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Tales of the unexplained


1、Reading Boy missing, police puzzled

At 10:45pm, _____4_____ saw Justin walking toward s

2、Project Telling about an unexplained mystery

Complete the rewriting of the passage.

For centuries, there have been many reports about __1___ of Yeti, which is said to walk on two feet like human beings. An American mountain climber once saw a Yeti walking like a human on the Chinese side of the Himalayas. After what seemed nearly a __2__, an American TV team saw Yeti tracks in the snow near Qomolangma, which were thought to be like ___3____ of a similar creature living in the forest of northern-western USA. The Wild Man of shennongjia is said to be similar to Yeti and Bigfoot . ___4___ no strong evidence has been found to__5____ the existence of such wild creatures so far, Dr. Crantz, a scientist from Washington State University, believe that these creatures have a __6___ with a __7__ ancestor that lived hundreds of thousands of years ago. There may be some Yetis still in ___8__ today. ___9____ one day we can solve the mystery and __10___ are that we may see one by _11__.


1、missing adj. 失踪的,下落不明的,缺掉的。强调“应有而缺少”,某人或某物不在原


lost adj. 不易找到的,遗失的

gone adj. 只能作表语,还可表“没有了,时间过去了”等意思.

Exx: 用missing , gone , lost 填空

①My fever is ______ , but I still have a cough .

②A word seems to be _________ here .

③The parents found the ______ child at last .

④The collection was complete with the acquisition of the final ____ book..

2、assume v. n. ______

to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it;

to take or begin to have power or responsibility (syn: put on)

to begin or pretend to have a particular quality or appearance(syn: take on ; put on)

(1) 拓展:

assume him to be the salt of the earth (认为他是个高尚的人)

assume responsibility for…(承担起…的责任)

assume considerable importance(显得相当重要)

assume an air of concern (装出关心的样子)

make assumptions about…(对…进行假设;臆断…)

(2) 完成句子:

___ _____ generally ___ that stress is caused by too much work.(普遍认为)

She would, ___ ___, be home at the usual time. (他认为)

We ____ ___ ____before hearing the evidence against him. (假定他是无罪的)

In the story the god ___ ___ ___ of an eagle.(以…形象出现)

Rebel forces have ___ ___ ____ the capital. (已控制了首都)

Their ___ of power marks a new era of economic development.

We are working___ the _____ ____ everyone invited will turn up. (基于…假设)


3、(1)用puzzle , convince的恰当形式填空,注明该词的词性和中文意思。

①What he did _______ us all . ________________________ .

②Who can solve the ________ . ________________________ .

③There is something puzzling in his smile . _____________________ .

④You needn’t _____ over every single word or phrase. ____________________ .

⑤Through our efforts they were _____ of her innocence.

(2)______ that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis,people are optimistic

about the future of the country.

A.Convincing B.Convinced C.To convince D.Having convinced

4、occur vi 发生,出现;存在

n. _______ 发生,存在;发生/存在的事情/物;

(1) 拓展:

sth occur to sb. 某事被想到/出现在脑海中

the occurrence of sth 某事的发生/存在

a frequent/rare/regular occurrence 经常发生的/很少发生的/定期发生的事

(2) 完成句子:

___ didn’t ____ ____ me to check my insurance policy.(我没想到要核对保单)

____ ____ ____ him afterward ____ even if he were on the scene, he would have been of no

help whatsoever. (随后他意识到即使当时他在现场也只能束手无策。)


5、disagree vi. 不同意;有分歧;不符/不一致n. ______;

(1) 拓展:agree/disagree with sb. on /about/over sth

agree/disagree with sb (食物/气候)适宜/不适宜某人

agree to do sth

I couldn’t agree more=I agree completely.


①I love strawberries, but they don’t agree with me.

=I love strawberries, but they ____ ___ me.

②Your account of the accident ____ ___ ____ ____. (你对事故的叙述和她的不一致)

③They left at ten, ___ ____. (按约定好的时间在十点离去)

④____ ____ ____ ____ we should hold another meeting. (大家一致同意…)

⑤Tom assumes that he can be equal to the task, but that’s ___ I disagree.

A . where B. what C . why D. how

6、award vt. to make an official decision to give sth to sb as a payment, prize, etc.


reward vt. to give sth to sb because they have done sth good, worked hard, etc. 报答/酬/奖赏n. 奖励/汇报/赏金

(1)拓展:award sth sb. award sth to sb.

reward sb. for sth (with money/…)


You deserve a(n) _____ for being so helpful.

He was nominated(提名) for the best actor ______.

The company is now reaping the _______ of their investments.

He was ____ damages of $50,000.

7、strength n. 力气力量;意志力;强度;实力; 优点长处

eg. Our strengths are different but complementary.

to negotiate from a position of strength (以实力地位谈判)

This view has recently gathered strength. (=become stronger and stronger).

power 统治,权力;影响力;能力;电力供应;有影响力的大国

eg. world powers(世界强国) ;a power failure 停电

come to power; take/seize/lose power掌握/夺取/失掉政权


forces 武装力量;the forces of nature 大自然的力量;force of habit 习惯力量

energy精力/活力,能量/能源full of energy 充满活力;solar energy太阳能


①She has a remarkable inner ____.(她有非凡的意志力量)

②The shopping center took the full __ of the blast. (承受了全部爆炸力)

③She put all her _____ into her work. (把全部精力投入到工作中)

④He has lost the ___ of speech. (丧失了语言能力)

⑤I will do everything in my ___ to help you. (尽全力帮助你)

⑥The aim of the revolution was to give people more ___ over their own lives. (让人民更能主


8、aboard: ad.prep. (syn: on board) on or onto a ship, plane, bus or train

board: v. to get on a ship,train, plane, etc; to live at school during the school year

go aboard the ship board the ship

abroad: in or to a foreign country; being talked about or felt by many people(广为流传) Exx: He was famous, both at home and _______.(他享誉国内外)

There was news ____ that a change was coming. (盛传即将有一个变动)

He was already ____(=____ ____) the plane. (已经登机)

The plane crashed killing all 157 passengers _____. (机上乘客)

The ship was ____ by customs officials. (海关官员登上了这艘船)

His Dad couldn’t afford the at college, so Dale had to ride horseback 12 miles to attend classes. A. training B. board C. teaching D. equipment


1、make up

(1) 意义拓展:编造;构成;弥补;化/上妆;和好

Read and make out the meanings of “make up” in different sentences:

①I told the kids a story, making it up as I went along.

②Women make up 56% of the student numbers.

③Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?

④Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience.

⑤She spent an hour making (herself) up before the party.

⑥Has he made (it) up with her yet?

(2) 搭配拓展

make ____ (勉强)分辨出;理解/了解; 声称竭力说(to say that sth is true when it may not be) make for 向…移动;促成; make____ 获得成功,设法安排; 及时抵达;渡过(难关)make _____ 逃走;匆匆离开;make ___ ___ sth 偷走某物;携某物而逃

make one’s ____ ___ 前往/进,到…地方去;make ___ for 给…腾出地方


①We couldn't ______ what they were talking about.

②John is working harder to______ his lost time.

③They broke free and ______ in a stolen car.

④The flight leaves in twenty minutes—we'll never _______

⑤Maybe one day he will __________ to the Olympics.

⑥While at school,we were often taught that constant communication ______ understanding.

⑦Overwork and constant stress _________________________. (不会使生活幸福)

⑧Is this your plan for ____ ____ ____ in the world. (这就是你要有所成就的计划吗?)





2、(1)step up : 加紧,加强,促进


.........................................so that……………………………..in time.

(2)拓展:step by step 逐渐地,一步一步地mind/watch one’s step 走路当心;谨言慎行

in step 步调一致;合拍out of step 步调不一致;不合拍

take steps 采取措施

Exx: She was ____ ___ ____ ____ her colleagues. (和同事们想法不一致) I’ll explain it to you ____ ____ ____. (我来慢慢给你解释)

I’d like to take this idea ____ ___ ____. (我想把这一思想深化一步)

I prefer the relaxed ____ of life in the country.

A. speed

B. pace

C. step

D. comfort

3、search n. &. v. 搜查,寻找

拓展:search for sb.搜寻某人search for sth.寻找某物

search sb. for sth. 搜某人的身寻找某物;

in search of ; in one’s/the search for 寻找,寻求


①用search , search for 的适当形式填空

The shops have no rights to __________ customers .

The villagers were _______ the missing boy .

The firefighters were _______ the buildings _______ survivors .



③Read and under the following phrases in italic type.

I’ve searched high and low for those files.

The customs officers searched through our bags.

4、(1)拓展:show _____: 出现,露面;如约赶到;show ____: 炫耀,卖弄;

show sb. ___: 领某人参观/巡视;show sb. sth show sth __sb.

____ show/display 在展出;______ show: 供展览

(2) Exx:

The items are just _____ _____ —they are not for sale.





look _______ 调查;检查; look _____ 四下环顾;

look_______ 照看; look _______考虑未来;预做准备;

look_________回头看; look ____ ___/__ 回忆;回顾;

look ____ ____/__蔑视; look_____ ____ 期待,盼望;

look ______ 旁观; look ___ A ____ B 认为A是B;

look _____向外看;注意;警戒; look _____ ____ 提防

look ____ 从(某物上面)看过去;仔细检查;

look ______ 透过……看去;浏览;(从头到尾)粗略地翻阅

look____ ____尊敬/钦佩/仰慕;look____ 向上看;查阅;

look sb. ______ the eye/face直视某人


①The authorities will______ the case further before they can come to a conclusion about it.

A.look out B.look up

C.look though D.look into

②—______ for the glass!

—It's OK.I'm wearing shoes.

A.Look out B.Walk out C.Go out D.Set out

③The building around the corner caught fire last night.The police are now ______ the


A.seeing through B.working out

C.looking into D.watching over

④We meant to call you,but there was no way to______your number.

A.look up B.take in C.work out D.bring about

⑤I often ______ the words I don't know in the dictionary or on the Internet.

A.look up B.look at C.look for D.look into

⑥“Goodbye,then,”she said,without even ______ from her book.

A.looking down B.looking up C.looking after D.looking on

⑦We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are ______.

A.looking up B.coming up C.making up D.turning up

⑧And what I argue is these are our values, these are ideals, these are ____ _____ ____

_____ _____ ____.我要说明的是,这些是我们的价值观,是理想,是我们所向往的。

⑨_______________________________. 回想起来,那些年是我们人生中最美好的时光。


_______________ 掌管,负责;____________ 免费地;

charge sb. some money ____sth 为某物收费要价;

charge sb. ____ sth; accuse sb. _____sth; 控告/起诉/谴责;

charge the battery (up)________; charge the expense to my account ______________

(2) 翻译:

They left the children ____________________for a week.

They left the babysitter _________________ for a week. 他们把孩子留给保姆照料一周。





1、Standing inside were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes.




At the top of a hill stands a tree,which is said to be 200 years old.

Standing at the top of a hill is a tree, which is said to be 200 years old.

Exx1:①______ at the conference ____ some famous scientists from many countries.


②_______ around the lake ______ wild flowers of different colors.


③______ _____ the days when we have to go hungry.( 我们挨饿的日子一去不复返了)

④In the dark forests ______,some large enough to hold several English towns.

A.stand many lakes B.lie many lakes

C.many lakes lie D.many lakes stand

2、The Yetis is said to be a large, hairy animal that walks on two feet. (P18)

_It is said that the Yetis _is a large, hairy animal that walks on two feet.

Sb is said/reported/believed to do sth / to be doing sth / to have done sth.

= It is said/reported/believed + that-clause


①It is said that he will go to America next month.

=___ is said ________ to America next month.

②It is said that she is doing the experiment in the lab.

= ______________________ the experiment in the lab.

③It is said that he has gone to America.


3. Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his house at 10:45. (L18 P2)

Justin’s sister , Kelly , aged nine , says she heard her brother return home at about 11pm.(L20)

I didn’t see him , but I heard him put on his favourite CD . (L25 )

I heard Justin shout , and then the UFO just disappeared . ( L43 )

I pulled back the curtains and saw a large spaceship flying outside .( L33 )

(1)see sb. do/doing/done sb. be seen _to do__/doing/done

(do是一个省略to 的不定式,强调动作的全过程; doing 是一个现在分词,强调动作进行)

(2)类似的感官动词: hear , feel, watch/notice/observe , etc.


①I saw him _____ ( get off ; getting off ) the car and ___ ( enter ; entering ) the lecture hall .

②They were seen _____ ( play ; playing ) by the river .

③He looked around and caught a man ____ his hand into the pocket of a passenger .

A. put B to put C putting


(一) 单词拼写

1、We d____ the cook because we all thought her cooking was so poor.

2、Steve looked b____ and said he had no idea what I was talking about.

3、Students who complete the training successfully will be a___ a diploma.

4、He had been careless, and had done little to cover his _____.(足迹)

5、Peter ____(目睹) the incident and h e’s been asked to write it up for the local paper.

(二) 用所给动词的适当形式填空

1、The contract for the ___(construct) of the new Olympic stadium has gone to a French company.

2、It is _____(amaze) how quickly the glue work s—if you’re not careful your fingers could stick together.

3、The car turned right over, causing severe ____(injure) to the driver.

4、When writing instructions, clarity of _____(state) is the most important thing.

5、Before you buy a carpet we need to measure the ___(long) and width of the room.


1、The police found the car which belonged to him at last.

The police found the car ____ ____ him at last.

2、We were very surprised to see you here.

Much ____ ___ ____, we saw you here.

3、The fact that he has achieved great success convinces us that hard work leads to success.

We ___ ___ that hard work ____ ___ success by the fact that he has achieved great success.

4、It is reported that he has been chosen as chairman of the trade union.

He is reported ___ ___ ___ ____ as chairman of the trade union.

5、When the product was first introduced to the market, it sold well.

___ first ____ to the market, the product sold well.


2. The hospital is ___ tests to find out what’s wrong with Mr. Johansson.

3. The roar of wild animals at night sounded very ______to the kids.

4. Here is a guest list. Please don’t ___ any of the guests’ names when typing.

5. Have you heard from your parents ______?

6. They found nothing of great value in the ______ ship.

7. Man has launched many spaceships ______outer space.

8. A lot of space is ______ ______ in his water -and- ink painting to create a sense of vastness.

9. Some news items are just _____ in the newspaper office, so you needn’t take them seriously.

10. I _____ one friend of mine from abroad at the airport and took him right to lunch.

11. On average, these footprints are much larger than ____ of a human. (P18)

12. If Yetis really exist, we might have the chance to see ___ with our own eyes. (P18)

13. This is my watch; ________ is a Swiss ________.

14. The water in the well is cleaner than ________ in the river.

15. One day we’ll get ourselves a new bigger house, ________ with a large beautiful garden.



Reading Boy missing, police puzzled


2. report

3. alien

4. witness

5. inside

6. aboard

7. injuries 8 attitude 9. ruled 10. angles



2. decade;

3. those;

4. Though;

5. support ;

6. link;

7. common;

8. existence;

9. Hopefully; 10. chances; 11. ourselves


1、gone; missing; lost; missing

2、n. assumption

(2) 完成句子:

It is, assumed; he assumed; assumed his innocence; assumes the form; assumed control of; assumption; on, assumption that;

His actions were based on a false assumption.

3、(1)用puzzle , convince的恰当形式填空,注明该词的词性和中文意思。

①puzzled; v. 使困惑

②puzzle; n. 迷,疑问

③puzzling; adj. 令人困惑的

④puzzle (over) , 苦苦思索,仔细琢磨

⑤convinced, v. (convince sb. of sth) , 使确信,使信服

(2) B.

4、n. occurrence 发生,存在;发生/存在的事情/物;

(2)It , occur to; It occurred to, that; Sugar occurs naturally in fruit.

5、n. disagreement ;

(2)Exx:①disagree with; ②disagrees with hers; ③as agreed;④It was agreed that;⑤A

6、(2)reward; award; rewards; awarded;


8、Exx: abroad; abroad; aboard(=on board); aboard; boarded; B


1、(2) 搭配拓展

make out (勉强)分辨出;理解/了解; 声称竭力说(to say that sth is true when it may not be) make for 向…移动;促成; make it获得成功,设法安排; 及时抵达;渡过(难关)

make off 逃走;匆匆离开;make off with sth 偷走某物;携某物而逃

make one’s way to 前往/进,到…地方去;make room for 给…腾出地方

Exx:①make out;②make up;③made off;④make it;⑤make it;⑥made for;⑦doesn’t make for a happy life;⑧making your way ;⑨Perhaps we need to clear away these books to make room for our new students.⑩I don't know how I can make it through the trying week.

2、(1) . You should step up your work so that we can complete our plan in time .

(2) out of step with; step by step; a step further; B

3、Exx: ①search; searching for; searching, for; ②I must search for the lost money until I find it.③搜遍/翻遍

4、(1)拓展:show up : 出现,露面;如约赶到;show off: 炫耀,卖弄;

show sb. around: 领某人参观/巡视;show sb. sth show sth to sb.

on show/display 在展出;for show: 供展览

(2) Exx: for show;

Has anyone shown you around?

She wanted to show off her new dress at the party.

It was getting late when she finally showed up.


look into 调查;检查; look about/around 四下环顾;

look after 照看; look ahead考虑未来;预做准备;

look back回头看; look back on/upon 回忆;回顾;

look down on/upon 蔑视; look forward to 期待,盼望;

look on 旁观; look on A as B 认为A是B;

look out 向外看;注意;警戒; look out for 提防

look over 从(某物上面)看过去;仔细检查;

look through 透过……看去;浏览;(从头到尾)粗略地翻阅

look up to 尊敬/钦佩/仰慕;look up 向上看;查阅;

look sb. in the eye/face直视某人

(2)练习:DACAA BA

⑧And what I argue is these are our values, these are ideals, these are the things we look up to.

⑨We look back on those years as the best in our life.

6、(1)in/take charge of 掌管,负责;free of charge免费地;

charge sb. some money for sth 为某物收费要价;

charge sb. with sth; accuse sb. of sth; 控告/起诉/谴责;

charge the battery (up)给电池充电; charge the expense to my account 把费用记在我账上(2) They left the children in the charge of the babysitter for a week.

They left the babysitter in charge of the children for a week. 他们把孩子留给保姆照料一周。Do you think museums should charge for admission?

He was charged with murder.

The leaflet is available free of charge from post offices.


1、Exx:①Present at the conference were some famous scientists from many countries.

②Growing around the lake are wild flowers of different colors.

③Gone are the days when we have to go hungry.( 我们挨饿的日子一去不复返了)



①It is said that he will go to America next month.

=_He__ is said _to go__ to America next month.

②It is said that she is doing the experiment in the lab.

= She is said to be doing the experiment in the lab.

③It is said that he has gone to America.

=He is said to have gone to America.

3. (3)Exx①get off; enter ②playing ③putting


(一) 单词拼写






(二) 用所给动词的适当形式填空







1、belonging to;

2、to our surprise;

3、are convinced; results in/contributes to

4、to have been chosen

5、When, introduced


1. ran into;

2. carrying out;

3. frightening;

4. leave out;

5. lately;

6. sunken;

7.to explore;

8. left ..empty

9. made up;

10.picked up;



13. it, one


15. one


必修1 第一单元 Reading 阅读 ANNE’S BEST FRIEND Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so the had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hide away for two years before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now r ead how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. Thursday 15, June, 1944 Dear kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here.…For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time some months ago, I happened to be upstairs one evening when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face… …Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. Yours, Anne Using Language 语言运用 Reading and listening 读与听 1 Read the letter that Lisa wrote to Miss Wang of Radio for Teenagers and predict what Miss Wang will say. After listening, check and discuss her advice. Dear Miss Wang, I am having some trouble with my classmates at the moment. I’m getting along well with a boy in my class. We often do homework together and we enjoy helping each other. We have become really good friends. But other students have started gossiping. They say that this boy and I have fallen in love. This has made me angry. I don’t want to end the friendship, but I hate other s gossiping. What should I do? Yours, Lisa Reading and writing 读与写 Miss Wang has received a letter from Xiaodong. He is also asking for some advice. Read the letter on the right carefully and help Miss Wang answer it. Dear Miss Wang,


Unit 1 School life 单词: 1. experience 1) n. ①[U] 经验 have experience in sth./ in doing sth. 在某事上/ 做某事有经验 ②[C] 经历 an unforgettable experience 一次难忘的经历 an unpleasant experience 一次不愉快的经历 Can you tell us something about your experiences in Africa? 你能告诉我们一些有关你在非洲的经历吗? 2) vt. 体验, 经历 Experiencing pain is as valuable as experiencing pleasure. 体验痛苦跟体验快乐同样珍贵。 experience this different way of life 体验这种不同的生活方式 2. experienced adj. 有经验的 be experienced in sth 在某方面有经验 be experienced in doing sth. 做某事有经验 He is experienced in teaching. 他教书有经验。 an experienced doctor 一位有经验的医生 3. attend vt. attend assembly 参加集会attend a wedding 参加婚礼 attend a lecture 参加演讲attend a music class 上一节音乐课 attend a meeting 出席会议attend school (=go to school) 上学校attend to sth. 注意,专心于某事 You must attend to what you are doing. 你必需专心于你正在做的事。 4. earn vt. 挣得,博得 earn respect from sb. 赢得某人的尊敬 earn money赚钱earn one’s living 谋生 The old man earned his living as a fisherman. 这老人当渔民谋生。 He earns his living by selling vegetables. 他靠卖菜谋生。 5. respect 1) n. ①尊敬, 尊重,重视(不可数名词) show/ have respect for sb. 对某人尊敬 show/ have respect for sth. 尊重/ 顾虑某事 ②(事情的某一)点,方面(可数名词) She is right in every respect/in many respects. 她各方面都对。 ③respects 意为“致意,问好,请安”。(相当于regards) Give your father my respects. 代我向令尊致意。 2) vt. 尊敬, 尊重, 重视 respect sb. 尊重某人respect oneself 自重,自尊respect sth. 尊重某事


1 牛津高中英语模块五词汇表 Unit1 betray出卖,背叛 quiz小测验 pretend假装;装扮 cheerful愉快的,高兴的washroom洗手间,厕所 admit承认;允许进入 beg请求,恳求;乞讨 swear发誓;郑重承诺 spy从事间谍活动 spy on暗中监视,窥探 truly真诚地,诚恳的 forgive原谅,宽恕 sincerely真诚地childhood童年,幼年 superb极佳的;卓越的 focus集中注意力于…… pace速度;步伐;节奏 keep pace with(与……)步调一致 manner方式;态度,举止 circus马戏表演;马戏团identity身份 absurd荒唐的,怪诞的hopeless没有好转希望的 overcome克服,解决 get through(用电话)接通acquaintance泛泛之交,熟人twin双胞胎之一的apartment公寓套房 topic话题

attitude态度,看法 anchor扎根于,使基于 be based on以……为基础,以……为根据 cautious小心的,谨慎的eager热切的,急不可待的worldwide全世界的adolescent青春期的respond做出反应,回应pause停顿,暂停 regardless不顾;不管怎样regardless of不管,不顾security平安,安全 end up最终处于 waiting room候车室;等候室 rely依靠,依赖rely on依靠,依赖 trolleybus无轨电车 revision复习;修订 thanks to幸亏;由于 committed尽心尽力的 mercy宽恕;仁慈 apology道歉 Unit2 spokeswoman女发言人 consultant顾问 debate辩论;争论 open the floor自由发言flow流,流动 duty责任,义务 cut back on减少,削减,缩减 production产量;生产

牛津高中英语模块二短语词组总结 整理

模块二Unit 1 1. advanced science and technology 先进的科学技术 2. have nightmares 做噩梦 3. a fifteen-year-old boy 一个15岁的男孩 4. puzzled expression/look 困惑的表情 5. multi-colored lights 色彩繁多的光线 6. white-skinned,strange-looking creatures 白皮肤,相貌古怪的生物 7.convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 8. space exploration 太空探索 9. artificial satellites 人造卫星 10. unmanned spaceships 无人驾驶的宇宙飞船 11. be due to do sth. 预期/预计做某事 12. in search of 寻找 13. witness to sth. …的目击者,证人 14 .thick black fur 厚厚的黑毛 15. with amazing speed and strength以惊人的速度和力气 16. run into 偶然碰到 17. step up 加紧,加强 18. show great interest in 对…表现出浓厚的兴趣 19. in support of sb./sth. 支持或支援某人/某事 20. show up/turn up 出现,露面 21. put on one’s favourite CD 播放某人最喜欢的CD 22. do research on /into sth. /research on/into sth. 对…作研究23. take away 带走 24. rule out the possibility that… 排除…的可能性 25. look into 调查 26. make up a story 编一个故事 27. take charge of 负责,管理,接管 28. give up 放弃 29. convincing evidence 令人信服的证据 30. be disappointed with sb. at sth. 对某人感到失望 31. be heavily built and hairy 体重庞大,体表多毛 32. run after 追赶,追逐 33. play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑 34. make one’s way to… 向…行进/而去 35. due to sth./doing sth. 由于,因为 36. according to 根据 37. see with one’s own eyes 用某人自己的眼睛看 38. background information 背景信息 39. make much/a great progress in sth. 在…取得重大进步 40. go missing 失踪 41. pull back the curtains 拉开窗帘 42. stay out 待在户外,不在家 43. at least 至少 44. live on 继续存在,继续活着 45. be similar to sb./sth. in sth. 与某人/某物在…方面相似 46. shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 模块二unit 2 短语 1. a sleeping bag 睡袋 2. be astonished at/by sth./sb. 对…感到吃惊 3. go white-water rafting 白浪漂流 4. provide sth. for sb./supply sth. to sb.提供某物给某人 5. places of interest 名胜古迹 6. snow-capped mountains 顶部积雪的山脉 7. tourist spot 旅游景点 8. watch the beautiful sunrise on the mountain top 在山顶看日出 9. endless natural treasures 无尽的自然珍宝 10. be busy(in) doing sth. /with sth.忙于做某事 11. go to university 上大学 12. travel on camels/by camel 骑骆驼旅行 13. go on a trip 去旅行 14. follow the footprints of… 追随…的足迹 15. get close to 靠近,离…近 16. scare the animals away 把动物吓走 17. look forward to sth./doing sth.欣然期待某事/做某事 18. make a discovery/discoveries 发现 19. make a fire 生火 20. lose one’s way 迷路21. run out /give out用完 22. hold a tourism festival 举行旅游节 23. interview sb. about sth. 为某事采访某人 24. in total silence 安静地,不出声地 25. stay young forever 永葆青春 26. reach to the sky 直通天空,延伸到天空 27. take a river cruise 乘船观光 28. make any viewer speechless 令任何参观者无言 29. be surrounded by…被…包围 30. live in perfect harmony with 与…和谐共处 31. on clear nights 在晴朗的夜里 32. in the dark 在黑暗中;不知道,蒙在鼓里 33. at dawn 黎明时分 34. up close 靠近地,近距离地 35. all one’s life 某人的一生,一辈子 36. feed sb/sth on sth / feed sth to sb/sth 给(人或动 物)食物;喂养 37. be home to …之乡,…的栖息地 38. be covered with 被…覆盖 39. a place of mystery 神秘之地 40. provide/supply sb/sth with sth 提供某人某物


U n i t1S c h o o l l i f e 单词: 1.experience 1)n. ①[U]经验 haveexperienceinsth./indoingsth.在某事上/做某事有经验 ②[C]经历 anunforgettableexperience一次难忘的经历 anunpleasantexperience一次不愉快的经历 CanyoutellussomethingaboutyourexperiencesinAfrica? 你能告诉我们一些有关你在非洲的经历吗? 2)vt.体验,经历 Experiencingpainisasvaluableasexperiencingpleasure. 体验痛苦跟体验快乐同样珍贵。 experiencethisdifferentwayoflife体验这种不同的生活方式 2.experiencedadj.有经验的 beexperiencedinsth在某方面有经验 beexperiencedindoingsth.做某事有经验 Heisexperiencedinteaching.他教书有经验。 anexperienceddoctor一位有经验的医生 3.attendvt. attendassembly参加集会attendawedding参加婚礼 attendalecture参加演讲attendamusicclass上一节音乐课 attendameeting出席会议attendschool(=gotoschool)上学校 attendtosth.注意,专心于某事 Youmustattendtowhatyouaredoing.你必需专心于你正在做的事。 4.earnvt.挣得,博得 earnrespectfromsb.赢得某人的尊敬 earnmoney赚钱earnone’sliving谋生 Theoldmanearnedhislivingasafisherman.这老人当渔民谋生。Heearnshislivingbysellingvegetables.他靠卖菜谋生。 5.respect 1)n. ①尊敬,尊重,重视(不可数名词) show/haverespectforsb.对某人尊敬 show/haverespectforsth.尊重/顾虑某事 ②(事情的某一)点,方面(可数名词) Sheisrightineveryrespect/inmanyrespects.她各方面都对。 ③respects意为“致意,问好,请安”。(相当于regards) Giveyourfathermyrespects.代我向令尊致意。 2)vt.尊敬,尊重,重视 respectsb.尊重某人respectoneself自重,自尊respectsth.尊重某事


牛津高中英语模块五 Unit 3 Science versus nature Reading –The Perfect Copy(1)教学设计与思考 Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands A. Knowledge 1.Enable the students to get some information about cloning. 2.Enable the students to learn some different opinions on cloning. 3.Help the students to learn how to understand scientific terms and analyze the passage according to the reading strategy. B. Feelings and Attitudes 1.Get the students to form the right attitudes towards the advanced technologies. 2.We should make good use of the advanced technologies to make our life better and better. C. Ability 1.Develop the students’ cooperation spirit. 2.Let students get some reading skills about scientific articles. Ⅱ.Teaching importances and difficulties. 1.Talk about cloning and human cloning. 2.How to describe the advantages and disadvantages of human cloning. Ⅲ.Teaching procedures and ways Step1 Lead-in 1 Ask the students to share the information collected about cloning before class. 2 Brief introduction about cloning and the fierce debates between scientists. (设计目的与意义:让学生对克隆技术有一个大概的了解,培养学生搜集资料、处理信息的能力。同时,通过图片、视频等方式简单介绍背景信息,活跃课堂气氛,并快速进入课堂主题。) Step2 Fast reading 1 Read the passage fast and answer the following questions. 1) Does the article give an anti- or pro-cloning point of view, or both? (Both) 2) What was the name of the first cloned mammal? (Dolly) 2 Read the first and the last paragraphs to answer the following questions . 1) What’s the first paragraph about? 2) What’s the last paragraph about? 3) What’s the passage about? Keys:!)Scientists’ success in cloning caused much debate. 2)China’s achievements on cloning.3)Different opinions about cloning. (设计目的与意义:培养学生快速把握文章脉络,理解文章大意,提高获取信息的能力以及有关阅读科技类文章的技巧。) Step3 Careful reading 1 Read the passage carefully and decide which of the following statements are Tor F. 1) People all over the world are happy about the idea of cloning human beings. 2)Dolly is exactly the same as other sheep. 3) A Scottish doctor created Dolly.

牛津高中英语课文翻译模块 二.....

牛津高中英语模块2课文翻译Unit 1Reading 男孩失踪,警方茫然 美国警方现已加紧对一名15岁男孩的搜索,该男孩于三天前在新罕布什尔州的多佛市失踪。该事件引起了公众的极大兴趣,原因是有各种关于男孩失踪前后天空中出现奇怪光亮和外星人造访地球的新闻报道。 人们最后一次看见学生贾斯廷·福斯特是在星期五晚上。当晚8点,贾斯廷和两个朋友到外面打棒球,这两个朋友都说贾斯廷打完球就回家家。目击者也说晚上10点45分他们看到贾斯廷朝家走去。贾斯廷的妹妹,九岁的凯莉说大约11点她听到哥哥回到家中。 “我止准备上床睡觉,”凯莉说,“贾斯廷径直去自己的卧室了。我并没有看到他,但我听到他放了自己最喜爱的CD。我上床睡觉了,大约午夜时分我被窗外的亮光弄醒了。” 起先,小姑娘以为是满月的光亮,然而接着她意识到光亮在移动,而且越来越近。 “我拉开窗帘,看到一只巨大的飞船在窗外飞行。飞船四周是蓝色的光,还有很多窗户里面站着许多白皮肤、眼睛又黑又大的奇怪生物。我害怕极了。” 凯莉说飞船接着转到房子的侧面,朝她哥哥的卧室移去。“出现一道闪光,我还听到贾斯廷的叫喊,接着“飞船就消失了。从那以后我就再没见过贾斯廷。肯定是外星人带走了他。” 凯莉然后跑去叫醒她的妈妈。但是,福斯特夫人以为贾斯廷在…个朋友家过夜了,因此她认为凯莉只是做了个恶梦,于是将她打发回床上。福斯特先生当晚忙于他的道路建设工作,事件发生时并不在家。第二天午饭时贾斯廷仍未露面,福斯特夫人开始担心起来,于是让丈夫打电话报警。 多佛市的一些人也声称当晚看见了外星人。“这种事在我身上就发生过!’‘梅维斯·伍德夫人说,“那些外星人将我劫持到飞船上,以便他们在我身上做研究。幸运的是,他们放我回家,我一点儿也没有受伤。整个经历太可怕了!回家之后我一直睡不好觉。我认为贾斯廷也是被他们劫持走了。” 当被问及贾斯廷被外星人绑架的可能性时,负责调查此案的萨姆·彼得森侦探告诉记者:“人们有时候编造出这类奇异的故事。事实上并没有确凿的证据证明是外星人劫持了他。所以,尽管我们不排除这种想法,但是我们也在调查其他的可能性。在确认到底发生了什么事之前,我们是不会放弃的。” Project 喜马拉雅雪人、北美野人和神农架野人 几个世纪以来,不断有人报告说在喜马拉雅山区看到一种被称为喜马拉雅雪人的野生动物。据说,雪人是种高大多毛,像人类一样用两脚


M2U3词组 set sail 启航 right awaylike,马上 pay off 成功,带来好结果chang our world for the better 把我们的世界变得更好win the prize/game 赢得比赛 start/run company 经营公司 make useful changes to 做出有用的改变 have an effect on 对……有影响 the world 世界上的人 during the lifetime 某人的一生 discover many amazing things 发现许多令人惊奇的东西be curious about the world outside 对世界外的东西好奇 set sail for 起航去某地 search for 搜索 the perserve bodies 保存好的尸体 be known as 著名的 as well as 也,以及 empty the tomb 倒空了坟墓 right away 立即,马上 not long after the tomb had been opened 坟墓被打开不久后upon entering the tomb 一进入坟墓就……lead sb to sp 领导某人去某地 fall ill with a fever 因发烧而病倒 the light go out 灯熄灭了 hear of 听说 have a high fever 发烧 died of heart trouble 死于心脏病 shortly after 在……之后不久 have something to do with 与……有关系 live on 继续 the resting place of the dead 死人休息的地方 a scientific explanation 一个科学的解释distur b the viruse 扰乱了病毒 breath in 吸收 result in 导致 protect from 保护……免受…… in advance 提前 base on 以……为基础 too general 太笼统 more specific 更具体 key words 重点词 go well 进展顺利 a great deal of 大量,许多


31. M5U1. Reading (1)—Secrets and lies Dear Annie, I feel betrayed by my friend Hannah. We have been best friends since primary school and spend almost every day with each other. Sometimes, other children say we are no fun because we are both very academic and like to study, but we like it that way. We are both very hard-working and always get good grades at school. On Monday, we had a surprise math quiz. I thought it was quite easy and was not worried about the results. I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz, saying how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good grade. The next day after class, my math teacher told me that I had the lowest grade in the class! I felt so ashamed; I must be really stupid to fail a simple math quiz! Afterwards, I pretended to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong. We went to wash our hands in the girls’ washroom before lunch and I admitted how badly I had done. I begged her not to tell anyone else, and she said she would keep my secret. However, the next day, I noticed that my classmates were staring at me as I came into math class and, when I went to


M2 Unit 1 tale n.故事,传说 unexplained adj.无法解释的,神秘的 puzzled adj.困惑的,茫然的 step up 加紧,加强,促进 incident n.发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的) due adj.由于。因为;预期的,适当的 due to 由于,因为 alien adj.外星人的;n.外星人 disappear vi. 消失,失踪 witness n. 目击者,证人, vt.目击,见证 spaceship n.宇宙飞船 creature n. 动物,(具备某种特征的)人 flash n. & vi. 闪光,闪耀 UFO abbr.不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object的缩写)assume vt. 假定,认为 construction n. 施工,建筑物 occur vi. 发生 show up 出现,现身 aboard adv.&prep.在(轮船、飞机、火车)上;上(轮船、飞机、火车) possibility n.可能性 detective n.侦探 take charge of 负责,接管 case n.案子,案件 journalist n.记者 make up 编造,捏造,杜撰 amazing adj.令人惊奇(惊叹)的 evidence n.证据 injury n.伤害 dismiss vt.不予考虑,解雇,解散 look into 调查;检查 laughter n. 笑声,笑 schoolboy n.(学校的)男生 astronomer n.天文学家 enthusiastic adj.热情的,热烈的,满腔热情的 base n.基地,大本营,底部,基础 vt.以…为基础 exist vi.存在 mystery n.神秘,神秘的事物 comic strip n.连环漫画 questionnaire n.调查问卷 tick vt.标记号,打上勾,打对号 statement n. 陈述,声明 disagree vi.不同意 appropriate adj.适当的blank n.(文件等)空白处,空格 adj.空白的,无表情的 humour n.幽默 discount n.折扣 table tennis n.乒乓球运动 badminton n.羽毛球 organize vt.组织,筹备,安排,处理tournament n.联赛,锦标赛 award n.奖,奖品,奖金 vt.授予,奖励 Yeti n.雪人,野人(=Abominable Snowman)Bigfoot n.北美野人 Wild Man of Shennongjia n.神农架野人hairy adj.多毛的,毛茸茸的 human being n.人 attack vi. &n.攻击,进攻 villager n.村民 fur n.(动物的)皮毛,毛皮 track n.足迹,踪迹 centimetre n.厘米 length n.长度 examine vt.检查 north-west n.西北 dozen n.(一)打,十二个,十来个 dozens of 许多,很多 reserve n.(动植物的)保护区,储备 vt.预订,保留,储备 strength n.力量,力气 belong vi.应在(某处),适应 belong to 属于 existence n.存在 convince vt.是确信,使相信 link vt.&n. 联系,关联 ancestor n.祖先,祖宗 make one’s way to前往,到…去 survive vi. &vt.生存,挺过(难关)


译林牛津高中英语模块五课文翻译M5U1;Reading秘密和谎言;亲爱的安妮:我觉得我的朋友汉娜背叛了我;几乎每天都在一起;但我们喜欢那样;星期一那天,我们搞了一次突袭性的数学小测验;担心考试成绩;了,我肯定能取得好成绩;最低分!我感到非常羞愧,这么简单的小测验没能及格;后来,我假装很开心,但汉娜还是觉察到哪儿有点不对;女子洗手间时,我承认考得有多么糟糕;保守秘密;但是第二天,当我走进数 M5 U1 Reading 秘密和谎言 亲爱的安妮:我觉得我的朋友汉娜背叛了我。从小学起我俩就是最好的朋友,几乎每天都在一起。因为我们成绩好,喜爱学习,其他同学有时会说我俩没趣,但我们喜欢那样。我们都很用功,成绩在学校一直很优秀。 星期一那天,我们搞了一次突袭性的数学小测验。我以为它非常简单,一点也不担心考试成绩。小测验之后,我说起话来听上去一定洋洋自得,说它实在太简单了,我肯定能取得好成绩。第二天下课后,我的数学老师却告诉我,我得了全班最低分!我感到非常羞愧,这么简单的小测验没能及格,我真是笨极了! 后来,我假装很开心,但汉娜还是觉察到哪儿有点不对劲。午餐前,我们一起去女子洗手间时,我承认考得有多么糟糕。我求她不要告诉任何人,她说她会替我保守秘密。 但是第二天,当我走进数学课教室时,我就注意到同学们在盯着我看。当我坐下时,我惊讶地发现桌子上有一张纸,上面写着:“笨蛋萨拉得了D等!”我难过得想哭。我想汉娜一定是在答应过我不会告诉任何人之后将我的成绩告诉了同学们。大家一定都在背后嘲笑我!

我非常生气,径直走到汉纳跟前,告诉她我们不再是朋友了,因为她不能信守诺言。她很不安,发誓说她没有告诉任何人。但是,能看到成绩的人只有老师和学生自己。她说一定是有人在洗手间偷听我们的谈话,但我不相信她的解释。我想我永远也不会真正地原谅她。现在,我失去了我最好的朋友。我该怎么办呢? 你真诚的,萨拉陷入困境的友谊。 亲爱的安妮:我叫安德鲁。我17岁,碰到了一个难题。我最好的朋友马修已经停止跟我说话了。我们从小就是好朋友,一起在学校足球队踢球。上个星期,我们与另一所学校的球队有一场非常重要的比赛。那支球队很棒,我们必须集中精力。我下决心一定要赢得比赛,但马修踢得很糟糕。他跟不上比赛的节奏。由于他的漫不经心,我们输了球赛。 后来,我非常生他的气,并告诉他说我觉得他没有尽全力。他也被惹火了,说如果他的球技不如我那可不是他的错,还说我不该以这种方式和他说话。然后我们俩都开始冲着对方大喊大叫,结果我们的喊叫变成了可怕的争执。他指责我做了一些非常不好的事情,只是为了伤害我。我感到很内疚,因为我也说了一些残酷无情的话,但我不喜欢看到我们队输球。足球对我很重要,但我们的友谊也同样很重要。 虽然我们在教室里是邻座,但自从吵架之后,他便没有和我说过话。这实在令人尴尬。他通常开朗外向,但最近一直沉默寡言,显得很难受。他说的那些话也伤害了我,但他并未向我道歉。 昨天,我看见他和另一个男孩彼得说话,我不禁想知道他是不是想让彼得取代我做他最好的朋友。我把吵架的事告诉了我哥哥,但他说马修只是太敏感,可能还有一点嫉妒,因为我身强体壮,足球踢得很好。他说我最好另找一个朋友。我该怎么办呢? 你真诚的 安德鲁


Unit one Friendship 词汇: 1. add up 合计;把…加起来 eg:Add up 3, 4 and 5 and you'll get 12.把3.4.5加起来得12. Adding these figures up we can find the answer. 把这些数字加起来,我们就 可以找到答数 add up to 总计达;意味着 eg:The bills add up to exactly $100. 这些帐单加起来正好一百元 These evidence really adds up to that he didn't murder the man.这些证据 实际上意味着他没杀人 2. upset adj.心烦意乱的,不安的,不适的 eg:She got upset when she heard this news.听到这个消息她感到不安。 There is no point getting upset about it.犯不着为此烦恼. vt.使不安,使心烦 eg:The news upset him a lot.这个消息让他很不安。 be upset by sth 被某事困扰 upset oneself about sth 对某事感到不安 3. ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视 eg:You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down, 你会不顾上课铃而去一个安静的地方让你的朋友安静下来 ignorant:adj.没有学识的,无知的 ignorance:n.无知


牛津高中英语模块二词汇表Unit 1 1 tale n. 故事,传说 2 unexplained adj. 无法解释的,神秘的 3 puzzled adj. 困惑的,茫然的 4 step up 加紧,加强,促进 5 incident n. 发生的事情(尤指不 寻常的或讨厌的) 6 due to 由于,因为 7 alien adj. 外星人的;n.外星人 8 disappear vi. 消失,失踪 9 witness n. 目击者,证人, vt. 目击,见证 10 spaceship 宇宙飞船 11 creature 动物,(某种特征的)人 12 flash n. vi. 闪光,闪耀 13 UFO abbr.不明飞行物 (Unidentified Flying Object的缩写) 14 assume vt. 假定,认为 15 construction n. 施工,建筑物 16 occur vi. 发生 17 show up 出现,现身 18 aboard 在(轮船\飞机\火车)上, 上(轮船\飞机\火车) 19 possibility n.可能性 20 detective n.侦探 21 take charge of 负责,接管 22 case n.案子,案件 23 journalist 记者 24 make up 编造,捏造,杜撰 25 amazing 令人惊奇(惊叹)的 26 evidence n.证据 27 injury n.伤害 28 dismiss vt.不予考虑,解雇,解散 29 look into 调查;检查 30 laughter n. 笑声,笑 31 schoolboy 男生 32 astronomer 天文学家 33 enthusiastic 热情的, 热烈的, 满腔热情的 34 base n. 基地,大本营,底部, 基础,vt. 以…为基础35 exist vi.存在 36 mystery n.神秘,神秘的事物 37 comic strip 连环漫画 38 questionnaire n.调查问卷 39 tick vt.标记号,打上勾,打对号 40 statement n. 陈述,声明 41 disagree vi.不同意 42 appropriate 适当的 43 blank (文件等)空白处, 空格,空白的,无表情的 44 humor n. 幽默 45 discount n.折扣 46 table tennis 乒乓球运动 47 badminton 羽毛球 48 organize vt. 组织,筹备,安排,处理 49 tournament n.联赛,锦标赛 50 award n.奖,奖品,奖金.vt.授予,奖励 51 Yeti n.雪人,野人 52 Bigfoot 北美野人 53 Wild Man of Shennongjia 神农架野人 54 hairy 多毛的,毛茸茸的 55 human being 人 56 attack v.攻击,进攻 57 villager 村民 58 fur (动物的)皮毛,毛皮 59 track 足迹,踪迹 60 centimeter 厘米 61 length 长度 62 examine 检查 63 north-west 西北 64 dozen (一)打,十二个,十来个 65 reserve n (动植物的)保护区, 储备;vt.预订,保留,储备 66 strength 力量,力气 67 belong vi.应在(某处),适应 67 belong to 属于 68 existence n存在 69 convince 是确信,使相信 70 link vt\ n. 联系,关联 71 ancestor 祖先,祖宗 72 make one’s way to前往,到…去 73 survive vi \ vt.生存,挺过(难关)

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