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文献出处:Sharifi, Omid. International Journal of Information, Business and Management 6.2 (May 2014): 82-94.



Financial Risk Management for Small and Medium Sized


Omid Sharifi

MBA, Department of Commerce and Business Management,

Kakatiya University, House No. 2-1-664, Sarawathi negar,

Gopalpur, Hanamakonda, A.P., India

E-Mail: Omidsharifi7@https://www.doczj.com/doc/6b5348356.html,, Phone: 0091- 8808173339


Risk and economic activity are inseparable. Every business decision and entrepreneurial act is connected with risk. This applies also to business of small and medium sized enterprises as they are also facing several and often the same risks as bigger companies. In a real business environment with market imperfections they need to manage those risks in order to secure their business continuity and add additional value by avoiding or reducing transaction costs and cost of financial distress or bankruptcy. However, risk management is a challenge for most SME. In contrast to larger companies they often lack the necessary resources, with regard to manpower, databases and specialty of knowledge to perform a standardized and structured risk management. The result is that many smaller companies do not perform sufficient analysis to identify their risk. This aspect is exacerbated due to a lack in literature about methods for risk management in SME, as stated by Henschel: The two challenging aspects with regard to risk management in SME are therefore:

1. SME differ from large corporations in many characteristics

2. The existing research lacks a focus on risk management in SME

The following research question will be central to this work:

1.how can SME manage their internal financial risk?

2.Which aspects, based on their characteristics, have to be taken into account for this?

3.Which mean fulfils the requirements and can be applied to SME? LITERATURE REVIEW

In contrast to larger corporations, in SME one of the owners is often part of the management team. His intuition and experience are important for managing the company.Therefore, in small companies, the (owner-) manager is often responsible for many different tasks and important decisions. Most SME do not have the necessary resources to employ specialists on every position in the company. They focus on their core business and have generalists for the administrative functions. Behr and Guttler find that SME on average have equity ratios lower than 20%. The different characteristics of management, position on procurement and capital markets and the legal framework need to be taken into account when applying management instruments like risk management. Therefore the risk management techniques of larger corporations cannot easily be applied to SME.In practice it can therefore be observed that although SME are not facing less risks and uncertainties than large companies, their risk management differs from the practices in larger companies. The latter have the resources to employ a risk manager and a professional, structured and standardized risk management system. In contrast to that, risk management in SME differs in the degree of implementation and the techniques applied. Jonen & Simgen-Weber With regard to firm size and the use of risk management. Beyer, Hachmeister & Lampenius observe in a study from 2010 that increasing firm size among SME enhances the use of risk management. This observation matches with the opinion of nearly 10% of SME, which are of the opinion, that risk management is only reasonable in larger corporations. Beyer,

Hachmeister & Lampenius find that most of the surveyed SME identify risks with help of statistics, checklists, creativity and scenario analyses. reveals similar findings and state that most companies rely on key figure systems for identifying and evaluating the urgency of business risks. That small firms face higher costs of hedging than larger corporations. This fact is reducing the benefits from hedging and therefore he advises to evaluate the usage of hedging for each firm individually. The lacking expertise to decide about hedges in SME is also identified by Eckbo, According to his findings, smaller companies often lack the understanding and management capacities needed to use those instruments.



How financial analysis can be used in SME risk management?

Development of financial risk overview for SME

The following sections show the development of the financial risk overview. After presenting the framework, the different ratios will be discussed to finally present a selection of suitable ratios and choose appropriate comparison data. Framework for financial risk overview

The idea is to use a set of ratios in an overview as the basis for the financial risk management.

This provides even more information than the analysis of historical data and allows reacting fast on critical developments and managing the identified risks. However not only the internal data can be used for the risk management. In addition to that also the information available in the papers can be used.

Some of them state average values for the defaulted or bankrupt companies one year prior bankruptcy -and few papers also for a longer time horizon. Those values can be used as a comparison value to evaluate the risk situation of the company. For this an appropriate set of ratios has to be chosen.

The ratios, which will be included in the overview and analysis sheet, should fulfill two main requirements. First of all they should match the main financial risks of the company in order to deliver significant information and not miss an important

risk factor. Secondly the ratios need to be relevant in two different ways. On the one hand they should be applicable independently of other ratios. This means that they also deliver useful information when not used in a regression, as it is applied in many of the papers. On the other hand to be appropriate to use them, the ratios need to show a different development for healthy companies than for those under financial distress. The difference between the values of the two groups should be large enough to see into which the observed company belongs.

Evaluation of ratios for financial risk overview

When choosing ratios from the different categories, it needs to be evaluated which ones are the most appropriate ones. For this some comparison values are needed in order to see whether the ratios show different values and developments for the two groups of companies. The most convenient source for the comparison values are the research papers as their values are based on large samples of annual reports and by providing average values outweigh outliers in the data. Altman shows a table with the values for 8 different ratios for the five years prior bankruptcy of which he uses 5, while Porporato & Sandin use 13 ratios in their model and Ohlson bases his evaluation on 9 figures and ratios [10]. Khong, Ong & Yap and Cerovac & Ivicic also show the difference in ratios between the two groups, however only directly before bankruptcy and not as a development over time [9]. Therefore this information is not as valuable as the others ([4][15]).

In summary, the main internal financial risks in a SME should be covered by financial structure, liquidity and profitability ratios, which are the main categories of ratios applied in the research papers.

Financial structure

A ratio used in many of the papers is the total debt to total assets ratio, analyzing the financial structure of the company. Next to the papers of Altman, Ohlson and Porporato & Sandin also Khong, Ong & Yap and Cerovac & Ivicic show comparison values for this ratio. Those demonstrate a huge difference in size between the bankrupt and non-bankrupt groups.

Figure 1: Development of total debt/ total assets ratio

Data source: Altman (1968), Porporato & Sandin (2007) and Ohlson (1980), author’s illustration

Therefore the information of total debt/total assets is more reliable and should rather be used for the overview. The other ratios analyzing the financial structure are only used in one of the papers and except for one the reference data only covers the last year before bankruptcy. Therefore a time trend cannot be detected and their relevance cannot be approved.

Cost of debt

The costs of debt are another aspect of the financing risk. Porporato & Sandin use the variable interest payments/EBIT for measuring the debt costs. The variable shows how much of the income before tax and interest is spend to finance the debt. This variable also shows a clear trend when firms approach bankruptcy.


The ratio used in all five papers to measure liquidity is the current ratio, showing the relation between current liabilities and current assets (with slight differences in the definition). Instead of the current ratio, a liquidity ratio setting the difference between current assets and current liabilities, also defined as working capital, into relation with total assets could be used.

Figure 2: Development of working capital / total assets ratio

Data source: Altman (1968) and Ohlson (1980); author’s illustratio

Basically the ratio says whether the firm would be able to pay back all its’ current liabilities by using its’ current assets. In case it is not able to, which is when the liabilities exceed the assets, there is an insolvency risk.


For measuring the firms’ profitability or productivity a wide range of ratios is used in the different papers. The ratio sales /total assets is used as well by as also Porporato & Sandin (they use total assets / sales, which can easily be transformed to be comparable) and therefore available as a time series.

Figure 3: Development of sales / total assets ratio

Data source: Altman (1968) and Porporato & Sandin (2007), author’s illustratio

The remaining ratios measuring the last period’s profitability are net income / equity, EBIT /debt and net income or EBIT / total assets.

The last groups of profitability ratios, which can be found in the literature, are those focusing on retained earnings of the firms. These measures show the cumulated profitability of the firm over time.

Retained earnings ratios measure the buffer of funds the company was able to earn over time and which can be used in times of crisis to balance losses.



Omid Sharifi










与大企业相比,在中小企业中,其中的一个所有者往往就是管理团队的一部分。他的直觉和经验对管理公司来说很重要。因此,在小公司,(所有者)经理通常负责许多不同的任务,并做着重要的决策。大多数中小企业没有必备的资源来雇佣不同的专家。他们专注于他们的核心业务,在管理上他们是多面手。Behr 和Guttler发现中小企业平均拥有的股权比率低于20%。当应用管风险管理等工具时,需要考虑不同的管理特点、采购与资本市场的立场以及法律框架。所以,大公司的风险管理技术很难适用于中小企业。实际上也能观察到,相对于大公司来讲,尽管中小企业面临的风险与不确定性并不少,他们的风险管理企业实践与大公司存在很大差别。后者有足够的的资源来雇佣一个风险管理经理职业人,来使其风险管理系统变得结构化和标准化。相反,风险管理在中小企业中的技术实现程度有限。Jonen和Simgen-Weber对公司规模和风险管理的实现程度作出了分析。Beyer, Hachmeister和Lampenius在2010年的一项研究认为,扩大公司规模能在一定程度上提高中小企业风险管理的能力。这个调查与近10%的中小企业的意见一致,他们认为,风险管理只有在大公司才具有合理性。Beyer, Hachmeister 与Lampenius发现,大多数被调查的中小企业通过统计数据、核对清单、创造力和场景分析来识别企业风险。结果同样显示,大多数公司依靠关键数据系统识别和评估业务风险。小公司比大公司面临更高的套期保值成本。这一事实即减少套期保值的收益,因此,他建议评估每个公司单独使用的套期保值。Eckbo同样认为,中小企业缺乏专业知识来对套期保值作出决定,根据他的发现,中小企业往往缺乏使用这些工具的理解和管理能力。







企业财务风险及应对探讨文献综述 重庆工商大学会计专业200X级X班XX 指导老师XXX 目录 摘要 ............................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 一、财务风险基础理论研究在理论界,财务风险已经成为现在财务理论的核心内容,得到了学者的广泛关注和重视。财务风险与企业资金的筹措、运用、管理以及安全密切相关,它是从价值方面反映企业在理财活动里边以及处理财务关系中所遇到的风险。.......................... 错误!未定义书签。 1、财务风险的概念研究........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。James C. Van Horn, John M. Wachowicz Jr(2001)在《Fundamental of Financial Management》里面更宽泛地说明了财务风险包括可能丧失偿债能力的风险,以及由于使用财务杠杆而导致的每股收益变动。 ......................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2、财务风险的类型研究........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 二、财务风险产生因素研究.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 三、财务风险管理策略研究.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。参考文献 ......................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


附录A:外文文献(译文) 跨国公司财务 有重大国外经营业务的公司经常被称作跨国公司或多国企业。跨国公司必须考虑许多并不会对纯粹的国内企业产生直接影响的财务因素,其中包括外币汇率、各国不同的利率、国外经营所用的复杂会计方法、外国税率和外国政府的干涉等。 公司财务的基本原理仍然适用于跨国企业。与国内企业一样,它们进行的投资项目也必须为股东提供比成本更多的收益,也必须进行财务安排,用尽可能低的成本进行融资。净现值法则同时适用于国内经营和国外经营,但是,国外经营应用净现值法则时通常更加复杂。也许跨国财务中最复杂的是外汇问题。当跨国公司进行资本预算决策或融资决策时,外汇市场能为其提供信息和机会。外汇、利率和通货膨胀三者的相互关系构成了汇率基本理论。即:购买力平价理论、利率平价理论和预测理论。 跨国公司融资决策通常要在以下三种基本方法中加以选择,我们将讨论每种方法的优缺点。 (1) 把现金由国内输出用于国外经营业务; (2) 向投资所在国借贷; (3) 向第三国借贷。 1专业术语 学习财务的学生通常会听到一个单词总在耳边嗡嗡作响:全球化( g l o b a l i z a t i o n )。学习资金市场的全球化必须首先掌握一些新的术语,以下便是在跨国财务中,还有本章中最常用到的一些术语: (1) 美国存托证(American Depository Receipt,ADR)。它是在美国发行的一种代表外国股权的证券,它使得外国股票可在美国上市交易。外国公司运用以美元发行的ADR,来扩大潜在美国投资者群体。ADR以两种形式代表大约690家外国公司:一是在某个交易所挂牌交易的ADR,称为公司保荐形式;另一种是非保荐形式,这些ADR通常由投资银行持有并为其做市。这两种形式的ADR均可由个人投资和买卖,但报纸每天只报告保荐形式


财务分析外文翻译! 财务报表 报表要求 前面主要讨论了向外界提供的财务资料格式和用途,本章着重讨论的内容,浏览一下资产负债表,其项目如下: 现金主要是指在有偿付能力的银行中的活期存款。在会计期终止时补充的办公和工程备用基金也可包括在内。在职能分权的会计制度中,现金可以包括全部自有业务的各种分项工程银行存款,但是联合账户存款中属本公司的份额。如果不属本公司支配,可以不包括在内。现金不应该包括投标保证金或其它保证金以保证履行合同。也不应包括对雇员的预付款或对提款附加有种种限制的存款。在受货币限制的外国银行中的现金,只要它不超出公司对所在国货币的现金需求,也可视为现金。在建立银行现金明细表时,使存款现金与同一银行未清偿的各项贷款、抵押品、银行给予的最大担保信贷以及上年度的平均余额相符倒是个好主意。每份报告应包括现金预测,至少应在交给管理部门的报告中包括现金预侧。 应收款项可分成下列细目 1.核定的和到期的按进度付款的金额。 2.已开出但尚未核定的按进度付款的金额。 3.收益的金额和可即付的但开单当日实际未付的金额。 4.正在执行中的合同押金。 已完成的工程押金。 5. 6(如果把支付给分散经营的业务和合资企业的预付款看作应收款项,这些预付款应单独列表并单列科目放在资产负债表的首页。是否应将工程利润带来的产权当作应收款项还有争议。但一旦运用这种方式,就应该列出该项目。一般来说,最好

的做法是把合资企业的预付款和未分配的收益标明为“合资企业投资”,并加上适当的附注,说明投资的性质和合资企业的简要财务数据。 7(运转中的工程费用。当这些项目被看作应收账款时。只应列入某一特定工程按进度付款的已赚收益中的超额部分。如果按进度付款超过营业收益,这些费用应当作债务,如果资产负债表分为流动负债和非流动负债两类,这些费用应归人流动负债类。 8(各类销售、服务和保险赔偿金等应收款项 9(应付供应商和雇员的款项,明细附表应详细显示这些项目,当这些项目出自某一特定业务或与某一特定业务有关时,应将这些项目与该业务一并在明细表上标明。库存,从技术上讲,仅限于未拨用的材料,物资和备用件。有时把小工具归入物资类,有时单独列出。无论用那种形式,库存都应该在资产负债表的首页或明细附表中标明、购进的库存物资应按成本价或市场价,根据低的一种价格定价。对从工地归还到中心仓库的主要的旧材料(胶合板和金属模具)和小工具(气锤、钻头等)没有严格和固定的规则。标准处理方法是按成本价加10%将新材料“出售"给工程。当归还到中心仓库时,按原售价冲减so,记人工程账户,并在库存账户记人同样的数目。在下次“出售”给另一工程时,在前一工程的归还值上增加10,。归还时,再次重复这一手续,直到该物品不能用为止。丢失或残余价值微不足道可以不计。10,的加价系数用于弥补小修和仓储的费用。这种方法的另一种形式是指定回收估值而不是不断增加百分比,然而,这种方法需要有足够知识的人在每次回收物品时估值,这样做很麻烦,也不值得。但是,当这些物品出售给合资企业或成本加成工程时,肯定这种价格可以公平代表 材料或小型工具的价值是一种好做法。值得注意的是这种交易文件不能写得让国家把这种交易作为要交营业税的买卖。 财务报表的制订


中英文资料外文翻译 财务风险重要性分析 译文: 摘要:本文探讨了美国大型非金融企业从1964年至2008年股票价格风险的决定小性因素。我们通过相关结构以及简化模型,研究诸如债务总额,债务期限,现金持有量,及股利政策等公司财务特征,我们发现,股票价格风险主要通过经营和资产特点,如企业年龄,规模,有形资产,经营性现金流及其波动的水平来体现。与此相反,隐含的财务风险普遍偏低,且比产权比率稳定。在过去30年,我们对财务风险采取的措施有所减少,反而对股票波动(如独特性风险)采取的措施逐渐增加。因此,股票价格风险的记载趋势比公司的资产风险趋势更具代表性。综合二者,结果表明,典型的美国公司谨慎管理的财政政策大大降低了财务风险。因此,现在看来微不足道的剩余财务风险相对底层的非金融公司为一典型的经济风险。 关键词:资本结构;财务风险;风险管理;企业融资 1 绪论 2008年的金融危机对金融杠杆的作用产生重大影响。毫无疑问,向金融机构的巨额举债和内部融资均有风险。事实上,有证据表明,全球主要银行精心策划的杠杆(如通过抵押贷款和担保债务)和所谓的“影子银行系统”可能是最近的经济和金融混乱的根本原因。财务杠杆在非金融企业的作用不太明显。迄今为止,尽管资本市场已困在危机中,美国非金融部门的问题相比金融业的困境来说显得微不足道。例如,非金融企业破产机遇仅限于自20世纪30年代大萧条以来的最大经济衰退。事实上,非金融公司申请破产的事件大都发生在美国各行业(如汽车制造业,报纸,房地产)所面临的基本经济压力即金融危机之前。这令人惊讶的事实引出了一个问题“非金融公司的财务风险是如何重要?”。这个问题的核心是关于公司的总风险以及公司风险组成部分的各决定因素的不确定性。 最近在资产定价和企业融资再度引发的两个学术研究中分析了股票价格风险利


财务风险管理 尽管近年来金融风险大大增加,但风险和风险管理不是当代的主要问题。全球市场越来越多的问题是,风险可能来自几千英里以外的与这些事件无关的国外市场。意味着需要的信息可以在瞬间得到,而其后的市场反应,很快就发生了。经济气候和市场可能会快速影响外汇汇率变化、利率及大宗商品价格,交易对手会迅速成为一个问题。因此,重要的一点是要确保金融风险是可以被识别并且管理得当的。准备是风险管理工作的一个关键组成部分。 什么是风险? 风险给机会提供了基础。风险和暴露的条款让它们在含义上有了细微的差别。风险是指有损失的可能性,而暴露是可能的损失,尽管他们通常可以互换。风险起因是由于暴露。金融市场的暴露影响大多数机构,包括直接或间接的影响。当一个组织的金融市场暴露,有损失的可能性,但也是一个获利或利润的机会。金融市场的暴露可以提供战略性或竞争性的利益。 风险损失的可能性事件来自如市场价格的变化。事件发生的可能性很小,但这可能导致损失率很高,特别麻烦,因为他们往往比预想的要严重得多。换句话说,可能就是变异的风险回报。由于它并不总是可能的,或者能满意地把风险消除,在决定如何管理它中了解它是很重要的一步。识别暴露和风险形式的基础需要相应的财务风险管理策略。 财务风险是如何产生的呢? 无数金融性质的交易包括销售和采购,投资和贷款,以及其他各种业务活动,产生了财务风险。它可以出现在合法的交易中,新项目中,兼并和收购中,债务融资中,能源部分的成本中,或通过管理的活动,利益相关者,竞争者,外国政府,或天气出现。当金融的价格变化很大,它可以增加成本,降低财政收入,或影响其他有不利影响的盈利能力的组织。金融波动可能使人们难以规划和预算商品和服务的价格,并分配资金。 有三种金融风险的主要来源: 1、金融风险起因于组织所暴露出来的市场价格的变化,如利率、汇率、和大宗商品价格。 2、引起金融风险的行为有与其他组织的交易如供应商、客户,和对方在金融衍生产品中的交易。 3、由于内部行动或失败的组织,特别是人、过程和系统所造成的金融风险。 什么是财务风险管理? 财务风险管理是用来处理金融市场中不确定的事情的。它涉及到一个组织所面临的评估和组织的发展战略、内部管理的优先事项和当政策一致时的财务风险。企业积极应对金融风险可以使企业成为一个具有竞争优势的组织。它还确保管理,业务人员,利益相关者,董事会董事在对风险的关键问题达成协议。金融风险管理组织就必须作出那些不被接受的有关风险的决定。那些被动不采取行动的战略是在默认情况下接受所有的风险,组织使用各种策略和产品来管理金融风险。重要的是要了解这些产品和战略方面,通过工作来减少该组织内的风险承受能力和目标范围内的风险。 风险管理的策略往往涉及衍生工具。在金融机构和有组织的交易所,衍生物广泛地进行


Developing student competencies_ An integrated approach to a financial statement analysis project This paper presents an instructional resource for an integrated fi-nancial statement analysis project. The project requires a quantitative analysis of a company's financial statements and a written re-search report. The project is designed to develop students' critical thinking and analytical capabilities through the application of course concepts to a real company, while also providing opportunities to develop professional competencies. Following Anson's Instruc-tional Design Model (2007), the integrated project includes supporting activities, which are designed to aid students in achiev-ing the project's learning goals. The supporting activities include in-class instruction on financial ratios, a computer lab session on Excel, draft papers, peer reviews of writing, and paper revisions. The in-tegrated project also serves as an example of an assignment that is consistent with two recent education frameworks, the Inte-grated Competency-Based Framework (Lawson et al., 2014) and the AICPA Core Competency Framework (2015), which both advocate for increased integration of professional competencies within the ac-counting curriculum. Our instructional resource provides project instructions, supporting activities, as well as implementation guid-ance and a grading rubric. The paper discusses adaptations to tailor the project to various courses and audiences. The resources in this article are useful for instructors implementing a financial state-ment analysis project into accounting, finance, financial statement analysis and investment courses targeted at either the undergrad-uate or graduate levels.


本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译 Financial Risk Management Although financial risk has increased significantly in recent years, risk and risk management are not contemporary issues. The result of increasingly global markets is that risk may originate with events thousands of miles away that have nothing to do with the domestic market. Information is available instantaneously, which means that change, and subsequent market reactions, occur very quickly. The economic climate and markets can be affected very quickly by changes in exchange rates, interest rates, and commodity prices. Counterparties can rapidly become problematic. As a result, it is important to ensure financial risks are identified and managed appropriately. Preparation is a key component of risk management. What Is Risk? Risk provides the basis for opportunity. The terms risk and exposure have subtle differences in their meaning. Risk refers to the probability of loss, while exposure is the possibility of loss, although they are often used interchangeably. Risk arises as a result of exposure. Exposure to financial markets affects most organizations, either directly or indirectly. When an organization has financial market exposure, there is a possibility of loss but also an opportunity for gain or profit. Financial market exposure may provide strategic or competitive benefits. Risk is the likelihood of losses resulting from events such as changes in market prices. Events with a low probability of occurring, but that may result in a high loss, are particularly troublesome because they are often not anticipated. Put another way, risk is the probable variability of returns. Since it is not always possible or desirable to eliminate risk, understanding it is an important step in determining how to manage it.


广东工业大学华立学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 外文参考文献译文及原文 系部会计学系 专业会计学 年级 08级 班级名称 2008级会计(7)班 学号 14010807030 学生姓名吴智聪 2012年 2 月 9 日

目录 1. 外文译文 (1) 2. 外文原文 (5)

中小型企业财务管理中存在的问题及其对策中小型企业在中国经济发展中发挥着重要的作用。统计数据表明,在工商行政管理局登记在册的企业中,中小型企业占了99%,产值和利润分别占总额的60%和40%。此外,中小型企业所提供了75%的城镇就业机会。可见其为中国的稳定和经济繁荣作出了重要贡献。 虽然中小型企业在国民经济中占有重要地位,对中国经济发展与社会稳定具有很重大的意义。但是,中小型企业发展的主要障碍是缺乏有效的财务管理。本文分析了当前中小型企业财务管理中存在的问题,并就改善中小型企业财务管理提出了相应对策。 1.1 中小型企业的财务管理现状 自从21世纪以来,中国的中小型企业的蓬勃发展,在经济增长和社会发展中发挥着非常重要的作用。据财政部统计数据,直到2005年底,中小型企业总数已超过1000万,占中国企业总数的99%。中小型企业提供了75%的城镇就业机会,工业企业的总产值、销售收入、实现的利得税和出口额分别占总数的60%、57%、40%和60%,上缴的税收已经接近了国家税收总额的一半。中小型企业承载着超过75%的技术革新和超过65%的专利发明,他们以其灵活的经营机制和积极创新活动,为经济发展提供了增长的最根本动力。近年来,中国中小企业的消亡率将近70%,大约有30%的中小型企业存在赤字。中小型企业应该如何建立现代企业制度,加强财务管理,并科学地进行资本运作以谋求自身的健康发展,是我们密切关注的一个问题。 1.2 中小型企业财务管理中存在的问题 ⑴财务管理理念滞后,而且方法保守 中小型企业由于管理者自身知识水平的限制,使得企业的管理能力和管理质量较低。他们的管理思想已经不适合现代企业,并且大多数企业领导人缺乏财务管理的理论和方法,忽视了企业资本运作的作用。管理者既不重视财务事,也不参与企业政策的制定和相关管理活动。因此,财务管理无法发挥其应有职能,从而导致企业缺乏现代财务管理的理念,也无从去培训合格的财务人员。 ⑵财务管理工作基础薄弱,缺乏财务监督


附件1:外文资料翻译译文 财务报表分析 A.财务比率 我们需要使用财务比率来分析财务报表,比较财务报表的分析方法不能真正有效的得出想要的结果,除非采取的是研究在报表中项目与项目之间关系的形式。例如,只是知道史密斯公司在一个特定的日期中拥有10000美元的现金余额,对我们是没有多大价值的。但是,假如我们知道,这种余额在这种平衡中有4%的流动负债,而一年前的现金余额有25%的流动负债。由于银行家对公司通常要求现金余额保持在银行信用度的20%,不管使用或不使用,如果公司的财务状况出现问题,我们可以立即发现。 我们可以对比比较财务报表中的项目,作出如下结论: 1. 项目之间的资产负债表比较: a)在资产负债表中的一个日期之间的比较,例如项目,现金与流动负债相比; b)同一项目在资产负债表中一个日期与另一个日期之间的比较,例如,现在的现金与一年前比较; c)比较两个项目之间在资产负债表中一个日期和一个相似比率在资产负债表中的另一个日期的比率,例如,现在现金流动负债的比率与另一个项目一年前的相似比率和已经标记的现金状况趋势的比较。 2.项目报表中收入和支出的比较: a)一定时期中的报表项目的比较; b)同一项目在报表中现阶段与上个阶段的比较; c)报表中项目之间的比率与去年相似比率的比较; 3.资产负债表中的项目与报表中收入和支出项目的比较: a)在这些报表项目之间的一个给定的时间内,例如,今年净利润可能以百分比计算今年净值; b)两个报表中项目之间的比率在这几年时间的比较,例如,净利润的比率占今年净值的百分比与去年或者前年的相似比率的比较 如果我们采用上述比较或比率,然后依次比较它们,我们的比较分析结果将获得重要意义:


Financial Risk Management Although financial risk has increased significantly in recent years, risk and risk management are not contemporary issues. The result of increasingly global markets is that risk may originate with events thousands of miles away that have nothing to do with the domestic market. Information is available instantaneously, which means that change, and subsequent market reactions, occur very quickly. The economic climate and markets can be affected very quickly by changes in exchange rates, interest rates, and commodity prices. Counterparties can rapidly become problematic. As a result, it is important to ensure financial risks are identified and managed appropriately. Preparation is a key component of risk management. What Is Risk? Risk provides the basis for opportunity. The terms risk and exposure have subtle differences in their meaning. Risk refers to the probability of loss, while exposure is the possibility of loss, although they are often used interchangeably. Risk arises as a result of exposure. Exposure to financial markets affects most organizations, either directly or indirectly. When an organization has financial market exposure, there is a possibility of loss but also an opportunity for gain or profit. Financial market exposure may provide strategic or competitive benefits. Risk is the likelihood of losses resulting from events such as changes in market prices. Events with a low probability of occurring, but that may result in a high loss, are particularly troublesome because they are often not anticipated. Put another way, risk is the probable variability of returns. Since it is not always possible or desirable to eliminate risk,


会计信息质量在投资中的决策作用对私人信息和监测的影响 安妮比蒂,美国俄亥俄州立大学 瓦特史考特廖,多伦多大学 约瑟夫韦伯,美国麻省理工学院 1简介 管理者与外部资本的供应商信息是不对称的在这种情况下企业是如何影响金融资本 的投资的呢?越来越多的证据表明,会计质量越好,越可以减少信息的不对称和对融资成本的约束。与此相一致的可能性是,减少了具有更高敏感性的会计质量的公司的投资对内部产生的现金流量。威尔第和希拉里发现,对企业投资和与投资相关的会计质量容易不足,是容易引发过度投资的原因。 当投资效率低下时,会计的质量重要性可以减轻外部资本的影响,供应商有可能获得私人信息或可直接监测管理人员。通过访问个人信息与控制管理行为,外部资本的供应商可以直接影响企业的投资,降低了会计质量的重要性。符合这个想法的还有比德尔和希拉里的比较会计对不同国家的投资质量效益的影响。他们发现,会计品质的影响在于美国投资效益,而不是在日本。他们认为,一个可能的解释是不同的是债务和股权的美国版本的资本结构混合了SUS的日本企业。 我们研究如何通过会计质量灵敏度的重要性来延长不同资金来源对企业的投资现金 流量的不同影响。直接测试如何影响不同的融资来源会计,通过最近获得了债务融资的公司来投资敏感性现金流的质量的效果,债务融资的比较说明了对那些不能够通过他们的能力获得融资的没有影响。为了缓解这一问题,我们限制我们的样本公司有所有最近获得的债务融资和利用访问的差异信息和监测通过公共私人债务获得连续贷款的建议。我们承认,投资内部现金流敏感性可能较低获得债务融资的可能性。然而,这种可能性偏见拒绝了我们的假设。 具体来说,我们确定的数据样本证券公司有1163个采样公司(议会),通过发行资本公共债务或银团债务。我们限制我们的样本公司最近获得的债务融资持有该公司不断融资与借款。然而,在样本最近获得的债务融资的公司,也有可能是信号,在资本提供进入私人信息差异和约束他们放在管理中的行为。相关理论意味着减少公共债务持有人获取私人信息,因而减少借款有效的监测。在这些参数的基础上,我们预测,会计质量应该有一


毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:财务管理和财务分析 文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业:财务管理 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

外文翻译原文 Financial Management and Analysis is an introduction to the concepts,tools, and applications of finance. The purpose of this textbook is to communicate the fundamentals of financial management and financial analysis.This textbook is written in a way that will enable students who are just beginning their study of finance to understand financial decision-making and its role in the decision-making process of the entire firm. Throughout the textbook, you’ll see how we view finance.We see financial decision-making as an integral part of the firm’s decision-making, not as a separate function. Financial decision-making involves coordination among personnel specializing in accounting, marketing, and production aspects of the firm. The principles and tools of finance are applicable to all forms and sizes of business enterprises, not only to large corporations. Just as there are special problems and opportunities for small family-owned businesses(such as where to obtain financing), there are special problems and opportunities for large corporations (such as agency problems that arise when management of the firm is separated from the firm’s owners). But the fundamentals of financial management are the same regardless of the size or form of the business. For example, a dollar today is worth more than a dollar one year from today, whether you are making


中英文资料外文翻译 外文资料 Financial ?rm bankruptcy and systemic risk In Fall 2008 when the Federal Reserve and the Treasury injected $85 billion into the insurance behemoth American International Group (AIG), themoney lent to AIGwent straight to counterparties, and very few funds remained with the insurer. Among the largest recipients was Goldman Sachs, to whomabout $12 billionwas paid to undoAIG’s credit default swaps (CDSs). The bailout plan focused on repaying the debt by slowly selling off AIG’s assets, w ith no intention of maintaining jobs or allowing the CDSmarket to continue to function as before. Thus, the government’s effort to avoid systemic risk with AIG was mainly about ensuring that ?rms with which AIG had done business did not fail as a result. T he concerns are obviously greatest vis-a-vis CDSs, ofwhich AIG had over $400 billion contracts outstanding in June 2008. In contrast, the government was much less enthusiastic about aiding General Motors, presumably because they believed its failure would not cause major macroeconomic repercussions by imposing losses on related ?rms. This decision is consistent with the view in macroeconomic


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文对照外文翻译 附件:外文翻译译文 战略财务会计在中小企业 摘要:随着社会经济的发展和科学技术的进步,中国的企业在一个充满机会和危险的阶段。介绍了安全会计的含义和意义战略财务会计中存在的问题,阐述了财务策略进行小中型企业一起,最后提出了一些对策和原因。 关键词:中小企业的战略财务会计、问题、对策

一个企业的不确定性的金融环境其财务活动充满风险。除了机会,有许多的危险从时间,以时间,其财务会计。因此,它已经成为了成功的关键一个企业的财务会计是否能跟踪的趋势变化什么是有用的吸收。应当拒绝接受什么是有害的。战略会计思想是非常重要的在企业的财务会计,因为我们必须努力去分析和把握一般环境和发展一个企业的发展趋势,从而提高适应能力、可变性和适用性的金融中心会计不确定环境。目前,中小企业在100年通过了工商登记、以企业总数的90%。因此,其战略财务会计是特别重要的,这也是本论文的主题。 1 简介 战略性的财务会计是财务会计理论,根据该融资应该的在最适当的方式进行,采集到的资本必须利用和会计的最有效的方式虽然企业和决策和利润分配应该最合理。根据其内涵,总结三个主要内容的战略财务会计,包括融资策略,投资战略和利润分配决策策略。详情如下: 融资策略 高度发达的现代企业具有的销售急剧增长。当面对这样一种局势,企业倾向于有很大的要求从股票和应收账款是资本的提升。更大的为销售增长的张力,但更大的资本要求。因此,在融资策略都具有十分重要的意义战略会计财务。融资策略的功能在于明确的指导方针融资、铺设融资目标下,建立整体规模、融资渠道和方法,安排战略资本结构优化方案,从各方面对此作了相应的对策,以达到融资目标,最后预测和收集的大量资金的企业的需要。 投资策略 为核心的战略财务会计,这种策略决定一个企业只能分配它的首都资源合理而有效的方法。投资策略包括确认投资固定资产的方向、公司规模和资本规模、投资选择相关的外部扩张或内部扩张,改革旧的产品或开发新的、独立或联合操作,自有资金投资决定或贷款之间的百分比固定资产、流动资产、投资策略和风险和那些在通货膨胀。 利润分配决策策略 这个策略,包括会计资本收益和设立股份奖金分配制度,主要的交易一个企业比例,搁在长期底图在扩大规模、提高员工福利和自身的生活水平。利润分配决策战略旨在满足需求,对于资产资本的发展和改进企业的核心竞争力根据相关的投资


经营分析与估值 克雷沙·G.帕利普保罗·M.希利 摘自书籍“Business Analysis and Valuation”第五版第一章节 1.简介 本章的目的是勾勒出一个全面的财务报表分析框架。因为财务报表提供给公共企业经济活动最广泛使用的数据,投资者和其他利益相关者依靠财务报告评估计划企业和管理绩效率。 各种各样的问题可以通过财务状况及经营分析解决,如下面的示例所示: 一位证券分析师可能会对问:“我的公司有多好?这家公司是否符合我的期望?如果没有,为什么不呢?鉴于我对公司当前和未来业绩的评估,该公司的股票价值是多少?” 一位信贷员可能需要问:“这家公司贷款给这家公司有什么贷款?公司管理其流动性如何?公司的经营风险是什么?公司的融资和股利政策所产生的附加风险是什么?“ 一位管理顾问可能会问:“公司经营的行业结构是什么?该策略通过在工业各个企业追求的是什么?不同企业在行业中的相对表现是什么?” 公司经理可能会问:“我的公司是正确的估值的投资者吗?是我们在通信程序中有足够的投资者来促进这一过程?” 财务报表分析是一项有价值的活动,当管理者在一个公司的战略和各种体制因素完成后,他们不可能完全披露这些信息。在这一设置中,外部分析师试图通过分析财务报表数据来创建“中端信息”,从而获得有价值的关于该公司目前业绩和未来前景的展望。 了解财务报表分析所做的贡献,这是很重要的理解在资本市场的运作,财务报告的作用,形成财务报表制度的力量。因此,我们首先简要说明这些力量,然后我们讨论的步骤,分析师必须执行,以提取信息的财务报表,并提供有价值的预测。 2.从经营活动到财务报表 企业管理者负责从公司的环境中获取物理和财务资源,并利用它们为公司的投资者创造价值。当公司在资本成本的超额投资时,就创造了价值。管理者制定经营战略,实现这一目标,并通过业务活动实施。企业的经营活动受其经济环境和经营战略的影响。经济环境包括企业的产业、投入和产出的市场,以及公司经营的规章制度。公司的业务战略决定企业如何定位自己的环境中获得竞争优势。 2.1会计制度特点1:权责发生制会计 企业财务报告的基本特征之一是权责发生制,它们是以权责发生制而不是现金会计制备的。不像现金会计,权责发生制会计与经济交流活动和实际收付现金相关的成本和效益的记录之间的区别。净收益是应计制会计下的主要周期性业绩指标。计算净收入,生态影响的经济交易记录的基础上的预期,并不一定是


文献出处: Comell B., Financial risk control of Mergers and Acquisitions [J]. International Review of Business Research Papers, 2014, 7(2): 57-69. (声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。) 原文 Financial risk control of Mergers and Acquisitions Comell Abstract M&A plays a significant part in capital operation activities. M&A is not only important way for capital expansion, but also effective method for resource allocation optimization. In the world around, many firms gained high growth and great achievement through M&A transactions. The cases include: the merger between German company Daimler-Benz and U.S. company Chrysler, Wal-Mart’s acquisition for British company ADSA, Exxon’s merger with Mobil and so on. Keywords: Enterprise mergers and acquisitions; Risk identification; Risk control 1 Risk in enterprise mergers and acquisitions May encounter in the process of merger and acquisition risk: financial risk, asset risk, labor risk, market risk, cultural risk, macro policy risk and risk of laws and regulations, etc. 1. 1 Financial risk Refers to the authenticity of corporate financial statements by M&A and M&A enterprises in financing and operating performance after the possible risks. Financial statements is to evaluate and determine the trading price in acquisition of important basis, its authenticity is very important to the whole deal. False statements beautify the financial and operating conditions of the target enterprise, and even the failing companies packing perfectly. Whether the financial statements of the listed companies or unlisted companies generally exists a certain degree of moisture, financial reporting risk reality In addition, the enterprise because of mergers and acquisitions may face risks, such as shortage of funds, a decline in margins has adverse effects on the

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