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Counting open negatively curved manifolds up to tangential homotopy equivalence

Counting open negatively curved manifolds up to tangential homotopy equivalence
Counting open negatively curved manifolds up to tangential homotopy equivalence

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COUNTING OPEN NEGATIVELY CUR VED MANIFOLDS UP TO TANGENTIAL HOMOTOPY EQUIV ALENCE Igor Belegradek May 14,1998Abstract.Under mild assumptions on a group π,we prove that the class of com-plete Riemannian n –manifolds of uniformly bounded negative sectional curvatures and with the fundamental groups isomorphic to πbreaks into ?nitely many tan-gential homotopy types.It follows that many aspherical manifolds do not admit complete negatively curved metrics with prescribed curvature bounds.§1.Introduction This paper is an attempt to understand the topology of complete in?nite vol-ume Riemannian manifolds of negative sectional curvature.Every smooth open manifold admits a (possibly incomplete)Riemannian metric of negative sectional curvature [23].However,the universal cover of a complete negatively curved mani-fold is di?eomorphic to the Euclidean space,hence the homotopy type of a complete negatively curved manifold is determined by its fundamental group.For closed (or,more generally,?nite volume complete)negatively curved mani-folds,the fundamental group seems to encode most of the topological information.By contrast,complete negatively curved manifolds of in?nite volume with isomor-phic fundamental groups may be very di?erent topologically.For example,the total space of any vector bundle over a closed negatively curved manifold admits a complete Riemannian metric of sectional curvature pinched between two negative constants [1].Given a group π,a positive integer n ,and real numbers a ≤b <0,consider the class M a,b,π,n of n –manifolds with fundamental groups isomorphic to πthat can be given complete Riemannian metrics of sectional curvatures within [a,b ].In this paper we discuss under what assumptions on πthe class M a,b,π,n breaks

into ?nitely many tangential homotopy types.Recall that a homotopy equivalence of smooth manifolds of the same dimension f :N →L is called tangential if the vector bundles f ?T L and T N are stably isomorphic.For example,any map that is homotopic to a di?eomorphism is a tangential homotopy equivalence.Note that,unless N is a closed manifold,the bundles f ?T L and T N are isomorphic i?they are stably isomorphic.


If the cohomological dimension ofπis equal to n,every manifold from the class M a,b,π,n is closed.In that case,in fact,M a,b,π,n falls into?nitely many di?eomor-phism classes[5].

Here is a way to produce in?nitely many homotopy equivalent negatively curved manifolds of the same dimension such that no two of them are tangentially homo-topy equivalent.Let M be a closed negatively curved manifold with H4m(M,Q)=0 for some m>0.(Such examples abound.For instance,any closed complex hy-perbolic or quaternion hyperbolic manifold is such.Most arithmetic closed real hyperbolic orientable manifolds have nonzero Betti numbers in all dimensions[30].) Then,by an elementary K-theoretic argument,for any k≥dim(M)there exists a in?nite sequence of rank k vector bundles over M such that no two of them have tangentially homotopy equivalent total spaces.Yet,thanks to a theorem of An-derson[1],the total space of any vector bundle over M can be given a negatively curved metric.

The following is a simpli?ed form of our main result.

Theorem 1.1.Letπbe the fundamental group of a?nite aspherical complex. Suppose thatπis not virtually nilpotent and thatπdoes not split as a nontrivial amalgamated product or an HNN-extension over a virtually nilpotent group.

Then,for any positive integer n and any negative reals a≤b,the class M a,b,π,n breaks into?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

Furthermore,by an easy argument we can generalize the theorem1.1to certain amalgamated products and HNN-extensions.For example,suppose thatπis the fundamental group of a?nite graph of groups such that the edge groups are virtually nilpotent groups of cohomological dimension≤2.(Note that if M a,b,π,n=?,then any nontrivial virtually nilpotent subgroup ofπof cohomological dimension≤2is isomorphic to Z,Z×Z,or the fundamental group of the Klein bottle.)Fix n and

a≤b<0and suppose that,for each vertex groupπv,the class M a,b,π

v,n breaks

into?nitely many tangential homotopy types.Then so does the class M a,b,π,n.

Applying a powerful accessibility result of Delzant and Potyagailo[16],we deduce the following.

Corollary1.2.Letπbe the fundamental group of a?nite aspherical complex. Assume that any nilpotent subgroup ofπhas cohomological dimension≤2.

Then,for any positive integer n and any negative reals a≤b,the class M a,b,π,n breaks into?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

Any torsion free word-hyperbolic group is the fundamental group of a?nite aspherical cell complex[15,5.24].Moreover,any virtually nilpotent subgroup ofπis either trivial or in?nite cyclic.

Corollary1.3.Letπbe a word-hyperbolic group.Then,for any positive integer n and any negative reals a≤b,the class M a,b,π,n breaks into?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

It is worth mentioning that in the locally symmetric case a di?erent(and ele-mentary)argument yields the following.

Theorem1.4.Letπbe a?nitely presented torsion–free group and let X be a nonpositively curved symmetric space.

COUNTING NEGATIVELY CURVED MANIFOLDS3 Then the class of manifolds of the form X/ρ(π),whereρ∈Hom(π,Isom(X)) is a faithful discrete representation,falls into?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

Gromov posed a question(see[1])whether an(open)thickening of a?nite as-pherical cell complex with word-hyperbolic fundamental group admits a complete negatively curved metric.The following corollary shows that most thickenings do not carry complete negatively curved metric with prescribed curvature bounds. Corollary1.5.Let K be a?nite,connected,aspherical cell complex.Let a≤b<0

and n>max{4,2dim(K)}.Suppose that the class M a,b,π

1(K),n breaks into?nitely

many tangential homotopy types.

Then the set of di?eomorphism classes of open thickenings of K that belong to the class M a,b,π



The corollary follows from the fact that any two tangentially homotopy equiv-alent thickenings of su?ciently high dimension are di?eomorphic[29,pp.226–228]. In general,the set of di?eomorphism classes of open n-dimensional thickenings of K is in?nite provided n>max{4,2dim(K)}and⊕k H4k(K,Q)=0.Thus,for such n and K,most open n-dimensional thickenings of K do not belong to the class M a,b,π


.Combining1.3and1.5,we deduce the following.

Corollary1.6.Let M be a smooth aspherical manifold such thatπ1(M)is word-hyperbolic.Let a≤b<0and n>2dim(M).

Then the set of isomorphism classes of vector bundles over M whose total spaces belong to M a,b,π



Actually,we show in[6]that,in case dim(M)≥3,the assumption n>2dim(M) of the corollary1.6is redundant.

Synopsis of the paper.In the section2we prove main lemmas from the global Riemannian geometry.The3rd section provides some K-theoretic background.In the4th section we de?ne some invariant of actions.The5th section is devoted to our main results including the theorem1.1.In the section6we employ some group theory to deduce the corollary1.2.The section7deals with applications to thickenings.Applications to convex-cocompact groups are deduced in the section 8.The theorem1.4is proved in the9th section.

Acknowledgments.I am grateful to Werner Ballmann,Mladen Bestvina,Thomas Delzant,Martin J.Dunwoody,Lowell E.Jones,Misha Kapovich,Vitali Kapovitch, Bernhard Leeb,John https://www.doczj.com/doc/6215953281.html,lson,Igor Mineyev,James A.Schafer,Jonathan M.Rosen-berg and Shmuel Weinberger for helpful discussions and communications.

Special thanks are due to my advisor Bill Goldman for his constant interest and support.

§2.Two types of convergence.

By an action of an abstract groupπon a space X we mean a group homomor-phismρ:π→Homeo(X).An actionρis free ifρ(γ)(x)=x for all x∈X and all γ∈π\{id}.In particular,ifρis a free action,thenρis injective.

2.1.Equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology.LetΓk be a discrete subgroup of the isometry group of a complete Riemannian manifold X k and p k be a point of X k.


The class of all such triples{(X k,p k,Γk)}can be given the so-called equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology[20];whenΓk is trivial this reduces to the usual pointed Lipschitz topology.For convenience of the reader we give here some de?nitions borrowed from[20].

For a groupΓacting on a pointed metric space(X,p,d)the set{γ∈Γ: d(p,γ(p))

For i=1,2,let(X i,p i)be a pointed complete metric space with the distance function d i and letΓi be a discrete group of isometries of X i.In addition,assume that X i is a C∞–manifold.Take any?>0.

Then a quadruple(f1,f2,φ1,φ2)of maps f i:B1/?(p i,X i)→B1/?(p3?i,X3?i) andφi:Γi(1/3?)→Γ3?i is called an?–Lipschitz approximation between the triples (X1,p1,Γ1)and(X2,p2,Γ2)if the following seven condition hold:?f i is a di?eomorphism onto its image;

?for each x i∈B1/3?(p i,X i)and everyγi∈Γi(1/3?),f i(γi(x i))=φi(γi)(f i(x i));

?for every x i,x′i∈B1/?(p i,X i),e??

?f i(B1/?(p i,X i))?B(1/?)??(p3?i,X3?i)andφi(Γi(1/3?))?Γ3?i(1/3???);

?f i(B(1/?)??(p i,X i))?B1/?(p3?i,X3?i)andφi(Γi(1/3???))?Γ3?i(1/3?);

?f3?i?f i|B

(1/?)??(p i,X i)

=id andφ3?i?φi|Γ



?d3?i(f i(p i),p3?i)

We say a sequence of triples(X k,p k,Γk)converges to(X,p,Γ)in the equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology if for any?>0there is k(?)such that for all k>k(?), there exists an?–Lipschitz approximation between(X k,p k,Γk)and(X,p,Γ).

Notice that if all the groupsΓk are trivial,thenΓis trivial;in this case we say that that(X k,p k)converges to(X,p)in the pointed Lipschitz topology.Note that if X k is a complete Riemannian manifold for all k,then the space X is necessarily a C∞–manifold with a complete C1,α–Riemannian metric[22].

Remark2.2.For those with the Kleinian groups background we note that the equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology is closely related to the so-called Chabauty topology[7][14].Since the Kleinian group theory is an important source of exam-ples,we describe the precise relation.Let X be a complete Riemannian manifold (e.g.a hyperbolic space)with the isometry group G.The set of discrete subgroups of G has the Chabauty topology induced by a natural topology on the set of closed subsets of G,namely a sequence of closed subsets S i converges to S if for any compact K?G,the sets S i∩K converge to S∩K in the Hausdor?topology on K.Consider the product topology on the set of pairs(Γ,p)whereΓis a dis-crete subgroup of G and p∈X.This product topology is in fact equivalent to the equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology where(Γ,p)is thought of as a triple (X,Γ,p).

2.3.Pointwise convergence topology.Suppose that,for some p k∈X k,the sequence(X k,p k)converges to(X,p)in the pointed Lipschitz topology i.e.,for any?>0there is k(?)such that for all k>k(?)there exists an?–Lipschitz approximation(f k,g k)between(X k,p k)and(X,p).(Note that if each X k is a Hadamard manifold,then for any p k∈X k,the sequence(X k,p k)is precompact in the pointed Lipschitz topology because the injectivity radius of X k at p k is uniformly bounded away from zero[20].)We say that a sequence x k∈X k converges to x∈X if for some?

d(f k(x k),x)→0as k→∞

COUNTING NEGATIVELY CURVED MANIFOLDS5 where d(·,·)is the distance function on X and f k comes from the?–Lipschitz ap-proximation(f k,g k)between(X k,p k)and(X,p).Trivial examples:if(X k,p k) converges to(X,p)in the pointed Lipschitz topology,then p k converges to p;fur-thermore,if x∈X,the sequence g k(x)converges to x.

Given a sequence of isometriesγk∈Isom(X k)we say thatγk converges,if for any sequence x k∈X k that converges to x∈X,γk(x k)converges.The limiting transformationγthat takes x to the limit ofγk(x k)of X is necessarily an isometry. Furthermore,ifγk andγ′k converge toγandγ′respectively,thenγk·γ′k converges

toγ·γ′.In particular,γ?1

k converges toγ?1since the identity maps id k:X k→X k

converge to id:X→X.

Letρk:π→Isom(X k)be a sequence of isometric actions of a groupπon X k.We say that a sequence of actions(X k,p k,ρk)converges in the pointwise convergence topology to an action(X,p,ρ)ifρk(γ)converges toρ(γ)for everyγ∈π.The limiting mapρ:Γ→Isom(X)that takesγto the limit ofρk(γ)is necessarily a homomorphism.Ifπis generated by a?nite set S,then in order to prove that ρk converges in the pointwise convergence topology it su?ces to check thatρk(γ) converges,for everyγ∈S.

A sequence of actions(X k,p k,ρk)is called precompact in the pointwise conver-gence topology if every subsequence of(X k,p k,ρk)has a subsequence that converges in the pointwise convergence topology.

Repeating the proof in[28,4.7],it is easy to check that a sequence of isometries γk∈Isom(X k)has a converging subsequence if,for some converging sequence x k∈X k,the sequence d k(x k,γk(x k))is bounded(where d k(·,·)is the distance function on X k).

Suppose thatπis a countable group and assume that for eachγ∈πthe sequence d k(p k,ρk(γ)(p k))is bounded.Then(X k,p k,ρk)is precompact in the pointwise convergence topology.(Indeed,letγ1...γn...be the list of all elements ofπ. Take any subsequenceρk,0ofρk.Pass to subsequenceρk,1ofρk,0so thatρk,1(γ1) converges.Then pass to subsequenceρk,2ofρk,1such thatρk,2(γ2)converges,etc. Thenρk,k(γn)converges for every n.)

Note that ifπis generated by a?nite set S,then to prove thatρk is precompact it su?ces to check that d k(p k,ρk(γ)(p k))is bounded,for allγ∈S because it implies that d k(p k,ρk(γ)(p k))is bounded,for eachγ∈π.

2.4.Motivating example.Let X be a complete Riemannian manifold.Consider the isometry group Isom(X)of X and letπbe a group.The space Hom(π,Isom(X)) has a natural topology(which is usually called“algebraic topology”or“pointwise convergence topology”),namelyρk is said to converge toρif,for eachγ∈π,ρk(γ) converges toρ(γ)in the Lie group Isom(X).Note that ifπis?nitely generated, this topology on Hom(π,Isom(X))coincide with the compact-open topology.Cer-tainly,for any p∈X,the constant sequence(X,p)converges to itself in pointed Lipschitz topology.Then,obviously,the sequence(X,p,ρk)converges in the point-wise convergence topology(as de?ned in2.3)if and only ifρk∈Hom(π,Isom(X)) converges in the algebraic topology.

Lemma2.5.Letρk:π→Isom(X k)be a sequence of isometric actions of a dis-crete groupπon complete Riemannian n-manifolds X k such thatρk(π)acts freely. If the sequence(X k,p k,ρk(π))converges in the equivariant pointed Lipschitz topol-ogy to(X,Γ,p)and(X k,p k,ρk)converges to(X,p,ρ)in the pointwise convergence topology,then


(1)Γacts freely,and


(3)ker(ρ)?ker(ρk),for all large k.

Proof.(1)Assumeγ∈Γandγ(x)=x.Choose?∈(0,1/10)so that there is an?–approximation(f k,g k,φk,τk)of(X k,p k,ρk)and(X,p,Γ)and x∈B(p,?/10). Then g k(x)=g k(γ(x))=τk(γ)(g k(x)).Sinceρk(π)acts freely,τk(γ)=id.By the same argumentτk(id)=id.Hence id=φk(τk(id))=φk(id)=φk(τk(γ))=γas desired.

(2)We need to show thatρ(γ)∈Γ,for anyγ∈π.We can assumeρ(γ)=id. Choose?∈(0,1/10)so that the ball B(p,1/11?)containsρ(γ)(p)and consider an ?–approximation(f k,g k,φk,τk)of(X k,p k,ρk)and(X,p,Γ).

Then for all large enough k,ρk(γ)∈B(p k,1/10?).Look atτk(ρk(γ))∈Γ(1/9?). Since the setΓ(1/9?)is?nite,we can pass to subsequence to assume thatτk(ρk(γ)) is equal toγ?∈Γ(1/9?);thusρk(γ)=φk(γ?).

Take an arbitrary x∈B(p,1/9?).Then g k(x)→x and,hence,ρk(γ)(g k(x)) converges toρ(γ)(x).Notice thatρk(γ)(g k(x))=φk(γ?)(g k(x))→γ?(x).So ρ(γ)(x)=γ?(x)for any x∈B(p,1/9?).

Thus,for any small enough?,we have foundγ?∈Γthat is equal toρ(γ)on the ball B(p,1/9?).SinceΓacts freely,γ?=γ?′for all?′≤?,that is the elementγ?∈Γis independent of?.Thusρ(γ)=γ?everywhere and henceρ(γ)∈Γ.

(3)Assumeρ(γ)=id.Fix any?∈(0,1/10).Take x∈B(p,?/10)and consider an?–approximation(f k,g k,φk,τk)of(X k,p k,ρk)and(X,p,Γ).We have g k(x)→x andρk(γ)(g k(x))→ρ(γ)(x)=x.Note that d(x,φk(ρk(γ))(x))is equal to

d(f k(g k(x)),f k(ρk(γ)(g k(x))))


k→∞Therefore,for all large k,φk(ρk(γ))=id,becauseΓis a discrete subgroup that acts freely.Henceρk(γ)=τk(φk(ρk(γ)))=τk(id)=id as claimed.

Lemma2.6.Letρk:π→Isom(X k)be a sequence of isometric actions of a dis-crete groupπon complete Riemannian n-manifolds X k such thatρk(π)acts freely. Suppose that the sequence(X k,p k,ρk(π))converges in the equivariant pointed Lip-schitz topology to(X,Γ,p)and(X k,p k,ρk)converges to(X,p,ρ)in the pointwise convergence topology.

Then,for any?>0and for any?nite subset S?π,there is k(?,S)with the property that for each k>k(?,S)there exists an?–Lipschitz approximation (f k,g k,φk,τk)between(X k,p k,ρk(π))and(X,p,Γ)such thatφk(ρk(γ))=ρ(γ) andρk(γ)=τk(ρ(γ))for everyγ∈S.


Note that for everyγ∈S,the sequenceρk(γ)(g k(p))converges toρ(γ)(p).Hence the sequence f k(ρk(γ)(g k(p)))=φk(ρk(γ))(f k(g k(p)))=φk(ρk(γ))(p)converges to ρ(γ)(p)in X.

SinceΓis discrete and acts freely,φk(ρk(γ))=ρ(γ)for large enough k.Moreover, this is true for anyγ∈S,because S is?nite.Alsoρk(γ)=(τk?φk)(ρk(γ))=τk(ρ(γ)).Thus,thisδ-Lipschitz approximation has all desired properties.

COUNTING NEGATIVELY CURVED MANIFOLDS7 Proposition2.7.Let X k be a sequence of Hadamard manifolds with sectional curvatures in[a,b]for a≤b<0and letπbe a?nitely generated group that is not virtually nilpotent.Letρk:π→Isom(X k)be an arbitrary sequence of free and isometric actions such that(X k,p k,ρk)converges in the pointwise convergence topology.

Then the sequence(X k,p k,ρk)is precompact in the equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology.

Proof.Let(X,p,ρ)be the limit of(X k,p k,ρk)in the pointwise convergence topol-ogy.Choose r so that the open ball B(p,r)?X contains{ρ(γ1)(p),...ρ(γm)(p)} where{γ1,...γm}generateπ.Passing to subsequence,we assume that B(p k,r) contains{ρk(γ1)(p),...ρk(γm)(p)}.

Show that,for every k,there exists q k∈B(p k,r)such that for anyγ∈π\{id}, we haveρk(γ)(q k)/∈B(q k,μn/2)whereμn is the Margulis constant.Suppose not. Then for some k,the whole ball B(p k,r)projects into the thin part{InjRad<μn/2}under the projectionπk:X k→X k/ρk(π).Thus the ball B(p k,r)lies in a connected component W of theπk–preimage of the thin part of X k/ρk(π).Accord-ing to[2,p111]the stabilizer of W inρk(π)is virtually nilpotent and,moreover, the stabilizer contains every elementγ∈ρk(π)withγ(W)∩W=?.Therefore,the whole groupρk(π)stabilizes W.Henceρk(π)must be virtually nilpotent.Asρk is injective,πis virtually nilpotent.A contradiction.

Thus,(X k,q k,ρk(π))is Lipschitz precompact[20]and,hence passing to subse-quence,one can assume that(X k,q k,ρk(π))converges to some(X,q,Γ).

It is a general fact that follows easily from de?nitions that whenever(X k,q k,Γk) converges to(X,q,Γ)in the equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology and a sequence of points p k∈X k converges to p∈X,then(X k,p k,Γk)converges to(X,p,Γ)in the equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology.

Corollary2.8.Let X k be a sequence of Hadamard manifolds with sectional cur-vatures in[a,b]for a≤b<0and letπbe a?nitely generated group that is not virtually nilpotent.Letρk:π→Isom(X k)be an arbitrary sequence of free and isometric such that(X k,p k,ρk)converges to(X,p,ρ)in the pointwise convergence topology.

Thenρis a free action,in particularρis injective.

Proof.Pass to a subsequence so that(X k,p k,ρk)converges to(X,p,Γ)in the equi-variant pointed Lipschitz topology.By2.5(3),ρis injective.Furthermore,ρ(π) acts freely because it is a subgroup ofΓ.

Corollary2.9.Let X be a complete Riemannian manifold with sectional curva-tures in[a,b]where a≤b<0.Assumeπis a torsion free,?nitely generated group that is not virtually nilpotent.Consider a subset of faithful discrete representations S?Hom(π,Isom(X))that is precompact in the pointwise convergence topology. Then,

(1)for any p∈X,the set{(X,p,ρ(π)):ρ∈S}is precompact in the equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology.

(2)the closure of S in Hom(π,Isom(X))consists of faithful discrete representa-tions.

Proof.Proposition2.7implies(1)and Corollary2.8implies(2).


Proposition2.10.Assume thatπis a?nitely presented discrete group,that is not virtually nilpotent and does not have a nontrivial decomposition into an amal-gamated product or an HNN-extension over a virtually nilpotent group.

Letρk:π→Isom(X k)be an arbitrary sequence of free and isometric actions of πon Hadamard n-manifolds X k.Assume that the sectional curvatures of X k lie in [a,b]for a≤b<0.

Then,for some p k∈X k,the sequence(X k,p k,ρk)is precompact in the pointwise convergence topology.

Proof.Let S?πbe a?nite subset that generatesπand contains{id}.For x∈X k,

we denote D k(x)the diameter of the setρk(S)(x).Set D k=inf x∈X

k D k(x).

Suppose D k is unbounded.Then it follows from a work of Bestvina and Paulin [8],[32],[33](cf.[27]),that there exists an action ofπon a real tree with no proper in-variant subtree and virtually nilpotent arc stabilizers.For completeness we brie?y review this construction.The rescaled pointed Hadamard manifold1

D k ·X k,p k,ρk).Repeat-

ing an argument of Paulin[33,§4],we can pass to subsequence that converges to a triple(X∞,p∞,ρ∞).(For the de?nition of the convergence see[32],[33].Paulin calls it“convergence in the Gromov topology”.)

The limit space X∞is a length space of curvature?∞,that is a real tree. Because of the way we rescaled,the limit space has a natural isometric actionρ∞ofπwith no global?xed point[32],[33].Then it is a standard fact that there exists a uniqueπ–invariant subtree T of X∞that has no properπ–invariant subtree.In fact T is the union of all the axes of all hyperbolic elements inπ.Since the sectional curvatures are uniformly bounded away from zero and?∞,the Margulis lemma implies that the stabilizer of any non-degenerate segment is virtually nilpotent (cf.[32]).

Note that any increasing sequence of virtually nilpotent subgroups ofπis sta-tionary.Indeed,since a virtually nilpotent group is amenable,the union U of an increasing sequence U1?U2?U3?...of virtually nilpotent subgroups is also an amenable group.If the fundamental group of a complete manifold of pinched neg-ative curvature is amenable,it must be?nitely generated[13],[10].In particular, U is?nitely generated,hence U n=U for some n.Thus,theπ–action on the tree T is stable[9,Proposition3.2(2)].

We summarize that theπ–action on T is stable,has virtually nilpotent arc stabi-lizers and no properπ–invariant subtree.Therefore,the Rips machine[9,Theorem 9.5]produces a splitting ofπover a virtually solvable group.Any amenable sub-group ofπis virtually nilpotent[13],[10],henceπsplits over a virtually nilpotent group.This is a contradiction with the assumption that D k is unbounded.

Thus the sequence D k(p k)is bounded,therefore as we observed in2.3,the se-quence(X k,p k,ρk)is precompact in the pointwise convergence topology.

§3.Vector bundles and


This section provides some

KO-theoretic background.All of the facts below are well-known to experts;however it is usually not easy to locate a reference.

In this paper we deal with rank n real vector bundles over open smooth n–manifolds.It is well-known that any open smooth manifold N is homotopy equiv-alent to CW–complex of dimension

COUNTING NEGATIVELY CURVED MANIFOLDS9 over N are isomorphic i?they are stably isomorphic[26,8.1.5].The set of stable isomorphism classes of real vector bundles over a space X forms an abelian group

KO(X).The correspondence X→

KO(X)is clearly a functor.This functor is isomorphic to the functor[?,BO]on the category of connected CW-complexes of uniformly bounded dimension[26,8.4.2].

We now recall the de?nition of the

KO?–theory.By the Bott periodicity,?8(BO×Z)is weakly homotopy equivalent to BO×Z[37,11.60].We can use the

KO?on spectrum?n(BO×Z)to de?ne a generalized(reduced)cohomology theory

the category of all pointed connected?nite–dimensional CW-complexes and point-

KO n(X,x)=[X,x;?n(BO×Z),?](cf.[37, preserving maps.In other words,we set


Let F be a forgetful map from the category of pointed connected CW–complexes to the category of connected CW–complexes.We now show that the functors


KO(F(?))are isomorphic on the category of pointed connected CW-complexes of uniformly bounded dimensions.Indeed,since we deal with connected

KO0(?)=[?;BO×Z),?]is isomorphic to the func-CW-complexes,the functor

KO(?)~=[?,BO].Therefore,it remains tor[?;BO,?].As we mentioned above

to show that the transformation of functors[?;BO,?]→[F(?);BO]is an iso-morphism.In other words,it su?ces to check that the map[X,x;BO,?]→[F(X,x);BO]=[X,BO]of based homotopy classes into free homotopy classes is bijective.Indeed,any map X→BO is homotopic to a basepoint preserving map[36,7.3.Lemma2]which is unique up to based homotopy because BO is a

KO(F(?)).Most path-connected H-space.[36,7.3.Theorem5].Thus,




of the time we suppress the base points and treat the functors

as isomorphic.

KO i(X)can be easily computed in terms of cohomology Rationally the group

of X as explained in the lemma below.Recall that the Bott periodicity implies

KO–groups of the0–sphere are given by that,after tensoring with rationals,the

KO i(S0)?Q=0otherwise[26,15.12.3]. KO i(S0)?Q~=Q if i≡0(mod4)and

Lemma3.1.On the category of pointed connected CW-complexes of uniformly

KO i(?)?Q and⊕n>0H n(?)?bounded dimension the contravariant functors

KO i?n(S0)?Q are isomorphic.

KO?(S0)?Q where Proof.Consider the generalized cohomology theory H?(?)?

H?(?)is the ordinary reduced cohomology.Its coe?cients are isomorphic to the

KO?(?)?Q.Since the coe?cients are rational vector coe?cients of the theory

spaces,[24,3.22(ii)]implies that the theories are naturally equivalent on the cate-gory of pointed?nite-dimensional CW–complexes.

For any connected?nite-dimensional complex X, H n(X)=0,for all n≤0. Clearly for n>0,the functors H n(?)and H n(?)are isomorphic.Hence we have an isomorphism of functors

KO i(?)?Q~=⊕n≥0 H n(?)?

KO i?n(S0)?Q.

KO i?n(S0)?Q~=⊕n>0H n(?)?


Remark3.2.In particular,we have isomorphisms of functors



Corollary3.3.Let N be an open smooth manifold such that the torsion subgroup KO(N)is?nite and let n≥dim(N).


Then the set of isomorphism classes of rank n vector bundles over N is in?nite if and only if H4k(N,Q)=0for some k>0.

Proof.Any open manifold N is homotopy equivalent to a CW-complex of dimension

Lemma3.4.Let Y be a connected?nite-dimensional CW-complex such thatπ1(Y) is?nitely generated and dim Q H4k(Y,Q)<∞for all k>0.Then there exists a ?nite connected subcomplex X?Y such that the inclusion i:X→Y induces a


KO(X)?Q surjection on the fundamental groups and an injection

Proof.It is a standard fact[19,p117]that for any homology classα∈H i(Y,Q) there exists a?nite(not necessarily connected)CW-complex Xαand a continuous map fα:Xα→Y such thatα∈fα?(H i(Xα,Q)).For every k>0,choose a?nite basis in the Q–vector space H4k(Y,Q)and construct such a?nite CW–complex Xαfor every basis elementα.

Let X0be the the disjoint union of all these complexes over all k and all the basis elements.Since Y is?nite-dimensional with?nite4k-th Betti numbers,the CW–complex X0is?nite.Note that X0comes with a continuous map f:X0→Y that induces a surjection on rational4k-th homology,and therefore,an injection on rational4k-cohomology for all k>0.

Finally,set X to be an arbitrary connected?nite subcomplex of Y such that f(X0)?https://www.doczj.com/doc/6215953281.html,ing thatπ1(Y)is?nitely generated,we add to X?nitely many1-cells of Y to make sure the inclusion i:X?→Y induces a surjection of fundamental groups.Moreover,by construction i induces an injection on rational4k-cohomology

KO(X)?Q is injective.


for all k>0.By the remark3.2,

§4.An invariant of actions.

Let K be a?nite-dimensional connected CW-complex with a reference point q. Denote?K→K the universal cover of K;choose?q∈?K that is mapped to q by the covering projection.Consider a pointed contractible manifold X and an arbitrary actionρ:π1(K,q)→Di?eo(X).

Since X is contractible,the X-bundle?K×ρX over K has a section.Any two sections are homotopic through sections.

We now de?ne a certain invariant of actions ofπ1(K,q)on X.Given such an actionρ,consider the vertical vector bundle?K×ρT X over?K×ρX and setτ(ρ) to be the pullback of the vertical bundle via an arbitrary section s:K→?K×ρX Clearly,two actions that are conjugate in Di?eo(X)have same invariants.

Any section can be lifted to aρ-equivariant continuous map?K→?K×X→X.Any twoρ-equivariant continuous maps?g,?f:?K→X,areρ-equivariantly homotopic.Indeed,?f and?g descend to sections K→?K×ρX that must be homotopic.This homotopy lifts to aρ–equivariant homotopy of?f and?g.

COUNTING NEGATIVELY CURVED MANIFOLDS11 Assume now thatρ(π1(K,q))acts freely and properly discontinuously on X, so the mapπ:X→X/ρ(π1(K))is a covering.Then the map?f descends to a continuous map f:K→X/ρ(π1(K)).Thus,to any actionρ:π1(K,q)→Homeo(X)such thatρ(π1(K,q))acts freely and properly discontinuously on a contractible manifold X,we associate a(unique up to homotopy)continuous map f.Observe that ifρis injective,then f induces an isomorphism of fundamental groups.

We now observe that,in caseρ(π1(K,q))acts freely and properly discontinuously on X,the invariantτ(ρ)is equal to f?T X/ρ(π1(K)),the pullback of the tangent bundle to X/ρ(π1(K))via f.

If we consider only orientation-preserving actions the vector bundleτ(ρ)comes with a natural orientation.

§5.Main results

Throughout this section K is a?nite-dimensional,connected CW-complex with a reference point q.Let?K be the universal cover of K,?q∈?K be a preimage of q∈https://www.doczj.com/doc/6215953281.html,ing the point?q we identifyπ1(K,q)with the group of automorphisms of the covering?K→K.Recall thatτis an invariant of actions de?ned in§4. Theorem5.1.Let the complex K is?nite.Letρk:π=π1(K,q)→Isom(X k)be a sequence of isometric actions ofπ1(K)on Hadamard n-manifolds X k such that ρk(π)is a discrete subgroup of Isom(X k)that acts freely.

Suppose that,for some p k∈X k,(X k,p k,ρk(π))converges in the equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology to(X,p,Γ)and(X k,p k,ρk)converges to(X,p,ρ)in the pointwise convergence topology.

Thenτ(ρk)=τ(ρ)for all large k.

Proof.Let?q∈F??K be a?nite subcomplex that projects onto K.Clearly,the ?nite set S={γ∈π1(K,q):γ(F)∩F=?}generatesπ1(K,q).

Note that X is contractible,indeed any spheroid in X lies in the di?eomor-phic image of a metric ball in X j.Any metric ball in a Hadamard manifold is contractible.Thusπ?(X)=1.

Using§4,we?nd aρ-equivariant continuous map?h:?K→X.Recall that by de?nitionτ(ρ)is the pullback via h:K→X/ρ(π1(K,q)of the tangent bundle to X/ρ(π1(K,q).Letˉh:K→X/Γbe the composition of h and the covering X/ρ(π1(K,q)→X/Γ.Therefore,τ(ρ)is also the pullback viaˉh of the tangent bundle to X/Γ.

Choose?>0so small that?h(F)lies in the open ball B(p,1/10?)?X.For large k,we?nd an?-Lipschitz approximation(?f k,?g k,φk,τk)between(X k,p k,ρk(π))and (X,p,Γ).By lemma2.6we can assume thatτk(ρ(γ))=ρk(γ)for allγ∈S.Hence, the map?h k=?g k??h:F→X k isρk-equivariant.Extend it by equivariance to a ρk-equivariant map?h k:?K→X k.Passing to quotients we get a map h k:K→X k/ρk(π1(K))such thatτ(ρk)is the pullback via h k of the tangent bundle to X k/ρk(π1(K)).

By construction,h k=g k?ˉh where g k is the drop of?g k.Being a di?eomorphism g k preserves tangent bundles.Therefore,the pullback via h k of the tangent bundle to X k/ρk(π1(K))is equal to the pullback viaˉh of the tangent bundle to X/ρ(π1(K,k). In other wordsτ(ρk)=τ(ρ).The proof is complete.


Remark5.2.In the above theorem it is possible to keep track of orientations provided all the actionsρk on X k preserve orientations(it makes sense because being a contractible manifold X k is orientable).Indeed,?x an orientation on X (which is also contractible)and choose orientations of X k so that di?eomorphisms g k preserve orientations.Then,obviously,the theorem5.1is still true where the vector bundle isomorphismτ(ρk)=τ(ρ)preserves orientations.

Theorem 5.3.Assume that dim Q

KO(K)?Q<∞.Letπ1(K)be a?nitely generated group andρk:π=π1(K)→Isom(X k)be a sequence of isometric actions ofπon Hadamard n-manifolds X k such thatρk(π)is a discrete subgroup of Isom(X k)that acts freely.

Suppose that,for some p k∈X k,(X k,p k,ρk(π))converges in the equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology to(X,p,Γ)and(X k,p k,ρk)converges to(X,p,ρ)in the pointwise convergence topology.

KO(K)?Q are equal. Then,for all large k,the images ofτ(ρk)andτ(ρ)in

Proof.By3.4there exists a?nite connected subcomplex X?K such that the inclusion i:X→K induces aπ1–epimorphism and a


The sequence of isometric actionsρk?i?ofπ1(X,x)on X k satis?es the assump-tions of the theorem5.1,therefore,τ(ρk?i?)=τ(ρ?i?)for all large k.In other words,the pullback bundles i?τ(ρk)are isomorphic to the vector bundle i?τ(ρ).

KO–groups,the images ofτ(ρk)and Since i induces a monomorphism of rational

KO(K)?Q are equal for all large k.


KO(K)is?nitely generated.Letπ1(K) Corollary5.4.Assume that the group

be a?nitely generated group and letρk:π=π1(K)→Isom(X k)be a sequence of isometric actions on Hadamard n-manifolds X k such thatρk(π)is a discrete sub-group of Isom(X k)that acts freely.Suppose that,for some p k∈X k,(X k,p k,ρk)is precompact in both pointwise convergence topology and equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology.

Then the set{τ(ρk)}falls into?nitely many stable isomorphism isomorphism classes.

Proof.Argue by contradiction.Pass to subsequence to assume that allτ(ρk)are di?erent and that(X k,p k,ρk(π1(K,q)))converges to(X,p,Γ)in the equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology and(X k,p k,ρk)converges to(X,p,ρ)in the pointwise convergence topology.


KO(K)is?nitely generated,then dim Q

Note that if the group

KO(K)?Q are all equal for large Then by the theorem5.3the images ofτ(ρk)in

KO(K)are all equal modulo k.In other words for large k,the images ofτ(ρk)in

KO(K)is?nitely generated,its torsion subgroup torsion.Since the abelian group,

is?nite.Therefore,passing to subsequence we can assume that the imagesτ(ρk) KO(K)are the same,a contradiction.


Corollary5.5.Assume that the complex K is aspherical.Suppose that the groups

KO(K)andπ1(K)are?nitely generated.Letρk:π=π1(K,q)→Isom(X k) be a sequence of free,isometric actions ofπ1(K)on Hadamard n-manifolds X k. Suppose that,for some p k∈X k,(X k,p k,ρk(π))is precompact in the equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology and(X k,p k,ρk)is precompact in the pointwise conver-gence topology.

COUNTING NEGATIVELY CURVED MANIFOLDS13 Then the set of manifolds{X k/ρk(π)}falls into?nitely many tangential equiv-alence types.

Proof.By the corollary5.4the set{τ(ρk)}falls into?nitely many stable isomor-phism isomorphism classes.Let?h k:?K→X k beρk–equivariant maps constructed in§3.Passing to quotients we get homotopy equivalences h k:K→X k/ρk(π)=N k with the property that h?k T N k~=τ(ρk).Therefore,X k/ρk and X j/ρj are tangential homotopy equivalent i?τ(ρk)~=τ(ρj).

Corollary5.6.Suppose that the complex K is aspherical and the group

KO(K) is?nitely generated.Letπ1(K)be a?nitely presented group that is not virtually nilpotent.Assume thatπ1(K)does not split as a nontrivial amalgamated product or an HNN-extension over a virtually nilpotent group.

Then,for any a≤b<0and an integer n≥2,the class M a,b,π

1(K),n breaks into

?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

Proof.Apply the corollary5.5and the proposition2.7,2.10.

Corollary5.7.Letπbe the fundamental group of a?nite aspherical CW-complex. Suppose thatπis not virtually nilpotent and thatπdoes not split as a nontrivial amalgamated product or an HNN-extension over a virtually nilpotent group.

Then,for any a≤b<0and an integer n≥2,the class M a,b,π

1(K),n breaks into

?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

Proof.Letπbe the the fundamental group of a?nite complex K.Thenπis ?nitely presented and the group

KO(K)is?nitely generated[24,p52].Hence the corollary5.6applies.

§6.Graphs of groups and Accessibility.

In this section we explain how to generalize Theorem1.1to certain amalgamated products and HNN–extensions,or more generally,to some graphs of groups.Then we deduce the corollary1.2.

Recall that a graph of groups is a graph whose vertices and edges are labeled with vertex groupsπv and edge groupsπe and such that every pair(v,e)where the edge e is incident to the vertex v is labeled with a group monomorphismπe→πv. We only consider?nite connected graphs of groups.To each graph of groups one can associate its fundamental group which is a result of repeated amalgamated products and HNN–extensions of vertex groups over the edge groups(see[3]for more details).

Proposition6.1.Letπbe the fundamental group of a?nite graph of groups with the vertex groupsπv.Assume that the homomorphism



induced by the inclusionsπv→πhas?nite kernel.

Fix n and a≤b<0and suppose that,for each vertex groupπv,the class

M a,b,π

v,n breaks into?nitely many tangential homotopy types.Then so does the

class M a,b,π,n.

Proof.Assume,by contradiction that there exist a sequence N k∈M a,b,π,n of manifolds that are not pairwise tangentially homotopy equivalent.It de?nes an in?nite sequence of distinct elements in



The homomorphism KO

(K (π,1))→⊕v KO (K (πv ,1))has ?nite kernel and the set of vertices is ?nite,therefore,for some vertex v we get an in?nite sequence of elements in KO (K (πv ,1)).Each of elements of the in?nite sequence comes from the tangent bundle to a manifold ˉN

k ∈M a,b,πv ,n ,namely,ˉN k is the covering of N k induced by the inclusion πv →π.Thus,for this vertex M a,b,πv ,n falls into in?nitely many tangential homotopy types,a contradiction.

Corollary 6.2.Let πbe the fundamental group of a ?nite graph of groups such that each edge group is a virtually nilpotent group of cohomological dimension ≤2.

Fix n and a ≤b <0and suppose that,for each vertex group πv ,the class M a,b,πv ,n breaks into ?nitely many tangential homotopy types.Then so does the class M a,b,π,n .

Proof.We can assume that M a,b,π,n =?.Then M a,b,πe ,n =?for every edge group πe .Hence all the edge groups are ?nitely generated [10].Being a ?nitely generated virtually nilpotent group,each edge group πe is a fundamental group of a closed aspherical manifold [17]which has to be of dimension ≤2since cd(πe )≤2.

In particular,the group KO

?1(K (πe ,1))is a ?nitely generated abelian group [24,p52].According to 3.2,there is an isomorphism of functors KO


(?)?Q ~=⊕k>0H 4k ?1(?,Q )on the category of connected CW–complexes of uniformly

bounded dimension.Hence,for each edge group πe ,the group KO

?1(K (πe ,1))is ?nite.

Following [34]we can assemble the cell complexes K (πv ,1)and K (πe ,1)×

[?1,1]into an K (π,1)cell complex by using edge–to–vertex monomorphisms.Con-sider the KO

?–Mayer-Vietoris sequence applied to the K (π,1)complex (cf.[12,VII.9]).The group ⊕e KO ?1(K (πe ,1))is ?nite,so by exactness, KO (K (π,1))→⊕v KO

(K (πv ,1))has ?nite kernel.We now apply 6.1to complete the proof. 6.3.An accessibility result.Delzant and Potyagailo have recently proved a powerful accessibility result which we state below for reader’s convenience.The de?nition 6.4and the theorem 6.5are taken from [16].

De?nition 6.4.A class E of subgroups of a group πis called elementary provided the following four conditions hold.

(i)E is closed under conjugation in π;

(ii)any in?nite group from E is contained in a unique maximal subgroup from E ;

(iii)if a group from the class E acts on a tree,it ?xes a point,an end,or a pair of ends;

(iv)each maximal subgroup from E is equal to its normalizer in π.

Note that the condition (iii)holds if any group in E is amenable [31].

Theorem 6.5[16].Let πbe a ?nitely presented group without 2-torsion and let E be an elementary class of subgroups of π.Then there exists an integer K >0and a ?nite sequence π0,π1,...,πm of subgroups of πsuch that

(1)πm =π,and

(2)for each k with 0≤k


(3)for each k with K≤k≤m,the groupπk is the fundamental group of a?nite graph of groups with edge groups from E,vertex groups from{π0,π1,...,πk?1},and proper edge-to-vertex homomorphisms.

Proposition6.6.If M a,b,π,n=?,then the class of virtually nilpotent subgroup of πis elementary.

Proof.The conditions(i)is trivially satis?ed.Any virtually nilpotent group is amenable,hence(iii)holds thanks to[31].

Let X be a Hadamard manifold such that X/π∈M a,b,π,n.Being the funda-mental group of an aspherical manifold,the groupπis torsion free.According to [11],a nontrivial torsion-free virtually nilpotent discrete isometry groupΓof X is characterized by its?xed-point-set at in?nity.In fact,either the?xed-point-set is a point or it consists of two points.Conversely,any discrete torsion-free subgroup of Isom(X)that?xes a point at in?nity is virtually nilpotent.Thus,a virtually nilpotent subgroup N ofπis maximal if and only if N contains every element ofπthat?xes the?xed-point-set of N.This characterization proves(ii).

Finally,we deduce(iv).Let g be an element of the normalizer of a maximal virtually nilpotent subgroup N.Then g preserves the?xed-point-set of N setwise. If the?xed-point-set is a point,we conclude g∈N.If the?xed-point-set consists of two points p and q and g/∈N,then g(p)=q.Hence g must?x a point on the geodesic that joins p and q,so the element g is elliptic.This is a contradiction because no discrete torsion-free group contains an elliptic element.

Theorem6.7.Letπbe a?nitely presented group such that any nilpotent subgroup ofπhas cohomological dimension≤2.Assume that the group

KO(K(π,1))is ?nitely generated.

Then,for any positive integer n and any negative reals a≤b,the class M a,b,π,n breaks into?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

Proof.Applying the theorem6.5,we get a sequenceπ0,π1,...,πm of subgroups ofπ.In particular,for every k with0≤k

KO(K(π,1))is?nitely generated.Therefore,by the theorem5.6,the class

M a,b,π

k ,n

breaks into?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

Repeatedly applying the corollary6.2,we deduce that M a,b,π,n breaks into ?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

Corollary6.8.Letπbe a word-hyperbolic group.Then for any n and a≤b<0, the class M a,b,π,n breaks into?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

Proof.We can assume that M a,b,K(π,1),n=?,henceπis torsion–free.Any torsion–free word–hyperbolic group is the fundamental group of a?nite CW-complex K[15, 5.24],in particularπis?nitely presented and has?nitely generated

KO(K)[24, p52].Any nilpotent subgroup of a torsion free word hyperbolic group is either trivial or in?nite cyclic(see e.g.[4]).The result now follows from the previous theorem.

Proposition6.9.Letπbe the fundamental group of a?nite graph of groups with virtually nilpotent edge groups.Assume M a,b,π,n=?.Then

(1)πis?nitely presented i?all the vertex groups are?nitely presented,and


(2)dim Q⊕k>0H4k(π,Q)<∞i?dim Q⊕k>0H4k(πv,Q)<∞for every vertex groupπv.

KO(π)is?nitely generated i?for every vertex groupπv the group (3)the group

KO(π)is?nitely generated.

Proof.All the edge groups are?nitely generated[10].Being a?nitely generated virtually nilpotent group,each edge groupπe is a fundamental group of a closed

KO?(πe)as well as H?(πe)is a?nitely aspherical manifold[17].In particular,

generated abelian group.Hence,the parts(2)and(3)follow from the Mayer-Vietoris sequence(cf.[12,VII.9]).

We now prove(1).It trivially follows from de?nitions that if all vertex groups are?nitely presented,then so isπ.

Assume now thatπis?nitely presented.Then every vertex groupπv?nitely generated[3,Lemma13,p.158].The fundamental groupπof a graph of groups has a presentation that can be described as follows.The set of generators S for for this presentationπis the union of the(?nite)sets of generators of all the vertex groups;so S is?nite.The set of relations R is a union of the sets of relations of all the vertex groups and(?nitely many)relations coming from amalgamations and HNN-extensions over the edge groups.

Sinceπis?nitely presented,the groupπhas a presentation S|R′ on the same set of generators S where R′is a?nite subset of R[3,Theorem12,p52].By adding ?nitely many(redundant)relations,we can assume that all the relations coming from the edge groups still belong to the new set of relations R′.This de?nes a new graph of groups decomposition ofπwith the same underlying graph,same edge groups and with?nitely presented vertex groupsπ′v.By construction,the subgroupsπ′v andπv ofπhave the same set of generators,henceπ′v=πv.Thus, we have found a?nite presentation for every vertex group.

§7.Finiteness for thickenings

Throughout this section K is a?nite,connected CW-complex.

By an n–thickening of K we mean a compact smooth manifold L of dimension ≥dim(K)+3such that L is simply homotopy equivalent to K,and the inclusion ?L→L induces an isomorphism of fundamental groups(see[38]).To avoid low-dimensional complications,we always assume that n>4.

A thickening L of K is always di?eomorphic to the regular neighborhood of a ?nite simplicial subcomplex K′?L with dim(K′)≤dim(K)[25,p219][35].

Ifπ1(K)is isomorphic to the fundamental group of a complete manifold of sec-tional curvature pinched between two negative constants,any homotopy equivalence K≈L is necessarily simple because Wh(π1(K))=0[18].

By an open n–thickening of a?nite connected CW–complex K we mean an open smooth manifold that is di?eomorphic to the interior of a thickening of K. Example7.1(Totally geodesic).Let N be a complete manifold of nonpositive curvature of dimension>4that is homotopy equivalent to a?nite cell complex K of dimension≤dim(N)?3.Assume that N contains a(possibly noncompact) totally geodesic embedded submanifold M of dimension≤dim(N)?3such that the inclusion M→N is a homotopy equivalence.

Then N is an open thickening of K.(Indeed,the exponential map identi?es N with the total space of the normal bundle of M in N.Then,according to[35],the

COUNTING NEGATIVELY CURVED MANIFOLDS17 manifold N has exactly one end that isπ1-stable and the natural homomorphism of the fundamental group at in?nity intoπ1(N)is an isomorphism.By[25]N is simple homotopy equivalent to a simplicial subcomplex K′of dimension≤dim(K)≤dim(N)?3.Hence,N is di?eomorphic to the regular neighborhood of K′in N [35].Thus,N is an open thickening of K.)

7.3.Existence of thickenings.For each vector bundleξover K of rank n> max{5,dim(K)}there exists an n-thickening L of K and a simple homotopy equiv-alence f:K→L such that f?T L~=ξ[38,5.1].

7.4.Uniqueness of thickenings.Any tangential homotopy equivalence of n-thickenings is homotopic to a di?eomorphism provided n>5.[38,5.1].

7.5.Uniqueness of open thickenings.Any tangential homotopy equivalence of open n-thickenings is homotopic to a di?eomorphism provided n>4.[29,pp.226–228]

7.6.Theorem.Let K be a?nite,connected,aspherical CW-complex and let n be

an integer with n>max{4,2dim(K)}.Suppose that the class M a,b,π

1(K),n breaks

into?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

Then,for any a≤b<0,the set of di?eomorphism classes of open thickenings of K that belong to M a,b,π




7.6.Theorem.Let K be a?nite,connected,aspherical CW-complex and let n be

an integer with n>max{5,2dim(K)}.Suppose that the class M a,b,π

1(K),n breaks

into?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

Then,for any a≤b<0,the set of di?eomorphism classes of thickenings of K whose interiors belong to M a,b,π




7.7.Corollary.Let K be a?nite,connected,aspherical CW-complex and let n be an integer with n>max{4,2dim(K)}.Suppose that either

?any nilpotent subgroup ofπ1(K)has cohomological dimension≤2,or

?πis not virtually nilpotent andπdoes not split as a nontrivial amalgamated product or an HNN-extension over a virtually nilpotent group.

Then,for any a≤b<0,the set of di?eomorphism classes of open thickenings of K that belong to M a,b,π




7.8.Theorem.Let K be a?nite,connected,aspherical CW-complex and let n be an integer with n>max{4,2dim(K)}.Supposeρk is a sequence of free isometric actions ofπ1(K)on Hadamard n-manifolds X k such that,for some p k∈X k, (X k,p k,ρk)is precompact in both pointwise convergence topology and equivariant pointed Lipschitz topology.Assume that for each k,the manifold X k/ρk(π1(K))is an open thickening of K.

Then the set{X k/ρk(π1(K))}breaks into?nitely many di?eomorphism types. Proof.Since K is a?nite complex,the group

KO(K)is?nitely generated.Hence 5.5implies that the set of manifolds{X k/ρk(π1(K))}falls into?nitely many tan-gential homotopy types.According to7.6,{X k/ρk(π1(K))}breaks into?nitely many di?eomorphism types.


§8.Finiteness for convex-cocompact groups First,we recall some basic facts on convex-cocompact groups that are well known in the constant negative curvature case(see[11]for more details).

Let X be a Hadamard manifold with sectional curvatures pinched between two negative constants and letΓbe a discrete subgroup of the isometry group of X. ThenΓacts by homeomorphisms on the ideal boundary?∞X of X.The set of points?(Γ)??∞X whereΓacts properly discontinuously is called the domain of discontinuity ofΓ.Its complementΛ(Γ)=?∞X\?(Γ)is called the limit set ofΓ.

Fix any?>0.Let C?(Γ)be the closed?-neighborhood of the convex hull of Λ(Γ)in X.

There is aΓ-equivariant homeomorphism of X∪?(Γ)and C?de?ned as follows. The?bers of orthogonal projection p:X→C?(Γ)are geodesic rays orthogonal to ?C?(Γ).Any point of?(Γ)is the endpoint of such a ray and no two of these rays have the same endpoint.Thus,the map p extends to an equivariant continuous map ˉp:X∪?∞X→C?(Γ)∪Λ(Γ)which is the identity on the limit set.Contracting along the rays de?nes an equivariant homeomorphism of X∪?∞X and C2?(Γ)∪Λ(Γ). which descends to a homeomorphism of X∪?(Γ))/Γand C2?(Γ)/Γ.

We say thatΓis convex-cocompact if the quotient X∪?(Γ)/Γis compact.

Two convex–cocompact groupsΓ1andΓ2are called topologically equivalent if there exists a homeomorphism h:X1∪?∞X1→X2∪?∞X2that is equivariant with respect to a certain isomorphism ofΓ1andΓ2.

Given negative reals a≤b,a torsion-free groupπ,and an integer n,de?ne a

class of convex-cocompact groups CC a,b,π,n,π

1(?)=1as follows.

A convex-cocompact groupΓof isometries of a Hadamard manifold X is said to

belong to CC a,b,π,n,π

1(?)=1provided the following three conditions hold

?Γis isomorphic toπ;

?dim(X)=n and the sectional curvature of X is within[a,b];

?the domain of discontinuity?(Γ)ofΓis simply-connected.

Proposition.8.1.LetΓbe a torsion–free convex–cocompact subgroup of the isom-etry group of a Hadamard manifold X of dimension>5such that?(Γ)is simply-connected.Assume thatΓis the fundamental group of a?nite aspherical CW–complex K of dimension≤dim(X)?3.

Then(X∪?(Γ))/Γis a thickening of K.

Proof.SinceΓbe a torsion–free convex–cocompact group,the quotient(X∪?(Γ))/Γis a compact manifold with boundary that is homotopy equivalent to K.

The homotopy equivalence is necessarily simple because Wh(Γ)=0.(Farrell and Jones[18]proved the vanishing of the Whitehead group of the fundamental group of any complete manifold of pinched negative curvature.)

Finally,since?(Γ)is simply-connected,the inclusion?(Γ)/Γ→(X∪?(Γ))/Γinduces aπ1–isomorphism.

Proposition.8.2.Let K be a?nite,connected,aspherical CW-complex and let n be an integer with n>2dim(K)and n>5.Given i∈{1,2},letΓi be a torsion–free subgroup of the isometry group of a Hadamard manifold X i such that

Γi∈CC a,b,π


If X1/Γ1and X2/Γ2are tangentially homotopy equivalent,thenΓ1andΓ2are topologically equivalent.

COUNTING NEGATIVELY CURVED MANIFOLDS19 Proof.Since C?(Γi)/Γi is homeomorphic to X∪?(Γi),the proposition8.1implies that C?(Γi)/Γi is a thickening of K.

Moreover,C?(Γi)/Γi is a codimension zero submanifold of X/Γi,hence the homo-topy equivalence C?(Γi)/Γi?→X/Γi is tangential.Thus,C?(Γ1)/Γ1and C?(Γ2)/Γ2 are tangentially homotopy equivalent thickenings,and hence they are di?eomorphic.

The di?eomorphism of compact manifolds C?(Γ1)/Γ1→C?(Γ2)/Γ2is necessarily bilipschitz.Hence,it lifts to an equivariant bilipschitz di?eomorphism d:C?(Γ1)→C?(Γ2).

Note that C?(Γi)is a Gromov hyperbolic space with ideal boundaryΛ(Γi). Therefore,d extends to an equivariant homeomorphism C?(Γ1)∪Λ(Γ1)→C?(Γ2)∪Λ(Γ2)[15,p35].Finally,using equivariant homeomorphisms of X∪?∞X and C?(Γi)∪Λ(Γi),we produce a topological equivalence ofΓ1andΓ2.

8.3.Theorem.Let K be a?nite,connected,aspherical CW-complex and let n be an integer with n>2dim(K)and n>5.

Then the class CC a,b,π

1(K),n,π1(?)=1falls into?nitely many topological equiva-

lence classes.

Proof.Any convex–cocompact groupΓis word-hyperbolic because it acts isometri-cally and cocompactly on a negatively curved space C?(Γ).Hence the result follows from6.8and8.2.

§9.Locally symmetric nonpositively curved

manifolds up to tangential homotopy equivalence.

For completeness we present a proof of the following result.

Theorem9.1.Letπbe a?nitely presented torsion–free group and let X be a nonpositively curved symmetric space.

Then the class of manifolds of the form X/ρ(π),whereρ∈Hom(π,Isom(X)) is a faithful discrete representation,falls into?nitely many tangential homotopy types.

Proof.We can assume that Hom(π,Isom(X))contains a faithful discrete represen-tation.Let K be the corresponding quotient manifold.

First note that,for any two faithful discrete representationsρ1andρ2that lie in the same connected component of the analytic variety Hom(π1(K),Isom(X)), we haveτ(ρ1)~=τ(ρ2).Indeed,by the covering homotopy theorem the X-bundles


ρ1X and?K×ρ


X over K are isomorphic.In particular,the pullbacks to K of

the vertical bundles?K×ρ

1T X and?K×ρ


T X are isomorphic as desired.

Thus,if the analytic variety Hom(π,Isom(X))has?nitely many connected com-ponents,the set of the manifolds of the form X/ρ(π)whereρis discrete and faithful falls into?nitely many tangential equivalence classes.This is the case ifπis?nitely presented and X is a nonpositively curved symmetric space.Indeed,represent X as a Riemannian product Y×R k where Y is a nonpositively curved symmetric space without Euclidean factors.By the de Rham’s theorem this decomposition is unique,so Isom(X)~=Isom(Y)×Isom(R k).The group Isom(Y)is semisimple with trivial center,hence the analytic variety Hom(π,Isom(Y))has?nitely many connected components[21,p.567].The same is true for Hom(π,Isom(R k))because Isom(R k)is real algebraic[21,p.567].Hence the analytic variety

Hom(π,Isom(X))~=Hom(π,Isom(Y))×Hom(π,Isom(R k))


has?nitely many connected components.

9.2.Theorem.Let K be a?nite,connected,aspherical CW-complex and let n be

an integer with n>max{4,2dim(K)}.

Then the set of di?eomorphism classes of open n-thickenings of K that admit complete locally symmetric metrics of nonpositive sectional curvature is?nite.

Proof.Note that there exist only?nitely many symmetric Hadamard manifolds of

a given dimension.Hence,the result follows from7.5and9.1.

9.3.Theorem.Let K be a?nite,connected,aspherical CW-complex and let X be

a symmetric negatively curved Hadamard n-manifold with n>max{5,2dim(K)}.

Letρ1andρ2be injective representations ofπ1(K)into the isometry group of X

that lie in the same connected component of the representation variety Hom(π1(K),Isom(X)). Suppose that,for i∈{1,2},ρi(π1(K))is a convex-cocompact group with simply-connected domain of discontinuity.

Thenρ1andρ2are conjugate be a homeomorphism of X∪?∞X

Proof.Recall that the are four kinds of symmetric spaces of negative sectional curvature,namely,they are hyperbolic spaces over the reals,complex numbers, quaternions and Cayley numbers.The spaces have sectional curvatures pinched between?4and?1.Applying8.1we conclude that X∪?(ρi(π1(K)))/ρi(π1(K))

is a thickening of K for i=1,2.

It follows from the proof of9.1that the homotopy equivalence induced by

ρ1?(ρ2)?1is tangential becauseρ1andρ2lie in the same connected component.

Thus,by7.4,the homotopy equivalence is homotopic to a di?eomorphism that lifts

to a smooth conjugacy ofρ1andρ2on X∪?(ρ1(π1(K)))and X∪?(ρ2(π1(K))). Repeating the argument of8.2,we deduce that the conjugacy extends to an equi-

variant self-homeomorphism of X∪?∞X.


1.M.T.Anderson,Metrics of negative curvature on vector bundles,Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.


2.W.Ballmann,M.Gromov,and V.Schroeder,Manifolds of nonpositive curvature,Birkh¨a user,

Progress in mathematics,vol.61,1985.

3.G.Baumslag,Topics in combinatorial group theory,Lectures in Mathematics ETH Z¨u rich.

Birkh¨a user,Basel,1993.

4.I.Belegradek,Intersections in hyperbolic manifolds,preprint(1997).


,Negatively curved vector bundles,pinching,and accessibility,preprint(1998).

7.R.Benedetti and C.Petronio,Lectures on hyperbolic geometry,Universitext,Springer-Verlag,


8.M.Bestvina,Degenerations of the hyperbolic space,Duke Math.J56(1988),143–161.

9.M.Bestvina and M.Feighn,Stable actions of groups on real trees,Invent.Math.121(1995),


10.B.H.Bowditch,Discrete parabolic groups,J.Di?erential Geom.38(1993),no.3,559–583.



一:到底什么是接口? 一般来说接口有两种,一种是程序内部的接口,一种是系统对外的接口。 广义来说,客户端与后台服务间的协议;插件间通信的接口;模块间的接口;再小到一个类提供的方法;都可以理解为接口 系统对外的接口 如果我们要从网站或服务器上获取资源或信息,网站肯定不会把数据库共享给你,它只会给你提供一个写好的方法来获取数据,我们通过引用它提供的接口就能获取数据 程序内部的接口 它是方法与方法之间,模块与模块之间的交互,也是程序内部抛出的接口。比如一个web 项目,有登录、新增,修改,删除等等,那么这几个模块会有交互,会抛出一个接口,供内部系统进行调用 二:接口的组成有哪些? 一个完整的接口应该包含以下内容: 1.接口说明 2.调用的url 3.请求方法(get\post) 4.请求参数、参数类型、请求参数说明 5.返回参数说明 三:常见的接口类型

webService接口 它使用soap协议并通过http传输,请求报文和返回报文都是xml格式的,我们在测试的时候通过工具才能进行调用。可以使用的工具有SoapUI、jmeter http-api接口 它使用http协议,通过路径来区分调用的方法,请求报文都是key-value形式的,返回报文一般都是json串,有get和post等方法,这也是最常用的两种请求方式。可以使用的工具有postman、jmeter等 四:前端和后端 前端 咱们使用的网页,打开的网站,都是前端。包括Web页面的结构、Web的外观视觉表现以及Web层面的交互实现; 后端 我们在页面上进行操作的时候,这些业务逻辑、功能,比如说新增,修改,删除这些功能是由后端来实现的。后端更多的是与数据库进行交互去处理相应的业务逻辑。需要考虑的是如何实现功能、数据的存取、平台的稳定性与性能等 前端和后端通过接口进行交互。前端页面通过调用后端接口来实现功能、数据的存取,将数据展现在用户面前 五:接口测试的价值 1.更早发现问题 测试应该更早的介入到项目开发中,因为越早的发现bug,修复的成本越低。然而功能测试必须要等到系统提供可测试的界面才能对系统进行测试。而接口测试可以功能界面开发出来之前对系统进行测试。系统接口是上层功能的基础,接口测试可以更早更低成本的发现和解决问题。然而,在实际的开发过程中,开发人员并没有充足的时间去编写单元测试,并且他们往往对自己编写的代码迷之自信,不愿意花时间在编写单元测试上。这个时候接口测试的


基于白盒测试的Parlay API接口测试方法设计 下一代网络(NGN)是可以提供语音、数据和多媒体等各种业务的综合开放的网络架构,可以支持快速业务部署以及第三方业务控制。NGN开放式业务提供的是一个分布式系统,为了实现第三方业务开发,业务结构应采用开放式接口控制技术,正在研究和开发的技术包括移动代理技术、主动网络技术和应用编程接口(API)技术。目前现实可行的是API技术。许多组织提出了开放业务平台的API,Parlay是其中最活跃、最有影响力的一个。 在Parlay组织成立后不久,3GPP和ETSI启动了3G系统UMTS的开放式业务架构的研究,称之为OSA。两者非常类似,最初的OSA标准就是由Parlay 1.2和2.1加上少量的3GPP 新增功能组成的。其后,两个组织决定从Parlay 3.0和OSA R5开始统一发布接口标准,命名为Parlay/OSA,这奠定了固定和移动NGN业务层融合的技术基础。两者的差别在于,Parlay 是单纯的接口标准,而OSA是一种业务结构,不仅包括业务接口,还包括体系结构以及Parlay 至移动网络协议,如MAP、CAP等的映射。 一、Pariay APl对业务的支持 Parlay API是一种基于分布式技术的、开放的、面向对象的下一代业务开发技术,它通过协议映射技术把底层网络的通信细节抽象成标准的API形式供业务开发者开发业务逻辑程序。它带来的好处是降低了业务开发的技术门槛,能使业务开发者更快捷地满足用户的个性化需要,提供丰富多彩的业务,为下一代网络的应用和发展提供最有效的驱动力。 Parlay APl是一个标准的接口,从而能够使第三方通过此接口利用运营商的基础网络提供丰富多彩的业务,例如统一消息业务、基于位置的业务、呼叫中心业务等,这些业务的业务逻辑都位于应用服务器上。 通过Parlay提供的第三方业务主要分为以下几类: ·通信类业务,如点击拨号、VoIP、点击传真、可视通话、会议电话,以及与位置相关的紧急呼叫业务等; ·消息类业务,如统一消息、短消息、语音信箱、E-mail、多媒体消息、聊天等; ·信息类业务,如新闻、体育、旅游、金融、天气、黄页、票务等各种信息的查询、订制、通知,以及基于位置的人员跟踪、找朋友等; ·娱乐类业务,如游戏、博彩、谜语、教育、广告等。 各类业务可以相对独立,也可以有机地结合,例如可以在查询信息时根据相应的信息进行支付类业务,而且各种娱乐可以通过不同的消息方式来表现(短消息、E-mail),将娱乐与消息业务相结合。 框架服务器接口和业务能力接口是Parlay API定义的两类主要接口。业务逻辑程序通过Parlay网关中框架服务器接口的鉴权后,被授权接入规定的业务,然后使用框架服务器接口提供的业务能力发现和业务能力选择功能,通过签订在线业务能力使用协议,获得在框架服务器中注册的、满足业务需求的业务能力管理类接口引用。业务逻辑通过获得业务能力管理类接口引用就可以和其对应的业务能力接口进行通信,实现特定业务逻辑的呼叫控制、用户交互及计赞等功能。 Parlay标准定义的是控制底层网络资源的API,并非网络协议。两者的差别在于:协议面向具体的网络,由严格定义的一组消息和通信规则组成;API面向软件编程者,由一组抽象的操作或过程组成。在不同的网络中完成同样的功能所用的协议可能完全不同,但是所用的API则完全相同。这样,原来对通信网技术知之甚少的软件人员也可以利用Parlay接口自如地开发应用业务程序。 二、开放式业务接口Parlay API的测试 业务支撑环境是业务实现的重要环节,下一代网络的业务支撑环境主要包括应用服务


软件测试工具汇总 一、工具汇总 1.免费工具 下表中针对WEB页面或B/S结构进行功能和性能测试的工具有: 开源功能自动化测试工具:PureTest,OpenSTA,Watir、Selenium、MaxQ、WebInject、Fitnesse 开源性能自动化测试工具:Jmeter、OpenSTA、DBMonster PureTest Minq公司功能测试商业 免费 本是业内商业自动化测试工具之一,如今PureTest已经免费。它专注于对WEB应用程序进行功能自动化测试,并即时对WEB页面元素进行检 测,对HTTP请求、响应进行诊断分析。 PureTest is an application which is primarily used to setup scenarios of tasks, execute and debug them. Even though it supports testing a variety of applications it is especially useful for debugging and snooping of web applications. PureTest includes a HTTP Recorder and Web Crawler which makes it useful for generic verification of HTTP requests and web content checking. The normal way to access web sites is via a browser; however, there are times when it is desirable to bypass the browser and access a site from a program, including: Debugging of HTTP requests and responses Automated web site testing The HTTP Recorder simplifies the process of capturing all requests that are exchanged between a browser and the web server. Then use PureTest to replay each request in order to carefully watch the HTTP data that is transferred on the wire (HTTP headers, request parameters, response headers and response content). The Web Crawler is useful to pro-actively verify the consistence of a static web structure. It reports various metrics, broken links and the structure of the crawled web. Test scenarios that be saved to file and later be repeated, to verify that you server applictaion works as expected. This can be done using the PureTest debugger in the grapical user interface, but also using a command line interface. PureLoad Minq公司负载压力测 试 商业 免费 PureLoad正是一款基于Java开发的网络负压测试工具,它的Script代码 完全使用XML,所以,这些代码的编写很简单,可以测试各种C/S程序, 如SMTP Server等。它的测试报表包含文字和图形并可以输出为HTML 文件。由于是基于Java的软件,所以,可以通过Java Beans API来增强 软件功能。


app测试工程师的基本职责模板 app测试工程师需要根据产品测试需求完成测试环境的设计与配置工作。下面是第一范文网小编为您精心整理的app测试工程师的基本职责模板。 app测试工程师的基本职责模板1 职责 1. 负责移动端(SDK)APP测试; 2. 理解产品需求,负责测试方案制定,根据设计文档,能独立编写用例,并进行相互评审; 3. 设计执行测试用例,编写测试报告; 4. 完成相关产品功能测试; 5. 跟踪测试问题,协助开发定位分析问题,持续跟踪bug修复情况; 6. 积极主动与项目经理、产品经理、开发团队、嵌入式开发团队沟通协作,保障项目顺利进行和推动问题解决。 任职资格 1. 本科及以上学历,2年以上iOS\Andriod APP测试经验,熟悉Objective-C/java等至少一种语言,熟悉iOS/Andriod SDK 测试工作,基本掌握Xcode/Android Studio等开发工具 ; 2. 做过APP自动化测试性能测试优先; 3. 熟悉测试理论方法;有过 BLE/NFC 项目测试经验优先;

4. 熟练掌握数据库操作,能够独立编写数据库语句优先; 5. 性格开朗有较强的沟通协调能力与表达能力; 6. 熟练掌握fiddler/postman等测试辅助工具。 app测试工程师的基本职责模板2 职责: 1、制定项目测试计划、测试方案,设计测试用例,执行测试等。 2、编写及设计功能及性能测试用例,并提交测试报告。 3、协助开发人员快速定位问题,并对产品提出建设性意见,提升产品用户体验。 4、对缺陷进行跟踪分析和报告,推动测试中发现的问题及时合理地解决。 5、完善相关测试文档,完成其它测试相关工作。 任职要求: 1、计算机、电子相关专业毕业,一年以上工作经验,对互联网有一定的了解。 2、熟悉软件、服务器、web、APP测试流程和方法,可以编写测试用例和相关文档。 3、良好沟通能力、愿意学习、比较细心的人。 4、诚实、认真。有良好团队合作精神。 app测试工程师的基本职责模板3 职责:


常用办公软件测试题 一、综合部分 1.对于Office XP应用程序中的“保存”和“另存为”命令,正确的是___。 A.文档首次存盘时,只能使用“保存”命令 B.文档首次存档时,只能使用“另存为”命令 C.首次存盘时,无论使用“保存”或“另存为”命令,都出现“另存为”对话框 D.再次存盘时,无论使用“保存”或“另存为”命令,会出现“另存为”对话框 2.对于Office XP应用程序中的“常用”工具栏上的“新建”命令按钮和“文件”菜单下的“新建”命令项,不正确的是___。 A.都可以建立新文档 B.作用完全相同 C.“新建”命令按钮操作没有“模板”对话框,使用空白模板 D.“文件”后“新建”命令可打开“模板”对话框,可以选择不同的模板 3.不能在“另存为”对话框中修改文档的___。 A.位置B。名称 C.内容D。类型 4.Office XP应用程序中的“文件”菜单底端列出的几个文件名表示___。 A.用于切换的文件B。已打开的文件 C.正在打印的文件D。最近被该Office XP应用程序处理过的文件 5.在文本编辑状态,执行“编辑”到“复制”命令后,___。

A.被选定的内容复制到插入点 B.被选定的内容复制到剪贴板 C.被选定内容的格式复制到剪贴板 D.剪贴板的内容复制到插入点 6.当“编辑”菜单中的“剪切”和“复制”命令呈浅灰色而不能被选择时,表示___。A.选定的内容太长,剪贴板放不了 B.剪贴板里已经有信息了 C.在文档中没有选定任何信息 D.选定的内容三图形对象 7.Office XP应用程序中的工具栏可以___。 A.放在程序窗口的上边或下边 B.放在程序窗口的左边或右边 C.作为一个窗口放在文本编辑区 D.以上都可以 8.可以从___中选择Office XP应用程序中的命令。 A.菜单B。工具栏 C.快捷菜单D。以上都可以 9.Office XP应用程序中使用鼠标进行复制操作应___。 A.直接拖动B。按住键拖动 10.使用“剪贴板”进行移动操作应选择___命令。 A.“剪切” B。“复制”


摘要 随着信息科技的发展。数字科技的进步。人们对所使用的软件要求越来越严格,许多大型的软件公司对自己严发出来的软件要求也越来越严格,为了解决其中的BUG,软件测试行业开始在国内崛起。新兴的科技技术,带领着软件业开始飞速发展,产品趋于完美化,智能化,易用程度也大大的提高。 但是软件测试行业的形成是因为什么呢?许多人只知道软件测试,但是不知道其根本,它的源头是什么,它是怎么发展衍变的? 本文在探讨软件测试技术的基础上,详细介绍了软件测试的发展,它的衍变过程。同时为大家介绍了多种系列的软件测试工具及它们各自的特点。为软件测试人员理清了测试思路,详细的划分了软件测试的种类。在阅读众多参考文献的情况下对于软件的安全的问题也进行了详细的阐述。最后详细介绍了一款基于主机的入侵检测的工具—PortSentry的安装,配置及使用方法。 关键词软件测试;发展;种类;工具

Abstract Along with information science and technology development.Digital science and technology progress.The people for the software request which uses are more and more strict, many large-scale software companies the software request which sends strictly to oneself more and more are also strict, in order to solve BUG, the software test profession starts in to rise domestically.The emerging technical technology, leads the software industry to start to develop rapidly, the product tends to the beautification, the intellectualization, easy to use the degree also big enhancement. But is the software test profession formation because of what? Many people only know the software test, but did not know its basic, what is its source, how is it develops evolves? This article in the discussion software test technology foundation, introduced in detail the software tests the development, it evolves the process.Meanwhile introduced many kinds of series software testing tool and they respective characteristic for everybody.Tested the personnel for the software to clear off the test mentality, the detailed division software has tested type.Has also carried on the detailed elaboration in the reading multitudinous reference situation regarding the software security question.Finally introduced one section in detail based on the main engine invasion examination tool - PortSentry installment, the disposition and the application method. Keywords software test,development,kind,tool


1、兼容性测试 在大多数生产环境中,客户机工作站、网络连接和数据库服务器的具体硬件规格会有所不同。客户机工作站可能会安装不同的软件例如,应用程序、驱动程序等而且在任何时候,都可能运行许多不同的软件组合,从而占用不同的资源。测试目的 配置说明操作系统系统软件外设应用软件结果 服务器Window2000(S) WindowXp Window2000(P) Window2003 用例编号TestCase_LinkWorks_WorkEvaluate 项目名称LinkWorks 模块名称WorkEvaluate模块 项目承担部门研发中心-质量管理部 用例作者 完成日期2005-5-27 本文档使用部门质量管理部 评审负责人 审核日期 批准日期 注:本文档由测试组提交,审核由测试组负责人签字,由项目负责人批准。历史版本: 版本/状态作者参与者起止日期备注

1.1. 疲劳强度测试用例 强度测试也是性能测试是的一种,实施和执行此类测试的目的是找出因资源不足或资源争用而导致的错误。如果内存或磁盘空间不足,测试对象就可能会表现出一些在正常条件下并不明显的缺陷。而其他缺陷则可能由于争用共享资源(如数据库锁或网络带宽)而造成的。强度测试还可用于确定测试对象能够处理的最大工作量。 测试目的 测试说明 前提条件连续运行8小时,设置添加10用户并发 功能1 2小时 4小时 6小时 8小时 功能1 2小时 4小时 6小时 8小时 一、功能测试用例 此功能测试用例对测试对象的功能测试应侧重于所有可直接追踪到用例或业务功能和业务规则的测试需求。这种测试的目标是核实数据的接受、处理和检索是否正确,以及业务规则的实施是否恰当。主要测试技术方法为用户通过GUI(图形用户界面)与应用程序交互,对交互的输出或接受进行分析,以此来核实需求功能与实现功能是否一致。


微服务接口测试中的参数传递 这是一个微服务蓬勃发展的时代。在微服务测试中,最典型的一种场景就是接口测试,其目标是验证微服务对客户端或其他微服务暴露的接口是否能够正常工作。对于最常见的基于Restful风格的微服务来说,其对外暴露的接口就是HTTP端点(Endpoint)。 这种情况下,完成微服务接口测试的主要方式就是构造并发送HTTP请求消息给微服务,然后接收并验证微服务回复的HTTP响应消息。在这个过程中,最基础的工作是正确构造HTTP请求消息。 一条HTTP请求消息中,包含各种各样的参数。了解HTTP请求参数的类型,对于我们正确构造HTTP请求消息十分重要。接下来,我们就一起看看HTTP请求消息中可能包含哪些类型的参数,以及它们各自的特点。 路径参数(path parameter)。在HTTP中,URL是一个很基本的概念,它表示的是服务端资源的路径,供客户端寻址和访问。URL一般是常量字符串,但在有些情况下,URL 中某些部分是可变的。路径参数就是URL中可变的部分,其描述方式为{参数名}。例如,路径/blogs是不变的,而路径/blogs/{id}是可变的,其中可变的id就是路径参数。 路径参数一般用来指定集合中的某个具体元素。例如,服务端可能有许多blogs,而/blogs/{id}表示的就是某一篇具有特定id的blog。路径参数的特点如下:一个URL中可以包含多个路径参数。 在传递路径参数时,直接将{参数名}替换成具体的值,例如/blogs/123456。 路径参数是必填的,不是选填的。 查询参数(query parameter)。和路径参数相同的是,查询参数也是URL的一部分,通常用来对资源进行排序或过滤。除此之外,它们有许多不同点:


第119贴【2004-10-12】:常见测试术语一 Acceptance Testing--可接受性测试 一般由用户/客户进行的确认是否可以接受一个产品的验证性测试。 actual outcome--实际结果 被测对象在特定的条件下实际产生的结果。 Ad Hoc Testing--随机测试 测试人员通过随机的尝试系统的功能,试图使系统中断。algorithm--算法 (1)一个定义好的有限规则集,用于在有限步骤内解决一个问题;(2)执行一个特定任务的任何操作序列。 algorithm analysis--算法分析 一个软件的验证确认任务,用于保证选择的算法是正确的、合适的和稳定的,并且满足所有精确性、规模和时间 方面的要求。 Alpha Testing--Alpha测试 由选定的用户进行的产品早期性测试。这个测试一般在可控制的环境下进行的。 analysis--分析 (1)分解到一些原子部分或基本原则,以便确定整体的特性;(2)一个推理的过程,显示一个特定的结果是假 设前提的结果;(3)一个问题的方法研究,并且问题被分解为一些小的相关单元作进一步详细研究。 anomaly--异常 在文档或软件操作中观察到的任何与期望违背的结果。

application software--应用软件 满足特定需要的软件。 architecture--构架 一个系统或组件的组织结构。 ASQ--自动化软件质量(Automated Software Quality) 使用软件工具来提高软件的质量。 assertion--断言 指定一个程序必须已经存在的状态的一个逻辑表达式,或者一组程序变量在程序执行期间的某个点上必须满足的 条件。 assertion checking--断言检查 用户在程序中嵌入的断言的检查。 audit--审计 一个或一组工作产品的独立检查以评价与规格、标准、契约或其它准则的符合程度。 audit trail--审计跟踪 系统审计活动的一个时间记录。 Automated Testing--自动化测试 使用自动化测试工具来进行测试,这类测试一般不需要人干预,通常在GUI、性能等测试中用得较多。 第120贴【2004-10-13】:常见测试术语二 Backus-Naur Form--BNF范式 一种分析语言,用于形式化描述语言的语法 baseline--基线


一、判断题 1. Realone Player不支持多节目连续播放。(N) 2. 网际快车可以上传和下载文件。(N) 3. 天网防火墙的拦截功能是指数据包无法进入或出去。(Y) 4. SnagIt可以捕获DOS屏幕,RM电影和游戏等画面。(Y) 5. Adobe Acrobat Reader可以解压缩文件。(N) 6. 金山词霸2002支持Windows XP,但不支持office XP系统。(N) 7. 在用Ner-Burning Room刻录CD音乐时,若误将数据文件从本地资源管理器中拖入刻录机虚拟资源管理器中时,该文件将被添加到音乐CD中。(N) 8. Symantec Ghost 可以实现数据修复。(N) 9. Easy Recovery 可以恢复任何被从硬盘上删除的文件。(N) 10. Ctrem软件具有防发呆功能。(Y) 二.选择题(每小题2分,共40分) 1、下列不属于金山词霸所具有的功能的是:(C ) A、屏幕取词 B、词典查词 C、全文翻译 D、用户词典 2、东方快车提供了(C )种语言翻译。 A、1种 B、2种 C、3种 D、4种 3、:Vintual CD 中的Creat按钮的功能为(B ) A、编辑映像文件 B、创建光盘的映像文件 C、映像文件的显示方式 D、将映像文件插入虚拟光驱 4、下列哪一个软件属于光盘刻录软件(A ) A、Nero-Buring Room B:Virtual CD C: DAEMON Tools D:Iparmor 5、下列不属于媒体播放工具的是(D ) A、Winamp B、超级解霸 C、Realone Player D:WinRAR 6、下列媒体播放器可以自由截取单个画面或整段电影的是非曲直(B ) A、Winamp B、超级解霸 C、Realone Player D、音频解霸 7、下列哪一个不是网际快车为已下载的文件设置的缺省创建类别( D) A、软件 B、游戏和mp3 C、驱动程序 D、电影 8、CuteFTP具有网际快车不具备的功能是( A) A、上传文件 B、下载文件 C、断点续传 D、支持多线程下载 9、如果在天网防火墙的ICMP规则中输入( B)则表示任何类型代码都符合本规则。 A、254 B、255 C、256 D、253 10、Norton Antivirus的安全扫描功能包括(D ) ①自动防护②电子邮件扫描③禁止脚本④全面系统扫描 A、①②③ B、①②④ C、①③④ D、①②③④ 11、ACDSee不能对图片进行下列哪种操作(C ) A、浏览和编辑图像 B、图片格式转换 C、抓取图片 D、设置墙纸和幻灯片放映 12、SnagIt捕获的图片可被存为下列哪些格式(D ) ①BMP ②PCX ③TGA ④RSB A、①②③ B、①②④ C、①②③④ D、①② 13、WinRAR不可以解压下列哪些格式的文件( D)


IAT框架设计 1 背景 1.1项目背景 在移动平台服务端接口测试覆盖度为零的情况下,根据服务端接口的特点,以及升级更新的速度较快等,需要开发此框架来实施服务端接口的自动化测试。 1.2接口测试 接口测试属于灰盒测试范畴,通常不需要了解接口底层的实现逻辑,但需要测试人员能够使用代码的方式来调用接口。接口测试主要用例测试接口的功能以及接口返回数据的正确性。根据接口测试的复杂度接口测试分为两种。即单一接口测试,以及多接口组合功能测试。由于接口测试是通过代码调用的方式完成,而且接口测试与前端 UI 属于松耦合(或无耦合)因此通过自动化手段将极大提高测试效率以及回归测试的复用率。本文中提到的接口测试主要是指基于 http,https ,rpc 协议的 web 接口。 1.3 适用性分析 移动平台大部分以 http 接口方式提供服务,通过前台 App 调用接口方式实现功能。同时大部分接口功能,以及表现形式稳定,对于前台变化敏感度较低。基于上述接口测试的特点,认为移动平台项目非常适合接口层级的自动化测试。 2 IAT 框架 2.1IAT 介绍 IAT 是 Interface Automation Testing 的简称。通过热插拔的方式支持 http,rpc,soap 类协议的 web 接口测试。框架支持单一接口,多接口组合测试,支持用户通过自定义方法实现精确验证结果的需求。 2.2框架特点 提供多种接口测试方式。即单一接口测试,多接口业务流程测试。目前多见的为单一接口的测试。根 据用户需求不同,不同的接口测试方式,用例开发难易度不同。用例开发门槛低,用户只需要将接口用例 数据填入格式化文件即可自动通过工具生成用例。对于高级需求,框架提供自定义配置包括数据构造,精 确匹配测试结果等。框架对于不同域名下的相同接口支持自定义配置,只需要简单修改测试平台配置即 可轻松将用例


软件测试学习工具大全 软件测试是时下新兴的热门IT专业,很多朋友都有转行其中的意愿。然而,工欲善其事,必先利其器。想要学会软件测试,不了解软件测试学习工具可不行。下面,就让小编带你了解一下,千锋软件测试学习工具有哪些。 Test Platform软件测试平台,简称TP,是业界唯一的对软件测试全过程进行支撑的软件测试学习工具。 业界已有的软件测试工具基本上都局限在测试执行阶段,只能支撑测试执行阶段的活动,而测试分析、测试设计、测试实现这三个前期阶段的活动缺乏有效的测试工具支撑,直接影响了软件测试的完整性和充分性,从而影响最终研发的软件质量。

软件测试学习工具引入缺陷分析模型 在业界首先将各种有效的缺陷分析模型引入到该软件平台中,包括ODC分析、Gompertz分析、Rayleigh分析、四象限分析、缺陷注入分析、DRE/DRM 等工程方法,帮助管理者建立软件研发过程的质量基线、测试能力基线,并帮助管理者将项目实际缺陷、能力数据和基线数据进行对比分析,发现软件过程中的改进点,判断测试是否可以退出、软件是否可以发布,并对软件中残留缺陷数进行预测; 利用理论框架分析 建立了测试分析和设计的理论框架和一整套工程方法,能够很好的支撑测试的辅助分析和设计; 建立测试跟踪关系 建立“开发需求项->测试项->测试子项->测试用例->缺陷”的测试跟踪关系,能够及时的反应开发需求和设计的变更对测试的影响范围,保证软件的一致性和测试的充分性,从而保证软件的质量; 使用TestPlatform 能够全面的管理软件质量工作,具有高度的集成性,一款TestPlatform能够完成多款其他各类的相关质量管理工具集成在一起才能完成的软件质量管理工作。它集成了需求跟踪、静态测试、动态测试、测试人员管理、测试环境管理、测试计划管理、测试用例管理、缺陷管理、缺陷分析等软件质量相关的流程。那


2.7.4标准云听测试总结报告 测试人员:***

目录 1引言 (3) 1.1编写目的 (3) 1.2背景 (3) 1.3用户群 (3) 1.4定义 (3) 1.5 测试对象 (4) 1.6 测试阶段 (4) 1.7 测试工具 (4) 1.8 参考资料 (4) 2测试概要 (4) 2.1进度回顾 (5) 2.2测试执行 (5) 2.3 测试用例 (5) 2.3.1 功能性 (5) 2.3.2 易用性 (5) 3测试环境 (6) 4 测试结果 (6) 4.1 Bug 趋势图 (6) 4.2 Bug 严重程度 (7) 4.3 BUG分类统计占比 (8) 5测试结论 (9) 5.1功能性 (9) 5.2易用性 (9) 5.3可靠性 (10) 5.4兼容性 (10) 5.5安全性 (10) 6 分析摘要 (10) 6.1 建议 (10) 7度量 (11) 7.1 资源消耗 (11) 8典型缺陷引入原因分析 (11)

1引言 1.1编写目的 编写标准云听测试报告主要目的罗列如下: 1.通过对测试结果的分析,得到对软件质量的评估 2.分析测试的过程,产品,资源,信息,为以后制定测试计划提供参考3.评估测试执行和测试计划是否符合 4.分析系统存在的缺陷,为修复和预防bug 提供建议 1.2背景 客户需求 1.3用户群 主要使用者: (1) 电台主播(主持人) (2) 频道负责人 (3) 媒体负责人 (4) 电台听众 1.4定义 1.出现以下缺陷,定义为致命bug (1级) : (1) 系统出现闪退、崩溃; (2) 系统无响应,处于死机状态,需要其他人工修复系统才可复原;’ (3) 操作某个功能出现报错或者返回异常错误; (4) 进行某个操作(增加、修改、删除等)后,出现报错或者返回异常错误; (5) 实现功能和需求不符等; 2.出现以下缺陷,定义为严重(功能)bug (2级) : (1) 当对必填字段进行校验时,未输入必输字段,出现报错或者返回异常错误 (2) 系统定义不能重复的字段输入重复数据后,出现报错或者返回异常错误 (3) 系统刷新加载不正常,不能正确显示; (4) 显示信息与配置信息不一致等; 3.出现以下缺陷,定义为一般bug(3级): (1) 显示问题; (2) 提示问题;


常用通讯测试工具 鉴于很多MCGS用户和技术人员对通讯测试工具并不很熟悉,本文档将针对实际的测试情况,对串口、以太网通讯调试过程中所涉及到的常用的测试软件进行相关的讲解。 1. 串口测试工具: 串口调试工具:用来模拟上下位机收发数据的串口工具,占用串口资源。如:串口调试助手,串口精灵,Comm等。 串口监听工具:用来监听上下位机串口相关操作,并截获收发数据的串口工具。不占用串口资源。如:PortMon,ComSky等。 串口模拟工具:用来模拟物理串口的操作,其模拟生成的串口为成对出现,并可被大多数串口调试和监听软件正常识别,是串口测试的绝好工具。如:Visual Serial Port等。 下面将分别介绍串口调试助手、Comm、PortMon和Visual Serial Port的使用。

1.1. 串口调试助手: 为最常用的串口收发测试工具,其各区域说明及操作过程如下: 串口状态 打开/关闭串口 十六进制/ASCII 切换 串口数据 接收区 串口参数 设置区 串口数据 发送区 串口收发计数区 发送数据功能区 保存数据功能区 操作流程如下: ? 设置串口参数(之前先关闭串口)。 ? 设置接收字符类型(十六进制/ASCII 码) ? 设置保存数据的目录路径。 ? 打开串口。 ? 输入发送数据(类型应与接收相同)。 ? 手动或自动发送数据。 ? 点击“保存显示数据”保存接收数据区数据到文件RecXX.txt。 ? 关闭串口。 注:如果没有相应串口或串口被占用时,软件会弹出“没有发现此串口”的提示。

1.2. PortMon 串口监听工具: 用来监听上下位机串口相关操作,并截获收发数据的串口工具。不占用串口资源, 但在进行监听前,要保证相应串口不被占用,否则无法正常监听数据。 连接状态 菜单栏 工具栏 截获数据显示区 PortMon 设置及使用: 1). 确保要监听的串口未被占用。 如果串口被占用,请关闭相应串口的应用程序。比如:要监视MCGS 软件与串口1设备通讯,应该先关闭MCGS 软件。 说明:PortMon 虽不占用串口资源,但在使用前必须确保要监听的串口未被占用,否则无法进行监视。 2). 运行PortMon,并进行相应设置。 ? 连接设置: 在菜单栏选择“计算机(M)”->“连接本地(L)”。如果连接成功,则连接状态显示为“PortMon 于\\计算机名(本地)”。如下图:


一、概述 1.1 什么是自动化测试 自动化测试是把以人为驱动的测试行为转化为机器执行的一种过程。通常,在设计了测试用例并通过评审之后,由测试人员根据测试用例中描述的规程一步步执行测试,得到实际结果与期望结果的比较。在此过程中,为了节省人力、时间或 硬件资源,提高测试效率,便引入了自动化测试]的概念。 提高测试效率,保证产品质量 1.自动化测试完全取代手工测试 2.自动化测试一定比手工测试厉害,更加高大上 3.自动化可以发掘更多的bug 二、自动化层次模型 2.1 单元自动化测试 1.主要是针对于类、方法的测试。

2.此阶段测试效益最大。 3.常见测试框架:Junit 、TestNG、Unittest。 1、节省了测试成本 根据数据模型推算,底层的一个程序BUG可能引发上层的8个左右BUG,而且 底层的BUG更容易引起全网的死机;接口测试能够提供系统复杂度上升情况下的低成本高效率的解决方案。 2、接口测试不同于单元测试 接口测试是站在用户的角度对系统接口进行全面高效持续的检测。 3、效益更高 将接口测试实现为自动化和持续集成,当系统复杂度和体积越大,接口测试的成本就越低,相对应的,效益产出就越高。 4.常见工具 httpUnit (接口框架)、postman(接口调试工具)。 1、界面元素测试 2、面向用户,测试工作占比大 3、robot framework ,selenium,appium

三、自动化测试框架模型 3.1 线性测试## 独立功能测试,流水线执行 模块复用(如登录模块) 参数化 关键字封装(QTP、selenium) 1.需求变动不频繁 2.项目周期足够长 3.项目需要重复回归测试


软件测试个人总结及小结 总体来说,XX年我主要完成了以下几方面的工作: l 项目测试工作 l 知识与经验分享 l 完成所需知识的积累 l 工具学习及研究 具体来说,如下: 1.项目测试工作 这段时间,我主要是协助c.y.x进行cmbp项目测试,主要工作内容有: l 对测试用例的(砥砺奋进的五年大型成就展观后感:砥砺奋进走向辉煌)编写提供反馈意见; l 对测试过程及测试情况进行分析,并提供意见; l 设计业务测试数据的例子; l 绘制系统关键业务流程; l 进行主要功能的界面测试、功能测试; l 按照测试用例执行测试,并提交测试汇报; l 进行需求验证工作。 2.知识与经验分享 这部分工作,主要表现在四方面: l 完成项目测试经验总结

l 完成“测试经验交流与知识分享”简报,包括简报材料的 制作。该简报内容包括:项目测试经验介绍、测试度量、性能测 试知识介绍、loadrunner使用经验交流。 l 对现有测试规范提供改进反馈意见; l 根据以往经验,在cmbp项目中提供帮助。 3.完成所需知识的积累 这部分工作,主要是为了更好的完成工作,学习所需的知识、工具及技能。我主要是根据《新员工入职指引表》的要求进行的。主要工作内容有: l 学习金融行业业务知识 l 学习公司研发规范 l 学习研发部产品知识(保理项目、intelliworkflow、农行crm系统、工作流知识) l 参加公司或业务部门组织的培训(新员工入职培训、基于 uml的面向对象分析和设计、金融衍生工具介绍) l 学习缺陷管理工具ttp 4.工具学习及研究 根据《新员工入职指引表》的要求,我了解rational 测试解决方案和工具,并进行rational performance tester的研究。完成对rational performance tester的研究后,我提交了研究成果,包括:《rational performance tester 6 介绍.doc》、使用rational performance tester进行性能测试的例子及学习参考资


[示例文档1]软件测试计划 书 标准化文件发布号:(9312-EUATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-


1 概述 测试目的 说明本项目测试目的、预期达到的目标。 背景 说明本项目测试的背景。 参考资料 列出编写本计划及测试整个过程中所要参考的文件、资料。 2 测试基本内容 测试要点 测试要点应对以软件测试的以下信息进行具体描述。 测试方法:本次测试采用的测试方法(黑盒或白盒测试)。 测试类型:测试类型的说明。 测试手段:如手工测试、自动测试或手工与自动测试相结合。 采用手工与自动测试相结合的方式,说明不同手段所占比例。 采用自动测试,需详细说明选用的测试工具。 测试内容:根据软件项目的实际特点确定确认测试的测试内容。对部分软件除基本的功能测试外,可能还包括: 性能测试、安全性测试、极限测试、并发操作测试等。 测试环境 说明本次测试软件的运行与测试所需的硬件环境和软件环境。测试范围 确定本次测试范围。

测试工具 说明本次测试使用的测试工具,包括自编测试程序,并进行确认。 测试开始时间 指明本项目测试工作的开始时间。 测试结束时间 确认测试工作预计的完成时间。 3 实施计划 测试设计工作任务分解和人员安排 测试设计工作应包括对系统功能及专业知识的学习, 编写测试大纲、设计测试用例等工作。 时间安排 测试设计开始时间:测试设计工作预计开始时间。 测试设计结束时间:测试设计工作预计结束时间。 人员安排 列出预计参加本次测试设计工作的全部测试人员。 输出要求 测试设计工作的输出应包括《测试用例》、《测试记录表》、《测试报告》。 对系统功能及专业知识学习如有必要也要形成书面材料。 由测试小组负责规定组织相关的测试人员进行评审计划。


IAT框架设计 1背景 1.1 项目背景 在移动平台服务端接口测试覆盖度为零的情况下,根据服务端接口的特点,以及升级更新的速度较快等,需要开发此框架来实施服务端接口的自动化测试。 1.2 接口测试 接口测试属于灰盒测试范畴,通常不需要了解接口底层的实现逻辑,但需要测试人员能够使用代码的方式来调用接口。接口测试主要用例测试接口的功能以及接口返回数据的正确性。根据接口测试的复杂度接口测试分为两种。即单一接口测试,以及多接口组合功能测试。由于接口测试是通过代码调用的方式完成,而且接口测试与前端UI属于松耦合(或无耦合)因此通过自动化手段将极大提高测试效率以及回归测试的复用率。本文中提到的接口测试主要是指基于http,https,rpc协议的web接口。 1.3 适用性分析 移动平台大部分以http接口方式提供服务,通过前台App调用接口方式实现功能。同时大部分接口功能,以及表现形式稳定,对于前台变化敏感度较低。基于上述接口测试的特点,认为移动平台项目非常适合接口层级的自动化测试。 2 IAT框架 2.1 IAT介绍 IAT是Interface Automation Testing的简称。通过热插拔的方式支持http,rpc,soap类协议的web 接口测试。框架支持单一接口,多接口组合测试,支持用户通过自定义方法实现精确验证结果的需求。 2.2 框架特点 ●提供多种接口测试方式。即单一接口测试,多接口业务流程测试。目前多见的为单一接口的测试。 ●根据用户需求不同,不同的接口测试方式,用例开发难易度不同。 ●用例开发门槛低,用户只需要将接口用例数据填入格式化文件即可自动通过工具生成用例。 ●对于高级需求,框架提供自定义配置包括数据构造,精确匹配测试结果等。 ●框架对于不同域名下的相同接口支持自定义配置,只需要简单修改测试平台配置即可轻松将用例

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