当前位置:文档之家› 2009-2010学年第2学期_外贸英语函电期末试卷B



镇 江 高 等 专 科 学 校 2009—2010学年第二学期 期末 考试试卷

08 级 应用英语专业 外贸英语函电 试卷(B 卷)

命题 许辉 校对 尹昕 审核 ________ 审批 ________

班级 学号 姓名__________


Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences.

1.____ in 1995, this company specializes in the export of cotton piece goods.

A. Establish

B. Established

C. Establishing

D. To be established

2. The present market is favorable ____ importers.

A. with

B. for

C. in

D. to

3. As the said goods are in short supply, we strongly recommend ____.

A. accepting

B. acceptance

C. being accepted

D. having accepted

4. You can ____ your lawyer for the settlement of the dispute.

A. approach

B. get in touch

C. get contact with

D. touch

5. Any information given to us will be held as confidential and will entail no responsibility ____ your part.

A. in

B. for

C. after

D. on

6. We have been ____ this line for five years.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. into

7. We will be ____ if you will make us your lowest quotations ____ iron-free garments.

A. appreciated, for

B. obliged, for

C. appreciated, on

D. obliged, on

8. As requested _____ your E-mail of October 1, we are sending you _____ the required quotation sheet.

A. in, herewith

B. for, herewith

C. for, in

D. on, herewith

9. Please quote us your lowest prices _____ CIF Singapore basis for embroidered silk blouses _____ prompt shipment.

A. on, for

B. from, for

C. on, on

D. from, on

10. As wholesalers we are ____ to handle large quantities.

A. of a position

B. in the position

C. at a position

D. in a position

11. As the goods ____ within the scope of our business activities, please contact us immediately.

A. falls

B. fall

C. fell

D. falling

12. We agree that you send Art No. 102 to substitute ____ Art No. 103 under our order No. 123.

A. with

B. by

C. for

D. on

13. Our goods are ____ those from other supplies in aspect.

A. superior to

B. superior than

C. more superior to

D. more superior than

14. The delay of shipment ____ our difficulties in meeting our customers’ deadline.

A. added

B. added to

C. added more

D. added up

15. Many features of this mobile phone, including fashionable functions,____ its great success only shortly after it was launched.

A. counted

B. accounted

C. accounted for

D. accounted to

16. _____ the heavy demand for this line, we advise you to send orders as soon as possible.

A. With view to

B. In view of

C. With the view of

D. In the view of

17. The shipment ____ Contract no. 333 has arrived here duly(及时地).

A. against

B. by

C. for

D. in

18. We promise that shipments will ____ in August.

A. affect

B. effect

C. be affected

D. be effected

19. W are not in a position to offer firm, as the goods are ____.

A. without stock

B. outside in stock

C. out of stock

D. no stock

20. When setting the price of a product, there are many factors that have to ____.

A. take into account

B. taken into account

C. be taken into account

D. be taken account


21. __________, we should focus our export to the European market.

22. We have shown maximum flexibility in order to __________existing between the two sides.

23. I do not know how I can put this business thr ough. Let’s__________. I think mutual efforts would bring this satisfaction to a successful conclusion.

24. Now that we have agreed on everything, can you __________ for us to sign?

25. Although this is a rather small order, we still __________ our principle of treating every customer with respect.

26. Our microwave ovens are __________ any other similar products thanks to our advanced technology.

27. This price is beyond what we can__________.

28. Even if you have offered us a __________, we still have to decline your offer, because the demand is too weak.

29. __________the heavy demand for sugar, we advise you to order at once.

30. We would like to grant you a 3% discount __________ helping you in your sales promotion for table cutlery.


Directions:This part is to test your sentence translation ability. There are two parts for you to finish: Part A is from Chinese to English while Part B is from English to Chinese.










Part B (5×3ˊ=15ˊ)

36.We highly appreciate your offer for 600 units of wicker products for shipment in


37.We hereby might as well give supplemental instruction that, because of the large

demand, this offer is valid to October 15th, and that we will not reserve the goods after that time.

38.Although we are very glad to do business with you, it is regretful that we cannot

lower our price to what you required, because it is already the rock-bottom price we can make.

39.The 50 compressors we ordered should be shipped during the validity of the L/C.

40.We enclose the sales contract in duplicate, which please countersign and return one

copy to us, and, meanwhile, please inform us the shipping instructions to follow.


Part A (1×20ˊ=20ˊ)

Directions:This part is to test your ability to write a business letter according to the information given below. You should write the letter in English.








商务参赞Commercial Counselor

Part B (1×20ˊ=20ˊ)

Directions:This part is to test your ability to write a business letter according to the information given below. You should write the letter in English.



收信人: John Smith, Import Manager of Fine Inc.

地址:22 Granville Street, Fresno, Los Angeles, USA

事由: “柔柔”牌枕套的询盘










Words for references

枕套Pillow Case洛山矶Los Angeles



XXXXXXX卷面考核 XXXXXXX学年第 2 学期期末 《外贸英语函电》( B )标准答案 专业_班级经济命题教师 一、Fill in the blanks with the right word or words (2% for each, 20%) 1~5 C D B B B 6~10 B D C B B 二、Choose the appropriate word or words in the parentheses. (2% for each, 20%) 1~5 B A A B A 6~10 B A B A A 三、Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(3% for each, 15%) 1.从中国国际贸易促进委员会获悉,你们有意购买电器用品。 2.我们还想了解各类商品的每种颜色和花样的最低出口起售量。 3.所有报价以我方最后确认为准。除非另有规定或经双方同意,所有价格都是不含佣 金的净价。 4.另行寄上我方目录若干份,以便你方作出适当选择。 5.我方所报价格是经过紧密计算的。然而,为促进业务我们准备给你方5%的折扣。 四、Translate the following sentences into English.(3% for each, 15%) 1.We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations.


初三化学上学期期末考试试卷及答案 (满分100分,考试时间100分钟) 班别姓名学号成绩 可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1 O—16 C—12 一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案,把正确答案序号填入下表。每小题2分,共40分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 )A.分子是不断运动的B.分子是由原子组成的 C.分子具有一定的质量D.分子之间有一定的间隔 2. 下列变化中,属于化学变化的是() A. 汽油挥发 B. 矿石粉碎 C. 蜡烛燃烧 D. 铜丝弯曲 3. 下列物质在氧气中燃烧,火星四射,生成黑色固体的是() A. 镁条 B. 红磷 C. 木炭 D. 铁丝 4. 地壳中含量最多的金属元素是() A. O B. Si C. Fe D. Al 5. 下列物质中,属于混合物的是() A. 氧化铜 B. 空气 C. 氢气 D. 氯化钾 6. 称量固体药品时,需要用到的仪器是() A. 托盘天平 B. 玻璃棒 C. 酒精灯 D. 温度计7.在饮用水中添加含钙、镁、锌、硒的矿物质,可以改善人体营养,增强体质。其中“钙、镁、锌、硒”是指( ) A.分子B.原子C.离子D.元素 8.某同学做物质在氧气中燃烧的实验方法如下图所示,其中不合理的是() A.木炭在氧气中燃烧B.铁丝在氧气中燃烧C.硫在氧气中燃烧D.蜡烛在氧气中燃烧 9.为形象展示水分解的微观过程,某同学制作了一些模型,表示相应的微观粒子。其中表示水分解过程中不能再分的粒子是()

①② ③ A.B.C.D. 10.右图是老师放置在实验桌上的三瓶无色气体,它们可能是H2、O2、CO2。下列关于这三种气体的鉴别方法中,不正确 ...的是() A.根据瓶③倒置,可判断瓶③存放的是H2 B.用带火星的木条放入①中,若复燃,则存放的是O2 C.用点燃的木条伸入②中,若火焰熄灭,则存放的是CO2 D.向②中加入少量蒸馏水,若变为红色,则存放的是CO2 11.下列关于稀有气体的叙述中,错误的是() A.曾被称为惰性气体B.都不能与其他物质发生化学反应 C.都是无色无味气体 D.稀有气体有广泛的用途 12.宣传科学,揭露伪科学,是中学生的义务。从科学的角度分析,下列信息中合理的是( ) A.燃放鞭炮,能驱鬼降魔,对空气不会造成污染 B.某机构声称发明了一种催化剂,可使水变成燃油 C.普通的水由“大师”点化便成为“圣水”,饮之可逢凶化吉 D.原子弹的爆炸,是利用了原子核变化时放出的巨大能量 13、下列图示中的有关实验操作正确的是() A B C D 14.三聚磷酸钠(Na5P3O10)过去常用作洗衣粉的辅助剂,我国部分省市为防止水体富营养化已止销售和使用含磷洗衣粉。在Na5P3O10中磷元素的化合价为() A.+3 B.+4 C.+5 D.+6 15.下列有关实验室用高锰酸钾制取氧气的叙述,错误的是() A.装有高锰酸钾的试管,在加热时试管口要略向上倾斜 B.实验前要检查气体发生装置的气密性 C.若用排水法收集氧气,在实验完毕后,先将导管移出水面再熄灭酒精灯 D.收集满氧气的集气瓶,盖上玻璃片并正放在桌面上 16.据新华社报道,今年4月15日,重庆天原化工厂连续发生氯气(Cl2)泄漏,造成严重的环境污染,随后冷凝器中的氯化氮(NCl3)发生多次爆炸。该事件导致多人中毒、伤亡,15万人被疏散,造成 重大损失。从化学角度看,下列说法中,不符合科学性 ......的是( ) A.氯气是一种有毒的气体 B.三氯化氮的化学性质非常稳定 C.三氯化氮中正负化合价代数和为零 D.化工厂不应建在人口密集的居民区

高二英语 第一学期期末试题

高二英语第一学期期末试题 姓名:班级:座位号: 一阅读理解第一节(每小题2分,共30分) A The Poetry Foundation recently named American poet Jack Prelutsky as the nation's first children's poet laureate(桂冠诗人). The group created the award as a way to increase children's love of poetry. As children's poet laureate, Jack Prelutsky will give two public readings in the next two years. He will also advise the Poetry Foundation about children's literature and take part in projects concerning children and poetry. Jack Prelutsky has been writing poetry for children for almost forty years. He has written more than thirty-five books of poems. His first book was called A Gopher in the Garden. It was published in 1967. His latest is called Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant and Other Poems. Jack Prelutsky is well known for creating new words by combining two words to create a new kind of creature. For example, he combined "radish" with "shark" to get "radish ark". "Lion" and "broccoli" became "broccoli on". He also created "umbrellaphant", a mixture of the words "umbrella" and "elephant". Jack Prelutsky says that children like his poems because he writes about things they care about. Poetry researchers say that Jack Prelutsky's poems recognize children's feelings. An example of this is the poem My Sister Is a Werewolf which is about how it feels to be different. Jack Prelutsky also writes poems about American holidays. His poem It's Halloween is a very famous one about the holiday celebrated at the end of October. 1. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A. Poems with New Words Grow Popular B. First Children's Poet Laureate Named C. Children's Love for Poetry Increased D. Jack Prelutsky Awarded Nationwide 2. What is Jack Prelutsky famous for? A. Creating new words in his poems. B. His productivity. C. His long time of writing. D. His poems about American holidays. 3. Children are in favour of his poems because A. they are easy to understand B. the poet is famous C. children like reading new words D. the poet understand their feelings 4. What can we infer from the passage? A. It was A Gopher in the Garden that brought him fame. B. The poet will be kept busy over a lot of activities. C. Jack Prelutsky will no longer write about American holidays. D. The poem It's Halloween must have been written for adults. 5. Put the following items in right order according to the passage. a. two public readings b. A Gopher in the Garden



九年级化学期末试卷第2页(共4页) 2015-2016年学年度第一学期期末考试 九年级化学试卷 题 号 一 二 三 四. 总分 得 分 可能用到的相对原子质量:H :1 O :16 C :12 N :14 S :32 Cl:35.5 Zn:65 Cu:64 评卷人 得 分 一、选择题(每题2 分,共40分) 1. 下列物质的用途中,利用其化学性质的是 【 】 A. 干冰用于人工降雨 B. 天然气用作燃料 C. 液氮用作冷冻剂 D. 银用于制作导线 2. 生活中属于溶液的是 【 】 A.草莓酱 B.蒸馏水 C.蔗糖水 D. 玉米糊 座 号

3. 要配制100g 5%的NaCl溶液,除了需要托盘 天平和量筒外,还需要用到的一组仪器是【】 A.烧杯、试管、玻璃棒 B.烧杯、胶头滴管、玻璃棒 C.烧杯、胶头滴管、漏斗 D.烧杯、酒精灯、玻璃棒 4. 下列各项实验中,所用试剂及实验操作均正确的是【】 A.制取CO2 B.加热固体 C. 制取氧气 D.除去O2中的水蒸气 5. 下列说法正确的是【】 A.木炭燃烧后生成红色固体B.一氧化碳在空气中燃烧发出蓝色火焰 C.红磷在空气中燃烧产生大量白雾D.铁丝伸入盛有氧气的集气瓶中剧烈燃烧 6.分类是学习和研究化学的常用方法。下列物质分类正确的是【】A.有机物:甲烷、二氧化碳 B.化合物:双氧水、水银 C.混合物:氯酸钾、冰水共存物 D.氧化物:水、二氧化锰 九年级化学期末试卷第3页(共4页)

7. 关于电解水实验的说法中正确的是【】 A.实验证明水是由氢气和氧气组成的 B.电解水时在正极产生氧气 C.水中氢氧元素的质量比为2 :1 D.水分子是由氢分子和氧原子构成的 8. 地壳中和人体中含量最多的元素是 【】 A.O B.Si C .Al D Fe 9. 铯原子钟300年误差不超过5秒.铯元素在周期表的信息如图,下列说法正确的是【】A.铯元素属于非金属元素 B. 铯原子的质子数是55 C.铯元素符号为CS D.铯原子的相对原子质量为132.9g 10. “塑化剂”是一种工业原料,但不法商人把它添加到饮用品当中,对人的身体造成严重危害。已知“塑化剂”的主要成分是邻苯二甲酸二辛酯,化学式为C24H38O4,有关邻苯二甲二辛酯说法错误的是 【】 A. 它是一种有机物 B. 一个邻苯二甲酸二辛酯分子中共有66个原子 九年级化学期末试卷第4页(共4页)


外贸英语函电试卷及标准答案 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/6416014553.html, 外贸英语函电试卷(A卷) Ⅰ.Translation of terms 术语翻译(10%): A.Translate the following terms into Chinese 将下列术语译成汉语(5%): 1.mediation of dispute 2.DEQ, Delivered Ex Quay 3.acts of God 4.continental bridge 5.exclusive sales B.Translate the following terms into English in full 将下列术语译成英语(请用全称)(5%): 1.亚洲开发银行 2.电子商务认证 3.银行密押 4.机电产品 5.内包装 Ⅱ.Make the best choice for each of the following sentences 单项选择(20%):(提示:请在各题所提供的四个选项中选择一个,并将所选中的答案相对应的选项字母填入句中横线上。) 1.The boxes must be strong enough to withstand transport ____ very bad roads. A. along B. for C. in D. over 2.Enclosed are two copies of our Sales Confirmation No. DTE0607 ____ out against your Order KK02736. A. got B. made


高二上语文期末试题 一、现代文阅读(9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1——3题。 2007年11月,良渚文化核心区域发现一座古城遗址——良渚古城。考古学界测定,良渚文化时期距今约5300—4000年,处于新石器时代晚期,尧舜禹时代早期。这个时期由于没有确切的史料留存于世,我们所知道的关于良渚文化的一鳞半爪,都是来自先前出土的文物。专家认为良渚古城发现的意义不亚于殷墟的发现,因为长江中下游地区之前还从未发现良渚文化时期的城址,它是目前所发现的同时代中国最大的古城遗址,作为实证中华5000年文明史的最具规模和水平的地区之一,良渚古城的发现,有助于厘清史料中没有记载的夏商周之前的那段历史。 古城的南北都是天目山脉的支脉,城与山的距离大致相等,苕溪和良渚港分别由城的南北两侧流过,两个自然的小山,分别位于城墙的西南角和东北角。城墙的底部铺垫的石头都很尖锐,由人工开凿而成。上部用较纯净的黄土一部分一部分夯筑而成,黄土不同于良渚一带灰黑色淤泥,应是人工从外面搬运而来。古城面积约有29万平方米,与颐和园相当,而颐和园四分之三的为水域。如此浩大的工程其石料量、土方量及工匠数量可想而知。明代修建的故宫占地只有72万多平方米,却也要役使百万夫役,也历经14年时间。 在良渚文化的墓葬中,发现了琮、璧、钺等玉器,琮是一种用来祭祀大地的礼器,形状外方内圆,象征着天地的贯穿。对良渚人来说琮是象征王权神权的法器。璧发现的数量众多,其像天园的形状表示它是祭天的礼器,但众多的更像是一种财富的象征。关于钺《说文解字》说它是从斧发展而来的砍伐或打仗用的武器。研究表明,琮、璧的形状和刻纹最早出现在良渚文化时期,而钺在良渚文化时期早期已完成了由石钺到玉钺的转变。钺由石质变成了玉质,功能应该已转化,可能转化成了军权的象征。 关于古代用玉的等级制度做了记载:《周礼·冬官》称:“天子用全,上公用龙,侯用瓒,伯用将。”郑玄注:“全,纯色也;龙、瓒、将,皆杂色也。在城内反山大墓中出土的玉器均为真玉中的透闪石软玉;规模稍次一级的上海福泉山九号墓出土的玉器,则真玉居多而杂有假玉;而较一般的浙江海宁荷叶地则真假玉参半。由此可以推断,良渚古城应该是处于当时最高阶层居住的地方,良渚文化已经基本形成用玉的等级制度,被称为夏商周“三代之礼一”的用玉等级制度完全可以上溯到良渚文化时代。 在良渚出土的黑陶器上发现过不少的刻划符号,这些刻划符号都表达了一定的内涵,已经具有文字的性质,在文字的发展历程中,应当处于从原始记事符号到文字产生之间的过渡阶段,是初期象形文字,在后世的甲骨文中能看到它的影子。专家指出,文字是人类思想成熟的表现,只有在社会长期持续、稳定发展,社会结构完善、统一的基础上,才能为文字的出现营造一个良好的发展环境。 1、下列不能作为“良渚古城发现的意义不亚于殷墟的发现”这一论断依据的一项是(3分) () A、长江中下游地区之前还从未发现良渚文化时期的城址。 B、有助于厘清史料中没有记载的夏商周之前的那段历史。 C、可以进一步了解良渚文化时代的等级制度和社会结构。 D、使原先一鳞半爪的文字发展历程的研究变得完整全面。 2、下列最能体现良渚古城建筑特点的一项是(3分)() A、古城筑于天目山脉的支脉,城的南北两侧有苕溪和良渚港流过。


XXXXXXX卷面考核 XXXXXXX 学年第 2 学期期末 《外贸英语函电》( A )卷 专业__班级命题教师_ 10分。) 1. We would ______ very much if you send us some samples immediately. a. thank you b. appreciate it c. appreciate d. appreciate you 2. Our products enjoy _______ in the world market. a. most popular b. great popularity c. good seller d. selling fast 3. We are _______ a copy of our catalog for your reference. a. send b. covering c. closed d. enclosing 4. The letter we sent last week is an enquiry ________ color TV sets. a. about b. for c. of d. as 5. This chemical is made ________ a special formula. a. from b. according to c. of d. in 6. We ______ your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 2 sets of 《(国际经贸函电)》试题(A卷)第1页共7页


九年级第一学期化学期末考试卷附答案 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 P 31 Ca 40 Cu 64 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共36分) 一、选择题(本题包括15小题,每小题2分,共30分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1. 2011年诺贝尔化学奖被授予以色列科学家丹尼尔·谢赫曼,以表彰他在发现准晶体方面所作出的突出贡献。准晶体可能具有下列性质,其中属于化学性质的是: A .密度低 B .耐磨损 C .导电性差 D .抗氧化性强 2. 下列实验操作正确的是: 3. 谚语诗词中蕴含着科学道理。下列说法正确的是: A.“真金不怕火炼”是说黄金熔点很高 B.“众人拾柴火焰高”是指可燃物越多,则着火点越低,越容易着火 C.“百炼成钢”与“只要功夫深铁杵磨成针”蕴含的化学原理相同 D.“ 水滴石穿”包含有化学变化 4.下列判断正确的是: A .双氧水属于单质 B .不锈钢属于纯净物 C .干冰属于氧化物 D .P 4属于化合物 5. .用分子观点解释右图漫画中小女孩的话,正确的是: A.分子质量小 B.分子间有间隔 C.分子体积小 D.分子在不断运动 6.将“神舟八号”飞船送入太空的是“长征二号”F 运载火箭,火箭工作中发生 的反应为C 2H 8N 2 + 2R == 3N 2 + 4H 2O + 2CO 2 ;其中R 的化学式是: A .N 2O 4 B .NO 2 C .N 2O D .CH 4 7、下列符号表示正确的是: A .2个氮分子:2N B .2个碳酸根离子:2CO 32—﹣ C .氧化铝中铝元素的化合价: 3Al 2O 3 D .4个氢原子:2H 2 8.今年,我省出现旱情,部分地区水资源紧缺。有关部门呼吁,人人都应该树立保护水资源的意识,养成节约用水的习惯。下列节水措施中不正确的是: 我又在 被动吸烟!


外贸英语函电试卷及标准答案 1.Ⅱ.Make the best choice for each of the following sentences The boxes must be strong enough to withstand transport ____ very bad roads. A. Along B. For C. in D. over 2.Enclosed are two copies of our Sales Confirmation No. DTE0607 ____ out against your Order KK02736. A. Got B. Made C. put D. taken 3.Some customers requested us to ____ our price because they consider it too high. A. bring down B. get down C. put down D. take down 4.We can allow you a special discount of 2% on orders exceeding $60,000. The word “allow” can be replaced by the following words EXCEPT A. Give B. Grant C. offer D. permit 5.The consignment was shipped ____ on the S.S. “Changfeng” which left Shanghai for Singapore on June 16. A. Clean B. Cleaned C. cleaning D. cleanly 6.For your own ____ please expedite the L/C, which must reach us before August A. Advantage B. Benefit C. consideration D. profit 7.In the ____ we would ask you to dispatch the replacement to us as soon as possible. A. Meantime B. Meanwhile C. time D. occasion 8.This will enable us to arrange speedy passage through the Customs on ____ of the consignment. A. arrival B. Arriving C. reception D. receiving 9. A container holds 240 bicycles; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 5 containers, ____ 8 tons. A. and each weighing C. each weighing B. each to weigh D. each weighs 10.The cases should be ____ they can easily be made tightly closed again after being opened. A.as such so as C. of such a type that B.B. like this so that D. of such a type which 11.We deal in decorative fabrics ____ different varieties. A. On B. In C. of D. for 12.It is possible to extend this Letter of Credit, which expires ____ January 28. A. On B. in C. at D. for 13.We trust you will look ____ the matter without delay upon receiving the data concerning the damage. A. On B. Upon C. in D. into 14.Please quote us your lowest price ____ CIF Singapore basis for 1,500 pieces for early delivery.


崇明县2006学年第一学期期终试卷 高二化学 (90分钟完卷,满分100分) 相对原子质量:Mg-24 Al-27 一、选择题:(每小题只有一个正确答案,本题共50分) 1、下列物质中属于纯净物的是…………………………………………………………( ) (A)生铁 (B)不锈钢 (C)铝热剂 (D)绿矾 2、下列物质中属于电解质的是…………………………………………………………( ) (A)铝 (B)二氧化碳 (C)蔗糖 (D)硫酸钠 3、在元素周期表里,金属元素与非金属分界线附近能找到…………………………( ) (A) 制新型催化剂的元素 (B) 制新型农药的元素 (C) 制半导体的元素 (D) 制耐高温合金的元素 4、从人类利用金属的历史看,先是青铜器时代,后是铁器时代,而铝的利用只是近百年的 事,造成这个先后顺序事实的最主要因素是………………………………………( ) (A)地壳中金属元素的含量 (B) 金属的延展性 (C)金属的导电性 (D) 金属冶炼的难易程度 5、物质的量浓度相同的下列物质的水溶液,pH最小的是……………………………( ) (A)Na2CO3 (B)NH4Cl (C)H2SO4 (D)CH3COOH 6、在纯水中加入下列物质,能促进水的电离的是…………………………………… ( ) (A)Na2SO4 (B)NaOH (C)NaHSO4 (D) NH4NO3 7、在其它条件相同的情况下,下列溶液的导电能力最强的是……………………… ( ) (A)30mL 1mol/L的盐酸溶液 (B)40mL 1mol/L的氢氧化钠溶液 (C)10mL 1mol/L的硫酸溶液 (D)100mL 2mol/L的醋酸溶液 8、在某强碱性溶液中,下列离子组可以大量共存的是……………………………… ( ) (A)Na+、HCO3―、Mg2+、Cl― (B)AlO2―、Na+、K+、Cl― (C)Fe3+、Na+、NO3―、Cl― (D)Al3+、K+、NO3―、CO32― 9、用铁片与稀硫酸反应制取氢气时,下列措施不能使氢气生成速率加大的是…… ( ) (A)对反应体系加热 (B)不用铁片改用铁粉 (C)滴加少量CuSO4溶液 (D)加入少量的CH3COONa固体 10、当盐酸溶液和醋酸溶液的pH值、体积都相等时,下列叙述正确的是………… ( ) (A)两溶液的物质的量相同 (B)两溶液中c(H+)相同 (C)用同浓度的NaOH 中和时,消耗碱的体积相同


一、选择题(每小题只有1个选项正确。每小题2分) 1.下列过程中需要通电才可以进行的是: ① 电离 ② 电解 ③ 电镀 ④ 电化学腐蚀 A .①②③ B .②③ C .②③④ D .全部 2.在蒸发皿中蒸干下列物质的溶液,不能得到该.物质固体的是: A .Fe 2(SO 4)3 B .MgCl 2 C .K 2CO 3 D .NaCl 3.为了除去MgCl 2酸性溶液中的Fe 3+ ,可在加热搅拌的条件下加入一种试剂,过滤后,再加入适量的HCl ,这种试剂是: A .NH 3·H 2O B .NaOH C .Na 2CO 3 D .MgCO 3 4.能使水的电离平衡正向移动,而且所得溶液呈酸性的是____________ A .将水加热到100℃时,水的pH=6 B . 向水中加入少量明矾晶体 C .向水中滴加少量NaHCO 3 D .向水中滴加少量稀硫酸 5.A 、B 、C 、D 4种金属,将A 与B 用导线连接起来,浸入电解质溶液中,B 不易腐蚀,将A 、D 分别投入等浓度盐酸中,D 比A 反应剧烈,将铜浸入B 的盐溶液里,无明显变化,如果把铜浸入C 盐溶液里,有金属C 析出,据此判断它们的活动性由强到弱顺序是: A .D>C>A>B B .D>A>B>C C .D>B>A>C D .B>A>D>C 6.下列各图的水槽中盛装的是海水,其中铁被腐蚀的得最慢的是: 7.25℃时,某NH 3·H 2O 与HCl 溶液混合后,测得溶液的pH=7,则溶液中下列关系正确的是: A .c (NH 4+ )>c (Cl ˉ) B .c (NH 4+ )=c (Cl ˉ) C .c (NH 4+ )


《外经贸英语函电》试题库I. Translate the following terms into English 目录按照要求 订单实盘 市场经济虚盘 电子邮件汇票 询盘装运 报盘还盘 报价利润 信用证折扣 你处形式发票 供你参考一式两份 信誉以……为准 支付条款唛头 代理与……建立业务关系 确认保险费 即期索赔 投保保险单 电子商务装船通知 集装箱托收 汇付成交 检验证书已脱销 毛重净重 纸箱捆 一切险发票金额 提单运输单据 仲裁会签 II. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. ( ) 1. We thank you for your letter of March 13 and the _____ catalogue.

A. given B. sent C. enclosed D. presented ( ) 2. They found an opportunity to purchase six _____ leather shoes. A. thousands pairs B. thousand pair of C. thousands of pair D. thousand pairs of ( ) 3. The letter we sent last week is an enquiry _____ digital cameras. A. about B. of C. for D. as ( ) 4. What kind of products do you think _____ particularly interested _____ A. are they, in B. they are, in C. are they, / D. they are, / ( ) 5. We owe your name and address _____ Italian Commercial Bank who informed us that you are in the market _____ table-cloths. A. from, for B. to, with C. from, with d. to, for ( ) 6. While _____ an enquiry, you ought to enquiry into quality and price etc.. A. making B. sending C. offering D. giving ( ) 7. In order to obtain the needed information, the inquirer should simple, clearly and concisely write _____ he wants to know. A. that B. so C. what D. because of ( ) 8. We are a specialized corporation, _____ the export of animal by-products. A. dealing with B. dealing C. handling D. dealt in ( ) 9. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the _____ of equality and mutual benefit. A. base B. basis C. bases D. based ( ) would not give you any lower price _____ you could place an order for more than 500 tons. A. expect B. until C. unless D. besides ( ) 11. We _____ some brochures _____ to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture. A. enclose you, / B. enclose, you C. enclose, / D. enclose, to you


高二上学期数学期末考试试卷及答案 考试时间:120分钟试题分数:150分 卷Ⅰ 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.对于常数、,“”是“方程的曲线是双曲线”的 A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件 C.充分必要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 2.命题“所有能被2整除的数都是偶数”的否定是 A.所有不能被2整除的数都是偶数 B.所有能被2整除的数都不是偶数 C.存在一个不能被2整除的数是偶数 D.存在一个能被2整除的数不是偶数 3.已知椭圆上的一点到椭圆一个焦点的距离为,则到另一焦点距离为 A.B.C.D. 4.在一次跳伞训练中,甲、乙两位学员各跳一次,设命题是“甲降落在指定范围”,是“乙降落在指定范围”,则命题“至少有一位学员没有降落在指定范围”可表示为 A.B.C.D. 5.若双曲线的离心率为,则其渐近线的斜率为 A.B.C.D. 6.曲线在点处的切线的斜率为

A.B.C.D. 7.已知椭圆的焦点与双曲线的焦点恰好是一个正方形的四个顶点,则抛物线的焦点坐标为 A.B.C.D. 8.设是复数,则下列命题中的假命题是 A.若,则 B.若,则 C.若,则 D.若,则 9.已知命题“若函数在上是增函数,则”,则下列结论正确的是 A.否命题“若函数在上是减函数,则”是真命题 B.逆否命题“若,则函数在上不是增函数”是真命题 C.逆否命题“若,则函数在上是减函数”是真命题 D.逆否命题“若,则函数在上是增函数”是假命题 10.马云常说“便宜没好货”,他这句话的意思是:“不便宜”是“好货”的 A.充分条件 B.必要条件 C.充分必要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条 件 11.设,,曲线在点()处切线的倾斜角的取值范围是,则到曲线 对称轴距离的取值范围为 A.B.C.D. 12.已知函数有两个极值点,若,则关于的方程的不同实根个数 为 A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 卷Ⅱ 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.


监利县2009—2010学年度上学期九年级化学期末训练题(三) 班级姓名分数 有关相对原子质量 C—12 O—16 H—1 Cl---35.5 Ca---40 Mg---24 一、选择题(每小题1分,共14分。每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题意,请将其代号选出,并填入题后的答案栏内.) 1.创立奠定近代化学基础的是 A、会制造劳动工具 B、发现和利用了火 C、原子论和分子论的创立 D、元素周期律和元素周期表的发现 2.古诗词是古人为我们留下的宝贵精神财富。下列诗句中涉及物理变化的是 A.野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 B.春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干 C.只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 D.爆竹一声除旧岁,春风送暖入屠苏 3、小红在假期里帮妈妈做饭,当她把一壶水烧开之后,发现壶盖被水蒸气顶开了,并且有雾蒙蒙的气体夹杂着热水从壶嘴冲出,请你帮她分析一下可能的原因是: A.是化学变化 B.水分解生成了氢气和氧气 C.水分子变大了 D.水由液态变为气态,水分子间间隔变大了 4、“绿色化学”要求从根本上减少或杜绝污染。下列做法中符合绿色化学理念的是 A.实验中未说明药品用量时,取用较多量药品进行实验 B.实验室将废液直接倒入下水道 C.对废旧电池作深埋处理,消除其污染 D.化工生产中使原料尽可能地转化为产品 5、现有一杯有臭味的水,能除去臭味的方法是 A.搅拌 B.吸附 C.静置 D.过滤 6、在四川汶川大地震中,很多同胞失去了宝贵的生命。在这些遇难同胞中,有很多人不是被石块压死,而是在废墟里漫长的等待中严重脱水而死,说明了水对于我们生命的延续是如此的重要,下列关于水的说法中不正确的是 A.水是氧化物 B.水由氢、氧两种元素组成 C.水由水分子构成 D.水由两个氢原子和一个氧原子构成 7、下列物质属于纯净物的是 A. 冰水混合物 B. 清新的空气 C. 无色的盐水 D. 酸酸的食醋 8、下列微粒符号中,对“2”含义的理解正确的是 A. 2Cu中的“2”表示个铜元素 中的“2”表示每个亚铁离子带有2个单位的正电荷 2+B. Fe C. HS中的“2”表示一个硫化氢分子中含有两个硫原子2-2 D. Al(SO)中化学式上方的“2”表示硫元素为-2价429、将m个A分子与n个AB分子放入集气瓶内密闭加热,使之充分反应后,集气瓶内22原子的个数比为B与A. 3m2mn? D....无法判断 A BC n2n210、下列有关二氧化碳的检验、制备和用途能达到目的的是 A.干冰用于人工降雨 B.二氧化碳气体通入紫色石蕊试液中,溶液变蓝 C.用块状石灰石和稀硫酸迅速制备大量二氧化碳 D.将燃着的木条伸入集气瓶,火焰立即熄灭,证明瓶内原有气体就是二氧化碳


宁波工程学院2013-2014学年第 二学期 《外贸英语函电》期末考卷1 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 复核人 应得分 20 20 15 10 15 20 100 实得分 评卷人 本试卷适用班级: 营销111,112 Ⅰ.Translation of terms 术语翻译 (10%) A. Translate the following terms into Chinese 将下列术语译成汉语 (5%): 1.business lines 2.refer to 3.specialize in 4.tight money 5.point out B. Translate the following terms into English in full 将下列术语译成英语(请用全称) (5%): 1.最新的商品目录 2.客观资料 3. 建立业务关系 4.作为……的回报 5. 价格偏高 班级: 姓 名 : 学 号 :

Ⅱ.Make the best choice for each of the following sentences 单 项选择(20%):(提示:请在各题所提供的四个选项中选择一个,并将 所选中的答案相对应的选项字母填入句中横线上。) 1. We look forward to ______ the goods in the fourth quarter. A. delivery of B. your delivery C. deliver D. delivery 2. as agreed upon in your negotiations,payment()L/C. A. by B. is to be made by C. with D. in 3.We shall be glad to send you our lowest quotation _______ receipt of your detailed requirements. A .on B .with C. in D. as soon as 4. One of our clients----American leather shoes. A. in the market for B. are in the market for C. is in the market for D. be in the market for 5. If you could make a reduction ______5% in quotation, please let us know. A .to B .by C. of D .at 6. We ______your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 200 sets Panasonic 2189 Color TV. A. believe B. find C. trust D. think

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