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第一章篇章词汇理解Passage 1. DHJEB IAKGC passage 2. LINOE BKHAJ passage 3. BHJDA LMFGC Passage 4. KGHCO BNEMJ passage 5. FNJLA BDHKE passage 6. CEGLN HJADF Passage 7. GCBIM NEOJL passage 8. JEGLI DBHKC passage 9. LAFGK HBCDE Passage 10. DHMKE IAJNG

第二章篇章阅读理解Passage 1. BAACB passage 2. DBCAD passage 3. BCDCD passage 4. ACDCA Passage 5. DCBAB passage 6. BCABD

仔细阅读理解突击训练Unit 1. 1-10. BFMJI ACDKO 11-15 BACBC 16-20 CBADB

Unit 2. 1-10. LCEBF KJIAB 11-15. DABCB 16-20 BDACB

Unite3.1-10. HLBFG OJIMC 11-15. CBBDA 16-20 CCBAA

Unit 4. 1-10. DFAMI KOHJE 11-15. DCBAC 16-20CDAAD









预测试卷一.47. foolishness 48.in the beginning/starting time of New Year 49. the shifting of dates 50. on the wrong day/on April 1 51. Poisson d’Avrill /April Fish 52-56. BCBDA 57-61. DBBCA 预测试卷二. 47-56 OLNAJ CHKEF 57-61 ABCAD 62-66CAADA

预测试卷三. 47-56 EBMCD HKIOJ 57-61. BBBCA 62-66. AAAAD

预测试卷四. 47-56. HJOMN GCAEK 57-61. ADBCC 62-66. ADBBB

2008.1卷47-56 KMAJD GFIOE 57-61. ACDCB 62-66. DBCAB

2007.6卷47-56. LGIDO FBMJC 57-61. DBCBA 62-66. BACDC

2007.1卷47-56. DKGJC NMIHD 57-61. CBDAB 62-66. CADBC

快速阅读(首批材料) 快速阅读突击训练一、基础练

Passage 1. 1-7 BADCADD 8. lower levels 9. MLD 10. listen

2.1-7 NYNNYY NG 8. gut feelings 9. resist temptation 10. emotional intelligence

3. 1-7 Y NG N NG NYY 8.after you have vacated 9. your manager or caretaker 10. 30 days

4. 1-7 YNYNNYY . 8. bicameral lawmaking 9.A secretary of State 10.The investigation committee

5. 1-7 N NG YYNYY 8.condined to the house 9. Owing a pet

10. residential and community development

6.1-7 NNYN NG YY 8. Choosing an outsider as chief executive

9. doing the rapid-cost cutting and divestment 10. 12 years

提升练Unit 11-7 ABCDCDA 8. new channel of marketing communication

9. millions of pounds 10. the corporate identity

Unit 2. 1-7. YNNYY NG N 8. DoubleClick/ The vendor 9. children under 13

10. the website/ Washingtonpost. com

Unit 3. 1-7. NYYNYN NG 8. the ticker 9. a check minus a fee 10. half of a round trip ticket Unit 4. 1-7. YYNNY NG Y 8. if they don’t start when they are young

9. a disregard for public health 10. steel cables


Passage 1. 1-7 BDCBADC 8. not clear 9. more alert 10. we can empathize

2. 1-7 BCBAABB 8. complicated 9. what they do there 10. privacy advocates

3. 1-7 CABBCBC 8. panic makes a small fumble worse 9. Recognition and praise

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6912553598.html,e your new confidence wisely

4. 1-7 BADCBDC 8 amino acids and used to make A TP 9. about 3 seconds

10. endurance events

5. 1-7. BAAADDB 8. measure your success as you move forward 9. vary widely

10. writing up their own IDPs

6. 1-


8. uniqueness and special ness

9. walking the area

10. other anthropological expeditions

7. 1-7. YYNNY NG Y 8. summer progress 9. 3 days 10. alternatives, motivation

8. 1-7 YYNNYYN 8. 1930s 9. drilling wells into the earth 10. the oil shortage

9. 1-7 NYYNNY NY 8. had scored high on optimism 9. middle-aged diseases

10. changing the explanations for their failures

10.1-7 NNYNN NG Y 8. gentle and comfortable 9. we sincerely believe something

预测试卷一1-7.YNYYN NG N 8.industrisl activity 9. summer and autumn 10. motor vehicles 二1-7. DBCABCA 8. between the north and south 9. the economic safety and financial ability 10. financial crises

三1-7. NNYYNY NG 8. consumer behavior and the entrenched player 9. a closed-circuit service 10. Microsoft and Intel

四1-7. YNYYNN NG 8. 2.2-10°F(1.4-5.8°C) 9. some time, perhaps decades 10. uncertain 2008.1卷1-7. DCBDACB 8. the changes in the visa process

9. take their knowledge and skills back home 10. Strengthen the nation

2007.6卷1-7. YYNY NG NY 8. unwelcome emails in your primary mailbox

9. names and contact information 10. economic gain

2007.1卷1-7. NNYNYY NG 8. move forward 9. looking back 10. the more you get back

大学英语四级考试预测试卷(一)1-7. BDCBCAA 8. order a smaller portion

9. sample something that you really want to have 10. overall healthy eating plan

(二)1-7. YNYNNY NG 8. a money belt under your clothes 9. look lost, confused or distracted 10. keep a list of everything in your wallet or purse, especially all credit card numbers

(三)1-7. CDBBACA 8. trained counselors 9. leadership skills

10. organize trips, courses and other activities for overseas visitors

(四)1-7. NY NG NYYN 8.a basic understanding of cultural diversity 9. culture

10. translator

(五)1-7. DBDBCAC 8. in a few months 9. Aaron and Michele Redalen

10. attention-deficit hyperactivity

(六)1-7. NY NG YNYY 8. the baby bomb 9. a current market, a future market and a market of influential 10. the desire and encouragement of parents

(七)1-7. DBACDAB 8. consumer behavior and entrenched player 9. the Internet isn’t physically capable of handling that volume 10. a closed-circuit service Microsoft and Intel

(八)1-7. YNNYYN NG 8. code dates or the use by dates 9. hot soapy water

10. be washed in the dishwasher every time you wash dishes









16. CAEGD BJMKH 快速阅读:

Passage 1 1-7. NYNYYNY 8. r andom electrical activity 9. should be ignored 10. involve

2 1-7. YNNYYYN 8. 12 9. Great Britain, Denmark and Sweden 10. economic tests

3 1-7. YNNYN NG Y 8. animal species in the world 9. ants 10. seed dispersal

4 1-7. YYYNYN NG 8. from 1789 to 1790 9. immigrants 10. driving into New York

5 1-7. NYNYNYN 8. $ 60 9. renew your passport Renewal Cost and How Does It Work?

10. U.S. address

6 1-7. NYNNYYN 8. pick the right features for your situation 9. the darkness of the tint

10. cost and durability

7 1-7. NNYYYN NG 8. extremely delicate 9.February 20, 2004

10. about 30 days to live prior to the operation

8 1-7. YYNNNY NG 8. F1—Moderate damage 9. F3—Severe damage

10. “Great Cyclone of St. Louis”

9 1-7. YYNYNY NG 8. cables 9. strung 10. supporting truss system

10 1-7. YYNYYNN 8. you’ve stopped exercising 9. where those calories originate

10. come from fat

11 1-7. YNYYYN 8. amateur astronomers 9. pieces of the comet 10. find a new comet

12 1-7. YYNYNYN 8. the start of the actual games 9. used in the original Games

10. Pierre de Coubertin

13 1-7. NYYNYYN 8. both animals and people 9. enter old age 10. adopt a retiree

14 1-7. NYYNYYN 8. the National Organizations, donors, and the Swiss authorities

9. the development and impact of the world conservation movement and to sustainable development

10. involve

15 1-7. YNNNYNY 8. MP3 files 9. they are smaller 10. from your CDs into MP3 files

16 1-7. YNYYNYY 8. physical size 9. storms and hurricanes 10. within 36 hours



2.47-56 KLRIV MGJNN 57-61 BCADB

3.47.establish status with their listeners 48. It is a way to establish and test intimacy.

49. He wants to show that he has more knowledge, and hence more power in conversation

50. Because they are encouraged by women.

51. they believe it will lead to more intimacy and help to establish a relation.

52-56 CBDBD 57-61DCACB

4. 47-56 LNIFK OMDEB

5. 47-56 DBCIE KNJLA 57-61 CDADC

6. 4

7. financing college/training /education 4

8. Students of high grades or worthy students. 4

9. always study hard. 50. Little free education at college level, tuition and living away from home.

51. A student may hold a part time job outside the college, to assist professors, or perform some

services 52-56. ABCCC 57-61. ABACD

7. 47-56. FNHKC DJOBE 57-61. BDADD 62-66. BAACD

8. 1-7 NG NNYNY NG 8. completion 9. change your address

10. Internet or Instructional Television

9. 1-7. DDCADCA 8. large numbers 9. west 10. abandon 10.1-4 DBCA

11. 47. wrong decisions could lead to poor health / right decisions could lead to healthy life

48. to “live an inactive life”49. Because there are many factors influencing our decisions.

50. deliberately ending one’s life 51. statistical evidence 52-56. BAACB 57-61. DBCAD 12.1-7 NYNYN NG N 8. arranged in grammatically precise 9. more complex, not less

10. only dimly perceived 47.there was a lot of dialogue 48. caption 49. negative

50. make the captions appear on the TV screen 51. it would not bother hearing people

52-56. CBBDA 57-61. CCBAA


MODEL TEST1 1-7 YYNNYN NG 8. the way he or she “is”

9. make a contribution with our own development 10. his or her potential for self development

47-56 FBONC HIJDK 57-61. BABAA 62-66. BCDAB

MODEL TEST21-7 NYYNGNYY 8. king of Rock’n’Roll

9. as much talent as beauty 10. political role

47-56 ILDNA KGBOF 57-61. DCBBD 62-66. BDBCB

M ODEL TEST3 1-7 YNYYNY NG 8. the fastest growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions 9. significant CO2 10. Making energy conservation

47-56 CLFIE NAGJO 57-61. CBDCD 62-66. CBCCD

MODEL TEST4 1-7 YYN NG YYN 8. maintain harmony 9. technically capable

10. they reach consensus

47-56 EHJBE ICKMA 57-61. ABCCB 62-66. DACCB

MODEL TEST5 1-7 YNYNY NG Y 8. accomplish and achieve 9. in a true emergency 10. wish to be treated

47-56 GLMBK FDNDA 57-61. CCDAB 62-66. BDDDD

MODEL TEST6 1-7 YNNYYY NG 8. the importance of recognition and praise

9. not giving up 10. tempered by realism

47-56 DFBLI OGMJA 57-61. ABDBD 62-66. BAACC

MODEL TEST7 1-7 NYY NG NYY 8. in perspective 9. thinking positively

10. sport professionals

47-56 ILMJK KACHB 57-61. CCBDD 62-66. ABBCC

MODEL TEST8 1-7 YY NG NYYN 8. semi-conductors 9. science fiction writers 10. larger and better

47-56 CILOG EBFNJ 57-61. CABDC 62-66. AADDC

MODEL TEST9 1-7 YYNNNY NG 8. defending yourself against 9. a definite impact 10. effective communication

47-56 GFCOK BHEAI 57-61. CACDB 62-66. DCDAA

MODEL TEST10 1-7 N NG YNYNN 8. fat and calories 9. The rate of weight gain 10. eating habits

47-56 FHLJM GCABN 57-61. BDAAB 62-66. CBADC

MODEL TEST11 1-7 YNNYN NG Y 8. spent more money buying

9. the true meaning of the holidays 10. tempered by realism

47-56 FEHGL BAIDK 57-61. BDCCA 62-66. CACBC

MODEL TEST12 1-7 NNYYN NG Y 8. rather than commands

9. add his most reasonable guess 10. convincing illusion

47-56 OHNMF LJCAG 57-61. ABCCA 62-66. CBCAD

MODEL TEST13 1-7 NN NG YNYN 8. facial expressions, body movements and actions 9. the scope of responsibilities of the job 10. positively

47-56 GKJDN MAHEB 57-61. DABCA 62-66. CDADB

MODEL TEST614 1-7 NNY NG YYY 8. what they have to say

9. sing his praise in admiration 10. gratitude and loyalty

47-56 DMAIF ELKJC 57-61. CBCDC 62-66. BCCAD

MODEL TEST15 1-7 YNN NG YNY 8. wallpaper or contact paper

9. dust and high humidity 10. residual pesticides, baits, and space sprays

47-56 DMFBN JAHKD 57-61. CBAAB 62-66. CBDAB

MODEL TEST16 1-7 YNYNYY NG 8. good governance, liberties, democracy, trust and public safety 9. initiative and other traits that lead to a higher income 10. when individuals strive 47-56 MJFKB EGACO 57-61. CADBC 62-66. CACAD


英语专业四级考试真题及答案(完整版) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2013) —GRADE FOUR— TIME LIMIT: 135 MIN PART I DICTATION [15 MIN] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two. SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.


大学英语四级答题技巧汇总 快速阅读技巧(第一篇) 15分钟做完,先看小标题(先只看2-3个,多了也记不住),再通过1-7小题的题干的名词、动词找出原句来做, 特别注意: 做题顺序,先看文章标题,直到文章主要内容,然后看第一小题,在小题部分的定位词先圈出来,再回原文找。找到第一小题后,再看第二小题。看一个题,做一个;不要把文章看完再做题,或题看完再读文章。 特别注意:比较容易定位的词是: A.不能用中心思想词定位,因为整篇文章都说的是它。 B.时间、数字、地点、大写字母的单词容易定位。 C.比较长,难的名词容易定位,好找。 D.定位词找2-3个就行,多了也记不住。最好是位置不同的两个词。 一般判断N和NG的标准如下: NO题: (l)信息与原文相反(2)将原文信息张冠李戴 (3)将原文中不确定的或未经证实的内容作为正确的或客观的来表述 (4)改变原文的条件、范围、频率、可能性等 NG题: (l)无中生有(2)以个别代替整体,即将原文所举例子的特殊现象推广为普遍现象 (3)随意比较原文中提到的两个事物(4)将原文具体化,即题目中涉及的范围小于原文涉及的范围 (5)原文中作者或某个人物的目标、目的、愿望、誓言等内容,在题目中作为客观事实陈述 快速阅读技巧(第二篇) 解决办法:掌握正确的阅读方法 考生平时阅读一般会采取两种阅读方法。一种是先看文章后看问题;另一种是先看问题,带着问题读文章。那么究竟哪一种方法比较好呢?笔者认为还是先看问题后读文章比较好。原因在于,先看问题,你可以熟悉出题人的出题角度。并且有题干,你可以划出题干的关键词,先看问题后刊文章的好处就在于,可以通过问题先把上述“核心词”在原文中划出,然后再读文章的过程中,一旦独到,注意历史高度集中的,这样有助于提高做题的准确性。由此得出正确的阅读方法就是“五步阅读法”: 第一步,扫描题干抓关键。 即首先看选项,划出题干中的的关键词。题干关键词包括:数字、人名地名、专有名词、引号里的词语等等。 第二步,快速浏览全文,把握文章主旨大意标重点。 即快速浏览文章。在快速浏览文章的时候,不需要每一个单词和句子都读得懂,没有时间也没有这个必要。在第二步的过程中,考生们所要做的就是首先弄清楚这篇文章的中心思想是什么;其次,用笔在试卷上面标记出考试要考的重点。那么很多考生就会问,如何把握文章的主旨大意,如何标记文章的重点呢? 首先,把握文章的主旨大意。 要解决这个问题,需要分两步走。第一步,仔细阅读文章的首末段的首末句。因为英语文章段落结构上面我已经讲过。此外,西方人说话向来喜欢开门见山。所以英语文章段落70%都是一上来交待作者的写作目的或意图。第二步,要仔细阅读其他个段落的首句。然后把这两步综合起来,英语文章的主旨大意就可以把握住。其次,如何标注文章的重点。 英语文章的重点主要有以下几点:



大学英语四级考试模拟试题 Model Test Five Part ⅠListening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. Choose the correct answer---A, B, C or D, and then, mark your answer by writing the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Section A (C) 11. A) He will only be available in the afternoon. B) It’s not his office hour. C) He doesn’t have time. D) He is too tired after class. (A) 12. A) The woman insists on going out. B) The woman doesn’t like watching TV. C) The man promised her a gift on her birthday. D) The man is too tired to go out. (B) 13. A) There are too many courses offered to

专业英语四级 227

专业英语四级-227 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、(总题数:40,分数:100.00) 1.More and more advanced farm machines ______, the agricultural production increased tremendously. (分数: 2.50) https://www.doczj.com/doc/6912553598.html,ing B.having used C.having been used √ D.to have been used 解析:[考点] 考查独立主格结构。 2.She never laughed, ______ lose her temper. (分数:2.50) A.nor she ever did B.or she ever did C.or did she ever D.nor did she ever √ 解析:[考点] 考查倒装句。 3.______ with the developed areas, peoples living standard of this province is not high at all. (分数:2.50) https://www.doczj.com/doc/6912553598.html,pare B.While comparing C.When compared √ https://www.doczj.com/doc/6912553598.html,paring 解析:[考点] 考查省略句。 4.Which sentence of the following is correct? (分数:2.50) A.A group of soldiers marched forward, with guns holding in hand. B.A group of soldiers marched forward, guns holding in hand. C.A group of soldiers marched forward, with guns to be held in hand. D.A group of soldiers marched forward, guns held in hand. √ 解析:[考点] 考查伴随状语。 5.If the earth suddenly ______ spinning, we would all fly off it. (分数:2.50) A.had stopped B.stopped √ C.has stopped D.would stop 解析:[考点] 考查虚拟语气。 6.Look at these clouds. (分数:2.50) A.It will rain


最新整理英语四级考试心得体会(同学经验 针对各个部分的复习: 1. 听力: 考前半个至一个月坚持每天听真题的磁带,特别要训练自己熟悉听写段落句子题,这题算是听力部分中最难的也是我们以前做的很少的.要听写的句子往往比较长,可以写原句也可以用自己的话写大意,要边听听写完整不太可能,建议大家着重听大意,记下关键词,听完后再按关键词补充完整 2. 阅读: 占比较大的比例,有一定难度,要注意把握速度和时间 浏览问题,掌握问题信息-------通读全文---------做细节题,推论题---------做全文观点题,一般说来问题的顺序和题目答案在问中的顺序是一致的 平时练习的时候训练自己识生词的能力,对不认识的词靠上下文来识别意思,把握全文观点的能力 3. 单项选择: 复习高中时学的语法,词汇题很少,往往是历年的高频词汇反复考,推荐《《淘金式巧攻—大学英语词汇四级分册》》前20单元的高频词汇总结 4. 完形填空: 先通读全文,了解大意后再仔细阅读每一小题,注意固定搭配的用法 5. 作文:很重要,6分以下的四级不能通过 ① 先理好思路再写,写个中文提纲,包括每段的大意,要条理清楚 ② 用词特别是动词要斟酌,大家都用的词你就尽量避免用,换用高级些的词汇或短语 如I think, I like, very important等太俗的词汇让阅卷老师生厌

③ 用灵活的句型体现你对语言的驾驭能力,切忌一个句型模式从开篇到结尾没有变化,多正确的使用长句,如定语从句,主语从句等 ④ 注意文章的连贯以及小词(副词)的运用 几个好的句型: 开头:It goes without saying that….不言而喻,…….. Gene rally speaking,….一般说来,…… It is often said that…..常言道,….. 第一段:It can be easily proved that…….那是很容易证明的…… No one can deny that …..谁也不能否认……. The chief reason why…is that….为什么……的主要原因是….. Take…for example…..以…为例,….. 第二段展开:But it is a pity that….但是很可惜…. However,…… On the other hand,…. Perhaps you will question why…… 结论段:From my point of view,…… In conclusion,…. To sum up,…..总括言之,….. The result is dependent on….结果是依……而定


英语四级考试攻略,整体复习思路整理 做题步骤: ——计时做题(作文也要写,重点在于时间把握) ——对答案 ——查阅所有生词和短语 ——确定所有选项可以看懂 ——确认阅读、听力原文可以看懂 ——确认理解写作范文结构 ——三天后再次复习本套试卷中的单词和短语 ——一周后再次复习本套试卷中的单词和短语 ——考试前十天再次复习本套试卷中的单词和短语。 结合遗忘规律,温故知新,不要让之前做的功课白费。>>>>不同区域各个击破

如果是第一次考四六级,那么可以直接照搬书上的方法。如果已经有了自己的背诵习惯,最好选择跟自己的记忆点结合度高的词汇书,周计划、美文情景、实用对话等等,各取所需。 有了单词做储备就像士兵整理好了装备,可以踏上征程了。我们要针对听、读、写、译、词等不同的区域各个击破。这时,要对各个环节进行强化训练和提高。备考攻略 >>>>听力:精听历年四级考试的听力真题。 1.模拟真实考试场景做真题。考生按照真实考试的要求来做听力真题,中间不要暂停,听完后对照答案,算自己的真实得分,并用红色笔标注做错的题目。 2.听写自己做过的真题。考生需听写听力录音中的每一段对话和每一篇文章,听不明白的地方可多听几次,实在听不懂的则可以先空出来,等听写全部完成后再对照听力录音原文核对。听写过后,考生可以对四级听力常见场景与主题(如校园生活、减肥与健康、求职、餐厅、机场、图书馆、酒店、天气等)中出现的高频词汇分门别类地加以总结与记录,以熟悉和积累场景词汇。 3.边听录音边看原文。找到各题答案在录音原文的位置,分析题目设置与选项设置的规律以及自己之前做错题的原因。这能够帮助考生理清听力部分的出题思路。考生对每套题进行总结之后,会发现很多题目的考查点是相似的。


全国英语四级考试方法和技巧(实用篇) 一.听力 1.短对话 ①.答案往往在后半人的话语中(带有转折词、原因词、总结性的 ),重点也会引申推出选项答案。 ②.从答案选项中推敲,往往关键词听到与材料一致的, 很可能是陷阱(答案往往是总结、规纳性、替换词、意思一致性) ③.场景考点(每年必考),即听关键词(材料中心词往往对应于相应的 场合)比如,看电影想到影剧院,吃、点菜想到餐馆,时间飞机定票等 想到机场更多得自己不断总结此类关键词。 以后便能条件反射迅速选出答案 总结:听懂抓住重点部分信息,关键中心词必须会把握(语气、转折性 、总结性词等后为主),答案以同义词转换 +意思一致,不改变义反映。切忌无中生有,凭主观来选择。 实在是没听懂或没把握住意思和中心词,看选项来确定(同词不选, 与对话内容无关不选,意思和其他完全不一致排除,带大写性关键词 独一的也不选) 更多在于根据真题总结,以上尽为参考和练习 (充分利用时间提前看题为之重要 ) 2.短文 正题:听到什么与选项对应,意思不变情况下往往是答案 此类型关键就是一个能听及时,准确,把握此特点那听到什么与选项 一致就是答案;另一点误区选项意思与文章无关、无中生有、作者主 观臆断、某一选项与其他选项无关、相差太大往往是误区项;还有一 点题目是按照文章顺序来的,答案也往往顺着题目来的。 总结重点:关键性、重点和中心词必须听到,听之前各选项一定有所 了解,确定中心词并带着它有针对性去听文章。更多在于自己的总结 ,以上仅为参考和供练习。 3 填词 听之前有所了解文章大意, 第一遍听把单一性词填个大概并写点第一句关键意思和单词 ;第二遍完全填满单词并附带着写下第一长句, 确定和大概写出第二、三句长句关键词 ; 第三遍校对单词,并尽量补满长句。 更多在于自己的总结和听写的练习。 二.仔细阅读 1. 做之前花一、二分钟了解大意思(必要) CET4知识点


解码英语专业四级和专业八级考试 作者:唐静文章来源:北京新东方学校点击数:1629 更新时间:2006-6-29 11:28:05 【字体:小大】 英语专业学生的考试(TEM, Test for English Majors),它是由国家教育部下属的英语专业教学指导委员会组织实施,主要针对我国英语专业学生的考试,考试证书由教育部颁发,所以具有很高的权威性。 由于其指向性几乎是只对英语专业的学生开放,只有少数非英语专业的学生能够在自己学校许可的情况下参加,专四和专八证书在目前各种英语水平测试中就显得更加神秘。在2004年公布的修订后的高校英语专业四级和八级考试大纲中,考试难度的增加,让专四和专八考试更显得高深莫测。 本文的主要目的是对英语专业考试进行一个简单的介绍,并且试图对专四和专八本身的变化进行对比,同时还试图比较英语专业考试和大学英语考试,让大家对英语专业学生的考试有一个初步了解,从而揭开英语专业考试的神秘面纱。 一、解码 1.专四考试的题型介绍 专四考试主要检测英语专业基础阶段(即英语专业大二下期)学生的水平,主要考查学生英语听、说、读、写等英语基本功。 根据2004年最新修订后的《高校英语专业四级考试大纲》,专四整个考试所需要的时间是130分钟,试卷总分140分,评分时采用记权分式,把得分折算为百分制,以60分为及格标准。考试共分听写、听力理解、完形填空、语法和词汇、阅读理解、写作六个部分。试卷上题型、题数、计分和做题时间如下表:

2.专八考试的题型介绍 专八考试主要针对英语专业高年级阶段(即英语专业大四下期)学生的水平,不但考查学生语言基本功,还要考查学生“学习英语专业知识和相关专业知识,进一步扩大知识面,增加对文化差异的敏感性,提高综合运用英语进行交际的能力”。也就是说,不但要考查学生英语的“听、说、读、写”的基本功,还要考查学生对“英汉互译,英语国家概况,语言学,文学”等各个方面的知识。 根据2004年最新修订后的《高校英语专业八级考试大纲》,专四整个考试所需要的时间是185分钟,试卷总分100分,评分时采用记权分式,把得分折算为百分制,以60分为及格标准。考试共分听力理解、阅读理解、人文知识、改错、翻译和写作六个部分。试卷上题型、题数、计分和做题时间如下表:


考英语四级技巧 1、听力,有三种题型,dialogue(十个对话),passage(三个短文),compound dictation(复合式听写,也就是传说中的段子题),第一种每年 必考,后两种逐年交替,其中考passage的次数相对较多。 最容易得分的是dialogue和passage,只要记住一个超级技巧 即可:对话所述事情总是向不好的方面发展。举几个例子:比如对 话里问教授的讲座lecture难不难,记住一定难,老师的作业assignment多不多,一定多,男士发出的邀请,女士会答应吗,永 远不会,永远是一个傻哥们发出邀请,邀请的对象是Mary,问我们 游泳好吗,滑冰好吗,跳舞好吗,吃饭好吗,Mary的回答永远是, 我非常的想去,but不去,四级考了十几年了,Mary从来没有去过,今年照样不会。所以大家记住,只要是对话,必然会发生意外的事情,再举个例子,两个选项,A火车准时,B火车晚点如果你是出题 老师,你怎么设置对话,当然是晚点了,准时有什么好说的,总不 能两个神经病,或者是两人刚谈恋爱,来到车站,没话找话,男的说,哇,火车准时了,女的说,咿!还真准时了耶!所以准时是不可 能的,不好的事情一般都是最后的答案!对于compounddictation, 上学期偶运气好没有考这个,但是偶觉得这种题确实比较难,只能 竖直耳朵专心听了,即使听不懂,也要根据上下文瞎猜一个,空着 肯定没分,瞎猜说不定老师看错了还会给你一分! 我想补充的是,千万不要听历年真题,不管是磁带还是MP3,这 些只会让你觉得更烦,偶当时就只是在偶mp3里面存了一些BACKSTREETBOY的aslongasyouloveme,IPROMISEYOU等和Mariahcarey的AlwaysBeMyBaby等等,当偶困了的时候就在自习室 里假寐一会儿,听歌养神! 2、阅读,这是我们应考的重点,阅读题得分的高低直接影响到 你是否能过,在这里我针对每种题型谈一谈,㈠事实细节题,据偶


首先我做题的顺序是: 1.听力 2.作文 3.选词填空 4.翻译 5.阅读理解(为什么这个要比6先做呢,因为这个题的分数比较高,而且多花点时间的正确率要高点,所以这个题先多花点时间来提高分数,对于6再用技巧快速解决,实在没有时间了还可以乱选) 6.段落大意选择 我先说一下总的方案。我重点强调一下,对于每套真题,不管什么题型,做完了都要把不认识的单词查出来写在卷子上,没事的时候就要去记忆,有很多次是反复出现的。技巧不是有了就能过四级的,还要靠你的一些努力。后面我会说给大家列举些词汇,还有我后面让你们记下来的词,不是记下来就好了,是要记忆的。 所谓技巧嘛,就是尽力让你花最少的功夫过四级! 1、听力 (1)使用具有增加信息接受方注意力功能的词汇,例如most, only, just, particularly, really, new, free, famous, strange , unusual, surprise, shocked, always , each, ever, every, little, few, any, nothing, full of, complete, throughout, all, almost, nearly, total, i mportant, must, stress, note, notice, range, insist, add , laugh, desperation, horror, fear, disaster, ke y, minimum等等; (2)使用特殊结构及句式,例如比较级、最高级、as…as结构、not so…as结构、different from、similar to、强调结构、否定结构、感叹句、if丛句、完成进行时态、as…as possible、make it clear that、you can imagine that、don’t forget that等结构; (3)含有数字、时间及相关词汇的句子,例如first(start, pioneer), second, millions of, figure, many,one day, years ago, today等等; (4)重复和自问自答; (5)引用:语气语调一般会有明显的变化。 因果原则: 含有表示因果关系的词汇的句子,命题的可能性很大,这些词汇包括because, why, reason, so, as a result, as a sign of, thanks to, therefore, due to等等。 转折原则: 含有表示转折关系的词汇的句子,命题的可能性很大,这些词汇包括but, however, whereas, otherwise, unfortunately, yet等等。 前8个题一般听到什么就不要去选他,这个8个题要靠推测,这8个题你用几天练习一下,很简单,应该就会对个5、6个。 把握关键词和关键句。在听录音的过程中,考生要注意把握一些关键词和关键句。首先要注意听表示转折关系的词汇,例如but、however、unfortunately、unexpectedly、to tell the truth 等。其次也要注意听关键句。在对话题中,往往会有一些表示建议或劝告的句子,例如“Why…?”“Why…not…?”“Why don’t you/we…?”“It would be better to do...”“Wouldn’t it be better to do…?”很多答案都是在这些词出现的


英语专业四级考试真题 PART III CLOZE 【15 MIN】 Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two. The earthquake of 26th December 2004 resulted in one of the worst natural disasters in living memory.It was a (31) _____ underwater quake and occurred in the Indian Ocean.It (32) ____ coastlines,communities and brought death to many people. Why do earthquakes happen? The surface of the earth has not always looked as it does today;it is moving(33)____ (although very slowly)and has done so for billions of years.This is one(34)____ of earthquakes,when one section of the earth (tectonic plate)(35)____ another.Scientists can predict where but not(36)____ this might happen and the area between plates is called a fault line.On one fault line in Kobe,Japan in 1923 over 200,000 people were killed.(37)____,earthquakes do not always happen on fault lines,(38)____ is why they are so dangerous and (39)____. Where do volcanoes happen? Volcanoes happen where the earth's(40)____ is thin:lava,dust and gases(41)____ from beneath the earth.They can rise into a huge cone shape like a mountain and erupt,(42)____ they can be so violent(43)____ they just explode directly from the earth with no warning.There are 1511(44)'____' volcanoes in the world.This means that they may(45)____ be dangerous.In 1985 the Colombian volcano Nevado del Ruiz erupted.The lava melted a glacier and sent tones of mud(46)____ the town below.Twenty thousand people died.Natural disasters like volcanic eruptions are often unpredictable.We regularly do not know when they(47)____ pen,or (48)____ where they will happen.In the future,scientists may be able to watch and predict(49)____ before they happen.This could(50)____ many lives. 31.A.massive B.significant C.great D.grand 32.A.changed B.converted C.destroyed D.transformed 33.A.frequently B.continuously C.regularly D.periodically 34.A.source B.reason C.movement D.cause 35.A.collides with B.confronts with C.meets with D.faces with 36.A.how B.why C.when D.what


大学英语四级复习全攻略 如果你的目标不是冲刺满分,而是在尽可能短的时间里尽 可能提高成绩,那么以下的这些我们在教学和培训中的经验 技巧相信对你都会很有借鉴意义的! 单词——现在背也不晚 在接下来这段时间性里,如果你用一周左右的时间每天 花出一段固定的时间来大量地强攻单词 (主要应是那些在四级考纲中而不在高中考试范围内的四级“高难词” ),这样你的收获的不仅是阅读和听力的提高,更重要的是对自己的信 心!当然这时候背单词,认识它就行了,不必知道它怎么拼 写,因为即使我们知道了四级新词的意思,把它用在作文中 的可能还是很小。另外有几个针对四级阅读的单词非常重 要,大家一定要注意: positive( 肯定的 ), negative( 否定的 ) ,neutral (中立的 ), indifferent (漠不关心的 ), optimistic (乐观的),pessimistic (悲观的 ),这几个表明作者态度的词 经常在阅读理解题的选项中出。 听力——反复听真题 要想在短时间内提高听力,最好的办法就是多听。在这 不到一个月的时间里,不用听太多的辅导材料,找来历年真 题的听力,反复听,把握出题的思路和录音的语速、语调。 尽力培养英语思维如果你在听听力时习惯于将每个单 词和句子翻译成汉语,这既浪费时间,也影响理解,因为两 种语言的结构和思维不尽相同,在短暂的15 秒钟内,既要听,又要理解、翻译,还要进行综合判断,很不容易做到,

语思维,不但可以节约时间还可以提高理解力。 1

尝试听前预测四级听力理解从开始播放题头音乐到正 式开始做题之前,大约有 2 分钟的时间。因此,大家可以充分利用这段时间去阅读试卷上各题的选择项,尽量争取在这 2 分钟内多看几道题的选项,这样就可以做到听前预测。当 然在听的时候也要避免因为过分注重每个单词而影响对全篇 中心思想的理解。听前预测还要有一定的客观依据,即话题 所使用的词语的范围,这种内容越具体范围就越窄。这样我 们就可以通过阅读选项推测听力材料可能涉及到什么题材和 它的内容。 力求快速标出答案如果遇到难题,要当机立断,千万不 要在一道题上花太多的时间。尽量余下几秒时间以便浏览下 一题的选择项。通过再次浏览,我们基本上可以预测出所提 问题的大致方向,从而可使自己在听力测试中处于主动地位 。 阅读——拿高分的好方法 我现在总结出一条超级简单的阅读得高分的办法: 快速阅读文章速度大约为 200 字 /分钟。重点是掌握文章大意及每一段大概讲什么。因此,第一段和每一段的首句要 仔细阅读。 做题不要凭印象本找的关键是每一道题必须回到原文 中找到出处 -也就是能够证明这道题正确答案的部分, 千万不要凭印象,凭经验。 不用花时间复查有人要说,你这个“老办法”太老了,根本无用。请注意,以前我亦有同感,但是当我不折不扣的照 此执行,发现效果其佳。一般 40 分的阅读理解, 32 分不成问题,所以也建议你不妨一试。


专业英语四级考试答案解析 2002年英语专四考试试题答案: Part One Writing Section A Composition The Best Way to Stay Healthy If you have recently started or restarted an exercise program, you are not alone, and it proves to be the best way to stay healthy. In the first place, exercise makes your body, most importantly, your heart stronger-by helping it pump more blood with each heartbeat. The blood then deliver more oxygen to your body. Exercise can also lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart disease. Besides, exercise is the best way to lose weight. Burning calories and working off the fat will help you look and feel better. In the second place, more and more people realize that mental health is nevertheless important than physical health. Focusing your energy on taking care of yourself with proper exercise is the best way to not just transform your body but to lift your spirits. If you are blessed with a healthy body and healthy mind by getting into exercises like soccer, ice skating, jogging, running, swimming, bicycling or anything that involves lots of activities, you can be confident that you are the “ wealthiest”, thus the happiest man on the planet earth. Section B Note-writing May 6, 2002


备考四级英语心得体会 备考四级英语心得体会篇一: 背单词是学习英语最基本的,也许你会觉得麻烦,背过之后又忘记的经历又让你感到灰心从而产生放弃的念头,其实忘了背过的单词并不可怕,可怕的是忘了要背单词这件事。 在四六级改革之后,阅读已经成为重中之重。首先,做好阅读的基础在于对单词量的掌握,这样才能方便理解全文,理解全文后阅读的难关也就能迎刃而解了。精读是提高阅读水平的有效的技巧,在平时做联系时对于一篇文章反复揣摩,研究文中的好词好句有助于增强英语的语感。四级成绩的高低和英语水平有关系,但是并不成完全正比,考试技巧很重要,答得好不如答得巧。 就拿快速阅读来说吧,快速阅读虽在英语四级考试中占的比重很小,但我们也不能放弃那么小小的一分。首先在我们阅读以前要先看问题,把问题中的自己觉得重要单词划出来做记号。然后在快速阅读文章的同时,我们要留意我们所划的重点单词。最后再从文章相关的段落找出答案。 以下是训练阅读题的一些建议: 1.能力的培养。阅读能力与从小的教育就有一些关系。即便是汉语,读的书不一样,量不一样,形成的能力也就不一样。所以有的人读书慢,而且还容易分心走神;反而有些人读书一目十行,而且效果还很好。毋庸置疑,这是一个量变引起质变,必须得多读才能形成语感,培养出能力。 2.理解和思路。尤其体现在答题上,有的时候读懂了可就是做不对,跟给定的标准答案不一样,这就是一个理解和思路的问题。要想得分的话就得按照出题人的思路来理解和思考。做得多了,自然就会把握出题人的脉络,答案也就一目了然了。

3.应试。英语阅读在应试上是很有技巧的。有些段落其实不用读,先看题目然后找出关键词,再返回文章去找答案也是可行的。特别 要注意时间、地点、人名、地名、事件、缩略语等等。 总之,提高英语阅读能力没有捷径,也非一日之寒。多多阅读才是王道。 还是那句话,坚持是很重要的,一旦我们暂停学习一段时间,之前所学的就会很快被遗忘,我们只有不停运用我们所学的知识,我 们才能更加深刻地甚至永久地记住它。希望大家能一直学习进步, 考试顺利! 备考四级英语心得体会篇二: 以下是我本人总结的攻克阅读难关的心得: 1.能力的培养。阅读能力与从小的教育就有一些关系。即便是汉语,读的书不一样,量不一样,形成的能力也就不一样。所以有的 人读书慢,而且还容易分心走神;反而有些人读书一目十行,而且效 果还很好。毋庸置疑,这是一个量变引起质变,必须得多读才能形 成语感,培养出能力。 2.理解和思路。尤其体现在答题上,有的时候读懂了可就是做不对,跟给定的标准答案不一样,这就是一个理解和思路的问题。要 想得分的话就得按照出题人的思路来理解和思考。做得多了,自然 就会把握出题人的脉络,答案也就一目了然了。 3.应试。英语阅读在应试上是很有技巧的。有些段落其实不用读,先看题目然后找出关键词,再返回文章去找答案也是可行的。特别 要注意时间、地点、人名、地名、事件、缩略语等等。 afterall,提高英语阅读能力没有捷径,也非一日之寒。多多阅读才是王道。 当然,这些都是要在平常的练习中慢慢磨练的,做题不能盲目做,选一本好的教辅资料也能起到事半功倍的效果,它可以帮你把薄弱 的环节细致分类,逐一突破,阅读题一直是我的弱项,做巨微《四 级真题满分兵法》时,里面的题型难度都适中,并且有语篇分析,


A) proof B) reasonable C) postpone D) secret E) bold F) break G) optimistic H) shortly I) revelation J) pursue K) courage L) constantly M) depressed N) assignment O) reach An investigator into the drug overdose death of Marilyn 43 years ago Friday still is not convinced she killed. Herself. John W. Miner, who investigated Monroe ’s death as a Los Angeles County prosecutor, claims Monroe ’s psychologist, Dr. Ralph Greenson, played him secret audiotapes made by the star during one of her therapy sessions 1)_______ before her death. A key 2)________ of the alleged tapes, according to Miner, is that Monroe was not 3)________ and was actively planning to become a serious, Shakespearean actress. Miner says he took careful, hand-written notes of the tapes and later produced a near-exact transcript. There is no 4)_______ Miner ’s claims are true, since Dr. Greenson is now dead and no one else claims to have heard the tape. “You are the only person who will ever know the most 5) ________ thoughts of Marilyn Monroe, ”se allegedly told her doctor. In Miner ’s transcript, Monroe discussed her plans to 6)________ Shakespeare. “No 7)________ person could possibly think that the person who made those tapes killed herself,”Miner said. She also may have recorded her feelings about having to 8)_______ off her romance with Robert Kennedy. “There is no room in my life for him, ”she allegedly said. “I guess I don’t have the 9)_______ to face up to it and hurt him. I want someone else to tell him it ’s over. I tried to get the president to do it, but I couldn ’t10)______ him. ” A) scores B) qualified C) reunion D) intense E) spotted F) disagreements G) similarity H) solution I) emotional J) famed K) flees L) passion M) longed N) ambitions O) accidentally Drumming, shouting and men dressed up in wedding dresses. African football crowds are mad in showing their 1)______ in their own special way. “Some people had painted football shirts onto their bodies, ” says English fan Claire Zakiewicz, who 2)______a man in a wedding dress at a game in Senegal last year. “Everyone was shouting— it was like England, everyone in the crowd wants to be the manager. ” With dancing and singing such a big part of African culture it’s no surprise that African stars are as 3)______ for their victory dances as their crowds for their cheering. Cote d’Ivoire striker射手 Didier Drogba is well-loved for dong the “fouka fouka ”, a special African dance, after he 4)______. Others see football as something more serious: a 5)_______ to the continent ’s problems. After war-torn Cote d’Ivoire 6)________ for this year’s World Cup, many hoped it could help unite the warring North and South. One 7)______ fan declared: Our players have put an end to the war. The time for8)______ has come. Four of the continent ’s five World Cup 2006 teams are newcomers. But all share similar 9)______: to improve their lives with victories on the world stage. With fighting in Angola, political 10)______ in Togo, and Ghana in financial trouble, African fans hope their footballers can bring them some joy .

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