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ability [?'biliti] n. 能力才能

He is proud of his daughter's ability to speak four languages. (ability to do sth.)


I try to do my job to the best of my ability. (=as well as I can) 我尽全力做好我的工作。

above [?'b?v] prep. 在…上面、超过

. Good health is above wealth 健康胜过财富。

We were flying above the clouds. 我们在云层上飞行。

Children above the age of 10 will not be accepted. 不接收十岁以上的小孩

above all 最重要的是Above all,make sure you keep in touch.

abroad [?'br?:d] adv. 在(到)国外

. They are looking forward to going abroad to study. 他们渴望出国学习。

absent ['?bs?nt] adj. 缺席的不在的(+from)

. It (so) happened that I was absent from school that day . 那天我正好没上学。

absent-minded 心不在焉的The absent-minded boy is always losing his books. 这个心不在焉的男孩老是丢书。accent ['?ks?nt] n. 口音

. He speaks with a Hunan accent. 他说话带湖南口音。

accept [?k'sept] vt. 接受(receive 指“收到”)

. Please accept this gift which stands for our friendship. 请接受这份象征我们友谊的礼物。

accident['?ksid?nt] 事故;意外的事(by accident 意外地)

. You're sure to have an accident if you drive so fast down the road. 你要是在路上开得这样快,准会出事。

advise [?d'vaiz] .[I,T] 劝告,忠告,建议[~ (sb) doing sth; ~ sb (on sth);~ sb to do sth]

. I would advise you to spend a couple of weeks in Hawaii. 我劝您到夏威夷去住两星期。

Will you advise on these points 关于这几点你提些意见,好吗

I advise you to go slow in what you are doing. 我劝你要谨慎行事。

agreement [?'gri:m?nt] n. 同意一致(+with)协定

. They finally came into agreement with each other. 他们彼此最终达成一致。

Are we in agreement about the price 对于这个价格我们是否意见一致呢

The two sides failed to reach an agreement. 双方未能达成一致.

Atlantic [?t'l?ntik] n. 大西洋adj. 大西洋的

. Columbus went across the Atlantic /the Atlantic Ocean in a ship in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年乘船横渡大西洋。

available [?'vel?bl] adj. 可用的有效的有空的

. I'm sorry no part-time jobs are available at the moment. 对不起,目前没有兼职的工作。

Will she be available this weekend 她这个周末有空吗

avoid [?'v?id] vt. 躲开避免(+ n./+v-ing) 逃避

. The doctor says he must avoid foods with too much fat. 医生说他要避免吃高脂肪食品。

We must try to avoid repeating these mistakes. 我们要避免重犯这些错误。


background ['b?kgraund] n. 背景[C]

. He came to know all of John's background. 他逐渐了解了所有有关约翰的背景情况。

bamboo [b?m'bu] 竹[C,U]

basic ['beisik] adj. 基本的

. They mastered the basic skills only after eight weeks of training. 八周的训练之后,他们才掌握了基本技能。bear (小学已学)

bee [bi:] n. 蜜蜂

beyond [bi'j?nd] prep. (表示位置)在...的那一边

. The gang live abroad, beyond reach of the British police. 这帮匪徒住在国外,英国警方鞭长莫及.

breath [breθ] n.呼吸,气息[U]

. She was soon out of breath, but she continued to run. 她很快就气喘吁吁了,但仍继续追赶。

breathe [bri:e] v. 呼吸

. I loved climbing mountains, to get away from the noise and pollution of the city, and breathe the fresh air.



cancel ['k?nsl] v. 取消

. A storm is coming. We'd better cancel the picnic tomorrow. 暴风雨要来了,我们最好取消明天的野餐。candle ['k?ndl] n. 蜡烛

cap [k?p] n.(有帽舌的)软帽,便帽瓶盖笔套

careless ['ke?lis] adj. 粗心的漫不经心的

. Careless driving often causes accidents. 开车粗心往往酿成事故。

Jack was so careless that he forgot to head up the composition before it was handed in.


ceiling ['si:li?] n. 天花板顶棚

celebrate ['selibreit] vt. 庆祝

. Setting off firecrackers is a traditional way to celebrate the new year. 放鞭炮是庆祝新年的传统方式。chairman/chairwoman ['t???rm?n] ['t???wum?n] n. 主席

change [t?eind?] n. 找给的零钱;找头[U] vt. n. 改变变化更换兑换

. Every day the first thing Nancy did was to change water for the flowers. 南希每天要做的第一件事就是给花换水。

I don’t have any small change on me. 我身上没有零钱。

cheat [t?i:t] vt.骗取哄骗vi. 作弊

. If you try to cheat in your exam, I think you will never succeed. 如果你想考试作弊,我肯定你不会得逞的。

Shops and stores can not cheat customers. 商场不能蒙骗顾客。

coast [k?ust] n. 海岸,海滨

. Often on weekends I take the bus to the coast and go fishing. 我常在周末搭公共汽车去海边钓鱼。college ['k?lid?] n. 大学专科学校go to college 上大学

composition [k?mp?'zi?n] n. 作文作曲

. There are few grammatical mistakes in his composition. 他的作文中几乎没有什么语法错误。

condition [k?n'di??n] n.状况条件

. The doctor said the old man's condition was hopeless. 医生说这位老人的状况没有希望了。

He called on the government to improve the poor's living condition. 他呼吁政府改善穷人的生活条件。

conference ['kɑnf?r?ns]n. (正式)会议讨论会 a press conference 新闻发布会

control [k?n'tr?ul] vt. & n. 控制

. Self-control is courage under another form 自我克制是勇气的另一种形式。

We are losing control of the world population. 我们正在失去对世界人口的控制。

When in anger,you’d better control your mood. 生气的时候,最好控制情绪。

cooker ['kuk?] n. 炊具(锅炉灶烤炉等)

cotton ['k?tn] n. 棉花[U]

courage [`k?rid?] n. [U] 勇气胆略

cruel [kru:?l] adj. 残酷的无情的(be ~ to sb)

. He is cruel to animals. 他对动物很残忍。


dare [de?] v. & aux. 敢,竟敢敢于(情态动词dare do sth 实义动词dare to do sth)

. How dare you say that to me ! 你竟敢对我说这话Do you dare to come with me 你敢跟我来吗

dialogue ['dai?l?g] n. 对话

discovery [dis'k?v?ri] n. 发现

. The accident led to a great scientific discovery. 这一偶然事件引发了一项重大科学发现。

discussion [dis'k???n] n. 讨论辩论(have a ~ discussion about/on sth)

disease [di'zi:z] n. 疾病

dismiss [dis'mis] vt. 解散解雇遣散

. If you insist on your demand for a pay raise , I shall have no choice but to dismiss you .


disturb [dis't?:b] vt. 扰乱打扰

. She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child. 她轻轻地开门,以免惊扰了睡著的孩子。

doubt [daut] n. & vt. 怀疑疑惑(without ~ 毫无疑问)

. There is no doubt that our team will come out on top in the tale tennis finals with the Japanese team 在与日本队的乒乓球决赛中,毫无疑问,我们队一定会获胜的。

Maybe he changed his mind, but I doubt it 也许他改变了主意,但我对此表示怀疑。

dozen ['d?zn] n. 十二个一打(a ~ of sth dozens of sth)

dry [drai] vt. 弄干擦干adj. 干的干燥的

. As there's no butter we had to do with dry bread. 既然没有奶油,我们也只好凑合着吃干面包。

You can dry the clothes in a dry er. 你可以用烘干机将衣服弄干。


edge [ed?] n. 边缘(at/on the ~ of 处在…的边缘)

. Don't put that glass on the edge of the table;it might fall off. 不要把那杯子放在桌边,可能掉下来. education ['edju'kei?n] n 教育培养(已学educate,educational)

examine [ig'z?min] vt. 检查诊察

. Then one of the patients died, and Dr. Li’s team was able to examine the brain


excite (已学excited exciting)

express [iks'pres] vt. 表达表示(已学expression)

. find it difficult to express my meaning. 我发觉我难以表达我的意思。


feeling ['fi:li?] n. 感情感觉(学过feel)

. I will never forget the feeling of the cool bottle on my skin 我永远忘不了冰凉的瓶子接触我皮肤时的感觉。

He got lost in a strong bitter feeling. 他沉迷在一种强烈的愤恨感情中。

flat [fl?t] n. 公寓楼中的一套房间

. I'll fit you up with a bed at my flat. 我可以在我的寓所里为你提供一个床位。

force [f?:s] vt. 强迫迫使(~ sb to do sth;~ sb into sth/doing sth 迫使某人做某事)

e..g. I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left. 最后一班车已经离开,我被迫打的。

forward ['f?rw?d] adv. 向前前进将来今后

. Move forward carefully or you'll slip. 小心地往前走,不然会滑倒。

Review the past and look forward to the future. 回顾过去,展望未来。

fridge [frid?] n. 冰箱(= refrigerator)

frog [fr?g] n. 青蛙


gentleman (学过gentle) ['d?entlm?n] n. 绅士先生(pl. gentlemen)

gesture ['d?est??] n. 姿势手势

. He raised his hands in a gesture of victory. 他举起双手做了个胜利的手势。

goal [g?ul] n. (足球的)球门进球目标(reach one’s ~,achieve one’s ~ 实现目标)

golden ['g?uldn] adj. 金(黄)色的

grandchild ['gr?ndt?aild] n. (外)孙子或(外)孙女,孙辈(pl. grandchildren)

granddaughter ['gr?ndd?:t?] n. 孙女

granny ['gr?ni] n. 老奶奶祖母外婆

greeting ['gri:ti?] n. 祝贺问候(学过greet)

. She waved me a greeting. 她挥手向我打招呼。

guess [ges] vi. /vt猜(~at sth)n. 猜测猜想

. I guess there are mice in the kitchen 我猜想厨房里有老鼠。

guest [gest] n. 客人宾客


half [hɑ:f] adj. & n. 一半半

.We have followed this road for five and a half years and have achieved satisfactory results.


heaven ['hev?n] n. 天天空天堂(in ~ 在天堂天上)

honor ['?n?] n. 荣誉敬意vt. 尊敬给以荣誉(in ~ of 纪念向…致敬)

. Mother’s Day is to honor all mothers not just your own. 母亲节是为了向所有母亲致敬,并非只是自己的母亲。

A party was heldin honor of the visiting chairman. 为来访的主席举行了聚会。

humorous ['hju:m?r?s] adj.幽默的


include [in'klu:d] v. 包含包括(学过including)

. Cycling races racing include track events and road events.自行车赛包括场地自行车赛和公路自行车赛。industry ['ind?stri] n. 工业High-tech industry高科技产业

insist [in'sist] vi. 坚持坚持认为(~ on sth/doing sth 坚持做某事坚持要求…)

. I think it unwise for both of us to insist on his own price. 我认为双方坚持自己的价格是不明智的。

I must insist on your giving me a straightforward answer. 我一定要你给我一个直截了当的回答。

I must insist that you (should)give me a straightforward answer.

intention [in'ten??n] n. 意图目的(~ to do sth/of doing sth)

. Do you have any intention of learning German language 您有学德语的打算吗

iron ['ai?n] n. 铁熨斗vt. 烫平

. The teacher was walking up and down the room with the iron ruler under his arm and a book in his hand.


He is ironing a shirt with an iron. 他用一把熨斗熨衬衫。


joy [d??i] [U]高兴,愉快,喜悦[C]令人高兴的人或事,乐事,乐趣

. In China firework is played to express joy and happiness during the Spring Festival.



keyboard ['ki:b?:d] n. 键盘

kick [kik] vt. & n. 踢

. kick a ball 踢球 a good kick 踢得好


lay [lei] vt. 放搁(laid,laid)(学过“下蛋产卵”之义)

. Lay aside bad habits 丢掉坏习惯。

lemonade [lem?n'eid] n. 柠檬水[U]

level ['levl] n. 水平水平线

. His plane continued flying at 5000 metres above sea level. 他的飞机一直在海拔五千米的高空飞行。

lie [lai] n. 谎言vi. 撒谎(学过“平躺”之义)(~ to sb 对某人撒谎)

.He is so stupid as to believe such a lie. 他竟然蠢得连这种谎言都相信。

He lied to his mother about his disease. 患病的事,他向他妈妈撒谎了。


machine [m?'i:n] n. 机器

manage ['m?nid?] v. 管理设法对付(学过management)

. How does he manage to write music when he is so deaf. 他聋成这个样子,究竟是怎样从事作曲的呢

I will manage the business somehow. 我将设法处理这事。

marriage ['m?rid?] n. 婚姻

. Congratulate the young couple on their marriage and wish them a long life of happiness together.


memory ['mem?ri] n. 回忆记忆(学过memorize)(in ~ of 纪念)

. They will strike a medal in memory of the great victory. 他们将打制一枚纪念章纪念这场伟大的胜利。

I have no memory of the exact words. 我记不得那原话了。

mirror ['mir?(r)] n. 镜子(小学学过)

motorcycle ['m?ut?saikl] n. 摩托车


object ['?bd?ikt ] n. 物物体宾语

. He held a stick-like object in his hand. 他手里握着一支像棍子的东西。

operation [,?p?r'ei??n; ,ap?'re??n] n. 手术操作(学过operate)

. The heater is now ready for operation and the main switch can be turned off

这时热水器可以开始工作, 可以关掉主开关。


package ['p?kid?] n. 一包一袋一盒(a ~ of sth)n. 包裹

pale[peil] adj. 苍白的灰白的

. a ~ face 苍白的脸She looks pale. 她看上去很苍白。

pardon ['pɑ:dn] n 原谅宽恕对不起

. I beg your pardon请您再说一遍(我没有听清)

I beg your pardon, but can you tell me how I can get to the center 对不起,打扰了请教去中心怎么走

passage ['p?sid?] n. (文章的)一段一节通道走廊

. Turn to the right at the passage and go to the end. 从这个走道转到右边一直走到底.

passport ['pɑ:sp?:t] n. 护照

. A person who travels abroad must carry a passport. 出国旅行要携带护照。

percent [p?'sent] n. 百分之一(不用复数形式)百分比, 百分数

. I am 100 percent in agreement. 我百分之百同意。

period ['pi?ri?d] n. 时期时代

. The work can be done within a short period可在较短时间内完成这项工作。

pity ['piti] n. 怜悯同情遗憾的事

. It's a pity she can't attend the reception. 她不能参加招待会,真是遗憾。

I felt great pity for the woman whose baby died. 我很同情这个死了孩子的妇女。

plain [plein] adj. 家常的普通的

. a plain person 普通人plain dishes 家常菜

plate [pleit] n. 板片牌盘子盆子

. a plate of food 一盘食物 a door plate 门牌

pocket['p?kit] n. (衣服的)口袋

They invited me to prepare a pocket dictionary. 他们请我编一本袖珍字典。

position [p?'zi??n] n. 位置(in a ~ 在…位置上)

. The telephone is in a bad positio n — I cannot reach it. 电话机放的位置不好,我够不着它。

prevent [pri’vent] vt. 防止预防(~ sb from doing sth 防止某人做某事)

. What prevented you from joining us last night 昨天晚上什么事使你不能参加我们的晚会

pride [praid] n. 自豪骄傲[U](学过take pride in)

private [‘praivit] adj. 私人的

. a private room 私人房间in private秘密地

promise ['pr?mis] n. 允诺(+of)(+that)(+to-v) vt. 答应[+to-v][+that]

. keep one’s promise信守诺言break one’s promise违背诺言

She promised her brother that she would write to him. / She promised to write to her brother.


protect [pr?'tekt] vt. 保护(~ sb from/againt sth / doing sth 保护某人以免受……)

. protect sb. from danger 保护某人免遭危险

prove [pru:v] vt. 证明

. He has prove d his courage in battle. 他已在战斗中证明了自己的勇气。

My advice proved to be wrong. 我的意见证实是错的。

punish ['p?ni?] vt. 惩罚处罚(~ sb for sth 因某事惩罚某人)

. Motorists should be punished severely for dangerous driving. 汽车司机如危险驾驶应受到严厉处罚。

The teacher punished the noisy children by making them stay after school.



queen ['kwi:n] n. 皇后女王


reach [ri:t?] v. 到达伸手够到

. reach out an arm 伸出一只手臂I couldn't reach the shelf. 我没法够着书架

They have reach ed London. 他们已经到达伦敦

recite [ri'sait] vt. 背诵

recorder [ri'k?:d?] n. 录音机

regret [ri'gret] vt. & n. 可惜遗憾痛惜(~ to do sth 遗憾将要做某事~doing sth 后悔做过某事)

. I regret spending so much money on a car. 我后悔在一辆小汽车上花这么多钱。

I regret to say I cannot come. 很抱歉,我不能来了。

He told me with regret that he could not come to the party. 他很抱歉地对我说他不能来参加这个聚会了。

relation [ri'lei??n] n. 关系亲属

. international relations国际关系

Some of my relations, such as my aunt and uncle, live in America. 我有些亲戚,如我姑姑和叔叔,住在美国。

repeat [ri'pi:t] 重说重做(不要加again)

. repeat a mistake 重犯错误Could you repeat the question 你能把这个问题重复一下吗

require [ri'kwa?r] v. 需要[+v-ing][+that] 【书】要求,命令(+of)[+that] (学过requirement)

. Students are required to attend classes. 学生必须按规定上课

Most plants require sunlight. 大部分植物需要阳光

retell [ri:'tel] vt. 再讲,重复,重说. retell a story 复述故事

right [rait] n. 权利. We must work for equal rights for everyone. 我们必须为每个人争取同等的权利。

rubber ['r?b?] n. 橡胶合成橡胶[U]

. Tires are made of rubber. 轮胎是用橡胶做成的。


safety [‘seifti] n. 安全, 保险[U]

. They ran to safety, away from the fire. 他们跑到安全的地方,远离了大火。

They crossed the road in safety. 他们安全地越过了公路。

sausage [`s?sid?] n.香肠, 腊肠

score [sk?:] n. & v. 得分分数

. Against which country did he score his first international goal


They beat the Giants by a score of 7 to 3. 他们以7 比3 的比分击败了巨人队。

seldom [`seld?m] adv. 很少不常(注意:这是一个否定词)

. I've seldom felt so happy. 我很少感觉如此幸福。

separate [ `sep?reit] vt. 使分开使分离adj. 单独的分开的(~ sth from sth)

. Men and women have separate exercise rooms. 男女有各自的健身房。

Police moved in to separate the two groups. 警方介入进来,将两拨人分开。

servant [`s?:v?nt] n. 仆人佣人

shame [?eim] n. 遗憾的事羞愧

. I don't want to bring shame on the family name. 我不想玷污家族的名声。

It is such a shame that they couldn’t reach there on time. 他们不能准时到达,才可惜了。

shine [?ain] v. 发光照耀杰出擦亮(shone shone 或shined shined)

. It is a mild morning and the sun is shining. 这是个和煦的早晨,阳光普照。

One of the men shone a torch in his face. 其中一名男子用火把照着他的脸。

Did you shine at school 你上学时成绩优秀吗

silent [`sail?nt] adj. 无声的无对话的(学过silence)

. He spoke no English and was completely silent during the visit. 他不会说英语,参观过程中一言未发。

social [`s?u??l] adj. 社会的社交的

. The guests came from all social backgrounds. 客人们来自各个社会阶层。

Social activities might include barbecues on the beach and walking tours of the Old Town.


solid [`s?lid] adj. 结实的固体的n. 固体

. He did not eat solid food for several weeks. 他数周以来都没有食用固体食物。

Solids turn to liquids at certain temperatures. 固体在一定的温度下会变为液体。

sort [s?:t] vt. 把…分类拣选n. 种类类别(all sorts of sth 各种各样的)

. There are so many different sorts of mushrooms available these days. 现在可以买到许多不同种类的蘑菇。

The students are sort ed into three ability groups. 学生们被按照各自的能力分成了3 个组。

speed [spi:d] n. 速度v. (使)加速

. I was amazed at his speed of working. 他办事之麻利让我深感叹服。

Trains will speed through the Channel Tunnel at 186mph. 火车将以每小时186 英里的速度快速穿过海峡隧道。

speed up加速

spread [spred] v. 延伸展开(spread, spread)

. His coat was spread over the bed. 他的外套摊在床上。

Flu spread quickly in the kindergartens. 流感在幼儿园里迅速蔓延

stairs [st??z] n. 楼梯

standard [`st?nd?d] n. & adj. 标准(的)

. There will be new national standards for hospital cleanliness. 有关医院清洁的新国家标准将会出台。

It is the standard practice to ask a new student to introduce himself. 要新来的学生做自我介绍是标准做法.

state [steit] n. 状态清形国家(美国的)州

. When we moved here the walls and ceiling were in a terrible state.我们刚搬到这里时,墙和房顶都破旧不堪。

steal [sti:l] vt. 偷窃取(stole stolen)

. He stole the money from clients' accounts. 他从客户的账户里偷了钱

steam [sti:m] n. 汽水蒸气

steel [sti:l] n.钢钢铁[U]

stick [stik] vi. 粘住钉住坚持(stuck stuck) (stick to sth/doing 坚持做某事) n. 木棒枝条

. He looks old and walks with a stick. 他看起来很老,走路时拄着一根拐棍。

We just stuck it to the window. 我们就把它贴在窗户上了

They stuck to their ideas and wouldn’t change their minds. 他们坚持自己的想法,不肯改变.

storm [st?:m] n.风暴暴风雨

stranger [`streind??] n. 陌生人外人

stupid [`stju:pid] adj. 愚蠢的笨的

. I'll never do anything so stupid again. 我再也不会做这种傻事了。

sudden [`s?d?n] adj. 突然的

sugar [`?uɡ?] n. 糖[U]

supply [s?`plai] vt. & n. 供给供应(supply sth to sb supply sb with sth 向某人供应某物)

. Food is in short supply all over the country. 全国普遍食品供应不足。

The factory supplied a new uniform to each of its workers. 这家工厂给每个工人供应一套制服。surface [`s?:fis] n. 表面

swing 秋千(小学已学)


tail [teil] n. (动物的)尾巴

tale [teil] n. 故事传说

technology [tek`n?l?d?i] n. 技术

tent [tent] n. 帐篷(put up a ~ 搭帐篷)

text [tekst] n. 文本课本

. too much text and not enough pictures 正文太多而插图不够

thick [θik] adj. 厚的

tidy ['taidi] adj. 整洁的干净的

toilet ['t?ilit] n. 厕所

ton [t?n] n. 吨(a ~ of sth 一吨某物)

tongue [t??] n. 舌头语言. mother tongue母语Hold your tongue! 住嘴!

tool [tu:l] n. 工具器具

total ['t?utl] n. 合计总计adj. 总数的总括的完全的全然的(in total 总共)

. I want total silence. 我要求一点声音也没有。

What does the total come to 总数是多少

touch [t?t?] v. & n. 触摸;接触

. Just don't touch anything in my room! 就是不要动我房间中的任何东西!

lose touch(常与with连用)失去联系;停止联系

be out of touch (常与with连用)无联系;生疏

get in touch with和...取得联系

trade [treid] n. 贸易

treasure ['tre??] n.[C] 金银财宝,珍宝;财富

. Knowledge is a treasure, But practice is the key to it. 知识是一座宝库,实践是打开宝库的钥匙

treatment ['tritm?nt] n. [U,C]治疗(+for) [C]治疗法(+for)

. The doctor's treatment cured him. 医生的治疗使他的病痊愈了。

trousers ['trauz?z] n. 裤子,长裤(a pair of trousers一条长裤)

trust [tr?st] vt. 信任信赖相信

. I trust that you will be on time. 我确信你会准时到来的

I trust what you say. 我相信你所说的


upon [?`p?n] prep. 在……上面

. He set the tray upon the table. 他把盘子放在桌子上。

upstairs [?p`st??z] adv. 在楼上到楼上

. He went upstairs and changed into fresh clothes. 他上楼换上干净衣服。

used [ju:zd] adj. 〈美〉用过的

useful [`ju:sful] adj. 有用的有益的(be ~ for)

. The slow cooker is very useful for people who go out all day. 慢炖锅对于整天都不在家的人来说很有用。

useless [`ju:slis] adj. 无用的(学过uselessly)

. Computers would be useless without software writers. 没有编软件的人,计算机就会毫无价值。


value [`v?lju] n. 价值益处

. The company's market value rose to $ billion. 该公司的市值涨到了55亿美元。

If something is of value, it is useful or important.

VCD n. 影碟光盘

vehicle [`vi:?kl] n. 运输工具车辆


warn [w?:n] vt. 警告预先通知(~ sb of sth , ~ sb to do)

. They warned him of the dangers of sailing alone.他们警告他说独自航行危险重重。

Children must be warned to stay away from main roads. 必须警告孩子们远离交通要道。

wealth [welθ] n. 财富[U]

weight [weit] n. 重重量(lose ~ 减肥put on ~ / gain ~ 增加体重)

whale [wel] n. 鲸

wide [waid] adj. 宽阔的

wise [waiz] adj. 明智的聪明的

wolf [wulf] n. 狼(pl. wolves)

worth [w?:θ] adj. 有....的价值值得…的(be ~ sth, be ~ doing )

. He's decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worth buying.


These books might be worth £80. 这些书可能值八十英镑

wound [wu:nd] vt. 伤伤害n. 创伤伤口(多指兵器或利器伤)

. Six soldiers are reported to have died from their wounds. 据报道,有6名士兵因伤而亡。

The two wounded men were taken to a nearby hospital. 两名受伤男子被送到附近医院。


X-ray X光X 射线


yourselves [j??`selvz] pron. 你们自己


zebra [`zi:br?] n. 斑马


a bit (of) 有一点一会儿

. Your article is a bit long. 你的文章长了一点。

Let's have a bit of music. 让咱们来点音乐。

a good / great many = many

. A good many people go on holiday in August. 很多人在八月度假

a kind of 一种all kinds of 各种各样

a number of 一些

a pair of 一双一副

add up to 合计达

. The women doctors and women nurses in the hospital add up to two hundred and five.


after class 课后(after school 放学后)

again and again 反复地再三地

agree to do sth 同意做某事

agree with sb 同意某人的看法与某人看法一致

all right 行了好吧(病)好了

all the best 一切顺利万事如意

arrive at/in a place 到达某地

as a result (作为)结果

. He is unable to go to work as a result of the fall from his horse. 由于从马上摔了下来,他不能去上班了。

It hasn’t rained for several weeks. As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden every day.


at last 最后

as usual 通常跟往常一样

. There is no doubt that Peter will come on time as usual.彼得无疑会像往常一样准时来的。

as well也还有

. She's clever as well as good-looking. 她不但聪明,而且漂亮

But in rich countries there is pollution as well. 在富裕国家中也存在污染。

be proud of = take pride in 为…骄傲、自豪

be strict with sb 对…要求严格be strict in sth

break in 闯入强行进入插嘴打断

. Don't break in while we are talking. 我们说法时你不可插嘴。

break out (战争火灾)突然发生爆发

. Trouble may break out at any moment. 灾难在任何时候都可能突然发生。

bring up 教育培养

. Good families will bring up good children to become law-abiding members of society.


be fond of 喜欢

. It's human nature for parents to be fond of their children. 父母爱孩子是人类的天性。

be late for 迟到


2016年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) 7. A. In March. B. In May C. In June D. In July 8. A. His son. B. His daughter. C. His father. D. His mother. 9. A. 11. B. 12. C. 13. D. 14. 10. A. Lions. B. Elephants. C. Monkeys. D. Tigers. 11. A. Because the car is too old. B. Because he needs money. C. Because there is too much traffic. D. Because he wants to buy a new car. 12. A. At home. B. In the museum. C. At school. D. In the hospital. 13. A. Make some cakes. B. Order a meal. C. Take him to a restaurant. D. Buy some milk. 14. A. Sleep. B. Fans. C. The kids. D. The weather. C. Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 15. Amy often stays up late at night to learn English. 16. The programmes Amy listens to are Canadian and American. 17. Amy thinks that talk channels are better than music channels. 18. Amy’s progress is slow, but her English is getting better than before. 19. Tom isn’t interested when Amy tells him about listening online. 20. Tom and Amy are talking about a good way to learn English. D.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列句子。每


英语专四词汇表(A) abdomen n. 腹,腹部 abolish vt. 废止,废除(法律、制度、习俗等) aboriginal adj. 土著的,原来的n. 土著居民 aborigine n. (澳洲的)土著;土人 abound vi. 多,大量存在,富于,充满 abridge v. 删节,削减,精简 abrupt adj. 突然的,陡峭的,生硬的 absolve v. 宣布免除(承诺、责任等);赦免,免受惩处,宣告无罪abundant adj. 丰富的,充裕的,丰富,盛产,富于

abuse n. 滥用,虐待,辱骂,陋习,弊端v. 滥用,虐待,辱骂 accessory n. 附件,零件,附加物,从犯,同谋者adj. 附属的,补充的,同谋的,副的accommodate vt. 供应,供给,使适应,调节,和解,向……提供,容纳,调和vi. 适应accompaniment n. 陪伴物,伴奏 accomplished adj. 完成的,熟练的,多才多艺的 accord n. 一致,符合,调和,协定vt. 一致,给与vi. 符合◆of one’s own accord 自愿地,自动地accordingly adv. 因此,从而 accordion n. 手风琴adj. 可折叠的 ace n. (纸牌或骰子)幺点,一流人才,高手,佼佼者 acknowledge vt. 承认,答谢,报偿 acquaint vt. 使熟知,通知

acquaintance n. 相识,熟人 acrobat n. (走钢丝的)杂技演员,随机应变者,翻云覆雨者 acronym n. 首字母的缩写词 acupuncture n. 针刺疗法 acute adj. 敏锐的,激烈的,严重的[医]急性的,剧烈 adapter n. 适配器,改编者 addict n. 入迷的人,有瘾的人 adhere vi. 粘附,胶着,坚持v. 坚持◆adhere to坚持;坚信;忠于adherence n. 粘着,忠诚,坚持 adjacent adj. 邻近的,接近的◆be adjacent to接近 admiral n. 海军上将,舰队司令,旗舰


词汇表对照表 考试大纲词汇表词性词意短语搭配或句子a(an)[?,e?(?n)]art.一(个、件……) ability[??b?l?t?]n.能力;才能 able[?e?b(?)l] a.能够;有能力的 about[??ba?t]ad. prep.大约;到处;四处关于;在各处;四处 above[??b?v]prep.在……上面 abroad[??br??d]ad.到(在)国外 absent[??bs?nt] a.缺席;不在 accept[?k?sept]vt.接受I received his invitation but I didn’ t accept it.(我收到他的邀请,但我没接 受。) according to根据,按照 achieve[??t?i?v]vt.达到;取得He hopes to achieve all the aims soon. (他希望很快达成所有目标。) across[??kr?s]prep横过;穿过 act[?kt]n. v.法令;条例 表演,扮演(角色);演出,行动 action[??k?(?)n]n.行动 active[??kt?v] a.积极的,主动的 activity[?k?t?v?t?]n.活动 actor[??kt?]n.演员,男演员,行动者 actress[??ktr?s]n.女演员 add[?d]vt.增添;增加 address[??dres]n.地址 advantage[?d?vɑ? nt?d?] n.优点;好处 advice[?d?va?s]n.忠告;劝告;建议 advise[?d?va?z]vt.忠告;劝告;建议My teacher advised me to do more reading. (我的老师建议我多读。) afford[??f??d]vt.负担的起(……的费 用);抽的出(时间); 提供Mary was not able to afford a new car.(玛丽买不起新车。) afraid[??fre?d] a.害怕的;担心的Africa n.非洲 African a.非洲的,非洲人的 after[?ɑ?ft?(r)]ad. prep. conj.在后;后来 在……之后;在……后面 在……以后 afternoon[ɑ?ft??nu? n] n.下午,午后again[??ɡe?n]ad.再一次;再,又


2016 年上海中考英语试卷 Part 1Listening (第一部分 听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30 分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共 6 分) 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共8 分) 7 .A .In March B .In May C .In June D .In July . 8 .A .His son B .His daughter C .His father D .His mother . 9.A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14. 10.A.Lions B.Elephants C.Monkeys D.Tigers. 11.A.Because the car is too old. B.Because he needs money. C.Because there is too much traffic. D.Because he wants to buy a new car. (关注微信公众号,获取更多免费资源)

12.A.At home B.In the museum.C.At school.D.In the hospital.13.A.Make some cakes. B.Order a meal. C.Take him to a restaurant. D.Buy some milk. 14.A.Sleep B.Fans C.The kids D.The weather. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共6 分) 15.Amy often stays up late at night to learn English. 16.The programmes Amy listens to are Canadian and American. 17.Amy thinks that talk channels are better than music channels. 18.Amy's progress is slow,but her English is getting better than before.19.Tom isn't interested when Amy tells him about listening online. 20.Tom and Amy are talking about a good way to learn English. D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences (听对话,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词): (共10 分) 21.The yearly Walk for Charity will_______,_______ Garden Street.22.Money will be raised to build a children's_______,_______ in the town.23.If rain is forecast,walkers should _______,_______ all possible events.24.Walkers are told to keep to _______,_______in the single line while walking.25.The bus leaves every half-hour and the service _______ ,_________-。 Part 2Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20 分) 26. Let’s take a rest and listen to some music. Which is correct for the underlined part? A)/e/B)/i:/C)/I/D)/?/ 27. The teenagers had _____ good time in the summer camp in their sister school. A)a B) an C) the D)/


2017年考试说明 a (an) art. 一(个、件……) ability n.能力 able a. 能够;有能力的 about ad. 大约;到处;四处 prep.关于;在各处;四处 above prep. 在……上面; a. 上面的 ad.在……之上 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 absent a. 缺席的,不在的 accept v. 接受;收受 accident n. 事故,意外的事 achieve vt. 达到,取得 across prep. 横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例 v.(戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事 action n. 行动 active a. 积极的,主动的 activity n. 活动 actor n.演员 actress n. 女演员 actually ad. 实际上,事实上 ad.(=advertisemnt) n.广告 add v.添加,增加 address n. 地址 advantage n. ,() advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise v.建议;劝告 afford v.买得起;提供 afraid a. 害怕的;担心 Africa n.非洲 African a. 非洲的 n. 非洲人 after ad. 在后;后来 prep.在……之后 conj.在……以后 afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 再一次;再,又 against prep. 对着,反对 age n. 年龄;时代 ago ad. 以前 agree v. 同意;应允 agreement n. 协议;同意;一致 air n. 空气;大气 airport n. 航空站,飞机场 alive a. 活着的,存在的 all a. 全(部);所有的;总;整 pron.全部;全体人员 allow vt. 允许,准许 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 alone a. 单独的,孤独的 along ad. 向前;和……一起;一同 prep.沿着;顺着 aloud adv.大声地;出声地 already ad. 已经 also ad. 也 although conj. 虽然,尽管 always ad. 总是;一直;永远 amazing a. 了不起的 America n. 美国;美洲 美国的;美国人的n. 美国人 among prep. 在……中间;在(三个以上)之间 ancient a. 古代的,古老的 and conj. 和;又;而 angry a. 生气的,愤怒的 animal n. 动物 another a. 再一;另一;别的;不同 pron.另一个


pacific a.和平的n.太平洋pack vt.捆扎;挤满n.包package n.包裹,包,捆packet n.小包(裹),小捆 pad n.垫;本子vt.填塞 page n.页 pail n.桶,提桶 pain n.痛,痛苦悲伤;辛劳painful a.使痛的;费力的paint vt.画;油漆vi.绘画painter n.漆工,画家,绘画者painting n.油画;绘画;着色pair n.一对vi.成对,配对palace n.宫,宫殿 pale a.苍白的;浅的 palm n.手掌,手心;掌状物pan n.平底锅,盘子 panda n.小猫熊;猫熊 pane n.窗格玻璃 panel n.专门小组;面,板pant n.气喘;心跳 paper n.纸;官方文件;文章

parade n.游行;检阅vi.游行paradise n.伊甸乐园;天堂paragraph n.(文章的)段,节parallel a.平行的;相同的parcel n.包裹,小包,邮包pardon n.原谅;赦免vt.原谅parent n.父亲,母亲,双亲 park n.公园;停车场 parliament n.议会,国会 part n.一部分;零件;本份partial a.部分的;不公平的partially ad.部分地 participate vi.参与,参加;分享particle n.粒子,微粒 particular a.特殊的;特定的particularly ad.特别,尤其,格外partly ad.部分地,不完全地partner n.伙伴;搭挡;配偶party n.党,党派;聚会 pass vt.经过;通过;度过passage n.通过;通路,通道passenger n.乘客,旅客,过路人


重庆市2010年中考英语词汇表 说明: 1.本表供2010年使用。 2.词汇前标有▲是理解词汇,其余是掌握词汇。3.部分可根据构词法推出的副词和名词不单列。4.基数词和序数词未单列完全。 5.红色的为2010年新增词汇。 A a(an) art. 一(个、件…) able a. 能够,有能力的 about prep. 关于,在各处,四处 ad. 大约,到处,四处 above prep. 在…上面 a. 上面的 ad. 在…之上 ▲accept vt.接受,同意,承担(责任等) accident n. 事故,意外的事 ▲across prep. 横过,穿过 ▲act n. 法令,条例 v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏),行动,做事 ▲active a. 积极的;活跃的;勤奋的 ▲activity n. 活动;行动 address n. 地址 ▲advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 afraid a. 害怕的,担心的 after ad. 在后,后来 prep. 在…之后,在…后面 conj. 在…以后 afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 再一次,再,又 ▲against prep. 对着,反对 ▲age n. 年龄,时代 ago ad. 以前 agree v. 同意,应允 air n. 空气,大气 ▲alive a. 活着的,存在的 all ad. 全部地 pron. 全部,全体人员 a. 全部,所有的,总,整 ▲allow vt. 允许,准许 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 alone a. 单独的,孤独的 along ad. 向前,和…在一起,一同 prep. 沿着,顺着 already ad. 已经 also ad. 也 always ad. 总是,一直,永远 America n. 美国,美洲 American a. 美国的,美国人的 n. 美国人 among prep. 在…中间,在(三个以上)之间and conj. 和,有,而 angry a. 生气的,愤怒的 animal n. 动物 another a. 再一,另一,别的,不同的 pron. 另一个 answer n. 回答,答复,回信,答案 v. 回答,答复,回信,(作出)答案 any pron. (无论)哪一个,那些 a. 任何的,用于(疑问句、否定句),一些, 什么 anybody pron. 任何人,无论谁 ▲anyone pron. 任何人,无论谁 anything pron. 什么事(物),任何事(物) ▲appear vi. 出现 apple n. 苹果 April n. 四月 ▲area n. 地区,区域,面积,方面 arm n. 臂,支架,(美)武器,武力 v. 以…装备,武装起来 around ad. 在周围,在附近 prep. 在…周围,大约 arrive vi. 到达,达到 art n. 艺术,美术,技艺 article n. 文章,物品,条款,冠词 as ad & conj. 像…一样,如同,因为 prep. 作为,当做 ask v. 问,询问,请求,要求,邀请 ▲asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡 at prep. 在(几点钟),在(某处) ▲attention n. 注意,(口令)立正! August n. 八月 aunt n. 伯母,舅母,婶,姑,姨 Australia n. 澳洲,澳大利亚 ▲Australian a. 澳洲的,澳大利亚的 n. 澳大利亚人 autumn n. 秋天,秋季


2016年上海初中毕业生统一学业考试 英语试卷 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分) 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ 【考点】听录音选图 【解答】1 .C 2 .B 3 .H 4 .E 5 .A 6 .G A .根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片,并在答题纸上填涂相应的字母代号,每个句子念两遍. 1 .Ben and Jack are riding horses in the field . 2 .Will Peter take part in a table tennis match next Friday ? 3 .A small group of students lined up to get on the bus . 4 .It ' s Bill's first time to take a train all by himself . 5 .Jimmy lik es to read stories about space ,doesn't he ? 6 .Although he is always busy delivering mails ,Henry never complains . B. Listen to th e dial ogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共8分) 7 .A .In March B .In May C .In June D .In July . 【考点】短对话理解. 【解答】C . 7 .M :Were you here in May ? W :Not really .In fact I arrived in June . Question:When did the woman arrive ? 8 .A .His son B .His daught r C .His father D .His mother . 【考点】短对话理解. 【解答】B 8 .W :Good afternoon ,sir .Can I help you ?


2016年英语专业四级考试词汇语法真题 参考答案与解析 11. How can I concentrate if you _________ continually ______ me with silly questions? A. have… interrupted B. are… interrupted C. had… interrupting D. were… interrupting 选A。虽然我觉得更应该说you are continually interrupting me with silly questions。不过这里用现在完成时表示的是一个动作发生过成为过去经历,有可能多次发生,也就是打断一次、两次、三次等等不断重复到现在。 12. Among the four sentences below, Sentence ___ expresses the highest degree of possibility? A. It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. B. It might take a long time to find a solution to the problem. C. It could take a long time to find a solution to the problem. D. It should take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 选D。四个里把握度最高的是should,其次是may,最后是



prep. 作为,当做 ask v. 问,询问,请求,要求,邀请 ▲asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡 at prep. 在(几点钟),在(某处)▲attention n. 注意,(口令)立正! August n. 八月 aunt n. 伯母,舅母,婶,姑,姨Australia n. 澳洲,澳大利亚 ▲Australian a. 澳洲的,澳大利亚的 n. 澳大利亚人 autumn n. 秋天,秋季 away ad. 离开,远离 B baby n. 婴儿 back ad. 回(原处),向后 n. 背后,后部,背 bad (worse, worst) a. 坏的,有害 的,不利的, 严重的 bag n. 书包,提包,袋子 ball n. 球,舞会 banana n. 香蕉 ▲bank n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤basket n. 篮子 basketball n. 篮球 be aux v. (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) 是,成为 ▲beach n. 海滨,海滩 ▲bear n. 熊 v. 承受,负担,承担,忍受,容忍 beat v.(beat, beaten)敲打,跳动,打赢 n. (音乐)节拍 beautiful a. 美的,美丽的,美观的 because conj. 因为 become (became, become) v. 变得,成为 bed n. 床 bedroom n. 寝室,卧室 ▲beef n. 牛肉before prep. 在…以前,在…前面 ad. 以前 conj. 在…之前 begin (began, begun) v. 开始,着手 behind prep. ad.(表示位置)在…后 ▲believe v. 相信,认为 bell n. 钟,铃,钟(铃)声,钟形物 below prep. 在…下面 beside prep. 在…旁边,靠近 ▲besides prep. 除…以外(还有)ad. 还有,此外 best a.\ ad. ( good,well 的最高级) between prep. 在(两者之间),在…中间 big a. 大的 bike=bicycle n. 自行车 bill n. 帐单,法案,议案,(美)钞票,纸币 bird n. 鸟 birthday n. 生日 bit n. 一点,一些,少量的 black a. 黑色的 n. 黑色 blackboard n. 黑板 ▲blind a. 瞎的 blow (blew, blown) v. 吹,刮风,吹气 blue n & a. 蓝色,蓝色的 boat n. 小船,小舟 body n. 身体 book n. 书,本子 bookshop n. 书店 ▲boring a. 乏味的,无聊的 born a. 出生 borrow v. (向别人)借用,借both pron. 两,双 a. 两者,双方 bottle n. 瓶子 ▲bowl n. 碗 box n. 盒子,箱子


2016年上海市浦东新区中考英语二模试卷 一、Part l Listening (第一部分听力)I.Listening Comprehension (听力理解)(共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1.(6分) B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) 7.(1分)A)Jerry. B)Jessica. C)John. D)Jane. 8.(1分)A)Coffee. B)Coke. C)Tea. D)Juice. 9.(1分)A)A bus station. B)A train station.

C)An airport. D)A supermarket. 10.(1分)A)500 yuan. B)1000 yuan. C)1800 yuan. D)900 yuan. 11.(1分)A.Teacher and student. B.Mother and son. C.Wife and husband. D.Waitress and customer. 12.(1分)A)A newspaper. B)A travel guide. C)A map. D)A book. 13.(1分)A.He has had a bad cold. B.He has had a headache. C.He didn't put on his coat. D.He didn't close the windows. 14.(1分)A)She will go by bus. B)She will go on foot. C)She will go by car. D)She will go by bike. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 15.(1分)This is a brief introduction of an exciting physics project. 16.(1分)The bridge that the students are going to see was built in 1832.17.(1分)A famous engineer built the bridge and also paid for it. 18.(1分)Two dollars is enough for students to get into the Bridge Museum.19.(1分)Students need no food or drink,but a camera for the trip.


英语专四词汇表 英语专业四级词汇(新大纲) academic / AkE demik/ a.学院的;学术的 accommodate / E kRmEdeit/ vt.容纳;供应,供给accommodation / E,kRmE deiFE n/ n.招待设备;预定铺位accumulate / E kju:mjulei t/ vt.积累 vi.堆积 accuracy / AkjurEsi/ n.准确(性);准确度 accurate / Akjurit/ a.准确的,正确无误的 accuse / E kju:z/ v t.指责;归咎于 acid / Asid/ n.酸;酸的,酸性的 acquaintance / E kweintE ns/ n.认识;了解;熟人acquire / E kwaiE/ vt.取得;获得;学到=get acre / eikE/ n.英亩(=6.07亩) adequate / Adikwit/ a.足够的;可以胜任的=enough=abund ance advisable / Ed vaizEbl/ n.明智的;可取的 affection / E fekFEn/ n.慈爱,爱;爱慕=kindess alcohol / AlkEhRl/ n.酒精,乙醇 alloy / AlRi, E lRi/ n.合金;(金属的)成色alternative / R:l tE:nEtiv / n.替换物;取舍,抉择aluminium / Alju minjEm/ n.铝 ancestor / AnsistE/ n.祖宗,祖先 anchor / ANkE/ n.锚 vi.抛锚,停泊 anticipate / An tisipeit/ vt.预料,预期,期望=expect= hope=wish apparatus / ,ApE reitEs/ n.器械,仪器;器官=organ=ma chine appetite / Apitait/ n.食欲,胃口;欲望 appliance / E plaiEns/ n.用具,器具,器械=instrument applicable / AplikEbl/ a.能应用的;适当的=proper=app rociate approach / E prEutF/ vt.向…靠近 n.靠近 approval / E pru:vEl/ n.赞成,同意;批准 approve / E pru:v/ vt.赞成,称许;批准 arbitrary / a:bitrEri/ a.随心所欲的;专断的


2016年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案) (共20分) 26.Let’s take a rest and listen to some music. Which is correct for the underlined part? A)/e/ B)/i:/ C)/I/ D)/?/ 27.The teenagers had _____ good time in the summer camp in their sister school. A)a B) an C) the D)/ 28.When James arrived at the railway station, he tried to look_____ a place to park his car. A)after B)at C) up D)for 29.The local community center is open_______ Monday to Sunday. A)in B) from C)for D) on 30.The retired couple have decided to go to college. It’s time for ______ to begin a new life. A)they B) them C) their D) theirs 31.This temple is one of ______ building in the town. We must take action to protect it. A)old B) older C)oldest D) the oldest 32.The manager sounded______on the phone. He offered to show us around the company. A)softly B) friendly C)gently D)seriously 33.The light went out suddenly. It was very dark and _____could be seen clearly. A)anything B) something C) nothing D) everything 34.-_______Disney amusement park are there in China? -Two. A)How may B) How often C)How soon D) How long 35.The flight was delayed by the storm, ______ the passengers had to wait at the airport. A)but B)or C) so D) for 36.The nurse won’t leave her patients_____she’s sure they are all taken care of. A)unless B) because C) since D) if 37.A good friend is someone you _______share your pleasure and pain with. A)ought B) need C) can D) must https://www.doczj.com/doc/739541658.html,st week Vivian ______a dress for her mother with her first-month salary. A)buy B)bought C) will buy D) would buy


2016上海市初中毕业统一学业考试试题 Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案) (共20分) 26.Let’s take a rest and listen to some music. Which is correct for the underlined part? A)/e/ B)/i:/ C)/I/ D)/?/ 27.The teenagers had _____ good time in the summer camp in their sister school. A)a B) an C) the D)/ 28.When James arrived at the railway station, he tried to look_____ a place to park his car. A)after B)at C) up D)for 29.The local community center is open_______ Monday to Sunday. A)in B) from C)for D) on 30.The retired couple have decided to go to college. It’s time for ______ to begin a new life. A)they B) them C) their D) theirs 31.This temple is one of ______ building in the town. We must take action to protect it. A)old B) older C)oldest D) the oldest 32.The manager sounded______on the phone. He offered to show us around the company. A)softly B) friendly C)gently D)seriously 33.The light went out suddenly. It was very dark and _____could be seen clearly. A)anything B) something C) nothing D) everything 34.-_______Disney amusement park are there in China? -Two. A)How may B) How often C)How soon D) How long 35.The flight was delayed by the storm, ______ the passengers had to wait at the airport. A)but B)or C) so D) for 36.The nurse won’t leave her patients_____she’s sure they are all taken care of. A)unless B) because C) since D) if 37.A good friend is someone you _______share your pleasure and pain with. A)ought B) need C) can D) must https://www.doczj.com/doc/739541658.html,st week Vivian ______a dress for her mother with her first-month salary. A)buy B)bought C) will buy D) would buy


2016年人教版英语中考补充词汇表 A ability [?'biliti] n. 能力才能 e.g He is proud of his daughter's ability to speak four languages. (ability to do sth.) 他为女儿能说四种语言而骄傲。 I try to do my job to the best of my ability. (=as well as I can) 我尽全力做好我的工作。above [?'b?v] prep. 在…上面、超过 e.g. Good health is above wealth 健康胜过财富。 We were flying above the clouds. 我们在云层上飞行。 Children above the age of 10 will not be accepted. 不接收十岁以上的小孩 above all 最重要的是 Above all, make sure you keep in touch. abroad [?'br?:d] adv. 在(到)国外 e.g. They are looking forward to going abroad to study. 他们渴望出国学习。 absent ['?bs?nt] adj. 缺席的不在的(+from) e.g. It (so) happened that I was absent from school that day . 那天我正好没上学。 absent-minded 心不在焉的The absent-minded boy is always losing his books. 这个心不在焉的男孩老是丢书。 accent ['?ks?nt] n. 口音 e.g. He speaks with a Hunan accent. 他说话带湖南口音。 accept [?k'sept] vt. 接受(receive 指“收到”) e.g. Please accept this gift which stands for our friendship. 请接受这份象征我们友谊的礼物。 accident['?ksid?nt] 事故;意外的事(by accident 意外地) e.g. You're sure to have an accident if you drive so fast down the road. 你要是在路上开得这样快,准会出事。 advise [?d'vaiz] .[I,T] 劝告,忠告,建议 [~ (sb) doing sth; ~ sb (on sth);~ sb to do sth] e.g. I would advise you to spend a couple of weeks in Hawaii. 我劝您到夏威夷去住两星期。 Will you advise on these points? 关于这几点你提些意见,好吗? I advise you to go slow in what you are doing. 我劝你要谨慎行事。 agreement [?'gri:m?nt] n. 同意一致(+with)协定 e.g. They finally came into agreement with each other. 他们彼此最终达成一致。 Are we in agreement about the price?对于这个价格我们是否意见一致呢? The two sides failed to reach an agreement. 双方未能达成一致. Atlantic [?t'l?ntik] n. 大西洋 adj. 大西洋的 e.g. Columbus went across the Atlantic /the Atlantic Ocean in a ship in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年乘船横渡大西洋。 available [?'vel?bl] adj. 可用的有效的有空的 e.g. I'm sorry no part-time jobs are available at the moment. 对不起,目前没有兼职的工作。 Will she be available this weekend?她这个周末有空吗? avoid [?'v?id] vt. 躲开避免(+ n./+v-ing) 逃避 e.g. The doctor says he must avoid foods with too much fat. 医生说他要避免吃高脂肪食品。

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