right. C. Thank you. ( ) 3.你想知道对方几岁时,你问: A. Who are you? B. How old are you? C. What are you? ( ) 4. 你想知道美术室在哪里,你问: A. What’s the art room? B. Where is the art room? C. How is the art room? ( ) 5. 你想帮助别人时,你问: A. Can I help you? C. Can you help me? D. Thank you very much


小学英语期末考试试题听力内容 听力部分 (30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词或词组(听两遍)10分 1. We shouldn’t litter in the park . 2. Yesterday , Mum bought me an interesting storybook . 3.Let’s pick some oranges and taste them . 4.Get up, David . Breakfast is ready . 5.Do you like the film ? 6. Grandpa got a wallet at Christmas . 7. I visited a farm with my parents last Sunday . 8. .There’re twelve candles on the birthday cake . 9. The sign over there means you should keep off the grass . 10.Tomorrow is the eighth of March. Dad, let’s buy some flowers for mum . 二、听录音,选择正确的应答(听两遍)5分 1.Here’s a present for you . 2.Can the people make noise in the library ? 3.Were there any toy cars on the ground ? 4.Where was your CD Walkman ? 5.What do people usually do at Spring Festival ? 三、听录音,判断录音内容是否与图意相符,相符的用T表示,不相符的用 F表示(听两遍)5分 1.Does this sign mean ‘Danger’ ? Yes, it does . 2.—Where is my guitar ? —It was beside the desk a moment ago . 3.Today is the National Day holiday . 4.The boys played volleyball yesterday afternoon . 5.Whose mirror is this ? It’s Helen’s . 四、根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确的回答(听两遍)


一、选择题 ) A. 0.8x+2 B. 2x=6 C. 5+9=14 2.一个半圆形花坛的直径是4m,则这个花坛的周长是( )m。 A. 12.56 B. 6.28 C. 10.28 D. 25.12 3.下面的算式中,得数大于1的是()。 A. B. C. 4.分数单位是1 9 的最简真分数一共有()个. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 5.如果一个圆的直径增加1厘米,那么它的周长就增加多少厘米?() A. 3.14厘米 B. 6.28厘米 C. 9.42厘米 6.做同样的飞机模型,小军用了1.1小时,小明用了6 5 小时,小亮用了 5 4 小时, ()的速度最快. A. 小军 B. 小明 C. 小亮 7.3 4 的分子加上12,要使分数的大小不变,分母应加上() A. 16 B. 9 C. 12 8.小明做24道数学题,已完成了16道,还需完成全部题目的() A. 1 3 B. 1 2 C. 2 3 二、填空题(题型注释) 9.分数单位是 8 的最小假分数是______,它再添上______个这样的分数单位就是最小 的素数. 10.小兰家养了x只公鸡,养的母鸡只数是公鸡的4倍.公鸡与母鸡共有______只. 11. 20 25 = () 30 =() 16 =12÷= (小数) 12.在横线里填上最简分数 90秒=______分 60公顷=______平方千米 18平方分米=______平方米. 13.把3米长的铁丝剪成相等的5段,每段是这根铁丝的(____),每段长(____)米。 14.若a是b的因数,则a与b的最小公倍数是______. 15.如图,在一个边长8厘米的正方形中画4个圆,每个圆的直径是______厘米,周长 是______厘米,面积是______平方厘米. 16.根据数量关系列出方程(不求解). ①一个长方形的面积是5.6平方米,长是x米,宽是1.6米.______ ②一幢16层高的大楼高52.5米,一楼大厅高4.5米,其余15层每层都是x 米.______ ③小丽和小明同时从相距960米的两地相对走来,小丽每分钟走58米,小明每分钟 走x米,经过8分钟两人相遇.______ 17.一根粗细均匀的木头长2米,要锯成每段长4分米的木棍,每锯一次要3分钟,锯 完一次休息2分钟,全部锯完要用______分钟. 18.如图,摆4个六边形要______根小棒;摆n个六边形要______根小棒. 三、计算题(题型注释)


小学一年级英语期末考试试卷 二、划出下列单词中的元音字母: uncle balloon mouth leaf sing ?三、正确抄写下列单词: bicycle father jump three butterfly ?四、问答句编号 1.How old are you today? No, he hasnt. 2.Have you got a balloon? She has got a taro. 3.What do you like to eat? I like to eat peaches. 4.What has she got? No, I have got a ball. 5.Has he got a swing? Im five. ?根据实际情况回答问题: 1.Whats your name? 2.How are you? 3. How old are you? 4.How many books? (4) 5.Happy New Year!

6.Happy birthday. 7.Whats your father? 8.Whats your mother? 9.Are you a pupil? 10. Are you a teacher? 11. Is your father a doctor? 12. Is your mother a nurse? 13. Do you like meat? 14. Is it blue? (No) 15. What colour is your bag? 16. What do you see? (a butterfly) 17. Is he a policeman? (no) 18. Is she a nurse? (yes) 19. Say hello to your mother. 20. Say goodbye to your teacher. 21. Come with me. 22. What is this? ( apple) 23. What is that?(kite) 24. What do you like to eat? 25. Good morning. 26. Good afternoon. 27. Hello , Im Mary.


仪征市张集小学5A英语期末试卷 Class Name Marks (时间:60分钟) (一)听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(5%)( ) 1. A. sweep B. sleep C.speak ( ) 2. A.square B. shape C. sure ( ) 3. A. circle B. rectange C. triangle ( ) 4. A. a storybook B. a copybook C. a picture book ( ) 5. A.a carton of milk B. a bar of chocolate C. a tin of chicken 二、根据你听到的句子选出相应的答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(5%)( ) 1. A. I’m rea ding a storybook. B. I like reading storybooks. C. Yes. I am reading a book. ( ) 2. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, she can. ( ) 3. A. To the train station. B. Sorry, I don’t know. C. I’m walking. ( ) 4. A. Ye s, it’s a cake. B. It’s a rectangle. C. It’s a birthday cake. ( ) 5. A. I can see three. B. It’s three. C. No , I can’t. 三、根据听到的对话及问题选出正确答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(10%)( ) 1. A. in the study B. in the bedroom C.in the sitting-room ( ) 2. A. Yes, she can. B. No, he can’t. C. No, she can’t. ( ) 3. A. A toy car. B. A toy bear. C. A toy dog. ( ) 4. A. A rectangle. B. A diamond. C. A square. ( ) 5. A. A telescope. B. A camera. C. A Walkman. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(10%) 1.My _________ is ____________ clothes now. 2.Su Yang and Su Hai are _________ the windows and the ___________. 3.Look. An old __________ is ___________ in the garden. 4.Mr Zhang ________ a tin-opener in ________ bag. 5.---Can you __________ a big _________ ? ---Yes, I can. (二)笔试部分 一、判断下列各组单词划线字母发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”(6%) ( ) 1. fridge tiger ( ) 2. red vest ( ) 3. chess she ( ) 4. stove open ( ) 5. mouth thank ( ) 6. shape stand 二、词组翻译(10%) 1.看报纸____________________ 2.在图书馆_____________________ 3.做家务____________________ 4.扫地_________________________ 5.和他们一起玩______________ 6.坐在帐篷附近_________________ 7. make a New Year card____________ 8. help each other_________________ 9. at an Art lesson__________________ 10. some red flowers______________ 三、选择所给的单词填空。(8分)


小学数学五年级下册期末试卷(1) 一、填空(16分) (1)4.3立方分米 =( )立方分米( )立方厘米 538 毫升 = ( )厘米3 20秒 = ( )分 (2)24 3 分数单位是( ),它有( )个这样的分数单位,减去( )个这样的分数单位 后是最小的质数。 (3)全世界约有200个国家,其中缺水的国家有100多个,严重缺水的国家有40多个,缺 水的国家约占全世界国家总数的 ()();严重缺水的国家约占全世界国家总数的()() ;看到这个材料,你的提议是( )。(3分) (4)写出分母是6的所有最简真分数( ),写出两个等于1的假分数( )。 (5)( )÷( )= () () = ()) ( =( )(小数)。 (6)能同时被2、3、5整除的最大的两位数是( ),把这个数分解质因数是 ( )。 (7)( )和( )是互质数,它们的最大公约数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。(8)把两个棱长1分米的正方体拼成一个长方体,这个长方体的表面积是( ),体积是( )。(2分) (9)一个数既能被12整除,又能被18整除,这个数最小是( )。(1分) (10)一根3米长的方钢,把它横截成3段时,表面积增加100平方厘米,原来方钢的体积是( )。 二、我会选。(把正确答案的序号填在括号里,5分) (1)把4米长的绳子平均剪成5段,每段占全长的( ) A 、51 米 B 、54 米 C 、51 D 、5 4 (2) 下面的分数中不能化成有限小数的是( )。 A 、 128 B 、152 C 、87 D 、30 9 (3)两个质数相乘的积一定是( )。 A 、质数 B 、奇数 C 、合数 D 、偶数 (4)一罐可口可乐的容量是( )。 A 、355升 B 、0.3米3 C 、355毫升 D 、355分米 3


学校 班级 姓名 学号 密 封 线 内 请 不 要 答 题 学年度第一学期五年级期中调研 英语试题 (考试时间:60分钟,总分:100分) 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(10分) (听两遍) ( ) 1.A swing B sing ( ) 2.A idea B ice ( ) 3.A hobby B copy ( ) 4.A down B dance ( ) 5. A. kitchen B.chicken ( ) 6. A. slide B.swim ( ) 7. A.first B.thirsty ( ) 8.Apush B punish ( ) 9.A.young B yet ( ) 10.A ground B group 二、听录音,根据所听内容,给下列各图排序。(8分)(听两遍) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,根据所听问题,选择正确的答句。(10分)(听两遍) ( )1. A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. That’s all right. ( )2. A. It’s on the table. B. No, it isn’t. C. They’re on the table. ( )3. A. There is three. B. There are 18. C. It’s 80. ( )4. A No, it does. B.No, it doesn ’t. C.Yes, he does. ( )5A.I like watching films.B.He likes drawing.C.He likes animal friends. 四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(12分)(听两遍) 1. This soup is too cold, that soup is . 2. Are there rooms on the floor? 3. The two girls ________ _________ _________at home. 4. My animal friend a big body. But it has no or . 5. She is . There is a lion in of her. 音乐


小学三年级英语上册期末测试卷 时间:40分钟满分:100 姓名:得分: 一、从所给单词中选择恰当的单词完成下题,使其按照从大到小的顺序排列。(2′×7) two six three ten four nine eight one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 二、连线题。(2′×14) 1.ruler 耳朵 2. rabbit 汉堡pencil—case 蓝色hamburger 蛋糕 eye 尺子pig 咖啡 ear 粉红色dog 熊猫 nose 眼睛coffee 兔子 blue 铅笔盒cake 猪 pink 鼻子panda 狗 三、选择最佳的答案,将其字母代号填入题前括号内。(3′×7)( A ) 1. Bailing: Hello! Lily:

A. Hello! B. Byebye. C. Great! ( C ) 2. John: Good morning! Tom: A. Good afternoon. B. Good! C. Good morning! ( B ) 3. Tom: What’s your name? Lily: A. Nice to meet you! B. My name is Lily. C. This is Lily. ( C ) 4. Sarah: Nice to meet you! Kate: A. How are you? B. What’s your name? C. Nice to meet you,too! ( C ) 5. Jim: How are you? Kate: A. Great! B. Hello! C. Fine, thank you. ( B ) 6. Sarah: Can I have some juice? Julia: A. Thanks. B. Sure, here you are. C. Guess! ( B ) 7. Ivy: How many balloons?


五年级下册语文期末考试试卷附答案 一、字词积累与运用。(33分) 1.下列词语注音全部正确的一组是()。(2分) A.窘迫(jióng pò)巍峨(wēi é)翁媪(wēng ǎo) B.尴尬(gān gà)媳妇(xí fu)镌刻(juān kè) C.疙瘩(gē da)踉跄(niàng qiàng)恩赐(ēn cì) 2.下列词语书写全部正确的一组是(),并改正错字。(5分) A.祷告允诺放延无礼兴致勃勃敛声屏气 B.隆重妒忌抓耳挠腮一声不吭完好无损 C.寂寞驼戎绞尽脑汁废寝忘食扶危跻困 3.拼一拼,我会写。(10分) è hào chuan shāo jǐ lian g fàn g sìgān jú ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) gōu lèlǐ mào pēi tāi jì diàn pò zhàn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4.请选择成语中加点字的意思,找出正确的,打上“√”。(3分) 杯水车薪.(崭新柴草)目不暇.接(慢慢地看空闲) 姹紫嫣.红(娇艳红色)面不改色.(颜色脸色) 美轮.美奂(高大年轮)势不可当.(当然阻挡) 5.选择恰当的词语,画上“”。(4分) (1)每到夜晚,我的小伙伴们也会在梦中(腾飞飞腾)。 (2)每经过一个人,都会伸出粗壮的脚,在他们的身上轻轻地(抚摸抚弄)一番。 (3)蔺相如认为对秦王不能(软弱示弱),就请赵王到渑池去与秦王(相会会

见)。 6.请写出古白话文中的这些字词的意思。(4分) A.孔君平诣其父。(诣:) B.这可奇怪了,你如何不卖酒与我吃?(如何:) C.一个个序齿排班,朝上礼拜,都称“千岁大王”。(序齿:) D.石猴端坐上面道:“列位呵,人而无信,不知其可。(信:) 7.按要求写词语。(5分)(写对5个得5分,多写1个奖励0.5分,最多奖1分。)A.人物说话时的情态会各不一样: 巧舌如簧 ____________ ____________ ____________ B.表示磨砺意志、艰苦奋斗、尽职尽责、不怕困难的成语有很多: 赤胆忠心 ____________ ____________ ____________ 二、句子理解与运用。(8分) 1.结合课文,仔细体会这些描写的作用。(6分) (1)严监生喉咙里痰响得一进一出,一声不倒一声的,总不得断气,还把手从被单里拿出来,伸着两个指头。 透过这些动作描写,你心中的严监生有着怎样的特点? ______________________________________________________________________ _____ (2)王熙凤道:“……况且这通身的气派,竟不像老祖宗的外孙女儿,竟是个嫡亲的孙女。怨不得老祖宗天天口头心头,一时不忘。” 透过这样的语言,你心中的王熙凤有着怎样的特点? ______________________________________________________________________ _____ (3)“敝国有个规矩:访问上等的国家,就派上等的人去;访问下等的国家,就派

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