当前位置:文档之家› 2013年1月期末考试英语Ⅱ(1)阅读理解






An Extraordinary Change or Direction

Molly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many years when she decided to sail round the world to raise money for charity.

As a child she had trained as a ballet dancer, but at 15 she had grown too tall for classical ballet, so she became a member of a pop dance team. She got married, and after she had children she retired from show business to bring them up. They grew up, and when they were 18 they left home. She says, “When I decided to do the round- the – world race, my husband thought I was bored because the children had left home. He was also worried because I had never sailed before. I was not bored, but I had met some people who told me about the race. They had taken part in it, but they had only done one section, say, from New Zealand to Australia. I wanted to do the whole ten-month journey.”

Before Molly left she did a lot of training, but it hadn’t prepared her for the worst weather which they experienced. She tells one story. “One night the sea was very rough and it was very cold. I had gone downstairs when a huge wave smashed into the boat and

injured two men on the deck. One of the

men couldn’t move because he had broken

his leg. They were taken to hospital by

helicopter. That was the worst time.”

By the end of October last year,

she had raised more than 50,000 pounds

for charity.

She says, “ Sometimes I ask myself,

what did I do? How did I do it? But then

I think, it’s the same as being a dancer.

Before I left on the trip, I had trained

hard. I had got very fit and had

prepared myself completely. Then on

the trip I was simply a good team


26. What does the word “extraordinary”

mean in the title? ___B___

A. very ordinary

B. very unusual and surprising

C. not special

D. extreme

27. The sentence “ my husband thought

I was bored “ in Para. 4 meant that my

husband thought I felt __A______.

A. dissatisfied because I had nothing

better to do at home

B. annoyed because I had to wait long

for my children to come back home

C. happy because I could do something

I was interested in instead of taking

care of children

D. sad because all the children left me

when they grow up

28. The word “section” in Para. 4 most

probably means here __C_____

A. group of people

B. part of the training

C. part of the route of sail

D. part of the job

29. Which of the following is nearest

( closest) in meaning to “rough” in

the sentence “One night the sea was

very rough” in Para. 5? ___C______

A. not exact

B. difficult

C. not smooth because of huge waves

D. pleasant

30. The last paragraph suggests that


A. the qualities she needed for the

trip were the same as those for a dancer

B. many years of dancing had already

prepared her for the sail completely,

so she needn’t do anything before the


C. she should be kind to other team

members during the trip

D. she should not forget dancing during

the trip

短文理解 2

In the last 500 years, nothing about

people—not their clothes, ideas, or

languages – has changed as much as

what they eat. The original chocolate

drink was made from the seeds of the

cocoa tree by South American Indians.

The Spanish introduced it to the rest

of the world during the 1500’s. And

although it was very expensive, it

quickly became fashionable. In London shops where chocolate drinks were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today.

The potato is also from the New World. Around 1600, the Spanish brought it from Peru to Europe, where it soon was widely grown. Ireland became so dependent on it that thousands of Irish people starved when the crop failed during the “Potato Famine” of 1845-6, and thousands more were forced to emigrate to America.

There are many other foods that have traveled from South America to the Old World. But some others went in the opposite direction. Brazil is now the World’s largest grower of coffee, and coffee is an important crop in Colombia and other South American countries. But it is native to Ethiopia. It is first made into a drink by Arabs during the 1400’s.

According to an Arabic legend, coffee was discovered when a goatherd named Kaldi noticed that his goats were attracted to the red berries on a coffee bush. He tried one and experienced the “wide-awake” feeling that one-third of the world’s population now starts the day with. 31. According to the passage, which of the following has changed the most in the last 500 years? ___A___


B. Potato


D. Coffee 32. “Some” in “Some still exist

today” refers to ___C________.

A. some cocoa trees

B. some shops

C. some chocolate

drinks D. some South

American Indians

33. Thousands of Irish people starved

during the “Potato Famine” because


A. they were so dependent on the potato

that they refused to eat anything else.

B. they were forced to emigrate to


C. the weather conditions in Ireland

were not suitable for growing the


D. the potato harvest was bad

34. Coffee originally came from



B. Colombia

C. Ethiopia



35. The Arabic legend is used to prove

that ___D_______.

A. coffee was first discovered by Kaldi

B. coffee was first discovered by

Kaldi’s goats

C. coffee was first discovered in South

American countries

D. coffee drinks were first made by








PAT the Dog

Did you know there are some very

special dogs doing good work in our

hospital wards? These are PAT ( Pets As

Therapy) dogs. Doctors and nurses are

recognizing the benefits of pets more

and more – particularly for children,

people with mental illnesses and

elderly people who are separated from

their own pets or have had to give up

their pets.

Stroking and playing with a pet is

a calming experience and something to

look forward to. One hospital reported

that a man with a mental illness, who

hadn’t spoken for years, first stroked

and played with a visiting dog and then

started talking to it.

Today, around 4,500 dogs and 50

cats and their volunteer owners are at

work in the UK bringing comfort and

pleasure to over 100,000 people in


There are many other “working

dogs”. There are guard dogs, police

dogs, hunting dogs and dogs for the

blind. Disabled people benefit greatly.

Take the case of Alan Smythe, who has

to visit hospital every month. Some

things are difficult for him because he

is in a wheelchair. But his life has

altered dramatically since he got a god,

Tess, from the charity “Dogs for the

Disabled”. “She helps me to get

dressed, and she brings me my socks and

shoes. She fetches the newspaper from the shop, and she passes me the phone when it rings. I feel so much better too. It’s like having a really good friend. She comes with me to hospital. Once, she saved my life. I am a diabetic and one day my blood sugar level dropped, and when I was going into a coma she went next door and she alerted my neighbour. He gave me an insulin injection.”

26. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?


A. All the dogs are allowed into the hospitals to visit the patients.

B. Only some special dogs can help the patients feel better.

C. Doctors and nurses doubt if pets can bring comfort to the patients.

D. Doctors and nurses are aware pets will bring benefits to all the patients.

27. Pets are particularly beneficial to the following EXCEPT


A. children

B. people with mental illness

C. the elderly people who live alone

D. the elderly people who have to live apart from their pets

28. The first sentence of Para. 2 suggests ____D________.

A. touching and playing with a pet makes people nervous and anxious

B. pets can make people become quiet and attentive

C. people feel uncomfortable when they

touch and play with a pet

D. people feel relaxed and hopeful when

they touch and play with a pet

29. The dog helps Alan do the following

EXCEPT ____D_______.

A. She helps her get dressed

B. She accompanies her to the hospital

C. She gets the newspaper for her

D. She picks up the phone for her

30. The sentence “when I was going to

a comma” means that ____C_______.

A. when I got hungry

B. when I felt asleep

C. when I became unconscious

D. when I fell down on the floor

短文理解 2

A funny thing happened on the way

to the communication revolution: we

stopped talking to each other.

I was walking in the park with a

friend recently, and his mobile phone

rang, interrupting our conversation.

There we were, walking and talking on

a beautiful sunny day and – poof! I

was cut off as if I had become absent

from the conversation.

The part was filled with people

talking on their cell phones. They were

passing people without looking at them,

saying hello, noticing their babies or

stopping to pat their dogs. It seems

that the limitless electronic voice is

preferred to human contact.

The telephone used to connect you

to the absent. Now it makes people feel

absent. Recently I was in a car with

three friends. The driver hushed the

rest of us because he could not hear the

person on the other end of his cell

phone. There we were, four friends

driving down the high way, unable to

talk to each other because of the small

thing designed to make communication


Why is it that the more connected

we get, the more disconnected I feel?

Every advance in communications

technology is a setback to the

closeness of human interaction. With

e-mail and instant message over the

Internet, we can now communicate

without seeing or talking to one

another. With voice mail, you can make

entire conversations without ever

reaching anyone. If my mom has a

question, I just leave the answer on

her machine.

As almost every contact between

human beings gets automatic, the

emotional distance index goes up.

Pumping gas at the station? Why say

good-morning to the assistant when you

can swipe your credit card at the pump

and save yourself the bother of human

contact? Making a deposit at the bank?

Why talk to the clerk who lives in the

neighborhood when you can put your card

into the ATM?

More and more, I find myself hiding

behind e-mail to do a job meant for

conversation or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn’t really have time to talk. The technology devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier.

I own a mobile phone, an ATM card,

a voice-mail telephone, and an e-mail account. Giving them up isn’t a choice. They are great for what they are intended to do. It’s their unintended results that make me upset. What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there is no one in the room to hear you crying out “Gee whiz”?

31. The author’s experience of walking in a park with a friend recently made him feel ___A_______.

A. unhappy

B. funny


sunny D. wonderful 32. According to the author, human contact in a park means ___D_______.

A. looking at each other and saying hello when passing

B. noticing their babies and stopping to pat their dogs

C. talking on the mobile phone and getting connected with the other people

D. both A and B

33. According to the author, the more connected we get in communications technology, the ___C_____ we are.

A. more automatic


easier C. more disconnected D. closer

34. What are the examples the author

gives to explain his idea that every

advance in communications technology

is a setback to the closeness of human


A. With e-mail and instant message over

the Internet, we can now communicate

without seeing or talking to one


B. With voice mail, you can make entire

conversations without ever reaching


C. If his mom has a question, he just

leaves the answer on her machine.

D. All of the above

35. What is the unintended result of

communication technology, according

to the author?__B_______

A. It makes communication easier and

conversation possible everywhere/

B. It actually creates a distance

between people instead of bringing

them together.

C. It makes every contact between human

beings automatic and makes people feel


D. It makes human contacts limitless

with electronic voices everywhere.







People all over the world today are

beginning to hear and learn more and

more about the problem of pullution.

Pollution is caused either by man’s

release of completely new and often

artificial substances into the

environment, or by releasing greatly

increased amounts of a natural

substance, such as oil from oil tankers

into the sea.

Whatever its underlying reasons,

there is no doubt that much of the

pollution caused could be controlled

if only companies, individuals and

governments would make more efforts.

In the home there is an obvious need to

control litter and waste. Food comes

wrapped up three of four times in

packages that all have to be disposed

of; drinks are increasingly sold in

bottles or tins which can’t be reused.

This not only causes a litter problem,

but also is a great waste of resources,

in terms of glass, metal and paper.

Advertising has helped this process by

persuading many of us not only to buy

things we neither want nor need, but

also to throw away much of what we do

buy. Pollution and waste combine to

be a problem everyone can help to solve

by cutting out unnecessary buying,

excess use and careless disposal of the

products we use in our daily lives.

26. The main cause of pollution is


A. the release of artificial or natural

substances into the environment

B. the production of new industrial goods

C. increased amounts of a natural substance

D. our ever-increasing population

27. Much of the pollution could be controlled if only ___C______.

A. people would pay more attention to the problem

B. governments would take effective measures

C. all sides concerned would make more efforts

D. farmers would use less artificial fertilizers

28. Food packages, bottles and tins for drinks can cause _____B________.

A. air and water pollution

B. both a litter problem and a waste of resources

C. to pay for the service

D. to produce the receipt

29. Which of the following can not help solving the problem of pollution?____B______

A. Cutting out unnecessary buying

B. Eating

C. Reduce excess use

D. Carefully dispose our daily products

30. What does the underlined word

‘ litter” mean in paragraph

2?____C_________ A. not many

B. serious problem

C. bits of waste things

D. industrial pollution


Benjamin Disraeli, the famous

nineteenth century prime minister,

said, “London is not a city, it it a

nation.” Today this is an

understatement; London, with its vast

range of different ethnic groups, is a


Certainly, London is the most

culturally diverse city in the world.

The city was founded by the Romans and

since then new arrivals have

constantly added to its character and


Within 10 years 40% of Londoners will

be from ethnic origin, but most of them

will have been born in Britain.

Children of Caribbean—Chinese

marriages will go to school with

children of Russian—Irish couples.

None of them will be English but all of

them will be Londoners.

Most of Britain’s ethnic minority

residents live in the capital,

speaking over 300 languages.

Nearly all of the African

population and many of the Caribbean

population of Britain live in London

(83% and 58% respectively); 39% of the

Chinese population of Britain and 36%

of the Asian population of London.

There are an estimated 330,000

refugees and asylum seekers living in

London, with most recent arrivals

coming from Eastern Europe, North

Africa and Kurdistan.

Young people, in particular, are

skilled at dealing with a large number

of different and hybrid cultures.

They themselves often have several

different ethnic identities since

their parents and grandparents may

come from several different

backgrounds and their friends and

partners do also. They are “ skilled

cross-cultural travellers’ without

leaving their home-town.

31.Why does the writer think that

Bejamin Disraeli’s statement is an


A. part of the world

B. even larger than some coutries in

the world

C. not a nation at all

D. a miniature world thanks to its

great cultural diversity

32. London is regarded as the most

culturally diverse city in the world

due to the following facts EXCEPT that


A. within 10 years 40% Londoners will

be from ethnic minority groups

B. most of Britain’s ethnic minority

groups live in London speaking over 300


C. London accommodates about 330,000

refugees and asylum seekers from many

other countries

D. many young people are immigrants

from different baqckgrounds

33. Ethnic minority groups will make up

__B_______ of the London population

in the future.

A. 36%

B. 40%

C. 39%

D. 36%

34. The last paragraph mainlu tells us

in London ___D________.

A. young people are from different backgrounds

B. young people are raised in a multicultural environment

C. young people find it hard to adapt themselves to hybrid cultures

D. young people feel at ease with a large number of diversified cultures 35. The passage mainly deals with


A. the advantage of hybrid cultures in London

B. the composition of the population in London

C. the cultural diversity in London

D. the contribution make by the new arrivals to London


精心整理 大学英语(一) 行政班级分级班级姓名学号 C. A measuring system. D. A control system. 2. A. Car prices. B. Car services.

C. The company’s business. D. The company’s culture. 3. A. It’s easy to do. B. It’s challenging. dialogue, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. Conversation 1

6. A. Breakfast. B. Dinner. C. A 5 dollar gift card. D. Bus service to the airport. 10. A. Make an appointment with her. B. Talk with her about a new order.

C. Send her an email about the shipment. D. Call her back when receiving the shipment. Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.


英语I (1) 期末练兵(2) 第一部分交际用语(10分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right), 不恰当的选B (Wrong),并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1.一What do you do? 一I work in computers/I work in insurance./I work as (作为) a teacher. A. Right B . Wrong 2.一How long will the meal take? 一It’ll take two hou rs, I think. A. Right B . Wrong 3.一Are you free on Thursday? 一That' s a good idea. A. Right B. Wrong 4.一What do you think of your new job? 一I think it is very difficult. A. Right B. Wrong 5.一Could you tell me your car number , please? 一No , sorry. A. Right B. Wrong 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分) 6-25题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 6.______ any yoga classes in the evenings? A. Is there B. Are there C. Have 7.She ______ a teacher in Shanghai last year. A. is B. was C. were 8.You like swimming , but I _____ A. am not B. don't C. doesn't 9.He _____ lunch in the canteen right now. A. has B. have C. is having 10.一Does "am" _______ afternoon? 一No, it _______ morning. A. mean, means B. means, mean C. means, means 11.She is______ only accountant in my son's company. A . a B . an C. the 12.I sometimes go to the pub _____ Friday. A. in B. on C. at 13.Mark is responsible ____ the international market. A. in B. of C. for 14.Rose is experienced _____ training. /She is experienced ____ teaching. A. at B. of C. on 15.I always drive _____ to work. A. me B. mine C. myself 16.I don't need _____ mineral water , but I' d like ____ tea , thanks. A. any , any B. any , some C. some , some 17.______come to dinner tonight? A. Would you like to B. How about C. What about 18.I am not feeling very well. I_____ to see the doctor. A. need B. should C. would 19.Billy is _______ than Ben. A. as attractive B. more attractive C. very attractive 20.一_____ was your day? 一Well, I was very busy. A. How B. What C. Why


华中师范大学网络教育学院 《高级英语写作》练习测试题库参考答案 I. Complete each o f the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets. 1.accounting 2.capitalization 3.consolidate 4.electronic 5.frequently 6.indent 7.intelligent 8.location 9.cultural 10.professional 11.accurately 12.description 13.imagination 14.italicize 15.peaceful 16.publicity immediately 17. 18.celebration 19.explanation

20.joyous 21.modify 22.reaction 23.specialty 24.traditional 25.typical 26.available 27.depend 28.excited 29.habitual 30.include 31.invite 32.prediction 33.transportation https://www.doczj.com/doc/697502757.html,bine 35.punctuate 36.screaming 37.effective 38.generous 39.gratefully 40.immediately 41.interrupt II. Revise the following sentences. For the revision of some of the sentences, please follow the directions before them.


大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编)第一册答案Book 1 Unit 1 Study&Practice Vocabulary Activities 1. 1)e 2)g 3)j 4)a 5)b 6)i 7)c 8)d 9)h 10)f 2. 1) handling 2) summarized 3) process 4) absorb 5) are bound to 6) feel free 7) for instance 8) strategies 9) complained 10) has committed... to memory 11) Nevertheless 12) rely... on 13) Apart from 14) command 3. 1) over and over again 2) at a time 3) put it into practice 4) watching out for 5) by no means 6) concentrate on 7) In addition to 8) in detail Enriching Your Word Power 1. 1)action 2)employ 3)announce 4)examination 5)communication 6)express 7)compose 8)improvement 9)concentration 10)management 11)consider 12)motivate 13)development

15)discuss 16)operate 17)division 18)production 19)educate 20)repeat 2. 1) a) additional b) add c) addition d) addition 2) a) effectively b) effect c) effective d) effect 3) a)helpful b) help c) helpless d) help e) helplessly f) helpfully g) helpful 4) a) reliant b) reliable c) reliance, reliable d) relies e) reliably 5) a) repetition b) repeating c) repeatedly d) repeated e) repetition Usage 1) In my opinion 2) According to Mary 3) In our opinion 4) According to today’s papers 5) In most doctors’ opinion ( According to most doctors) Structure 1. 1) Shakespeare was not only a dramatist but also an actor. 2) Miss Crain not only took me home in her car, but also came the next day to see if I had recovered. 3) Hainan Island attracts tourists not only in winter but also in summer. 4) There is always a black market not only in Britain, but also in other European countries. 5) At the Athens Olympics in 2004, Liu Xiang not only won a gold medal in the 110-meter hurdles, but also broke the Olympic record. 2. 1) It is true that your sentences are all gramma tically correct, but they don’t make any sense. 2) It is true that they lost that battle, but they still went on fighting. 3) It is true that Tom’s very clever and hardworking, but I still don’t think he is the right person for the job. 4) It is true that learning English is by no means easy, but we can make the task easier by using some learning strategies. Cloze 1. 1) strategies 2) frequently 3) over and over again 4) commit to memory 5) acquaintance 6) watch out for 7) communicate 8) process


大学英语专业精读1 期末考试卷 I. Word formation (40%) A. Give the corresponding nouns for the following verbs.给出下列动词的相应名词形式。(10%) 1. discover 2.depend 3.amaze 4.add 5.display 6.renew 7.suppose 8.treat 9.addict 10.accelerate B. Give the corresponding nouns for the following adjectives. (10%) 1.weak 2. angry 3. free 4. quick 5. clear 6. long 7.wide 8. sad 9.happy 10. moderate C. Give the corresponding verbs for the following nouns. (10%) 1. gardening 2. failure 3. fertilizer 4. enduring 5. mixture 6.liberation 7.alternative 8.result 9.satisfaction 10.requirement D. Give the corresponding synonyms for the following words and expressions. (10%) 1.barely 2. chilly 3. now and then 4. many 5. clever 6. turn up 7. keen 8. club 9.handsome 10.sensible II. Translate the Chinese into English. (30%) 1. We’ll stick by you___________________________________________(无论发生什么事). 2. Keep in touch with your cultural roots, ___________________(无论你在世界何地). 3.We’ll bring the hostage home,___________________________(无论有多困难). 4. I feel that you young people should understand____________________(生活中总是充满着机遇和挑战). 5. When she learned____________________(她已经被那所大学录取), she almost jumped for joy. 6.You must admit_________________________(所有这一切都表明我们的努力没有白费). 7.He was running a great risk when he insisted_________________________________(地球是绕着太阳转的). 8. The visitors were greatly impressed by________________________(这个村子过去30年所取得的成就). 9. First-year college students are generally not clear about______________________________(他们应该从大学获取什么). 10._____________________________(农民最想得到的东西)is just one thing. It is land. III. Translate the following sentences into English. (30%) 1. 我们现在缺少人手,你来得正好。 2. 已经有好几个同学在考虑竞选学生会主席。 3. 她警告我不要和那种追求个人名利的人交往。 4.多年来我们学校培养了很多学生,大多数都在各个部门重要岗位任职。 5. 她原以为哲学是非常枯燥的东西,可后来方发现它非常有意思。 6.他父亲刚过五十,可头发已经灰白了。不过,除此以外,他没事。 7.这里的老师和学生都认为学英语没有什么捷径。 8.我知道放弃这个机会十分愚蠢,但我别无选择。 9.有一天,那座新楼突然倒塌,楼里很多人都被埋了。 10.一种长久的友好关系要求双方都十分真诚。


开英语1 开英语(1)1答案 学习记录表1 1、请写出下列名词的复数形式。 Parent photo bus life half child woman tooth Parents photos buses lives halves children women teeth

2、频度副词often, always, sometimes等在句中的位置是有规律的,请写出这些规律,并各举一个例句。 (1)在动词to be之后: Are you always at home on Sunday? (2)在实意动词之前: I sometimes go to London. (3)在含有助动词的句子中,置于助动词之后,实意动词之前。 I do not often go to work by bus. 3、请写现在进行时的两种用法,并分别举一个例句。 (1)现在进行时表示此刻正在发生的事情或正在进行的动作。 He is talking to a customer. (2)现在进行时也可以表示这一段时期正在进行的活动,虽然在此时此刻并没有进行。 Lijun is working on a new database at the moment ,but right now she is sleeping. 4、请用学过的功能句型介绍你自己的姓名、年龄、所在城市、工作。请用英语写(略)My name is ….. I am 25 years old. I live in Dalian. I am a worker/student/clerk/teacher. 开放英语(1)作业1 第一部分交际用语 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 第二部分词汇与结构 6. B 7. A 8. C 9 .C 10. C 11 .B 12 .B 13. C 14 .C 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. A 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. A 第三部分句型变换 26. He is a manager. Is he a manager? 27. She usually goes to work by bus. Does she usually go to work by bus? 28. There are fifty students in the class. Are there fifty students in the class? 29. They have a large house. Do you have a large house? /Have they a large house? 30. He’s currently workin g on TV advertisements. Is he currently working on TV advertisements? 第四部分阅读理解 31.B 32.A 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.B 37.B 38.B 39.A 40.C 第五部分翻译41--45题:将下列英文句子翻译成中文。 41. The Meeting Rooms are on the ground floor. 会议室在一楼。 42. He ’s talking to a customer right now. 他此刻正在和一顾客讲话。 43. David usually have a sandwich in his office at lunchtime. 大卫午餐时间经常在办公室吃三明治。


高级英语期末考试题型: Lexical work: Unit 1 1.ego: self, especially as contrast with another self or the world 2.disparity: a noticeable difference 3.prestigious: having prestige,i.e. general respect or admiration felt for someone or something, because they have high quality, social influence, success, etc. 4.allot: give as a share or set apart for a purpose 5.typify: be a typical example of, show all the most usual characteristics of something Unit 2 1.minute: very small 2.chartered: hired for use by a particular group or person 3.a standing order: a permanent request(for something by a customer) 4.extract: obtain by much effort 5.trinket: a small ornament(as a jewel or ring)of little value 6.flapping: swaying loosely, and making a noise, especially when moved by wind Unit 3 1.disorientation: confusion, loss of one's bearings 2.vistas: sweeping views 3.eerie: frightening because of strangeness or gloominess 4.tactile: relating to the sense of touch 5.redemption: forgiveness from the consequences of sin and evil which Christians believe was made possible by Jesus Christ's death on the cross赎罪. This is a religious term. 6.congealed: stiffened 7.wino: one who is chronically addicted to drinking wine Unit 4 1.constraints: restrictions, limitations 2.scale: a graded series/scheme/system of rank of order; something graded especially when used as a measure or rule尺度 3.norm: a standard, e.g. of behaviour or ability, that is regarded as average or generally accepted 4.formalities: a way of writing letters in accordance with accepted rules for official occasion 5.tautologous:unnecessarily repetitive, obvious 6.veribage:too many unnecessary words in speech or writing Unit 5 1.sulk: be silently bad-tempered 2.surreal: having a strange dreamlike unreal quality 3.malevolent: having a wish to harm others, showing intense ill will; here, strong, adverse, harmful 4.torrential:(rain)pouring down rapidly and in great quantities 5.radically: drastically: severely 6.accentuate: make(something)more noticeable Unit 6



▆■■■■■■■■■■■■ —__________C A. Yes, I am . B. No, I don’t. C. No, I’ve never been there. D. Certainly, I went there. 三、语法与词汇:30%(答案必须填在答卷表格里,否则不得分) 1. We all believe that computer ______ smaller and smaller in the coming years.C A. can be become B. will be got C. will be changed D. can turn 2. He ___________________ not to leave waste paper in public places any more.B A. warns B. warned C. is warned D. was warned 3. That factory _________ nearly 50 years ago. A. has been built B. had built C. was built D. has built 4. Don’t worry. Everything will _____________ in time. A. be finished B. finish C. finished D. be finishing 5. Her application for the position _______________ by the boss. A. was refused B. was refusing C. refused D. is refusing 6. He__________ the Communist Party_____________2002.D A. has joined, in B. has joined, since C. joined, on D. joined, in 7. Jack_________ in the street when I_________ on him.D A. walked…called B. was walking …was calling C. walked … was calling D. was walking …called 8. “Where is Mary?” “She__________ to school.”C A. will go B. has been C. has gone D. went 9. This time last year I___________ my holiday in the countryside.B A. have B. was having C. am having D. have had 10. I’m sorry that I__________ you had been there already.B A. won’t know B. didn’t know C. don’t know D. haven’t known 11. By the end of 2020 China _____________ much stronger and richer.D A. will become B. would become C. is becoming D. will have become 12. It _______________ years since I last saw you.D A. was B. is C. will be D. has been 13. I __________ my homework now.C A. finish B. finished C. have finished D. had finished 14. The room _____________ often cleaned by the worker.D A. has B. will be C. was D. is 15. The railway ______________ in three years.D A. is complete B. will completed C. has completed D. will be completed 四.英译汉:30% Drinking habits vary widely among Americans. Some families never serve any drinks, others have them before dinner, or perhaps after dinner. You are more likely to be offered a cocktail before dinner than wine with the meal. If you do not get used to American cocktails, you can ask for something else. Moreover, drinks may be poured over ice. (翻译答案必须填写在第1页答卷上,不要在此处答题,否则不得分)


开放英语1 试点期末机考模拟试题(5) 一、英语知识运用(20 分,每题1分) 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并点击答题区相应字母符号前的小圆圈。 1. Jane and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some good coffee for _____. A. they B. them C. their 2. I don’t want _____ milk in my coffee. A. any B. some C. many 3. David is _____ only accountant in my son’s company. A. the B. an C. a 4. I usually go to the office ________ train. A. with B. by C. on 5. I am not keen_______ sports. A. on B. with C. in 6. You need to reduce your temperature, so you ___________ take some medicine. A. need B. should C. will

7. Rose is in the garden. She _____ her afternoon tea with her boyfriend right now. A. is having B. has C. have 8. She usually goes to work ________ foot. A. by B. on C. through 9. Polly is very busy. She _______ work at about 7.00 every day. A. finish B. finishing C. finishes 10. He can _____good English. A. speak B. talk C. say 11. _________ people are coming for the party? A. How often B. How much C. How many 12. A:I don’t get up late on Sundays. B: _____. A. Neither have I B. Neither am I C. Neither do I 13. John is __________ experienced at training than Mary is. A. more

大学英语精读第三版第一册Book1 Unit1-3答案

大学英语精读第三版第一册Book1 Unit1答案 1)e 2)g 3)j 4)a 5)b 6)i 7)c 8)d 9)h 10)f 1) handling 2) summarized 3) process 4) absorb 5) are bound to 6) feel free 7) for instance 8) strategies 9) complained 10) has committed to memory

11) Nevertheless 12) rely on 13) Apart from 14) command 1) over and over again 2) at a time 3) put it into practice 4) watching out for 5) by no means 6) concentrate on 7) In addition t 8) in detail 1)action 2)employ 3)announce 4)examination 5)communication 6)express 7)compose 8)improvement

9)concentration 10)management 11)consider 12)motivate 13)development 14)movement 15)discuss 16)operate 17)division 18)production 19)educate 20)repeat 1) additional 2) add 3) addition 4) addition 1) effectively 2) effect 3) effective 4) effect


《大学英语1》期末考试综合复习资料 I. Use of English(20%)—交际英语,共10道选择题,每题2分,共20 分。 II.Reading Comprehension (40%)—阅读理解,4篇文章,共20道选择题,每题2分,共40分。 III.Vocabulary and Structure(30%)—词汇与语法,共30道选择题,每题1分,共30分。 IV.Cloze Test (10%)—完形填空,共10道选择题,每题1分,共10分 I. Use of English (10×2) Directions:In this part there are 10 incomplete dialogues. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. —Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station? —____________ A. No, I couldn’t. B. Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here. C. I couldn’t tell you. D. You can’t ask me. 2. — What day is today? — _____________. A. Today is March 24. B. Today is not bad. C. Today is sunny D. Today is Saturday 3. —How do you do? Glad to see you. — _________________________ A. How are you? Me too. B. How do you do? Glad to meet you. C. I am fine, thank you. And you? D. Nice, how are you? 4. —I’m sorry. Bob’s not in his office. — _________ A. Can you take a message for me? B. Are you sure for that? C. Would you like to leave a message? D. Can you phone me?


湖北第二师范学院省级精品课程:《高级英语》第二册 综合测试(1) A Comprehensive Test On Book Two Adv. Eng. Ⅰ. For each of the following word, there are four choices marked A,B,C,D. Choose the one which best explains the word given: 20% 1. intricate A. difficult B. complicated C. invalid D. simple 2. eradicate A. cut into many small parts B. go round in circle C. draw together into a small space D. put an end to; destroy 3. wax A. grow bigger or greater

B. become less or smaller C. drop heavily D. cover with thick coating 4. squash A. invade B. infer C. squeeze D. separate 5. veer A. move forward B. look sideways C. change directions D. pour out 6. exultant A. triumphant B. ecure C. exhausted D. overflowing 7. unsightly A. invisible B. ugly C. precipitate


杭州之江专修学院2017 /2018 学年第一学期 17 级学前教育本大学英语1 课程期末试卷(B卷) 学院:_________ 班级: ____________ 学号:________ 姓名:_____________ 一、语音知识(共5小题;每1题分,共5分。) 在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。 1. A. bus B. butter C. button D. buy 2. A. cabbage B. cage C. captain D. candle 3. A. feather B. depth C. theatre D. everything 4. A. climb B. job C. disturb D. club 5. A. health B. harvest C. happen D. honest 二、词汇与语法知识(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分。)从每小题的四 个选择中,选出最佳的一项。 6. Go and get your coat. It's_______ you left it. A. there B. where C. there where D. where there 7. It worried her a bit _______ her hair was turning grey. A. while B. that C. if D. for 8. I remember _______ this used to be a quiet village. A. when B. how C. where D. what 9. These houses are sold at low price,______ people expected. A. like B. as C. that D. which 10. A computer does only what thinking people ______ . A. have it do B. have it done C. have done it D. having it done 11. _______ !There's a train coming. A. Look out B. Look around C. Look forward D. Look on 12.The accident is reported to have occurred _______ the first Sunday in February. A. at B. on C. in D. to

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