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Unit 1

11-15 CDBAB 16-20CBBDC 21-25 AACAB
26-30 DBBBA 31-35ABCDB
36.invaded 37.emitting 38.corn 39. portion
40. releases 41.respond 42. nourish 43.specific
44. Thisexplains how a wasp can find a caterpillar in a huge field of corn.
45. Byenhancing this natural response in plants, researchers might reduce, some dayeven eliminate, the need
46. orthey might transplant specific genes to increase the release of the chemicalsignals.

Unit 2

11-15 BDBAD 16-20ABBDC 21-25 DCADD
26-30 CBDAB 31-35BCADD
36.unrelated 37. increasingly 38.helpless 39. solemn
40. swore 41. sense 42. abandoned 43.divorced
44. notnecessarily because they love each other, but because they were stuck, and itwas better to be stuck comfortably than otherwise .
45. somedivorcees even argue that divorce is beneficial, educational, that the secondor third marriage is “the best”, and the only reason left to marry is love.
46. Inother respects, our rapidly-rising divorce rate and the declining marriage raterepresents a loss .

Unit 3

11-15 CCABD 16-20BDACD 21-25 CACAA
26-30 BACCD 31-35ADDBA
36. civilization 37.developed 38.probably 39. ancient
40.societies 41. roles 42. pattern 43. responsibilities
44. What isremarkable about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over thecenturies but how much they have remained the same.
45. It isthe universality of toys with regard to their development in all parts of theworld
46.Variations depended on local customs and ways of life because toys imitatetheir surroundings.

Unit 4

11-15 DADAB 16-20 ABACA 21-25DCDCB
26-30 CDBBA 31-35DBABD
36.refers 37. various 38. ruin 39. scattering
40.exhaust 41. disturbing 42. serious 43. survival
44.Pollution of the soil reduces the amount of land on which we can grow food
45.Everyone wants to reduce pollution, but the pollution problem is as complicatedas it is serious
46. For example,exhaust from automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution, butthe automobile provides transportation for millions of people

Unit 5

11-15 CBDCA 16-20BBBAB 21-25 DBBDB
26-30 BCCCB 31-35DADBA
36. terrible 37. expected 38.pressure 39. embarrassed
40. pretended 41.delighted 42. continued 43.illegally
44. Fortunately I was never stopped by the police and the next time Itook my driving test, I passed
45. Anyway, I’d been thinking about learning to drive and I persuadedher to let me have a go.
46. We were having such fun that we didn’t notice the tide was comingin until the car was actually swimming in the water

Unit 6

11-15 DCDBD 16-20BABCB 21-25 BCCDC
26-30 BACAD 31-35BBABD
36.generally 37.characteristic 38.relaxation 39. scenic
40.refreshed 41. sessions 42. effective 43. nodding
44. If you set impossible goals for yourself youcan only be disappointed in your progress.
45. this period can last for days or evenweeks
46. like Chinese medicine, the effects of yourstudy come slowly but surely

Unit 7

11-15 DCAAD 16-20 CCBCD 21-25BABDC
26-30 CDDBC 31-35 BBCAB
36. full 37.correct 38. Latin 39. chiefly
40. repetitions 41.analysis 42. reveals 43. frequently
44. Both lists consist, without exception, of native words.
45. words of the Bible are ninety-four percent native, Shakespeare’sninety-one percent,
46. Only in present–day technical writing do we find the foreignelement climbing to forty percent.

Unit 8
1-7 Y N YN Y N NG
9.purifying sea water
10.transmitting communications across the globe
11-15 DBBAC 16-20ADDCA 21-25 BCDCC
26-30 DDBDC 31-35BCAAC
36.typically 37. connected 38. accompanies 39. link
40.produced 41. issue 42. associated 43. elderly
44.Between age 25 and 35, the deep sleep drops to about 12 percent
45. By the time menreach 45, they have nearly lost the ability to fall into deep sleep and afterage 50, men’s total sleep declined by about 27 minutes per decade of age
46.Exercising at least 20 minutes three or four times a week is also helpful
47-51AFOGK 52-56 CNEDM
57-61 DDABD 62-66 CDABC
67-71 CABBA 72-76 CDCDC 77-81 DDBBA 82-86 DCBAC

Unit 9
1-7. N YY N Y N NG
https://www.doczj.com/doc/655949102.html,prehensive high schools
9. JohnDewey
10.preschool training
11-15 CCCCD 16-20 ABCDA 21-25DADCD
26-30 CACCA 31-35BBBCA
36.reward 37. staged 38. quit 39. participated
40.gratitude 41. Prevention 42. screened 43. cigarettes
44. whenI had to keep chewing gum and drinking ice-cold water
45.During the first several days when I began to quit, I couldn’t get tosleep
46. Iwish my friends would quit for their own health and that of their families
47-51 DEICK 52-56 HOJFB
57-61 ACBBC 62-66 DDCBC
67-71 BBCAA 72-76 CDBAB 77-81 ABCDB 82-86 AACDB

Unit 10
1-7 N YNG N Y N N
8. takebreaks
11-15 ABDBC 16-20CDBDC 21-25 ABCDD
26-30DCCDB 31-35CDCDD
36. valuable 37. importing 38. usual 39. engaged
40. important 41. promising 42. left 43. intending
44. I was looking through themorning newspaper, which had been brough

t on board
45. threw the ring overboard
46. it was a fish bone
47-51IJGMK 52-56 CFHDB
57-61 CBCAD 62-66ADCAA
67-71 CCADA 72-76 AADBA 77-81 BBCAA 82-86 ADADB

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