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1.1 Background information

Twin towers of the World Trade Center burning.

Locatio n

New York City; Arlington County, Virginia; and near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Date Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:46 am – 10:28 am (UTC-4)

Attack type

Aircraft hijacking, mass murder, suicide attack, Terrorism



2,976 victims and 19 hijackers Injured6,000+

Bellige rent(s)

al-Qaeda(基地组织) led by Osama bin Laden, see also Responsibility and Hijackers.

The September 11 attacks (often referred to as September 11th or 9/11) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the buildings. Both buildings collapsed within two hours, destroying nearby buildings and damaging others. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon(五角大楼) in Arlington, Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Pennsylvania

after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.C. There were no survivors from any of the flights.

The death toll of the attacks was 2,995, including the 19 hijackers. The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 70 countries. In addition, there is at least one secondary death – one person was ruled by a medical examiner to have died from lung disease due to exposure to dust from the World Trade Center's collapse.

The United States responded to the attacks by launching the War on Terrorism. It invaded Afghanistan to depose the Taliban, who had harbored al-Qaeda terrorists. The United States also enacted the USA PATRIOT Act(爱国者法案). Many other countries also strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded law enforcement powers. Some American stock exchanges stayed closed for the rest of the week following the attack and posted enormous losses upon reopening, especially in the airline and insurance industries. The destruction of billions of dollars worth of office space caused serious damage to the economy of Lower Manhattan(曼哈顿下城).

The damage to the Pentagon was cleared and repaired within a year, and the Pentagon Memorial was built adjacent to the building. The rebuilding process has started on the World Trade Center site. In 2006 a new office tower was completed on the site of 7 World Trade Center. 1 World Trade Center is currently under construction at the site and, at 1,776 ft (541 m) upon completion in 2013, it will become one of the tallest buildings in North America. Three more towers were originally expected to be built between 2007 and 2012 on the site. Ground was broken for the Flight 93 National Memorial on November 8, 2009, and the first phase of construction is expected to be ready for the 10th anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2011.

1.2. Topic-related discussion

Step 1. Group work

Students can work in group by discussing the following questions.

1.What is “love” like in your mind?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/747613098.html,e one word or one thing to describe “love”. And why is that? Share your

thoughts with your group members.

Step 2. Presentation

A representative from each group is going to show the group’s idea after the discussion.

2. In-class reading

2.1 Text understanding

Step 1. Pre-reading

Ask students to skim the text in ten minutes.

Step 2. Question asking

Q1. How did Jimmy get his brain damaged?

Q2. How did the writer describe her father?

Q3. How much was Jimmy changed after his father’s death?

Q4. What did the writer think of her caring for Jimmy?

Q5. Why did the writer invite her friends to Jimmy’s birthday party?

Q6. What did the party remind the writer and her friends of?

2.2. Words and phrases

1. delivery n.

1. [C] the process of giving birth to a baby 分娩

With the help of the nurses, the delivery of the baby was unexpectedly easy.


Premature birth is three times more likely for twins, and delivery at 36 to 38 weeks is normal.


2. [C, U] the act of bringing sth. to a particular place 递交;送货

Try to remember: the next postal delivery is at 2 o'clock. 要记住,下一次邮递时间是两点钟。

The company has just taken delivery of a new computer system.


2 wreck n.

1. [C] sb. who is tired or unhealthy 疲惫的人;健康状况差的人

The failure in the entrance exam reduced him to a wreck. 入学考试失败使他精神崩溃了。

He's been a complete wreck since his illness. 他病了一场以后元气大伤。

2. [C] a car, plane, etc. which has been badly damaged, esp. in an accident |残骸

Have you seen that old wreck he drives around in? 你看见他开的那辆破车了吗?

We thought of buying the house as a wreck, doing it up, then selling it.



n. [C, U] sth. that is worn to hide who one really is, or the act of wearing this 伪装物;伪装;假扮

She's adopted so many disguises that her own mother wouldn't recognize her.


His opinions are just imperialism in disguise. 他的看法不过是改头换面的帝国主义思维而已。

vt. change sb.'s appearance so that people cannot recognize them 伪装;假扮

They disguised themselves as fishermen and escaped in a boat. 他们假扮渔民,坐船逃走了。

The policeman entered the building disguised as a medical worker.


4. agreeable a.

1. pleasant, nice or satisfactory |令人愉快的;令人满意的

He is easy-going among his acquaintances, and has a most agreeable style of conversation.


My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me.


2. acceptable or able to be agreed on |可接受的

Are you agreeable to my plans for a picnic on Sunday? 你同意我星期天去野餐的计划吗?

If you are agreeable, my husband's office will make all the necessary arrangements.


5. penetrate

v. enter sth. or pass through it 穿透;渗入

The noise of the explosion penetrated the thickest walls. 爆炸声穿透了最厚的墙壁。

The soldiers penetrated the perimeter wall. 士兵穿越了外围的防御墙。

vt. see into or through sth. 看穿

These long answers were difficult to penetrate. 这些长长的答案很难理解。

It took him quite a while to penetrate the coded message.


6.vacant a.

1. (of an expression) looking as if one is not thinking about anything 茫然的;失神的

He was looking around with a vacant look on his face. 他四处张望,脸上露出茫然之色。

The maid's vacant expression was replaced momentarily by one of greedy expectations—shortly followed by disappointment.


2. empty; not filled with anything 空的;未被占用的

In every major city there are more vacant buildings than there are homeless people.


At the reception desk he was told only a few apartments were still vacant.


7. pledge

vt. promise to do sth. 保证,承诺

The President pledged to find a peaceful solution to the problem of racial discrimination.


The government has pledged $250,000 to help the victims of the crash.


n. [C] a promise or agreement 承诺;协定

On impulse the parents made a pledge to take their children to rehearsals.


We have received pledges of help from various organizations.


8. drain vt.

1. make sb. feel very tired 使筋疲力尽;使疲劳

She felt completely drained after the stressful meeting.


He has played for two hours without a break and felt physically drained.


2. let water or liquid flow away from sth. 使排走;使流出

The whole area will have to be drained before it can be used for farming.


Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines. 矿工们修了隧道以排干矿井里的水。


vt. 1. prevent sb. or oneself from doing sth. 克制;抑制

Unable to restrain herself, she rose and went to the phone.


She couldn't restrain her tears. 她禁不住流下了眼泪。

restrain [ri'strein]

2. stop yourself from feeling an emotion or doing sth that you would like to do 约束;限制;阻止(常与of,from 连用):

We must not restrain children of their liberty.


He was going to fight with the stranger but his mother restrained him.


10. erect

a. standing straight up; upright 直立的,竖直的

Her head was erect and her back was straight. 她仰着头,挺着腰。

The rabbit looked all around, with its ears erect. 那兔子四处张望,两只耳朵竖了起来。

Vt. build sth. such as a building or bridge 建造;架设

Officials plan to erect a monument in the late general's honor.

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