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一)培养年轻人重在合作意识or 竞争意识?
We can see competition everywhere in our daily lives. Such as in the Olympic Games, where the athletes from all over the world competite together for their honor and dreams. For governmental officials, political leaders must promulgate some beneficial policies for the normal citizens in order to win voters' support. The competition among the different factions and parties facilitates a healthy development for the whole nation.
However, if we overemphasize the importance of competition while ignore the advantages of cooperation, it is entirely likely that people will become cold and detached with each other and the teamwork among them will gradually disappear. Actually, in many occasions,such as an international company or a manufactering center, the cooperation is extremely important and essential because nobody can finish all the work without others' help. In addition, overemphasizing on the competition will lead to unhealthy and distorted values. People will become more and more selfish and do not care or think about others at all.
For young people , we should pay more attention to their growth because they are the future of our country. Ingnoring either competition or cooperation is not improper. We should not divide up the two things that both are essential for us. The true success is a success based on the personality and it should be a long-term goal in everybody's life. Only paying attention to some superfacial success rather than fostering a wholesome personality will lead to a distorted mentality. Some typical examples that some talents or so-called successful people commit a crime only because a trival matter indicate that selfishness and indifference are horrible things and should be eliminated from our minds. Thus, both competition and cooperation are essential and should be advocated in our lives.

I hold the view that it is unnacessary to madate college students to take a variety of courses outside their field of study. Although a board mind and comprehensive knowledge is needed in order to become a fully developed talent, taking a lot of courses is not the best way to reach this goal. Meanwhile, the disadvantages of taking this policy are much more than its advantages.
First we should clarify the concept that acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines does not equate to being truly educated. If a person has taken a great amount of courses but he or she still lacks of the critical thinking and ingenious mind, we cannot say he or she is truly educated. Only if truly and deeply understand your study and the courses you have take, you will form a insight of your field and even your life, and then you are truly educated.
The feasibility of this policy is also open to doubt. First, not all the universities or colleges have the ability to open all kinds of courses. Seco

nd the students with different interests will undoubtedly choose different courses and it is unproper to force them to take many courses outside their field of study or interests.
When carrying out the policy, there are more problems that are tough to deal with. The students will become too exhausted and overpressured by the burden of so many courses and tasks. They cannot deal with them and may be come poor in study. For colleges or universities, the policy will reduce the their specialties in teaching and educating, resulting the similarity in almost every educational institues. What' more, it is very possible that many students will not attend to the classes on time because of the exhaust or lack of interests. It is a waste of the education resourse.
In sum , the best way to cultivate college students is to encourage them to take as many as courses related their fields of study or interests. For the seniors or master studetns, we should encourage them to study deeper in their own fields of study and reach as many accomplishment as possible.

I hold my view that both imagination and experience are important and they are two keys to the success. It is true that people who lack experience are free to imagine and sometiomes can approach a task without constraints of habits and traditional attitudes. But in many fields of study and research, experience and basic knowledge are more foundamental and cridical, without them, we cannot even open the doors of the knowledge and fields.
As the famous scientist Albert Enstein said: Imagination is more important than knowledge, because it drives everything. Indeed, imagination plays an implaceble role in scientific research. Without an abundant imagination, we cannot come up with some innovative ideas or thoughts which often lead to some unprecedented discoveries or inventions. The discovery of the double structure of DNA is an perfect example for the great importance of imagination.
However, in many fields of study and research, experience is extremely necessery. Experience is the basic of imagination. Without experience, imagination becomes invalid. Lacking the experience and basic knowledge, even though you imaginative and creative mind, you cannot come up with the inginous ideas. Some fields such as astronamy, biology,etc., experience is almost of the most importance in those scientists' works.
Thus, both imagination and experience are important. Experience is like the root of a tree , which absorbs and accumulate nutritions. Imagination is like the branches and leaves, its lushment will make the whole tree charming and beautiful. In a word, imagination and experience together form the blueprint of our dream and both of them are necessary.

In my point of view, we should try our best to live hamoniously with other wild living thi

ngs on our planet, minimize the negative effect of human activities on the natrual environment and save the endangered animals or plants which are threatened by human actions.
Indeed, there are many wild creatures whose extinctions are not the results of unbalanced ecosystems or polluted environment which is caused by human acitivities. These kinds of animals or plants are eliminated from natrue just because they cannot adapt to the natural environment according to the natural selection theory. We cannot change this penomenon no matter what meatures we take to save them. It is also a waste of moeny and time because we can do many other meaningful things and help more people who need help and attention from the whole society. In a word, it is unnecessary to make great efforts to save the endangered species whose extinctions are normal results of the nature.
But on the other hand , we should not regard the extinction of wild living creatures is none of our bussiness. Actrually, human has a unavoidable responsibility for the pollution of the environment and the extinction of those wild animals and plants. The advancemant of technology brings us not only more creative inventions and comfortable living conditions, but the human's deeper and severer invastion and destrucion to the environment.Antelope,which has a large number of groups on Tibet tableland, is now endangered by the illegal hunters. The area of Amazon Forestrain has reduced rapidly over the past decades reslut from the excessive lop by native people.
Moreover, if a specie of animal or plant is indirectly threatened by human acitivities, it is also should be protected and saved by us. For the whole ecosystem is a huge chain of living things, once one part of the chain is destroyed or dissapear, the whole system will be threatened and become unstable. This chain reaction will lead to destructive results if we do not pay enough attention to it.
In sum, we, human being, as the cleverest creature living on the earth, have an equal right with all the other living things on this planet. Thus, we should be humble and respect every creature's living right and live with them hamoniously. Only in this way will we reach teh real prosperity of human being.

First of all, scandals reveals some unknown facts in society and help our nation and government progress healthier. For instance, the scandals of famous athletes using stimulant during their competition forbid frauds and deceits. These incidents reflects teh Olympic spirits. By opening the briberies and corruption of the governers or parties to the public , the scandals indeed facilitates them to clean themselves and grow healthier.
On the other hand, scandals have a bad effect on the pubilc persons. Sometimes a scandal can destroy a person's furture. For instance, the sexual scandal of Clinton, the ex-president of U.S,once did make a extremely bad effect on his fame. The support

ing rate for Clinton once dropped to the lowest. However, Cliton has made a huge contribution to American economy. But because of the scandal, the public critisized him seriously whlie outlooked his achievements, which is unfair for him. There is no perfect person on the world and we should not focus only on the shortcomings and mistakes of the famous and public people without seeing their merits and achievemants.
What's more, now many people in the realm of entertainment make scandals for themselves aiming at becomging well-known. The more frequently they are talked about by public, the more famous they become. Meanwhile, they can make profits from the scandals. Undoubtedly these scandals are useless and disturbing.Moreover. there are many feigned scandals pervading our news information.During the general election, the candidates often try their best to reaveal some unknown scaldals of the candidates from the opposite party and sometimes even make some faulse scandals or information. These actions are immoral and we should be careful not to be mislead by them.

First of all, it is true that major cities are developing centers of a nation's economy. Compared with ural area, the urban districts are relatively developed and its booming can drive the whole nation's economy forward. And the prosperiety of the several major cities can also facilitate other districts around them developing and flouring. For instance, the small cities ot urban areas which embrace Shanghai, the economical center of China, have all becoming flouring with a fast growing speed. Along with the economy, the cultrue is also influenced by economic developing level and is better progessing in large cities.
On the other hand, the whole of a nation's traditional culture contains not only the main trends of culture in the major cities but also the folk culture in the rural areas. Every part of the nation has its contribution to the whole traditional culture and different places have different cultures and customs which cannot be replaced. 举例:民间戏剧 folkdrama 。Thus, we should cherish the cultural traditions in major cities as well as small cities and rural areas.
To a deeper discussion, if we only give financial support to large cities for the fact that some cultral traditons are preserved and generated there while neglect to give support and help to the other areas,the traditional culture in those areas undoubtedly will vanish faster. This policy will also cause an imbalance of treating the cultural traditions among different areas, which will end up with a regional discrimination. As those consequences talked above will unimpeachably harm our cutural traditions and impede the development of our whole nation, we must not carry out this policy.

When learning knowledg

e, students should come up with as many as quetions in the books and exercises. In this way will they find the problems and weaknesses in their study and understand the knowledge more deeply and fully. On the other hand , if they only receive the knowledge from books and lessons passively, they will lose the ability to question and suspede. As a consequence, they will more likely to go thrift in their lives. Actually,the development and advancement of cultivation start from questioning and critisizing. Without questioning and suspeding the trdition and authority, no progress will human make. Looking back to the history, almost every revolution or reforms start from a man's questioning to the authority's widely accepted ideas or theories. For example, without questioning the old (哥白尼Copernicus——日心说heliocentric theory否定地心说geocentric theory),(普朗克Max Planck——量子理论quantum theory)
But any meaningful idea is based on a valuable question. As for the students who do not have a profund realize for their major and lives, they cannot come up with the meaningful and valuable questions. Thus, in this period, the teacher should play a dominant role in teaching and studying. Teachers should not only teach students knowledge and skills, but enlight them and give them a correct direction in their lives. If knowledge is the sea and students are the small boats on the sea, teachers should be the leading(piloting) flagship. On the other hand, if students always question everything they are taught from teacher, they will become suspicious and lose themselves in the countless questions. In a deeper degree, questioning and suspecting anything lead to the loss
of knowledge and value, human civilization will also lose the foundation of descending and development.
In a word, students should learn how to think and come up with meaningful and valuable questions in their study as well as in their lives. Critical thinking is an important factor for human accumulation of knowledge and descending of civilization. Questioning everything and accepting everything are both extreme and undesirable\inadvisable\unwise.

The statement above shows us two different views of what is the most essential quality of an effective leader. Two different group of people both provide reasons for their opinions that both sounds reasonable. Actually, the different views result from the different angles they look into the discusssion and both qualities are needed for becoming an effective leader.
Undoutededly, the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives is indispensable for a leader.A excellent leader must be the one who can hold the whole situation and give courage and confidence to the employers while facing a decisive conjuncture. (例证) On the other hand, if the leader cannot insist on the basic pri

ciples at the key points, the whole company or country will fall dowm to a chaos and havoc.
However, we cannot say that insisting on the particular principles and objectives is the most essential quality to become an effective leader. 凡是都要有度。过犹不及。 If a leader always persist on some particular priciples and objectives, he or she will become rigid and presumptuous. In the western countries, political leaders must yield to public opinions to get citizens' trust and support. The martinent person will not be welcomed anywhere. In other words, the rigid and reserved ideas stifle innovation and creative thoughts. Any refrom and revolution comes from breaking the old and orthodox regulations. For instance, without abandoning the past policies and regulations, the People's Republic of China would not carry out the Refrom and Opening, and the tremedous success and prosperity would not exist today.
In other words, in order to be an effective leader, many other important qualities and characters area also needed and cannot be ignored. 善于用人、广纳群言、见微知著都是不可缺少的品质。。。It is hard to say which is the most essential quality of an effective leader. 比喻:就像国家需要各行各业的人才,才能维持国家的正常运转,每个领域都是不可或缺的,讨论谁更重要是没有意义的。
In sum, a truly effective leader is the one who can combine the above two qualities together harmoniously and naturally. Meanwhile, other good characters and qualities are also needed. An excellent leader perfectly reflects these neccessary and important qualities.

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