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2016浙大801经济学综合完美回忆版(西经部分+政经部分+计量简答及分析部分) 写在最前面: 自从浙大2014起便不对外公布真题,对我们考研同学来说是很痛苦的一件事,复习时也有种完全找不到路的感觉,想拿最近真题练手又无路可寻,笔者在考完后,本着为考研筒子谋福利的想法,努力回想一番,整理出了西经部分,政经部分以及计量除计算题以外的部分,希望为各位提供一定的帮助吧。 一、西经部分(100分) (一)、名词解释部分 1.需求弹性 2.价格上限 3.经济增长 4.人力资本 (二)计算部分 5.微观部分:微观考了一个求最大利润的问题,比较简单,参考意义并不大) 6.宏经考研计算题:(与2013年考研题类似) Y = C + I +G +NX C = 300 + 0.8Yd I = 200 – 1500r G = 200 NX = 100 + 0.04Y – 500r 税率:t = 0.2 L = 0.5Y – 1500r M = 550 P = 1 (1):求IS曲线 (2):求LM曲线 (3):求在商品市场和货币市场同时达到均衡下的r,Y是多少? (4):求在均衡下的C,I,NX各为多少? (三)简答部分 7.请简答价格歧视的条件 8.请简答通货膨胀能够造成正的产出效应的三个条件 (四)论述部分 9.请作图分析并论述在完全竞争市场下成本不变,成本递增,成本递减三种情形下行业的长期供给曲线如何形成并分析其特征。 10.请从寻找工作,最低工资,工会,效率工资四个方面来论述失业是如何形成的。 二、政经部分(50分) 简答题: 1.商品的使用价值及价值与劳动二重性之间的关系 2.政府失灵和市场失灵


2016年托福独立写作全年汇总,献给2017年备考的你 之前的每周六日都是托福考生们考试的日子,本周六则是大家欢庆圣诞的日子,2016年的托福考试已经全部结束,本文将会汇总全年的托福独立写作题目,希望备考2017年托福考试的小伙伴能够好好利用这批题目,回温一下本年的考试重点,准备迎接明年的托福考试。 1、Some people think that starting school day early is a good approach to support learning; other people think that starting school day at the later time is a good approach to support learning. Which one do you prefer? 2、In times of economic crisis, in which field do you think the government can cut financial support? 3、The high school students are required to study many different subjects at the same time or they should study only three or four subjects at a time? 4、Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games, for fun and entertainment. Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development. 5、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: For a student, reading on his/her own is as important as, or even more important than reading what is assigned by teachers. 6、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: After completing high school, students should take at least one year off work or travel before they begin studying in university. 7、The university club want to help others,if you are a member of them, you only could undertake one project this year. which following would you prefer to choose? To help students at a nearby primary school with reading and mathematics; Build house for people who cannot buy or rent; Visit and assist the elderly people with daily tasks. 8、The university club want to help others,if you are a member of them, you only could undertake one project this year. which following would you prefer to choose? To help students at a nearby primary school with reading and mathematics; Build house for people who cannot buy or rent; Visit and assist the elderly people with daily tasks.


Jan 9th (教育)Some people think schools should start classes early in the morning. Others think schools should let their students get up later in the day. Which do you prefer? Jan 23th(教育)Some people believe that video games could inspire young students' interest and make their study more efficient rather than distracting them and a waste of time, so young students should be allowed to play video games. Jan 24th (政府)If a government is facing economic problems, which one or which ones should the government spend less money on? A: Art B scientific research C parks and public gardens Feb 27th (教育)High school students should be required to learn many subjects at the same time, others thing that they should concentrate on only three or four subjects at a time? Feb 28th (教育)Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development. Mar 11th (教育)Students do reading by their own is as important as or more important than the reading teachers assigned. Mar 13th (教育)After completing high school, students should take at least one year off work or travel before they begin studying in university. Mar 19th (教育)Students in a university club want to help others, but they can only choose one project a year, which one of the following is the best? A help those students in a nearby primary school with reading and math. B help people who cannot afford to build or rent a home to build a house. C Visit and assist elderly people with daily tasks. Mar 26th (人际交往)It is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because they will lose their friends. Apr 9th (处事)Do you agree or disagree it’s be tter to get advice from older people than people the same age as you. Apr 23th(运动教育)Playing sports can teach people important lessons about life. May 7th(工作)An interesting and challenging job with less vacation or a job with more vacation time but less fun. May 22th(政府)Which is the most important thing for a country leader to assure the prosperity of country? 1)create more job for employed worker 2)increasing agriculture and low the food price 3)increase access to affordable house


2016年最新托福综合写作大全:巧用模板句式 To implement模板 or not? 很多考生在备考写作单项时遵循的是以下的思路: 首先,找到大量的模板句型,组成自己的模板框架。 其次,将中文思路整理出来,再生硬地将中式思维翻译成英文的句子。 最后,将翻译后的句子和自己的模板揉在一起,完成写作。 那么这样做的结果是什么呢——托福考官会毫不犹豫地将你的作文划分到最低档,也就是说你只能得到一个limited的分数。原因其一是因为考官认为你有抄袭的嫌疑,这是绝对不允许的;其二是考官会认为你不具备英文表达的能力,只会生硬地堆砌一些固化老套的模板。 那么托福写作到底用不用模板呢?蒋老师给大家的答案是:YES!很多学生在这个时候又会疑惑了:刚才还不让用模板呢,这个时候怎么又可以了呢?别急,我们继续往下看。 考过托福的同学都熟知,托福写作需要大家完成两篇文章。第一篇是综合写作,第二篇是独立写作。相对来说,综合写作难度更大。综合写作的难度无外乎以下三点:首先,它需要学生在有限的时间内完成阅读和听力两个任务;其次,它要求学生快速抓住阅读和听力材料的核心,然后写出一篇符合评分标准的作文;最后,在写作的过程中考[微博]生需要客观作答,不要加入任何的个人感情在作文中。 综合写作的客观性和明清时期的科举考试十分相似,所以我们也需要在托福考试时写“八股文”。八股文章就四书五经取题,内容必须用古人的语气,绝对不允许自由发挥,而句子的长短,字的繁简、声调高低等也都要相对恒温,字数也有严格限制。在某种程度上说,这正好符合托福综合写作的要求——在考试时使用即定的模板句型进行写作。不过,在套用模板的过程中也要做到灵活运用,同时做到以下几点。 第一,在备考初期,考生可以挑选5-8个模板,并且开始背诵这些模板,背之前要确保模板句型中的语法、单词拼写准确。第二,背熟模板后要开始大量的练习,同时参照范文来分析自己的作文,整理范文中优秀的短语、句型,改造和润色自己的作文。第三,有了前两个阶段的累积,考生在这一阶段要完成至少15篇以上的作文。 高分学员备考案例回顾 致赢托福一对一的学员张同学(女)正是应用了以上方法,在写作单项上取得了重大突破。上课前,她表示自己前两次的托福写作都是20分,具体分数给出的是fair,但是自己也不知道如何去突破这个瓶颈。在上写作诊断课的过程中,老师发现她综合写作的问题有二,一是文章的字数不够,尤其是在紧张的考试氛围下更达不到目标字数;二是即使听懂了阅读和听力中的要点,但是两者之间的关系没有表达出来。 在找到了张同学综合写作的问题之后,蒋老师给她定制了专属的课程。首先老师给她提供了以下四段式公式: ? The reading and the listening have opposite views on 阅读听力共同话题. Thereading agrees 阅读立场while the listening provides


1月23日托福写作考试真题解析 正在备战托福写作的考生们,不知道你们准备的怎么样了呢?为了给正在备考的同学们带来一定的帮助,在今天的文章中,天道小编为各位准备了2016年托福作文真题解析,一起来看!更多托福写作机经,还请继续关注我们的频道! 备考托福的小伙伴们注意了,托福真题是你不可缺少的备考利器。因此,本文天道小编给大家整理了刚刚过去的1月23日托福作文真题。正在备战托福写作的考生们还等什么,赶快收藏 吧!2016年1月23日托福写作机经如下: 综合写作:鼠兔灭绝的原因 阅读: 1. 鼠兔有一种能防御寒冷的外衣,在温度升高的时候会因过热而死亡; 2. 夏天温度太高,难以储存过冬的食物,导致冬天因缺乏食物而饿死; 3. 冬天鼠兔要靠雪层来保温,但是因为全球变暖,雪融化得过快,导致它们暴露在寒冷的环境中。 听力反驳: 1. 每个地方的温度不一样,如果鼠兔生活在阴凉的地区,它们就不会因为温度过高而死亡; 2. 因为温度高,鼠兔吃得不多,可以把食物留下来为冬天做准备; 3. 雪化得快,冬天结束得早;这些动物就可以很快熬过冬天,在春天的时候恢复体力。 独立写作: Some people think that some lessons for young students (age5-8) including video games are effective ways and interesting, other people think this way is distracting and a waste of time. What’s your opinion? 是否新题:是 题材:教育类 观点: Lessons for young students (age5-8) including video games are effective ways and interesting. 写作思路: 1. 含有视频游戏的课程可以活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣;


一、选择题1*30分 难度较高,跟我们平时做的专四词汇不一样,感觉像是从外刊上直接摘抄下来的句子,有几句是从同一篇摘抄出来的。考点语法点并不是很明晰,做这30道题我用了半个多小时……感觉广外这两年风格越来越偏向务实了。 二、阅读题4篇文章,共40分 材料生词较多,内容也比较新颖,感觉还是从外刊上摘出来的文章。但是题不难。 三、写作30分 题目大概是“some people believe that if a couple have a regular job, they will have a more harmonious family relationship, while others have totally different opinion.”让你针对此观点写一篇400词的作文,这里的a regular job个人感觉不好理解,考场上我内心那个纠结的呀…… 一、词汇翻译(抄在准考证上带出来的=。=) 【汉译英】1*15 1 大众创业 2 中澳自贸协定 3 一带一路 4 城镇化 5 世界反法西斯战争 6 新常态 7 命运共同体 8 经济发展快车道 9 产能过剩 10 多边贸易体系 11 千年发展目标 12 生态足迹 13 董事总经理 14 商务部部长助理 15 区域经济一体化 【英译汉】1*15 1 United Nations Economic and Social Council 2 pro vice chancellor 3 the ASEAN Community 4 mutural but distinctive responsibility 5 corrupt fugitive repatriation


2016年托福写作真题及解析 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了托福真题解析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 2016年托福阅读真题及解析1 托福阅读第一篇欧洲人口增加 原文回顾:欧洲经济发展相关,工业化和食物的增长促进了人口的增长。高速城市化:人们开始从乡下往城镇转移,因此带来了工作,生活资料等一系列的变化。细节讲到了熟练工和普通人的区别,考了两个题。最后讲到了人口的增加导致人均工资下降的问题。 学习: After a century of virtually no population growth, the countries of Western Europe experienced dramatic population increases between 1750 and 1800. Many countries doubled in size. In some countries, the growth continued through the nineteenth century. The population of Great Britain, for instance, doubled between 1750 and 1800 and then tripled between 1800 and 1900. There were several reasons for the sudden increase. Medical advances and improved hygiene limited the devastation caused by epidemic diseases and


2016年3月19日托福写作真题及答案解析 综合写作 阅读:Titan有三个unusual features很难解释 第一段:轨道不正常,其他卫星的轨道都是近乎圆形,而它的是偏椭圆 第二段:有massive depressions出现在两极,别的星球有depression是因为有火山,而没证据表明它周围有火山 第三段:沙丘的方向,sand dunes,别的星球上沙丘的slope方向和风的方向是一致的,而Titan上是相反的 听力:阅读里说的三个特质可以被解释 第一段:Titan周围有很多moon组合在一起,轨道交错,因此互相影响 第二段:形成原因和地球上类似,rainfall collects water,石头被液体溶解,长时间形成坑 第三段:Titan和地球不一样,沙子太重,普通的风太弱吹不动,最近一个westward storm比往常的风大10倍,而且方向相反,所以能吹动沙子。 独立写作 Students in a university club want to help others,but they can only choose one project a year,which one of the following is the best?1.help those students in a nearby primary school with reading and mathematics;2.help people who cannot afford to build or rent a home to build a house;3.visit and assist elderly people with daily tasks.


2016年北理软院885部分真题(回忆版) 数据结构: 应用题: 1. 在一个算法中需要建立多个堆栈时可以选用下列三种方案之一,试问:这三种方案之间相比较各有什么优缺点: (1)分别用多个顺序存储空间建立多个独立的堆栈 (2)多个堆栈共享一个顺序存储空间 (3)分别建立多个独立的链接堆栈 【北航1998一、6】 2. 二叉树转森林 (1)二叉树的线索化 (2)将二叉树转化为森林 (3)写出森林的后序遍历 3. 单链表删除结点、双向链表插入节点 4. 平衡二叉树的建立 5. 给一个关键字序列,然后建立小根堆,取走第一个数后的堆调整 编程题: 1. 给一个链表,分为将奇数分成一个链,将偶数分为一个链 2. 用“破圈法”求解带权连通无向图的一棵最小代价生成树。所谓“破圈法”就是“任取一圈,去掉圈上权最大的边”,反复执行这一步骤,直到没有圈为止。请给出用“破圈法”求解给定的带权连通无向图的一棵最小代价生成树的详细算法,并用程序实现你所给出的算法。注:圈就是回路。 C语言: 各位原谅我,我真忘了 版本2 程序设计部分我就记得有一个选择题好像是说c语言程序的基本单位是什么A.函数B.过程C.子程序,还有一个选项忘了,我是选A的,当时觉得有的不确定,现在当然知道选什么了,就是A,哈哈。 下面五个程序题,可能叙述的有的不一样,不过都不重要了。 1.从键盘中输入三个数字,然后按从大到小的顺序输出。(当时看到马上就下笔吧了,就是三个if语句和一个printf)。 2.从键盘输入一个大写字母,则输出一个对称的序列,如输入E,则输出AbCdEdCbA (这也不是很难就两个for循环) 3.编写一个递归函数求1/2+1/4+1/8+...+1/2^n (这个题我忘了幂求解的那个库函数的名字了,所以当时自己就另外写了一个函数来求幂) 4.忘了(一点印象都没了,不好意思。不过这题不难的) 5.给出一个链表的结构为struct node{ int data; struct node *next;},从键盘中输入整数,以输入@表


2016年1月9日 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should arrive at school early in the morning. 2016年1月23日 Some people think that some lessons for young students (aged 5-8) include video games are effective ways and interesting, other people think this way is distracting and a waste time. What's your opinion? 2016年1月24日 In times of economic crisis, in which field do you think the government can cut financial support? 1)Art; 2)Science research; 3)Parks and public gardens; 2016年2月27日 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High school students should be required to study many different subjects at same time or they should study only three or four subjects at a time. 2016年2月28日 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games, for fun and entertainment. Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development. 2016年3月11日 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students' doing reading by their own personality is as important as, or more important than reading assigned by teachers. 2016年3月13日 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High school students should take at least a year off to work or travel before they begin to study in university. 2016年3月19日


2016年苏州大学MTI翻译硕士真题(回忆版) (翻译硕士英语+英语翻译基础+汉语百科与写作) 翻译硕士英语 一、单词有基本都是English Book上的,大家一定要好好看单词,好好看单词,好好看单词,好好看单词!!!!!(重要的事说三遍,非常重要的事说四遍,所以大家一定要看哪!方向不对,努力白费!)都是选同义词,把书后面的单词表记得滚瓜烂熟,并且能说出它们的近义词,就没有问题了。今年考的有(sight, insight, view),tertiary(third),reminiscent,scratch之类的,反正大家好好背吧。 二、阅读理解有4篇,每篇大概有7、8道题,总共有30 道!!!(宝宝当时惊呆了,内心是崩溃的)比以往都多。大家用专八的阅读理解和各大学校MTI的题目好好练吧。有个选项考了spurious(false)的意思,题材大多和人文有关。 接下来是写一首诗的主题the road not taken (Robert Frost)最经典的那段,网上可以搜到,这里就不赘述了。 三、作文是Randolph Quirk 在Think of Words里说的一句话”we are largely he lpless prisoners of the language in general life around us ”问你agree or disagree。 反正个人觉得好难写,不过应该是在English Book的文章里出现过吧,因为之前考过梭罗的:technology makes man a tool of tools .就是出自EB书里一篇文章的最后一句话,所以EB 书里的文章大家也要好好看哪! 英语翻译基础 一、短语互译 1.AIIB 亚洲基础设施投资银行 2.national rejuvenation 民族复兴 3.quantitative ease monetary policy 量化宽松的货币政策 4.purchasing power parity 购买力平价 5.congestion fee 交通拥堵费 6.Singles day 光棍节 7.the 13th Five-Year Plan 第十三个五年计划 8.break monopolies 打破垄断 9.selfies 自拍照 10.(经济术语)quintuple dip 五次探底 11.highly pathogenic bird flu 高致病性禽流感 12.phubbers 低头族 13.a surrogate mother 一个代孕妈妈 14.paternity leave 陪产假 15.Friendvertising 朋友圈营销 1.不文明行为 2.生态恶化 3.优化医疗资源配置 4.土壤侵蚀 5.中国梦 6.建设法治政府 7.中国精神 8.公益性企业 9.免费义务教育


2016年托福写作真题汇总 20160109 Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if school start the day at a early time in the morning. But someone think the school should start the day at late time. Which one do you prefer? Use specific reasons and detailed examples to support your answer. 20160123 Some people believe that video games could inspire young students' interest and make their study more efficient rather than distracting them and a waste of time, so young students should be allowed to play video games. 20160124 In times of an economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its spending? 1. Arts 2. Scientific research 3. Parks and public gardens. 20160227 High school students should be required to study many different subjects at same time or they should study only three or four subjects at a time. 20160228 Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development. 20160311 Agree or disagree: students do reading by their own is as important as or more important than the reading teachers assigned. 20160313 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: After high school, students should have at least one year to work or travel. It's better than attending university straight away. 20160319 The club of your school plan to help one of the following group of people, 1.teach pupils reading and math 2. build houses for those who cannot afford the house 3.take care of the old 20160326 Agree or disagree: it is often not a good city to move to a new city or a new country because you will


【真题重现】 Students should spend at least one year working or travelling before they go to the university. 【波波点睛】: 【题目大意】:中学生是否应该在上大学之前拿出至少一年去工作或旅行。主观点可以同意,因为一让学生放松,二可以让学生学到新的技能。 Under the educational system of many western countries, taking a gap year, a period of time when students can take a break from formal education, has become quite common. When it comes to the pros and cons of spending at least one year working or travelling before attending university, people’preference may vary from one to another. As for me, it is advisable for high schoolers to have a year off to work or travel, in order to relax themselves and gain new skills. In the first place, spending a year travelling will provide high school students a good chance to escape the daily grind. As is common sense, the life of high schooler are filled with countless assignments, various quiz and exams, which nearly drive them to be stressed out. Obviously, what they need most is the vent for releasing all the tensions and pressures accuring in the rapid rhythm campus life. Consequently, taking a break from educaion and going away for while can fulfill this


2016北京理工大学研究生考试813试题(回忆版) 数据结构部分(120分) 一填空题(6*3) 1. 将n个结点的单链表插入到m个结点的单链表的第k个结点后面,时间复杂度为____. 2. 一开始循环队列front=rear,后来已知rear和front,则队列中的元素个数为____. 3. 已知二叉树的后序遍历序列和中序序列,则先序遍历为_____. 4. 已知有向图(n个顶点,e条边)是用邻接表保存的,则拓扑排序的时间复杂度为_____. 5. 已知线性探测处理哈希表冲突,已知表的长度为100,装填因子为0.57,则哈希表中的元素有____个。 6. 已知初始序列( , , , ,) ,则堆排序初始建成的堆为______. 二选择题(2*12) 1. ADT是指(答案应该是抽象数据类型) 2. Dijkstra 可以求什么类型的最短路径A.有向图B. 有向网 C. D.都可以 3. 已知B树的度为7,则每个节点最少的孩子节点个数为多少 4. 把已知关键字按照不递减进行推排序,则应该采用 A.小顶堆B. 大顶推 C.都可以D.都不可以 5. 用数组来保存深度为4,节点数为11的二叉树,则数组的长度最少为多少 6. 准确的来说,哈夫曼树是一种什么树? A.最优树B.次优树 C.每个节点度为2的树 D.... 7. 三简答题(12*4) 1. 给出归并排序的几个函数代码 a. 写出每个函数的功能是什么 b. 该算法对空间存储要求有什么不合理处,提出你的改进方法 2. a. 把表达式中缀表达式(不含有括号)改为后缀表达式,简要说明转换方法。 b. 给出一个后缀表达式(很简单),说明运算符栈的变化过程 3. 给出一个AOE网 a. 写出每个顶点的最早开始时间和最晚开始时间 b. 写出每个活动的最早开始时间和最晚开始时间 c. 写出图中所有的关键路径 4. 给出一个函数代码(关于单链表的),写出该函数的功能。


Recently some students need to arrive school at the early time in the morning. Some people think that starting school day early is a good approach to support learning, while other people think that starting school day at the later time is a good approach to support learning. 1.23 Some people believe that video games could inspire young students’ interest and make their study more efficient rather than distracting them and a waste of time, so young students should be allowed to play video games. 1.24 In times of an economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its spending? 1. Arts 2. Scientific research 3. Parks and public gardens. 2.27 High school students should be required to study many different subjects at same time or they should study only three or four subjects at a time. 2.28 Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games, for fun and entertainment; Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development. 3.11 Students do reading by their own personality is as important as, or more important than reading assigned by teachers. 3.13 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should take at least a year to work or travel before beginning college. 3.19 Students in a university club want to help others, but they can only choose one project a year, which one of the following is the best? 1. help those students in a nearby primary school with reading and mathematics; 2. help people who cannot afford to buy or rent a home to build a house; 3. visit and assist elderly people with daily tasks. 3.26 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a good idea to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose old friends.

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