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美国社会在20世纪最后30年中发生了很多的变化,现在,很多禁忌词眼通常能够被接受,无论是出现在社团中、女性中还是媒体上,而在以前是绝对不可能耳闻的。但是在以下场合依旧不欢迎危险词汇:教会学校、祈祷堂、办公室、正式会议、混合了不同年龄层次和性别的聚会、在有老年人和小孩子的地方。 哪些话题是禁忌的





















Reinhold Aman博士是“坏





上帝的(blash p emies);诽

谤诋毁的(sl ur s)。





例如coc k(JB,其实中文中


忌),fu c k(操),shit(屎)




G od damn it;g o to H ell;

J es u s C h r ist!这些词允许



SLU R S是指对他人的国


眼,像k i k e(犹太佬),w o p


是意大利人),ni gg e r(黑





第一期))We learn We share






作为基督教的至上之书,《圣经》中有部分思想是基于犹太教经文的。它训导众人,上帝不许人随便呼G od,否则就是对神不敬,

犯了亵渎神灵的罪。这就是BL A SPHEME 的由来。



尽管在今日的美国,种族关系得到了改善,但是诸多旧痛并未被遗忘,疑虑感和厌恶感在某些领域依旧存在。某一族群对另一族群的称呼往往带有贬低冒犯之意。很多具有良知的人士视之为禁忌,知道这些词眼会伤害他人。在白人中,NIGGE R 可能是美国英语中最具有禁忌色彩的一个词了。






禁忌语其实很有意思。人们也会花大量时间思考和讨论与禁忌有关的话题。在许多时候,人们用委婉语(e up hemisms)或是平和的(o ff -colo r ,sli g htl y sm u tt y )俚语来代替禁忌词汇。所以,尽管英语的普通词汇中说肩膀(sho u lde r )、

耳朵(ea r )和膝盖(k nee)都分别只有一个词,但是当涉及到人体的性部位时,却有上百个的词汇。

比如,Bu ttoc k s、behind、ass 都是指代身体的同一个部位。Bu ttoc k s (臀部)在正式场合使用,是个“干净的词汇”,behind (后部)更加“干净”,基本在大场合也适用。而ass (屁股)就是个脏词(di r t y w o r d)了,在非正式场合用得很普遍。

又比如关于p enis 就有很多的别称,dic k 是其中之一。但同时,D ic k 也是一个非常普遍的男子名,就像B ill 是W illiam 的昵称一样,D ic k 是Richa r d 的昵称。在一个重视礼节的场合,我们可以讨论D ic k 这个人,但当dic k 指的是“家伙”的时候,就没那个门面拿出来讨论了。



The Financial Crisis

Bad and Getting

Worse, but Put Away that D-word

It began as the "subprime crisis" in 2007, and then mushroomed into a

full-blown global recession in 2008. And still, despite mammoth government intervention, the bad news keeps getting worse. Are we now teetering on a precipice, ready to plunge into another Great Depression? Can the latest proposals pull the

economy out of its nosedive? There is plenty to worry about. But while many experts say this crisis is the worst since the Depression, that does not mean it will be as bad.

Unemployment and other economic gauges will continue to worsen, but unless governments make a major misstep, like igniting a worldwide trade war,

economies should stabilize and recover on a "very flat path" that could take several years, says Wharton finance professor Marshall E. Blume. Japan went through a similar bank crisis in the 1990s without tumbling into a full-blown depression, adds Wharton finance professor

Jeremy J. Siegel. "Given that we're reacting faster than Japan, I think you can make a good inference that [a depression is] not going to happen here," he says. Many estimates call for gross domestic product in the U.S. to shrink by 2.6% in the first quarter of 2009, Siegel notes. That's bad, but small

compared to the 27% decline from 1929 through 1933. A depression is generally defined as a drop of 10% or more.

Still, there is more bad news than good, and the depth of the problem can be measured by the lack of consensus on what to do about it. Consider this gloomy observation in a January 20

Wall Street Journal story about the British

government's abrupt decision to pump billions more into what the writer called the country's "flagging" financial-rescue plan:

"Governments on both sides of the Atlantic are struggling to keep up with the

deepening economic crisis -- and may be running out of ammunition to battle it." In the U.S., banks continue to withhold loans despite huge infusions of government cash, and Goldman Sachs estimates that financial


institutions will lose $2 trillion on loans, with only half of that realized to date. Banks are even starting to call in loans to borrowers, such as home builders, who have made all their debt payments on time. Troubles are now expanding to commercial real estate firms. The numbers of layoffs, bankruptcies and foreclosures are growing. Household names, such as Circuit City electronics stores, are closing their doors, and problems have worsened at Citigroup and Bank of America despite government help.

There is little consensus on how to remedy the problem. Indeed, the U.S. government is again considering buying up toxic assets held by financial firms, a plan adopted last fall and then immediately scrapped in favor of direct cash infusions to banks.

The tale of woe and confusion is much the same around the world. The economic slowdown is so steep as to cause oil prices to drop to around $40 a barrel, from more than $140 last summer. Trade is so sluggish that shipping rates have plunged to astonishing lows. The European Commission warned on January 20 that the 27 nations of the European Union are likely to

experience a "deep and

protracted recession."

At the request of then

President-elect Barack

Obama, the Senate on

January 15 voted to release

the second half of the $700

billion Troubled Asset Relief

Program. (No action by the

House is required.)

Comments from Obama

administration officials

suggest much of this $350

billion may be used to buy

"bad assets" held by financial

institutions. Those include

mortgage-backed securities

and other holdings that have

plunged in value and become

all but untradeable. Getting

these assets off the financial

institutions' books was at the

heart of the TARP program

when it was proposed in

September by Treasury

Secretary Henry Paulson and

Federal Reserve chairman

Ben Bernanke.

Paulson and Bernanke say

that removing the toxic assets

would remove uncertainty

about the banks' health, and

encourage the banks to

resume lending, seen as the

key to turning the financial

crisis around. But after

Congress approved TARP,

Paulson instead pumped the

money directly into troubled

banks, taking some preferred

shares and warrants in

exchange, arguing the banks

needed quicker help because

they had turned out to be in

worse shape than previously

thought. But the banks

remain reluctant to lend, and

it is not clear the first half of

the TARP fund was the good

investment Paulson said it

was. The Congressional

Budget Office estimated in a

January 16 report that

taxpayers would lose $64

billion of the first $247

billion in TARP spending.

Whether the government

should now revive the

asset-purchase plan is subject

to debate.

Wharton finance professor

Richard Marston thinks the

direct infusions will restore

banks' lending ability faster

than asset purchases would,

but the government should in

return demand a bigger

ownership stake than it has.

"The Treasury should find a

way to inject capital where

the taxpayer ends up with

large stakes in the banks --

even if they are not formally

nationalized. The bank shares

are going to soar with

recovery, and someone is

going to make a fortune."

That should be taxpayers if

they take on the cost and risk

of propping up the banks,

Marston argues.

According to Blume, there is

so much uncertainty that it is

impossible to know which

bank-rescue approach is best. Cash infusions can help very quickly, while the asset purchases take longer. But if direct infusions mean toxic assets are left on the banks' books, doubts about the banks' long-term health will remain. Other institutions would then be reluctant to do business with them, and investors would refuse to provide private capital, which ultimately is key to the banks' return to health. Building a 'Bad Bank'

Also under discussion in Washington is the creation of a "bad bank" to buy the toxic assets. This government-run bank, partly owned by the banks that sell it the assets, would hold those assets, sell them or bundle them into securities for sale to investors.

A big question: What should the bad bank pay for those assets if there are no recent sales to show what they are worth? FDIC chairman Sheila C. Bair has said the assets could be purchased at "fair value," which is a price the banks set themselves. "The idea of setting up a 'bad bank' in which to transfer bad debt may be a good idea," Marston says. But he finds the price dilemma troubling, since paying fair value could cause the government to pay more than it will eventually recover by reselling the

assets. "Do we pay market

prices for the debt, in which

case it does not help the

banks? Do we pay

above-market prices" and

take shares of the banks in


Under yet another approach,

modeled on that used for

Citigroup and Bank of

America, the government

would provide

taxpayer-backed insurance

against losses in toxic assets

that stay on banks' books.

But that, too, could leave the

public shouldering the banks'

losses. Wharton finance

professor Franklin Allen

argues that the best approach

would be "temporary

nationalization" of those

banks that get public help.

That would allow the

government to install its own

managers, clearing out

executives who have

presided over so much


Controlling TARP

"This injection of capital

without any [government]

control is just not working,"

says Allen, noting that the

banks had not resumed

lending after the first TARP

infusion. "This [second $350

billion in] TARP money is

not going to be used well,

and it's going to end up in a

black hole. What keeps

happening is they give

money and then the banks

keep coming back for more."

Siegel, too, feels that TARP

support should have more

strings attached, such as a

requirement that banks not

call in loans to borrowers

who are solvent,

creditworthy and up to date

on their payments. "I'm not

optimistic about this [second

half of the] TARP money.

Clearly, the first half didn't

seem to help."

Obama administration

officials also have said they

want to use part of the new

round of TARP funding --

perhaps as much as $100

billion -- to help homeowners

avoid foreclosures.

Advocates say this is only

fair, since huge sums have

gone to rescue corporations,

and many argue that

stemming foreclosures will

help stop the freefall in home

prices which has been a

major cause of the banks'

losses. Hence, attacking the

foreclosure problem could

lead to more lending by

banks, giving the economy

the fuel it needs to start

growing again.

There are various ways to

use government money to put

a dent in foreclosures, from

providing direct assistance to

homeowners to insuring

lenders against further losses

if they modify loan terms. It is not yet clear what approach the Obama administration favors.

Nor is it a given that reducing the number of foreclosures will have much effect. Allen believes the economic problems are now so widespread that shoring

up the housing sector would not help turn things around the way its advocates hope, so that public spending on foreclosures might be wasted. "I think the crisis has moved on from real estate," he says. Allen and Siegel note that some banks already have expanded programs to renegotiate loan terms to help borrowers stay in their homes. Accepting reduced payments can be less costly for the lenders than foreclosure, especially if there are no buyers for foreclosed properties. J.P. Morgan, for example, recently announced a vastly expanded plan to modify loans on its books as well as those among more than $1 trillion in loans sold to investors.

Too Many Homes

"I think [foreclosures are] a very important problem, but I think it's being worked out

by the private sector," Siegel says. The root problem, according to Siegel: There are too many homes and too

many were bought at inflated

prices. "The price of homes

has to fall. There's no way to

stop that from happening."

Blume, too, doubts the

government can effectively

stop the wave of foreclosures.

With the economy worsening

and unemployment rising,

fewer and fewer people can

afford the homes they have,

and many potential buyers

lured by bargain prices can't

find banks to give them

mortgages. "I have not yet

seen a plan to help reduce

foreclosures that gets to ...

the problem ... that people

bought houses they could not

afford. If you reduce the

interest rate a little bit, they

still can't afford them."

He concludes that there may

be no alternative but to let

the housing market adjust on

its own. "Ultimately, all

these houses will be off the

market," Blume says.

"Somebody will buy them

and then the market will


But there's no telling, he adds,

how long that will take, or

how far home prices will

have to fall.(the Wharton

School of the University of

Pennsylv ania)







1.I v e r y li k e it

I li k e it v e r y m u ch.

2. 这个价格对我挺合适


T he pr ice is v e r y

s u itable f o r me.

T he pr ice is r i g ht.

Note:s u itable(合适




儿童不宜。T he f ollo w in g

pr o gr amme r is not

s u itable f o r child r en在




W hat’s y o ur j ob?

A r e y o u w o rk in g at the


Note:w hat’s y o ur

j ob这种说法难道也有毛病





班吗?A r e y o u w o rk in g at

the moment? 接下来您才



W he r e a r e y o u w o rk in g these da y s?或者您从事哪个行业呢?W hat line o f

w o rk a r e y o u in?顺带说一下,回答这类问题时不妨说得具体一点,不要只是说经理或者秘书


H o w to sa y?

H o w do y o u sa y this in E n g lish?

Note:H o w to sa y是在中国最为泛滥成灾的中国


H o w do y o u s p ell that

p lease?请问这个单词怎么读?H o w do y o u pr ono u nce this w o r d?

5. 明天我有事情要做。

I ha v e somethin g to do tomo rr o w?

S o rr y b u t I am tied up all da y tomo rr o w.

用I ha v e somethin g to do 来表示您很忙,这也完全是中国式的说法。因为每时每刻我们都有事情要做,躺在那里睡大觉也是事情。所以您可以说我很忙,脱不开身:I’m tied up.还有其他的说法:I’m a fr aid I can’t ma k e it at that time.I’d lo v e to,b u t I can’t,I ha v e to sta y at home.6.我没有英文名。

I ha v en’t E n g lish name.

I don’t ha v e an E n g lish





缺,因为ha v e在这里是实








话:我没有钱;I don’t

ha v e an y mone y.我没有兄

弟姐妹;I don’t ha v e an y

b r othe r s o r siste r s.我没

有车。I don’t ha v e a ca r.


I thin k I can’t.

I don’t thin k I can.











I don’t dance w ell too.

I am not a v e r y g ood

dance r eithe r.



面通常用not g ood at

somethin g,英语的思维甚



9. 现在几点钟了?

W hat time is it no w?

W hat time is it,p lease?

Note:W hat time is it

no w这是一个直接从汉语翻


没有必要说no w,因为您不

可能问w hat time w as it

y este r da y, 或者w hat time

is it tomo rr o w?所以符合



是:H o w a r e w e doin g f o r




M y E n g lish is p oo r.

I am not 100%f l u ent, b u t

at least I am im pr o v in g.



文是:M y E n g lish is p oo r.


个美国人对我说:M y

C hinese is p oo r. 无论他


说:I am still ha v in g a

f e w pr oblem, b u t I

g ettin g bette r.


英语很p oo r,so w hat(那又





p oo r,这正像有个人一边给车胎充气,又一边在车胎上扎孔放气。

我坚信,先不谈别的,如果您现在就苦下功夫,把这本薄薄的《英语54321》吃通吃透,您的英语水平立即就会迅速的提高。所以您再也不用说:我的英语很p oo r.您可以实事求事




W o u ld y o u li k e to j oin o ur p a r t y on F r ida y?

W o u ld y o u li k e to come to o ur p a r t y on F r ida y

ni g ht?

Note:j oin往往是指参加俱乐部或者协会,如:

j oin a health cl u b;j oin the C omm u nist P a r t y.事实上,常常与p a r t y搭配的动词的come 或者g o。如g o a w ild p a r t y,或者come to a C h r istmas P a r t y。


I ha v e no e x p e r ience.

I am a fr aid I don’t k no w m u ch abo u t that.

Note:I ha v e no

e x p e r ience这句话听起来古里古怪,因为您只需要



了。I am not r eall y an

e x p e r t in this a r ea.


I ha v e no bo y fr iend.

I don’t ha v e a

bo y fr iend.

14. 他的身体很健康。

H is bod y is health y.

H e is in g ood health.

Y o u can also sa y:H e’s

health y.


T he pr ice is too

e x p ensi v e/chea p.

T he pr ice is too hi g h/

r athe r lo w.


W e g ot o ff the ca r.

W e g ot o u t o f the ca r.


T he s p eed o f the ca r is

f ast.

T he ca r is s p eedin g.Or

“T he ca r is g oin g too

f ast.”

18. 这个春节你回家吗?

W ill y o u be g oin g bac k

home f o r the Spr in g

F esti v al?

是的,我回去。Of co ur se!


当然。Sur e./C e r tainl y.


以英语为母语的人使用o f

co ur se的频率要比中国的



o f co ur se。因为o f co ur se



傻瓜吗?”因此,o f co ur se


时,用s ur e或ce r tainl y

效果会好得多。同时,o f

co ur se not也具挑衅的意


说法是ce r tainl y not.


I f eel v e r y p ain fu l in m y

r i g ht hand.

M y r i g ht hand is v e r y

p ain fu l.Or “ M y r i g ht

hand h ur ts(aches).”

20. 他看到她很惊讶。

H e loo k ed at he r and f elt

s urpr ised.

H e loo k ed at he r in

s urpr ise.



I ha v e r ead y o ur no v els

b u t I didn't thin k y o u

co u ld be so y o u n g.

A f te r ha v in g r ead y o ur

no v el,I e x p ected that

y o u w o u ld be olde r.

22. 她脸红了,让我看穿了她的心思。

H e r r ed f ace made me see th r o ug h he r mind . C o rr ect : H e r r ed f ace told me w hat she w as thin k in g .

23. 看到这幅画让我想到了我的童年时代。 T he si g ht o f these p ict ur es made me r emembe r m y o w n childhood . C o rr ect : S eein g these p ict ur es r eminded me o f m y o w n childhood .

24. 别理她。

D on 't p a y attention to he r .

L ea v e he r alone .

25. 我在大学里学到了许多知识。

I g et a lot o f k no w led g e in the u ni v e r sit y. I lea r ned a lot in u ni v e r sit y.

26. 黄山正在读书。

S am u el is r eadin g a boo k . S am u el is r eadin g .

27. e x citin g / e x cited。

28. 我遇到了很多困难。 I am ha v in g man y di ff ic u lties . I am ha v in g a f e w pr oblems / lots o f pr oblems .

29. 请快点走,否则我们会迟到的。

P lease h urr y to w al k o r w e 'll be late .

P lease h urr y up o r w e 'll be late .

30. 她由嫉妒转向失望。 S he w as so j ealo u s that she became des p e r ate . J ealo u s y d r o v e he r to des p ai r .




Q : W hat is a do ug hn u t ? A : S omeone w ho is c r a z y abo u t mone y.

解释:do ug hn u t 是“油炸面圈”。在俚语中,do ug h 有“钱财”的意思,n u t 可以指“疯子”、“着迷于某物”、“有癖好”。所以n u t f o r somethin g 可以指“对某物极度狂热”。

Q : W hat k ind o f p ool can ’t y o u s w im in ? A : A ca r p ool .

解释:p ool 是人造游泳池,但也可以指共有或共用的物件。A ca r p ool 通俗地讲,就是合伙用车,比如每天轮流合乘一辆私家车带孩子上学,即有利于节俭开支,又有利于缓解交通,保护环境。 C a rp ool 实战练习:

H o w do y o u ma k e an e ggr oll ?

W hat s u it lasts lon g e r than y o u do ?

W h y did the little bo y th r o w the b u tte r o u t the w indo w ?

W hat r oom can y o u bo u nce a r o u nd in ?

W hat hel p s y o u k ee p y o ur teeth to g ethe r ?

H o w do y o u ma k e a lemon d r o p ? 英语加油站


小学英语语法知识点专项练习 一、名词复数规则 写出下列各词的复数 I_________ him_________ this ________ her ______ watch _______ child_______ photo _______ diary ______ day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________ tooth_______ sheep ______ box_______ strawberry_____thief_______ peach______ sandwich______ man______ woman_______ paper_______ juice_______ water________ milk________ rice__________ tea__________ 二、一般现在时用法专练: 写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drink ________ go _______ stay ________ make ________ look _________ have_______ pass_______ carry_________ come________ watch______ plant_______ fly __________ study_______ brush________ do_________ teach_______ drink________ start_______ 用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1. He often ________(have) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy _______(be) in Class One. 3. We _______(not watch) TV on Monday. 4. Nick _______(not go) to the zoo on Sunday. 5. ______ they ________(like) the World Cup? 6. What _______they often _______(do) on Saturdays? 7. _______ your parents _______(read) newspapers every day? 8. The girl _______(teach) us English on Sundays. 9. She and I ________(take) a walk together every evening. 10. There ________(be) some water in the bottle. 11. Mike _______(like) cooking. 12. They _______(have) the same hobby. 13. My aunt _______(look) after her baby carefully. 14. You always _______(do) your homework well. 15. I _______(be) ill. I’m staying in bed. 16. She _______(go) to school from Monday to Friday. 17. Liu Tao _______(do) not like PE. 18. The child often _______(watch) TV in the evening. 19. Su Hai and Su Yang _______(have) eight lessons this term. 20. -What day _______(be) it today? -It’s Saturday. 改错(划出错误的地方,将正确的写在横线上) 1. Is your brother speak English? ________________________ 2. Does he likes going fishing? ________________________


经典英语句子 1、Love is not geting but giving. 爱是付出,不是占有。 2、If I cried a tear of painful sorrow,If I lost all hope for a new tomorrow,Would you dry my tear and ease my pain,Would you make me smile once again? 如果我因深深的悲哀而痛哭,如果我已对明天失去了所有的希望,你是否会为我擦去泪水,抚平伤痛,你是否会让我欢颜依旧? 3、If you love the life you live,you will live a life of love. 如果你爱你的生活,你的生活就会充满爱。 4、how do i say i love you? how do i tell you i care? how do i tell you ive missed you, and let you know im here? 我如何说我爱你?我如何告诉你我在乎你?我如何告诉你我一直都在想你?如何让你知道我就在这里? 5、Love cures people both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it. 爱能医人奉献者和接受者皆然。 6、Her gesture, motion, and her smiles,Her wit, her voice my heart beguiles,Beguiles my heart, I know not why,And yet, 1 / 6


小学1-6年级英语学习资料大全 ?资料如下 一、单词 Unit 1 学习文具: pen (钢笔) pencil (铅笔) pencil-case ( 铅笔盒) ruler(尺子) eraser(橡皮) crayon (蜡笔) book (书) bag (书包) sharpener (卷笔刀) school (学校) Unit 2 身体部位: head (头) face( 脸) nose (鼻子) mouth (嘴) eye (眼睛) leg (腿) ear (耳朵) arm (胳膊) finger (手指) leg (腿) foot (脚) body (身体) Unit 3 颜色: red (红色的) yellow (黄色的) green (绿色的) blue (蓝色的) purple (紫色的) white (白色的) black (黑色的) orange (橙色的) pink (粉色的) brown (棕色的) Unit 4 动物:

cat (猫) dog (狗) monkey (猴子) panda (熊猫) rabbit( 兔子) duck (鸭子) pig (猪) bird (鸟) bear (熊) elephant (大象) mouse (老鼠) squirrel (松鼠) Unit 5 食物: cake (蛋糕) bread (面包) hot dog (热狗) hamburger (汉堡包) chicken (鸡肉) French fries (炸薯条) coke (可乐) juice (果汁) milk (牛奶) water (水) tea (茶) coffee (咖啡) Unit 6 数字: one (一) two (二) three (三) four (四) five (五) six( 六) seven (七) eight (八) nine( 九) ten( 十) doll (玩具娃娃) boat (小船) ball (球) kite (风筝) balloon (气球) car (小汽车) plane (飞机) 二.、对话 1、向别人问好应该说 A: Hello! (你好!) B: Hi! (你好!)


小学英语语法知识点汇总 一、名词 表示某一事物,有具体的和抽象的之分。分为可数名词和不可数名词。 强调:不可数名词都默认为单数,所以总是用is或者was; 最好不要根据some、any、a lot of等词去作判断,以免受误导。 1、可数名词如何变“复数形式”: a.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds ;读音:清辅音后读[s],浊辅音和元音后读[z]。 b.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches ;读音:[iz]。 c.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries ;读音:[z]。 d.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives ,thief-thieves;读音:[z]。e.以“o”结尾的词,分两种情况 1)有生命的+es 读音:[z] 如:mango-mangoes tomato-tomatoes hero-heroes 2) 无生命的+s 读音:[z] 如:photo-photos radio-radios f. 不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, snowman-snowmen, mouse-mice, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 2、不可数名词没有复数。 如果要计算不可数名词所表达的数量,就得在数词和不可数名词之间加上“量词+of”。


1、我们愿与贵公司建立业务往来。 We are willing to establish trade relations with your company. 2、我们愿为发展双方贸易提供机会。 We wish to offer you an opportunity to develop bilateral trade. 3、我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希望与贵方建立商业关系。 This corporation specializes in importing and exporting electronic products and wishes to enter into business relations with you. 4、根据你公司1月20日来函要求,现附寄目录一份。 As requested in your letter of Jan.20, we enclose a copy of our catalogue. 5、对你努力为我公司开拓市场,深表感谢 We very much appreciate your efforts to explore the market for our products. 6、我们相信,我们双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。 We are sure that the business between us will be promoted in years to come. 7、我们保证对于贵方的询价给予充分的重视。 We assure you of our best attention to any inquiries from you. 8、殷切地盼望早日来函。We anticipate a prompt reply from you. 9、如果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿向你方订货。 We shall be very glad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitive and delivery date acceptable. 10、一旦收到你方具体询价,我们将电告报价。 As soon as we receive your specific inquiry, we will cable our quotation. 11、如果你方有兴趣,请电告我方,说明所需数量。 If you are interested, please cable us, indicating the quantity you require. 12、此发价为实盘,以你方在本月底前复到有效。 This offer is firm, subject to your reply which should reach us not later than the end of this month. 13、我们对贵方发盘颇感兴趣,几日内将给予明确答复。 We find your offer very interesting and shall give you a definite reply in a few days. 14、鉴于我们长期的贸易关系,特报此盘。 It is in view of our longstanding business relationship that we make you such an offer. 15、这是我方最新价格单,您会发现我们价格是具有竞争性的。 This is our latest price list. You will find our price is very competitive. 16、如果你方订货数量大,价格还可以进一步考虑。 We can reconsider our price if your order is big enough. 17、若你方愿降低价格,比方说百分之五,我们愿向你方试订此货。 Should you be prepared to reduce the price by, say 5%, we should place trial order with you. 18、鉴于我们已按此价与买主大量成交,我们不可能再降价了。 In view of the fact that we have done a lot of business with buyers at this price, we cannot reduce our price any further. 19、我们建议你方再次考虑发价,使之与国际市场价格一致起来。 We suggest that you reconsider your price, and bring it into line with the international market price. 20、我方决定再作百分之二的让步,希望这能有助于你方推销产品。 We have decided to make a further concession of 2% in the hope that this will help you push the sales of our


小学英语史上最全最实用最好复习资料 一、小学英语词汇汇总 1、3A 1.Animals (动物)dog 狗cat 猫monkey 猴子tiger 老虎panda 熊猫zebra 斑马bird 鸟elephant 象 2.Fruit (水果)apple 苹果orange 橘子banana 香蕉pear梨peach 桃子mango 芒果 pineapple 菠萝watermelon 西瓜 3.Clothing items (衣物类)coat 外套;大衣jacket 茄克衫;短上衣sweater 毛衣;(厚)运动服blouse (女式)衬衫dress 连衣裙;晚礼服skirt 短裙shirt 衬衫Tshirt T恤衫 4.Food and drinks (食物和饮料)cake 蛋糕hamburger 汉堡egg 蛋;鸡蛋ice-cream 冰淇淋coffee 咖啡tea 茶;茶叶milk 牛奶juice 果汁 5.Colours (颜色)red 红色;红色的green 绿色white 白色black 黑色yellow 黄色blue 蓝色orange桔黄色brown棕色;褐色 6.Things for school (学校用品)book 书pen 钢笔pencil 铅笔ball pen 圆珠笔pencil box 文具盒pencil sharpener 卷笔刀rubber 橡皮ruler 尺

7.Vehicles(交通工具)car 小汽车bike 自行车bus 公共汽车plane 飞机 8.Places (场所)zoo 动物园park 公__________园cinema 电影院supermarket 超市the Great Wall 长城 9.People(人物)man 人;男人woman 妇女boy 男孩girl 女孩 10.Things in a room(房内物品)bed 床table 桌子chair 椅子fridge 冰箱bookcase 书橱 desk 书桌sofa 沙发telephone 电话light 电灯TV 电视机door 门window 窗子Walkman 随身听box 盒子basket 篮子tap水龙头 2、3B 1、Family members(家庭成员)father父亲mother 母亲grandfather祖父grandmother 祖母aunt姨妈;舅母uncle 伯父;舅父brother/son 兄;弟/儿子 sister/daughter 姐;妹/女儿 2、Clothing items (衣物)cap 便帽hat 帽子tie 领带vest 背心belt 皮带trousers (复数)长裤shoe 鞋sock 袜子 3、Things for school (学校用品)storybook 故事书copybook 抄写本knife 小刀tape 修正带;胶带crayon 蜡笔school bag 书包stapler 订书机


小学英语语法知识点汇总! 01 人称代词 主格:I we you she he it they 宾格:me us you her him it them 形容词性物主代词:my our your her his its their 名词性物主代词:mine ours yours hers his its theirs 02 形容词和副词的比较 (1) 一般在形容词或副词后+er older ,taller, longer, stronger (2) 多音节词前+more more interesting, etc. (3) 双写最后一个字母,再+er bigger fatter, etc. (4) 把y变i,再+er heavier, earlier (5) 不规则变化: well-better, much/many-more, etc. 03 可数词的复数形式 Most nouns + s abook –books

Nouns ending in aconsonant +y - y+ ies a story—stories Nouns ending in s,sh, ch or x + es a glass—glasses a watch-watches Nouns ending in o+s or +es a piano—pianos a mango—mangoes Nouns ending in for fe - f or fe +ves a knife –knives a shelf-shelves 04 不可数名词(单复数不变) bread, rice, water ,juice等。 05 缩略形式 I’m= I a,you’re = you are,she’s= she is,he’s = he is it’s= it is,who’s =who is,can’t =can not,isn’t=is not等。 06 a/an a book, a peach an egg,an hour 07 Preposition on, in ,in front of, between, next to, near, beside, at,behind. 表示时间:at six o’clock, at Christmas, at breakfast


史上最全最强英语句子 成分 1.名词The ambulance is arriving. 2.介词短语To Beijing is not far. 3.形容词Old and young are being taken care of. 4.不定式To find the truth is very difficult. 5.动名词Smoking is bad for your health. 6.过去分词The disabled are being carefully taken care of. 7.代词He lent me a new bike. 8.数词Three is enough. 9.连词Whenever you come will be fine. 10.直接引语“How are you” is a greeting. 1.The earth moves around the sun. 2.Where did you go just now? 3.Will you be at home at seven this evening? 4.I haven't received his letter for almost a month.

5.We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't. 以上是主要时态。 1.I smiled. 2.I fell happy. 3.I clean the blackboard. 4.I paid him 20 yuan. 5.I made hem repeat the story. 6.I found the homework difficult. 7.He can speak French. 8.He didn’t go to school yesterday. 以上是常见不及物和及物动词。 1.名词We planted the trees last week. 2.形容词In short, we should help the old. 3.副词Nothing has happened since then. 4.不定式He wants to join the army. 5.动名词I enjoyed watching TV. 6.分词He never did the unexpected. 7.代词I love you. 8.数词One and one is equal to four. 9.从句I wonder why our teacher hasn’t arrived.


小学五年级第二学期英语期末练习 听力部分(40%) I. 听音,选择正确的单词,将序号填在括号内。(8%) ( ) 1. A. at B. ant C. and ( ) 2. A. call B. cold C. cool ( ) 3.A. date B. day C. do ( ) 4.A. eight B. eighth C. eighty ( ) 5.A. work B. word C. watch ( ) 6.A. rain B. run C. ready ( ) 7.A. next B. ninth C. north ( ) 8.A. talk B. tell C. thank II. 听音,将上下两行的图片进行配对,将序号填在方框内。(10%)

III. 听句子,选择你所听到的内容。(6%) ( ) 1. A. Why do you like spring? B. Why do you like summer? ( ) 2. A.I often go to school at 7:30. B. I often go to school at 7:13. ( ) 3. A. When is Mother's Day? B. When is Father's Day? ( ) 4. A. My birthday is in June. B. My birthday is in July. ( ) 5. A. The birds are flying. B. The birds are singing. ( ) 6. A. What are you doing? B. What are your sisters doing? IV.听音,选择正确的答句。(6%) ( ) 1. A. I can fly kites. B. It's warm and sunny. C. I like spring. ( ) 2. A. Winter. B. I can make a snowman. C. It's windy. ( ) 3. A. At 6:30. B. Go to school. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 4.A. He likes sports. B. Listening to music. C.In the kitchen. ( ) 5. A. It's Sunday. B. It's August. C. It's Aug. 30th. ( ) 6. A. In Feb. B. In Mar. C. In Jan. V. 听短文,判断句子的对与错。对的打√,错的打×。(10%) ( ) 1. Alice is a student. ( ) 2. Alice usually goes to school at seven.



小学英语语法总结 一、时态小结 凡是在must, mustn’t, can, can’t, let’s, don’t, may,will后的一定要用动词的原形二、名词的复数。 名词按其数,可分两种:可数名词和不可数名词. 可数名词的复数变化规则: 1.一般情况下,直接在词尾加-s, 如:girl-girls, book-books, pen-pens 2.以s,x,sh,ch结尾的词,在词后加-es, 如:class-classes, box-boxes, match-matches,

3.以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y 为i 再加-es, 如:city-cities, family-families, country- countries 4.以f或fe结尾的,变f或fe为v再加-es, 如:knife-knives, wife-wives, life-lives, 5.以o 结尾的加-es或-s, 如: radio-radios, tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, zoo-zoos, photo-photos, 6.man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, child-children, 三、形容词的比较级、最高级。 形容词有比较级与最高级之分, 单音节词的变化规则: 1.一般情况下,直接在词尾加-er或-est, 如:small-smaller-smallest, short-shorter-shortest 2.以e结尾的,加-er或-est, 如:large-larger-largest, nice-nicer-nicest. 3.以辅音字母+y结尾的, 变y 为i 再加-er或-est, 如:busy-busier-busiest, heavy-heavier-heaviest. 4.以重读闭音节,一个辅音字母结尾的,双写该字母,再加-er或-est, 如:big-bigger-biggest, thin-thinner-thinnest. 5.多音节的词,前加more, most, 如: beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful. 6.good-better-best 四、be 动词,助动词。 现阶段be动词形式有: am, is, are, were, was, isn’t, aren’t, weren’t, wasn’t 助动词形式有: do, does, did, don’t, doesn’t, didn’t ※1. 在英语句子中进行变化的时候, 有be动词的就在be动词上变化,变“过去”, “否定”;否定过去否定 am-------am not(第一人称“I” )am, is ------ was --------- wasn’t is ------- isn’t(第三人称)are------ were --------- weren’t are------aren’t(you和其它人称) 2. 没有be动词的就要加助动词;


句子 1. ①It's an important matter. ②The article is full of matter. ③It is a matter of no laughing. ④After turning back from the post office, he had brought a lot of printed matter. 翻译: ①这事很要紧。 ②这篇文章内容丰富。 ③这个问题可不是开玩笑 ④从邮局回来后,他带回来一大堆印刷品。 2.①Modern communication facilities were equipped in each fishing boat, so the fishermen could get in touch with each other at any place. ②Regulations regarding the handing of hazardous wastes have become more stringent and complex. Facilities can no longer ignore their wastes. ③All the facilities in this lab should not be taken out without permission. ④The site ideally should have sufficient lands to provide a buffer zone between the facility and the public surrounding it.


小学英语资料学习汇总 颜色类: colour颜色red红色yellow黄色white白色 pink粉红色purple紫色brown棕色blue蓝色 black黑色green绿色orange橘红色、橙色 数字类: one1two2three3four4five5six6 seven7eight8nine9ten10eleven11twelve12 thirteen13fourteen14fifteen15sixteen16 seventeen17eighteen18nineteen19twenty20 twenty-one21thirty30forty40fifty50sixty60 seventy70eighty80ninety90first 课程类: Chinese语文English英语P. E.体育math数学 music音乐art美术science科学 天气类:weather天气rainy下雨的sunny晴朗的 snowy下雪的windy刮风的cloudy多云的warm温暖的cold寒冷的cool凉爽的hot炎热的

动物类: rabbit兔子cat猫dog狗duck鸭子pig猪 panda熊猫bird鸟hen母鸡cow奶牛lamb羊羔 goat山羊sheep绵羊horse马bear熊giraffe长颈鹿m猴子d驴kangaroo袋鼠lion狮子tiger老虎deer鹿squirrel 松鼠snake蛇whale鲸fish鱼mouse老鼠elephant大象 水果类:apple苹果pear梨orange橘子banana香蕉grapes葡萄w atermelon西瓜strawberry草莓 食物类: fish鱼beef牛肉chicken鸡肉rice米饭noodles面条tofu豆腐tom ato西红柿potato土豆cucumber黄瓜carrot萝卜eggplant茄子bre ad面包egg蛋green beans青豆onion洋葱tea茶milk牛奶coffee 咖啡Coke可乐juice果汁 味道类:tasty可口的yummy好吃的sour酸的sweet甜的salty咸的fresh新鲜的healthy健康的 服装类:pants长裤jeans牛仔裤socks短袜shoes鞋子T-shirt T 恤衫shorts短裤dress连衣裙boots靴子shirt衬衫skirt裙子j acket夹克衫 职业:doctor医生;farmer农民;driver司机;nurse护士;teacher 老师;accountant会计;singer歌唱家;writer作家;salesperson售货员;engineer工程师;actor男演员;actress女演员;policeman警


小学英语语法汇总 一、时态 1.一般现在时 (1)表示经常发生的动作或事情,通常用“usually通常, often常常, every…每…, sometimes有时,always总是,”等词。 (2)基本结构: I / You / We / They He / She / It 肯定句动词原形动词第三人称单数形式 否定句don’t + 动原doesn’t + 动原 一般疑问句(Yes/No) Do… ? Yes, I do.Does…(动词原形)…?No,she doesn’t. 特殊疑问句What do …?How does she…(动词原形)…? (3) 动词第三人称单数形式(同名词单数变成复数方法相同) 1 一般情况+s 如:walk-walks 2. 辅音字母+y结尾去y +ies fly-flies 3. 结尾是s, x,sh, ch +es watch-watches 4. 特殊的do-does ,have-has, go-goes 2.现在进行时, (1)表示正在发生的动作,通常用“now现在, look看,linsen听”. (2)基本形式:be + 动词ing eg: I am(not) doing my homework. You/We/They are(not) reading. He/She/It is(not) eating. What are you doing? Is he reading? (3)动词的现在分词形式(动词+ing) 一般情况+ing walk—walking 结尾是不发音的e -e + ing come—coming 重读闭音节双写最后一 个字母+ing run-running swim-swimming 3. 一般过去时 (1)表示过去已经发生的事情,通常用“last …上一个…, just now刚才, a moment ago刚才,yesterday昨天”等词。(2)be 动词的过去式: am/is—was are—were (3)过去式基本结构 肯定句(Positive)动词过去式I went shopping last night. 否定句(Negative) Didn’t + 动词原形I didn’t go shopping last night. 一般疑问句(Yes/No) Did …+ 动词原形…?Did you go shopping last night? 特殊疑问句(wh-) What did…+ 动词原形…?What did you do last night? (4)词过去式的变化: 规则动词的变化: 一般动词+ed planted,watered,climbed 以不发音的e结尾+d liked 辅音字母加y结尾-y+ ied study—studied, cry- cried 重读闭音节单词,末尾只有一个辅音字母双写最后一个 字母+ed stop –stopped plan - planned


1.Meeting new people Her name’s Jill 1.Good morning ,boys and girs. Good morning,Miss Fang. 2.This is your new classmate. Her name’s Jill. Hi .My name’s Jill. Hello,Jill . 3.You can sit here . Jill. Ok . Thank you, Miss Fang. 4.Hi,Jill. My name’s Kitty. Hi,Kitty .Nice to meet you. Say and act 1.Good afternoon ,Peter . Good afternoon,Kitty . 2.This is my sister. Her name’s Sally. This is my brother. His name’s Paul. 3.Hi,Sally. Hi,Paul.My name’s Kitty. Hi,Kitty. Nice to meet you. 4.Goodbye,Kitty. See you ,Peter . Goodbye,Sally and Paul. 2.Can you swim? She can swim , Can you swim? 1.Supergirl can run fast. Supergirl can fly. Supergirl can swim . Supergirl cannot draw. 2.Supergirl is great ! She can swim. Can you swim Alice? Yes , I can . Can you swim ,Kitty? No ,I can’t. 3.What can you do ? I can draw. Say and act 1. Good evening .I’m Kitty . Welcome to Super Show. 2.Here are our friends—Supergirl and Superdog! Hello! Woof! Woof! 3.What can you do, Supergirl? I can swim and fly . 4.Can Superdog fly too? Yes ,He can .but he can’t write his name. Woof! 5.Thank you , Supergirl and Superdog! Thank you. 3.Are you happy? I’m happy Are you happy? 1.I’m happy . I have a new kite. I’m not happy. Look at my bike! I’m sad . 2.How are you? We’re tired and hungry, Mum. 3.Have some biscuits .Thanks , Mum . 4. I’m full now, are you thirsty, Ben? Have some water. Yes, I am . Thank you , Kitty . Enjoy a story A thirsty bird 1.It is hot . The bird is very thirsty. 2.Water! The bird can see a bottle. 3.The bottle is tall and thin . The bird cannot drink the Water . 4.I have a good idea ! The bird can see some little stones . 5.look! The bird can drink the water now. He is happy .


小学英语语法知识点总结:可数名词和不可数名词 一、可数名词与不可数名词的区别 普通名词所表示的人或事物是可以按个数计算的,这类名词叫可数名词。可数名词分为个体名词(表示某类人或事物中的个体,如worker, farmer, desk, factory等)和集体名词(表示作为一个整体来看的一群人或一些事物,如people, family 等)。如果普通名词所表示的事物是不能按个数来计算的,这类名词就叫不可数名词。不可数名词分为物质名词(表示无法分为个体的物质,如meat, rice, water, milk, orange 等)和抽象名词(表示动作、状态、情况、品质等抽象概念,如work, homework, time, health, friendship等)。 二、关于可数名词 名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词两部分。其中,可数名词是表示能够计算的人或物的名称,他们通常有单数和复数的形式。 单数通常用a,an或者是one来表示。an用在元音字母的前面。如:a desk, an apple, one boy. 1、直接在单词的后面加-s. photo---photos book---books egg---eggs student---students pen---pens village---villages building---buildings cloud---clouds flower---flowers hand---hands map---maps girl---girls 2、如果单词以s,x,ch,sh结尾,通常要在单词后面加-es. bus---buses class---classes box---box dress---dresses peach---peaches watch---watches fish---fishes 3、以辅音字母+y结尾的单数名词要把y变为i,再加-es.如果y的前面是元音字母,则直接加上-s. family---families story---stories baby---babies day---days toy---toys boy---boys

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