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浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧命运的根源的论文 摘要:《德伯家的苔丝》是英国文学巨匠托马斯?哈代的代表作。女主人公苔丝的悲剧和不幸是由多种原因造成的。本文以女性主义的角度为出发点,从两个方面分析导致苔丝悲剧命运的根源,即:教育和苔丝自身因素。 关键词:哈代;苔丝;悲剧命运;女性主义 一、引言 19世纪末出现妇女解放运动第一次高潮。而“哈代的作品中反映了与时代相吻合的女性解放的思想,而且在作品中,女性对传统道德观念和社会的反抗是非常激烈的”。托马斯?哈代大胆地将创作的目光投向农村,深入的关注普通农家的悲剧命运。他十分擅长刻画女性人物悲剧命运,旨在揭露男权社会给女性造成的伤害,批判男性中心主义。 二、托马斯?哈代及苔丝简介 托马斯?哈代是横跨19世纪和20世纪的著名小说家和诗人,英国批判现实主义文学的代表人物,被沃尔夫誉为“英国小说家中最伟大的悲剧大师”。其作品即承接英国维多利亚时代的文学精髓又体现二十世纪的文学创新,气势磅礴。以辽阔深远的背景与渺小的人物形象之间的巨大反差和动人的对比描写,给读者以深刻的印象和心灵的震撼。 《德伯家的苔丝》刻画了一个善良、坚强、自尊、宽容而美丽的女性形象——苔丝。由于天真无知而受到富家浪子的侮辱,身心饱受摧残。但“她并没有自暴自弃,怨天尤人,而是勇敢地面对挫折;为减轻家里的负担,应付虚荣的父母,她勇于承受重担,奔走于不同农场,养家糊口;对待爱情,她自尊又执着”。她被“认为是唯一的一位逃脱了决定主义的人”,颠覆了传统的伦理道德。哈代极力要摧毁的正是这种道德观念,让女性摆脱僵化的传统习俗的控制。他对“堕落女性”的处境给予了极大的关注,对苔丝给予了深切的同情和宽容,带给读者对妇女生存状态的反思。 三、从女性主义角度分析苔丝悲剧命运的根源 苔丝从一位天使般的少女到绞刑架上的杀人犯,是何种邪恶力量在逼迫、摧残、毁灭着这“有自我意志,完整个性的女性?”,把这一优雅迷人的高尚女性一步步推向死亡深渊?苔丝悲剧的根源何在?以下从女性主义的角度审视《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝被压迫的血泪史,剥下男权中心主义这张丑陋的外皮。 (一)教育。 英国女权主义思想家朱丽叶?米切尔在《妇女:最漫长的革命》中指出“歧视存在的基础是教育,而不是经济。在英国要求同工,首先要求接受同等教育,因为这一原因致使妇女从事社会地位较低的工作”。从这一理论出发,剖析苔丝走向悲剧的一个主要因素:教育的贫乏。 “她最早的职业梦想是成为一名教师,但天不遂人愿”。由于家庭贫穷,苔丝很早就步入社会,她做过很多体力活,而且是同工不同酬。因所受教育贫乏,她无法获取较高社会地位与收入的工作,个人与娘家均陷入极度贫困,最终不得不接受亚雷克庇护。“接受庇护”是当克莱尔归来,苔丝杀死亚雷克,走向毁灭的直接导火线。另一方面教育对于女性的重要影响,表现在提高女性心智与觉悟上。苔丝受骗失身带着委屈,饱含心酸地控诉“名门小姐们都了解该防备什么,怎样去防备,因为她们都读小说,小说中会谈到这些男人们的诡计,可我从没机会读小说,哪能知道呢”。中国有句古话“女子无才便是德”,同样说明男权控制下的整个社会对女性受教育的排斥。压迫女性的邪恶力量让女性心智处于不开化状态,使女性沦为其奴隶。在这传统观念笼罩下,苔丝的梦想只能是幻想。教育问题不解决,苔丝式的妇女悲剧将不可逆转,女性终为男权社会的牺牲品。正如西蒙?波伏娃所说:“女人在父兄所支配的家庭中,处于奴隶或仆人的地位,她始终是由男性做主而嫁给另外的男性。” (二)苔丝自身的因素。


The Tragedy of Tess in Tess of the D’ Urberville Abstract:Tess of the D’Urbervilles is the famous British novelist and poet Thomas hardy’s masterpiece. It is known as the treasure of English literature and world literature. The novel describes a pure gir l’s tragic fate. This thesis tries to probe the inevitable factors and significance of her tragedy from the aspects of social environment, religion, moral, family, nature and so on. Key Words:tragedy; factor; Tess; Alec; Angel. Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) is one of the representatives of English critical realism at the time of the 19th century. In his whole life he published fourteen accomplished novel, forty-seven short stories, more than nine hundred poems. In his youth, Hardy had been greatly influenced by some liberal thinkers such as Darwin and John Stuart Mill. In his novels, Hardy incorporated many of these themes in order to portray a real world. Darwin’s challenge led Hardy to lose faith in Christianity, and this lack of faith gave his novels their tragic, bleak element. Tess of the D’ Urbervilles written by Thomas Hardy in 1891, is a tragic story of a beautiful country girl, Tess Durbeyfield, who is the daughter of a poor villager. She is a pure and loyal young woman. In order to support the poor family, she has to follow her parents’ advice and visit the so-called distant relative—D’Urbervilles. Later, she is seduced by Alec D’Urbervilles, the son of a rich merchant. From then on her destiny changes greatly. At last, Tess manages to elude Alec and gives birth to her baby, but she loses the baby finally. After the death of her baby, she leaves home and goes to work as a dairymaid at a distant farm, where she meets Clare, a pastor’s son. They fall in love and get married. On their wedding night Angel confesses to her the sins of his past, Tess forgives him and tells him her story with Alec, b ut Angel can’t accept the truth, he deserts her and leaves her to Brazil. After Angel’s leaving, Tess lives a very hard life. She meets Alec again and is pursued by him once more. Without hope for Angel’s back, Tess has no choice but go to Alec again. Unfortunately, Angel comes to find Tess and tell her he still loves her. Now, Tess hates Alec deeply. With deep sad she kills Alec and runs away with Angel. They live a


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理想与现实的挣扎——《德伯家的苔丝》中克莱尔的人物形象分析 克莱尔就身处保守与进步、落后与先进两种力量激烈交锋的时代。作为一名知识青年,克莱尔接受资产阶级进步思想,有着美好的理想,行为和思想都具有现代倾向。小说一开始就把克莱尔的这种思想倾向展现在读者的面前,“乡社游行”中,三兄弟的打扮:“年纪最大的一个穿着标准的助牧师的服装:白领带、短背心和窄边帽。第二个是标准的大学生打扮。第三个年龄最小,那副外表很难说他的身份,眼神和服装里有一种不服拘管,不随俗流的神奇,表示他还没有找到他的职业的道路。”他洋溢着热情的青春活力,不顾哥哥们的反对,停下来与一群乡下姑娘跳舞,这种行为对于他们的身份来说是不符合规矩礼仪的。克莱尔瞧不起等级、财富等差异,对社会习俗和礼仪表示不屑。为获得精神上的自由回避宗教事业,决定从事比较艰苦的农业,而且到农村去学习各种农事劳动。能克服中产阶级的身份感跟奶场的工人打成一片,像理解朋友一样理解他们,不但不把他们当作所谓的乡下“哈甲”,而且能欣赏他们的性格和才能。克莱尔的这种思想与他的家庭是有很大的差距的。克莱尔的家庭是一个牧师家庭,在这个中产阶级家庭里,父亲是一位虔诚备至的牧师,母亲是一个对上帝敬畏有加的信女,两位哥哥都上了剑桥大学,再把那座学府当作通向教会工作的垫脚石,最后都成为牧师。克莱尔钦佩父亲老克莱尔对教会事业的虔诚和自我牺牲的精神,却也明白他的狭隘与局限。对两个哥哥看得更清楚,尽管两人“浑身上下无一处不是中规中矩”,却也看出两个人思想上的庸俗,在他们面前克莱尔我行我素,毫不掩饰因为农村生活而产生的变化。 克莱尔的思想特征不是某一段时期的言行能够体现的,我们可以从他经历的几个较大的人生转折中探究他的思想变化,大致可以分为三个阶段:与苔丝结婚之前,结婚之后,从巴西回来。 婚前,克莱尔有着追求自然、不符合礼教的天性,所以他能够抛开世俗成见,从无拘无束的大自然中选择配偶,爱上了纯真美丽的“自然的女儿”———苔丝,拒绝了父母为他订下的门当户对的亲事。他告诉他的父亲:“像我这样勤苦节俭的农民最好和什 么样的妇女结婚呢?”她“首先要会挤牛奶,取奶油,做鲜美的奶酪,懂得怎样让母鸡和小鸡孵蛋,临时出了事故能够指挥地里全部的工作人员,还懂得对羊和小牛做出评价。” 克莱尔是一个追求个性解放的知识青年,他摒弃森严的等级制度,背离世俗礼教,追求心心相印、真挚纯洁的爱情。他追求以爱情为基础的婚姻,是对虚伪保守的宗教道德的反抗。他对苔丝的爱情是纯洁的,炙热的,带着田园牧歌情调。他夸苔丝“那挤奶的姑娘真是个大自然的女儿,多么鲜活,多么天然纯真啊!”他对母亲夸耀苔丝“真是浑身洋溢着诗意;她就是诗的化身,她过的就是诗的生活———那种生活舞文弄墨的诗人只能在纸上写写罢了。”他尊重苔丝,抱着郑重婚姻的意图和她接近,克莱尔一次又一次地向苔丝求婚,却被苔丝一次又一次地拒绝。在遭拒绝时虽很痛苦,但克莱尔很耐心,虽然不明白苔丝为什么要拒绝自己,但是坚信自己的诚心一定会打动苔丝的。小说中有一段描写克莱尔抱四个女孩过水塘,他因为要帮助其中的一个女孩,而要同时帮助四个,“在他心里,这一番举动有四分之三是普普通通的与人为善。”他向苔丝表明自己的爱情:“娶三个利亚就是为了一个拉结。”正是克莱尔的真情和体贴使“宗教上发下誓愿,要拒绝一切诱惑,决不结婚”的苔丝克服了精神上的压力,重新鼓起面对生活的勇气,答应嫁给克莱尔。


浅谈《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧命运的根源 姓名:杨锐 学号:201330280219 班级:1332802 专业:汉语国际教育 指导老师:熊进萍

浅谈《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧命运的根源 摘要: 《德伯家的苔丝》是英国著名小说家托马斯?哈代进入晚期小说创作的代表作。小说反映的时代背景是传统的威塞克斯农村社会已大体上被资产阶级社会所占领,社会秩序发生了根本性的变化,农民为了生存不得不去寻找一条同过去完全不同的生活道路。于是哈代将创作的重心放到了浓厚的人道主义色彩,在主题上更加广泛和深刻地表现了维多利亚时代资产阶级的伦理道德、宗教法律、婚姻爱情、教育制度、人际关系等等重大社会问题,从对资产阶级社会的一般性描写转入整个社会的揭露、控诉和批判。 故事内容: 在小说中女主角苔丝?德北是一个美丽善良的农家姑娘,但由于家境贫寒,她不得不听从母亲的劝说,跑到地主的庄园去做工,后被地主的大儿子亚雷奸污。怀着身孕的她回到了家乡。孩子夭折后,她又到一家牛奶厂当挤奶工,在那里遇到了牧师的儿子安琪?克莱尔,两人产生了爱情。新婚之夜,苔丝出于一片忠诚,向克莱尔坦白了自己失身的遭遇,想不到丈夫不仅没有原谅她,反而翻脸无情,独自到了巴西。苔丝被遗弃后,又跑到一家农场做苦工。恰在这时亚雷又突然出现,一再跑来纠缠苔丝。后来家庭发生变故,使得苔丝一家人沦落街头,而克莱尔又杳无音讯的情况下,苔丝只好舍身救家,答应与亚雷同居。谁知克莱尔经过一场磨难,终于回心转意,从巴西回来寻找苔丝。苔丝悔恨交加,怒不可遏的刺死了亚历克。她在逃亡中与丈夫度过了几天幸福生活,最后被捕,并被判处绞刑使悲剧达到了项峰。 关键字: 苔丝、悲剧、社会、命运、性格


高等教育自学考试本科 毕业论文(设计)题目:浅析苔丝人物形象分析 专业:英语教育 学生姓名:王丽珍 准考证号: 216714100021 指导教师:郭晓华 二零一五年四月十日

目录 摘要 (1) 引言 (1) 一、苔丝的纯洁与资产阶级的虚伪 (2) 二、苔丝的善良与宗教的伪善和法律的不公 (3) 三、苔丝的悲剧和自我道德意识 (4) 四、结论 (5) 参考文献 (6)

苔丝的人物形象分析 ———其悲剧的必然性 摘要英国著名作家托玛斯.哈代最伟大的小说《德伯家的苔丝》描写的是贫穷的农家女子苔丝的悲剧性命运。造成小说主人公苔丝悲剧的原因历来为人们所关注。本文将从社会的角度解读苔丝的悲剧。本文认为苔丝的悲剧是在宗法制社会的毁灭与资本主义社会的胜利这一历史演变过程中形成的。苔丝的悲剧是一个纯洁、善良的女子被资产阶级腐朽的伦理道德、伪善的宗教以及不公正的法律制度所毁灭的悲剧;而苔丝自身的资产阶级道德与宗教道德意识也在一定程度上造成了自己的悲剧。此外,苔丝的悲剧还有其它方面的因素。就苔丝本人而言,其源自农家女孩纯洁天性的种种选择往往成为与资本主义社会相违背的超越行为,这种对社会现实的超越导致了苔丝的悲剧。 关键词苔丝形象分析悲剧 Abstract:Tess of the D'urbervilles, the greatest novel of British famous writer Thomas Hardy, describes the misfortune of a poor peasant girl Tess, the cause of which has always been the concern of people. This passage will inquire into the cause of her tragedy from a social point of view. In this passage, we can know the tragedy of Tess takes shape from a social developing procession, in which the traditional society exterminated and the bourgeois society had a victory. Tess's death is a typical representative of the misfortune of the peasants because of the bourgeo is invading. Her miserable life reflects all kinds of sufferings of the impoverished peasants who have to turn workers. Besides, Her tragedy still lies in some other factors. Considering Tess herself, as a pure girl of the peasant nature, her choices go beyond bougeois society, which naturally leads to her tragedy. Key words:Tess;image Analysis;tragedy


The Characteristic of Tess Abstract : Tess, the protagnist of Hardy′s Tess of D′Urbervilles, an innocent country girl brought up with the traditional idea of womanly virtues, suffers the poverty and denunciation of the society. In most people ′eyes, Tess is a bad woman without morality, she is a mistress, a criminal. Maybe the whole life of Tess is ended up with tragidy, but her brave to the evil, persistent to the truth ,pursue to her love represent she is the model of modern time. To Hardy, Tess is the daughter of nature, she mixes the pure with resolute. Although Tess is hanged at the end, she is lucky because she is free from this earthly world. No one can be the perfect one, the weakness of Tess makes her a real person, which is showed vividly before us. Key words : nature, pure, brave, weakness, rebell [摘要]苔丝,哈代所著《德伯家的苔丝》中的主人翁,一个天真的乡村姑娘。她有着传统妇女的美德,但却承受着家庭的贫穷与社会的谴责。在大部分人眼中,苔丝是个没有道德的坏女人,她的身份是一个情妇,一个杀人犯。也许苔丝的整个生命以悲剧而告终,但她对邪恶的勇敢,对真理的坚持,对真爱的追求使得她成为时代的典范。对哈代来说,苔丝是大自然的女儿,她纯洁且坚毅。尽管最后被绞死,她是幸运的,因为她远离了尘世。人无完人,正是苔丝身上的缺点让我们看到一个活生生的真正意义上的人。 关键词:本质(自然),纯洁,勇敢,弱点,反叛 I. Introduction Tess is a poor girl, whose life is linked with two men, who pulled her to the verge of death. Tess is a kind woman, but not a perfect one. She has some sympathetic and admirable qualities as well as lots of inevitable weakness. Tess is a real person, in my eyes. Her lifestyle, feelings and thoughts as well as the tragedy ending all symbolize the reality of that time and earn our sympathy. Tess falls down during the fight against the fate, the society and herself. God teases his play with Tess, who wins finally ? It seems that God is the winner, because he took the life of her. But what Tess left is more valuble than herself. She really did what nobody at that time dares to do. II The character of Tess A. The daughter of Nature There are two m eanings of “Nature”. First, it means “the physical power causing all the phenomena of the material world”, it ref ers to the environment in which Tess grows up. Tess is a lily in the wild. She grows up in a beautiful and pictuesque country. She loves life and all the live things in the nature. After the death of the only horse in her family, Tess claimed that it was her fault, she needed to do something to support the whole family. Tess is a child full of responsibility. The other is “a thing′s or a person′s innate of essential qualities or character”, this one is related to Tess′beauty and some good qualities when she was born. Although life is hard, the inner of Tess is bright and jolly. Her face is always wearing a smile. So, truly, she is the daughter of her surrounding envirenment. 169In the end of the novel, after Tess killed Alec, she escaped with Angle, they came into an alter that is a stonehenge near Salisbury in the plain, dating back to the pre-history time. The center of it is a big “altar”, where is used to put sacrificial offerings in some ceremonies. It was here that Tess had a rest because of tireness and it was also here that Tess was arrested. In the Bible, aler is used for giving sacrificals to the God and doing prey. It is viewed as a holy place. Anything put on it must be pure, such as the lamb, little child. That Tess lies on it means she gives her life to the God and she assures that she is pure and innocent. B. Brave warrior Tess doesn’t go for looks,d oesn’t go for wealth, but she goes for someone who makes her smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. This is the portrayal of Tess. Alec is rich, but she hates him from beginning to end. Angle wants to be a farmer; she falls in love with him and suffers the ugliest things on her own. She is a murderer, what’s more, a warrior. (1)The warrior of herself She is independent and doesn’t want to be the slave of wealth. She prefers working to selling her soul to make money. When her stupid mom told her to wear her beautiful dress, she refused. On their way to Alec′s house, Alec showed his dandy nature. Tess, a tender girl, would rather walk than sit on the carriage to express her angry. Staying a whole night with Alec, Tess realized that Alec is a rat. She went home after Alec impregnated her. An unmarried mother with a child is not received by her neighbors. Tess, the stanch young woman, bore all the gossips. After the baby died, she didn′t indulge in the sadness, she decised to turn a new leaf of her life. She sets out confidently. She killed the evil in her deep heart. Tess also has a hidden nature — the longing for living. It is the intense desire that forces her to live and work after tremendous disasters, such as her son′s death, Angel′s abandonment. She preferred to work on a farm rather t han asking Angel′s parents for help. She loved Angel so deeply that she wrote to him to beg his forgive. (2)Brave fight against Alec Although Tess was in trouble, she didn′t desert her conscience. As an impure woman, she didn′t surrender to the wealth and pow er of Alec. After Alec impregnatee her, Tess left the big mansion resolutely. A long time later, she met Alec,now a parson. her hatred to him never reduced. She despised him and condemned his hypocrisy.


2016年最新全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森 2 英语非作格动词语义特征和句法属性研究 3 从奈达的功能对等理论看《老友记》字幕中的幽默翻译 4 《雾都孤儿》中的善与恶 5 剖析简爱性格的弱点 6 《我的安东妮娅》中的文化冲突研究 7 奥斯卡王尔德童话的唯美主义研究 8 论中国古典诗词英译中三美原则的再现 9 Strategies of V ocabulary Teaching in Middle School English Class 10 英语新闻标题中名转动词的认知阐释 11 英汉语中与饮食相关习语的文化含义及形象意义对比 12 不同的阅读任务对高中生英语词汇附带习得的影响 13 政论文的英译特点 14 浅谈中学英语教学中的情感教学方法 15 英汉习语中价值观的差异 16 文档所公布均英语全英原创毕业论文。原创⑦⑨⑨⑦⑤⑦⑨③⑧ 17 A Comparative Study on the Two Chinese Versions of Anne of Green Gables from the Perspective of Receptional Aesthetics 18 从社会生物学角度分析《雾都孤儿》中人物性格 19 试析海明威《丧钟为谁而鸣》中的人物形象 20 法律英语的特点 21 《苔丝》中的女性与自然 22 功能对等视角下汉语广告的英译策略 23 A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Spatial Language in Business Negotiation 24 语用模糊及语用功能 25 《哈利波特》中斯内普的人物分析 26 《道连葛雷的画像》叙事艺术的分析 27 《神探夏洛克》文化现象研究 28 29 美国梦的矛盾心理-伟大的盖茨比主题分析 30 浅谈中美文化差异对商务谈判的影响 31 从生态翻译学的角度分析网络新词翻译 32 论电影片名翻译的“忠实性” 33 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中主流审美观对美国黑人的影响 34 关联理论视角下莫言《红高粱家族》中的隐喻翻译分析 35 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的圣经人物原型分析 36 An Analysis of Symbols in Young Goodman Brown 37 探析《呼啸山庄》男女主人公爱情悲剧的根源(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 38 Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby 39 第二次世界大战中的温斯顿丘吉尔 40 亲属称谓:英汉社会文化差异


研究的现状: 托马斯·哈代是19世纪英国著名的批判现实主义作家,《德伯家的苔丝》作为他最为有影响力的一部巨作,长期以来,人们视托马斯·哈代为“悲观主义者”,关于他本人和他的作品都有很多难解之谜,有许多的前人或评论家也从不同的角度,采用不同的手法去研究《德伯家的苔丝》的悲剧的原因,也得出了许多不同的研究结论,但因而往往都是旧谜刚解,新谜又出,解谜的热潮似乎永无止境。 研究目的和意义: 研究的目的:《德伯家的苔丝》作为哈代的著作,本文主要通过从命运悲剧,社会悲剧和性格悲剧三个方面对《德伯家的苔丝》的悲剧原因进行解析,并且在此基础上也揭示了托玛斯·哈代小说中所蕴涵的悲剧感。 研究的意义:本文通过对《德伯家的苔丝》的悲剧原因进行解析,试图从不同视角来解读苔丝的悲剧原因,从中也能解读出哈代小说中的宿命论和悲观色彩。

研究内容(内容、结构框架以及重点、难点): 研究内容:《德伯家的苔丝》是英国著名作家哈代创作的长篇小说,这是一部深刻表现悲剧性主题的作品。作品中的主人公苔丝是一位美丽,善良,勤劳,单纯而又自尊自重的女性,本文通过对苔丝一生的剖析来探索其悲剧的根源,苔丝的悲剧不仅有其深刻的经济根源和阶级根源,而且还有伦理道德和宗教法律方面的因素,苔丝的悲剧还有其他方面的因素,苔丝本身的的性格在一定程度上造成了自己的悲剧,另外也与亚雷以及克莱这两个资产阶级人物有关。 结构框架:作为托马斯.哈代最为有影响力的一部巨著,对《德伯家的苔丝》悲剧原因的解析,首先应该明白哈代小说的特点和当时的社会背景,对社会的现状和趋势存在的问题,再结合苔丝的性格,然后从中找出切入点来进行解析。 研究重点:根据其研究的内容,对《德伯家的苔丝》悲剧原因的解析要更加简明扼要,能更加的突出造成苔丝悲剧的原因,并且从各个方面进行考虑和研究,使文章的解析原因呈现出强大的立体感和层次感。 研究难点:《德伯家的苔丝》作为托马斯·哈代的代表著作,对这部作品悲剧原因的解析能直接体现出哈代小说的特点,所以能否有一个好的角度和好的方法去研究至关重要,在研究的过程中,怎样把命运悲剧,社会悲剧和性格悲剧三个方面使其融为一体并不是一件容易的事情,必须要对作品进行全面的了解。





姓名:杨锐 学号:201330280219 班级:1332802 专业:汉语国际教育指导老师:熊进萍

浅谈《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧命运的根源 摘要: 《德伯家的苔丝》是英国著名小说家托马斯?哈代进入晚期小说创作的代表作。小说反映的时代背景是传统的威塞克斯农村社会已大体上被资产阶级社会所占领,社会秩序发生了根本性的变化,农民为了生存不得不去寻找一条同过去完全不同的生活道路。于是哈代将创作的重心放到了浓厚的人道主义色彩,在主题上更加广泛和深刻地表现了维多利亚时代资产阶级的伦理道德、宗教法律、婚姻爱情、教育制度、人际关系等等重大社会问题,从对资产阶级社会的一般性描写转入整个社会的揭露、控诉和批判。 故事内容: 在小说中女主角苔丝?德北是一个美丽善良的农家姑娘,但由于家境贫寒,她不得不听从母亲的劝说,跑到地主的庄园去做工,后被地主的大儿子亚雷奸污。怀着身孕的她回到了家乡。孩子夭折后,她又到一家牛奶厂当挤奶工,在那里遇到了牧师的儿子安琪?克莱尔,两人产生了爱情。新婚之夜,苔丝出于一片忠诚,向克莱尔坦白了自己失身的遭遇,想不到丈夫不仅没有原谅她,反而翻脸无情,独自到了巴西。苔丝被遗弃后,又跑到一家农场做苦工。恰在这时亚雷又突然出现,一再跑来纠缠苔丝。后来家庭发生变故,使得苔丝一家人沦落街头,而克莱尔又杳无音讯的情况下,苔丝只好舍身救家,答应与亚雷同居。谁知克莱尔经过一场磨难,终于回心转意,从巴西回来寻找苔丝。苔丝悔恨交加,怒不可遏的刺死了亚历克。她在逃亡中与丈夫度过了几天幸福生活,最后被捕,并被判处绞刑使悲剧达到了项峰。 关键字: 苔丝、悲剧、社会、命运、性格


淮北师范大学信息学院 2014 届学士学位论文 《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧成因分析 系别:外语系 专业:英语 学号: 20101843021 姓名: 指导教师: 张立友 指导教师职称: 讲师 2014年 5 月 15 日

Information College, Huaibei Normal University A Study on the Causes of Tess’ Tragedy in Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Under the Supervision of Lecturer Zhang Liyou Submitted to the Foreign Language Department in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature Huaibei, P. R. China May, 2014

淮北师范大学信息学院 本科生毕业论文(设计)诚信承诺书 本人郑重承诺所呈交的毕业论文(设计)《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧成因分析,是在指导教师张立友的指导下严格按照学校和学院有关规定完成的。本人在毕业论文(设计)中引用他人的观点和参考资料均加以注释和说明。本人承诺在毕业论文(设计)选题和研究内容过程中没有抄袭他人的研究成果和伪造相关数据等行为,若有抄袭行为,由本人承担一切责任。 承诺人:2010 年级英语专业 签名: 2014 年6 月 6 日


中南大学 CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY 高等教育自学考试英语专业毕业论文 题目从人物性格特点浅析《德伯家的苔丝》题目类别文学 单位或学校中南林业科技大学外国语学院 完成时间 2012年3月

Analysis of Tess of the D’Urbervilles in the Light of characteristic by Su Xiaojuan (010*********) March 2012 Central South University of Forestry and Technology

Acknowledgements The accomplishment of my dissertation owes greatly to all the professors who have taught me in the three years at Central South University of Forestry and Technology. I would like to take this chance to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Lu Guoqiu for her patience and guidance for this thesis .She has provided me with instructive guidance and constructive suggestions. I am also grateful to many of my good friends and classmates for their comments and support. It is just because of the contributions of these people, whether mentioned or not, that thesis is able to be completed. To every one of them, I give my most sincere thanks.

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