当前位置:文档之家› 第一课-第六课句子翻译




III. 五个句子参考译文

1. I am sure that love of their homes must have been very strong among the early settlers of the United States. 我相信,美国的早期定居者爱家的情感一定非常强烈。(SVC)

2. Boys and girls left their parents’ homes and lived in dwellings of their own. 少男少女们离开父母家,住进自己的房子。(SVA)

3. The teacher picked me to be the princess in the school play.老师选中我扮演学校上演的剧中的公主。(SVOC)

4. A few minutes before the play, my teacher came over to me and handed me a dandelion. 演出前几分钟,老师走到我面前,递给我一朵蒲公英。(SVA, SVoO)

5. In widely separated geographic areas suddenly appeared the most highly successful group of inventors and revolutionaries. 在相隔遥远的地域突然出现了成就最为卓著的一批发明家和革命家。(AVS)


1. 天子山风景秀丽,气候宜人。Mt.Tianzi has / boasts / enjoys beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate.

2. 每块石头有两千多斤重。Each stone is more than 1000 kg in weight / weighs more than 1000 kg.

3. 客厅里走出来一位穿西服的老先生。Out of the living-room walked an old gentleman in a western suit.

4. 他忙披上衣服,扛着锄头往外走。He put on his jacket hastily and walked out with a hoe on his shoulder.

5. 这些钱你买些水果送到医院去。(You) buy some fruit with this money to take to the hospital. / This money you use to buy some fruit to take to the hospital.


1. I grew up in a small town where the elementary school was a ten-minute walk from my house. 我(是) 在一个小镇上长大(的) ,镇上的小学到我家,只要步行十分钟。

2. We spent our lunchtime together,bathed in the soft midday light.我们沐浴着中午和煦的阳光,共进午餐。

3. Jane was worried about her children's adjustment to this new situation.简担心孩子们适应不了这种新情况。

4.The increase in the use of calculators in the classroom is hard to believe. 计算器在教室里使用得越来越多,多得难以置信。

5. He had been impressed at their first meeting by the compactness and precision of her orderly mind.她思想井然有序,缜密精确, 他们第一次见面的时候,就给他留下了深刻的印象。


1. 大巴拿马城人口69.5万,占全国人口三分之一以上。Greater Panama has

a population of 695,000, accounting for / which accounts for more than one third the country’s total.

2. 去年暑假,我跟着爸爸妈妈到巴拿马运河去游览观光,至今还记忆犹新。Last summer vacation I went with my parents on a sightseeing tour along it, which / and that is still fresh in my memory.

3. 巴拿马城气候湿热,年平均气温26.9℃,年平均降水量1903毫米。Panama City has a hot and humid climate, with / as it has an annual average temperature of 26.9℃ and an average annual rainfall of 1903 mm.

4. 失败的消息传来,居里夫人仍然微笑着,看不出丝毫痛苦不安,就像这件事从未发生过一样。When news of her failure came, Madame Curie still smiled, without showing the slightest pain or unease, as if it had never happened.

5. 我们确实活得艰难,一要承受种种外部的压力,更要面对内心的困惑。It’s true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to face internal perplexities.


1. He was possessed of a handsome person and pleasing manners. 他长得一表人材,和举止彬彬有礼。

2. As her mother died early she lost maternal love when she was very young.母亲死得早,她很小就失去了母爱。

3. His adroitness and ingenuity caused him to be considered the first hand in the factory. 他心灵手巧,大家认为他是厂里第一把好手。

4. This gentlema was received with great enthusiasm by the employer, who congratulated him on possessing so valuable a slave. 雇主热情地接待了这位先生,恭喜他拥有一个这么有价值的奴隶。

5. The manufacturer and all hands present were astounded when he suddenly demanded George's wages, and announced his intention of taking him home. 他突然要求把乔治的工资拿给他,宣布自己打算把乔治带回家去,厂主和在场的工人听了大吃一惊。


1. 自我入书店以后,对于书的贪恋也已消除不少了。(搭配)Ever since I began to work in a bookstore, my obsession with books has been very much on the decline / worn away.

2. 书可以买了不看,任其插在架上。(搭配)Books can be bought without being read and just left on a shelf.

3. 其中大多数选择长跑,真正的运动爱好者喜欢这种运动的寥寥无几。(顺序) Most of them choose long-distance running, the kind of exercise which few real sports enthusiasts like.

4. 在这次大火中市民与伤病员丧生者达3000余人。(顺序)As many as over 3000 residents and wounded and sick soldiers perished in the


5. 什么书在什么时候再去读去翻,连我自己也无把握(顺序),完全要看一时的兴趣(搭配)。But even I myself have little idea /am unsure which book is to be read or leafed through again at what time. It is all subject to / all depends on the whims of the moment.

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中考英语句子翻译题专练 附详解

2009句子翻译题专练·附详解 一、根据所给中文,完成相应的英语句子,每空限填一词: 1.多喝水,这对你的健康有好处。 Drink more water. It _____________________your health. 2.昨天直到雨停了孩子们才离开学校。 The children _______leave school _______the rain stopped yesterday. 3.非常感谢邀请我参加你的聚会。 ___________________________asking me to your party. 4.钥匙是金属做的,用来锁门。 The key ____________________metal and ___________________ door. 5.你们想拿回你们的电视机,是吗? You want to ________your TV set ________, _______you? 6.天太冷了,不能去游泳。 It’s too cold _________________________. 7.我和她年龄一样大。 I’m_____________________________________ 8.丽丽叫我不要忘记告诉她母亲这条好消息。 Lily asked me ___________________________tell her mother the good news. 9.昨天当我到达电影院时,电影已经开始半小时了。 When I ____________the cinema yesterday, the film _____________ _______for half an hour. 10.晚饭后为什么不去散步呢? _____________________out for a walk after supper? 二、根据所给中文,完成相应的英语句子,每空所填词数不限: 1.躺在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。 Reading in bed _______. 2.中华人民共和国成立于1949年。 The PRC _______in 1949. 3.我今天为你买了一件新衬衫。为什么不试一下?


六年级英语下册第1-6单元翻译句子Lesson 5 1.在新年那天,我和父母去滑冰。 ,my parents and I went skating. 2.昨天,我们的数学老师病了。 Yesterday ,our maths teacher . 3.张亮和王新是在同一天出生的。 Zhang Liang Wang Xing. 4.她是1965年12月20日在杭州出生的。 She was born, . Lesson 6 5.上周日我和母亲去了离我家很近的书店。 Ia bookstoremy mothermy home last Sunday. 6.我在天津过的春节。 Iin Tianjin. 7.我每天用两个小时做作业。 Ittwo hoursmy homework every day. 8.昨天我给你打了电话,但是你出去了。 Iyou yesterday,but you . 9.他把整个晚上都用来读书。 He the whole evening books. Lesson 9 10.他用木头做了一个写字台。 He wood a desk. 11.小明很像他的妈妈。 Xiao Minghis mother.

12.老师告诉我们要保持教室的干净。 The teacher told us the classroom. 13.我真的很喜欢每天晚饭后散散步。 I really after supper every day. Lesson 12 14.昨天我们到西山种树去了。 WeXishan trees yesterday. 15.你从图书馆借了几本书? booksyou the library. 16.他们从附近的河里打来水。 They the the river. Lesson 13 17.I(住在一个公寓里)last year. 18.There is a bank(在……右边)a school. 19.There is a noodle restaurant(在……隔壁)a school. 20.We often go shopping(在周末). 21.The post office is (街对面). Lesson 14 22.This is an (有趣的)book for children. 23.There is a shop (对面)the road. 24.The farmers planted many trees on the hill (三年前) 25.The (未来)is very wonderful to us. 26.Shanghai is one of the (大城市)in China. 27.The teacher stood (在前面)of the classroom and (写)on the blackboard. 28.There is a (服装)shop on the street. 29.(在右面)there is a hotel.


人教版英语选修六课文翻译 Unit 1 A Short History Western Painting 西方绘画艺术简史 西方艺术风格变化较大,而中国艺术风格变化较小。人们的生活方式和信仰影响了艺术。中国和欧洲不同,生活方式在长时间里相似。西方艺术丰富多彩,仅凭一篇短短的课文难以描述全面。所以,本篇课文仅描述了从公元5世纪开始的几种主要风格。 中世纪(公元5 世纪到15 世纪) 在中世纪,画家的主要任务是表现宗教主题。艺术家们并没有把兴趣放在呈现人和自然的真实面貌上,而是着力于体现对上帝的爱戴和敬重。因此,这段时期的绘画充满着宗教的信条。到13 世纪时,情况已经开始发生变化,像乔托这样的画家以比较现实的风格来画宗教场景。 文艺复兴时期(15 世纪到16 世纪) 在文艺复兴时期,新的思想和价值观取代了中世纪的那一套,人们开始更关心人而不是宗教。画家们回到了罗马、希腊的艺术理论上。他们尽力地画出人和自然的真实面貌。富人们想为自己的宫殿和豪宅收藏艺术品,他们高价聘请著名艺术家来为自己画画,画自己的房屋和其他财物,画他们的活动,画他们的成就。在这个阶段,最重要的发现之一是如何用透视法来画出事物的形象。在1428 年,马萨乔成为第一个在绘画中使用透视方法的人,当人们第一次看到他的画

时,还以为是透过墙上的小孔,来观看真实的情景,并对此深信不疑。如果没有透视法,人们就不可能画出如此逼真的画,在文艺复兴时期,油画也得到了发展,它使得色彩看上去更丰富,更深沉。 印象派时期(19 世纪后期到20世纪初期) 19 世纪后期,欧洲发生了巨大的变化,从以农业为主的社会变成了以工业为主的社会。许多人从农村迁入城市。有着大量的新发明,还有许多社会变革。这些变革也自然而然地导致了绘画风格上的变化。那些打破传统画法的人有在巴黎生活和工作的印象派画家。 印象派画家是第一批室外写生的艺术家。他们想把一天中不同时间投射到物体上的光线和阴影画出来。由于自然光的变化很快,所以,印象派画家必须很快地作画。因此,他们的画就不像以前那些画家的画那样细致了,起初,多数人都看不惯这种新式画法,甚至还非常生气。他们说这些画家作画时心不在焉,粗枝大叶,他们的作品更是荒唐。 现代艺术(20 世纪至今) 在印象派作品的创建初期,他们存在争议。但是,现在已经被人们接受,并且成为现在所说的“现代艺术”的始祖。如今,现代艺术已有几十多种,如果没有印象派艺术,也就没有那么多不同的风格,印象派画家帮助艺术家们用新的方法来观察环境和艺术。有些现代艺术是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不打算把我们的眼睛看到的东西如实地画出来,而是集中体现某些物体的某些品质和特征,用色彩、线条和形状把它们呈现出来。另一方面,有些现代派的艺术作品太逼真了,


U 6 1.儿童节在什么时候?在六月一日。 ________ _______ ________ ? It’s _______ ______ _______ . 2.孩子们在儿童节通常干什么?他们唱歌跳舞。 ________ _______ _______ usually ________ ______ ______ ______ ? They _______ and _______ . 3.圣诞节就要到了。 _________ _________ _________ . 4.老师和学生们正变得越来越兴奋。 The teachers and the students _______ ________ ______ _________ . 5.格林先生正在和他的学生谈论节日。 Mr Green ______ _______ _______ his _______ ________ ______ . 6.圣诞节在十二月二十五日。 ________ is ________ the _______ of_______ . 7.圣诞节之后是什么节?元旦和春节。 ________ ________ _______ after _______ ? _____ ______ _______ and _______ _______ . 8.去年元旦我没有去晚会,我和我的全家吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。 I _______ _______ ______ the ______ last________, I ______ a _____ ______ with my ________ . 9.去年春节你走亲访友了吗?当然。 ______ ______ _______ your _______ and ______ last _______? ________ ________ . 10.你最喜欢什么节日?我最喜欢万圣节。 ________your _______ _______ ?______ _______ _______ is _____. 11.中秋节在九月或十月。在中秋节我们通常吃月饼,玩灯笼和赏月。 Mid –autumn Festival is _____ ______ or _______. ______ Mid –autumn Festival we usually ______ _____ ______ and ______ ______ lanterns .

英语选修六课文翻译Unit5 The power of nature An exciting job的课文原文和翻译

AN EXCITING JOB I have the greatest job in the world. I travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting local people and tourists, I am never bored. Although my job is occasionally dangerous, I don't mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. However, the most important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earth - the volcano. I was appointed as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian V olcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago. My job is collecting information for a database about Mount Kilauea, which is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii. Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. Our work has saved many lives because people in the path of the lava can be warned to leave their houses. Unfortunately, we cannot move their homes out of the way, and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground. When boiling rock erupts from a volcano and crashes back to earth, it causes less damage than you might imagine. This is because no one lives near the top of Mount Kilauea, where the rocks fall. The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage because it


Lesson1 A puma at large Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar. The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered(adj.被困得走投无路的). The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of 'cat-like noises' at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from ? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside. 美洲狮是一种体形似猫的大动物,产于美洲。当伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南45英里处发现一只美洲狮时,这些报告并没有受到重视。可是,随着证据越来越多,动物园的专家们感到有必要进行一番调查,因为凡是声称见到过美洲狮的人们所描述的情况竟是出奇地相似。 搜寻美洲狮的工作是从一座小村庄开始的。那里的一位妇女在采摘黑莓时的看见“一只大猫”,离她仅5码远,她刚看见它,它就立刻逃走了。专家证实,美洲狮非被逼得走投无路,是决不会伤人的。事实上搜寻工作很困难,因为常常是早晨在甲地发现那只美洲狮,晚上却在20英里外的乙地发现它的踪迹。无论它走哪儿,一路上总会留下一串死鹿及死兔子之类的小动物,在许多地方看见爪印,灌木丛中发现了粘在上面的美洲狮毛。有人抱怨说夜里听见“像猫一样的叫声”;一位商人去钓鱼,看见那只美洲狮在树上。专家们如今已经完全肯定那只动物就是美洲狮,但它是从哪儿来的呢?由于全国动物园没有一家报告丢了美洲狮,因此那只美洲狮一定是某位私人收藏豢养的,不知怎么设法逃出来了。搜寻工作进行了好几个星期,但始终未能逮住那只美洲狮。想到在宁静的乡村里有一头危险的野兽继续逍遥流窜,真令人担心。 Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since. ' One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start: the clock was striking the hours! Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o'clock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom


2017中考英语句子翻译专项训练 1.他们正在讨论如何处理这个问题。 They are discussing how to deal with this problem. 2.他习惯和朋友通过微信来交流。 Heis used to communicating with friends on the WeChat 3.为什么不上网搜寻一下信息呢? Why don’t you/Why not search for information on the Internet? 4.这次,你最好不要拒绝参加这次会议。 This time,you’d better not refuse to attend the meeting . 5.你介意和我一起编首曲子吗? Do youmind making up a piece of music with me? 6.我忍不住吃光了所有的水果沙拉。 I couldn’t stop/help eating up all the fruit salad . 7.在工作中我们应该尽力避免犯同样的错误。 We should try our best not to make the same mistake in our work. 8.对于我们而言,学会和他人紧密合作是必要的。 It is necessary for us to learn to work closely with others. 9.自从她去了国外后,你们彼此还保持联系吗? Do you keep in touch with each other after she went abroad? 10.请警告他不要在离开时任由水龙头一直开着。 Please warn him not to leave tha tap running when leaving. 11.你知道历史上第一只风筝是由木头做成的吗? Do you know (that) the first kite in history was made of wood? 12.依靠你自己是多么有意义啊! How meaningful it is to depend on yourself! 13.我们应该帮助残疾人而不是仅仅同情他们。 We should help disabled people instead of only having pity on them. 14.众所周知选择公共交通工具将有助于减少空气污染。 It is well known that choosing public transport will help reduce air pollution. 15.人类已经意识到保护野生动物的重要性了吗? Have humans realized the importance of protecting wild animals ? 16.他在向我解释病毒已经使一切都出错了。 He is explaining to me that the virus has made everything go wrong. 17.为了写下你所见的东西,请随身带好笔记本。 Take a notebook with you (in order) to write down what you see. 18.这个科学家正忙于在公共场合做演讲。 The scientist is busy making speeches in public. 19.我想知道你是否可以用英语描述一下你的日常生活。 I wonderif you can describe your daily life in English . 20.环境污染如此严重,以致导致了各种疾病。 The environment pollution was so serious that it led to different kinds of diseases 21.他建议我们接受新挑战并三思而行。 He advised us to take on new challenges and think twice before taking action.


划线部分提问: 1、先把句子翻译一遍,再把划线部分去掉,用一个疑问词代替,再翻译一遍,这样就可以确定疑问词了 2、余下的句子改一般疑问句 结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 疑问词如下: ⑴什么what ⑵谁who ⑶谁的whose ⑷在哪里where ⑸哪一个which ⑹为什么why ⑺星期几what day ⑻几点what time ⑼怎样how ⑽…怎么样how about ⑾多少how many+名词复数⑿多少岁how old ⒀多少钱how much ⒁什么颜色what colour (15)问“干什么” : 一般现在时问“干什么” What do xx do? What does xx do? 现在进行时问“正在干什么” what (be) xx doing ? (16)问度周末:how do (does) xx spend one’s weekends ? 1、Yang Ling gets up at half past six. ________ ______ Yang Ling _____ up? 2、My brother often does his homework at the weekends. ________ _____ your brother often ____ his homework? 3、Nancy is from the UK. ______ ___ Nancy from? 4、The grape is in my mouth. _____ _____ the grapes? 5、They like doing exercise. _____ ____ they like doing? 6、The girl in red is playing the piano now. ______ girl is playing the piano now? 7、This jacket is Wang Bing’s. ______ _____ this jacket? 8、There is one butterfly near the flowers. _____ _____ near the flowers? 9、Miss Zhang and I usually go to school by bike. ______ ____ Miss Zhang and I usually go to school? 10、The girl has got a bad cold. ______ has got a bad cold? 11、The students in my school like English and Art. ______ students like English and art? 12、It’s Tuesday today. _________ ____ it today? 13、They ususlly watch TV in the evening. _____ _____ they usually _____ in the evening?


第二单元其余部分 Introduction 介绍 《狮子、女巫与魔衣橱》的创作者——C·S·刘易斯(1898——1963)是英国最伟大的魔幻文学家之一,露西发现了冰天雪地的纳尼亚,在那里她和她的两个哥哥和一个妹妹遇见了白女巫。他们还邂逅了阿斯兰,那头唯一能够打败女巫,重新夺回纳尼亚之夏的狮子。和阿斯兰在一起,孩子们学会了勇敢与宽恕。他们经历过大悲大喜,最终学到了智慧。他们在纳尼亚的时光是每一个孩子梦寐以求的历险。 Extract from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 《狮子、女巫与魔衣橱》节选然后,她看见前面有一道光,离它不远处可以看到魔衣橱的后面,但走起来却很远。冰冷的柔软的东西不停地落在她身上。过了一会儿,她发现自己正站在晚间的森林中间,脚下是积雪,雪花在漫天飞舞。 露西有点害怕,但同时她也很好奇,很兴奋。她扭头向后望去,透过黑色的树干,仍然可看见魔衣橱敞开的门廊,她甚至还能瞥见她走出的那个空房子。(当然,她一直让门开着,因为他知道把自己关在衣橱里是很傻的。)那里似乎还是白天。“如果发生了什么事,我还可以回去,”露西想。她开始往前走,伴着脚下嘎吱嘎吱的积雪声穿过森林,朝着另一处光亮走去。大约十分钟之后她到了那里,发现那是一根灯柱。当她站在那里,看着灯柱是,她开始奇怪:为什么森林中间会有根灯柱,她不知所措,这是她听见劈里啪啦的脚步声,(有人正)朝她走来。随后一个非常奇怪的人从森林里走到了灯光下。 他只比露西略高一点,头上撑着一把伞,伞上满是雪。他腰部以上想人,而脚却像山羊腿(腿上是浓重的黑毛),脚步是人脚而是羊蹄。他还有一条尾巴,露西起初没有注意到,因为它整齐地缠在撑伞的手臂上,免得它拖到雪地上。他脖子里围着一条红色羊毛围巾,他的的皮肤也略带红。他有一张奇特却相当好看的小脸,留着短而尖的的胡须和卷曲的头发,前额两 侧的毛发里还长着两只角。正如我所说的,他的一只手里拿着一把伞;而另一只手里拿着几个棕色的纸包。通过纸包和他身上的雪;来看,他刚才好像去买圣诞礼物了。他是一个半人半羊的农牧神。看到露西她吃了一惊,包裹都掉了下来。“天哪!”他惊叫道。 The Lord of the Ring 《指环王》 J·R·R托尔金的《指环王》三部曲是20世纪最著名的魔幻故事之一。这个故事的三个部分都被成功地拍成了电影。故事发生在一个被称为“中部地球”的世界。人类知识但是所存在的物种一只。这个世界也有些精灵族,他们高挑而美丽、具有魔力且永远不是。还有矮人族,他们像个矮小的人类,居住在山洞中。同时也有侏儒族,貌似矮小丑陋的人,住在深山里。在《指环王》中,索隆——一个有着非凡魔


Unit 1 Cloze ▆Complete the following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each is given. ▆ Answers: 1)reliable 2)syndrome 3)adopted 4)got done with 5)gloomy 6)| 7)or something 8)chance 9)come through 10)barely 11)in good shape 12)booth 13)mess 14)scrawled 15)peeking 16)in ' Translation 1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets. ▆Answers for reference: 1)What I didn’t count on was that over time I would sincerely take pride in being a social worker. 2)Shooting a quick look at the clock on the wall, Grandma let out a cry, “Oh, My dear /My goodness/My gracious, we’re going to miss the train!” 3)At the kindergarten entrance, I always see some kids/children holding firmly on to their parents. Should young parents be sterner towards their kids/children and leave immediately under these circumstances 4)In the dim street light stood a weeping little girl/ a girl weeping. 5)When making donations, rich people should be as considerate as possible in order not to put the recipient in an embarrassing situation. 6)Since last month, my work has been revolving around the routine office duties, so now I am counting the days until the National Day comes, when my friends and I are going hiking in the countryside. — 课文参考译文


中考句子翻译精华100句 出题人:黄光辉 1.他每天开着他的小车来上班。今天却坐校车来。my email is patriciamittag559@https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a17828458.html, 2.他每天下午都打篮球,但是,上周三下午他呆在家里。 3.我妈妈在厨房里忙着煮饭。 4.别再喊叫了,否则会吵醒你爸爸。 5.我的父母都不是医生. 6.如果你多余的纸,你能给我一些吗? 7.你介意我问你的年龄吗? 8.劳驾你去帮我搬一把椅子过来, 好吗? 9.你能帮我翻译这封信吗? 很乐意。 10.--你怎么啦? --我把手机落在出租汽车上了。 11.我期望早日收到她的信。 12.即使他有困难, 他也从来不叫别人帮忙。 13.这个蛋糕很好吃. 是怎么做的? 14.明天早点来,好吗? 15.对我来说,很难想象没有音乐的生活。 16.预计在十年后,会有更少的污染,更多的树木。 17.书桌上有一本书和几只笔. 那是谁的? 18.我还没来的及还她的书时, 她就走了。 19.外面雨下得很大,你最好不要出去。 20.直到婴儿不哭了,我才出去。 21.王明在老师的帮助下取得了很大的进步。 22.当一名宇航员是我的梦想。 23.凯特和玛丽都是我的堂姐,她们中的一个来过中国。 24.他的父母告诉他在下一次考试中要更小心。 25.她的丈夫离开她有近10年了。她一直都感到很孤独。 26.昨天他发生了一件不开心的事。 27.这部小车一定不是玛丽的。她穷得买不起车。 28.你认为我们班上谁最活跃? 29.虽然这道数学题很容易,但是,几乎没有几个学生能做出来。 30.在美国,人们不讲中文。 31.他看起来比实际年龄还年轻多了。 32.她是那么细心的学生,不至于犯那么大的错误。 33.英语讲的越多,就能讲得越好。 34.每天锻炼使我变得越来越健康。 35.在这么热的天气,我宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去打篮球。 36.你认为他要多久才能完成作业? 37.这水感觉起来多么冷呀! 38.多么令人兴奋的消息呀! 39.我的堂兄学医, 我也是。


Unit1 1让我展示给你们看看我的新旧卧室的变化吧。 2它比你的新卧室小。 3你的新房间更明亮些。 4这里的窗户更大 5你更靠近学校了 6远离 7很接近学校 8这张床和枕头是我的祖父,祖母送给我的新房间的礼物9你的这张床比你的旧的卧室的那张漂亮 10这张床比我的更舒服 11我以前的卧室既好又干净,可现在很乱 12起居室 13卧室 14厨房 15书房 Unit2 1她才刚两岁 2你是一个美丽健康的小孩 3你以前很淘气 4你以前总是遇到麻烦 5著名的足球运动员 6他不是很壮健或者强壮 7他人很好而且风趣 8我过去是一名网球运动员 9你什么时候成为一名医生的? 10我的阿姨过去很苗条和漂亮 11我觉得她很好看 12玛丽和我都应该减肥 Unit3 1他喜欢打电脑游戏 2他不喜欢做作业 3他上课迟到了。 4你的鞋子怎么了? 5这个用英语怎么说? 6约翰上课在睡觉 7约翰睁开他的眼睛,站起来并说 Unit4-Unit5 1坐公车开始去白云山 2开始种树

3用泥土把洞填满 4为新的树运水 5我们非常开心当我们完成了工作 6这些是种子 7芽长出来了 8有越来越多的树叶 9看见花了 10摘水果 11四年以前 12每天给树浇水 13越长越高 14摘走树上的水果 15去年 16树种子 17长得好 18昨天晚上 19撞上了树 20它被折断了 21砍下树 22我很伤心当我看见这的时候 23把它移到我们的花园 24把它放进洞里 25上星期我参观了博物馆 26下周我准备再次参观它 Unit6 1没有钱 2他们没有食物可以吃 3在去市场的路上 4把豆子扔出窗外 5豆子越长越高 6全世界 7 没有植物人和动物都不能生存。 8 来自 Unit7 1.现代中国之父 2.出生在广东 3.改变中国 4.你在读什么? 5.我能告诉你关于孙中山的事情。 6.他尝试改变中国并让人民获得自由。 7.中国伟大的领导人 8.作重要的演讲 9.美国之父


高二人教新课标选修6 unit 1 Art课文翻译 Reading 1 A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. Styles in Western art have changed many times. As there are so many different styles of Western art, it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text. Consequently, this text will describe only the most important ones, starting from the sixth century AD. The Middle Ages (5th to the 15th century AD) During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. A conventional artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people as they really were. A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created a feeling of respect and love for God. But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way. The Renaissance (15th to 16th century) During the Renaissance, new ideas and values gradually replaced those held in the Middle Ages. People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. They tried to paint people and nature as they really were. Rich people wanted to possess their own paintings, so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses. They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and possessions, as well as their activities and achievements. One of the most important discoveries during this period was how to draw things in perspective. This technique was first used by Masaccio in 1428. When people first saw his paintings, they were convinced that they were looking through a hole in the wall at a real scene. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. By coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the colours used in paintings look richer and


AppendⅡ Chinese Translations of Texts A (Units 1-8) 参考译文 目录: 第一单元生活方式的改变 (2) 第二单元民权英雄 (5) 第三单元安全问题 (8) 第四单元外星人 (10) 第五单元如何欢庆节日 (14) 第六单元人情味 (18) 第七单元谋生 (21)

第八单元克隆技术 (27) 第一单元生活方式的改变 课文A 在美国,不少人对乡村生活怀有浪漫的情感。许多居住在城镇的人梦想着自己办个农场,梦想着靠土地为生。很少有人真去把梦想变为现实。或许这也没有什么不好,因为,正如吉姆·多尔蒂当初开始其写作和农场经营双重生涯时所体验到的那样,农耕生活远非轻松自在。但他写道,自己并不后悔,对自己做出的改变生活方式的决定仍热情不减。 多尔蒂先生创建自己的理想生活 售姆·多尔蒂有两件事是我一直想做的——写作与务农。如今我同时做着这两件事。作为作家,我和E·B·怀特不属同一等级,作为农场主,我和乡邻也不是同一类人,不过我应付得还行。在城市以及郊区历经多年的怅惘失望之后,我和妻子桑迪终于在这里的乡村寻觅到心灵的满足。 这是一种自力更生的生活。我们食用的果蔬几乎都是自己种的。自家饲养的鸡提供鸡蛋,每星期还能剩余几十个出售。自家养殖的蜜蜂提供蜂蜜,我们还自己动手砍柴,足可供过冬取暖之用。 这也是一种令人满足的生活。夏日里我们在河上荡舟,在林子里野餐,骑着自行车长时间漫游。冬日里我们滑雪溜冰。我们为落日的余辉而激动。我们爱闻大地回暖的气息,爱听

牛群哞叫。我们守着看鹰儿飞过上空,看玉米田间鹿群嬉跃。 但如此美妙的生活有时会变得相当艰苦。就在三个月前,气温降到华氏零下30度,我们辛苦劳作了整整两天,用一个雪橇沿着河边拖运木柴。再过三个月,气温会升到95度,我们就要给玉米松土,在草莓地除草,还要宰杀家禽。前一阵子我和桑迪不得不翻修后屋顶。过些时候,四个孩子中的两个小的,16岁的吉米和13岁的埃米莉,会帮着我一起把拖了很久没修的室外厕所修葺一下,那是专为室外干活修建的。这个月晚些时候,我们要给果树喷洒药水,要油漆谷仓,要给菜园播种,要赶在新的小鸡运到之前清扫鸡舍。 在这些活计之间,我每周要抽空花五、六十个小时,不是打字撰文,就是为作为自由撰稿人投给报刊的文章进行采访。桑迪则有她自己繁忙的工作日程。除了日常的家务,她还照管菜园和蜂房,烘烤面包,将食品装罐、冷藏,开车送孩子学音乐,和他们一起练习,自己还要上风琴课,为我做些研究工作并打字,自己有时也写写文章,还要侍弄花圃、堆摞木柴、运送鸡蛋。正如老话说的那样,在这种情形之下,坏人不得闲——贤德之人也歇不了。 我们谁也不会忘记第一年的冬天。从12月一直到3月底,我们都被深达5英尺的积雪困着。暴风雪肆虐,一场接着一场,积雪厚厚地覆盖着屋子和谷仓,而室内,我们用自己砍伐的木柴烧火取暖,吃着自家种植的苹果,温馨快乐每一分钟。 开春后,有过两次泛滥。一次是河水外溢,我们不少田地被淹了几个星期。接着一次是生长季节到了,一波又一波的农产品潮涌而来,弄得我们应接不暇。我们的冰箱里塞满了樱桃、蓝莓、草莓、芦笋、豌豆、青豆和玉米。接着我们存放食品罐的架子上、柜橱里也开始堆满一罐罐的腌渍食品,有番茄汁、葡萄汁、李子、果酱和果冻。最后,地窖里遍地是大堆大堆的土豆、葫芦、南瓜,谷仓里也储满了苹果和梨。真是太美妙了。 第二年我们种了更多的作物,差不多就靠着从自家树林砍伐的木柴以及仅仅100加仑的燃油过了冬。其时,我开始认真考虑起辞了职去从事自由撰稿的事来。时机选得实在太差。当时,两个大的女儿肖恩和埃米正在费用很高的常青藤学校上学,而我们只有几千美金的银行存款。但我们一再回到一个老问题上来:真的会有更好的时机吗?答案无疑是否定的。于是,带着老板的祝福,口袋里揣着作为累积津贴的半年薪水,我走了。

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