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Dear Colleagues:

As Dean and President of Academic Committee of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Department in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, which enjoys high reputation in Asian telecommunication field, I am very pleased in

recommending Mr. Gregory Tang to study in your renowned university.

I was his teacher of the compulsory course of encoding and data processing and the director of his graduation thesis. And we also had very close contact when he was the chief editor of our departmental newspaper, so I knew him quite well about his academic performance and personal character.

In my course of encoding and data processing, he revealed keen appetite for knowledge by his attentive and active class participation. His well-founded mastery of the course supported by his solid mathematics background won him the first place in the class with the term final score of 96, topping all of his fellow students. His remarkable performance in this course had given me very deep impression.

Mr. Gregory Tang is well known in the department for his diligence and perseverance in study and researches. When he was taking part in SONY Cup National University and College Students Electronic Design Competition, I could always find him doing experiments in the lab, even late at night. And the AI Electric Scoreboard System designed by his team finally won the 2nd prize after intense competition with electronic aces from every corner of this country.

In November 19xx, the appraisal team decided to recommend Mr. Gregory Tang to be enrolled as graduate students with exemption of entrance exams. But at last because of his personal pursuit and plan of development, he abandoned this recommendation.

I respected his choice of personal orientation though I felt his refusal of this offer

a pity. Before his graduation, he mentioned to me in a conversation that he planned to work for two years and then would apply to study abroad. I felt quite glad of his plan as by my knowledge this university is of great fame and I also believe he can further enhance his capabilities of every aspect in this field if educated in a more liberal academic environment.

Therefore, I hereby strongly support Mr. Gregory Tang‘s application to be enrolled by your program. And his extraordinary performance I have learned through direct or indirect contacts, along with his working experience in R&D of Hutchison Telecommunications have made me convinced that he will be an outstanding candidate deserving your favorable consideration.

Yours sincerely,


To whom it may concern:

I am a senior engineer and the head of Transmission Business Department of Great Dragon Telecommunications Group. As the instructor of him in his graduation fieldwork,

I am very glad to write this letter in support of Mr. Gregory Tang‘s application for studying in your university.

I got to know Mr. Tang in 1998 when I was the head of a research and development team on 5G SDH optical telecommunications transmitting system, a part of the State 863 Program. He was recommended to me as a top student of Peking Post and Telecommunications University. After strict examinations, I accept him as a member of our team. Although Mr. Tang worked with us for only one year, his research ability, diligence, and team spirit really impressed all of us.

Mr. Tang has strong independent research and exploit ability. When working in our team, he was responsible for the research task of mapping four 34Mb/s signals into a STM- He creatively solved the problem of De-mapping and jitter restriction of PDH signals in SDH system. This research raised the transport efficiency of 34Mb/s signals by 33% so as to meet users‘ higher demand. This technology successfully passed the test of the Information Industry Ministry and was applied to the broadcasting and TV transmission experimental network of HuNan Province later.

Mr. Tang is proficient in English. He can communicate with foreign specialists in English, which is rare among Chinese young people. I think language will not be an obstacle for his study and life abroad.

Telecommunications industry is a rising industry in China. Chinese government is giving full support to its development. I support Mr. Tang‘s decision, and hope that he will come back to make more contribution to our motherland after he finishes his program abroad. I would be very grateful if you could give his application your fullest consideration.

Yours sincerely


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 绿卡申请的推荐信 篇一:美国绿卡申请表 /retype/zoom/bfe46d7058fafab068dc021d?pn=2&x=0&y=12 68&raww=300&rawh=100&o=png_6_0_0_108_63_283_95_892. 979_1262.879&type=pic&aimh=100&md5sum=38c07f2d0be57 f4d3349a7fc3b188f36&sign=84d07d8db1&zoom=&png=23665 -&jpg=0-0"target="_blank">点此查看 http://通过国家利益豁免或者杰出人才。另外的途径 就是通过婚姻/亲属移民。一般学生的途经都是F1(学 生)-h1b(工作)-绿卡申请。 5、亲属移民和劳工移民申请绿卡 一般劳工移民是送到几个服务中心的,而亲属移民则由 当地移民局排期决定。亲属移民则需要先通过亲属移民成功,然后在美国居住五年,便可以申请绿卡。 怎样申请美国绿卡讲得已经够详细了。你如果想拿到美国绿卡就是这几种途径,资金充足就选投资移民,技术好可

以选择工作途径,杰出人才的话可以直接申请。另外就是学生和亲属了。 篇二:获取美国绿卡申请大学优势显著 获取美国绿卡申请大学优势显著 很多学生或家长会问,拥有绿卡对学生申请、就读美国大学是否有优势。这个问题没有一个绝对的答案。是否能进入美国的大学,甚至常春藤名校,和学生的综合能力,大学 标准化入学考试成绩、申请材料的准备等诸多个人因素有关。但当比较了移民学生美国大学入学率,和留学生美国大学入学率后,还是会发现移民学生就读大学的优势还是普遍比留学生高。主要优势分为以下两点:移民学生申请大学不受外 国留学生(F1签证) 配额限制。 移民学生可享用各州本地学生学费和奖学金优势。 【赴美留学人数剧增,前景乐观】 首先要强调的是,近些年随着留学政策的开放,已经有越来越多的中国学生选择并有机会来到美国求学。由美国教育与文化事务局(bureauofeducationalandculturalAffairs)和美国国际教 育协会(InstituteofInternationaleducation)共同发布的《门户开放报告》(openDoorReport)20XX年度数据(见图1)


高中生申请美国大学推荐信范例 出国留学有几封推荐信是必不可少的,那么本科留学推荐信要怎么写呢?下面为大家介绍一下本科留学推荐信的内容及推荐信范文。 本科留学推荐信的内容: (1)申请者的学业成绩或特质,是否具有领导才能,是否具有很强的分析能力等。在这一点上要注意适度,不能因为谦虚对优点加以掩盖,也不能夸夸其谈过高的估计申请者。 (2)充分挖掘申请者自身的特殊之处,例如有很强的沟通能力,或者是擅长某种语言等。 (3)就你所了解的范围而言,该申请者有什么比较重要的成绩或是成就,学业上的或是其他方面的。 (4)该申请者是否有何弱项,例如之前有过某些方面的挫折,但是从这个失败的经历中获得了什么经验教训等。 (5)对申请者未来潜力的描述,即解释推荐人愿意对该申请者做出推荐的原因,以及一旦该申请者获得到该校继续深造的机会会有什么发展等。 接下来就可以正式动笔了,不同的学校对推荐信的要求可能会略有不同,但是基本上一封结构清晰明确内容翔实的推荐信都应该由以下几个部分组成: (1)介绍部份。首先应该清楚明确的介绍推荐人的情况,工作单位、职位、与被推荐人的关系以及与被推荐人相处的时间长短等。在这一部份也可以给被推荐人一个总体的评价。 (2)主体部分。重点讲述被推荐人一至两个优秀品质,并且用有力的事实证明加以辅佐。要注意掌握对具体事例的选择,这不是简单的把申请者简历上的经历等内容进行一个拼凑,而是要要举出几个最有代表性的能够充分体现申请人人格魅力的例子。 (3)结论部份。解释为什么申请人的申请计划是适合他本人的,并且说明你认为该申请人在未来会对这个被申请的学校做出什么样的贡献。最后可以再次强调你对推荐该申请者充满信心,为能够推荐他到更好的院校进行深造感到十分自豪,同时表示学校在审核材料的过程中可以随时联系你,不要忘记附上你的联系方式。 本科留学推荐信范文: 吴可馨,2005年8月考入深圳市百年老校南头中学高中部,在精英荟萃的一班就读,我有幸成了她高中阶段第一任班主任、第一任语文老师、第一任年级组长,得以熟悉并了解她。 可馨有着强烈的进取心和求知欲,并且很独立、很主动地设计着自己的人生。她不喜欢轻易跟着别人转。在中考结束后大多数学生都去狂欢放松的时候,她选择了暑期语言进修。这使她后来的中文成绩、英文成绩在年级近千名学生中一直遥遥领先。她很擅长写作,这除了得益于她的想象力和创造力,更多依赖于她思维的个性和深度。她的随笔有一种独特的韵味和有别于常人的思考,她不喜欢写空话,无论是写自己生活的琐屑,还是发表对他人、对时事的看法,她绝对说真话。所以她的文章总是吸引很多人,大家还常常被她文章中的悲悯情怀所打动,一个被辞退的教师,一位答不上题的同学,一只流浪的猫等等,都会让她顿生恻隐之心。更难得的是,她还剖析这些事件背后的文化意义,这就使得她身上散发着一种古老的人文精神,和她的独立态度和自由精神一样,这是她超越同届学生们的地方。作为一名热爱读书的女生,她有很敏感的心,对语言尤其有一种细腻而透彻的悟性,这使得她的文字温婉而不失一种张力。 她热爱团队,有较强的合作能力和组织能力。她是学生会社团部部长,曾策划了社团一系列活动,这也显示出她潜藏的领导才华;另外,兴趣的广泛和知识的丰富,以及对工作、


Recommendation Letter Draft Dear Sir or Madam, I am glad to recommend Ms. XX to your graduate program. She is a hardworking and intelligent student in my class. Ms. X did good job on my lectures of digital signal processing and microelectronic circuit design. Through hard working, she became one of the top students in my class. Ms. X is focusing on machine to machine networking and doing wireless communication research work with my colleague in the Joint Institute. However, she never limits her knowledge to this certain realm but tries to study different topics. As a self-motivated person, she tries to acquaint herself with a wide range of engineering subjects, such as smart semiconductor devices, matrix theory and graph theory. Also, she succeeded in doing several engineering programs in our institute and for other organizations. Except for her research on network and communication, she participated in signal filter design, webpage and website construction as well as Grading Book system development. I appreciate her industry. Despite her sedulity, Ms. X is also a very sociable student with leadership. She is the president of Yunnan V olunteer Charity Program, which aims to improve the education and living quality of children in the western region of China. Ms. X gathered capable students and non-governmental organizations to realize their responsibilities. Also, she once worked for Microsoft Research Asia as an intern in her sophomore year. She was one of the youngest interns in the company. Her superior performance there set up good reputation for our Joint Institute. Besides, she helped to hold a collaborative discussion between Microsoft and our deans, Professor XX and XX. I am confident that Ms. X will be a good graduate student at your department. Her diligence and strong social ability are the two biggest merits for her to be successful in the overseas study. Sincerely yours, Prof. XX UM-SJTU Joint Institute


下面是一篇精彩的美国留学推荐信范文,推荐信要突出个人亮点。在推荐信中,并不是把这个人的优点写得面面俱到就是好推荐信,因为这样并没有突出申请者与众不同的亮点。同时,在国外的院校里,他们每天要收到很多封推荐信,有亮点的信自然会吸引人的注意。 一封推荐信中有一个主要的闪光点并有具体例子佐证申请者的优点即可,这样会给招生人员留下较为深刻的印象。我们下面就来看一篇美国留学推荐信范文。 To Whom It May Concern: I am very pleased to recommend Martha Holden for admission to your university program. As her guidance counselor for three years I have watched this young woman develop both academically and personally into a mature individual ready in every way for her college years. Martha is bright, energetic, compassionate and genuinely well rounded. Her grades have been consistently above average in all of her courses, and she has actively participated in a diverse assortment of extracurricular activities ranging from track and field and chorus to the school yearbook and our drama club. Martha has also spent considerable time outside the school involved in the community. This has included work with Meals on Wheels and volunteering 10 hours a week at one of our area's shelters for battered and abused women. They think so much of her at the shelter they have offered her a paid internship for next summer. Previously, this internship had never been awarded to anyone before the end of their college sophomore year. Despite all the preparations that will be required for going off to college next fall, Martha told me she is absolutely thrilled about this opportunity and feels it will enhance her university studies. Unlike many students who are not sure which field to pursue, Martha has made clear to us all that her goal is to do Social Work. To this end she has worked tirelessly in our pilot program for mentoring Special Education students mainstreamed into our school. In closing, let me take a moment to recount an incident which I believe speaks volumes about the superior nature of this candidate. Two years ago I was returning from lunch to my office when I saw ahead of me in the hallway 90 pound Martha, arms stretched out between two 180+ pound students, one a Special Ed student and the other a school bully. Other students were standing by motionless or laughing while Martha showed the leadership and courage to immediately put an end to the embarrassing fight that had erupted. It is clear to me as I hope it is to you that this young woman, Martha Holden, is an exceptional candidate, one that would contribute greatly to any program. I wholeheartedly recommend her and wish her the very best in all future endeavors.


美国大学网申系统提交推荐信的步骤简介 ★个人简历为大家整理的美国大学网申系统提交推荐信的步骤简介,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站个人简历! 美国大学网申系统提交推荐信的步骤简介 通过美国大学网申系统提交推荐信,这样非常方便快捷,不会丢失,并且通常可以立即在网申系统上看到确认信息——推荐信已收到。要求网申的学校都会提供一个申请系统,在注册了ID后可以使用其反复登陆填写系统需要的信息,只需要根据要求并在Deadline 前提交(Submit)即可。 美国大学网申系统提交推荐信注意事项: 如果通过美国大学网申系统提交推荐信,网申系统会给你的推荐人发送一封邀请信来邀请他推荐你。但是,由于有些学校的邮箱对垃圾邮件的过滤功能过

于严格,以至于常常把各个网申系统(如embark)发送的自动邮件当作垃圾邮件或者直接隔离,如果老师用Outlook/Foxmail之类的邮件学生端收邮件的话,这些邮件是收不到的。 美国大学网申系统提交推荐信的步骤: 具体网推步骤为:到学校申请系统上填入你的推荐人的信息(姓名、电话、油箱等等),然后学校系统会自动发送一个链接到你的推荐人的油箱。推荐人可以通过这个链接进入到学校的推荐系统,然后根据学校要求输入学校所需的推荐信息,点击提交,推荐完成。 当然我们都知道大多数中国人的推荐信过去都是申请人自己写好然后请推荐人过目签字自己邮寄即可。那对于网申来说,其实同样可以在不麻烦推荐人撰写推荐信的前提下完成推荐,具体操作流程为:首先自己写好推荐信草稿,然后请推荐人过目并修改,定稿。随后跟推荐人取得推荐人的邮箱(账号及密码),登录推荐人邮箱进行正常网推步骤即可。 当然这么做也会有几个问题,1,推荐人不愿意把自己的邮箱给申请者。2,推荐人没有电子邮箱。遇到第一种情况(范文查查网https://www.doczj.com/doc/5918551155.html,),如果推荐人不愿透露自己邮箱信息,就只好请推荐人自己上


要推荐信范文英文 美国大学在招生审核中考虑的一些因素是显而易见的——GPA、课外活动、标化考试成绩、留学文书。然而,有时会很容易忽视一件同等重要的事情——推荐信。虽然并非所有大学都要求推荐信,但有时推荐信会带来新的亮点,从而大大增加你的入学机会。 推荐信是什么? 简而言之,推荐信是校园或社区中某人写的一封信,描述申请人作为学生和个人的特色和成长。推荐信(或至少是最有效的推荐信)通常包括你的学术和课外表现,以及个性、成就等。 推荐信不仅用于大学申请过程,许多实习和工作岗位也需要它们。此外,一些奖学金申请也需要提交推荐信。推荐信可能不是最重要的因素,但它们肯定可以帮助你在竞争日益激烈的大学申请过程中脱颖而出。 寻找推荐人 究竟谁是出具推荐信的最合适人选?你可能会直奔你最喜欢的老师,但有时这并不是最好的选择。

康奈尔大学新生Alice Pham建议不仅仅是找一位你觉得很酷的老师。“选择一位尊重你的老师,能够从个人的角度谈论你的优势——而不仅仅是在课堂上给你A的老师。对于知名大学,教师推荐信是申请成败的关键之一。” 想想最了解你的人,这可以是教师、牧师、打工机构的主管、教练或导师。无论是谁,试着找到一个你熟悉并能准确描述你的人。始终考虑和你有个人接触的人,毕竟只知道你在课堂上表现出色的推荐人写不出太丰富的内容。以下是一些参考标准: 你应该在高中期间认识此人至少两年,越久越好。拥有数学和/或理科教师推荐信对于对STEM(科学、技术、工程、数学)感兴趣的申请人可能很有用,但并不是必须的。了解他们的日程安排。如果那个人工作繁忙,推荐信可能不会太好。找一个写作水平不错的人。对你来说可能是非常重要的人如果无法在纸上表达自己的感情,可能也没法写出太好的推荐信。无论你选了谁,都别忘记考虑可能影响推荐信效力和及时性的外部因素。 要求推荐信 你有中意的人选。下一个重要步骤是提出为你写推荐信的要求。听起来很简单吧?


To whom it may concern, My name is XXX. As the English teacher of XXX Middle School, which is one of the most prestigious middle schools in XXX, I deem it a pleasure to recommend XXX, one of the outstanding students in our department for admission and support her application for advanced study in your university. I first became acquainted with XXX since 2014, when she first came to our school as a high school student. Since her enrollment into our department with remarkable entrance scores, XXX has embodied the fine character of strong inquisition and industriousness in learning, which has gained her significant academic success during her college years. I am aware of her distinctive academic performance as reflected in her transcripts. She maintains a very high score in my courses that places him in the top 5% out of 20 through the past years. In the English Speech Contest organized by the International Department of our school, she excelled most of other contestants in the 10th grade. I have also discovered her to be perseverant and enthusiastic in studies and extracurricular activities. During the Military Life Experiencing period, a compulsory training program for all Chinese high school freshmen upon their immediate entrance, she was granted the title of Excellent Trainee thanks to her painstaking training efforts, though the training was extraordinarily rigorous and demanding. In the past 2 years, she has

【2018-2019】去美国留学推荐信-范文word版 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! == 去美国留学推荐信 英文推荐信如何书写【1】 一封推荐信应该提供如下信息: who you are, your connection with the person you are recommending, why they are qualified and the specific skills they have。此外,还应该包括联系方式,以便用人单位可以了解、确认情况。 下面是一个美国留学申请推荐信模版,它可以帮助你写好一封英文推荐信,使你更顺利地前往美国留学生活。 salutation 如果你的推荐信是要给某一个人的,你应该加上称呼,例如dear dr. smith, dear mr. jones,等等。如果你的推荐信非常general,你在称呼的地 方写to whom it may concern 或者不写称呼也可以。 paragraph 1 推荐信的第一段应该说明你和被推荐人的关系,包括你是怎么认识他/她的,还有你写这封推荐信的资格。 paragraph 2 英文推荐信标准格式:推荐信的第二段应该包括被推荐人的个人信息,说 明他/她的资格、能力,还有你为什么要为他/她写推荐信。如果必要的话,可 以分几段来描述细节。

paragraph 3 如果是推荐被推荐人应聘某个职位,推荐信应该描述这个人的能力能适合他/她所要求的职位。可以参考招聘广告上对职位的要求和被推荐人的简历一起来写。 summary 主要内容叙述清楚后,还应该加一个简短的总结。总结部分应该再简述一下你为什么要推荐这个人。可以写上i highly recommend the person,i recommend the person without reservation 或者其他类似的话。 conclusion 英文推荐信的结尾部分应该写上你愿意提供更多的详细信息,要注明你的电话号码,联系方式和email address。 最后,还要写上下面这一段: sincerely, writers name title (tel number ,mailing address) 就这样,一封完美的美国留学申请英文推荐信就完成了。 美国留学推荐信原则【2】 一、关于申请美国大学的推荐信 我国学生提供的推荐信有很大的问题,有时候这些问题还很严重,我这里将提示大家,这些问题在什么地方需要克服—— 国外政府或官方机构不具备人事档案管理的职能,我国的国有机构都有人事处之类的机构,管理你的档案,我国的私营企业的人也要到国家办的人才交


精品文档 To: Professor Sasaki XXXX requested a letter of recommendation from me to support her application for studying at your university. I 'm the dean of institute. I am pleased to comply with her request. Three years ago, because of the high scores in the College Entrance Examination Miss XXXwent to our university and became my student. In my contact with her during three years. I was deeply impressed by Miss XXX's performance. During these three years she took part in a lot of activities didn 't distract her study. Got the scholarships and helped the instructor to manage the class as a leader. Thus I confirmed that she is a diligent student. Besides all above, I mayalso say he was a well-rounded. He has many good guarantees for her future success. I feel that Miss XXX is a student of great potential. Knowing that she is planning to further her studies in Japan, I amvery pleased to recommendher to your university and I sincerely hope that you will accept her application. Signature _________ Position ________


美国留学推荐信的递交流程是怎么样的 推荐信是申请美国大学时非常重要的一项条件,一封好的推荐信可以让你在众多竞争者中脱颖而出,那么美国留学推荐信递交流程是什么样的呢? 专家老师表示,首先要注意的是:纸推还是网推不是由申请者自行选择一种方式来完成,而是看学校的要求。 现在绝大多数学校都采用网上提交推荐信的这种方便快捷的提交方式,有利于加快材料的审核。极个别学校要求申请者将纸质的推荐信邮寄到学校指定的接收地址。 当然还有一种情况,就是当网推这种方式因为某些未知原因而无法完成时,学校给出的解决办法一般有两种,一种是将推荐信发到指定邮箱;另一种就是把纸质推荐信邮寄到给定的地址。 在网上提交推荐信,有这些步骤: 在填写各个学校的网申表格时,会有一个页面专门用于填写推荐人信息。 根据网申表格的要求,你可能需要填写推荐人的姓名、电子邮箱地址、职位、单位、与你的关系等。其中电子邮箱地址是最重要的。 之后,网申系统会给推荐人发送一封电子邮件,大概内容是:xxx 同学正在申请xxx 学校,邀请你给他写一封推荐信。 推荐人收到邮件后,点开网页地址(分配给这个推荐人的唯一网址,具有ID信息),就可以填写信息并递交推荐信。 网推中对于申请者各方面能力或素质的评估要根据推荐信中对申请者相关能力的推荐,两相结合来填写这个版块。推荐信中没有提及的其他能力的评价可以填的略低些或者无法评价,不要都是过分高的评分。 在推荐信这个递交过程中时,你需要了解下面这几个注意事项: 如果你的推荐人邮箱垃圾邮件过滤功能过于严格,常常把各个网申系统发送的自动邮件当作垃圾邮件直接隔离。 有的老师为了省事,让学生以老师的名义去重新申请一个个人邮箱,这就省去了推荐人转发邮件的麻烦。但建议大家不要这么做。许多学校都有规定,推荐人的邮箱必须是机构邮箱,而不能使用个人邮箱。 有的网申系统会在你输入推荐人信息之后马上就给推荐人发邮件,有的则会在申请递交之后才发邮件。 推荐信是否签字并不重要。几乎没有学校要求你的推荐信必须签字,甚至有的系统根本不是上传推荐信扫描件,而是直接让推荐人填文本框。但是,签了字的推荐信确实要正式一些。这个问题你可以自行斟酌。 预防你的推荐人出现不合作的情况。一开始,你的推荐人答应的好好的,要帮你交推荐信;但等你所有事情都弄好了,推荐人却变卦了,不理你了。这时你该怎么办?除了提前看清推荐人靠谱不靠谱外,还有一个策略是,尽早申请,给自己预留一些处理意外情况的时间。 在你替推荐人给你自己评分的时候,悠着点儿,智商、数学能力、学习能力、基础知识、沟通能力、写作能力、成熟度、自信心、潜力、分析能力等全部都处于top1%的人是少之又少的。 以上信息仅供同学们参考,有疑问可以咨询中青留学。


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除申请国外研究生推荐信 篇一:美国研究生申请推荐信的具体要求 申请美国大学一般要找几个推荐人写作推荐信? 找几个推荐人写推荐信要根据大学的要求。有的大学要求学生找两个推荐人写推荐信,有的大学要求学生提供三个不同推荐人写的推荐信。一般要求学生联系三个推荐人。 美国研究生申请推荐信怎么提交?有什么具体要求? 推荐信的提交方式要根据大学的要求。有的大学规定邮寄推荐信和网上提交推荐信都可以,两种方式选择其一。有的学校强烈建议选择网上提交,也就是online方式。 360教育集团介绍:如果学生选择邮寄推荐信,需要把推荐信打印出n份(要申请多少所学校就要至少准备多少份,最好再多准备几份备用),然后每份推荐信都要让老师签字。另外大学多数在网站上都提供推荐信表格,每个学校的推荐信表格版本不同,一般在网申的时候就可以下载到。学生要把推荐信表格下载下来,表格的上部分是学生的个人信息,由学生个人填写好,一般要求签字和写日期。之后,把表格

交给老师,推荐信表格的下半部分是老师对学生的评价。老师填写完,一般也要签字和写日期。之后,把签过字的推荐信和推荐信表格装到信封中,把信封封好,信封封口处签字。这样一份推荐信就准备好了。如果选择online提交,学生 需要提前跟推荐人打好招呼,让推荐人提供一个经常用的邮箱。一般情况下,如果推荐人是老师,最好提供他的工作邮箱。邮箱千万不能拼写错,这很重要,否则就会影响推荐信的提交。之后学生在填写网上申请表的时候,有专门填写推荐人信息的栏目,包括推荐人的电话、地址、邮箱等。有的学校会问推荐人是否选择online提交,选择“是”就可以了。如果选择“否”,就需要邮寄提交了。推荐人会在学生 填表后收到大学发来的邮件,包含了网址链接和登陆密码。老师根据登陆密码上到特定的网址在线填写推荐信并直接 在网上提交。选择online推荐,就不需要再邮寄签字的推 荐信,也不需要再邮寄推荐信表格。 也有少数学校不用提交推荐信,或者改为填写两到三个证明人信息,大学保留权力随时联系证明人核实信息。另外还有学校提供一个特定的邮箱地址,推荐人直接写好推荐信,用自己的邮箱发到指定的大学邮箱就可以。总之,推荐信的提交要根据不同学校的规定进行。 截止目前,留学360更新海外名校录取86789枚,其中哈佛大学43人、耶鲁大学56人、斯坦福大学43人、麻省


Dear Colleagues: As Dean and President of Academic Committee of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Department in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, which enjoys high reputation in Asian telecommunication field, I am very pleased in recommending Mr. Gregory Tang to study in your renowned university. I was his teacher of the compulsory course of encoding and data processing and the director of his graduation thesis. And we also had very close contact when he was the chief editor of our departmental newspaper, so I knew him quite well about his academic performance and personal character. In my course of encoding and data processing, he revealed keen appetite for knowledge by his attentive and active class participation. His well-founded mastery of the course supported by his solid mathematics background won him the first place in the class with the term final score of 96, topping all of his fellow students. His remarkable performance in this course had given me very deep impression. Mr. Gregory Tang is well known in the department for his diligence and perseverance in study and researches. When he was taking part in SONY Cup National University and College Students Electronic Design Competition, I could always find him doing experiments in the lab, even late at night. And the AI Electric Scoreboard System designed by his team finally won the 2nd prize after intense competition with electronic aces from every corner of this country. In November 19xx, the appraisal team decided to recommend Mr. Gregory Tang to be enrolled as graduate students with exemption of entrance exams. But at last because of his personal pursuit and plan of development, he abandoned this recommendation. I respected his choice of personal orientation though I felt his refusal of this offer a pity. Before his graduation, he mentioned to me in a conversation that he planned to work for two years and then would apply to study abroad. I felt quite glad of his plan as by my knowledge this university is of great fame and I also believe he can further enhance his capabilities of every aspect in this field if educated in a more liberal academic environment. Therefore, I hereby strongly support Mr. Gregory Tang‘s application to be enrolled by your program. And his extraordinary performance I have learned through direct or indirect contacts, along with his working


篇一:出国留学自荐信及推荐信 浅谈ps的写法 001-11-19 10:49:36 1.个 性 原 则 : 我相 信申请出国的大多数人都不是牛人。当你不是牛人,无法向对方吹嘘自己是多么的聪明的时候, 你就必须向对方展现自己的个人魅力。当你坐在计算机前开始写作的时候,你一定要想清楚自 己是什么样的人,自己有什么优点。如果你不能让对方相信你的聪明和爱因斯坦是同数量级的 (这种人指的是毕业于名校,gpa在3.8以上),那么你就应该让他相信你的勤奋或是坚韧 的毅力与阿甘相比有过之而无不及,--------当然你也可以想出你的其他优点。不过,你也 不要把我的意思弄拧了,我并不是说,你不能说自己是聪明的,而是说,你或许可以着更多的 笔墨在你的勤奋上。毕竟,聪明仅仅是成功的一个因素,而你的毅力,合作力等等可能是成功 更重要的因素。 2.专 业 原 则 你在 你的ps和rl里首先要写大量的专业性的东西,并且在写rl的时候尤其要以指导老师的口 吻写很多你做实验的细节性的东西,并且说你如何解决了一些决定性的问题。 象去骗签证官,如果你无法说出一两个专业名词的话,即使有大学毕业证书证明你是哪所学校 什么专业毕业的,也不能让签证官相信你确实是去美国上学,而不是去打工或移民什么的。因 为任何文件都可以造假,而你的思想是造不了假的。你要尽量把你的思想给反映出来。 你一 定要记住,美国的大学之所以给你奖学金,求着你去学他们的理工科专业,并不是因为你的英 语学的比美国人好,gre考的比美国人高,或是想给中国免费培养人才,而是你能为他们做实 验,能给他们出文章,你在美国攻读学位期间所做的工作将会或大或小的为美国的经济发展做 出贡献,尽管也许一时还看不出来。所以,专业原则是最重要的一个原则。


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除美国大学申请推荐信范例 篇一:美国大学推荐信的格式与内容详解 美国大学推荐信的格式与内容详解 美国大学推荐信对于美国留学申请非常重要,可谓文书中的重中之重,好的推荐信可以为申请带来意想不到的效果。很多同学问到美国大学推荐信格式的问题,其实,留学推荐信格式和普通信件的格式基本一致,下面我们来具体说说。 美国大学推荐信格式除了信头、发信日期、收信人姓名、称呼、信尾谦称、签名、推荐人姓名、职务等信件必需部分之外,正文内容说明应包括以下六项内容: 被推荐者的签名——为便于对方查询,被推荐者的签名仅写"mr.wang"或"missZhang"是不够的。用标准的汉语拼音或英文拼法都可以,但必须由被推荐者自己提供,且前后必须一致。 认识被推荐者的时间(howlonghaveyouknownhim/her?)——何时开始认识,或认识了多久。 认识程度(howwelldoyouknowhim/her?)——是偶尔见

面还是关系密切,或仅教过一年还是担任其导师。 与被推荐人的关系(Relationship)——师生关系,上、下级领导关系等。 被推荐人的表现(performance)——学习上、生活上、课堂上和课外活动上的表现。结论意见——愿意推荐或不愿意推荐,无保留或有所保留的推荐,普通推荐或极力推荐,必须明确,当然极力推荐为最好。 美国大学推荐信格式一般需要包含以上六方面信息,当然,同学可以按自己的需求和特色做适当的删减。 篇二:美国大学申请推荐信 LetterofReference Dearcolleagues: AsDeanofdepartmentofTelecommunicationsengineeringin xxxuniversity,Iamverypleasedinrecommendingxxxtostud yinyourrenowneduniversity. collegeofinformationofxxxuniversityhasatraditiontha teachfreshmanwillbedividedintoseveralteamsrandomlya ndeachteamwillhaveateacherastheirdirector.Iwasxxx’steamandhisteacherofthecompulsorycourseofmicrocompu terTechnology.soIknewhimquitewellabouthisacademicpe

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