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Unit 1

1.Kind teacher and tough teacher,which kond of teachers do you prefer?

In my opinion, teachers need to balanced in all aspects of teaching. They need to maintain classroom control and organization without being overbearing. They need to create a community of learners but still respects the individual needs of their students. They have to be a mentor figure and also a friend. It is the teachers who should understand this balance between being kind and being tough.

2.Which kind of teacher can you get good better results?

I think tough teachers can get better results. Tough teachers maybe bring you a little pain, but a little pain is good for you, which will make you stronger. There will be much homework in tough teachers’ class, also, practice mak es perfect, right? So, strict is better than nice and praise makes you weak, while stress makes you strong. As for me, I would say tough teachers can get better results.

3.Would you llke your English teacher to correct your errors more or less often?why ?

I would like my English teacher to correct my errors more.Because some teachers don't believe in error correction as a way of learning language. Some language learners and teachers believe that people should learn English as a Foreign Language exactly how babies learn their own language, without any error correction. The majority of teachers and researchers believe, however, that the right amount of error correction done at the right time and in the right way is a very important factor in successful language learning. So I would like my English teacher to correct my errors more.

Unit 2

4.Where is ideal/dream places do you like to visit?why?

1、Guilin is a key tourist city of well-known culture and history in China. More people come to Guilin for a visit, deeply impressed and giving high praises. Guilin is situated along the Lijiang River, which is an attractive in itself. The beauty of water and the Karst peaks towering into the sky have attracted travelers to this area for centuries.

As to me, I prefer to travel with a companion. Firstly, we can deal with the possible problems and difficulties in the journey. Secondly, I like to share the pleasure of trav eling with others. In sum, both traveling alone and traveling with a companion have their attractions, and you can find the pleasure from either one.

2、As to me, I prefer to travel with a companion. Firstly, we can deal with the possible problems and difficulties in the journey. Secondly, I like to share the pleasure of traveling with others. In sum, both traveling alone and traveling with a companion have their attractions, and you can find the pleasure from either one.

3、I’d like to visit Beijing. Because Beijing is the capital of China, and is one of the most liveliest cities in Asia. It doesn’t hav e any beaches, but there are still many

things to do there, For example, it has some fantastic sights, including the Great Wall and Tian’an Men Square.

How would you like to travel there? Why?

1、i would like to travel by plane. because i can see the sky clearly in the plane , is interesting . last year i went go shanghai by plane. in the plane i have seen lots of buildings which is small .the sky is blue i like blue. For another,it's really convenient ,you can go anywhere you want to go and we can save a lot of time,And comfortable than other means of transport. so i would like to travel by plane .

2、I’d like to travel there there by train. For one thing, it is economic and safe. For another, there is plenty of space to move about, we can walk around most of the time,enjoy the beautiful sight along the way, and make lots of friends.

5.What do you like to do when you visit a new city?

A:First, I’d like to visit somewhere famous to expand my horizon. Second, Learning the culture and history of the city. Third, I am most looking forward to do is to enjoy all the local cuisine. Finally, enjoying the beautiful sights of the city.

6.Do you like to travel with a group? Why or why not?

A:I don’t like to travel with a group. Because travel with the group always makes me feel tired.if we travel with a group, we have to bear a noisy atmosphere. What we can hear and enjoy may just be others’ voice and heads. Besides, we can not truly appreciate the beautiful scenery or even have a good rest. Sometimes they make me buy things I do not want to buy. And it makes me feel very hasty journey. So I do not like to travel with the group.

7.Travel is a doubled-edgeed sword,On the one hand it improves the local economic level;on the other hand,it effects the local ecologicalenvironment.How do you thonk of the relationship between GDP and promotion and protection of the ecological evironment?

In recent years, tourism has developed rapidly in China. But travel is a double-edged s word.

On the one hand, it can improve the local economic level; on the other hand, it may af fect the local ecological environment. In my opinion, I think the GDP promotion and environmental protection are equally important. It is wrong to sacrifice the environme nt for the growth of GDP. We can’t deny that although too much tourists lead the eco nomic development, they bring much harm to the environment.

So we need to find a balance between GDP promotion and protection of the ecologica l environment by developing ecotourism. Ecotourism is defined by the International Ecotourism Society as "responsible travel to natural areas which conserves the enviro nment and improves the welfare of the local people." Simply put, it is tourism which h elps the environment and helps the local community.

Ecotourism is good for the local community, provides jobs, services, and stimulates th e economy. It provides energy conservation, less fuel is used and less harmful gasses a


released into the air. It's helpful to plants and animals, keeping them protected. Best of all, the tourist gets a vacation that they will never forget.

A true eco-travel is a tour that not only allows us to express our love for nature, but n eeds our responsibility as well. As we enjoy the beauty of nature, we should try our best to protect it. And we should also try to protect wildlife. A true eco-travel shou ld be like this: take nothing away but your good memory; leave nothing behind but a ll the green trees and the clean water.

Tourisms and environment

Nowadays, with the development of tourism, the quality of the environment has been seriously declined. We have to think twice about the effect tourism has exerted on the environment. For one thing, tourism can have a positive effect on the environment. Fir st of all, with the development of tourism, it can bring our country huge finance inco me. Secondly, we can find 3

ecological problems in some areas so that we can take immediate measures to deal wit h it, such as ecological construction and pollution control. In this way, we beautify the environment. For another, tourism can also cause passive effect. We can’t deny that a lthough too much tourists lead the economic development, they bring much harm to t he environment. Excessive tourism would not only cause the air pollution, water pollu tion and solid waste, but also result in an inappropriate use of local resources. Not to mention the disturbance to the local living environment.

In conclusion, tourism can be beneficial to both nature conservation and economic d evelopment if it is developed in a moderate way. We must try our best to find the bala nce between tourism and the environment.

8.What would make you wiser,traveling a thousand miles or reading 10,000 books?

I think traveling a thousand miles can make people wiser. Travel is the best means for getting knowledge of actual experience. It is much more exciting and active than readi ng. It is necessary for a person to expand his horizon. It can help you to see new c ustoms, eat new foods, and do new things .When you have a chance or enough mone y and time, you can travel around the world. It also helps you to make new friends wh erever you go. And it will make you wiser and make your life more pleasant. Then yo u will have a deep understanding of the people and the world.

2、“It’s better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.”When Michelle, the present American first lady, quoted(引用) this old Chinese saying in her speech at Beijing University, it has caused heated discussions among students. Different opinions can be heard in different ways.

In my opinion, books provide us with basic knowledge and others’experience, and books make ourselves full of different thoughts.also many great people share their failure and success with us in books to help us face our own challenges.

while traveling lets us feel the real world. More real feelings and real creations help improve ourselves and the whole world.Through traveling, we can understand the world better with our own eyes. What’s more, to feel different cultures is necessary for us to open our eyes. Finally, getting in touch with more people can improve our communicating skills.

The combination of the two can make me have a bright future.

获得实际经验的最好方法就是旅行。它比读书更加另人激动和活跃。它对于一个人去开阔自己的眼界是必要的。旅游使人们认识新的风俗、品尝独特的食物、尝试新鲜的事物。当你有机会或足够的金钱和时间的时候,你可以环游世界。旅游也可以使人们结交新朋友,无论你走到哪里. 它将使你的生活更加精彩,并且会使你对这个世界和人们有更深刻地了解。

9.Do you think it is possible to realize the Space Tour?Give your reason.

I think it is possible to realize the space tour in the future. With the development of sci ence and technology, there will be more advanced transportations. And the cost of spa ce tour will be cheaper and more acceptable. If we can travel to space, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of space. At the same time we can also enjoy the taste of weig htlessness. I think in the near future, people will travel to space and have a holiday. Space travel is not realisticSpace travel, as its name suggests, is to travel to space. The purpose of space travel is to enjoy the beautiful scenery of space and feel the taste of weightlessness. The real meaning of space travel project is put forward by the Russian Federal Space Agency, the first to achieve space travel is a wealthy American businessman Dennis Tito, he became the first orbital space travel, and the cost of the space travel up to $20 million, so far a total of seven richest of the orbit of space travel.

Although space travel can be achieved,however,The high cost of space travel can only make a small number of the rich have the opportunity to travel in space, and ordinary people can not pay such a high price, unless, reduce the cost of space travel to become the key to space travel project market development.

In addition, the demands of the physical quality of the tourists is very strict.so Only a few people can make space travel.

Space travel is not realistic

10.What do you think is the greatest issue the tourism industry is facing nowadays?

Although tourism is booming in China in recent years, a series of problems, such as ecology, destruction and environmental pollution, have limited the further development of tourism,

With the development of economy, people's living standards are rising, and the desire to travel is becoming more and more urgent. The tourism industry is developing in the developed countries. These countries often pay much attention to the non economic value of tourism. In developing countries, people tend to pay more attention to the

economic value and the contribution to the national economy.

So The actual environmental problems faced by China's tourism industry is not optimistic.

1、Tourism city ecological environment deterioration

2、Tourists' environmental protection consciousness, adding to the tourist attractions of man-made damage factors, in the scenic spots we can often see the climbing sites tourists touch, in some of the monuments carved chaos graffiti phenomenon also occurs from time to time. All these are the places of interest in the original features and existing life under serious threat.

3、Tourism resource management system is not perfect, the tourist attractions "super load" work is common

4、Environmental protection consciousness adding, to the tourist attractions of man-made damage factors in, the scenic spots we can often see the tourists touch in sites climbing, some of carved monuments graffiti chaos also phenomenon the occurs from time to time. All are these places the of interest in the original features and existing life under serious threat. Tourists'

5、The exploitation of the tourism resources, which has caused the destruction of some resources.

6、Environmental protection consciousness adding, to the tourist attractions of man-made damage factors in, the scenic spots we can often see the tourists touch in sites climbing, some of carved monuments graffiti chaos also phenomenon the occurs from time to time. All are these places the of interest in the original features and existing life under serious threat. Tourists'

11.Survey:If you had $100.000,where would you go on vacation?How about if you had $10,000?What about $1,000?

12.Group work:Work on 4 to make a presentation about “tourism bringing us........”

13.Your favorite music type and musical work;

14.How often you listen to music?

15.Where you listen to music (you can choose the following items and also add more items if necessary); in TV or radio

From CD

By music player(including cell phone)

On the internet

At the concert / live performance

Types of music and their representatives 音乐的种类及其代表

Classical music 古典音乐

代表歌手:久石让代表作品:always with you

Country music 乡村音乐

代表歌手:taylor swift 代表作品:love story

Pop music 流行音乐

代表歌手:Justin 代表作品:baby

Blues 蓝调,布鲁斯

代表歌手:adele 代表作品:rolling in the deep

Folk 民歌


Rock & Roll 摇滚乐

Jazz 爵士乐

Orchestral music 管弦乐队音乐

Punk rock 朋克摇滚

Electrophonic music 电子音乐

关于音乐对人产生的影响可以用到的词汇:improve, raise, enrich,reduce,score,strong,smart,calm

Music’s benefits:

①Reduce stress and aid relaxation:Music, especially upbeat tunes, can take your mind off what stresses you, and help you feel more optimistic and positive.

②Improve creativity and clarity:By reducing stress and tension,music can make you feel more energetic and raise performance levels.

③Pain relief:Overall, music does have positive effects on pain management. Music can help reduce both the sensation and distress of both chronic pain and postoperative pain.

Music can give us lots of feelings,when we are upset,it can make us excited.On the other side,it will celebrate with us,if we feel delight.So both happy and depressed,l will wear my headset to enjoy music.

I often listen to music on my cell phone,whatever musci I want I can download by 4G in a minute,and it is surely convenience.By the way,I would like to buy a HIFI player to enjoy high quality music.

There are so many types of music that one of them must be prepared for you. Speaking to the benefis of music,we have to talk about a hot word, prenatal education.Not only can music make us adult comfortable,but also can music have a beneficial effect on their mental development.

To regard music and value it only as entertainment i to miss what is most important about it.

Music activates the whole brain and makes you feel more energetic and there is a well-documented link between music and learning.

According to the research outlined in the book,musical pieces,such as those of Mozart referred toas the Mozart Effect,can relieve stress,improve communication and increase efficiency.

What do you think music play what role in our life?

Just as other kinds of art, music has become an indispensable part of human culture. It brings us with nutritious spiritual foods, enriches our leisure life .In addition, music

can do good to us very much. It can elicit the imagination of us. And, it teaches us how to distinguish beauty from nature. Listening to the music, I am sure you will soon be refreshed from a day's hard work and relax.

1. Do you think it's necessary to open a music course in high school?

Yes, of course. There is usually 1 or 2 hours each week used for teaching music. I think there should be more , such as at least 3 or more. Music can also be used to bring a more positive state of mind.

2. Do you like music or not? why?

I like music. I often listen to music on my cell phone,whatever musci I want I can download by 4G in a minute,and it is surely convenience.By the way,I would like to buy a HIFI player to enjoy high quality music in the future.Also, listening to the music, I am sure you will soon be refreshed from a day's hard work and relax.

3. Describe the music you like most and tell me why?

I like classic music. It usually has a slow rhythm and a pleasant melody. Listening to the music, I can soon be refreshed from a day's hard work and relax. Breathing and heart rate can also be altered by the changes classic music can bring.Greatly promoting not only relaxation,but health. The right song can put anybody in a better mood and smoothe emotional turmoil.

16.What you can benefit from music;

Music will definitely benefit people both intelligently and emotionally. According to some research, those children who often listen to classical music, such as that by Beet hoven or Mozart, tend to develop better intelligence and be smarter. What is m ore important, listening to music helps to alleviate the boredom in a routine life and get one refreshed and high in spirit. It is really hard to imagine a world without music and I tend to believe our lives would be that much less complete without it.

1.Music makes a well-rounded person and promotes an enriched life for him or her.

2.Reducing blood pressure

By playing recordings of relaxing music every morning and evening, people with high blood pressure can train themselves to lower their blood pressure - and keep it low. 3.Medicine for the heart

Music is good for your heart. Research shows that it is musical tempo, rather than styl e. Whether or not a person liked the style of music did not matter. The tempo, or pace, of the music had the greatest effect on relaxation. 4.Music enhances intelligence, lear ning and IQ

The idea that music makes you smarter received considerable attention from scientists and the media. Listening to music or playing an instrument can actually make you lea rn better.

17.Do you think there is enough music for children?What do you think of it? Thank you, teachers. Our topic is “Do you think there is enough music fr children?What do you think of it?”.

I think that there is not enough music for children.Because, right now, children are getting mature more and more early. One of the reasons is that they are listening some

music, such as the black’s rap, rock and roll, and so on, which they are not ready to take it at such a young age. Those lyrics are full of sex, violence and blood. That means the music for children is still not enough.

18.Survey:Learning music or not ? Quickly survey several of your classmates and ask the following question:If you were parents,would you make your child learn music?Why or why not?

As far as I am concerned,I will first find out that whether my child is keenly interested or not.Standing on my standpoint,I will never force my child,because it is never a wis e idea to force him to do anything he's not ready to do unless it's a matter of utmost im portance. Nevertheless, I will guide him consciously to the music as learning music ca n benefit him in his whole life.At the same time I will let him know how to balance between learning music and developing other aspects.Only in this way may children l ead a healthy childhood.

19.Group Work :IQ and EQ,How important is IQ to a person?What do you think of EQ?

IQ is short for Intelligence quotient (系数)。It is a score to assess human intelligence. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a value that ind icates a person's ability to learn, understand, and apply information and skills in a mea ningful way. A high IQ is important to a person. Persons with a high IQ have a better c hance of being successful at school and professionally. For example, if one children w ith a high IQ, when he study at school, he will learn Knowledge quicker than others a nd have more spare time to do something what he is interested in. And his life will be more rich and colorful .We must use the rich knowledge to arm their thoughts. As gor ky said, no force more powerful than knowledge. Armed with knowledge of talents is really invincible, only high IQ, has the ability to talent to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Emotional intelligence, often referred to as EQ, is a set of abilities that lets you form optimal relationships with yourself and others. And research shows it can be a far better predictor of life success than IQ.Unlike IQ, which is pretty much established at birth, EQ can be learned, implemented and improved upon at any age.


1.Recognizing your emotions and their effects; knowing your strengths and limitations; and having a strong sense of your capabilities and self-worth.

2. Self-regulation:要妥善的管理自己的情绪能力

Managing your moods by keeping disruptive emotions and impulses in check; and channeling your feelings and resources to enhance your performance and productivity.

3. Self-motivation:自我激励能力

Knowing how to use your emotions to propel yourself into action toward a desired goal and to persevere despite obstacles and setbacks.

. Empathy:认识他人情绪的能力

Your ability to sense others' feelings and perspectives; read and understand the dynamics of relationships; and anticipate, recognize and meet key constituents' needs.

5. Social skills:人际关系处理能力

Your adeptness at inducing desirable responses in others through communication, collaboration, influence and relationship-building.

Nowadays, many people in the society hold the idea that 20% of one’s success lies in his Intelligence Quotient, while 80% in his Emotional Quotient. Peopl e now are more and more aware of the importance of EQ.

In my opinion, I fully agree with that. First of all, with a high EQ, one will get along we ll with his peers and companions, so they can conduct business or finish their work in a harmonious atmosphere and improve the working efficiency. Furthermore, only wi th high EQ can one be self-restrained and bravely overcome the difficulties encounter ed in work and life. In brief, a high EQ will make a person become more optimistic, co nfident and passionate in his work.

Oral topics:

1.What is the potential impact of smartphone addiction?

With the increasing popularity of smartphone, almost everyone gets one. However, thi s phenomenon also turned out a problem, smartphone addiction, which makes users in trouble. Some signs and symptoms of being addicted to smartphone is not being rema in without using one for even a short period of time. When you are not with your s martphone, you may feel a sense of anxiety or dread and may feel like a part you is lo st. Another symptom is trying to search for your phone if you are away from it even for a few minutes. When you do not find it, you may feel anxious and begin to panic. You may also prefer using your phone when you are out on a date or meeting friends . Another major symptom is getting angry when you are interrupted while using the phone. These feelings are central to smartphone addiction and call for a red flag whic h might require professional attention.

Smartphone addiction has a bad impact on your life. Like ignoring your friend and de stroy the friendship between you; Occupying your most time; Cause health problems.

I suppose you'd better pinpoint out why are you always checking your phone, It could be due to boredom, loneliness, or anxiety and you can find something else to alleviate the problem. It is also a good idea to turn off alert signals and notifications and turn of f your phone altogether if necessary. This forces you to go a long period of time without even touching it, which can help to reduce the addiction by making you les s reliant. If you're addicted, it's never too late to fight it.

2.Hold a discussion the profound impact brought about by the internet on the world.

Has the internet made us more or less social?

1.Yes it makes us WAY less social

Think about it some people in other countries have no social media sites and never will whereas we couldn't last one day without ours because we would lose more supposed "friends" . Honestly I think it's pathetic that we can't sit down and just talk face to face. Personally I would rather have five REAL friends than 1000 virtual ones. Wouldn't you?

Social media such as QQ and WEIbo have made us less social. Instead of going

out with friends and enjoying your time with family, people just use these sites.

People don't need to go out any more

People used to need to go out with their friends to find out about their lives but now they can find out from their computer screen without any real human contact or conversation. People no longer need to be able to communicate properly with others due to the fact that the internet is doing it for them. And also the ability to use internet phones to check social media sights has turned places like coffee shops and cafes into non social areas. Instead of approaching strangers to be entertained in new situations people are just pulling out their phones and checking their social media so that they can feel connected to others without actually being connected to others.

Yes MUCH less social

Although social media seemingly “connects”us to our friends and families, in reality we are pushed farther apart by the illusion that we are connected. In reality for many people it is normal for them to feel connected because they read updates about their friends. However in truth these updates and headlines only encourage us not to truly connect in person or by voice because we think we already know.

Yes, less social

Overall the tools we use and the machines we have to facilitate social communication can be deleterious to social interaction. We may have more information, yes, but it is communicated through a machine, not nearly the same as being face to face with someone (except Skype, of course). In a way, people growing will lose face to face communication abilities.

3.Now the digital age has brought convenience to people’s lives, and at the

same time, the network has created a lot of privacy or security issues.

Elaborate it with your partners.

4.Celebrities’ privacy should be protected or publicized on the internet?

○2How to protect our personal information on the internet?

First,we must have the conscious .then we should pay attention to the website that need us information. We should not put our information on the net and don’t provide information to the peo ple wo are not familier.

○3What are the potential risks or dangers we may be face in surfing the internet?

First, our personal information may be let out.second,we may be cheated by someone .we may be hurt by the information that is bad for ous mind ,such as violence, yellow movie

○4how long do you spend on average with your smartphone before going to sleep?

As for me ,I usually play my cellphone for about half an hour ,I can know something that is happended today,I can listen some music to make me relaxed and happy.so I have a satisficated day.

○5Do you stay on-line longer than originally intended?

Yes,when I search something that interesting me,I can’t stand stopping .it is so funny that I want to know more ahout it.

○6Do you feel compelled to check for updates on wechat and other social networking applications?

Yes,when I’m free ,I often check for update applications that wil make my smartphone more quickly and I can know the latest function.

○7Do you feel the need to use the smartphone with increasing amount of time in order to achieve satisfaction?

No ,as for me ,wo have own interesting ,the smartphone is the tool that can make my life more meaning and colorful,it can’t take over my minds.

○8Do you feel restless,moody,depressed,or irritable when your smartphone is offline for half a day?

Yes ,when I go to the place ,the first thing is look for the free line that I can use smartphone to receive information, communicate with friends , Read the News

5.What is the relationship between culture and language? Can you show some

Chinglish expressions popular in China?

6.How do you understand the globalization of languages? Should our Chinese

be purified or not?


A.The culture is complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.

B .some gree with that culture is a series of activities and worldviews that provide humans with the illusion of being individuals of value in a world meaning—raising themselves above the merely physical aspects of existence, in order to deny the animal insignificance and death that Homo Sapiens became aware of when he acquired a larger brain.

2.关于节日对话which festival is you most like?

A: A great holiday was just past. How much mystery gift and sweet words you have received?

B: Ah!What is the great festival? What is you said? That's just a western festival. A:Yeah. We have so many tradition festivals that were forgotten. Now it is crazy to western festival, Why is that?

B: Personally I think the best aspect of western festival is that it can let us send each other some significant small gift and increase everybody sentiment

A: I don’t think so. Our holiday sending gifts is more interesting, especially the Spring Festival. Our festival can more stimulate the consumption than western festival, and we basically will send our best wishes to everybody that we know.

B: After listened what you said, I get some ideas. Some of our holidays are so grand, while some are forgotten by us. Grand festival is too grand, and the forgotten festival, almost no one reminds it.

A:Yeah,for example, in the spring festival ,we should have a good rest during the vocation. On the contrary, we are all busy for others, we have to engage in social activities to maintain a series of relationship.

B:But in order to get a better life, we must learn to enjoy busy. Everything is worthy when we can eat rich food prepared together with our family in the spring eve.

3.Cultural differences 文化差异attitude

4.We can find that it’s variety of cultures now, though we live in the same world. You say Yes or no?

Facing varity of cultures, we should adjust ourselves to accept them which are right. Personally, if we can accept all kinds of cultures; we are good along with our friend. What’s more, it can develop the relation of our countries nationality. Once upon a time, our family had a meal with my mother’s friend who is a Hui nationality. Fortunately, I know Hui nationality regard pig as god. So we ordered beef instead oh pork in that meal. My mother’s friend expressed his satisfy, because only a few of people remembered this detail. It goes without saying that it’s important that people in increasing numbers are beginning to accept culture differences.

4.What (things) we can do to know more culture differences?

1.Firstly, we can read the books or search the internet to know the culture differences. Secondly, we can accept other culture which is good for us.

2.Thirdly, we must respect other culture, though we don’t like it.

3.The word culture, from the Latin colo, -ere, with its root meaning "to cultivate", generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance. Different definitions of "culture" reflect different theoretical bases for understanding, or criteria for evaluating, human activity. Anthropologists most commonly use the term "culture" to refer to the universal human capacity to classify, codify and communicate their experiences symbolically. This capacity is long been taken as a defining feature of the genus Homo. However, primatologists such as Jane Goodall have identified aspects of culture among our closest relatives in the animal kingdom

7.Should college education be elite education or mass education?

If the enrollment rate of school-age population is below 15%, the education is called elite education.While theenrollment rate of school-age population is between 15% and 45%,the education is called mass education.Elite education specially emphasizes on intelligence and basic, which is different from mass education

In view of some people, universities should only allow good students into their programs. On one hand, these students value the importance of a good education and

interested in furthering their education. On the other hand,the world development mode has justified that elite education is an inevitable choice universities have had to make

Every coin has two sides. It is true to elite education. The first disadvantage of an elite education is that it makes you incapable of talking to people who aren’t like you. The second disadvantageis that an elite education inculcates a false sense of self-worth. One of the great errors of eliteeducationis that it teaches you to think that measures of intelligence and academic achievement are measures of value in some moral or metaphysical sense.But they’re not. Graduates of elite schools are not more valuable than stupid people, or talentless people, or even lazy people. Compared with elite education, mass education is more suitable for China. And China has changed from elite education to mass education. From elite education to mass education,people at all levelsof societycan go to colleges, which broaden the range of education.The number of colleges is much more than ever.

In economic aspects,mass education has developed a lot of different levels of high-quality people, which have a great influence on every industry and lead the development of the economy.

In economic aspects,mass education has developed a lot of different levels of high-quality people, which have a great influence on every industry and lead the development of the economy.

8.There is no doubt that college education has cultivated many successful

people in all fields, and contributed a lot to the development of human civilization. Do you agree that the purpose for education is for careers?

9.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of elite education with your

partners. Do you agree that an elite education will lead you to a promising job?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5819144715.html,pare western films with Chinese films.

11.Why so many grown-ups are fascinated with animated movies?

Elite education specially emphasizes on intelligence(n. 智力) and basic, which is different from mass education. In view of some people, universities should only allow good students into their programs. On one hand, these students value(vt.重视) the importance of a good education and interested in furthering their education. On the other hand,the world development mode has justified that elite education is an inevitable(adj.必然的)choice universities have had to make.

Disadvantages of elite education:

1.Every coin has two sides. It is true to elite education.

2.The first disadvantage of an elite education is that it makes you incapable of talking to people who aren’t like you.

3.The second disadvantage is that an elite education inculcates(教育;谆谆教诲;教授)a false sense of self-worth. One of the great errors of elite education is that it teaches you to think that measures of intelligence and academic achievement are measures of value in some moral or metaphysical(adj. 形而上学的;)sense.But they’re not. Graduates of elite schools are not more valuable than stupid people, or talentless people, or even lazy people.

Disadvantages of elite education:

1)The first disadvantage of an elite education is that it makes you incapable of

talking to people who aren’t like you.

2)The second disadvantage is that an elite education inculcates a false sense of


3)The third one is that it is profoundly anti-intellectual.

4)Being an intellectual means being passionate about ideas.Only a small minority

have seen their education as part of a larger intellectual journey,have approached the work of the mind with a pilgrim soul.

5)Being an intellectual means thinking your way toward a vision of the good

society and then trying to realize that vision by speaking truth to power.

6)Being an intellectual begins with thinking your way outside of your assumptions

and the system that enforces them.

Advantages of elite education

1.First of all,getting elite education,people can abtain more opportunities in the future easily,no matter the further education or getting a suitable job.

2.Second,for students themselves,getting excellent education means they may have more relative knowledge and information in their major than those who didn't get it.Also they may construct personal qualification to meet the all-around development. They can serve well for our modern society.

3.Nowadays, our world is getting more and more civilized. There are more people are getting education than before and the education level is higher and higher. The good thing that we get educated is that we can make our life better with knowledge, raise our personal quality and avoid the mistakes caused by ignorant.

Getting a elite education can also make sure that we have a satisfied work when we finish our education, in the same time we can contribute to our society with our power and knowledge. Therefore, education is very important for everyone.

4.The benefits of getting a elite education Firstly, you can expand your horizon if you get good scientific education, you can see the world more clearly than if you are not well educated. Most of the outstanding scientists are better off their excellent educational experience.

5.Secondly, you can get a good job if you graduate from the famous university, you know, in the fierce society, getting a good job is not an easy thing even if you have the bachelor diploma. So a elite education is a key to the door of the bright career.

6.Thirdly, you would know how to get well with others if you have a good conscience education, and you would have a high EQ, and more and more people like you, that will be your big advantage to your success. And, the most important thing is that you know how to bring yourself the true peace into your heart, and how to love.

7.All in all, never miss the chance to get the elite education in your life, maybe it will be the rock of your road to the true harmony with the world.

1、College education should be elite education or mass education?

Agree to mass education:Compared with elite education, mass education is more suitable for China. And China has changed from elite education to mass education. From elite education to mass education,people at all levels of society can go to colleges, which broaden the range of education.The number of colleges is much more than ever. From elite education to mass education the whole level of education has been greatly improved. In economic aspects,mass education has developed a lot of different levels of high-quality people, which have a great influence on every industry and lead the development of the economy.

Agree to elite education:=advantages

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