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* 莎士比亚研究:指所有莎士比亚著作课程,包括奥赛罗、哈姆雷特、莎士比亚十四行诗。(三)研究方向:比较文学




上外英语专业考研经验分享 一、我的基本情况 我现在在上外英语系读研究生一年级,当初考研考了两次,第一年是由于对题目理解不深,考试指导方向不明,导致基础英语考了90多分,便未能进入复试。有了第一次的惨痛教训,我调整了复习方向,更换了一大批书目,第二年终于取得了成功,总分402,专业课也比第一年有了数十分的提高。在此我想和大家分享一些针对上外学术型英语专业考研的备考经验(以专业课基础英语和英汉互译为例),以期对大家有所帮助。 二、关于专业课复习 网上有很多人说上外的题目很难,确实如此,上外英专的题目几乎没有哪一道题是简单的,但这并不代表就无处下手,只要认真分析真题,制定相应的学习计划,还是能够取得成功的。 1、基础英语:其分为三大部分:英语基础知识运用、阅读理解、作文。其中后两项占比重最高,作文有大小两篇总共65分,阅读理解40道题40分(年份不同分值会稍有变化),这就告诉我们要在这两项上下大工夫。 英语基础知识运用首先是词汇题,考察考生的词汇量与理解程度,这不单单要求你认识这个单词还要求对这个单词有较深的理解。接着是改错题,这一道题像普通英语考试的改错题一样,难度不大,考察的都是最基础的知识。最后一小部分是完形填空,一篇不长的文章挖去30个空,给出一个包含30个单词的框,要你选择合适单词的

合适形式来填空。鉴于这道题的难度一直比较大,我们在平常积累搭配、词汇对付这道题的同时要注意对试卷整体的把握,毕竟只占15分(2013年与2014年),我们遇见不会的题目时要果断处置。整个的考试时间对上外的题量与难度来说几乎是捉襟见肘的,所以考试时通读文章之后要对难度与时间有一个基本的把握与衡量。 阅读理解,上外在2013年之前采用的是GRE的题目,从2013年开始沿用英语专业八级考试阅读部分的体型,2013年当年更是直接用了以往英语专业八级考试的部分真题,所以衡量自己的阅读能力最好的办法就是在规定的时间内完成一套专八真题,测试一下正确率。对于阅读来说,词汇是基础,没有过硬的词汇量读文章会比较费力,再者就是阅读速度,8篇文章(有长有短)40道题,时间大概不能超过一个小时,以40-50分钟为好,否则下面写作文的时间便少了很多。所以这道题目测试的就是应试者的理解力与阅读速度。又快又好是这部分试题的要求。作文是一篇小作文(要求为记叙文),250字左右,25分;一篇大作文(要求为议论文),记得是要求400字左右,40分。所出的题目都是比较富有哲理的,这无形中也增加了写作的难度,比如2014年的议论文要求考生论述WISDOM和KNOWLEDGE 的关系,就很具有思辨性。作文的提高不是一日而就的,要求我们平时要多阅读,多练笔,积累优美词句,养成爱思考的习惯,这样才能在考场上遇变不惊。 2、英汉互译:说起翻译似乎没有一个标准,一篇文章会有多个不同的翻译版本,但细细研读这些文章之后,我们便会发现其中的细


Book one Unit 6 Animal Intelligence Text A The first time: The first period: I. Preview: 1. Let the students be familiar with some important words and phrases in Text A, which will enable them to better understand the text: controversy, encounter, convince, suspicious, blank, relieve, figure out, assess, inaccessible, release, deceive and wipe out. 2. Ask the students to search for some information about animal intelligence through Internet or the Encyclopedia while keeping the question in mind that whether animals do have intelligence and what kind of presentation they may show. 3. Read Text A in general and paragraph 5&6 in Text B. II. Check the homework left last time when the fifth unit was finished. III. Introductory remarks (T s’ words): In unit 5, we’ve talked about romance. Of course, it’s about the romance of us human beings. But, do we believe that animals will also fall in love? In this unit, Text B, we have examples showing that animals do have certain affections to the one of the same kind but the opposite sex. As we’ve read paragraphs 5&6 in Text B, the point has been proved in someway. Well, from the stories, we see that animals really have their own way of thinking. But, what animals really think? Do they have intelligence as we do? IV. Check the preview work through discussion: 1. What’s the meaning of intelligence? And, what about animal intelligence? →Intelligence refers to the power of perceiving, learning, understanding, and knowing. It also means mental ability. As for animal intelligence, it involves such factors as the ability to learn, to solve new problems, or to create novel solut ions to familiar problems and reasoning. The last one means that some animals have the ability to benefit from the experiences of others. That’s what we can find in the third story in Text A, that Towan is clever to do the similar trick as Melati. 2. Ask Ss to tell some interesting stories concerning animals’ presentation of intelligence. Here are also two samples. →Story one: My parents once raised a dog named Doudou. One day, my father left his coat behind in the scallion field. Doudou stayed beside the coat until my father returned to the scallion field and looked for his coat. Then, he went home happily together with my father. Story two: Once in Y unnan Province, a boa saved the son of his master from a river. Ts may list some other animal behaviors to arouse the Ss’ interests: E.g.: Bees communicate a food source to other members of the hive by means of various “dancing”. Some other species can communicate by sight, taste or odor, electrical impulse (fish), or touch, and many animals have more than one system. Conclusion: From all above, we find that animals do display intelligence in some areas. Let’s read the text and find more examples of animal intelligence. V. Global reading tasks.


上外英语语言文学英美文学经验贴 1.用书:①综英:全球热门报刊双语阅读精选(4本);环球时代美文读本(只用了其中4本);本科高级英语1-2(张汉熙主编)+教参;星火专八阅读100篇;华研专八阅读180篇;新东方阅读100篇(高分版);冲击波专八阅读;英语写作教程2--细节描写与读者意识;地道英文进阶(魏剑锋著);Gre长难句;刘毅10000;Gre3000;经济学人100篇精读②翻译:108散文;张培基2和4(4只看了1/3);英汉名篇名译(朱明炬)③政治:肖秀荣1000题;肖八(只刷了选择);肖四 ④二外(德语):大学德语1-2(张书良总主编);新求精;圣才真题 2.复习方法: 初试: 我是按照姐姐发在群里的50分钟循环复习课表来的,加上平时跟做姐姐的阅读和写作,所以复习比较系统化,有条理。当然在这过程中会备受打击,但是打击习惯了也就好了,越挫越勇,最后两个月真的是佛系,各种看剧和综艺啥的,也算是给自己放松一下,不然真的怕憋出毛病来。每个月我基本上只放松1-2天,平时早上6:40起,洗漱吃早饭,大概7:40开始学习,中午会睡午觉,14:00又开始学习,晚上大概11:30睡觉。每天晚上10:30-11:30会把一整天所学内容再复习一遍,我喜欢用本子把所有学到的词组都记下来,然后集中复习。 平时练阅读要注意每篇文章的开头结尾和每段的开头结尾;写作上,我会注意每一句话的用词和结构,所以每次写作文都要花好长时

间,虽然有点费时间,但是的确感觉进步比较大,写多了,会变顺畅。作文会背环球时代上的美文以及英语写作教程上的细节描写文章。翻译一定要好好弄,千万不可以不重视,每次大家的综英其实都考的差不多,但是翻译会拉开差距,所以张培基一定要反复看,反复视译,可以研究一下结构什么的,熟悉度高了,慢慢张培基的遣词用句也就能用到作文里了,这个很重要!!! 但不是死背,只要熟悉,一看到就能反应过来就行。政治我是10月才开始准备的,不求考多高,只要过了就行,一开始刷1000题,把错的题号都记下来,最后一个月再复盘一遍就行,然后好好把肖四大题按结构框架背熟就没问题了,考试的时候记着写满,哪怕把材料抄一遍都行。二外(德语)因为在学校就学的还不错,所以不太费劲,每天花100分钟在上面就行,主要是弄清语法,单词写熟记熟,变位变格学会,最后两个月刷圣才的题,每天一套(我是挑着做的,阅读和选择一定要做,其他的随便),作文最后3个月对照模板再练就行。 复试: 1.用书:吴伟仁的英国文学和美国文学选读(4本);罗经国英国文学选读(2本);童明的美国文学史;星火考点精梳与精炼英美文学 2.复习方法:由于今年疫情原因,我在家就拖延症晚期,看书也不好好看,天天玩手机,直到4月中旬才开始正式好好复习,我主要以罗经国的英国文学和童明的美国文学为主,吴伟仁的4本作为补充,每看一个时期就做一个时期的mindmap(思维导图做历史背景,时代特征,流派,作家,作品,写作风格等),然后全部做完后,就开始

上外大学英语综合教程一答案Unit 5 How to Be True to Yourself

上外大学英语综合教程一答案 Unit 5 How to Be True to Yourself Key to the Exercises Text comprehension IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences. 1. Integrity means having one's own norms and rules of judging what is right and what is wrong, which one should not give up for immediate personal advantages. 2. Integrity is rare at present. 3. An explanation was given for how all instruments and material were used and located during an operation. 4. When you are right, you should insist. 5. Unavoidably they will do everything possible to keep their looks and status. Translation I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. 人的一生就像被刚降下的雪覆盖的田野,无论在哪儿走过都会留下自己的足迹。 2. 他们本能地明白:为人正直就意味着具有个人道德和伦理的标准,那就是决不迁就权宜之计,也不为眼前的形势所左右。 3. 那些缺乏真正的根本价值观的人依赖于外因——自己的长相或地位——以获得良好的自我感觉。 4. 为人正直就意味着凡事都因其正确而为之,并非仅仅是为了赶时髦或趋炎附势。 II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. That psychiatrist, who had talked about his patients in public, was charged with violating professional ethics. 2. Hanging on the walls of the classroom are some famous sayings, which inspire and urge people to exert themselves. 3. All kinds of commodities are available. Nothing is in short supply. 4. We all trust the president of the board of directors, who is a man of absolute integrity. 5. Before we vote for him, we want to know what he stands for. 6. The defendant couldn't account for the fact that the money was found in his house. 7. When I saw that he was right, I had to back down. 8. She has been appointed sales manager, for she is both clever and diligent. 9. One of the biggest challenges faced by the present government is that of creating more jobs. 10. The enemy succumbed soon after our soldiers stormed its stronghold. Dictation In order to learn to be one’s true self, / it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge / of what has been said and done in the world; / critically to inquire into it; / carefully to consider it; / clearly to analyze it; / and earnestly to carry it out. It matters not what you learn, / but when you once learn a thing, / you must never give it up /


2016上海外国语大学英语翻硕考研-近义词辨析 词语辨析一: ascribe,attribute,contribute,owe"归因于..." ascribe和attribute差别不大,都可以解释为"(中性)把...归因于,(褒义)把...归功于,(贬义)把...归咎于",也可以解释为"把...归属于,认为...归属于...",基本可以互换 contribute(to)有助于,促成... owe(to)把...归功于(褒义) 1.Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes____to the increase of cancers. A.ascribe B.attribute C.contribute D.owe 2.Professor Li____his success to his mother. A.owns B.ruins C.owes D.roars 3.We____Edison's success to his intelligence and hard work. A.subject B.attribute C.owing D.refer 4.The discover of America is usually____to Columbus. A.ascribed B.gave C.rewarded D.contributed 5.One should not____one's error to objective conditions. A.apply B.owe C.contribute D.ascribe 6.I___it to you that I finished my work in time. A.owe B.contribute C.award D.give 7.The exchange of goodwill missions greatly____to a better understanding between the two countries. A.ascribe B.attribute C.contribute D.owe 8.This poem is____to Homer. A.owed B.ascribed C.contributed D. belong 1.Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes__C__to the increase of cancers.医学研究表明人们普遍吸烟导致癌症患者人数增加. A.ascribe B.attribute C.contribute D.owe 2.Professor Li__C__his success to his mother.李教授把他的成功归功于他母亲. A.owns B.ruins(破坏) C.owes/ascribe/attribute D.roars(吼叫) 3.We__B__Edison's success to his intelligence and hard work.我们把爱迪生的成就归因于他的聪明才智和辛勤工作. A.subject to服从 B.attribute/ascribe C.owing to由于 D.refer to参阅,涉及 4.The discover of America is usually__A__to Columbus.美洲大陆的发现通常被归功于哥伦布. A.ascribed/attributed/owed B.gave C.rewarded D.contributed 5.One should not__D__one's error to objective conditions.一个人不应把自己的错误归咎于客观条件.


2020上外英语语言文学英美文学方向考研经验分享 一年的考研之路终于画上圆满句号,现在自己也闲下来了,想给大家分享一下我个人的一些小经验,希望帮助到2020考研的小伙伴们。 基础英语(业务课一): 2019年的考试题型包括单选,完型,阅读,小作文以及大作文,题量比较大,难度也不小,考试时要注意时间的分配。单选主要考察GRE难度单词的词义辨析,基本上知道意思就可以选对。针对这一题型的备考主要是背单词,大家选择适合自己的方法来记忆就可以了,但一定要记熟,背单词背的摸棱两可真的没什么用,还浪费时间。 完型填空难度比较大,选择的篇章来自英文报刊和书籍,今年考的是一篇关于文学评论方法的文章,和平时资料里做到的风格不太一样。备考时主要用的是428资料里的35篇来练手,篇章主题包括政治,经济,文化等等。备考主要是多练习多阅读,一开始不用太在意时间,找到做题的状态,细心静心,尽量提高正确率。 阅读题备考主要是掐时间做一做专八的阅读,GRE的阅读。 小作文以描述,记叙类为主,428资料里还有一些具体的分类和范文。大作文比较常规,是最常见的说理议论类,遵循三段论的原则,框架搭起来,举例与论述相结合,注意语言的流畅度就可以。近两年没有考改错,往年一直在考,题型和难度与专八相仿,平时复习时可以适当练习。 英汉互译(业务课二): 一篇英译汉,一篇汉译英,英译汉的主题多为文化类,汉译英的体裁主要是名家散文。由于今年的基础英语试题难度较大,大家的分数普遍不高,差距不大,翻译就成了拉分项。备考汉译英大家基本上都选用《英译中国现代散文选》(张培基译注共四册),《散文佳作108篇》和历年真题作为练手和学习的材料。建议规定时间,自己先译,再对照参考译文,学习一些出彩的搭配和句型。我比较好的一点就是报了班,做完翻译不用自己去对答案,有爱考宝典的老师给我批改,他看过我的答案过后就能知道我的薄弱之处在哪,会针对性地给我讲解训练相关的内容。我们自己也要从参考译文中学习一些好的词汇,搭配和句型,观察参考译文对长难句的处理,长短句式的安排以及中英文转换时句子主语的变化和上下句之间的逻辑衔接。考试时保证自己的译文对原文的忠实性,注意语言的自然性,准确性和流畅度。英译汉首先是巩固自己的单词量,尽量不要因为不认识单词而失分,真题中还会出现个别GRE难度的词;其次是要注意自己对母语的把控能力,写出的句子要符合中文的语言习惯,并且成熟流畅,行文风格忠实于原文;再次是要了解一些世界文化常识。 二外(德语): 考试题型包括单选,完型,阅读,德译汉和作文。上外没有规定二外的参考书,我复习时主要是反复刷了刷本科时的二外教材《新编大学德语》一二三册,做了书上所有的课后习题,背了课后的单词,对照着配套的教师手册后的课文译文默写德语原文。语法的总结和巩固用的是《新求精德语语法精解与练习》,这本书的语法脉络与讲解很清晰简明,题目难度很适合二外的备考,好好做一做很有帮助。 政治:花的时间很少,完全靠运气,所以没啥经验好分享给大家,希望大家能好好复习这一门,尤其是理科生。 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。大家千万不要害怕困难挫折,勇敢的战胜它们,你就能成功,加油!


Unit 2 “Future”, is a puzzling word for all the people in this world, including the scientists and the common. What will the world be like in five hundred year’s time? A thousand years’ time? Or more? Some people are pessimistic, and fear that things can only get wore because people may be slaves of the developed science and technology. Others are optimistic, looking forward to a better world and a happy life with the development of science and technology. In this Unit, we are given two texts about “smart cars”, a kind of intelligent products that bring so much convenience to people in the future. Then let’s come to Unit2 and learn something about “smart cars” in about 7 classes. . Objectives in Unit 2: ⒈words and phrases: alert application capability convert correlate decrease(increase) drastically eliminate expansion prototype manufacturing in the air take control of get/be stuck in turn(sth.) into/become a reality appropriate implement outline permanent thereby at the start of by means of in cooperation with ⒉structure: ①double prepositions ②V. + it +adj. + to do ③“” (present or past) is used as adjective to modify noun. ⒊ learn some techniques in expository writing(definition, quote, a mixture of facts and opinions, etc.) 4. writing: how to write a resume ( need explaining in detail)--- for homework to introduce next unit. For the first period: (1st,2nd class) have a revision of Unit 1 and come to Unit 2(words and phrases) Text A Smart Cars ⅠSOME QUESTIONS for group discussion: (30 minutes) ①What will the world be like in the future? (worse or better) What aspect do you think in the world will change most? —Worse: destroyed by the people themselves, war, depend excessively on advanced science and technology to become lazy, indifferent, lack love between people and people, the Judge Day. —Better: make good use of science and technology to improve the world, a world garden, a society like Communist Society, happy life, share —Aspect: people’s life ,( way of thinking, custom) ②With the development of science and technology, what will happen to cars? What can be called “smart cars”? —In the film “007”, a “smart car ” is described. It was a transportation for Bond and the name was “the vanish”. It was a car of “adopted camouflage. Ti ny


上外考研英语语言文学专业课初试复试复习建议 一、关于初试 1、考试科目 政治、二外、英语综合,英汉互译 2、专业课考建议 英语综合: 题型:单项选择(词汇、英语国家概况、语言学、英美文学)、改错、完形填空、阅读理解、小作文、大作文 考查要点:词汇量(10000-12000)、阅读速度、对语法和句法的掌握英文写作能力 备考建议:注意平时多积累词汇,大量练习阅读,保证每天一定的阅读量(6-8篇)做题时养成自己计时的习惯,逐渐加快阅读速度。阅读时不要被生词卡住,顺着往下读,保证对文章大意的通畅理解,学会根据上下文语境猜测生词义。可以以专八真题和模拟题作为练习材料,多做改错题,做到孰能生巧。写作时注意词汇的选择,不确定拼写是否正确的情况下不要冒险写高级词汇,用词精准最重要。尽量避免中式英语,可以从平时的阅读中积累地道的英文表达。书写要工整,保持卷面干净整洁。 英汉互译: 题型:一篇英译汉,一篇汉译英,各75分 考查要点:一般原文都是散文或者议论文,首先考察的是译者对原文的深入理解。考察译文的忠实性与通顺性。考察译者词汇的运用。

备考建议:多读中文和英文的散文,做好笔记,加强对好词好句的积累背诵。多看名家的译文,学习模仿他们的遣词造句。每天翻译一到两篇文章,最好一篇英译汉,一篇汉译英,先自己翻译一遍,再对照参考译文看看自己有哪些需要改进的地方,建立一个翻译纠错本,把自己翻译常犯的错误以及看到的佳译妙译整理上去,反复揣摩。英译汉时注意避免欧式汉语,汉译英时注意避免中式英语。 因为翻译科目考察的不仅是学生的英文水平,还考察学生对中文篇章的理解(汉译英)以及中文的流利表达能力(英译汉),所以学生应当加强母语方面的训练,多积累一些中文的成语、谚语等。 3、专业课推荐参考书目、建议: 《英译中国现代散文选》(1-4册)张培基译注上海外语教育出版社 2007(这套书要仔细精读,可以不用全部看完4册,但至少看完前两册,而且每本书要看3遍以上,做到把每一篇译文吃透,逐渐体会汉译英的遣词造句) 《英汉翻译教程》张培基著上海外语教育出版社 2009(这本书讲的是英译汉的技巧和方法,很详细,与《英译散文选》互为补充,注意整理读书心得,仔细揣摩书中给出的例证) 《新概念英语4》亚历山大,何其莘著外语教学与研究出版社 2013 (这本书也要精读,可以巩固强化词汇和语法知识。熟读里面的课文,提高阅读能力,还可以把课文当作英译汉的练习材料,对比参考译文找出自己的不足) 《星火英语:英语专业8级考试人文知识与改错》黄任主编吉林出

上外大学英语综合教程一答案Unit 2 The Fun They Had

上外大学英语综合教程一 Unit 2 The Fun They Had Key to the Exercises Text Comprehension IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences. 1.Her mother asked the County Inspector to come over. 2.The mechanical teacher worked out the mark very quickly. 3.Tommy looked at Margie with an air which suggested he knew far better about school than others/loftily. 4. A teacher has to make necessary changes about what to teach and how to teach so as to meet the different needs of different pupils. Translation I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.玛吉的爷爷曾经说过,小时候他的爷爷告诉他,过去的故事都是印刷在纸上的。 2.他们翻阅那些旧得泛黄,皱巴巴的书页,阅读那些一动不动的单词真是好玩极了。那些 单词并没有象我们平时看到的那样在屏幕上滚动。 3.这个机器老师一直在接二连三地让她做些地理测验,但她越做越糟糕。结果她的母亲伤 心地摇摇头,请来了县视察员。 4.玛吉希望他无法将机器重新组装起来,但他还是成功了。过了个把小时,机器又好了, 硕大的黑色机器,奇丑无比,有个大大的屏幕,所有的课程和问题全都显示在上面。 II. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases given in brackets. 1.Yesterday a government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa and began a three-day friendly visit to the country. 2.It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills. https://www.doczj.com/doc/634143523.html,puters are one of the most useful teaching aids, for all your lessons as well as all the questions asked and all the answers provided can be shown on a screen. 4.Zhang Li’s mother fell ill suddenly the day befor e yesterday; he sent for a doctor immediately. 5.He failed in the college entrance examination last year, but he did not feel disappointed. Instead, he continued to study hard, passed the examination successfully and became a student in a famous university this year. 6.There are many English words that this middle school student cannot pronounce correctly. 7.In this era of information explosion, we have to make constant efforts to renew our knowledge. Only thus can we become adjusted to the requirements of our work. 8.With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag tucked under his arm, the boy looked just like a boss. 9.Although she is only 8 years old, the little is already very good at calculating fractions. No wonder her parents feel proud of her. 10.All the neighborhood have heard of the news, but you haven’t. Don’t you think it is strange?

2020年上外 英语口、笔译与英语语言文学专业 对比介绍

2020年上外英语口、笔译与英语语言文学专业对比介绍 一、培养目标和培养方式 ?上外MTI英语翻译硕士(口译、笔译) MTI英语翻硕是专硕,上外有口译和笔译两个方向,旨在培养实践型的口笔译人才,所属院系为高翻学院(成立于2003年)。2010年设立MTI英语翻译硕士专业点,为我国首批MTI翻译专业硕士培养单位。 口译专业有高质量的视听设备,另有两个同声传译会议室,供学生开展模拟会议,优化学习体验。 上外高翻学院拥有国内外顶尖的师资,拥有翻译理论界的权威教授学者和经验丰富的口笔译专家,如教授口译课程的戴惠萍教授(美籍)和司徒罗斌教授(法籍)均为AIIC会员,戴惠萍教授还曾是联合国资深口译专家;教授笔译课程的姚锦清教授(加籍)和董翔晓教授(美籍)均为资深翻译专家;教授法律及经贸翻译的冯国扶教授曾任台湾万象和上海创凌科技翻译有限公司的总裁等。联合国和欧盟经常派出资深笔译专家和口译专家赴高翻进行教学。 上外是联合国合作备忘录签约高校(MoU)之一,上外高翻与联合国、欧盟等的国际组织有着密切的合作,并与国际知名大学频繁交流,共享资源。高翻与联合国环境署以及联合国粮农组织已建立长期合作,向专业笔译硕士学生开放机会参与联合国文件的学习和翻译;联合国日内瓦办事处、维也纳办事处、内罗毕办事处、曼谷办事处以及欧盟欧委会等也长期向高翻学生提供口译实习项目,以暗箱练习和口译培训等方式提升口译实践能力。

?上外英语语言文学专业: 英语语言文学专业是学硕,上外MA英语语言文学硕士点是1980年设立,1983年设立博士点,2003年获准设立博士后流动站。以培养教学和科研人才为主,侧重语言学方向的理论研究。强调专业功底扎实、专业技能熟练、知识结构完善、专业理论水平要求高,如果想进高校和出版机构,建议选择学硕。师资力量雄厚,教学经验丰富,是全国高校中教学科研规模最大、最具影响力的“英语语言文学学科”之一。 二、招生对象 ?MTI英语翻译硕士(笔译方向): 1、大学本科或研究生学历 2、同等学力本科结业生(须达到英语专八优秀水平或雅思成绩7分以上或托福100分以上,且复试须加试两门课)人员。 3、同等学力高职高专学历,需要取得学历后满2年(还须达到英语专八优秀水平或雅思成绩7分以上或托福100分以上,且复试须加试两门课)人员。?MA英语语言文学: 1、大学本科或研究生学历 2、同等学力本科结业生、高职高专学历学生(复试须加试两门课) 三、所属学院 ?高翻学院:055101英语笔译 ?英语系:050201英语语言文学


Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary 1.and in 12.tackle 2. 1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. 4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas https://www.doczj.com/doc/634143523.html,pose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. 1.7.was violating8.anticipate Ⅲ. 1.At 2.for 3.of 4.with 5.as 6.about 7.to 8.in, in 9.from 10.on/upon Comprehensive Exercises Ⅰ. Cloze

1.hold back 2.tedious 3.scanned 4.recall 5.vivid 6.off and on 7.turn out/in 8.career 2. Ⅱ. Translation 1.As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4.It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2. Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true

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