当前位置:文档之家› 不确定性规避





Chinese Proverb

Beforehand preparation leads to success; unpreparness results in failure.


The past is as clear as a mirror, the future as dark as lacquer.


American Proverb

The future is c alled“perhaps,”which is the only possible thing to call the future.

未来可以被称作“可能”,那是唯一可以用来称呼未来的词汇。In these matters the only certainty is that nothing is certain.



Dialogue 1

There are a number of ways one’s uncertainty avoidance orientation may manifest itself in interaction. In the dialogue presented below, Kelly and Chang are interacting about a dinner invitation. Kelly, from the United States, possesses a relatively weak uncertainty avoidance index, while Chang, a Chinese, comes from a culture with a relatively strong uncertainty avoidance index.

不确定性规避的方式表现在交流中的各个方面,在下面的这个对话中,Kelly和Chang 正在谈邀请别人吃晚餐的事情。Kelly是美国人,美国文化的不确定性规避指数较低;Chang 是中国人,中国文化的不确定性规避指数较高。

Chang: Hey, Kelly, let’s do something tonight.

Kelly: All right.

Chang: Please come over to my house and I’ll cook dinner for you.

Kelly: I have invited some friends over to my house for dinner tonight, but I don’t know if they’re coming.

Chang: Well ... as soon as you know if they re coming, let me know.

Kelly: I won’t know until tonight.

Chang: What time?

Kelly: I won’t know until they call me. They’ll probably call later this afternoon.

Chang: How will you know whether or not to cook enough for everyone?

Kelly: Oh, I’ll make up something on the spot. I like to cook. I’ll whip up something fast.

Chang: But ... what if they don t come? Won’t they call and let you know?

Kelly: No ... if they don t come, I’ll know that something else came up. I’ll let you know as soon as I can.

Chang: Maybe we should plan my dinner for some other night.














In the above dialogue, Chang is confused by Kelly’s easy going attitude toward the evening’s plans. Coming from a strong-uncertainty-avoidant culture, Chang would prefer to plan ahead to avoid uncertainty and prepare her script for the evening. Kelly, on the other hand, is perfectly comfortable making plans based on how the evening progresses. Without a plan, how will Chang know how to act?

在上面这段对话中,Kelly对晚上的安排模棱两可,这让Chang感到很不理解。Chang 所在的文化具有较强的不确定性规避习惯,因此,Chang喜欢事先做好打算,做好晚上的安排。Kelly正好相反,他可以根据事态的发展,再做出晚上的安排。没有计划,Chang会感到无所适从。


The United States is a country with low uncertainty avoidance; while China is a country with a comparativetly high uncertaity avoidance.



Uncertainty A voidance

At the core of uncertainty avoidance the inescapable truism is that the future is unknown. Though we may all try, none of us can accurately predict the next moment, day, year, or decade. As the term is used by Hofsted, uncertainty avoidance“defines the extent to which people within a culture are made nervous by situations which they perceive as unstructured, unclear, or unpredictable, situations which they therefore try to avoid by maintaining strict codes of behavior and a belief in absolute truths.”



High-Uncertainty A voidance

High-Uncertainty avoidance try to avoid uncertainty and ambiguity by providing stability for their members, establishing more formal rules, not tolerating deviant ideas and behaviors, seeking consensus, and believing in absolute truths. They are also characterized by a higher level of anxiety and stress: People think of the uncertainty inherent in life as a continuous hazard that must be avoided. There is a strong need for written rules, planning, regulations, rituals, and ceremonies, which add structure to life. Nations with a strong uncertainty-avoidance tendency are Portugal,

Greece, Peru, Belgium, and Japan. (see Table)



Low-Uncertainty A voidance

On the contrary, we find countries like Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, the United States, Finland, and the Netherlands have a low-uncertainty avoidance need. They more easily accept the uncertainty inherent in life and are not as threatened by deviant people and ideas, so they tolerate the unusual. They prize initiative, dislike the structure associated with hierarchy, and more willing to take risks, are more flexible, think that there should be as few rules as possible, and depend not so much on experts as on themselves. As a whole, members of low-uncertainty avoidance cultures are less tense and more relaxed - traits reflected in the Irish proverb“Life should be a dance, not a race.”



Differences in uncertainty avoidance affect intercultural communication. In a classroom composed of children from weak, uncertainty avoidance cultures we might expect to see students feeling comfortable in unstructured learning situations and students also being rewarded for innovative approaches to problem solving.



Dialogue 2

In the following intercultural conversations, we see assertive communicating style can help in uncertainty reduction. In the first conversation, we see Lee, who is from China, interacting with Daniel, who is from Ukraine. Lee seems unassertive and unresponsive. In the second conversation, we see Jim, who is from the United States, interacting with Foday, who is from Sierre Leone. In comparison to Lee, Jim seems assertive and responsive. Jim’s assertiveness and responsiveness help him reduce uncertainty about Foday and Sierre Leone.


Scene 1

Daniel: Hi, I’m Daniel.

Lee: Oh, hi.

Daniel: What’s your name?

Lee: Lee Dong.

Daniel: Hi, Lee.

Lee: Hi.

Daniel: I’m not from here. I’m from Ukraine.

Lee: Oh.

Daniel: Y ou’ve heard of it?

Lee: Ah, yeah, I think so.

Daniel: Ukraine is in Eastern Europe, between Poland and Russia.

Lee: Oh.

Daniel: Y eah. Have you ever been to Europe?

Lee: Y eah, but I was pretty young at that time.

Daniel: It must have been quite an experience, though.

Lee: Ah ... do you know what time it is?

Daniel: It s about 3 o clock.

Lee: I have to go now. Bye.

Daniel: Bye, Lee, nice meeting you.





Lee: Lee Dong.
















Scene 2

Jim: Hi, I’m Jim. I don’t believe we’ve met.

Foday: Hello, Jim, I’m Foday.

Jim: Hi, Foday,swheresare you from?

Foday: I’m from Sierre Leone.

Jim: Oh r eally?swheresis Sierre Leone? I know it’s on the African continent, but I’m not sure


Foday: It’s on the western coast between Guinea and Liberia.

Jim: Oh, toward the north? How big is it?

Foday: Y es, that’s right. We’re about the size of your California.

Jim: That’s interesting. What kind of government do you have in Sierre Leone?

Foday: We have a constitutional democracy.

Jim: Is that based on English law?

Foday: Y es.

Jim: Who’s the president, and how long a term does he serve?

Foday: His name is Ahmad Tejan Kabbah. He is elected for a five-year term.

Jim: Oh yeah ... I think I’ve heard of him. By the way, you speak English very well. Is that your official language?

Foday: English is the official language of my country, but it is only spoken by a literate minority of about 20 percent of the population.

Jim: Really? What language does the other 80 percent speak?

Foday: People in the north speak a vernacular language called Temme, while those in the south speak Mende.

Jim: Th at’s fascinating. I suspect that most citizens are Muslim?

Foday: About 60 percent are Muslim, with about 20 percent Christian. The other 20 percent or so vary.

Jim: I understand that mining is a major industry in Sierre Leone. I hear you mine diamonds.

Foday: Y es, they are a big export. But many people live by simple subsistence farming like my father.

Jim: Foday, it has been really nice meeting you. I’d like to introduce you to my wife. She’s over there.

Foday: Thank you, I’d like to meet her.




Jim: Foday,你是哪儿人?











Foday:他叫Ahmad Tejan Kabbah,任期5年。









Jim: Foday,很高兴能够认识你,我想让你认识一下我妻子,她在那边。


In comparing the two conversations, notice how much more uncertainty Jim reduces in his short conversation with Foday than Lee does with Daniel. Jim is assertive in initiating conversation with Foday. Lee, on the other hand, says very little even when prompted by Daniel. Daniel is probably more uncertain about Lee after the conversation that before. His lack of assertiveness and responsiveness probably leaves a negative impression with Daniel.

比较这两则对话,你就会发现,Jim通过简短的谈话增进了对Foday的了解;而在Lee 和Daniel的对话中却没有做到这一点。Jim能够积极主动地推动与Foday的谈话。与此相反,Lee却没有积极地参与谈话,Daniel虽然做出推动谈话的努力,但是Lee没有积极配合。两个人谈话结束之后,Daniel可能更加对Lee捉摸不透了。Lee的冷漠可能给他留下了坏印象。


Assessing Y our Uncertainty Orientation

The purpose of this questionnaire is to help you assess your orientation toward uncertainty. Respond to each statement indicating the degree to which it is true regarding the way you typically respond:“Always False”(answer),“Usually False”(answer 2),“Sometimes False and Sometimes True”(answer 3),“Usually True”(answer 4), or“Always True”(answer 5).

1. I do not compare myself with others.

2. If given a choice, I pr efer to go somewhere new rather than somewhere I’ve been before.

3. I reject ideas that are different than mine.

4. I try to resolve inconsistencies in beliefs I hold.

5. I am not interested in finding out information about myself.

6. When I obtain new information, I try to integrate it with information I already have.

7. I hold traditional beliefs.

8. I evaluate people on their own merit without comparing them to others.

9. I hold inconsistent views of myself.

10. If someone suggests an opinion that is different than mine, I do not reject it before I consider it.

To find you score, first reverse the responses for the odd numbered items (i.e., if you wrote 1, make it 5; if you wrote 2, make it 4; if you wrote 3, leave it as 3; if you wrote 4, make it 2; if you wrote 5, make it 1). Next, add the numbers next to each statement. Scores range from 10 to 50. The higher you score, the greater your uncertainty orientation.


P38 低不确定性规避与高不确定性规 避 Uncertainty Avoidance 不确定性规避指的是人们忍受模糊或者感到模糊和不确定性威胁的程度。根据霍夫斯特的调查研究,不确定性规避度在不同的国家会有不同的体现。不确定性规避度高的国家,如亚洲国家,会尽量去避免不确定的和模淩两可的东西,制定更多的正式的规则,不喜欢非同寻常的想法和做法,寻求一致。人们认为生活中充满了可能发生的危险,对于书面的规定、计划、规则有着强烈的要求,依次来使生活有规

则。 相反,在不确定性规避较低的国家,如美国、瑞典、丹麦、芬兰等,人们会容易地接受生活中的不稳定性,容易接受非同寻常的想法和做法。他们喜欢创新,喜欢冒险,不喜欢循规蹈矩,不喜欢等级分明的社会制度。 日本是不确定性规避较高的国家,(严谨)而美国是不确定性规避较低的国家。(随性)

不确定性规避的表现 通常可以从对规则的诉求愿望、对具体指令的依赖、对计划的执行程度去考虑。一些文化中的雇员推崇明确,并非常乐意接到其主管的具体指令。这些雇员具有高度的不确定性规避,并偏好于回避工作中的模棱两可,别处的雇员则以相反方式进行反应,因为模棱两可并未威胁到他们对稳定和安全的较低需要。这些雇员中甚至可能会对工作中的不确定性如鱼得水。 不确定性规避倾向影响一个组织使其活动结构化需要的程度,也就是

影响到一个组织对风险的态度。在一个高不确定性规避的组织中,组织就越趋向建立更多的工作条例、流程或规范以应付不确定性,管理也相对是以工作和任务指向为主,管理者决策多为程序化决策。在一个弱不确定性规避的组织中,很少强调控制,工作条例和流程规范化和标准化程度较低。 在任何一个社会中,人们对于不确定的、含糊的、前途未卜的情境,都会感到面对的是一种威胁,从而总是试图加以防止。防止的方法很多,例如提供更大的职业稳定性,订立更多的正规条令,不允许出现越轨的思


《关于不确定性的主题文献综述》 小组成员:李德艳1112038 李慧敏1112040 李文达1112044

目录 一.概念界定,内涵阐述 .................................. 错误!未定义书签。 二.工作中会涉及到不确定性的人员 .............. 错误!未定义书签。 三.不确定性分类 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。四.不确定性分析 ........................................... 错误!未定义书签。五.雇佣关系中不确定性可以从哪几个角度体现错误!未定义书签。六.综述............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 1.Hofstede .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2.Gelet kanycz ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.奈特(Knight) ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。 4.科斯的不确定性理论 .............................. 错误!未定义书签。 5.威廉姆森的不确定性理论 ...................... 错误!未定义书签。 6.我们的想法 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。


商务专题研究论文 论文题目:Study on Uncertainty Avoidance 学院:应用外语学院 年级:2013级 专业:商务英语 班级: 2 班 小组成员:李婷徐惠茵史敬荣刘越辛晨史一倩指导教师:张知博 2016 年 12 月 14 日

Abstract Uncertainty avoidance is one of five key qualities or dimensions measured by the researchers who developed the Hofstede model of cultural dimensions to quantify cultural differences across international lines and better understand why some ideas and business practices work better in some countries than in others. This thesis will analyze some phenomenon based on uncertainty avoidance and help us to communicate with others better in some cross-cultural international situation. Key words uncertainty avoidance; cultural differences;challenges

Contents Abstract (1) Introduction (1) 2 Theory Framework (1) 3Literature Review (2) 4 Case Analysis (3) 5 Conclusion (4)


不确定性规避 PROVERB谚语 Chinese Proverb Beforehand preparation leads to success; unpreparness results in failure. 凡事预则立,不预则废。 The past is as clear as a mirror, the future as dark as lacquer. 过去像镜子一样明亮,未来像漆器一样黑暗。 American Proverb The future is c alled“perhaps,”which is the only possible thing to call the future. 未来可以被称作“可能”,那是唯一可以用来称呼未来的词汇。In these matters the only certainty is that nothing is certain. 在这些事情方面,唯一确定的是什么都不确定。 INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE跨文化对话 Dialogue 1 There are a number of ways one’s uncertainty avoidance orientation may manifest itself in interaction. In the dialogue presented below, Kelly and Chang are interacting about a dinner invitation. Kelly, from the United States, possesses a relatively weak uncertainty avoidance index, while Chang, a Chinese, comes from a culture with a relatively strong uncertainty avoidance index. 不确定性规避的方式表现在交流中的各个方面,在下面的这个对话中,Kelly和Chang 正在谈邀请别人吃晚餐的事情。Kelly是美国人,美国文化的不确定性规避指数较低;Chang 是中国人,中国文化的不确定性规避指数较高。 Chang: Hey, Kelly, let’s do something tonight. Kelly: All right. Chang: Please come over to my house and I’ll cook dinner for you. Kelly: I have invited some friends over to my house for dinner tonight, but I don’t know if they’re coming. Chang: Well ... as soon as you know if they re coming, let me know. Kelly: I won’t know until tonight. Chang: What time? Kelly: I won’t know until they call me. They’ll probably call later this afternoon. Chang: How will you know whether or not to cook enough for everyone? Kelly: Oh, I’ll make up something on the spot. I like to cook. I’ll whip up something fast. Chang: But ... what if they don t come? Won’t they call and let you know? Kelly: No ... if they don t come, I’ll know that something else came up. I’ll let you know as soon as I can. Chang: Maybe we should plan my dinner for some other night. Chang:嗨,Kelly,今天晚上咱们一起做点什么吧。 Kelly:好啊。 Chang:来我们家吧,我给你做饭。 Kelly:今天我已经请了几个朋友到我家吃饭,但我还不知道他们去不去。 Chang:呃…如果你有了确切的消息,就告诉我。

低不确定性规避与高不确定性规避(doc X页)

低不确定性规避与高不确定性规避(doc X页)P38 低不确定性规避与高不确定性规 避 Uncertainty Avoidance 不确定性规避指的是人们忍受模 糊或者感到模糊和不确定性威胁的程 度。根据霍夫斯特的调查研究,不确定 性规避度在不同的国家会有不同的体 现。不确定性规避度高的国家,如亚洲 国家,会尽量去避免不确定的和模淩两 可的东西,制定更多的正式的规则,不 喜欢非同寻常的想法和做法,寻求一 致。人们认为生活中充满了可能发生 的危险,对于书面的规定、计划、规则 有着强烈的要求,依次来使生活有规 则。 相反,在不确定性规避较低的国家,如 美国、瑞典、丹麦、芬兰等,人们会容 易地接受生活中的不稳定性,容易接受 非同寻常的想法和做法。他们喜欢创 新,喜欢冒险,不喜欢循规蹈矩,不喜 欢等级分明的社会制度。 日本是不确定性规避较高的国家,(严

谨)而美国是不确定性规避较低的国家。(随性) 通常可以从对规则的诉求愿望、 对具体指令的依赖、对计划的执行程度去考虑。一些文化中的雇员推崇明确,并非常乐意接到其主管的具体指令。这些雇员具有高度的不确定性规避,并偏好于回避工作中的模棱两可,别处的雇员则以相反方式进行反应,因为模棱两可并未威胁到他们对稳定和安全的较低需要。这些雇员中甚至可能会对工作中的不确定性如鱼得水。 不确定性规避倾向影响一个组织 使其活动结构化需要的程度,也就是 影响到一个组织对风险的态度。在一个高不确定性规避的组织中,组织就 越趋向建立更多的工作条例、流程或规范以应付不确定性,管理也相对是 以工作和任务指向为主,管理者决策 多为程序化决策。在一个弱不确定性规避的组织中,很少强调控制,工作条例和流程规范化和标准化程度较低。在任何一个社会中,人们对于不


从不确定性规避理论看中西跨文化交际的心态调整 关于跨文化交际与身份问题的研究成为当代跨文化比较研究的核心问题之一。跨文化交际不仅深化了人们对自我文化与异质文化之间差异的认知,同时也促使人们更理性的去审视自我文化;当人们发现自己的文化处于强势的时候,通常会淡弱身份的差异,主张文化的普世性和身份的共同性,尽量淡化个体文化和民族身份,倡导全球公民身份意识;当人们发现自己所依赖的文化处于被支配或弱势地位的时候,人们会本能的从文化“维模”性角度来保护自我文化的完整性和高尚地位,在焦虑和不确定性的支配和影响下对异文化产生复杂的心态:回避、否定、接近或融入等。这样的过程也是对自我身份归属的考虑过程。 一、跨文化交际需要更多维度的身份模式 从当前的研究来看,关于身份问题的研究主要有三个:Cupach和Imahori的身份管理理论(identity management theory IMT,1993),Ting-Toomey提出的身份协商理论(identity negotiation theory INT,1993)以及Collier和Thomas(1988)文化身份理论,三种理论分别从身份与交际能力发展,身份互动与多重身份的管理与调适,文化与身份发展关系角度进行阐释,同时前两者的研究者中的Imahori和Ting-Toomey具有东亚文化背景而提出了身份问题必然会和面子以及关系相关联,身份的协商或管理的过程本身就是面子的协商与管理的过程。事实上,身份问题最初在美国引起轰动最主要是因为它多元文化背景的移民问题而引发的对美国主流文化的遵从和认同问题,是在本族裔文化与所在国美国文化的冲突互动中的文化归属的选择问题上的思考,文化身份根本上来说就是民族身份,社会身份体现的是关系身份,而个人身份体现的个体在跨文化交往中的对他人视野中的自我期待,所有这些身份都必然受到个体的文化背景,他者的文化特征以及当下的社会文化气候。随着全球化的发展,从西方,特别是美国文化立场下研究跨文化交际与身份问题已经显得力不从心,越来越多的东方文化因素融入到世界文化交流的大潮中,面子理论的发展只是一个开始。当学者们还在为如何解释和划分世界不同文化价值模式或维度而争议的时候,东亚以中国儒家文化为代表的文化特征已经走入了很多跨文化研究者的视野。Gudykunst 就曾经明确提出要加强对东亚文化的研究,因为她与西方的文化差异太明显,很多西方的跨文化理论不能适应。在中国文化关系研究小组的研究中提出了著名的“儒家文化动力”,这一文化价值维度从东方视角丰富了跨文化交际中的文化价值维度研究理论。基于对该问题的思考和中西文化的对比,笔者认为跨文化研究中的身份体系建构必然有东方文化视角,而道德问题必然不可忽视。 二、脸与面子:道德与社会身份的两个侧面 东方文化倡导道德的重要性。有学者(胡适)提出中国人注重两样东西:面子和脸。面子反应的是社会关系和地位的范畴,是身份和地位的象征;而脸是一个道德的范畴,是个体尊严和社会价值期待的问题。道德普遍存在于各个文化之中,但无论是形式还是内容都存在很大的区别。道德观是价值观体系中的重要的内容,特别在中西方视野下对道德的感知因为受到文化价值观的影响而呈现很大的差异。研究从道德的价值对比分析出发,提出基于社会价值取向和期待的不同而形成的不同的道德观对个体和社会形成了身份期待和身份模型,在跨文化交际中,这样的身份共识容易促使个体道德身份产生一定的变化:从道德身份无意识到道德身份困惑,到道德身份的调整与期待,直至最后的新的道德身份的形成和确认。从一定程度上来讲,道德身份就是在文化身份和社会身份影响形成的新的社会文化意义上的个人

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