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Diction in translation 遣词用字

Diction in translation  遣词用字
Diction in translation  遣词用字

Diction in translation遣词用字

1、Definition of diction

By “diction” we mean the proper choice of words and phrases in the target language on the basis of accurate comprehension of the source language text.

2、Correspondence between English and Chinese

?Full correspondence

?No equivalents

?One word with multiple equivalents

–Of the same meaning

–Of different meanings

1)Full correspondence

?minibus = 微型汽车(面包车)the United Nations = 联合国

?the Pacific Ocean = 太平洋helicopter = 直升飞机

2)No equivalents

?New sci-tech words

–plumber 特工mascon 物质聚积

–chain-smoker 烟鬼hit 引起轰动的事物

3)One word with multiple equivalents of the same meaning(love)


One word with multiple equivalents of different meanings



–I am a man now.

–Any man can do it.

–The rights of man should be respected.

–You can stay in the same room if you are man and wife.

3、How to judge the meaning

?from the part of speech

?from the collocation

?from the context

?from the syntax

1)Part of speech

?He saw a man sawing trees with a saw.他看见一个人正用锯子锯树。

?Needing some light to see by, the burglar crossed the room with a light step to light the light with the light green shade.那个贼轻手轻脚的穿过房间,点亮了那盏有浅绿色灯罩的灯,以便照亮。?Eat what you can and can what you cannot.能吃的吃掉,吃不掉的就做成罐头。

?I don’t like it when she tells me how to do things.

?From what you say, she sounds like the right person for the job.

?Running, swimming and like sports are all her hobbies.

?Do you make bread like you make cakes?

?Will we ever see the like of Mozart again?(诸如此类)

?Like knows like. 英雄识英雄


? a fast car 速度很快的车

?the fast growth 迅速发展

?fast music 节奏快的音乐

? a fast journey 行程紧凑的一次旅行

?fast color 不易褪掉的颜色

? a fast film 快速感光胶卷

? a fast oven 烤箱

?fast asleep 熟睡的

?break one’s fast 开斋

?stick fast in the mud 牢牢地陷在泥巴里

?delicate skin

?delicate porcelain

?delicate upbringing

?delicate health

?delicate stomach

?delicate diplomatic question

?delicate difference

?delicate surgical operation

?delicate ear for music

?delicate touch

?delicate food




?This war is becoming the most important story of his generation. 这场战争将成为这一代人的最重大的事件。

?It is quite another story now. 现在的情况完全不同了。

?Some reporters who were not included in the sessions broke the story.有些没有参加那次会议的记者把内情捅出去了.

?The Marry story is one of the saddest. 玛丽的遭遇算最惨的了。

? A young man came to the police station with a story.一个年轻人来到警察局报案.

?Last December, the Post first reported that probes were being made in each of those cities, but officials refused to confirm the story. 去年12月,《邮报》首先报道侦察工作已在那些城市里进行,但官员们拒绝证实这条消息。

?The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American TV.对他的报道越来越少了,不久他就从美国电视上销声匿迹了。

?Tell me the story of what happened to you.告诉我发生在你身上的一切事情。

?The story of the opera was printed in the program.这曲戏的故事情节印在了节目单上。

?He is the last man to come.

?He is the last man to do it.他绝对不会干那件事。

?He is the last person for such a job.他最不配干这个工作。

?He should be the last to blame.

?This is the last place where I expected to see you.我怎么也没料到会在这个地方见到你。


再如“take (off)这一动词:

1) To take off her boots or to put them on was an agony to her, but it had been an agony for years. 脱鞋或穿鞋对她是一种痛苦,但这已是多年来的痛苦了。

?The flyers practiced taking off time after time from this restricted space.


3)took the brake off松开刹车took 20 percent off优惠百分之二十


?agreement同意an agreement协定

?people人民 a people民族




?He served me with a kind of coffee.

?He served me with coffee of a kind.

?Give me a glass for wine.

?Give me a glass of wine.

?He is not a fool.

?He is no fool.

?I ask you nothing.

?I ask you for nothing.

?I know him.

?I know of him. (听说过)

?He simply spoke.(只不过)

?He spoke simply.

?May we meet again!

?We may meet again.


?She showered us with letters. 她的信件纷至沓来。

?The government left its policy open to various interpretations. 政府听任人们对其政策作各种诠释。?To see his likeness perpetuated in marble is to me today a sad but pleasing sensation. 今天,看到他的大理石雕像树立起来了,我悲喜交集。(perpetuate保存)

Her irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night. 更深夜静,美景宜人,她的烦恼不禁烟消云散。(Withstand 顶住,耐得起)

?The longest life and the shortest amount to the same,for the present is of equal duration for all, and what we lose is not ours. 最长寿和最短暂的人生是相同的,因为眼前的时间对所有人来说都一样长,时间一旦失去就不再属于我们。

?As Caesar loved me, I weep for him; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honor him; but as he was ambitious, I slew him. There are tears for his love; joy for his fortune; honor for his valor; and death for his ambition.

?因为凯撒爱我,我为他哭泣;因为他幸运,我为他高兴;因为他英勇,我对他崇拜;但因为他有野心,我就刺杀了他。我用眼泪回报他的爱;用欢乐庆祝他的幸运;用崇拜纪念他的英勇;而用刺杀制止他的野心。?Slay : slew; slain 残杀;谋杀

?I now have an alternative to complaining. When I'm bored with my life, I take my pencils out in the back yard and doodle for an hour, trying to sketch trees that look like trees.




I love my love with an E, because she's enticing; I hate her with an E, because she's engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name's Emily, and she lives in the east. (Dickens, David Copperfield)


我爱我的爱人为了一个E,因为她是Enticing (迷人的);我恨我的爱人为了一个E, 因为她是Engaged (订了婚的)。

我用我的爱人象征Exquisite (美妙),我劝我的爱人从事Elopement (私奔),她的名字是Emily (爱弥丽),她的住处在East (东方)。(董秋斯)

I love my love with an E, because she's enticing; I hate her with an E, because she's engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name's Emily, and she lives in the east. (Dickens, David Copperfield)



I love my love with an E, because she's enticing; I hate her with an E, because she's engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name's Emily, and she lives in the east. (Dickens, David Copperfield)



I love my love with an E, because she's enticing; I hate her with an E, because she's engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name's Emily, and she lives in the east. (Dickens, David Copperfield)





附录二十大话题 教育类(education) https://www.doczj.com/doc/713324520.html,pulsory education 义务教育 2. vocational education 职业教育 3. academic performance 学业表现 4. non-academic affairs 与学习无关的事情 5. puppy/ calf love 早恋 6. corporal punishment 体罚 7. tuition fee 学费 8. parents’ supervision 父母的监督 9. individual tutorship 个人辅导 10. turning point 转折点 11. the pursuit of knowledge 对知识的追求 12. maintain / disrupt classroom order 维护、扰乱课堂秩序 13. coeducational /single sex establishment 男女共校、单一性别学校 14. generation gap 代沟 15. indulge in 沉迷(表示“溺爱” 后面直接加宾语) 16. play truant 逃学 17. school shootings 校园枪击 18. broaden one’s horizons 开阔视野 19. the hardship and bitterness of life 生活的艰辛和苦难 20. appropriate advice and guidance 恰当的建议和指导 21. cultivate independence 培养独立性 22. a good habit of frugality 节约的好习惯 23. distinguish right from wrong 明辨是非 24. shoulder the responsibility of 肩负…… 的责任 25. be prone to do 容易做某事 26. go astray 误入歧途 27. violate social conventions and laws 违反社会习俗和法律 28. cast a shadow on one’s heart 在心中留下阴影 29. resist the temptation of 抵制……的诱惑 30. interpersonal skills 人际交往的技巧 31. peer pressure 同辈的压力 32. formative years 性格形成期 33. physically and emotionally immature 身心不成熟 34. a sense of superiority 优越感 35.socially adaptable 能适应社会的 36. adjust teaching methods 调整教学方法 37. exert a negative impact on 产生消极影响 38. juvenile crime=juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪juvenile delinquent 青少年犯罪者 39. a sense of belonging 归属感 40. qualified and experienced teachers 称职、有经验的老师 41. first class teaching facilities 一流的教学设施 42. education reform 教育改革 科技类(science and technology) 1.artificial intelligence 人工智能(artificial 人工的、人造的、非天然的) 2.side effects 副作用 3.technological revolution 科技革命


新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程2 1至7单元课后翻译答案总结 IA:她连水都不愿意喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn’t take a drink , much less would she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him , whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎样解释? How do you account for the fact you have been late every day this week? 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due to their new market strategy. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率得提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project , so we have to carry on. IIA: 尽管她是家里的独生女,他父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in the family , her parents never baby her .


四种翻译方法 1.直译和意译 所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式——特别指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等。 每一个民族语言都有它自己的词汇、句法结构和表达方法。当原文的思想内容与译文的表达形式有矛盾不宜采用直译法处理时,就应采用意译法。意译要求译文能正确表达原文的内容,但可以不拘泥与原文的形式。(张培基) 应当指出,在再能确切的表达原作思想内容和不违背译文语言规范的条件下,直译有其可取之处,一方面有助于保存原著的格调,另一方面可以进新鲜的表达方法。 Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original. When the original coincides or almost tallies with the Chinese language in the sequence of vocabulary, in grammatical structure and rhetorical device, literal translation must be used. Free translation is also called liberal translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word order of the original.(郭著章) 直译法是指在不违背英语文化的前提下,在英译文中完全保留汉语词语的指称意义,求得内容和形式相符的方法。


写作高级词汇替换 ★形容词: 1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的:popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive 1.Everywhere 普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant 2.Good 好的Beneficial、Advantageous 3.Harmful 有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful 4.Rich 富有的Wealthy、Affluent 5.Poor 贫穷的Impoverished 7.Serious 严重的Severe 8.Obvious 明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident 9.cheap 便宜的Economical、Inexpensive ★动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7. 认为:think = assert= hold = claim = argue 8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize 11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten 1.Improve 提高:Promote、Advance、Enhance 2.change 改变:Transform 3.Emphasize 强调:Highlight、Stress、Address(这是个9星级用法) 4.Develop培养:Agriculture、Cultivate、Nurture 5.Break 破坏:Impair、Undermine这两个词指的是抽象意义上的破坏Jeopardize、Devastate 6.Keep 保存Preserve、Conserve 保护资源 7.deal With解决Tackle、Address(这也是高难度用法,很牛)、Resolve 8.need 需要Require、necessitate、call for ★名词: 1. 影响:influence= impact 2. 危险:danger = perils =hazard


附录:雅思写作必备词汇 一.同经济有关的词汇 extravagant 浪费的,奢侈的throw money into thin air 浪费钱 squander v. 浪费:If we squander our fossil fuels, we threaten civilization. lavish v. 浪费:lavish time and money on pets We have to economize on water during the dry season. dear,luxurious 豪华的,money-consuming 浪费钱的,precious,valuable destitute 贫穷的impoverished 贫穷的(名词形式为impoverishment)poverty-stricken 贫穷的poor needy 贫穷的,缺乏生活必需品的: They collected money to help the needy children. poverty line 贫穷线,贫困线 a lucrative investment profitable 赚钱的,盈利的wealthy be short of insufficient 不足的,不够的:The food is insufficient for our needs. lack n&vt缺乏,be lacking in:She is lacking in responsibility. run out of 用完scarcity n.缺乏,不足:The scarcity of food was caused by the drought. There is a shortage of oil in this country. asset n.资产 a tight budget 资金/预算紧张financial aid 经济资助financial/economic burden经济负担financial strain 资金紧张government revenue 政府税收foreign currency 外汇taxpayer 纳税人 有限的公共资金income 收入hard-earned money 辛苦挣来的钱 consumer goods 消费品consumption n. 消费(consume v.) expenditure n.花费,支出 beggar pauper=beggar homeless 无家可归的laid-off workers 下岗工人jobless 失业的;失业者 charity 慈善(形容词为charitable)healthcare 医疗保健starvation=hunger 饥饿famine 饥荒disease illiteracy 文盲(形容词为illiterate)welfare 福利shelter 庇护所nursing home/house 养老院miserable 痛苦的,悲惨的well-being福利subsidize=finance 资助,补助 二.同时间有关的词汇 squeeze time 挤时间wile away the time 消磨时间kill time 浪费时间 a waste of time and resource precious time-consuming 消耗时间的


新视野大学英语翻译答案 Unit 1 一. 汉译英 1.对于网络课程,学生不仅可以选择何时何地学习,在回答问题 之前他们还可以有时间思考答案。 Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2.网上学习的想法使她非常兴奋,而他认为网上学习毫无疑义和 用处。 She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless. 3.与以英语为母语的人交谈是非常有益的体验,从中我们能学到 许多东西。 Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4.如今,越来越多的人可以利用互联网查找他们需要的信息。 Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5.他要她放弃工作在家照顾孩子,但是她觉得这个要求太过分 了。 He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her. 6.既然我们已经学完这门课程,就应该多做些复习。 Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. 二. 英译汉 1.I’ll never forget the teacher who showed me that learning a foreign language could be fun and rewarding. Were it not for him, I would not be able to speak English as well as I do now. 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有 价值的。如果没有他,我的英语说得不会像现在这样好。 2.No other language lets you experience the cultures of the world like English. With a strong knowledge of the English language, you can have wonderful cultural adventures


常用词的学术替换 动词替换: 1.Improve 提高: Promote: 促进AC之间的贸易promote the trade between A and C; He was promoted to senior manager in this company. Advance: our understanding of human genetics has considerably(非常的,可换做vastly) advanced. Enhance: the publi city has enhanced his reputation.这次宣传提高了他的名望 2.change 改变: Transform:多指改头换面,完全改变,不能用于形容slight change。说到人口变化:the increasing population has transformed the landscape and structure of local industry structure.人口剧增改变了小镇的景色以及当地的工业结构 3.Emphasize 强调: Highlight:the report highlight the decline in the numbers of native(可以换作local) plants and insects. Stress: He stresses the need for parents to listen to their children. Accentuate: the crisis accentuates the gap between rich and poor. (highlight and emphasize 的区别:highlight是告诉人们重点,因而能够让别人注意,类似于老师勾重点;而emphasize则是使重点清晰,不管别人是否能注意得到。而stress则和emphasize差不多) 4.Develop培养: Cultivate: cultivate the ability of … ;培养情操;cultivate a more relaxed and positive way towards life. Nurture: 养育,同样可以指培养人才(talents)the sea nutures ample marine animals. 5.Break 破坏: Impair:impair ability; 主要是破坏能力,莫乱用。 Undermine这个词也是指的是抽象意义上的破坏,有逐渐削弱之意,重点是循序渐进的过程。Undermine one’s ability/confidence/authority/position/credibility Jeopardize: 不能乱用,破坏的东西要上一定的等级才能配上此词。比如Jeopardize the process of peace.破坏和平进程 Devastate特指毁灭、蹂躏the earthquake devastated the whole city. 6.Keep 保存 Preserve、Conserve 保护资源用的就是这个词,不要用protect,protect这个词用在保护具体的东西。 7.deal With解决 Tackle: tackle the problem. Resolve: resolve dispute争论/conflict冲突/problem/issue/crisis危机;来自拉丁语,比较正式。 8.need 需要 Require:xxx requires courage and confidence. Necessitate: 用法不简单,没有摸透。 call for(这也是个很高级的用法,奥巴马就用这个【我不晓得奥巴马咋个用的,原帖是这样


1 家长给小孩的教育parenting n. 2 学校对学生的教育schooling n. 3 培养cultivate vt. 4 意识awareness = sense = recognition n. 5 有创造力的creative / original adj. 6 身体的physical adj. 7 心理的psychological adj. 8 同龄人peer n. 9 动力motivation n. (形容词motivated, 有动力的) 10 适应... adapt to 提供…. afford sth. v. 11 纪律discipline n. 12 记忆memorise(英式拼写) vt. 13 获得acquire vt. (后面经常加knowledge / skills) 14 有趣的stimulating adj. (在教育类作文中经常可以替代 interesting) Media 15 形容词“无处不在的”prevalent adj. 经常可以代替everywhere 16 客观的objective adj. 17 不客观的biased adj. 18 名人celebrity n. 19 记者journalists n. 20 新闻界the press 21 报道coverage n. (动词是cover) 22 有误导性的misleading adj. 23 可靠的dependable adj. 24 非常及时的up-to-the-minute adj. sway vt. 25 媒体影响公众经常用sway后 面加宾语的表达 26 信息量大的informative adj. 27 娱乐性强的entertaining adj. Technology 28 改变transform vt. 代替change 29 突破breakthrough n. 30 发展advance v. & n. 31 惊人的速度 a staggering rate 32 信息爆炸information overload 33 提高,增强enhance = boost vt. 34 创新,发明innovations n. 35 远程通讯telecommunications n. 36 高生产率的(它的名词 productive adj. productivity生产率在科技类 话题也很常用)


新视野大学英语六课后翻译 第一单元 1.The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life.可以说, 生命的整体意义在于追求美好的生活。 2.It is hard to conceive of living without electricity and other modern conveniences. 很难想象没有电和其他现代便利设施的日子怎么过。 3.He dedicated his life to trying to find an appropriate architecture for his country which was realistic and integral to that society.他毕生致力于为他的祖国寻找合适的建筑风格,这种风格既具有现实意义,又能融入社会。 4.He also highlighted the well-known dangers of people becoming addicted to computers.他还着重强调了人们玩电脑成瘾所造成的众所周知的危险。 5.But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have both to cater for and take control of.但是,在经过这场种族暴乱之后,种族关系成为国家既要迎合又要管制的对象。 6.He appeared to be very perplexed, and more than a little shocked, by what he saw in the window.看到窗内的情形,他不知所措,甚至大为震惊。 7.For a moment or two, Peter contemplated his newly elevated status.对于自己新近 的提职,彼得沉思了一会儿。 8.One of the advantages of big cities over the countryside is that big cities have lots of cinemas and many other diversions.与乡村相比,大城市的一个优势在于拥有众多的影院和其他娱乐活动。 9.In my wildest imagination, I could not have foreseen such a wonderful life lay before me.任凭想象力驰骋,我也无法预知原来有如此美好的生活等待着我。 10.In terms of academic achievement, I was never a failure, and will definitely make it in the future.就学术成就而言,我从来没有失败过,将来一定会取得成功。 第二单元 1.When we finished reading the article, the teacher assigned us the task of writing a short/concise essay.读完这篇文章,老师又给我们布置了短文写作的任务。2.After raining for a whole day, a few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.下了一天的雨,几束隐约的阳光使阴暗的下午明亮起来。 3.I wrote this article to pay tribute to my most respectable teacher, who set me on the path of writing.我写此文是为了向我最崇敬的老师表达我的敬意,是她使我走上了写作的道路。 4.The teacher said loudly that it was a gripping narrative about the war, and that all of us should enjoy reading it.老师大声说,这是一篇扣人心弦的战争报道,我们大家都应该喜欢读它。 5.When we put forward the suggestion he was enthusiastic for its immediate application.当我们提出这个建议时,他热切地希望马上将建议付诸实施。6.He said that he was fascinated by the changing colors of the setting sun, so he always spent some time watching it.他说日落时变化多端的色彩使他看得入迷,


高一英语翻译技巧和方法完整版及练习题及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translation: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.究竟是什么激发小王学习电子工程的积极性?(motivate) 2.网上支付方便了客户,但是牺牲了他们的隐私。(at the cost of) 3.让我的父母非常满意的是,从这个公寓的餐厅可以俯视街对面的世纪公园,从起居室也可以。(so) 4.博物馆疏于管理,展品积灰,门厅冷落,急需改善。(whose) 【答案】 1.What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room. 或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.This museum is not well managed, whose exhibits are covered with dust, and there are few visitors, so everything is badly in need of improvement. 或The museum whose management is reckless, whose exhibits are piled with dust and whose lobby is deserted, requires immediate improvement. 【解析】 1.motivate sb to do sth 激发某人做某事,on earth究竟,major in 以…为专业,enthusiasm/ initiative热情/积极性,故翻译为What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.online payment网上支付,brings convenience to给…带来方便,at the cost of以…为代价,privacy隐私,故翻译为Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction令我父母满意的是,后者也那样so it is with。也可以用主语从句What makes my parents really satisfy 表语从句thatthey can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment。overlooks俯视,opposite the street街对面,living room 起居室。故翻译为To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room.或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.not well managed/ management is reckless疏于管理,be covered with dust/ be piled with dust被灰尘覆盖,few visitors游客稀少,be badly in need of improvement/ requires immediate improvement亟需改善。故翻译为his museum is not well managed, whose exhibits


英语写作30个最经典的替换词 ,characters, folks替换(people ,persons) 2. positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good 3. dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换 eg. An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation, as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive. 4.(an army of, an ocean of; a sea of; a multitude of; a host of; many, if not most)替换many. 注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。 Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….用most, if not all ,替换most. 5. a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some 6. harbor the idea that, take the attitude that,hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that替think(因为是书面语,所以要加that) ,business ,matter 替换thing 8. shared 代common huge fruits 替换get many benefits 10. for my part ,from my own perspective 替换in my opinion 11. Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly. Eg. sth has gained growing popularity. Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth. if anything, 或little or nothing替换hardly 13..beneficial, rewarding替换helpful, ,client,consumer,purchaser, 替换customer ,extremely, intensely 替换very 16. hardly necessary, hardly inevitable ... 替换unnecessary, avoidable appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb take interest in / sb. be interested in one's attention替换attract one's attention. ,demension,sphere代aspect indicative of ,be fearful of代indicate, fear rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换cause. 22. There are several reasons behind sth 替换..reasons for sth 替换want. attention into 替换pay attention to in mind that 替换remember 26. enjoy, possess 替换have(注意process是过程的意思) 27. interaction替换communication on sth替换be against , disagree with sth name only a few, as an example替换for example, for instance 30. next to / virtually impossible,替换nearly / almost impossible 32. regarding / concerning 替换about. 33. crucial /paramount 替换important. 34. 第一(in the first place/the first and foremost);第二(there is one more point, I should touch on, that…);第三(the last but not the least). 35. assiduous 替换hard-working. 36. arduous 替换difficult. 37. underdeveloped / financially-challenged 替换poor(因为poor通常含有贬义).

雅思写作必备词汇之社会类 (1)

雅思写作必备词汇之社会类 1. benefit from从中受益 2. put forward valuable suggestions提出宝贵建议 3. play a major role in easing traffic 在缓解交通压力上扮演了重要角色 4. participate in the reconstructionof the city参与城市重建 5. raise the environmental management level提高环境管理水平 6. create a pleasant ecological environment创造出一种和谐的生态环境 7. give priority to优先关注 8. catch much attention引起很大关注 9. resource allocation资源配置 10. perfect the construction of urban infrastructure完善城市基础设施建设 11. reduce the number of vehicles减少车辆 12. water scarcity水短缺 13. the environmentalpollution环境污染 14. over-industrialization过度工业化 15. over-crowdedness过度拥挤

16. unemployment失业 17. wealth distribution财富分配 18. social instability社会动荡 19. urban construction城市建设 20. population explosion人口激增 21. a rising crime rate犯罪率上升 22. drain of energy and resources能源和资源消耗 23. offer more job opportunities提供更多的就业机会 24. a rapid pace of life快节奏生活 25. stress-related illnesses与压力有关的疾病 26. high cost of living高额生活费用 27. pastoral life田园生活 28. class polarization阶级两极分化 29. social welfare社会福利 30. give special care to …给予…特殊关照 31. urban sprawl城市扩张 32. convenient transportation means便捷的交通工具


艺术家追求成名,如同狗自逐其尾,一旦追到手,除了继续追逐不知还能做些什么。 成功之残酷正在于它常常让那些追逐成功者自寻毁灭。 对一名正努力追求成功并刚刚崭露头角的艺术家,其亲朋常常会建议“正经的饭碗不能丢!”他们的担心不无道理。 追求出人头地,最乐观地说也困难重重,许多人到最后即使不是穷困潦倒,也是几近精神崩溃。 尽管如此,希望赢得追星族追捧和同行赞扬之类的不太纯洁的动机却在激励着他们向前。 享受成功的无上光荣,这种诱惑不是能轻易抵挡的。 成名者之所以成名,大多是因为发挥了自己在歌唱、舞蹈、绘画或写作等方面的特长,并能形成自己的风格。 为了能迅速走红,代理人会极力吹捧他们这种风格。他们青云直上的过程让人看不清楚。 他们究竟是怎么成功的,大多数人也都说不上来。 尽管如此,艺术家仍然不能闲下来。 若表演者、画家或作家感到无聊,他们的作品就难以继续保持以前的吸引力,也就难以保持公众的注意力。 公众的热情消磨以后,就会去追捧下一个走红的人。 有些艺术家为了不落伍,会对他们的写作、跳舞或唱歌的风格稍加变动,但这将冒极大的失宠的危险。 公众对于他们藉以成名的艺术风格以外的任何形式都将不屑一顾。 知名作家的文风一眼就能看出来,如田纳西·威廉斯的戏剧、欧内斯特·海明威的情节安排、罗伯特·弗罗斯特或T.S.艾略特的诗歌等。 同样,像莫奈、雷诺阿、达利这样的画家,希区柯克、费里尼、斯皮尔伯格、陈凯歌或张艺谋这样的电影制作人也是如此。 他们鲜明独特的艺术风格标志着与别人不同的艺术形式上的重大变革,这让他们名利双收, 但也让他们付出了代价,那就是失去了用其他风格或形式表现自我的自由。 名气这盏聚光灯可比热带丛林还要炙热。骗局很快会被揭穿,过多的关注带来的压力会让大多数人难以承受。 它让你失去自我。你必须是公众认可的那个你,而不是真实的你或是可能的你。艺人,就像政客一样,必须常常说些违心或连自己都不完全相信的话来取悦听众。 一滴名气之水有可能玷污人的心灵这一整口井,因此一个艺术家若能保持真我,会格外让人惊叹。 你可能答不上来哪些人没有妥协,却仍然在这场名利的游戏中获胜。 一个例子就是爱尔兰著名作家奥斯卡·王尔德,他在社交行为和性行为方面以我行我素而闻名于世。虽然他的行为遭到公众的反对,却依然故我,他也因此付出了惨痛的代价。

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