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Module 1

Ms Li:Hello, my name is Li Fang. I'm your teacher and you're my students. I'm Chinese. I'm from Wuhan. What's your name?

Linging: My name is Wang Lingling.

Ms Li: Nice to meet you, Lingling. Where are you from?

Linging: I'm from Beijing. I'm Chinese.

Ms Li: How old are you?

Linging: I'm thirteen years old.

Ms Li: Good. Hello, what about you?

Daming: Hello, Ms Li. My name is Daming and I'm from Beijing too. I'm twelve years old.

Ms Li: Thanks. Hello, are you from America?

Tony: No, I'm not. I'm from England. I'm Tony Smith.

Ms Li: Nice to meet you, Tony. Hi, are you English too?

Betty: No, I'm not. I'm American and my name is Betty King.

Linging: Tony and Betty are our friends.

Ms Li: Good. Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7!

Linging: Is this your family?

Tony: Yes, it is.

Linging: What a big family! Is this your sister?

Tony: Yes, it is. Her name is Linda.

Linging: Are these your grandparents?

Tony:Yes, they are. My mum's parents are on the left, and my dad's parents are on the right.

Linging: I see. Who's this?

Tony: That's my dad.

Linging: Is this your mum?

Tony: Yes. The woman next to her is my dad's sister, my aunt Liz. Linging: Is this her husband?

Tony: No, that's her brother, my uncle Paul.

Linging: Who are the boy and the girl in front of Paul?

Tony: Those are Paul's son and daughter, my cousins, Mike and Helen.

Daming: Linda, what's your classroom in England like? Is it big? Linda: Yes, it's really big. There are thirty students in my class. How many students are there in your class in Beijing?

Daming: There are forty students, twenty girls and twenty boys. What's in your classroom? Is there a lot of furniture?

Linda: Yes, there is.

Daming: Are there computers on everyone's desks?

Linda: No, there aren't. But there is a computer on the teacher's desk. Daming: Oh, are there any pictures on the classroom walls?

Linda: Yes, there are, at the front of the classroom.

Daming: And is there a map of the world?

Linda: No, there isn't. There's a map of England.

Daming:There's a map of the world in our classroom, but there aren't any pictures on our walls.

Tony’s dad: Tony, let's go shopping for food and drink. Now, we haven't got any meat. Let's get some chicken.

Tony: OK. Have we got any chocolate?

Tony’s dad: Yes, we have. Too much chocolate isn't good for you. Let's get some fruit.

Tony: What kind of fruit? Apples?

Tony’s dad: No, we've got lots of apples. We haven't got any oranges, so let's get some.

Tony: OK. How about some orange juice?

Tony’s dad: Yes, good idea! And coffee. Let's get some for your mum. She hasn't got any coffee.

Tony: All right, some coffee for Mum, and some cola for me. I haven't

got any cola.

Tony’s dad: No cola! Cola is bad for you! How about some tea?

Tony: Oh, too bad!

Tony: Betty, what are our lessons on Monday?

Betty: We have Chinese at eight o'clock and science at five to nine. At twenty past ten we have IT. Then we have math. Do you like math, Tony? Tony: Yes, I do, but it's difficult! I like the lessons on Monday afternoon: English and art. What lessons do we have on Friday?

Betty: We have English, Chinese, PE and geography.

Tony: And in the afternoon? Do we have math?

Betty: No, we don't. We have art and history, but we don't have math. I love history and I'm good at it. It's my favorite subject because it's very interesting.

Tony: My favorite subject is Chinese. I can talk with my Chinese friends.

Guide:Welcome to Beijing Zoo. The zoo has many kinds of animals, such as bears, zebras, giraffes and pandas. They come from many different countries and they eat different food. Here are the lions. Tony: Do lions eat meat?

Guide: Yes, they do. They eat other animals. They're dangerous! Linging: Ugh! And what about bears? Do they eat meat?

Guide: Yes, they do, but they also eat plants.

Tony: Look at this elephant. It's very tall. Does it eat meat?

Guide: No, it doesn't. It eats plants.

Linging: Do pandas eat plants and leaves?

Guide: Sure. They love bamboo.

Linging: Are there pandas here? They're my favourite animals. They're cute. Shall we go and see them?

Guide: Yes, let's go. Can you see Lingling?

Tony: She's in front of you!

Guide: No, Lingling the panda!

Linging: Which is Lingling the panda?

Guide: She's the black and white animal over there. Look! There she is! Linging: That's very funny. Her name is Lingling too!

Tony: Is there a panda called Tony...?

Linging: How do I write my homework on the computer? Can I learn? Betty:Sure! First, open a new document. Click the mouse on "new document".

Linging: What's the mouse? Is this it?

Betty: Yes.

Linging: Where do I click on "new document"?

Betty: On the left of the screen... there!

Linging: OK, what's next?

Betty:Next, you write your homework in the new document. Use the keyboard.

Linging: What do I do next? How do I save the document?

Betty: You click "save", and write a name for it.

Linging: Where do I write the name?

Betty: Write it in the box. OK, then click "save" again.

Linging: OK. Finally, how do I print my document?

Betty: Click "print" and "OK".

Linging: What about some paper?

Betty: Oh yes, of course! You put the paper in there first!

Daming: Hi, would you like to come to my birthday party?

Betty: Yes, I'd love to. When is it?

Daming: This Saturday, at my house.

Tony: OK! I always like birthday parties.

Lingling: Great!

Betty: What do you usually do at a Chinese birthday party?

Daming:At the birthday dinner, we eat noodles. And we eat birthday cake too. But my mother never makes a birthday cake. She usually buys a special one and I cut it at the party.

Lingling: And we sometimes give birthday cards.

Tony: Do you usually sing Happy Birthday?

Daming: Yes, we always sing Happy Birthday.

Tony: Do you sing it in Chinese or in English?

Daming: We sing it in Chinese and English.

Betty: Do you get birthday presents in China?

Lingling: Sometimes. Daming always gets birthday presents!

Tony: So what would you like for your birthday, Daming?

Daming: It's a secret. Ha ha...

Betty: Hi, Mum!

Mum: Hello, Betty! Where are you now?

Betty: I'm standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you. Mum: Really? That's great.

Betty: We're on a school trip.

Mum: What about the others? Are they with you?

Betty: Well, right now Tony is eating a delicious ice cream. Wang Hui is taking lots of photos. Lingling is buying a few presents and postcards. They're on sale at the shop. Daming is having lunch and lying in the sun. Mum: I'd like a postcard too, but please take some photos of the Great Wall and send them to me by email.

Betty: OK. We're enjoying the school trip a lot. Anyway, it's time to go back to school now. Bye, Mum!

Mum: Bye, Betty!

Tony: Hi, Lingling. This is Tony speaking. What's happening? Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?

Lingling: Yes, we are. We're quite busy now.

Tony: What are you doing at the moment?

Lingling: I'm making big red lanterns.

Tony: I like them. They are very beautiful. Is your father helping you? Lingling:No, he isn't. He's still at work.

Tony: What's your mother doing?

Lingling: She's cleaning the house and putting things away.

Tony: She's working so hard!

Lingling: Yes. My aunt is sweeping the floor, and my grandma is cooking the meal in the kitchen.

Tony: What are Daming and Betty doing?

Lingling:They're learning a dragon dance with my grandpa.

Tony: Can I join them?

Lingling: Of course. Hurry up!


八年级上册参考译文 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ? Sectoin B 2b 7月15日,星期一 1. 今天早上我和家人抵达马来西亚槟城。 2.天气晴朗炎热,于是我们决定去宾馆附的海滩。 3.我和姐姐尝试了滑翔伞运动,我感觉自己就像一只鸟。这太令人兴奋了! 4.午饭我们吃了非常特殊的东西——马来黄面,可真是好吃呀! 5.下午,我们骑自行车去了乔治市。 6.如今那里有许多新的建筑,但是许多老房子依然还在。 7.在乔治市的一处古老的地方——海墘街,我们看到了一百年前中国商人们的房子。 8.我在想这里过去的生活是什么样子呢。漫步在乔治市真是很享受。 7月16日,星期二 9.一天的差异是多么大呀!10.我和爸爸决定今天登槟城山。11.我们本想徒步到山顶,但是天下起了小雨,于是我们决定乘坐火车。 12.因为人太多,我们等了一个多小时的火车。13.当我们到达山顶的时候,雨下得很大。14.我们没有带雨伞,结果我们(被淋得又湿又冷,真实糟透了!15.并且因为糟糕的天气,底下的东西我们什么都看不到。16.爸爸没有带足够的钱,所以我们只吃了一碗米饭和鱼。因为我太饿了,饭的味道尝起来还真是不错Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 第五中学的学生们在课余时间做什么? 17.上个月,我们询问了我们的学生一些有关课余活动的问题。 18.我们的问题是有关锻炼、使用网络,以及看电视。以下是所获得的结果。 19.我们发现我们的学生中只有百分之十五每天锻炼。百分之四十五的学生一周锻炼四至六次。百分之二十的学生一周只锻炼一至 三。还有百分之二十的学生根本就不锻炼! 20.我们都知道许多学生经常上网,但是让我们惊讶的是,有百分之九十的人每天使用网络,另外百分之十的学生每周至少使用网络三至四次。绝大多数学生上网娱乐,并非为了做功课。 21.对我们提出的有关看电视的问题的回答也颇有意思。只有百分之二的学生一周看一直三次电视,百分之十三的人一星期看四至六次电视。另外百分之八十五的人每天都看电视!虽然许多学生喜欢观看体育节目,但游戏类节目却是最受欢迎的。 22.通过使用网络或观看游戏类节目来放松是件好事,但我们认为最佳的放松方式是通过锻炼。它有益于身心的健康。23.诸如参加体育运动这样的锻炼方式不但有趣,而且当你和朋友、家人一起运动时,你们还可以共度时光。24.请记住:”旧习难改。”所以赶快锻炼起来,不要等到来不及了。 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 25.杰夫.格林:我妈妈告诉我好朋友就像一面镜子。26.我比大多数孩子要安静持重,这便是我喜欢看书而且在班上学习更加努力的原 因。27.我的好朋友袁力也不太说话,所以我们喜欢一块学习。28.我比较腼腆,所以我不那么容易交上朋友,但我想朋友就像书籍一样—他们不在多而贵在好。


外研版高中英语选修七重点短语 Module 1 1. defend sb./sth. from... 保护某人免遭……defend sb./sth. against…保护某人抵御…… 2. of value=valuable 有价值的,有用的value sth at+价钱, 给……估价为……value sth 重视 3. on(an/the) average 平均起来above / below the average 在一般水平以上/以下 4. deserve sth /to do 应得/理应…… deserve to be done=deserve doing 值得被,应该 5. at one point 曾经,一度on the point of doing sth. 正要做某事之时 off the point 离题,偏题to the point 中肯,扼要 There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没有用,没必要 6. There is no doubt that... 对……没有疑问There is no doubt about sth. 对某事没有疑问 There is much doubt whether... 有人怀疑…… I don't doubt that... 我不怀疑…… I doubt whether / if... 我怀疑…… without / beyond doubt 毫无疑问 7. rely on/upon...= depend on/upon... 依赖,依靠…… rely on sb. to do sth.= rely on sb. / one’s doing sth. 指望某人干某事 rely on sb. for sth. 指望某人某事rely on it that... 相信…… 8. for an instant 片刻,一瞬间in an instant 立即,马上 the instant... 一……就…… = the moment = the minute = as soon as 9. appoint sb.(to be)/(as)... 任命某人为…… appoint sb. to do sth. 委任某人做某事 appoint some time / some place for sth. 为某事确定某时间/ 地点 make/fix an appointment with sb. 与某人约会keep / break an appointment 守约/失约 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5f14338229.html,mit suicide 自杀commit a mistake 犯错commit sth. to sb. 把某物托付给某人 11. apologise to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉 make an apology to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉 accept/refuse an apology 接受/拒绝道歉 12. take possession of 占有,占据,拥有 in possession of 拥有,占有in the possession of 被……占有/控制 come into possession of 占有…… come into one's possession 被某人占有 13. be based on/upon 根据,以……为基础 14. if so 如果这样的话if any 假如有的话 if not 如果不是这样if possible 如果可能的话 15. grow up 长大 16. rescue …from… 把…某种状况下解救出来 17. set (up) a record 创记录 18. name sb. after … 用……给某人命名 Module 2 1.settle down 坐下;定居;(使)安静下来 settle down to sth. 开始认真对待;定下心来做 settle sth. with sb. 与某人解决某事 2.elect sb.+ (as) n./ 职位推选某人为…… 3.be suitable for... 适合…… 4.attract/draw one's attention 吸引某人的注意力


M1U1 李老师:您好,我的名字叫李芳。、我就是您们的老师您们就是我的学生。、我就是中国人。我来自武汉。您叫什么名字? 玲玲:我的名字叫王玲玲 李老师:、见到您很高兴。玲玲,您来自哪里? 玲玲:我来自北京。我就是中国人。 李老师:您多大了? 玲玲:我十三岁。 李老师:好的。您好,您那? 大明:您好,李老师。我的名字就是李大明我也来自北京。我十二岁。 李老师:谢谢。您好,您来自美国不? 托尼:不,我不就是。我来自英格兰。我的名字叫托尼?史密斯。 李老师:见到您很高兴。托尼。嗨,您也就是英国人不? 贝蒂:不,我不就是。我就是美国人。我的名字叫贝蒂?金。 玲玲:托尼与贝蒂就是我们的朋友。 李老师:好的。欢迎来到七年级四班。 M1U2 大家好。我叫李大明,我的英文名字叫戴维。我12岁,我来自北京。北京就是中国的首都。这就是玲玲,她的英文名字叫露西。她就是我的朋友。她也来自北京。 您们好。我叫王玲玲,我13岁。很高兴见到您。王辉就是我的朋友,但她不在我们班。她的英文名字叫亨利。她来自上海。上海就是个很大的城市。 您们好,我的名字叫托尼?史密斯。我来自剑桥。她在英国就是个小城市。托尼就是我的名字,史密斯就是我的姓。我13岁。很高兴见到您们所有的人。 M2U1 玲玲:这就是您的家庭不? 托尼:就是的,它就是。 玲玲:好大的一个家庭啊!这就是您的妹妹不? 托尼:就是的,这就是她。她叫琳达。 玲玲:这些人就是您的祖父母与外祖父母不? 托尼:就是的,她们就是。我妈妈的父母在左边,我爸爸的父母在右边。 玲玲:我明白了。这就是谁? 托尼:那就是我爸爸。 玲玲:这就是您的妈妈不?

玲玲:这就是她的丈夫不? 托尼:不,那就是她的兄弟,我的叔叔保罗。 玲玲:在保罗前面的男孩与女孩就是谁? 托尼:那就是保罗的儿子与女儿,我的堂兄妹迈克与海伦。 M2U2 我叫贝蒂·金。这就是我的父母。我们就是美国人。我爸爸就是一名男演员,我妈妈就是一家剧院的经理 我叫李大明这就是我的父母。我们就是中国人。我爸爸在警察局工作。她就是一名警察,我妈妈就是一名护士 我叫托尼·史密斯,就是英国人。这就是我的妈妈,她就是一所学校的英语老师。这就是我的父亲,她就是一家饭店的经理。 我叫王玲玲。我就是中国人。我妈妈就是一名护士,她与大明的妈妈在同一家医院。我爸爸就是北京的一名公共汽车司机。 M3U1 大明:琳达,您在英国的教室就是什么样子的?它大不? 琳达:就是的,特别大。在我们班有三十名学生,在北京您们班有多少名学生? 大明:有四十名学生,二十名女生,二十名男生。您们教室里有什么?有许多家具不? 琳达:就是的,有许多。 大明:在每个人的书桌上都有电脑不? 琳达:不,没有。但在教师的讲桌上有一台电脑。 大明:哦,在教室的墙上有一些图画不? 琳达:就是的,有,在教室的前面。 大明:有世界地图不? 琳达:不,没有,有一幅英国地图。 大明:在我们教室里有一幅世界地图,但墙上没有图画。 M3U2 这就是我们学校的地图。我们学校有六座建筑物:一个图书馆,一座办公楼,一座教学楼,一个餐厅,一个体育馆与一座科学楼。在学校中央就是一个大操场。图书馆在学校大门附近,操场的左边。里面有很多图书、地图与电脑。在图使馆后面的左侧就是学校的办公室。在这栋楼与餐厅之间就是拥有二十四个教室的教学楼。在教学楼右边的建筑物就是餐厅。在餐厅前面就是体育馆,在体育馆前面的那座建筑物就是用于科学课的。在科学楼里有六个科学实验室与五个微机室


2013新外研版七年级下英语全册课文Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this? Ms Li: Welcome back to school everyone! First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this? Lingling: Oh sorry! It’s mine. Are my crayons there too? Ms Li: Are these crayons yours? Lingling: Yes, they are and this eraser too. Thank you. Ms Li: Whose tapes are these? Daming: They’re mine. Ms Li: Here’s a purple wallet! Tony: It’s mine. Look! Here’s my name ―Tony! Thank you. Ms Li: You’re welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too, Daming? Daming: No, it isn’t. I think it’s Betty’s. Lingling: Yes, it’s hers. Ms Li: Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. Daming: Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they? Ms Li: Let me see... Oh, they’re mine! Thank you! Unit2 Are they yours? The Lost and Found Office in New York City Welcome to the New York City Lost and Found Office. People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. That’s why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations. The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big. Hundreds of people come here every day. They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. We usually have about two thousand mobile phones and one thousand cameras. At the moment, there are also some strange things at the New York City Lost and


系统复习资料 八年级上册英语课文原文 Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? Section A 2d Rick:Hi,Helen.Long time no see. Helen:Hi,Rick.Yes,I was on vacation last month. Rick:Oh,did you go anywhere interesting? Helen:Yes,I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick:Wow!Did you see H uangguoshu Waterfall? Helen:Yes,I did.It was wonderful!①We took quite a few photos there.What about you?Did you do anything special last month? Rick:Not really.②I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax., Section B 2b Did Jane have a good time on Monday?What about on Tuesday? Monday,July 15th I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.①It was sunny and hot,so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.②My sister and I tried paragliding.③I felt like I was a bird.It was so exciting!For lunch,we had something very special-Malaysian yellow noodles.They were delicious!In the afternoon,we rode bicycles to Georgetown.④There are a lot of new buildings now,but many of the old buildings are still there.In We ld Quay,a really old place in Georgetown,we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago.⑤I wonder what life was like here in the past.I really enjoyed walking around the town. Tuesday,July 16th ⑥What a difference a day makes!My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.We wanted to walk up to the top,but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.⑦We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people.When we got to the top,it was raining really hard.We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold.It was terrible!⑧And because of the bad weather,we couldn't see anything below.⑨My f ather didn't bring enough money,so we only had one bowl of fish and rice.I was so hungry!But it tasted great!,


M1U1 Nice to meet you. Ms Li: Hello, my name is Li Fang. I'm your teacher and you're my students. I'm Chinese. I'm from Wuhan. What's your name Linging: My name is Wang Lingling. Ms Li: Nice to meet you, Lingling. Where are you from Linging: I'm from Beijing. I'm Chinese. Ms Li: How old are you Linging: I'm thirteen years old. Ms Li: Good. Hello, what about you Daming: Hello, Ms Li. My name is Daming and I'm from Beijing too. I'm twelve years old. Ms Li: Thanks. Hello, are you from America Tony: No, I'm not. I'm from England. I'm Tony Smith. Ms Li: Nice to meet you, Tony. Hi, are you English too Betty: No, I'm not. I'm American and my name is Betty King. Linging: Tony and Betty are our friends. Ms Li: Good. Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7! M1U2 I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old. Hello, everyone. My name is Li Daming and my English name is David. I'm twelve years old and I'm from Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China. This is Lingling and her English name is Lucy. She's my friend. She's from Beijing too. Hello, I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old. Good to see you. Wang Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class. His English name is Henry. He's from Shanghai. Shanghai is a very big city. Hi, my name is Tony Smith. I'm from Cambridge. It's a small city in England. Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name. I'm thirteen years old. It's nice to meet you all. M2 U1 Is this your mum Linging: Is this your family


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? conversation: R: Hi, Helen. Long time no see. H: Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month. R: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? H: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. R: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? H: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month? R: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. passage: I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and l tried paragliding. I felt like l was a bird. It was so exciting. For lunch, we had something very special----- Malaysian yellow noodles. They were delicious. In the afternoon, we rode bicycles to Georgetown. There are a lot of new buildings now, but many of the old buildings are still there. In weld quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago. I wonder what life was like here in the past. I really enjoyed walking around the town. What a difference a day makes! My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today. We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train. We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. When we got to the top, it was raining really hard. We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. It was terrible! And because of the bad weather, we couldn't see anything below. My father didn't bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. The food tasted great because I was so hungry! Unit 2 How often do you exercise? conversation: A: Hi, Claire, are you free next week? B: Hmm… next week is quite full for me, Jack. A: Really? How come? B: I have dance and piano lessons. A: What kind of dance are you learning? B: Oh, swing dance. It’s fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. A: How often do you have piano lessons? B: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. A: Well, how about Tuesday? B: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come? A: Sure.

外研版 选修7课文 原文

外研社选修7 课文原文 Module 1Basketball Michael Jordan – Head and Shoulders Above the Rest! During the 1990s, Michael Jordan was probably the best-known athlete in the world. He was the top scorer in the NBA, and played for the Chicago Bulls from 1984 to 1993. He was named their most valued player five times. Wearing his famous number 23 shirt, Michael Jordan became the most successful basketball player in the history of the game. Jordan was born in New York and grew up in North Carolina. He attended the University of North Carolina for a year before leaving to join the Chicago Bulls. He finished his first season (1984-1985) as one of the top scorers in the league, with an average of 28.2 points per game. In 1987, Jordan became only the second player to score more than 3,000 points in a season. He was the top scorer in the NBA for seven consecutive seasons (1987-1993). During this time, the average number of points he scored was more than 30 points per game. With him, the Bulls won their first NBA championship in1991.


外研版七年级英语上全册课文翻译 P2 李老师:你好,我的名字叫李芳。.我是你们的老师你们是我的学生。我是中国人。我来自武汉。你叫什么名字? 玲玲:我的名字叫王玲玲 李老师:.见到你很高兴。玲玲,你来自哪里? 玲玲:我来自北京。我是中国人。 李老师:你多大了? 玲玲:我十三岁。 李老师:好的。你好,你那? 大明:你好,李老师。我的名字是李大明我也来自北京。我十二岁。李老师:谢谢。你好,你来自美国吗? 托尼:不,我不是。我来自英格兰。我的名字叫托尼?史密斯。李老师:见到你很高兴。托尼。嘿,你也是英国人吗? 贝蒂:不,我不是。我是美国人。我的名字叫贝蒂?金。 玲玲:托尼和贝蒂是我们的朋友。 李老师:好的。欢迎来到七年级四班。 P4 大家好。我叫李大明,我的英文名字叫戴维。我12岁,我来自北京。北京是中国的首都。这是玲玲,她的英文名字叫露西。她是我的朋友。她也来自北京。 你们好。我叫王玲玲,我13岁。很高兴见到你。王辉是我的朋友,但他不在我们班。他的英文名字叫亨利。他来自上海。上海是个很大城市。 你们好,我的名字叫托尼?史密斯。我来自剑桥。他在英国是个小城市。托尼是我的名字,史密斯是我的姓。我13岁。很高兴见到你们所有的人。 P8 玲玲:这是你的家庭吗? 托尼:是的,它是。 玲玲:好大的一个家庭啊!这是你的妹妹吗? 托尼:是的,这是她。她叫琳达。 玲玲:这些人是你的祖父母和外祖父母吗? 托尼:是的,他们是。我妈妈的父母在左边,我爸爸的父母在右边。玲玲:我明白了。这是谁? 托尼:那是我爸爸。 玲玲:这是你的妈妈吗? 托尼:是的。在她旁边的妇女是我爸爸的姐姐,我的姑姑利兹。玲玲:这是她的丈夫吗? 托尼:不,那是她的兄弟,我的叔叔保罗。 玲玲:在保罗前面的男孩和女孩是谁? 托尼:那是保罗的儿子和女儿,我的堂兄妹迈克和海伦。


Unit 1 Rick: Hi, Helen, Long time no see. Helen: Hi, Rick, Yes, I was on vacation last month. Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? Helen: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month? Rick: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. Monday, July 15th I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and I tried paragliding. I felt like I was a bird. It was so exciting! For lunch, we had something very special--Malaysian yellow noodles. They were delicious. In the afternoon, we rode bicycles to Georgetown. There are a lot of new building now, but many of the old buildings are still there. In Weld Quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago. I won der what life was like here in the past. I really enjoyed walking around the town. Tuesday, July 16th What a difference a day makes! My father and i decided to go to Penang Hill today. We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train. We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. When we got to the top, it was raining really hard. We didn’t have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. It was terrible! And because of the bad weather, we couldn’t see anything below. My father didn’t bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. The food tasted great because I was so hungry. Unit 2 J: Hi, Claire, are you free next week? C: Hmm...next week is quite full for me, Jack. J: Really? How come? C: I have dance and piano lessons. J: What kind of dance are you learning? C: Oh, swing dance. It’s fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. J: How often do you have piano lessons? C: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. J: Well, how about Tuesday? C: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come? J: Sure! What Do No.5 High School Students Do in Their Free Time? Last month we asked our students about their free time activities. Our questions were about exercise, use of the Internet and watching TV. Here are the results. We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. Forty-five percent exercise four to six times a week. Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week. And twenty percent do not exercise at all. We all know that many students often go online, but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. The other ten percent use it at least three or four times a week. Most students use it for fun and not for homework.


外研社高中英语选修7全册复习课件(精品) 高中英语第七册(顺序选修7) 目录 ———————————————————————— 第37讲Module1 Basketball 第38讲Module2 Highlights of My Senior Year 第39讲Module3 Literature 第40讲Module4 Music Born in America 第41讲Module5 Ethnic Culture 第42讲Module6 The World’s Cultural Heritage 新课标·外研版 第37讲Module1 Basketball 美文欣赏 [2011·四川卷] 最近,某中学生英文报开设了“After-class Activities”的栏目,请你根据以下提示,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,并鼓励同学们积极参加课外活动。 1.你校开展课外活动的情况; 2.你参加过的课外活动及给你带来的益处; 3.为同学选择课外活动提出建议; 4.为学校开展课外活动提出建议。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.文中不得提及人名、校名及地名; 3.稿件的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。 After-class Activities Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【精彩美文】 After-class Activities Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools.In our school, there are various kinds of activities, for example,arts and sports.We enjoy them very much.Playing football and reading stories are my favorites which do me lots of good.Besides building my body and enriching my knowledge,they also free me from the heavy work of study. Here I have some suggestions.To students,you'd better choose the activities which interest you and suit you;to schools,they should organize more activities for students and leave students more time for activities by giving them less homework. Dear friends,please actively take part in after-class activities,which will not only make your school life colorful,but also improve your learning. 【全品点睛】 ①行文逻辑:所开展的课外活动及益处→给出建议→发出倡议。较好地使用了连接词,如:besides,not only…but also等。 ②词汇短语:运用了较高难度的词汇。如:various kinds of,enrich,free…from,take part in等。 ③句式句法:运用了多样化的句式和句法结构。如:形容词比较级结构:…are becoming more and more popular…;动名词短语作主语,which引导的定语从句:Playing football and reading stories are my favorites which do me lots of good.使用了which引导的非限制性定语从句,主句为祈使句:…please actively take part in after-class activities, which will not only make your school life colorful, but also improve your learning;there be句型:…there are various kinds of activities等。 基础梳理 Ⅰ.单词荟萃 1.defend v.防守→defence n.防御;保卫;防护 2.association n.协会→associate v.(在思想上)把……联系在一起;使结合在一起

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