当前位置:文档之家› 如何上好第一节小学英语课








千万不要因为你的学生听不懂英语就来个中文的开场白,你要从一开始就让你的学生习惯于听英语,如果学生不懂,你可以尽量通过体态语,动作,表情等让学生理解你的话,但尽量不说中文,就仿佛你是一名外籍教师来中国上课时一样,让学生对英语产生更浓厚的兴趣。要学会“卖关子”,越是让人不明白的事就越能吊起人的口味。一走上讲台,你就说:“Hello! Boys and girls!”“Class begins.”等来组织教学,然后自我介绍,“(I’m Mr…(或I’m Miss…)”学生听不懂没关系,用手势,表情,再通过反复演练让他们理解。如果课后有学生问你:“你上课讲的那都是些什么呀?我们一句也听不懂。”你可以告诉他,“那就是你们要学习的‘英语’!”这说明你已经激发起他们的兴趣了。






英语的文化魅力,突出表现在其幽默性和唯理性上,在上第一堂英语课时就要让学生在教师身上感受到这种独特的文化魅力。你要给学生一个印像,你是一个即和蔼可亲又乐观睿智的师长。当第一堂课下课铃响时你可以跟学生说:“I’m sorry, I must go now. They are jealous of our happy-ness.”“Bye-bye.”等。要让学生从一开始就享受到上英语课的欢乐。








既然是英语课,就应该有一个“带有英语”的开场白。在教师走进教室的一瞬间,可以面带笑容的用英语和学生说“Hello! Boys and girls!”,“Class begins!”……以及其他的课堂用语。虽然学生不能听懂,但是学生越是听不懂,就越想知道是什么意思,这样就能激发学生的学习兴趣。当然如果教师只是自顾自的说,不管学生能不能听懂,那么学生也是提不起兴趣的,因此,教师在说的同时应要配以相应的体态语言,帮助学生理解意思,学生理解了,才能把教师所说的日常用语在日后作为自己的知识来运用。因此,第一节英语课的开场白一定要用英语来开始,激发学生学习的欲望。



























产生更浓厚的兴趣。要学会“卖关子”,越是让人不明白的事就越能吊起人的口味。一走上讲台,你就说:“Hello! Boys and girls!”“Class begins.”等来组织

教学,然后自我介绍,“(I?m Mr…(或I?m Miss…)”学生听不懂没关系,用手势,表情,再通过反复演练让他们理解。如果课后有学生问你:“你上课讲的那都是






















又乐观睿智的师长。当第一堂课下课铃响时你可以跟学生说:“I?m sorry, I must go now. They are jealous of our happy-ness.”“Bye-bye.”等。要让学生从






设计意图:小学英语新课程标准强调指出:英语教学要重视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养,强调课程从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认识水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。也就是说,要通过适合儿童年龄、心理和生理特点的生动活泼的课堂活动,把学习英语与用英语做事情联系起来,创设良好的语言环境和语用环境,使学生在愉快和自信的情绪中,保持积极的学习态度,在大量的语言实践中形成语感,养成良好的英语学习习惯。 这是我们贯彻―新课程标准‖,运用―新课程标准‖教学的关键所在。 我将本课教学分为以下几个环节: 一、课前寻找、激发兴趣 本课涉及的生词不多,但它和我们的生活息息相关,一提出问题就收到了意想不到的效果,同学们马上就想知道平常我们口中称呼的爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶的英语叫法。我没有告诉他们答案,让他们自己去找。象dad(爹地), mom(妈咪)这些称呼在他们接触英语前都从港台电视上所熟知。上课时百分之百的同学会说dad(爹地), mom(妈咪),大多数同学会说(uncle)安可,(aunt)安娣。从一开始就刺激了同学们强烈的好奇心,使他们产生强烈的求知欲。 二、歌曲导入、初步感知 唱英语歌是学习英语的一种好方法。课前一首歌,可以使学生精神饱满,思想集中,做好上课准备。课中一首歌,不仅能减轻学生的心理负荷,减少疲劳,又使学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学会新词、新句型。课外几首歌,有利于开展第二课堂活动,以巩固所学知识。例:教学本课时,我们以歌曲导入,播放―Boy and Girl‖:―I‘m a boy and you are a girl. I‘m a girl and you are a boy. Do you want to be my friend?‖根据歌词中提到的boy, girl出示男孩,女孩的图片,并让说到该性别单词的学生站起来大声说。在这种活泼欢快的气氛中,在这种互动的形式下,既训练了学生―听‖的能力,又让他们初步感知了有关他们性别的英语单词。 三、近交流,借物练说 用―振救大行动‖的游戏进行比赛,男女同学各一组,老师走到一个同学前问―Are a boy/girl?‖如果他/她回答正确了,就可以从―鳄鱼‖嘴里挽救回他们组的一个人[把这些虚拟的人和鳄鱼都画大黑板上],否则就被―鳄鱼‖吃掉。 在学生充分练说的基础上,让几组同桌同学试说,要求其他同学认真听,听他们说得是否符合要求,培养学生良好的听说态度和习惯。练说内容层层深入,范围逐步扩大,为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会及充分表现和自我发展的空间,让学生能在掌握新知的基础上,做到新旧结合,从而培养―说‖的能力。 四、课外延伸,学以致用 小学英语的最终目的是使学生掌握以交际为目的的最初步运用英语的能力。为让学生能把课上所学的知识运用到实际生活中去,我们在课后尽量让学生用英语与老师和同学作交流,如开展―英语一分钟讲坛‖,让学生谈论学校、老师、家庭及个人爱好等。用英语Asking the questions、Greetings、Conversations及用英语道谢、告别。让学生在日常生活中恰当地自然地运用英语,真正做到学以致用。 教学目标(Teaching aims): 1、Let‘s learn 能听、说、认读本课有关家庭成员的主要单词man: brother,,father(dad), grandfather(grandpa); woman: sister, mother(mom), grandmother(grandma) 2、Let‘s sing 本部分是通过学唱英文歌曲,巩固所学单词,培养学生的学习兴趣。 教学难点/重点(Teaching keys):


小学英语老师面试自我介绍(英文版) General Introduction I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program. Education background In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester, and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies. At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis. Research experience and academic activity When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. In 1997, I participated in simulation tool development for the scheduling system in Prof. Wang’s


小学英语教师课堂常用语 目前在小学英语教学中,提倡教师尽可能多地使用英语进行教学,这样可以提高小学生的英语口语表达能力以及学生的听力水平,为学生创建一个良好的学习英语的语言环境,但是我觉得在日常的英语教学中,教师的语言不是说得越多也好,而是要简洁明了。以下是我在课堂教学经常使用的指导语言: 1. Class begins .上课。 2. Is eveyone here . 都到齐了吗? 3. What day is it today ? 今天是星期几? 4. Here are your exercise books . Please hand them out. 这些是练习本,请发下去。 5. Please take out your notebooks .请拿出笔记本。 6. No more talking , please .请安静。 7. Attention, please . 请注意。 8. We're going to have a new lesson today . 今天我们要上新课。 9. First , let's have a revision. 首先让我们复习一下。 10. Who can answer this question ? 谁能回答这个问题?

11. Let me see . 让我看看。 12. Great !太棒了! 13. Good job!干得好! 14. It's your turn . 轮到你了。 15. Please turn to Page 12 . 请打开书第12页。 16. Take your time . 慢慢来。 17. Go back to your seat ,please . 请回到座位上。 18. Come on . You can do it . 来吧,你能做到的。 19. Let 's play a game . 让我们玩个游戏吧。 20. That's all for today . 今天就到这了。


小学生英语自我介绍范文带翻译 小学英语自我介绍带翻译 Hello,boys and girls.Today I am very glad to stand here and introduce myself.My name is FengJiamin,I'm Hello,大家好.非常高兴今天能站在这里介绍我自己.我叫冯xx,我12岁了. 12years old. I'm in Class1, Grade 5. I like listening to music and playing sports.And I like ice-cream very 我在五年级一班.我喜欢听音乐,做运动.我非常喜欢冰淇淋, much.It's sweet and delicious.My favorite subjects are Chinese,math and English. I thingk I am an easy- 它又甜又美味. 我最喜欢的科目是语文,数学和英语. 我想我是一个随和的小女孩, going girl,and I hope everyone will like me. Thank you.我希望大家会喜欢我,谢谢.(大学生求职自我介绍) 小学英语自我介绍带翻译 Hello!Every one.My name is ...I'm a girl.I'm 10 years old. I'm in Class....I like playing drum.And I like cake,I think it is delicious. My favorite subject are Chinese,math and Englishi.I am very thin.I am a quiet girl.Do you like me? 译:大家好!我的名字是。。。。我是一个女孩班里 我喜欢打鼓。还有我喜欢蛋糕,我认为它很美味


小学英语老师自我介绍(精选多篇) 第一篇:小学英语老师自我介绍 尊敬的各位评委、老师大家下午好: 今天能够参加这次的比赛,是学校领导和同事们给我的一个鼓励和肯定,非常感谢学校给我们提供这样一个认识自我、展示自我的平台。进入haoy name is xxx .and i am from no.*** overseas chinese middle school of *** .it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an intervieay raise , and i hope i can make a good performance today .noe introduce myself briefly . i am xxx years old . i graduated from “*** university”in *** . and then i got a higher degree in“ xx university ” in xx . i have the university .an d i have been a headteacher for *** years . being a teacher is tired but excited . having taught for so many years , i think i am experienced in teaching field . i have ever got much honor in teaching , but still i think i need a neent to challenge myself . i am open—minded , quickly thoughs and skillful in searching for information on internet . i can operate computer y spare time, i have broad interests .such as reading ,surfing the internet (更多请你搜索puter y spare


小学英语教师课堂用语 在课堂上教师可以用以下句子对学生进行指挥、指导或解释说明。也可教学生用下列句子提出一些问题或要求。 40) Read after me. (请)跟我读。 41) Look at your books. (请)看书。 42) Look at the blackboard. (请)看黑板。 43) Do you understand? 懂了吗? 44) Is that clear? 明白了吗? 45) Read slowly/clearly. 读慢/清楚些。 46) Louder please./Speak louder. 大声点。 47) Answer my questions. 回答我的问题。 48) All right./That’s right. 行/对。 49) Good/Very good! 好/很好。 50) What does it mean? 这是什么意思? 51) Look at the picture and say something about it. /Now let’s talk about this picture. 请看图说话。 52) Say it in English. 用英语说。 53) Who will/can answer this question? 谁来/能回答这个问题? 54) Will you try? 你来试试好吗? 55) Just try! 试试看! 56) Come to the blackboard. 来黑板跟前。/到黑板跟前来。 57) Go back to your seat. 回到你的座位上去吧。 58) Get ready for dictation. 准备听写。 59) Now let’s have dictat ion. 现在听写。 60) Put down your pens/pencils/ball pens. 把笔放下。 61) Hand in your exercise books. 把练习本交上来。 62) Let’s have a break. 我们休息一会儿。 63) Stop talking/laughing. 别讲了/笑了。 64) Take out your textbooks. 请把课本拿出来。 65) Close your books. 把书合上。 66) Put up your hands/ Put your hands up. 请举手。 67) This way, please. 请走这边。 68) Here you are. 给你。 69) OK. 好/可以/不错。 70) Read the new words. 读生词。 71) Listen to me, please. 请听我读。 72) Spell the word“…”. 请拼出…这个词。 73) Is it correct/right? 对吗? 74) Say it again. 再说一遍。 75) Read the first paragraph. 请读第一段。 76) Stop here. 在这儿停下。 77) What’s the English for“…”? “…”用英语怎么说?


小学英语老师面试自我介绍(英文 版)(精选多篇) general introduction i am a third year master major in automation at shanghai jiao tong university, p. r. china. with tremendous interest in industrial engineering, i am writing to apply for acceptance into your ph.d. graduate program. education background in 1995, i entered the nanjing university of science & technology -- widely considered one of the china’s best engineering schools. during the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole

department. i was granted first class prize every semester, and my overall gpa ranked no.1 among 113 students. in 1999, i got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. i selected the shanghai jiao tong university to continue my study for its best reputation on combinatorial optimization and network scheduling where my research interest lies. at the period of my graduate study, my overall gpa ranked top 5% in the department. in the second semester, i became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. this year, i won the acer scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. presently, i am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of excellent graduation thesis. research experience and academic


小学英语教师常用课堂组织用语(1) 一、课堂核心用语


小学英语课堂用语(2) 一、问候用语 1. Hi! 你好! 2. Hello! 你们好! 3. Good morning/ afternoon! 早上/下午好! 4. Good morning/good afternoon, class/everyone/boys and girls! 同学们,上午/下午好! 5. How are you? 你们好吗? 6. Nice to meet/see you. 很高兴见到你们Nice to see/meet you again/It’s nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你们! 7. Happy Children’s Day.儿童节快乐! 8. Merry Christmas Day.圣诞节快乐! 9. Happy Mid-Autumn Day. 中秋快乐! 10. Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐! 11. Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 12. Happy Teachers’ Day! 教师节快乐! 二、告别用语 1. Bye.再见! 2. Goodbye/bye-bye。再见! 3. See you!再见! 4. See you tomorrow!明天见! 5. See you on Tuesday.星期二见! 6. Have a nice weekend.周末愉快! 7. Have a nice holiday.假期愉快! 8. Have a good time! 祝你们度过一个快乐的时光! 9. Hope to see you again.希望再次见到你们。 三、表扬用语 1. Good! ( better best )好!(更好!最好!) 2. Right! 正确! 3. Yes! 是的! 4. Very good!非常好! 5. Great!太棒了! 6. Wonderful! 非常精彩! 7. Excellent! 很棒的!


我叫XX,非常高兴见到各位!很荣幸有这个机会与大家交流。我希望我们能愉快交流并且度过开心的一天。现在请允许我做简单的自我介绍。 我毕业于X X 学校XX专业。我很年轻而且开朗,在我的业余时间,我有广泛的兴趣,例如,读书、上网、唱歌、打篮球,乒乓球等体育运动,体育运动这也是我的特长,所以我会很容易与孩子交流、相处。经过四年的学习,我掌握英语专业基础知识和相关教学技能。现已具备成为教师的基本素质和潜力。 在我的工作中,虚心学习,积极进取,尽我最大的努力。我一直相信,有付出才会有回报。在以后我将努力做到学高为师,身正为范。为学生树立榜样,勇当教育创新的探索者、素质教育的实践者。最后,我再次感谢各位评委老师给我这个机会,谢谢! Good morning everyone: My name is * * *. Nice to meet all of you! It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to talk with you. I hope we can communicate happily and have a good day. Now, let me introduce myself briefly. I graduated from * * * * and I majored in ***. After four—years’ hard study, I have mastered solid specialized knowledge and teaching skills. and I have possessed the quality to be a qualified English teacher. As you can see, I am young and open-minded. In my spare time, I have broad interests. Such as reading, surfing the internet, singing.I also good at playing basketball and other sports. It’s a joy to play with them. I think all of these may help me to communicate and get along with children happily. Besides, I like children and I love this job. In my work, I will have Patience on all of the children and try my best. I always believe working hard can bring us more opportunities. And Your trust and my ability will make us to create a new marvel together Ok! So much! Thank you!



小学英语教师常用课堂用语200句 问候 good morning.早上好!good afternoon.下午好! good morning, class.同学们早上好! hello, everyone! 大家好! 课程开始及休息 it's time for class. 上课的时间到了。let's begin our class. 开始上课。 let's start. 开始。 shall we begin? yes, let's begin. 我们开始吧?好,我们开始。 please look at me. 请看我。 let's have a break. 我们休息一下。 let's have a rest. 我们休息一下。 break time. 休息时间。 time is up. 时间到。 结束课程 that's all for today! 今天就到这儿。 we stop here. 我们到此结束。 let's call it a day. 今天就到这儿。 class is over. 下课。 goodbye everyone! 大家再见。 see you next time. 下次见。 see you later. 回头见 goodbye. / bye-bye. 再见。 give me a hug. 拥抱一下。 let's sing the "goodbye" song together. 我们一起来唱“再见歌”。

点名 is everyone here? 每个人都在吗? when teacher calls your name, please stand up and say “here.”老师叫到你的名字,请站起来说“到”。 do you remember your name? 还记得你们的名字吗? is ______ here? ______在吗? here! 到! who is not here? 谁没有到呢? ______ is not here. ______没到。 why do you late? 为什么迟到? what's the matter? 发生了什么事情? come in, please. 请进。 游戏及活动用语-1 let's play a game. 我们玩游戏吧。 let's begin./start. 我们开始。 are you ready? 准备好了吗? one, two, three, go! 一、二、三,开始!who is the first one? 谁是第一名? I'm the first one. 我是第一名。 who is winner? 谁赢了。 we are the winners! 我们赢了。who wants to try? 谁愿意来试一试? it's your turn. 轮到你了。 please follow me. 请跟我学。watch me! 看我! i will divide you into two teams. 我要把你们分成两组。 you are the apple team. 你们是“苹果”组。you are the banana team. 你们是“香蕉”组。

小学低年级英语自我介绍 1000字

小学低年级英语自我介绍 1000字 Good afternoon, teachers! My name is Liu chuan. I`m eight . I`m from Class four Grade two of LUSHAN road Primary School. And I am a monitor in our class.My dream is to be a teacher. I like playing computer games and basketball.My favourite food is chicken.and My favourite drink is Coca Cola. This is me. Please remember Linchuan . Thank you very much! 下午好!老师们. 我叫刘川,今年8岁,来自庐山路小学二年级四班,在班上任班长,我的梦想是能成为一名教师。 我喜欢玩电脑游戏和篮球,我最喜欢的食物是鸡腿,最喜欢的饮料是可口可乐. 这就是我,请大家记住刘川,非常感谢!

When students attend school.teachers become the most important to them.So I would like to tell you about my favourite teacher. My favourite teacher is my English teacher.She is Miss He . She`s pretty and kind.. her class is very interesting because we do many different games.She gives lots of homework.But we always work hard to please her.Her smile warms my heart.So I like English very much. This is her .my favourite teacher.Do you like her too? 当学生上学时,老师对他们非常重要,因此,我想向你介绍我最喜欢的老师,她是我的英语老师,何菁菁小姐,她漂亮并且友善,并且她的课非常有意思,因为我们可以做很多不同的游戏,她给我们布置很少的家庭作业,但我们还是会向她请教.她的微笑温暖着我的心.所以我非常喜欢英语课.这就是她,我最喜欢的老师,你也喜欢她吗?


小学英语老师课堂常用口语大全 Who wants to try?谁来试试 Come up to the front, please.请到前面来。 Go back to your seat, please.请回座位。 Come on. You can do it.来吧!你能做到的。 Come on, you’re almost there.来吧!你快(做/答)对了。 I’ll give you a clue (hint).我给你一些提示。 You can do it this way.你可以这样来做。 Let’s play a game.让我们玩个游戏。 Are you tired? Let’s take a break.累了吗?休息一下。 Look up the word in the dictionary.在字典里查这个词。 Take notes, please.请作笔记。 Are you clear ?明白了吗? Is that right /correct?那个正确吗? Can you find the mistakes?你能找出错误吗? Do you know how to correct the mistakes?你知道怎么改错吗? Are you ready?准备好了吗? Can you guess it?能猜猜吗? Yes. You’re right.对,你对了。 I’m sorry. Can you say that again?对不起,能再说一遍吗? Take your time.慢慢来。 Use your head.动动脑筋。 Good idea! That makes sense.好主意。有道理。 Whose turn is it?轮到谁了? Now you’re going to read one by one.现在你们依次朗读。 Who’s next?接下来是谁? You’re next.接下来是你。 It’s your turn.轮到你了。 Just (绿色圃中小学教育网https://www.doczj.com/doc/72900857.html, 原文地址https://www.doczj.com/doc/72900857.html,/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=171695)hands. No voices.不要说,请举手。 Do it on your own.自己做。 From the very beginning.从头开始。 Please read it to the end.请读到结尾。 Stop here, please.请停下来。 Hands up before you answer.回答问题前,请举手。 Here’s your homework for today.这是今天的家庭作业。 Hand in your homework tomorrow.家庭作业明天交。 Please pass the exercise books to the front.请将练习本递到前面来。 Who wants to come to the front?谁愿意到前面来? Come to my office after class.下课后到办公室找我。 Come and see me after class.课后找我。 Watch me and I'll show you.看着我,我来演示。 I want all of you to answer this question.我请大家一齐来回答这个问题。


小学英语老师自我介绍范文 小学英语老师自我介绍范文1 Dear examiner, you judge a teacher: pass the exam, and today, I am the first results of this post written into the interview. For me, this opportunity is particularly valuable. Good day I am Chen, 21 years old this year. Zhejiang Vocational and Technical College of Computer Science graduate. My internship in May this year, Xinhua school. Recall that month both times really sweet and beautiful, Normal non-school graduation, although I encountered difficulties, but listening to the students around the side, "teacher", "teacher" barking and looked full of confidence which both eyes, a picture of childish the face, the difficulties brought unhappiness suddenly vanished. Although I am teaching the theory, the concept of relative scarcity 非师范院校 graduation. But I'm rich and comprehensive expertise can bring the help they can not be given to schools. Now the development of modern society requires teachers not only have a noble sentiment, mature teachings, but also have a very professional knowledge theory. Can I use photo shop with pictures, use flash courseware, waveCN processed sound effects. Able to finish the set up production sites and forums. I am proficient in computer hardware, served as Minister of Social E network maintenance department at the school, maintenance and repair computers for all students over two hundred people. I am familiar with the digital market price, to purchase digital products at school made reference value opinions, saving school spending in this regard. I consciously abide by the law and abide by social morality, never smoking and drinking, no bad habits and behavior. I think these are an educator should have the minimum literacy. If I passed the interview, become a member of the faculty, I will


小学英语教师常用课堂用语200句 问候 good morning. 早上好! good afternoon. 下午好! good morning, class. 同学们早上好!hello, everyone! 大家好! 课程开始及休息 it's time for class. 上课的时间到了。 let's begin our class. 开始上课。let's start. 开始。 shall we begin? yes, let's begin. 我们开始吧?好,我们开始。 please look at me. 请看我。 let's have a break. 我们休息一下。let's have a rest. 我们休息一下。break time. 休息时间。time is up. 时间到。 结束课程 that's all for today! 今天就到这儿。we stop here. 我们到此结束。let's call it a day. 今天就到这儿。class is over. 下课。goodbye everyone! 大家再见。 see you next time. 下次见。 see you later. 回头见goodbye. / bye-bye. 再见。 give me a hug. 拥抱一下。 let's sing the "goodbye" song together. 我们一起来唱“再见歌”。 点名 is everyone here? 每个人都在吗? when teacher calls your name, please stand up and say “here.”老师叫到你的名字,请站起来说“到”。 do you remember your name? 还记得你们的名


小学英语教师面试自我介绍 good morning, my name is xx, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this primary school. I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program. In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester, and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies. At the period of my graduate study, my overall

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