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10 接受美学与英语旅游景点翻译

10 接受美学与英语旅游景点翻译
10 接受美学与英语旅游景点翻译







接受美学(Reception Aesthetics)又“接受理论”,它起始于20世纪60年代,其代表人物是德国康斯坦茨学派的姚斯(Hans Robert Jauss)和伊瑟尔(wolfgang Iser),现象学和阐释学是它的理论基础。姚斯和伊瑟尔理论中所采用的一些重要的概念范畴,诸如“期待视野”、“效果史”、“未定点”等均是从海德格尔(Heidegger)的“先在结构”、“理解视野”和伽达默尔(Gadamer)的“视野融合”等概念范畴衍化而来的(王岳川,1998)。姚斯认为,任何一个读者,

在其阅读任何一部具体的作品之前,都已处在具备一种先在理解结构和先在知识框架的状态,这种先在理解就是文学的“期待视野”(horizon of expectation)。期待视野是读者理解和阐释作品的立场、观点、方法的前提。没有它,任何作品的阅读都将不可能进行。从作品来看,它总是要激发读者开放某种特定的接受趋向,唤醒读者以往阅读的记忆,即唤起一种期待(周宁,金元浦,1987)。伊瑟尔(1987:97)认为,作品的意义只有在阅读过程中才能产生,是作品和读者相互作用的产物。在接受过程中,读者使得作品内容现实化。在姚斯(1989:43)看来,“读者本身就是一种历史的能动构成。文学作品历史生命如果没有接受者的积极参与是不可想象的。因为只有通过读者的阅读过程,作品才能进入一种连续变化的经验视野之中”。








由于中西方文化的不同,在翻译的时候我们不能一味地采取音译法,这样既会显得较为死板,缺乏灵活性,容易引起歧义,不太能被译语观众所理解和接受,又可能影响到当地旅游事业的发展,如果游客对于翻译的名称不理解的话,就很难吸引游客的旅游欲望。这个时候如果采用音译加意译相结合的方法的话,音译就传达了字面意思,意译以补充原名称的隐含之义,以最大限度地反映原文的信息含量,增强译名的艺术感染力,吸引更多的译语读者。如在翻译“老舍茶馆”时,我们不能用汉语中的“老”对应英语中的“old”,“舍”对应“abandoned”,“茶馆”对应“tea house”这样的逐字翻译方法。不仅让游客感到诧异,一个

被废弃的茶馆为什么会成为景点呢?更破坏了原文的文化内涵。鉴于外国游客对这里的文化背景的不清楚,不知道“老舍”是我国现代著名的北京籍作家舒舍予先生的笔名,更不清楚因其写的话剧《茶馆》而被中国大众所熟知,由此得名“老舍茶馆”,所以最好采取音译加意译的译法译为:“Laoshe Tea House”。类似这样的翻译方法有:天安门广场(Tian’anmen Square)、毛主席纪念堂(Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall)、周口店遗址(Zhoukoudian Ancient Site)、龙门石窟(Longmen Stone Cave)、苏州园林(Suzhou Gardens)、蓬莱水城(Penglai Water City)、峨眉山(Emei Mountain)、杜甫草堂(Du Fu Cottage)、昭君墓(Zhaojun’s Tomb)、毛泽东故居(Mao Zedong’s former Residence)、周恩来故居(Zhou Enlai’s former Residence)和中山公园(Zhongshan Park)。

此外,由于中英文属于不同语系,汉字主要透过其象形的特点或者一撇一捺展现其内涵和美,而英语字母的美很难在汉语中找到完全的对等存在。比如汉语中由山、河湖、海、峡、岛等专有名词描写祖国的大好河山,而英语通常用mountain,hill,range,stream,river等有限的词表述,所以在翻译此类名称的时候,多采用重复译法,比如在翻译“黄山”时,即把汉字“山”用拼音拼写出来的同时,结合英语中的“Mountain”考虑到外国读者的期待视野,同时也保留原文的“未定点”,充分体现译者对原文和译文读者的视域融合。类似这样的英语翻译还有,庐山(Lushan Mountain)、漓江(Lijiang River)、黄山(Huangshan Mountain)、鼓浪屿(Gulangyu Islet)、华山(Huashan Mountain)、滇池(Dianchi Lake),等等。


在翻译的过程中,我们不能一味地迎合读者,而采取读者熟悉或已有的内容,从而在一定程度上使原来文本的期待视野缩小,甚至扭曲原文的内涵。在翻译旅游名称时,要适当地采取意译的方式,不求其形,但求其神。例如,当我们在翻译“颐和园”时,把它译为“Summer Palace”而非“Yihe Garden”。从其文化背景来看,“Summer Palace”很容易让国外读者联想到这里以前应该是皇家贵族夏日的避暑胜地,远比翻译成“Yihe Garden”更地道和通俗易懂。再加上怡人的景色,更能够吸引游客的好奇心和参观欲,从而激发外国读者到中国旅游的兴趣。除此之外,还有几个景点的名称的翻译采用了此法,如,乾清宫(Palace of

Heavenly Purity)、静心斋(Heart-East Study),等等。



中国是个拥有悠久历史的国家,这些景点往往与历史密不可分,带有很浓厚的文化底蕴。因此在翻译的时候,如果采取直译的方法的同时再加上对历史人物、朝代、地位或者丰功伟绩的补充说明,则更能帮助读者理解。在翻译“归元寺(Guiyuan Buddhist Temple)”时,我们就是把带有文化词汇的“归元”的“未定点”保留,采用了直接音译,同时为了避免造成误解和达成文化传递的目的,又补充了Buddhist一词。这样使读者即使不明白“Guiyuan”,也会联想到这是一个与佛教有关的景点。此种翻译方法充分考虑到读者的“期待视野”。再如,武侯祠译作Martial Marquis Memorial Temple,而不是译作Wu Hou Ci,如果再加上一些英文的详细的介绍(Martial Marquis Memorial Temple is dedicated to Zhuge Liang,the Martial Marquis of Shu in the Three Kingdoms Period.)就会更加完善和具体。



The Thirsty Pigeon A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders. Zeal should not outrun discretion. 口渴的鸽子 有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。 这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。 The Wind And The Sun One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.” “We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.” So the wind tried to make the man take offhis cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself. “I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak. 风和太阳 有一天风跟太阳说: “看看那个沿着路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来. “我们等着看吧,”太阳说, “我让你先试。 因此风尝试让那个人把披风脱下来.他用力地吹,可是那个人把披风拉得更紧。 “我放弃了,”风最后说, “我无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了。


Unit 1 The Sunshine Industry Translate into Chinese. 1)Unlike physical “products”, say a car, you can never “test drive” a tourism product, say a destination. Decisions whether your client is going to buy your product or not have always been based on information and word of mouth. 与物理的“产品”不一样,例如汽车,你永远不能“试驾”旅游产品,比如目的地。决定你的客户是否会购买你的产品或不一直购买,已经是基于信息和口碑。 3) Consumers now have many more choices because the Internet gives more providers more opportunities to create direct consumer relationships and allows a wide variety of pricing. 现在的消费者有更多的选择,因为互联网让更多的供应商有更多的机会去创造与消费者的直接关系,并且允许各种各样的定价。 5) The most important question is not whether the new technology will replace the traditional ways of booking holidays, but rather how quickly this transition will occur. 最重要的问题不在于新技术是否将取代传统的预订度假的方式,而是这种转变如何迅速发生。 Translate into English 1) 尽管网络经济发展迅速,但网上营销观念还没有被中国的广大旅游企业所接 受。网上促销、网上预订,尤其是网上结算,对许多旅游企业来说还是陌生的。 Although the Internet economy has developed rapidly, online marketing concept has not been accepted by all the tourism enterprises of China. Online promotion and online booking, especially online settlement, is strange for many tourism enterprises. 3) 旅游电子商务的前景相当广阔,尤其在酒店和机票这两个领域。网络经济的 优势就在于它不需要库存,一切都可以通过电话和鼠标完成。 Tourism electronic commerce has bright prospects, especially in the two areas of the hotel and air ticket. The advantage of the network economy is that it doesn't need to inventory; everything can be done by telephone and mouse. 4)自1978年实行改革开放以来,我国旅游业取得了迅速发展,旅游设施和交通有了改进,不少历史名胜风景胜地均得到修复。旅游业已经成为我国第三产业的一个重要组成部分。 Since 1978 since the implementation of reform and opening up, China's tourism industry has made rapid development, tourism facilities and traffic has improved, many historical scenic resorts were repaired. Tourism has become an important part of the third industry in china.


新闻英语标题翻译:欣赏及汉译 我们在阅读英语报刊时,不仅要学会看借新闻标题,而且最好还能善于欣赏并翻 译新闻标题,惟有如此,我们才能较正确地理解英语新闻标题的词汇、语法及修辞等 特点,判断出标题的寓意。 欣赏或翻译英语新闻标题时应该兼顾三个方面:准确理解标题,领悟其妙处;适 当照顾译文特点,增强可读性;重视读者的接受能力。欣赏或翻译英语新闻标题,对 于不太熟悉英语国家历史、文化背景的读者来说,有时并不是很容易的。许多妙不可 言的精彩之处,一疏忽就可能从眼皮底下滑过去。因此,这就要求我们平时注意积累,不断熟悉英语国家的历史掌故、文艺作品以及英语的修辞手段等等。一旦真的领会并 译出了英语标题中作者苦心营造的深奥内涵,那份喜悦不亚于数学家攻克一道难题。 一、直译或基本直译 如果英语标题的含义明白、直接,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,则可直译或基本直译。如: Looking Back To Look Ahead. 回首往昔展望未来。 America's Careening Foreign Policy. 摇摆不定的美国对外政策。 Bill Clinton Assumes Office In White House As Us President. 比尔,克林顿入主白宫,就任美国总统。(或译:克林顿入主白宫,新总统始掌 大权。) Olympics Begin In Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold. 奥运会隆重开幕泳将夺首枚金牌。

二、添加注释性词语 即使是明白易懂的新闻标题,我们在汉译时也常需酌情加上逻辑主语,或新闻人物的国籍、消息的事发地点等等。总之,应兼顾中英语新闻标题之异同,适当增补有关介绍性、注释性词语以利读者理解,避免产生误会。例如: Li Elected Cppcc Head. 李(瑞环)当选为全国政协主席。 Lewis, Xie Voted World's Top Two. 路(易斯)谢(军)当选世界最佳男女(运动员)。 Emperor's Visit A Milestone In Bilateral Ties. 天皇访华:(中日)双边关系的里程碑。 Quake Death Toll Tops 5000. (日本限神地区)地震死亡人数己逾五千。 Young Wheelers, Big Dealers. 青年摩托车手成了(保险公司)大主顾。 三、体现原文修辞特点 如果英语标题寓意于某种修辞手段,如双关、比喻、押韵等,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,则应尽可能体现原标题的修辞特色。如: 押韵:After The Boom Everything Is Gloom.

10第十单元 旅游资料

第十单元旅游资料 旅游资料中存在着大量的文化因素,这一点早已引起学者的关注。由于每个国家或民族的文化发展道路不同,各国旅游景点所展示的旅游资料必然会带有各自的文化特色。中国与西方国家是不同语种的国度,其文化差异就更大、更明显,因而旅游资料中的文化因素往往会给外国游客造成理解障碍。张宁在“旅游资料翻译中的文化思考”(2000)一文中把旅游资料中的文化文化因素归纳为下述几个方面:(1)历史典故(historical allusions);(2)宗教信仰(religious beliefs);(3)园林艺术(gardening / horticulture);(4)民族风情(cultures and customs of the ethnic minorities);(5)风味饮食(local delicacy)。因此,翻译人员采取适当的翻译策略,把这些文化信息从原文转移到译文,帮助外国游客来阅读理解。 th 旅游翻译不仅要忠实于原文,而且要言简意赅,文情相生,渗透其中幽微。旅游资料中的文化因素往往会给外国游客的阅读活动造成理解障碍。文化因素的处理要遵循两个原则,即“以原语文化为基础,以译语读者为导向”。所谓以原语文化为基准,就是要尽量保留原语文化信息,从而促进文化交流;所谓以译语读者为导向,则是指旅游资料翻译既要忠实于原文,又不拘泥于原文。根据实际情况对原文作适当调整,采用不同的翻译方法来弥补文化差异而给外国游客造成的理解障碍。 第19课英语旅游资料汉译 英汉对比赏析 一、英语原文 The Real London By Roger Mason [1] London is bigger, dirtier and more crowded than one would imagine from the descriptions in many magazines and books. It has around 8 million inhabitants and sprawls over a huge area, mostly of suburbs where tourists seldom go. The city streets are narrow and often blocked by traffic. Most of the famous buildings are quite far apart, separated by rows of drab, ordinary buildings. We have no public space as impressive as Beijing’s Tian’anmen Square or Paris’Place de la Concorde, no ceremonial way as grand as Washington’s Pennsylvania Avenue. And in a recent BBC poll, Buckingham Palace was voted one of the ten ugliest buildings in Britain. But an awesome crowed of workers walk over London Bridge every weekday morning on their way to toil in one of the world’s major financial districts, and there is a modern commercial development at Docklands with skyscrapers to rival those in Pudong. We have the largest and finest selection of theaters in the world, recently jointed by a faithful reconstruction of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. It is built of wood with a thatched roof and has no electricity, so performances can only take place in summer daylight, as in the Bard’s day. [2] Myths about London persist in China and other countries. As Mrs. Thatcher told everyone during her visit to Beijing, London isn’t foggy. The fog disappeared fifty years ago when homes, factories and railway engines stopped burning coal. Despite their traditional uniforms, police officers will laugh if you call them “bobbies”. We call them “the Bill” or “the Plod”and they have two-way radios, travel by car and maybe armed with guns. They are still polite to tourists and will give directions if you really are lost. If they ever existed, the warm-hearted Cockneys in the movies also went away at about the same time as the fogs. Slum houses were pulled down and their inhabitants moved to council flats (rented apartments provided by the local government) or the suburbs. Nowadays the people who live in downtown London are as varied as those of New York and Paris. We have the largest, most colourful street carnival outside South America, but also gangsters, drug abuse and racial hatred. More and more pubs (friendly neighbourhood bars that serve alcohol) are being converted into fast-food restaurants, shops and offices. [3] There is a small Chinatown at the heart of the theatre and cinema district in Soho. A pedestrian street has Chinese gateways given by the Hong Kong business community, plus traditional lion statues and a monument. Shops and restaurants supply mixtures of Chinese and western food, the more genuine ones with menus in Chinese as well as English,


10.科学危险吗? 1.知识是危险的这一观念在我们的文化中根深蒂固。圣经中的亚当和夏娃被禁食“智慧之树”上的果实,而弥尔顿《失乐园》中的蛇将此树称为“科学之母”。当亚当试图向天使长拉斐尔询问有关宇宙本质的问题时,拉斐尔建议他最好“知之甚少”。事实上,西方文献中有大量关于科学家扰乱自然界,而后导致灾难后果的记载。科学家被描绘成一群冷酷和无视伦理道德的人。 2.那么科学真地是危险的吗?科学家需要肩负起特定的社会责任吗?我们必须认识到,可靠的科学知识并不负载道德或伦理的价值。科学只告诉我们世界为何等模样:我们人类不处于宇宙的中心这一事实本身无好坏之分;基因会影响我们的智力和行为这一可能性亦无优劣之别。道德义务 3.当科学研究在现实生活中进行时,就会带来危害性及有关的伦理问题,例如涉及人或其它动物的实验;或是将研究成果用于技术实施;又或是相关的研究涉及到人们的安全问题。由此可见,科学和技术之间有一重要区别:科学知识旨在了解自然,而技术却是运用这一知识制造产品或将这一知识运用于实际目的。 4.科学研究推导有关世界本质的观念,而技术观念则旨在制造可使用的产品。技术远比科学源远流长。而且没有科学的指引,单凭技术也发展了诸如农业和金属制造业之类的行业。我认为19世纪之前,科学实际上未对技术做出太多的贡献——即使是那些辉煌的技术成果,如蒸汽机和文艺复兴时期的大教堂,也是在没有任何科学观念的影响下,通过当时人们富于想象的反复试验完成的。 5.无论发明什么样的技术,科学家均不应该对该技术的运用做涉及道德伦

理方面的决策,因为他们在这方面没有任何特殊的权利或能力。如果要求科学家承担更多的社会义务,并赋予他们特权进行相关的决策,那么将会出现严重的危机。科学家所承担的社会责任有别于他们与其他公民共同分担的社会义务(例如支持民主社会或尊重他人权益),这种责任源于他们具备专业的知识去了解世界的本质,而普通人未能拥有这些知识。科学家的义务是公开他们的研究成果以及有关的技术应用对社会可能产生的影响,同时还需对研究的可靠性加以评价。在大多数的科学研究领域,就公众而言,某一理论的对错无关紧要,然而在某些领域,如有关人类和植物基因的研究,理论的是非会变得至关重要。 6.如果客观冷静地审视以往的事实,我们很难发现科学家在有关研究中表现出有悖伦理的行为。例如最近在英国和其它地方出现的疯牛病现象,以及在法国引起轩然大波的由输血导致的艾滋病丑闻中,我们发现与某些人所宣称的现象完全不同,科学家在这些事件中并未表现出任何违反公共伦理道德的行为。 7.科学研究中最明显的不道德行为是优生运动。这一运动的科学理据至为关键:人类绝大多数的特征(好的或不好的)均为遗传。进行此项研究的科学家未能全面评价这一观点的可靠性,对这一观点的后果也是考虑不周。更有甚者,也是更应受到谴责的是,这批科学家似乎在一种他们认为是有益于社会的观念的驱使之下,得出有关的结论。与此相反,那些共同研究原子弹的科学家的行为表现得十分合乎伦理。他们承担各自的社会责任,知会政府有关原子理论可能会产生的社会影响。是否制造原子弹的决策权在于政治家,而不是科学家。那么应不应该赋予科学家同样的决策权呢?对那些进行优生研究的德国科学家而言,他们本应该感到作为科学家和公民之间的义务冲突。

高级英语1 lesson10词汇 翻译

词汇(Vocabulary) sweltering ( adj.) :that swelters or suffers from the heat;very hot;sultry热得发昏的;酷热 counsel ( n.) :a lawyer or group of lawyers giving advice about legal matters and representing clients in court辩护律师;法律顾问;辩护人 silver-tongued ( adj.) :eloquent;persuasive雄辩的;口才流利的 orator ( n.) :a skilled,eloquent public speaker雄辩家 jury ( n.) :a group of people sworn to hear the evidence and inquire into the facts in a law case,and to give decision in accordance with their findings陪审团 erupt ( v.) :burst forth or out,as from some restraint进发;爆发;喷出 clash ( n.) :a sharp disagreement;conflict抵触;冲突;意见不一致;对立 fundamentalism ( n.) :religious beliefs based on a literal interpretation of everything in the Bible and regarded as fundamental to Christian faith and morals原教旨主义(相信《圣经》所记载的传统的基督教信仰,反对较为近代的教义) legislature ( n.) :a body of persons given the responsibility and power to make laws for a country or state(esp. the lawmaking body of a state,corresponding to the U.S.Congress)立法机构(尤指美国的州议会) prohibit ( v.) :refuse to permit;forbid by law or by an order禁止;不准 legality ( n.) :quality,condition,or instance of being legal or lawful;conformity with the law合法性 indict ( v.) :accuse;charge with the commission of a cime; esp. make formal accusation against on the basis of positive legal evidence usually said of the action of a grand jury控告,控诉;指控,告发,对……起诉 prosecute (v.) :institute legal proceedings against,or conduct criminal proceedings in court against对……起诉festoon ( v.) :adorn or hang with festoons饰以(或悬挂)花彩,结彩于 sprout (v.) :grow or develop rapidly迅速生长,迅速发展 rickety ( adj.) :1iable to fall or break down because weak;shaky易倒的;易垮的;不结实的;不稳固的 evangelist ( n.) :anyone who evangelizes(esp. a traveling preacher or a revivalist)福音传教士(尤指巡回说教者或信仰复兴者) exhort ( v.) :urge earnestly by advice,warning,etc.规劝,劝告,劝戒 infidel ( n.) :a person who holds no religious belief无宗教信仰者,不信宗教者 florid ( adj. ) : flushed with red or pink(said of the complexion)(脸色)红润的 paunchy ( adj. ) :[derog. or humor](esp. of a man)having a fat stomach[贬或幽](尤指男性)大腹便便的 attorney ( n.) :.any person legally empowered to act as agent for. or in behalf of,another(esp. a lawyer)(被当事人授权的法律事务中的)代理人 shrewd ( adj.) :keen—witted,clever,astute or sharp in practical affairs机敏的;精明的;伶俐的 magnetic ( adj.) :vpowerfully attractive(said of a person,personality,etc.)有吸引力的;有魅力的(指人或个性等) steep ( v.) :immense,saturate,absorb,or imbue(esp. used as steeped锄:thoroughly filled or familiar with)沉浸;埋头于(尤用作steeped in充满着;沉湎于;精通) agnostic ( n.) :a person who believes that the human mind cannot know whether there is a God or an ultimate cause,or anything beyond material phenomena;atheist不可知论者 growl (v.) :complain in an angry or surly manner牢骚满腹地说 spar ( v. ) :wrangle or dispute争论;争吵 drawl ( v.) :speak slowly,prolonging the vowels慢慢吞吞地说 bigotry ( n.) :the behavior,attitude,or beliefs of a bigot:intolerance;prejudice偏执的行为(或态度、信念等);偏执;顽固;偏见 rampant ( adj. ) :spreading unchecked;widespread蔓延的;猖獗的 faggot ( n.) :a bundle of sticks,twigs,or branches(esp. for use as fuel)柴捆;柴把 contaminate ( v.) :make impure,infected,corrupt,etc.使感染,传染,毒害 mammal ( n.) :any of a large class of warm—blooded. usually hairy vertebrates whose off springs are fed with milk secreted by female mammary glands哺乳动物 snort ( v.) :wave,shake. or exhibit in a menacing, challenging,or exultant way(威胁地、挑战似地、狂喜地)挥舞


广西壮族自治区Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 亚热带海边风光subtropical seaside scenery 少数民族风俗ethnic customs 少数民族Ethnic Minority Groups 北部湾Beibu Bay 德天瀑布Detian Waterfall 靖西通灵大峡谷Jingxi Tongling Grand Canyon 百色乐业天坑群Baise Group of Dolines in Leye County 南宁 朝阳广场ChaoYang Square 兴宁步行街Xingning Walking Street 民族广场Minzu Square 南宁国际会展中心Nanning International Convention&Exhibition Center 青秀山风景区Qingxiu Tourist Resort 广西博物馆Guangxi Museum 广西民族文物苑Guangxi Cultural Heritage Center 伊岭岩Yiling Cave 广西药用植物园Guangxi Medicinal Garden 花鸟市场Flowers&Birds Mart 扬美古镇Yangmei Ancient Town 良凤江国家森林公园Liangfengjiang National Forest Park 南湖名树博览园Famous-tree Exposition Garden in Nanhu Lake 桂林 桂林漓江Lijiang River of Guilin 桂林桃花江peach Blossom River of Guilin 桂林山水甲天下 Guilin`s scenery makes the rest of the world less attractive. Guilin`s Scenery is the first in the world. Guilin`s scenery bests all others in the world. 喀斯特地貌Karst scenery 芦笛岩Reed Flute Cave 七星公园Seven Stars Park 伏波山Fu Bo Hill 漓江Li River 象鼻山Elephant Trunk Hill 叠彩山Decai Hill 阳朔Yangshuo 西街West Street 独秀峰Solitary Beauty Peak 北海 北海银滩Silver Beach at Beihai 涠洲岛Weizhou Island 星岛湖Star Islands Lake


II.20个单词词组翻译,平时讲课强调的词汇和表达。20分 (仅仅是部分,待补充) 等级制度a hierarchy of universal wants and needs 灵感需求aesthetic stimulation 多人关注的运动spectator sports 北京元谋人Peking Man 华北平原the Great North China Plain 战国时期the Warring States Period 天安门城楼Tian’anmen rostrum 紫禁城the grand royal compound of the Forbidden City/the old imperial palace 传统与现代的结合old meets new 人民大会堂the Great Hall of the People 武夷山风景区the Wuyishan Scenic Area 丹霞地貌Danxia landform 文人墨客men of letters 摩崖蚀刻cliff inscriptions 竹筏a bamboo raft 悬棺hanging coffins 云雾缭绕(be) shrouded with clouds and mists 天王殿the Heavenly King Hall 大雄宝殿the Grand Hall 卧佛殿the Hall of the Reclining Buddha 玉佛楼the Jade Buddha Chamber 方丈室the Abbot’s Room 佛光a back halo 观音Goddess of Mercy 弟子disciple 中国共产党the Communist Party of China 国务院the State Council 五星红旗the five-star red flag 义勇军进行曲the March of the V olunteers 社会主义市场经济the socialist market economy 好莱坞大片Hollywood blockbusters 悲惨世界Les Miserable 歌剧魅影Phantom of the Opera 最新技术state-of-the-art 弥漫节日的气氛be permeated with a jubilant atmosphere 身着节日的盛装in their holiday best 灯火辉煌a blaze of light 秋收冬藏autumn harvest and winter storage 春耕夏锄spring plowing and summer weeding 燕窝汤birds nest soup 鱼翅shark’s fin soup


英语新闻系列讲座词汇特色(1) 现代社会发展迅猛,其结果之一便是新词语不断涌现。新中国成立以来,尤其是改革开放以来,现代汉语中出现了大量的新词汇,包括旧词新义、流行语、外来新词语等;甚至不少己湮没多年的旧词语也频频亮相,给人们,尤其是年轻一代,以耳目一新之感。在改革开放的今天,由于词典等工具书的编纂周期难以赶上现实生活中新词语的产生速度,广大英语学习者面临的一大难题就是,如何把这些新词语译成地道的英语。而英语报刊正好起到了为一般双语词典“拾遗补缺”的作用,如“双休日”、“拳头产品”、“人才流动”、“外向型经济”、“三资企业”、“扫黄运动”、“不正之风”、“小康水平”、“退居二线”、“有偿新闻”,“与国际接轨”等词语的英译,首先都是见诸英语报端的。现列举几则摘自英语报刊含有这类新词语英语表达的实例,以资佐证: 1)Taking advantage of the two-day dayoffs,he basked in the spring sunshine with his family. (他和家人一起沐浴在春天的阳光之下,享受双休日所带来的乐趣。) 2)The central government called on every region to develop its own export-oriented hit products according to its local advantages and characteristic. (中央政府号召各地利用本地优势和特点开发当地的出口型拳头产品。) 3)In order to fully tap the human resources,the rational flow of trained personnel should not only be allowed but also be encouraged. (为了充分发掘人才潜力,不仅应该允许人才合理流动,而且还要鼓励人才流动。) 4)To further develop the export一oriented economy,Shanghai is to make a number of preferential policies soon to encourage business people both at home and abroad to set up more enterprises in the the three forms of ventures,i.e. enterprises for Sino-foreign joint venture,for Sino-foreign co-production and enterprises with sole foreign capital. (为了进一步发展外向型经济,上海最近将出台一系列优惠政策,以鼓励国内外经营者创建更多的三资企业,即中外合资企业、中外合作企业和外商独资企业。) 5)The disappearance of such materials as pornographic(色情画,色性描写)and obscene(淫秽的)books,periodicals and tapes is proof that China''s campaign against porns is making progress. (黄色书刊及音响制品现己难觅踪迹,这证明了中国的扫黄运动正在取得进展。) 6)Some austere measures should be taken to check the unhealthy tendencies which,according to the press exposures ,were rampant in some localities. (从新闻媒介所暴露的情况来看,不正之风在一些地区已非常严重,必须采取严格措施刹住这股歪风。) 7)The next ojective for the Chinese people to strive for is to reach the well-to-do level.(中国人民的下一个奋斗目标是在本世纪末达到小康水平。) 8)He works enthusiastically as ever even though he has retired from the leading post. (尽管己退居二线,他的工作热情丝毫不减。) 9)Journalists should firmly object to the payoffs-aimed journalism which deviates from press ethics. (新闻记者应坚决反对有偿新闻,因为它违背了新闻记者的职业道德。) 10)Many large companies in Shanghai have geared(使齿轮连接,使适应)themselves to the international conventions and set up aftersales services accepting repairs and


第八章 旅游文本中典故、诗词、俗语、楹联等的翻译 第一模块:热身练习 翻译下列文本,看旅游文本中一些文化现象在翻译中该如何处理: 1.whicheven part of Scotland takes you fancy,history is never far away.You feel it in the brooding presence of Glencoe,evocative of that treacherous night in 1692 when Campbell soldiers slaughtered MacDonads as they slept. You touch it when you hike tyrough the hills and stumble across the ruins of a deserted shieling. You see it in the weatherworm stones of turreted castales. You hear in in rousing Border ballads and haunting Hebridean melodies. 1.苏格兰令人心仪的地方都连着一段历史。置身格伦科山谷,会感到历史之森然。1692年那个背信弃义的冬夜,坎贝尔上尉率兵趁麦克唐纳族人熟睡时将他们杀害。穿越绵绵山丘,偶见荒屋废墟时,能触摸到历史的脉搏。在古堡塔楼那些风雨侵蚀的石块上,会看见历史的印记。在动人的边区歌谣和难忘的赫布里底音乐中,会听见历史的回音。 2.Englishman Lesline Stephen wass one of the true pioneers of mountaineering. In 1871, when tourism in Switzerland was still in its infancy,he publishesd a book on climbing in the Swiss Alps, aptly titled The Playground of


Outline 1. Introduction 2. Development of English News Title 2.1 History of English News Title 2.2 Functions of English News Title 2.2.1 Pointing Out the News Content 2.2.2 Producing Attractive Effects. 2.3 Differences between Chinese and English News Titles 2.3.1 V ocabulary Similarities and Differences 2.3.2 Tense Similarities and Differences 2.3.3 Rhetoric Similarities and Differences 2.3.4 Punctuation Mark Similarities and Differences 3. Translation of English News Titles 3.1 Literal Translation 3.2 Free Translation 3.3 Addition 3.4 Omission 3.5 Negation Translation 3.6 Alliteration 3.7 Making Use of the Advantage Chinese in Translation 4. Conclusion

[Abstract] English news titles play a special role in news reporting. Thus we should place special emphasis on the research of the characteristics and translation of English news titles. This thesis focuses on the study of English news titles in terms of their grammatical features and its translation. When it comes to translation, it tries to reproduce the functions of English news titles which requires translators’ agility and ingenuity in applying semantic and rhetorical devices. With grammatical and semantic exploration into the English news titles, such studies strive to benefit the readers in their understanding of what the editor wants to convey. [Key words] English news title; function; comparison; translations methods 英语新闻标题及其翻译 [摘要]标题在新闻报道中具有独特的地位。因此在整个新闻英语翻译中标题翻译的作用不可忽视。本文拟从以下角度进行论证:英文报刊标题的文字简练醒目,无疑是来源于对英语语法得心应手的灵活运用。而要再现英文标题在原文中所起的浓缩主题、画龙点睛的作用,需要译者同样在用词和修辞等语法方面匠心独运。本文拟通过对英语新闻标题翻译原则和策略的探讨,以期能对新闻英语包括英语标题翻译找到一条具有特定翻译规则的途径作出有益的尝试。 [关键词] 英语新闻标题; 作用; 分类; 对比; 翻译方法 1 Introduction What is the title? A title of a piece of news usually printed in large type and devised to summarize, gives essential information, or interests readers in reading the news content . Naturally readers buy newspapers in order to keep posted on daily happenings. However, t oday’s English newspapers are getting fatter with a great

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