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My Forever Valentine




The traditional holidays in our house when I was a child were spent timing elaborate meals around football games. My father tried to make pleasant chitchat and eat as much as he could during halftime. At Christmas he found time to have a cup or two of holiday cheer and do his holly-shaped bow tie. But he didn't truly shine until Valentine's Day.

I don't know whether it was because work at the office slowed during February or because the football season was over. But Valentine's Day was the time my father chose to show his love for the special people in his life. Over the years I fondly thought of him as my " Valentine Man."

My first recollection of the magic he could bring to Valentine's Day came when I was six. For several days I had been cutting out valentines for my classmates. Each of us was to decorate a " mailbox " and put it on our desk for others to give us cards. That box and its contents ushered in a succession of bittersweet memories of my entrance into a world of popularity contests marked by the number of cards received, the teasing about boyfriends/girlfriends and the tender care I gave to the card from the cutest boy in class.

That morning at the breakfast table I found a card and a gift-wrapped package at my chair. The card was signed " Love, Dad" , and the gift was a ring with a small piece of red glass to represent my birthstone, a ruby. There is little difference between red glass and rubies to a child of six, and I remember wearing that ring with a pride that all the cards in the world could not surpass.

As I grew older, the gifts gave way to heart-shaped boxes filled with my favorite chocolates and always included a special card signed " Love, Dad" .In those years my " thank-yous" became more of a perfunctory response.The cards seemed less important, and I took


有关英语哲理小故事带翻译 Angel Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. One day the child asked God: "They tell me you are going to send me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?" God replied: "Among the many angels, I have chosen one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you." "But, " said the child: "tell me here in Heaven I don‘t anything else but sing and smile. That‘s what I need to be happy!" God said: "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel‘s love and be happy." "And," said the child: "how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, If I don‘t know the language that men talk?" "That‘s easy", said God: "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak." The child looked up at God saying: "And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?" God smiled at the child saying: "Your angel will Place your hands together and will teach you how to pray." The child said:"I‘ve heard on earth there are bad men. Who will Protect me?" God put his arm around the child, saying: "Your angel will defend you - even if it means risking life!" The child looked sad, saying: "But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore." God hugged the child: "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you." At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard. The child, in a hurry,


The lion and the mouse 狮子与报恩的老鼠 When a lion was asleep狮子睡着了, a little mouse began running up and down beside him. This soon wakened the lion. He was very angry, and caught the mouse in his paws.有只老鼠在他的周围爬上爬下,很快吵醒了狮子,狮子很生气,一把抓住了老鼠 "Forgive me, please." cried the little mouse. “饶了我吧,”老鼠请求说"I may be able to help you someday." “也许有一天我能帮上你的忙呢。” The lion was tickled at these words.He thought, "How could this little mouse help me?" 狮子觉得很好笑,他想:“这只小老鼠怎么能帮上我的忙?”However he lifted up his paws and let him go.但他还是抬起爪子放他走了。 A few days later, the lion was caught in a trap. 不久,狮子被陷阱困住了。The hunters wanted to take him alive to the king猎人们想将活狮子献给国王, so they tied him to a tree, and went away to look for a wagon.就把他捆在一棵大树上,然后去找马车。 Just then the little mouse passed by这时,老鼠路过这里, and saw the sad lion看到了绝望中的狮子.He went up to him, and soon gnawed away the ropes. 他走过去,很快啃断了绳索,说:"Was I not right?" asked the little mouse. “我虽小,可是我也能帮上你的忙。”

2020届高考英语书面表达必考话题范文 中国元素

祝贺网友在中国象棋网络赛中获奖 假如你是李华,你的美国网友John参加中国象棋网络挑战赛获得了一等奖。请根据以下提示写一封英文电子邮件向他表示祝贺。 1) 祝贺他获奖; 2) 肯定他付出的努力; 3) 询问何时方便,在网上切磋棋艺。 注意: 1)词数100左右; 2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头和结尾已为你写好。 Dear John, I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations_________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Congratulations again. Yours, Li Hua 【思路点拨】 本文要求写一封信祝贺美国网友John参加中国象棋网络挑战赛获得了一等奖。写作的关键是认真审题和分析所给提纲。要灵活运用英语知识,采用不同的方式将要点完整的表达出来,注意主次分明,详略得当。语言力求准确、简洁。同时应选用合适的连接词和过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。 【必背范文】 Dear John, I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your winning the first prize in the Chinese


经典幽默英语故事(50个) 要求: 1、每天阅读两篇小故事,写出故事大意,尽量理解故事里的幽默点。 2 3、开学后,请把这14页的阅读素材,装订成册,上交给各班的英语老师。老师会根据你的完成情况,给你的阅读作业打出分数。 姓名:_________ 班级:_________ 学号:_________ 成绩:_________ 第一篇 My First and My Last When George was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. He soon became very good and made his plane do all kinds of tricks. George had a friend. His name was Mark. One day George offered to take Mark up in his plane. Mark thought, "I've travelled in a big plane several times, but I've never been in a small one, so I'll go." They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air. When they came down again, Mark was very glad to be back safely, and he said to his friend in a shaking voice, "Well, George, thank you very much for those two trips in your plane." Gerogy was very surprised and said, "Two trips?" "Yes, my first and my last," answered Mark. 故事大意: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________第二篇 First Flight Mr. Johnson had never been up in an aerophane before and he had read a lot about air accidents, so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small phane, Mr. Johnson was


英语哲理小故事短文欣赏小短文 What are the secrets that enable tough people to succeed? Why do they survive the tough times when others are overcome by them? Why do they win when others lose? Why do they fly when others sink?坚韧不拔的人成功的秘诀是什么?当其他人被困难压倒他们为什么能挺过艰难的时刻?为什么其他人失败了,而他们却能获得成功?为什么其他人都深陷泥沼时,他们却能展翅高飞?The answer is very simple. It’s all in the way they treat their problems. Yes, every living person has problems. A problem-free life is a fantasy —a mirage3 in the desert. Everyone should accept that fact.答案很简单,全看他们是如何看待自己面临的难题。 不错,人人有本难念的经。 没有难题困扰的人生只能是一个幻想,是沙漠中的海市蜃楼。 人人都该接受这个现实。 Every mountain has a peak. Every valley has its base. Life has its ups and downs, its peaks and its valleys. No one is up all the time, nor are they down all the time. Problems will end. They will all be resolved4 in time.每一座山都有巅峰,每一个峡谷都有深底。 人生也有兴衰起伏,有山峰和低谷。 不会有人一生都辉煌,也不会有人一生都时乖命蹇。 难题总有了结的一天。 随着时间的推移,一切难题都会迎刃而解。


简短英语小故事:中国熊猫 Story 1The Panda in China A panda looks like a little bear. It has black and white fur. It lives only in China, so it is called the national treasure of China and protected by the law. We all see panda on TV or in the zoo. They look stupid and walk slowly, but they are lovely and everyone likes them. A panda is lucky animal. We Chinese like it, and people of the world like it, too. Now there are China’s pandas in many other countries, such as Japan and the USA… A panda isn’t a common animal, it is bridge of friendship. 中国熊猫 熊猫看起来好像一只小熊。它的皮毛是黑白相间。它只居住在中国,所以,它是中国的国宝,受到国家法律的保护。 我们在电视上或在动物园里能看到熊猫。他们看起来显得很笨的样子,走起来很缓慢,但很可爱,大家都很喜欢它们。 熊猫是个吉祥的动物。中国人民喜欢它,世界人民也喜欢它。现在很多国家都有中国的熊猫,如,日本、美国…… 熊猫不是一种普通的动物,而是一座友谊的桥梁。


2019届高三英语含有中国元素的英语作文题目及范文 纵观近几年高考英语,无论是全国卷还是地方卷,书面表达的体裁不论是什么形式,其主题很多都和中国元素相关。小编为大家整理了15篇和中国元素相关的英语书面表达范文,希望大家理解并背诵全文,为高考积累最好的素材。 太极 假如你是李华,你的英国网友Forbes打算到你的城市学习太极(Tai Chi),他写信向你求助,请你根据下列要点给对方写一封回信: 1.介绍学太极好处; 2.负责联系学校和老师。 注意: 1.词数100左右。 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Forbes, It is amazing for me to know that you show great preference for Tai Chi and are willing to learn it soon. I’ m glad that I can offer you some suggestions. Tai Chi is not only an ancient martial art, but has also been widely acknowledged as an effective health exercise. Famous for its graceful and well-balanced movements, Tai Chi provides the mental relaxation and physical fitness that are so essential in our modern stressful lives. Concerning the school and instructor, I’m so proud to recommend the best school and best trainer in our city to you. Actually my uncle is a master of Tai Chi, who is always invited to instruct others all over the country. As a result, you can rely on me. Looking forward to your coming! Yours, Li Hua 书法 假设你是李华,在美国孔子学院的笔友Jack对汉字毛笔书法非常感兴趣,写信向你咨询学习毛笔书法的建议。请你用英语回信,内容包括: 1. 学习毛笔书法的必备工具; 2. 你认为学好毛笔书法的有效方式; 3. 学好毛笔书法的好处。 注意: 1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数); 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 参考词汇:书法 calligraphy 毛笔 writing brush 砚台 ink stone Dear Jack, I’m glad to know you’re int erested in Chinese Calligraphy, and i t’s my pleasure to tell you how to learn it. To learn Chinese calligraphy, you need some essential tools. We call them “the four treasures of the study”, that is, writing brush, ink, paper and


66篇英语小故事在线阅读 1. The Dog In The Manger(牛槽裡的狗) Once a dog was taking a nap in the manger of an ox. It was full of hay. But soon the ox came back from his work to the manger. He wanted to eat his own hay. Then the dog awoke, stood up and barked at the ox. The ox said to the dog, “Do you want to eat this hay, too?” “Of course not,” said the dog. “Then, go away and let me eat my own hay.” “Oh, no. You go away and let me sleep.” “What a selfish dog! He will neither eat the hay himself, nor let me eat it !” said the ox to himself. 2.The Lion, The Bear And The Fox(獅子、熊與狐狸) Long ago a lion and a bear saw a kid. They sprang upon it at the same time. The lion said to the bear, “I caught this kid first, and so this is mine.”


哲理寓言英语小故事精选 A wild donkey once met a tame donkey feeding on a hillside. The wild donkey was thin andsmall. 有一次,一头野驴看到一头家驴正在山坡上吃草。生活在野外的野驴又瘦又小。 He spent his life out of doors, sheltering as best he could in the cold weather and eating thesparse hill grass all the year around. 天气寒冷时,它还得努力找个较好的藏身之处,山上零星的小草就是它平日的食物。 He sometimes had to walk miles to find fresh water and at night there was always danger fromprowling wolves. 有时,为了找到干净的水源解渴,它不得不跑到几英里外的地方。晚上还要提防到处 觅食的狼群。 The tame donkey was sleek and fat. During the summer he fed on the rich meadow grasswhile in winter he was given corn and hay to eat. 可那头家驴却肥肥壮壮的。夏天,牧场里丰美的鲜草可以任它享用:冬天,有人为它 准备了谷物和千草, There was always a pail of fresh water for him to drink and at night he was shut safely in astable. "How lucky you are," said the wild donkey, "I wish I could live like you.' 而且总有一桶它可以随时饮用的干净水:晚上,它可以在牲口棚里放心地过夜。怕你 太幸运了,一野驴说,我真羡慕你那种生活。 A few days later the wild donkey was once more foraging on the hillside. Looking down he sawthe tame donkey walking slowly along the road, carrying a heavy load of wood. 数天后,野驴又来到山坡上吃草。它俯身向山下望去,看到人家驴正驮着沉重的木头,缓慢地沿着路边走着。 As he watched, the tame donkey paused to enrich at a thistle growing by the roadside,immediately his driver began to shout and to beat him with a stick.


英语小故事8个简短英语小 故事 1、The Thirsty Pigeon 口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst,saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Notsupposing itto be only a picture, she flew towards it with aloud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard,jarringherselfterribl y.Having broken her wings by the blow,she fell to the ground, and wascaug ht by one of the bystanders。...文档交流仅供参考... Zeal should not outrun discretion. 有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的.他立刻呼呼地猛飞过去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。...文档交流仅供参考... 这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。 2、The Raven and the Swan

乌鸦和天鹅 A RAVENsaw a Swan and desired tosecure for himselfthe same beautiful plumage. Supposing thatthe Swan's splendid white color arose from his was hing inthe water inwhichhe swam, the Raven left the altars in theneighborhood where he picked up his liv ing, and took up residence inthe lake s and pools. But cleansing his feathers as often as he would,he could not change their color, while through want offood heperished. ...文档交流仅供参考... Change of habit cannot alter Nature. 乌鸦非常羡慕天鹅洁白的羽毛。他猜想天鹅一定是经常洗澡,羽毛才变得如此洁白无瑕。于是,他毅然离开了他赖以生存的祭坛,来到江湖边。他天天洗刷自己的羽毛,不但一点都没洗白,反而因缺少食物饥饿而死。...文档交流仅供参考... 这故事是说,人的本性不会随着生活方式的改变而改变。 3、The Goat and the Goatherd山羊与牧羊人


2010世博会中国馆介绍中英文对照 The China Pavilion represents the Chinese presence in Expo 2010. China Pavilion is located at the projecting area near the main entrance of Pudong Site, within Zone B of the Enclosed Area. It comprises the Chinese National Pavilion, Chinese Provinces Pavilion and Pavilion of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. 中国馆是代表中国参展上海世博会的展览场馆,位于浦东世博园区主入口的突出位置,世博会规划园区中围栏区的B片区,由中国国家馆、中国地区馆、港澳台馆三部分组成。 The contour design of China Pavilion is based on the concept of “Oriental Crown”, to express the spirit and disposition of Chinese culture. Rising from the Chinese National Pavilion is supported by traditional Dougong brackets fixed layer upon layer, concentrating Chinese elements and embodying Chinese spirit. The Chinese Provinces (Joint) Pavilion extends in flat under the Chinese National Pavilion, serving as a reliable platform, to build an open, mild, compatible and rich layered city square. The Chinese National Pavilion and Chinese Provinces Pavilion will create a spectacular urban space series, with well-defined functions up and down, delicately fitted major and subordinate architectural formation、and the spatial layout focused on the main axis in a north-south direction. Pavilion of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will be self-build pavilion. 中国馆建筑外观以“东方之冠”的构想主题,表达中国文化的精神与气质。国家馆居中升起、层叠出挑,凝聚中国元素、象征中国精神;地区馆水平展开,以舒展的平台基座的形态映衬国家馆成为开放、柔性、亲民、层次丰富的城市广场。国家馆、地区馆功能上下分区、造型主从配合,空间以南北向主轴统领,形成壮观的城市空间序列。中国港澳台馆为三地自建馆。 我要成为世博志愿者 The World Expo is a large-scale, global, non-commercial Expo. The hosting of the World Expo must be applied for by a country and approved by the international World Expo committee. Expo aims to promote the exchange of ideas and development of the world economy, culture, science and technology, to allow exhibitors to publicise and display their achievements and improve international relationships. Accordingly, the World Expo with its 150-year history is regarded as the Olympic Games of the economy, science and technology. Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. Our government has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more In my opinion, the Expo is a huge and grand ceremony. I can imagine, in Shanghai, no boundaries, from all over the world people are talking about the changes here, not


英语哲理小故事:网络不是万能的 A jobless man applied for the position of 'office boy' at Microsoft. The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test. 一个失业的人去微软申请办公室杂工的职位,人事经理面试他,并且看着他打扫地板,作为测试。 "You are employed" he said. " Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to fill in, as well as date when you may start." “你被录用了”,人事经理说:“给我你的邮箱地址,我会把申请表发给你填,发给你的同时也意味着你开始上班。” The man replied "But I don't have a computer, neither an email". 这个人回答说:“但是我没有电脑,更没有邮箱了。” "I'm sorry", said the HR manager." If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist. And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job." “我很抱歉,”人事经理说:“如果你没有邮箱,那就意味着你不能生存,一个不能生存的人当然不能有工作。” The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only 10 dollars in his pocket. He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato crate.He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the operation three times, and returned home with 60 dollars. 这个人不抱希望的离开了,他不知道要做什么,口袋里只有10块钱,他决定去超市买了10公斤西红柿。接着他在附近门挨着门卖西红柿,不到两小时,他成功的将他的资金翻了一倍,他又做了3个小时,到回家时身上已经有60块钱了。 The man realized that he can survive by this way, and started to go everyday earlier, and return late. Thus, his money doubled or tripled everyday. Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.5 years later, the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the US.


中国元素单词的翻译 1. 元宵节:Lantern Festival 2. 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 3. 春节:Spring Festival 4. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 5. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 6. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day 7. 端午节:Dragon- boat Festival 8. 农历:Lunar Calendar 9. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling 豆浆:soybean milk 10. 麻花:fried dough twist 火锅:Hot Pot 11.北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck 12.小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand 13.春卷:Spring Roll(s) 14. 粽子:rice dumpling 15. 剪纸:Paper Cutting 16. 中国书法:Chinese calligraphy 17. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets 18. 中国汉字Chinese characters 19. 中国画:Chinese Painting 20. 中国结:Chinese knots 21. 京剧脸谱:Peking Opera Mask 22. 唐装:Tang suit

23. 旗袍:Cheongsam 24. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 孟子:Mencius 25. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 26. 《西游记》:The Journey to the West 27. 《红楼梦》:A Dream in Red Mansions 28. 《诗经》:The Book of 31. 《三国演义》:The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 32古装片:Costume Drama . 33. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 34. 针灸:Acupuncture 35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery 36. 刺绣:embroidery 37. 秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera 38. 京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera 39. 亭/阁:Pavilion/ Attic 40. 太极拳:Tai Chi 41. 故宫博物院:The Palace Museum 42.天坛:Temple of Heaven 43. 24节气:the 24 solar terms 43.明十三陵:The Ming Tombs 45. 相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue 46. 烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker 47. 兵马俑:cotta Warriors/ Terracotta Army 48. 电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit 49. 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves


儿童英语小故事都是一些英语表达简单,多对话的短文,例如经典的《We ar e friends》、《Little mouse》、《Let’s play》等的英语小故事。 熟读儿童英语小故事可以让儿童更早接触英语,并且英语小故事比较有趣,儿童们会对英语产生兴趣,这样有利于他们以后的英语学习。我下面只是介绍了3篇比较经典的英语小故事,想了解更多,可以到网上下载,也可以运用学习软件来阅读儿童英语小故事。 We are friends(我们是朋友) Tommy is turtle. He has no daddy, no mummy and n o friends. Tommy 是一只乌龟。他没有爸爸、妈妈和朋友。 He is crying. A bird comes. She says: “I can fly. Let’ s fly!” 他在哭。一只小鸟过来了。她说:“我会飞,让我们一起飞吧。” Tommy says: “ no,no, I can’t fly!” Tommy 说:“不,不,我不会飞。” A rabbit comes. He says: “ I can jump. Let’s jump!” 一只兔子过来了。他说:“我会跳。让我们一起跳吧。” Tommy says: “no, no. I can’t jump!” Tommy说:“不,不。我不会跳。” A monkey comes. He says:“I can climb the tree. Let’ s climb the tree!” 一只猴子过来了。他说:“我会爬树。让我们一起爬树吧。” Tommy says: “ no, no. I can’t climb the tree!” Tommy说:“不,不。我不会爬树。” A duck comes. He says: “I can swim. Let’s swim!” 一只鸭子过来了。他说:“我会游泳,让我们一起游泳吧!” Tommy smiles: “ we are friends!” 鸭子笑了:“我们是朋友!” Little mouse(小老鼠)


【10个哲理小故事】英语哲理小故事10篇 01 高僧问:你觉得是一粒金子好,还是一堆烂泥好呢? 求道者答,当然是金子啊! 高僧笑曰:假如你是一颗种子呢? 感悟: 这个世界上并没有绝对的好与坏, 适合你的,就是最好的。 养老的方式也是如此。 02 道长有一个爱抱怨的弟子。一天,道长将一把盐放入一杯水中让弟子喝。 弟子说:咸得发苦。 道长又把更多的盐撒进湖里,让弟子再尝湖水。 弟子喝后说:纯净甜美。 道长说:生命中的痛苦是盐,它的咸淡取决于盛它的容器。 感悟: 老是抱怨世界的人啊, 不是世界太糟糕, 是你的心胸太狭小。 03

一青年向道士求教:“师傅,有人说我是天才,也有人骂我是笨蛋,依你看呢?” “你是如何看待自己的?”道士反问,青年一脸茫然。 “譬如一斤米,在饼家眼里是烧饼,在酒商眼中是酒,在乞丐那里,就是救命的一顿饭。不过,米还是那斤米。”青年豁然开朗。 感悟: 你看待自己的方式, 决定了自己的价值。 每个人都是有价值的, 不要总说自己“老不中用了”。 04 一头驴子不慎掉进了枯井,众人设法救它,都没有成功,就决定埋了它。 驴子悲声鸣叫,可当泥土落下的时候,它却出乎意料地安静了。它努力抖落背上的泥土,把它们踩在脚下,让自己登高一点。就这样,它随着泥土的抖落不断登高,最后竟在众人的惊奇声中走出了枯井。 感悟: 关键时刻能救你的,只有你自己。 人到老年,最大依靠的也是你自己。 05 爱神和恶鬼一起来到了人间。 春天里,他们同游花园。爱神说:“啊!多么美丽的景致——百花烂漫!”恶鬼说:“美什么,那花朵下有刺呢!”

夏天里,他们一起游山林。爱神说:“瞧!多么美妙的风光——绿树浓荫!”恶鬼说:“妙什么,那树里有虫呢!” 秋天里,他们一起游郊野。爱神说:“看!多么欢乐的美景——黄金世界!”恶鬼说:“乐什么,那黄表示是枯萎呢!” 冬天里,他们同游大漠。爱神说:“哈!多么洁净的大地——白雪皑皑!”恶鬼说:“洁什么,那雪下全是沙呢!” 于是,上帝让爱神留在天堂,将恶鬼打入了地狱。 感悟: 内心有爱,得到的是欢乐; 内心有恨,得到的只是痛苦。 老朋友们,祝你 心中充满爱,生活充满欢乐! 06 第一天,小白兔去钓鱼,一无所获。第二天,它又去钓鱼,还是如此。第三天它刚到,一条大鱼从河里跳出来,大叫:你要是再敢用胡萝卜当鱼饵,我就扁死你! 感悟: 你给的都是你自己“想”给的, 而不是对方想要的, 活在自己世界里的付出,不值钱。 老了,和儿女相处时要牢记这点。 07 有人问农夫:“种了麦子了吗?”农夫:“没,我担心天不下雨。”

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