当前位置:文档之家› 国际展会常见英文专业术语




Affixed merchandise——Exhibitor’s products fastened to display——参展商携带的,与参展有关的辅助用品

Air freight——Materials shipped via airplane——空运货物

AT-site——More commonly called On-site, Location of event or exhibit ——展会现场

Attnedance——Number of people at show or exhibit——参展人数

Attendee——One who attends an exposition. May also be referred to as delegate or visitor, but should not be used for “exhibitor”——参观展会的人(不包括参展商)

Attendee brochure——Direct mail piece sent to current and prospective attendees that promotes the benefits of attending a specific show——分发给展会观众的宣传资料


Booking——An arrangement with a company for use of facilities, goods or services——预订

Booth——One or more standard units of exhibit space. In U.S.A a standard unit is generally known to be a 10’ x 10’ space——展位(在美国一个标准展位是10x10平方英尺)

Booth area——The amount of floor space occupied by an exhibitor——展位面积

Booth number——Number designated by show management for each exhibitor’s space——展位号Booth personnel——Staff assigned to represent exhibitor in assigned space——展台工作人员


Co-Locate——To hold two related shows at the same time and in the same place——在同一地点同时举办两个相关的展会,即“套展”

Consumer show——An exposition that is open to the public. Typically, an admission fee is charged. Also knows as a “public” show——面向公众开放的展会,一般需要买票进入,即“公共展会”

Contractor——An individual or organization providing services to an exposition and/or its exhibitors. Typically refers to either a general service contractor or specialty contractor——为展览会组织者、参展商提供服务的服务供应商

Convention——A broad term that can refer to a large meeting, an exhibition, or a combination of the two——泛指大型会议、展览

Convention center——A facility where exposition are hold. Commonly referred to as FACILITY or HALL. May be purpose-built or converted; municipally or privately owned——会展中心


Carnet——A customs document permitting the holder to carry or send merchandise temporarily into certain foreign countries (for display, demonstration, or similar purposes) without paying duties or posting bonds——允许展品临时出口的海关批准文件

Carrier——Transportation line moving freight (van line, common carrier, rail car, air plane)——指飞机、车、船等运输工具

Cartage——*fee changed for transport in freight between destinations/*short distance hauling of exhibit properties*-货物运输费/*-展品从港口到展馆的短距离运输

Consignee——Shipping freight to a central depot where several loads bound for the same destination are put together before being shipped to that destination——收货人

Customs——The government authorities designated to collect duties levied by a country on imports and exports. The term also applies to the procedures involved in such collection——海关


Certificate of inspection——A document certifying that merchandise (such as perishable goods) was in good condition immediately prior to its shipment——发运前对易变质物品等货物进行全面检查并证明其完好无损的证明文件

Certificate of origin——A document, required by certain countries for tariff purposes, certifying as to the country of origin of specified goods——原产地证明

Clean bill of lading——A receipt for goods issued by a carrier with an indication that the goods were received in apparent good order and condition, without damages or other irregularities——清洁提单,指运输公司签署,表明货物在收到时外表状况良好,没有货物损坏或包装不良情况的提单。

Cwt——(Hundred weight)This is the unit of measure used in drayage——英担(1/20吨,英制为112磅,美制为100磅)


Declared value——Shipper’s stated value of entire shipment in terms of dollars——申报价格

Deferred air-freight——Long haul airfreight that waits for available cargo space (usually 1 to 2 days) at a reduced rate——递延空运,指货物等舱位,并在一天到两天内发运,费用有所折扣

Dock——A place where freight is loaded onto, and taken from, vessels or vehicles——码头

Dock receipt——A receipt issued by an ocean carrier to acknowledge receipt of a shipment at the carrier’s dock or warehouse facilities——码头收货单据,一种由海洋运输公司出具的,证明货物已在码头仓库的收据

Dolly——Any of several kinds of low, lat, wheeled frames fro transporting heavy objects——推车


Demographics——Characteristics that help create a profile of exhibitors and attendees. May include company location, job function, purchase intentions——参展商和观众的统计数据

Demonstrators——Persons hired to work in a booth demonstration or explaining products——(展位上雇用的)演示和讲解员

Display rules & regulations——A set of specifications for exhibit construction endorsed by all mayor exhibit industry associations. Also refers to the individual additional rules which may be adopted by show management——展会规则

Distributor show——A show produced by a distributor at which exhibitors are the manufactures of products sold by the distributor and attendees are the distributor’s customers——分销展,它由某一个批发商举办,参展商都为该批发商的供应商,而参观展会的人一般为批发商的客户。

Double-decker——Two-storied exhibit. Also called multiple story exhibit——双展位


Drawback——A refund of duties paid on imported goods which is provided at the time of their re-exportation——退税

Drayage——Delivery of exhibit materials from the dock to an assigned exhibit space, removing empty crates, returning crates at the end of show for recrating, and delivering materials back to dock for carrier loading——货运,专指把展品从码头运到展位以及展会结束后,再把储藏的空箱运到展台,并把回运展品再运到码头的运输业务

Drayage contractor——Company responsible for handing of materials——货运服务商

Drayage form——Form for exhibitor requesting handing of materials——货运申请表

Duty——A tax imposed on imports by the customs authority of a country——关税


Exhibitor-appointed contractor——Any company other than the designated “official”contractor providing a service to an exhibitor——展览服务独家经营商

Exhibit——Although the terms “exhibit” and “booth” are often used interchangeably, an “exhibit” is actually all of the display materials and product house in booth——展位或展品。很多场合下,“exhibit”和“booth”可互换,意为“展位”,但“exhibit”主要是指展出的物品

Exhibit directory——Program book for attendees listing exhibitors and booth locations——观众指南(主要包括参展商名录及其展位信息)

Exhibit manager——Person in charge of an individual exhibit (as opposed to the show manager, who is charge of the entire exposition)——展品经理,主要负责展品(区别于负责展会全部事物的展览经理)

Exhibition——An event in which products or services are exhibited——展览会


Exhibitor——Person or firm who displays in exposition——参展商

Exhibitor lounge——An area either on or adjacent to the exhibit floor where exhibitors may relax or meet with customers. Show management sometimes provides special services in this area, such as translators for a show that has international attendees——参展商活动室

Exhibitor manual——Manual containing general show information, labor/ service order forms, rules and regulations and other information pertinent to an exhibitor’s participation in an exposition——参展商手册

Exhibitor newsletter——A newsletter sent by show management to exhibitors prior to a show. It includes updates on deadlines, show rules and regulations, events, and marketing opportunities offered by show management, plus educational articles to improve exhibitors’ effectiveness——参展商通讯录

Exhibitor prospectus——Direct mail piece sent to current and prospective exhibitors that promotes benefits of exhibiting of exhibitors that renew.——展览会组织者发送给现有参展商及潜在参展商的展览会介绍材料


EST.WT——Estimated Weight——估计重量

Easel——A stand or frame for displaying objects.——展示架

Expedited service——Service offered by transportation company to assure prompt delivery.——速递服务

FI——Free in, A pricing term indication that the charterer of a vessel is responsible for the cost of loading goods onto the vessel.——展品、货物装船费用由租船人负担的一种价格术语

FIO——Free in and out. A pricing term indicating that the charterer of a vessel is responsible for the cost of unloading goods from the vessel.——展品、货物装船和卸船费用由租船人负担的价格术语

FO——Free out. A pricing term indication that the charterer of a vessel is responsible for the cost of loading goods from vessel.——货物卸船费用由租船人负担的价格术语


Exhibitor retention——Persuading current exhibitors to participate in subsequent events. Exhibitor retention rate is the percentage of exhibitors that renew——挽留参展商继续再参加下一届展览会

Exposition——A display of products and/or services——博览会

Exposition manager——Person responsible for all aspects of planning, promoting and producing an exposition, Also knows as show manager and show orgnizer——展览经理,负责一个展览会从立项、促销道现场举办和各个方面的工作

Facility——A facility where exposition are hold. Commonly referred to as FACILITY or HALL. May be purpose-built or converted; municipally or privately owned——展览馆或展览设施

Facility manager——The manager of a convention center or hall——展馆或展厅经理


Foul bill of lading——A receipt for goods issued by a carrier with an indication that the goods were damaged when received.——不洁提单,标明货物在收到货物时已有损坏

Forklift——Vehicle used to transport heavy exhibit materials short distance, and for loading and unloading materials.——铲车,主要用于重量大展品装卸和短距离移动

Freight——Exhibit properties, products, and other materials shipped for an exhibit.——运输货物,对展览会来说,包括发运的道具、展品等

Freight forwarders——A shipping company that typically handles international freight shipments——运输代理公司

Flame proofed——Term uesd to describe material which has been treated with a fire retardant.——经过防火处理的


Gross weight——The full weight of a shipment, including goods and packaging——货物运输总总量,包括货物及其包装材料的重量

GT——Gross ton——运输货物重量的总吨数

Inland bill of lading——A bill of lading (B/L) used in transporting goods overland to the exporter’s international carrier——内陆货运提单

LCL——Less than carload——低于一辆货车的最低载重量

L&D——Loss and damage——货物等的损失

LTL——Less than truckload——当运输的货物低于一辆货车最低载重量时的收费标准,一般是指运输公司对一辆货车规定的最低收费标转


Marine insurance——Broadly, insurance covering loss or damage of goods at sea. Marine insurance will typically compensate the owner of merchandise for losses sustained from fire, shipwreck, piracy, and various other causes, but excludes losses which can be legally recovered from the carrier.——海损险

Measurement ton——The measurement ton (also known as the cargo ton or freight ton) is a space measurement, usually 40 cubic feet or one cubic meter. The cargo is assessed a certain rate for every 40 cubic feet of space it occupies.——体积吨、尺码吨,指船只的载货体积单位,如“40尺集装箱”

Ocean bill of lading——A bill of lading indicating carrier for transportation to a specified international market.——海运提单

Packing list——A list showing the number and kinds of items being shipped, as well as other information needed for transportation purposes.——货物运输清单

Padded van——Describes vehicle used for uncrated shipments.——散装货运车


Package——A term refer to a single-fee booth package offered by show management. Package might include, for instance, booth space, one electrical outlet, one table, two chairs and one hour of labor.——展位一揽子收费标准。包括摊位费、展馆电费及展馆道具费等在内。

Peninsula booth——An exhibit at the end of an aisle, with aisles on three sides——半岛展位,展位背对通道顶端,其他三面都是过道。

Permanent exhibit——A product display held on a long-term basis, etc. museum exhibit, office exhibit, etc.——长期性展览

Portable exhibit——Crate display units which do not require forklifts to move them.——重量轻、易于搬动的展品

Pro forma invoice——An invoice provided by a supplier prior to the shipment of merchandise, informing the buyer of the kinds and quantities of goods to be sent, their value, and important specifications.——形式发票


Press kit——Materials, usually contained in a folder, in which news releases, announcements and other materials intended for the media are distributed.——袋装展览会新闻资料

Press release——An article intended for use by the media about a company, product, service, individual, or show. ——新闻发布会,在展览会新闻中心发放的有关产品、服务或展览会的宣传资料

Press room——A room where members of the media may obtain exhibition press kits, conduct interviews, or relax. Larger press rooms contain typewriters, computers, phones, and fax machines foe use by the press in filing their stories.——展览会新闻中心

Producer——An individual or company which designs and/or builds exhibits. May also provide other services. An individual or company which manages expositions. ——展位设计搭建商。展览会组织管理者

Public show——Consumer show, an exposition that is open to the public. Typically, an admission fee is charged. Also known as a “consumer” show. ——指面向普通公众开放的展览会,观众通常需要买票进入。


Ship’s manifest——An instrument in writing, signed by the captain of a ship that lists the individual shipments constituting the ship’s cargo——载货单

Shipment——Freight tendered to a carrier by one consignor at one place at one time for delivery to one consignee at one place on one bill of lading——货物运输

Shipper’s export declaration——A from require for all shipment by the U.S. Treasury Department and prepared by a shipper, indicating the value, weight, destination, and other basic information about an export shipment——发货人出口申报单,需注明所发展品的价值、重量、目的地以及有关展品的其他基本信息

Skid——Wooden platform used to support machinery or a collection of objects for easier handing. Also thick wood blocks attached to crates which allow forklift access for easier handing——置于笨重物品下,便于叉车搬运的垫或大型机械的木基座



Service desk——On-site location for ordering or reconfirming services provided by general service contractor and specialty contractors.——设在展会现场、供参展商订购各种服务的服务供应处

Show break——Time specified for the close of the exhibition and beginning of dismantling.——展会结束和开始撤展的时间

Show daily——A newspaper published each day during the run of a show. It includes articles about the exhibits and events.——展会每日新闻快报

Show directory——A soft cover book containing a listing, with booth numbers, of all the exhibitors in a show, a map showing booth locations, and often advertising.——展览会会刊,包括参展商名单、摊位号、展馆位置及图示,还常登录广告

Show producer——Person responsible for all aspects of planning, promoting and producing an exposition. Also known as show manager.——展览经理,负责一个展览会的计划立项、促销以及现场举办等各方面的工作


Show office——On-site show management office——设在展会现场的展览会管理办公室

Show-within-a-show——A show with its own name and own focus that takes place within a larger, related event——套展,指一个有自己独立名称和主题的展览会,在另一个相关的大型展览会内举办,成为其一部分。

Space rate——Cost per square foot or per square meter for exhibit space——摊位租金(以每平方米或平方英尺计算)

Sponsorship——Payment of the cost of a service or activity at an event, in exchange for being publicized at the event——展会赞助,指对展会的某项活动或服务项目提供经费,以换取在展会上对赞助商的宣传

Stand——European term for booth——展位,欧洲国家普遍使用Stand,英美多使用booth.

Subcontractor——Company retained by general contractor to provide service to exhibitors or show management——(展览服务)分包商


Tare weight——The weight of a container and/or packing materials without the weight of goods it contains——皮重,指空集装箱本身重量或包装材料本身重量

Through bill of lading——A single bill of lading covering both the domestic and international carriage of an export shipment, a U/C air waybill, for instance, is essentially through bill of lading used for air shipment——直达货运提单,指一个提单涵盖出口货物运输的国内和国际两段运输

Tramp steamer——A ship not operating on regular routes or schedules. Calls at any point where cargo is available——无固定航线或航行时间表的运输船只

Truckload——Truckload rates apply where the tariff shows a truckload minimum weight. Charges will be at the truckload minimum weight unless weight is higher——一辆货车的最低装载量,当实际运输的货物低于最低装载量时,按最低装载量收费


日常English 一、词组 QC:Quality control;(品质管理) QS:Quality system;(品质系统) IQC:Incoming quality control;(进料检验) PQC:Process quality control;(制程检验) FQC:Final quality control;(最终检验) OQC:Outgoing quality control;(出货检验) QA:Quality assurance;(品质保证) QE:Quality engineer;(品质工程师) PQE:Process quality engineer;(制程品质工程师) SQE:Supplier quality engineer;(供应商品质工程师) PIE:Product industrial engineer;(产品工业工程师)IE ERP:Enterprise resource planning;(企业资源规划) QCC:Quality control circle;(品管圈) SOP:Standard operating procedure;(标准作业规定) WI﹕Working Instructions.(作业指导书) SIP:Standard inspection procedure;(標准检验规范) QIP:Quality inspection procedure;(品质检验计划) ECN:Engineering change notice;(工程变更通知) ECR:Engineering change requirement;(工程变更申请) PDCA管理循环(又称戴明循环):Plan(计划)Do(执行)Check(检查)Action(行动) 5M1E:Materials(物料)Machines(机器)Method(方法)Man(人)Measure(量测)Environment(环境); 5W2H:Why(为什幺做)What(做什幺)When(何时)Who(何人) Where(何处)How to do(如何做)How much(成本如何) ISO:international organization for standardization;(国际标准化组织)

International relations 国际关系常用词汇

International relations 国际关系常用词汇 protectorate (被)保护国 asylum 庇护;避难 forntier region, border region 边界地区 boundary negotiation 边界谈判 status quo of the boundary 边界现状 never to attach any conditions 不附带任何条件 non-aligned countries 不结盟国家 patrimonial sea 承袭海 consultations 磋商 the third world 第三世界 imperialism 帝国主义 200-nauticalmile maritime rights 二百海里海洋权 developing countries 发展中国家 dependency 附庸国 plebiscite 公民投票 generally-accepted principles of international relations 公认的国际关系原则joint action 共同行动 normalization of relations 关系正常化 an established principle of international law 国际法准则 rudimentary code of international relations 国际关系中最起码的准则international waters 国际水域 international situation 国际形势 merger of states 国家合并 national boundary 国界 maritime resources 海洋资源 mutual understanding and mutual accommodation 互谅互让 exchange of needed goods 互通有无 détente, 缓和 fundamental rights 基本权利 reduction or cancellation of debts 减轻债务负担


模具英语专业术语 模具述语 一、入水:gate 进入位: gate location 水口形式:gate type 大水口:edge gate 细水口: pin-point gate 水口大小:gate size 转水口: switching runner/gate 唧嘴口径: sprue diameter 二、流道: runner 热流道: hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate 圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance 热嘴: hot sprue 热流道板:hot manifold 发热管:cartridge heater 探针: thermocouples 插头: connector plug 插座: connector socket 密封/封料: seal 三、运水:water line 喉塞:line lpug 喉管:tube 塑胶管:plastic tube 快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker 四、模具零件: mold components 三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold 边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边L:guide pin 顶针板:ejector retainner plate 托板: support plate 螺丝: screw 管钉:dowel pin 开模槽:ply bar scot 内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock 顶针: ejector pin 司筒:ejector sleeve 司筒针:ejector pin 推板:stripper plate 缩呵:movable core,return core core puller 扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter 模胚(架): mold base 上内模:cavity insert 下内模:core insert 行位(滑块): slide 镶件:insert 压座/斜鸡:wedge 耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate 压条:plate 撑头: support pillar 唧嘴: sprue bushing 挡板:stop plate 定位圈:locating ring 锁扣:latch 扣鸡:parting lock set 推杆:push bar 栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B 顶板:eracuretun 活动臂:lever arm 分流锥:spure sperader 水口司:bush 垃圾钉:stop pin 隔片:buffle 弹弓柱:spring rod 弹弓:die spring 中托司:ejector guide bush 中托边:ejector guide pin 镶针:pin 销子:dowel pin 波子弹弓:ball catch 喉塞: pipe plug


中国政府部门常见英语词汇 Source: 2008-09-28 我要投稿恒星英语学习论坛Favorite The people's Republic of China (P. R. China) 中华人民共和国Province (Hebei Province) 省 Prefecture (Cangzhou Prefecture) 区 Municipality (Beijing Municipality) 市 City (Cangzhou City) 市 County (Cangxian County) 县 Autonomous 自治(Autonomous District [ Prefecture/ County]) Capital (Provincial Capital) 省会 Communist Party of China 中国共产党 National Party Congress 全国代表大会 Fifteenth National Congress 第十五次全国代表大会(十五大) First Plenary Session 第一届中央全会(一中全会) Central Committee 中央委员会 member of the Central Committee 中央委员 alternate member of the Central Committee 候补中央委员 Political Bureau 政治局 member of the Political Bureau 政治局委员 alternate member of the Political Bureau 政治局候补委员 Standing Committee of the Political Bureau 政治局常务委员会 member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau 政治局常委Secretariat of the Central Committee 中央书记处 General Secretary 总书记 Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 中央纪律检查委员会 Military Commission of the Central Committee 中央军事委员会 International Liaison Department 对外联络部 Organization Department 组织部 United Front Work Department 统战部 Propaganda Department 宣传部 State President 国家主席 President of PRC 中华人民共和国主席 Vice President of PRC 中华人民共和国副主席 National People's Congress 全国人民代表大会 Standing Committee 常务委员会 Chairman 委员长 Vice Chairpersons 副委员长 Members of the NPC Standing Committee 常务委员会委员 Central Military Committee 中央军事委员会 Chairman 主席


质量管理专业英语词汇 Absolute deviation, 绝对离差 Absolute number, 绝对数 Absolute residuals, 绝对残差 Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵 Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal, 法向加速度 Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度 Acceleration vector, 加速度向量 Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设 Accumulation, 累积 Accuracy, 准确度 Actual frequency, 实际频数 Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量 Addition, 相加 Addition theorem, 加法定理 Additivity, 可加性 Adjusted rate, 调整率 Adjusted value, 校正值 Admissible error, 容许误差 Aggregation, 聚集性 Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设 Among groups, 组间 Amounts, 总量 Analysis of correlation, 相关分析 Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析 Analysis of regression, 回归分析

Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析 Analysis of variance, 方差分析 Angular transformation, 角转换 ANOVA (analysis of variance), 方差分析 ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型 Arcing, 弧/弧旋 Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换 Area under the curve, 曲线面积 AREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差ARIMA, 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计Arithmetic grid paper, 算术格纸 Arithmetic mean, 算术平均数 Arrhenius relation, 艾恩尼斯关系 Assessing fit, 拟合的评估 Associative laws, 结合律 Asymmetric distribution, 非对称分布 Asymptotic bias, 渐近偏倚 Asymptotic efficiency, 渐近效率 Asymptotic variance, 渐近方差 Attributable risk, 归因危险度 Attribute data, 属性资料 Attribution, 属性 Autocorrelation, 自相关 Autocorrelation of residuals, 残差的自相关 Average, 平均数 Average confidence interval length, 平均置信区间长度Average growth rate, 平均增长率 Bar chart, 条形图 Bar graph, 条形图


塑胶模具类中英文对照专业术语工程部/ Design department: 1) Designer - 设计师。 2) Assembly drawing - 模具组装图。 3) Mold layout - 模具结构图。 4) 2D product drawing - 2D产品图。 5) 3D product data - 3D产品数据。 6) Part drawing - 散件图。 7) Insert molding - 镶件模。 8) 2 color mold / Double injection tool - 双色模。 9) Hydraulic system - 油/水压系统。 10) Parting line - 分模线。 11) Air venting - 排气槽。 12) Cooling system - 冷却系统。 13) Screw - 镙丝。 14) Hot runner system - 热流道。 15) Valve gate - 伐针入水口。 16) Fan gate - 扇型入水口。 17) Pin point gate - 针点进胶。 18) Moon gate / Banana gate - 香蕉,象牙入水口。 19) Submarine gate - 潜水口。 20) Injection machine tonnage - 注塑机吨数。 21) Number of cavity - 穴数。 22) Steel - 钢材。 23) Copper - 铜。 24) Tungsten copper - 钨铜。 25) Beryllium copper - 铍铜。 26) Hardening - 加硬/淬火。 27) Tempering - 回火。


1.新产品以及模具开发products and tooling developing 2D/3D drawing 平面/实体图 action results 措施结果 bump among products 货与货之间碰撞 bump at sampling 抽取样品时产品有碰撞 chamfering倒角 classification 级别 CNC milling after quenching 淬火后CNC铣加工 design/process FMEA 设计/过程FMEA design/process responsibility 设计/过程责任部门 detection 探测 die casting 压铸 die fabrication 模加工 Die location layout 工模排位图 Die polished 省模 die size out of the specification 模具尺寸不符合要求 Die trial 试模 electrode made by CNC CNC铜公 gate design 水口设计 grinding by precision grinding machine 磨床加工 machining by CNC wire-cut machine 线切割加工 machining by electric discharge machine EDM 电蚀火花加工 mold design 工模设计 painting 喷油 pile products up due to laying in disorder 摆放不正确堆积产品 polishing 抛光、磨光 polishing/cotton wheels 布轮 potential effects of failure 潜在失效后果 potential failure mode 潜在失效模式 prevention 预防 Removing parting line flash 磨夹口 responsibility & target completion date 责任和目标完成日期 rib and corner 肋材和尖角 sample stored in warehouse 样板入仓 sanding wheels 砂布轮 set die-casting parameter/locking force/ injection force/injection velocity/shot time/ volume of release agent/die-open time/ ejector time/pressure rating/metal temperature/ control temperature/ operation according to WI按工作指示设定压铸参数/锁模力/射料力/射料速度/打锤时间/喷雾量/开模时间/顶出时间/压力参数/料温/控制温度/作业vibrating 震动 2.热处理 heat treatment air cooling 空气冷却 annealing 退火 carbonization 碳化


涨姿势 | 品质管理常用到的一些英文术语(中英文对照) △品质人员名称类 QC quality control 品质管理人员 FQC final quality control 终点品质管制人员 IPQC in process quality control 制程中的品质管制人员 OQC output quality control 最终出货品质管制人员 IQC incoming quality control 进料品质管制人员 TQC total quality control 全面质量管理 POC passage quality control 段检人员 QA quality assurance 质量保证人员 OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员 QE quality engineering 品质工程人员 DQA Design Quality Assurance DQE Design Quality Engineer △品质保证类 FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查 FAA first article assurance

首件确认 TVR tool verification report 模具确认报告 3B 3B 模具正式投产前确认 CP capability index 能力指数 CPK capability index of process 模具制程能力参数 SSQA standardized supplier quality 合格供应商品质评估 OOBA out of box audit 开箱检查 QFD quality function deployment 品质机能展开 FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析 8 disciplines 8项回复内容8D报告 FA final audit 最后一次稽核 CAR corrective action request 改正行动要求 Corrective action report 改正行动报告 △FQC运作类 AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准 S/S Sample size


外交常用英语词汇: Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部 Protocol Department礼宾司 Information Department新闻司 diplomatic mission外交代表机构 emba ssy 大使馆 legation公使馆 consulate-general总领事馆 consulate领事馆 office of the chargé d''affaires,代办处 military attaché‘ 's office,武官处 commercial counsellor''s office商务处 press section, in formation service新闻处 liaison office联络处 diplomat外交家,外交官 diplomatic rank外交官衔 diplomatic representative外交代表 members of the administrative and technical staff行政技术人员amba ssador大使 amba ssador extraordinary and plenipotentiary特命全权大使 nuncio教廷大使 internuncio教廷公使

counsellor withthe rank of minister, minister-counsellor公使衔参赞 charg é d''affaires,代办 charg é d''affasiread interim,临时代办 counsellor参赞 first secretary一等秘书 second secretary二等秘书 third secretary三等秘书 attach é,随员 commercial secretary商务参赞 cultural secretary文化参赞 commercial attaché,商务专员 cultural attach,é 文化专员 military attach,é 武官 naval attaché,海军武官 air attach,é 空军武官 consul-general总领事 consul领事 doyen of the diplomatic corps, dean of the diplomatic corps外交使团团长roving ambassador巡回大使 ambassador-at-large无任所大使 special envoy特使 accredited to?向?派遣的


实用文案 模具英语专业术语 模具述语开模槽:ply bar scot 内模管位:一、入水:gate core/cavity inter-lock 顶针:ejector pin 进入位:gate location 司筒:ejector sleeve 水口形式:gate type 司筒针:edge gate ejector pin 大水口:推板:细水口:stripper plate pin-point gate 缩呵:gate size movable core,return core core 水口大小:puller switching runner/gate 转水口:扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock sprue diameter 唧嘴口径:斜顶:lifter : runner 二、流道模胚(架):mold base hot runner,hot manifold 热流道:上内模:cavity insert : hot sprue/cold runner 热嘴冷流道下内模:core insert : direct sprue gate 唧嘴直流行位(滑块):slide round(full/half runner 圆形流道:镶件:insert mold flow analysis 流道电脑分析:压座/斜鸡:wedge :runner balance 流道平衡耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate hot sprue 热嘴:压条:plate hot manifold 热流道板:撑头: support pillar cartridge heater 发热管:唧嘴:sprue bushing : thermocouples 探针挡板:stop plate connector plug 插头:定位圈:locating ring connector socket 插座:锁扣:latch seal 封料:/密封扣鸡:parting lock set water line 三、运水:推杆:push bar line lpug 喉塞:栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B tube 喉管:顶板:eracuretun plastic tube 塑胶管:活动臂:lever arm jiffy quick connector 快速接头:分流锥:spure sperader plug/socker 水口司mold components 四、模具零件::bush 垃圾钉:三板模:3-plate mold stop pin 隔片:buffle 二板模:2-plate mold 弹弓柱:导边:/leader pin/guide pin spring rod 边钉弹弓:die spring 导套:边司/bushing/guide bushing 中托司:ejector guide bush 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边:ejector guide pin guide pin :L中托边镶针:ejector retainner plate 顶针板:pin 销子:托板:support plate dowel pin 波子弹弓:ball catch screw 螺丝:: pipe plug dowel pin 管钉:喉塞文案大全. 实用文案 锁模块:lock plate Mold repair 模具维修 angle from pin 斜顶:Molds 模具


常见外贸英文术语汇总很详细的哦 Duty-pay value 完税价格Goods declaration 货物申报release/clearanee 货物放行/清关drawback 退税means of transportation 运输工具duties and taxes 税费security 担保、保证金customs con trol 海关监管physical inspection 现场查验customs formalities 海关手续certificate of orig inal 原产地证 anti -dump 反倾销bon ded warehouse 保税仓库MSDS 安全技术表 certificate of quality 品质检验证书 commercial draft 商业汇票 endorsement 背书force majeure不可抗力T/T telegraphic 电汇D/D dema nd draft 票汇Bill of exchange,draft 汇票M/T Mail Tran sfer 信汇D/P Documents against Payment 付款交单Accepta nee 承兑 Remitta nee 汇付 Collection 托收L/C Letter of Credit 信用证Ope n B/L, order B/L 不记名提单,指示提单 Ex work 工厂交货FCA Free Carrier 货交承运人,多式联运FAS Free Alo ngside ship 船边交货 FOB Free on Board装运港船上交货CFR Cost and Freight 成本加运费 CIF Cost, I nsura nee and Freight 成本加保费运费CPT Carriage Paid to ---运费付至目的地CIP Carriage and In sura nee Paid to 运费、保险费付至目的地 DAF Delivered at Fron tier 边境交货 DES Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货DEQ Delivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货关税已付DDU Delivered and Duty Un paid 目的地交货关税未付 Origi nal 正本Total Amount 总值Total Packages 合计件数 In sura nee Premium 保费Freight 运费CY to CY 场到场CFS to CFS 站到站Door to Door 门到门W/W Warehouse to Warehouse 仓至仓条款Intern ati onal Multimodal Tran sport 国际多式联运charter or book ing space 租船定舱Bulky goods 大宗货 Full Co ntai ner Load 整箱货Less tha n Container Load 拼箱货Nude cargo 裸装货Smuggled article 走私物品 Short shipme nt 短装 Cash payme nt现金付款Seali ng marks 圭寸志B/L bill of ladi ng 提单Clea n B/L 清洁提单 Open B/L空白提单、不记名提单 Order B/L 指示提单manifest 舱单detail freight list 货物明细单declare goods申报货物Con sig nee 收货人Security 保证金ad valorem tax 从价税Specific tariff 从量税Tariff heading 税目Tariff number 税号Port of Discharge 卸货港Port of Loadi ng 装货港dest in atio n 目的地(港)Shipper托运人


buffer state 缓冲国 statecraft 治国术 comprehensive power 综合国力 dual nationality 双重国籍 host country 东道国 vassal state 附庸国 protectorate 保护国 战败国 a defeated country satellite state 卫星国 战胜国victorious nation neutrality stated, neutral country 中立国neutralized stated 永久中立国 Axis Powers 轴心国 nonaligned state 不结盟国家 signatory state of the treaty (convention) 缔约国hegemonic state 霸权国 策源国 political science 政治学 comparative politics 比较政治学 low politics 低级政治 high politics 高级政治 politics of scale 规模政治 Realpolitik 现实政治 bureaucratic politics 官僚政治 political geography 政治地理 politicization 政治化 political psychophysiology 政治精神心理学ecopolitics 生态政治学 political elite 政治精英 zero-sum game 零和游戏 nonzero-sum game 非零和游戏 game theory 博弈论 two-level game or two-tier game 双层博弈paradigm 范式 localization 本土化 irreversibility 不可逆转性 convention 常规 deconstruction 解构 balance of power 均势 association agreement 联系协定 exclusivity 排他性 critique theories 批判理论 equilibrium 平衡 globalization 全球化 identity 认同或特性 spill-over 外溢 relative gain 相对收益 absolute gain 绝对收益 interdependence 相互依赖 loyalty-transferring 效忠转移 marginal cost 边际成本 public domain 公共领域 public choice theory 公共选择理论 interstate transaction cost 国家间交易成本transaction benefit 交易收益 interests group 利益集团 prisoner’s dilemma 囚徒困境 transferring rights 权利让渡 anarchy 无政府状态 constitutionalism 宪政 asymmetric information 信息不对称quantitative analysis 定量分析 qualitative analysis 定性分析transactionism 交流理论


品质管理的英文术语大全 品质专业英语大全 品质专业英语大全零件材料类的专有名词 CPU: central processing unit(中央处理器) IC: Integrated circuit(集成电路) Memory IC: Memory Integrated circuit(记忆集成电路) RAM: Random Access Memory(随机存取存储器) DRAM: Dynamic Random Access Memory(动态随机存取存储器) SRAM: Staic Random Access Memory(静态随机存储器) ROM: Read-only Memory(只读存储器) EPROM:Electrical Programmable Read-only Memory (电可抹只读存诸器)EEPROM: Electrical Erasbale Programmable Read-only Memory(电可抹可编程只读存储器)CMOS: Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (互补金属氧化物半导体) BIOS: Basic Input Output System(基本输入输出系统) Transistor:电晶体 LED:发光二极体 Resistor:电阻 Variator:可变电阻 Capacitor:电容

Capacitor array:排容Diode:二极体 Transistor:三极体Transformer:变压器(ADP)Oscillator:频率振荡器(0sc)Crystal:石英振荡器 XTAL/OSC:振荡产生器(X)Relay:延时器 Sensor:感应器 Bead core:磁珠 Filter:滤波器 Flat Cable:排线 Inductor:电感 Buzzer:蜂鸣器 Socket:插座 Slot:插槽 Fuse:熔断器 Current:电流表 Solder iron:电烙铁Magnifying glass:放大镜


各种专业名称英语词汇中英文对照表 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics

统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论Jurisprudence 法律史Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law ) 诉讼法学Science of Procedure Laws 经济法学Science of Economic Law 环境与资源保护法学Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law 国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law) 军事法学Science of Military Law 政治学Political Science 政治学理论Political Theory 中外政治制度Chinese and Foreign Political Institution 科学社会主义与国际****主义运动Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement 中国共产党党史(含党的学说与党的建设) History of the Communist Party of China (including the Doctrine of China Party and Party Building) 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育Education of Marxist Theory and Education in Ideology and Politics 国际政治学International Politics 国际关系学International Relations 外交学Diplomacy 社会学Sociology


组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇 Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 repair修理 operator作业员 QC quality品管 supervisor 课长 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 V oltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 lathe车床 planer |'plein|刨床 miller铣床 grinder磨床 driller??床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 iudustrial alcohol工业酒精 Tiana天那水 packaging打包 missing part漏件 wrong part错件 excessive defects过多的缺陷 critical defect极严重缺陷 major defect主要缺陷 minor defect次要缺陷 not up to standard不合规格 dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏 大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良 slipped screwhead/slippery screw head 螺丝滑头 speckle斑点 rust生锈 deformation变形 burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边 poor staking铆合不良 excesssive gap间隙过大 grease/oil stains油污 inclusion杂质 painting peel off脏污 shrinking/shrinkage缩水 mixed color杂色 scratch划伤 poor processing 制程不良 poor incoming part事件不良 painting make-up补漆 discoloration羿色 water spots水渍 polishing/surface processing表面处理 exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露 lack of painting烤漆不到位 safety安全 quality品质 delivery deadline交货期 cost成本 engineering工程 die repair模修 enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划 qualified products, up-to-grade products良品 defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |'skræpid|报废 (be)qualfied, up to grade合格 not up to grade, not qualified不合格

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