当前位置:文档之家› 英语高级词汇短语汇总



1 .我认为in my personal to my way of thinking

2 .据我所知to the best of my kno wledge

3.越来越重要in creas in gly importa nt

4 .充分意识到be well/fully aware of

5 .许多quite a few scores of

6 .很可能cha nces are that

7 .怎么强调也不为过it ca n't be stated too stro ngly

8 .更糟的是it could n't be worse what's worse worse still

9 .在当今社会in the prese nt-day society

10 .迫切需要in urge nt/(the bad) need of

11 .不容置疑admit of no doubt there's no denying that

12 .因为in that/for the reas on that with the reas on being that

13 .正如俗话说得好just as the old saying as the saying goes

14. ....... 也是如此which is also true for/in

15 .然而,事实并非如此it is not n ecessarily the case, however,

16.绝大多是人认为overwhel min g/vast majority of

17 .人们普遍认为it's com monly believed / accepted that

18 .绝不容易it's by no means easy to do sth

19 .人们发现it turns out that

20 .在信息爆炸的时代in the age of in formatio n explosi on

21 .关键在于what matters lies in / the key lies in

1 .我认为in my personal to my way of thinking 2

2 .绝好的机会golde n opportu nity

23.置若罔闻turn a deaf ear to / turn a blind eye to

24.没好事业前程a bright prospect in career

25.充分施展自己的才能give a full play to one's ability

26.除了提供便利之外In addition to providing us with convenience

27.由于工作和生活上的激烈竞争due to the fierce competition in work play and life 28.难以想象It is unconceivable that

29.通过仔细观察和批判性的分析through careful observation and critical analysis 30.很多,去多an army of / a world of / countless / a multitude of

31.面临be faced with


33.厌恶be sick of / feel dislike / distaste for sth

34.同意see eye to eye with / consent / approve of

35.减少cut down on

36 .与 ... 有关have sth to do with / have a beari ng on

37 .就 ... 而言As far as .............be concerned / in terms of / in the case of

38 .对 ... 造成很大压力pose a big pressure on / put a large strain on

39.可能的严重后果serious consequences that may happen / potentially serious consequences

40.做出不懈的努力make unremitting effects / spare no efforts 41.令人担忧的问题an alarming / worrying / disturbing problem

42.渴望;有志于be dying to / long to do 43.没有关注pan no heed / attention to 44.对人类迫近的威胁Imminent threat to human beings / pose a looming threat to


45.职场危害(隐患) occupational hazard

46.面临巨大困难facing an uphill battle / formidable task

47.使几乎不可能make it virtually impossible

48.土地污染和资源短缺land pollution and resources shortages 49.每天on a daily basis

50.虽然我们必须承认Although it has to be concerned that 51.这是一个不争的事实That is the plain truth


53 .帮助减轻.... 的负担help reduce the load on

54.有利有弊every coin has two sides / No garden without weeds

55. 当你陷入困境get into trouble (hot water) / be in dilemma

56. 远远不令人满意leave much to be desired / far from satisfy

57. 喜欢be keen on doing / be crazy about

58. 寻求平衡strike a balance / seek balance

59. 理解have a solid understanding of / have deep insight into

60. 掌握handle appropriately

61. 准备pave the way for

62. 当面临when coming up against

施加影响 to exert influence / impose on 承担责任 take on / assume responsibility 非常昂贵 cast sb an arm / a leg 抱有幻想 take for granted / be under the illusion that 感到苦恼 anguish / be plagued with 不可缺少的组成部分 indispensable ingredient of 争分夺秒 seize the second / rack against the clock 反对 frown upon / protest against 获得成就感 derive a sense of achievement 违背公平原则 violate the principle of justice 总是对乐观看待生活 always have a rosy picture of the future life 短暂的 this ephemeral life / short-lived 毫不夸张的说 It can be said without exaggeration that 松懈,迷失方向 slack off and get disoriented 最终方法 ultimate solution

... 的严重性 the magn itude of

首先 first and foremost

高兴的 jubilant and delightful

希望 Hopefully

诚然 Indeed / Admittedly 对 十分注意 extremely min dful of

成为热点(关注的焦点) become the spotlight of

63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.











85.等等to name just a few

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