当前位置:文档之家› 常用餐饮服务英语




1.Welcome t o our hotel. 欢迎到我们的酒店


2.Good night. 晚安(晚间告别用)

3.have a good rest. 祝您休息好!

4.See you later (tomorrow). 以后(明天)


5.Hope to see you again soon. 希望不久再


6.Have a good time. 祝您过得愉快!

7.We wish you a pleasant stay in our hotel.


8.Please don’t leave anything behind.


9.Watch your step! 请走好!

10.We wish you a pleasant journey. 祝您旅


11.Have a nice trip! 一路平安!

12.All the best! 万事如意。

13.Take care! 多保重!

14.Good luck! 祝您好运!

15.Thank you for coming. 谢谢您的光临。

16.I’m very grateful to you. 非常感谢您。

17.It’s very kind of you. 谢谢,您真客气。

18.You are (most) welcome. 不用谢,不用客


19.Not at all. 不用谢。

20.My pleasure.(or with pleasure) 很高兴


21.Glad to be of service. 很高兴为您服务。

22.At your service .乐意为您效劳。23.I’m sorry. 很抱歉。

24.Excuse me. 对不起。

25.I’m terribly sorry. It’s my fault.


26.I’m a wfully sorry for my carelessness.


27.Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,


28.That’s all right. 这没什么。

29.It doesn’t matter. 没关系。

30.Never mind. 不要紧,没关系。

31.What can I do for you? 我能为您做点什


32.Can I help you? 我能为您做点什么?

33.Is there anything I can do for you?有


34.Just a moment, please. 请稍等一下。

35.Don’t worry about it 别担心。

36.I beg your pardon?(or Pardon?)对不起,


37.You are wanted on the phone, Mr. Bellow.


38.Who is speaking, please? 请问您是谁?


39.I’ll switch you to Room 1120. 我马上


40.What number are you calling? 请问对方


41.Who would you like to talk to? 请问受


42.Could you hold the line, please?请(拿


43.I wish you good health. 祝您健康。

44.Let me wish you every success. 祝您一


45.Merry Christmas! 圣诞节快乐!

46.Happy birthday to you! 祝您生日快乐!

47.Congratulations! 祝贺您!(恭喜)

48.My h earty congratulations! 衷心祝贺您!

49.As you wish(or like) 随您的便。


51.Of course.当然可以。

52.Go ahead and do what you like.干吧,你


53.I’m sorry, that’s not allowed. 对不


54.No, I’m afraid not.不,恐怕不行。

55.Out of the question, I’m afraid. 恐怕


56.Walk straight ahead.一直往前走。

57.Turn left(right). 往左(右)转。

58.Go upstairs(downstairs). 上(下)楼。

59.Take the lift to the third floor. 乘电


60.The lifts are in the lobby near the main


61.The bellman will show you the way to the

banquet hall.大堂服务员将您去宴会厅。62.There is a washroom at the end of the


63.The post and cable service is opposite

the bar.邮电所在酒吧对面。64.The bank is next to the shop. 银行在小


65.You can get your money changed at the

cashier’s des k.你可以收银外换钱。

66.How much would you like to change?你要


67.The rates of exchange are on the board


68.There are some local products on sale


69.It’s sold by weight(yard, meter…)这


70.Sorry, it’s sold out. 对不起,卖完了。

71.How d o you like this? 您看这个怎么样?

72.What about that one? 你看那个好吗?

73.Here is your change. 这是找您的钱。

74.Here is your receipt. 这是你的收据。

75.Please don’t smoke here. 请不要在这里



A: What can I do for you, sir?


B: What have you got this morning?


A: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments, and everything.

水果汁、糕点、各种茶点等等,应有尽有。B: I’d like to have a glass of tomato juice, please.


A: Any cereal, sir?


B: Yes, a dish of cream of wheat.


A: And eggs?


B: Year, bacon and eggs with buttered toast.

I like my bacon very crisp.



A: How do you want your eggs?


B: Fried, please.


A: Anything more, sir?


B: No, that’s enough. Thank you.


Dialogue 2

(A couple waiting to be seated in a crowded restaurant)


A: Do you have a reservation, sir?


B: No, I am afraid we don’t.


A: I’m sorry. The restaurant is full now. You have to wait for about half an hour. Would you care to have a drink at the lounge until a table is available?




B: No,thanks. We’ll come back later. May

I reserve a table for two? 不用了,谢谢。我们等一会儿再来。请替


A: Yes, of course. May I have your name, sir?


B: Bruce. By the way. Can we have a table

by the window?



A: We’ll try to arrange it but I can’t guarantee, sir.


B: That’s fine.


(Half an hour later, the couple comes back.) 半小时后,布鲁斯夫妇回来了。

A: Your table is ready, sir. Please step this way.



Dialogue 3

A: Waiter, a table for two, please.


B: Yes, this way please.


A: Can we see the menu, please?


B: Here you are.


A: What’s good today?


B: I recommand crispy and fried duck.


A: We don ’t

want that. Well, perhaps we ’ll begin with mushroom soup, and follow by some seafood and chips.

我们不想吃香酥鸭。或许我们可以先吃蘑菇汤,然后再要点海鲜和土豆片。B: Do you want any dessert? 要甜品吗?

C: No dessert, thanks. Just coffee. 不,谢谢。


(After a few minutes.) 过了一会儿。

A: I can have the check, please. 结帐。C: George. Let

’s split this.

乔治,我们各自付帐吧。A: No, it

’s my treat tonight.

不,今天我请客。B: Cash or charge, sir? 现金还是记帐?

A: Charge, please. Put it on my American Express.


Dialogue 4

A: Good morning. Can I help you? 早上好。有什么能效劳的吗?

B: I want an American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up.

我想要一份美式早餐,要单面煎的鸡蛋。A: What kind of juice do you prefer, sir? 您想要哪种果汁呢?

B: Grapefruit juice and please make my coffee very strong.


A: Yes, sir. American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up, grapefruit juice and a black coffee. Am I correct, sir? 好的,一份美式早餐,要单面煎的鸡蛋、西柚汁及一杯清咖啡,对吗?B: Yes, that ’s right.


A: Is there any thing else, sir? 还有什么吗,先生?B: No, that

’s all.没有了,谢谢。(Later) 稍后

A: Good morning, sir. I ’ve brought the breakfast you ordered.

早上好,先生。您要的早餐送上来了。B: Just put it on the table, please. 请放在桌上。

A: Do you need anything else, sir? 先生,还有其他需要吗?

B: No thanks. Ah, yes! Can I have some more juice for the minibar?



A: What kind of juice would you like, sir? 哪种果汁呢,先生?

B: Tomato, orange and apple juice, please. 番茄汁、橙汁及苹果汁。

A: Yes, sir. I ’ll get them for you right away. Would you please sign this bill first? Thank you, sir.

好的,我立刻去取。麻烦您先签了这张帐单。Dialogue 5

A: Oh, I ’m starving. I ’d like to try some real Chinese cuisine. What would you recommend, waiter? 啊,我快饿死啦。我想吃点真正的中国菜。您给我推荐什么呢,服务生?

B: Well, it depends. You see, there are eight famous Chinese cuisines:for instance, the Sichuan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine. 那要看情况了。您知道,中国主要有八大菜系。比方说,川菜、湘菜。A: They are both spicy hot, I ’ve heard.


B: That ’s right. If you like hot dishes, you can try some.

对。您要是爱吃辣的,可以试试。A: They might be too hot for me. 对我来说可能太辣了点。

B: Then there ’s the Cantonese cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. Most southerners like them.

再有是粤菜和江苏菜。大多南方人都爱吃。A: What about any special Beijing dishes? 有什么特别的北京风味菜吗?B: There ’s the Beijing roast duck.有北京烤鸭啊。

A: Oh, yes. I ’ve heard a lot about it. I ’d like

very much to try it. Where can I find it? 啊,对了,听过多次了。我很想试一试。在哪儿能吃到呢?

B: You can find it in most restaurants, but the best place is certainly Quanjude


大多数饭店都有烤鸭,可是最好的当然还是全聚德烤鸭店。A: Is it near here? 离这儿近吗?

B: Not too near but not too far either. A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes, if the traffic is not too bad, I mean. 不太近也不算远。乘出租车



A: Well, thank you for your information. But what is the name of that restaurant again? 好,多谢您的指点。请您再说一下那个饭馆的名字好吗?

B: Let me write it down on this slip of paper for you. You can show it to the taxi-driver. 我来给您写在这张纸片上。您好拿给出租车司机看。

A: That ’s very kind of you. Thanks a lot.您真是太好了!多谢多谢。B: You ’re welcome.不客气。


餐饮行业服务业英语口 语大全—餐厅常用语 This model paper was revised by LINDA on December 15, 2012.

1、What kind of food do you like 你喜欢哪一种菜 2、Do you like chinese food 你喜欢中国菜吗 3、What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American你喜欢吃什么菜,中式的还是美式的 4、Would you tell me the where the Chinese restaurant is 请你告诉我中国餐馆在哪里 5、Do you know where I can get a quick snack 你知道哪里有快餐可吃 6、What would you have dinner你要吃什么 7、What would you like order你要点些什么菜

8、Have you order yet你点过菜了吗 9、No ,not yet. I am waiting for a friend.I will order later.还没有,我在等一位朋友,稍后再点。 10、What would you recommend请你推荐一些好菜好吗 11、What's your today's special今天的特色菜是什么 12、I would like have something simple.我想吃些简单的东西。 13、What will you have for dessert你喜欢吃点什么点心 14、We are in a hurry.我们要赶时间。 15、Please rush your order.我们点的菜请快送来。 16、The beefsteak is very good today.今天的牛排很不错。 17、I will take the beefsteak.我就要份牛排。


I Explanation(10) 1,Table service餐桌服务.客人坐在餐桌旁,有服务员为其提供服务的一种服务形式. 2,Cuisine:菜系.取自于法语,在英语中用来指某一特定的烹饪体系.如中国菜为Chinese Cuisine. ⅡWords 15分 餐饮部经理:Food and Beverage Manager,酒精炉Chafing Dish 特色烹调Regional Cooking中国白酒Spirit葡萄汽酒Sparkling Wine ⅢTranslate the fowling sentences into Chinese or English. (一)汉译英25分 1,您愿意坐在哪儿 Where would you like to sit 2,我想要柠檬茶. 1 would like tea with a slice of lemon,please. 3,我们各付各的 Let's go Dutch. 4,请问您对用餐还满意吗 Is everything all right with your meal 5,对不起,女士,您能告诉我您的房号并出示您的房卡吗 Excuse me.madam.May l have your room card (二)英译汉10分 1,Thank you very much.Have a nice evening. 非常感谢,祝您有个愉快的夜晚. 2,I'm sorry,sir,We do not have a table free now.Would you like to have a drink in the bar We shall call you as soon as possible 对不起,先生.我们现在没有空餐桌,请您在酒吧稍等一下,好吗一有空 桌子我们就马上通知您. ⅣAnswer the following question in English.(20分) 中国的八大菜系是什么 Shandong Cuisine;Sichuan Cuisine;Guangdong Cuisine;Fujian Cuisine;Jiangsu Cuisine;Zhejiang Cuisine;Hunan cuisine;Anhui Cuisine 2,中餐的烹调方法有哪些 烘焙bake 煮boil 闷炖braise 炸deep fry 煎fry 炒fry 烟熏smoke 清蒸steam 烩stew 烘烤roast V please introduce your Chinese restaurant to your guest.(10分) 餐厅服务英语口语竞赛试题(B) I Explanation(10) Banquet--宴会.宴会为多人准备的正式用餐形式.通常伴有致词和一定的 仪式. Self-service自助服务.有客人们自己从食品台上取事物的一种餐厅服务. ⅡTranslate the follwing Words into English(15分) 中餐厅Chinese Restaurant 筷子Chopsticks 芹菜Celery 鲈鱼Perch 免税商店Duty Free Shop ⅢTranslate he following sentences into Chinese or English. i汉译英(25分)


首先请尝试完成学习情境1:餐饮服务。为了方便你掌握本学习情境容,我们又将本学习情境分为六个子学习情境及其具体的任务: Model 1: Table Reservation 用餐预订服务 Model 2: Receiving the Guest in the Restaurant 接待客人用餐 Model 3: Taking orders 点菜 Model 4 Serving Dishes 上菜 Model 5 Serving at the Coffee Bar 咖啡吧服务 Model 6 Pay the bill 付账 Model 1:Table Reservation 用餐预订服务 技能要点 *1. When the guests ask you to reserve for him ,you must pay mor attention to ask him to the table or private room. 当客人要求你为他订餐时,要注意询问他是要订餐台还是要包间。 *2. Ask the guest about the information of the table reservation: 从客人那里获得下列用餐信息: The number of the persons. Atable in the lobby or a private room is needed by the guests. The demands for the table or the private room. The time of arrival. Under whose name the reservation is made. The contact telephone number or the room number. 就餐人数;客人需订餐厅大堂的餐台还是包间;对餐台还是包间的要求;到达时间;以谁的名字订餐;联系或房号。 *3. Confirm. 确认。 *4. Express your expectation to the guests. 表达对客人的期盼。 用餐预订行业实用句 *1. 查看座位 Just a moment, please. I’ll check the availability for you.

西餐厅服务员常用英语口语 - 制度大全

西餐厅服务员常用英语口语-制度大全 西餐厅服务员常用英语口语之相关制度和职责,colddish凉菜vegetabledish素菜meatdish荤菜mainfood主食hotpot火锅spicyhotpot麻辣火锅coldnoodles冷面boileddumpling水饺steamedbun包子smallsteamedbun小... cold dish 凉菜vegetable dish 素菜meat dish 荤菜main food 主食hot pot 火锅 spicy hot pot麻辣火锅cold noodles 冷面boiled dumpling 水饺steamed bun 包子small steamed bun 小笼包 instant-boiled mutton 涮羊肉meat braised in soy sauce 红烧肉tofu / bean curd豆腐fried bread stick 油条 fried dumpling 锅贴steamed bread 馒头noodles served with fried bean sauce 炸酱面sliced noodles 刀削面 porridge 粥soup 汤meat ball soup 丸子汤seaweed soup 紫菜汤lean meat 瘦肉fatty meat 肥肉 麦当劳食物介绍: 1 套餐:combo 通常看着图片就知道几号是什么套餐,点套餐时只要说combo number one 或number one 就好了。有时店员会问, Do you want to go large ? 如果你需要,他会给你大的薯条和可乐。 2 汉堡:hamburger 美国人说汉堡通常说burger 或cheese burger.和国内不同的是,在美国单点汉堡时店员会问你goes with cheese ? 所以也可以在点的时候就说without cheese ,他就不会再问你。 3 薯条:fries 4 饮料:drinks ①可乐:coke ② 减肥可乐: diet coke ( diet ) ③雪碧: sprite ④橘子汽水:Hi-C ( or orange soda )⑤冰茶:iced tea 顾客: 1 A BigMac , 2 orders of fries and a milkshake . . 一个牛肉汉堡,2份薯条和一份奶昔。 2 I’d like a BigMac Combo and a six-piece chicken nuggets . 我要一份麦香鸡套餐和一份6块的鸡块。 3 I’ll have a large / small Coke with no ice and a pineapple pie . 我要一杯不加冰的大/小可乐和一个菠萝派。 4 I’d like a small Coke , a hamburger , an order of fries as well as an apple pie . 我要一杯小可乐,一个汉堡,一份薯条和一个苹果派。 5 I’d like a cup of coffee, a share of fried chicken legs, a hamburger and a strawberry sundae. 我要一杯咖啡, 一份炸鸡腿,一个汉堡和一个草莓圣代。 6 Where are the napkins ? 餐巾在哪儿 7 Where are the straws ? / Do you have straws ? 吸管在哪儿/ 有吸管吗 8 Can I have some napkins ? 可以给我一些餐巾纸吗 9 Could I have extra ketchup ? 我可以多要些番茄酱吗 10 Where are the restrooms ? 洗手间在哪里

餐厅服务英语 接待客人

Receiving the Diners 接待客人 Unit 2 Receiving the Diners 接待客人 Conversation A. Seating an individual diner Hostess: Good afternoon, madam. Have you got a reservation? Gueset: Yes, for 12:30.The name is Bush. H: Yes, you’re welcome, Miss Bush.Could you follow we,please?How about the table near the window? G: Oh, it’s quite good.It has a good view of the city. H: Yes, take your seat, please.I’ll bring a menu for you right away. B.Seating group guests Waitress: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to our restaurant.Are you the members of the same group? Guest: Yes, we are.We have a reservation in your restaurant. W:Yes, your tables are over there.Would you please come this way? G: Thank you. G: I think so. W: Please take your seats.Please sit at the same table for each meal.Just a moment, please. We’ll bring your food and drinks right away. G: Miss, can I have Maotai? W: Yes, but I’m afraid you’d have to pay extra for it. G: Yes, I will. By the way, I want to try some famous dishes from your city. Can I ask for some? W: Yes, CERTAINLY. Since you are group guests, we’ve arranged a set menu for you. If you want to have extra food, you should also pay extra for it. G: Oh, I see. I’d be glad to do that. W: Just a moment, please. Here is the menu. You can choose what you like from the menu. I’ll come around to take your orders a moment later.


餐饮服务员培训计划范例(标 准版) Through the work plan, you can make a plan for future work and work out a detailed plan; the work plan function greatly improves work efficiency. ( 工作计划) 部门:_______________________ 姓名:_______________________ 日期:_______________________ 本文档文字可以自由修改

餐饮服务员培训计划范例(标准版) 导语:通过工作计划,可以对未来工作进行一个规划,制定出详细计划;这样能让工作更有条理性,还能对工作进行全局的管理,可以更好的应对工作中遇到的问题,工作计划功能对提升工作效率有很大提升。 【篇一】 一、培训目标 根据公司对餐厅服务员的工作要求,经过系统学习,培训优秀的服务人员,使培训过的服务员具有良好的职业道德和行为规范,掌握餐厅服务基础知识和各项操作技能。 二、培训对象 公司各店在职服务人员。 三、培训课程 岗位培训课程设置采用能力模块组合,共设置公司管理项目、餐厅服务员职业素质、餐饮服务基本技能、酒水服务、上菜及分菜、撤换餐用具和餐厅服务基本程序等七个培训模块。 四、培训形式

半脱产,分期分批学习。 五、培训内容 1、公司管理项目餐厅服务员培训 1.1讲究职业道德 (1)遵纪守法:了解和遵守公民的职责和义务,文明执业;了解国家提倡的“五爱”内容 (2)敬业精神:养成守时、守信、守纪的良好品质;养成尊老爱幼、勤奋好学的良好品质;养成乐于助人、精益求精的良好品质 (3)从业原则:自尊、自爱、自信、自立、自强 2公司员工手册 3公司管理制度 2、餐厅服务员职业素质 2.1职业道德及岗位职责:餐厅服务员的职业道德;迎宾员、看台员和传菜员的岗位职责 2.2顾客的饮食习惯与就餐心理:我国各地区的饮食习惯;


【餐厅服务常用英语对话】餐厅服务员英语常用语 对话教学是整个小学阶段英语学习中必不可少的组成部分,对话贯穿于教材和教师教学及学生学习的始终。精心收集了餐厅服务常用英语对话,供大家欣赏学习! Hugh is ordering a meal in a restaurant 休正在餐厅点餐 a few moments later? (过了一会儿) Emma: one sparkling water 埃玛:一份带汽的矿泉水。 Hugh: Thanks very much 休:谢谢! Emma: Are you ready to order?

埃玛:您现在可以点菜吗? Hugh: Yeah I think I am actually. Could I just have the soup to start please. 休:是的,可以。请先给我来一份例汤,好吗——今日的例汤是什么? Emma: That's minestrone, is that all right sir? 埃玛:是意大利蔬菜汤,可以吗? Hugh: Yeah, that's fine, and for the main course could I have the chicken please? 休:可以。好的…至于主菜,请给我一份鸡肉,好吗? Emma: Chicken. 埃玛:…鸡肉…

Hugh: And just some vegetables and some boiled potatoes please 休:再来一点蔬菜和煮土豆。 Emma: Boiled potatoes, OK? 埃玛:…煮土豆。好的。 Hugh: Thanks very much. 休:谢谢! Emma: OK. 埃玛:好的。 A: What can I do for you, sir? 先生,您要来点什么? B: What have you got this morning? 今天早上你们这儿有什么?


餐饮服务英语口语培训 餐饮服务英语一 一. 讲课内容:餐厅服务基本用语 二. 讲课目的: 通过学习掌握餐饮服务的基本用语 三. 授课对象: 主要针对餐饮部员工 四. 讲课资源需求: 白板.白板笔.白板擦.桌椅 五. 讲课方式: 面授 六. 讲课内容: F&B基本服务用语 Unit One Reserving a table 订座 1. This is “The Lichang Seafood Restaurant”.Good morning. May I help you? 早上好,黎昌海鲜大酒楼,有什么可以帮您的. 2. How many persons ,please. 您几位呢? 3. I’m sorry we are booked out for this evening. 非常抱歉,我们的餐位今天晚上都已经定出去了. 4. When are the restaurant hours? 餐厅的营业时间是怎样的? 5. I prefer a table by the window. My wife loves the night view of Beijing. 我喜欢靠窗边的位置,我妻子喜欢看北京的夜景. 6.Thank you for calling, sir. We look forward to your visit. 谢谢您的来电,,先生,我们期望您的到来. Unit Two Receiving a guest引座 1. Have you got a reservation? 您有预定吗? 2. Oh, yes, Mr. Smith. We’ve been expecting you. Would you please come with me? 哦,好的史密斯先生,我们一直等候着您的到来,请跟我来. 3. I haven’t got a reservation. Can I get a seat anyway? 我之前没有预定,还有座吗? Sorry, sir, all the tables are taken. Would you mind waiting until one is free? 不好意思先生,我们已经客满了,您介意等一会儿吗? 4.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, sir and madam. Now we have a table for you. Would you step this way, please? 不好意思,让您久等了先生/女士,现在有空位置了,请这边走. Unit Three Taking orders 点菜 1. Today we have chicken noodle. 今天有鸡肉面。 2. How do you like your roast beef, rare, medium or well done? 你们要的烤牛肉是半熟的,适中的,还是熟透的?


“ 神州视景杯”第七届全国旅游院校服务技能(饭店服务)大赛英语水平测试题库 餐饮服务——高等院校组 一、中译英 1.先生,早上好。欢迎光临我们饭店。 答案:Good morning, Sir. Welcome to our hotel. 2.女士,下午好。很高兴您来我们饭店。 答案:Good afternoon, Madam. Very glad to have you here. 3.很高兴又见到您,史密斯先生。 答案:It’s nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. 4.请这边走。 答案:This way, please. 5.我带您去您的餐桌,好吗? 答案:Shall I show you to your table? 6.您觉得这个会议室怎么样? 答案:How do you like this conference room? 7.请您在这里签字。 答案:Could you sign your name here, please? 8.对不起,我不明白这项收费。 答案:I’m sorry, but I don’t understand this item. 9.我为犯了这样一个粗心的错误向您道歉。 答案:I’m sorry for making such a careless mistake. 10.请看一下账单是否都对。 答案:Please have a look at it to see if everything is correct.

11.您怎么结账?用现金,信用卡还是旅游支票? 答案:How will you be paying , in cash, by credit card or with a traveler’s check? 12.很抱歉给您带来不便。 答案:Sorry for the trouble. 13.我尽力去办。 答案:I’ll try my best. 14.我什么时候把您的早餐送到房间? 答案:When should I send the breakfast to your room? 15.我可以给他电话留言吗? 答案:May I leave a message on the phone? 16.女士,您需要我给您打开窗户吗? 答案:May I open the window for you, Ma’am? 17.抱歉,没有人接电话。 答案:I’m sorry, nobody answered. 18.早上好,宴会预订。请问有什么能为您服务的? 答案:Good morning, Banquet reservation. Can I help you? 19.请问您的房间号是多少? 答案:What’s your room number, please? 20.还需要点别的吗? 答案:Would you like anything else? 21.好的,我们马上送上去。 答案:OK, we’ll send it right up. 22.您想要点些什么,先生? 答案:What would you like to have, Sir? 23.谢谢您光临我们饭店。 答案:Thank you for coming to our hotel. 24.晚上好。欢迎光临本餐厅。 答案:Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant. 25.有的,先生。这边请。您想在哪儿就座? 答案:Yes,Sir. This way, please. Where would you like to sit?


餐厅服务常用语 1.G ood morning, Mr. / Ms. 早上好,先生/女士。 2.W elcome to our Hotel. 欢迎来到酒店。 3.H ow are you? 你好吗? 4.N ice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 5.H ave some tea please. 请用茶。 6.P lease take a seat. 请坐。 7.T hank you. 谢谢。 8.H appy New Year. 新年快乐。 9.Y ou are welcome. 不用客气。 10.How many people in your group? 请问你几位? 11.This way, please. 这边请。 12.Please come with me. 请随我来。 13.Please wait a minute. 请稍等。 14.Excuse me. 打扰一下。 15.Enjoy your meal. 请慢用。 16.May I come in? 我可以进来吗? 17.Is there anything wrong, sir/madam? 先生/女士,有事吗?(指不好的事情) 18.I am very sorry. 很对不起。 19.Can I help you. 我能帮到你吗?

20.I will call my manager. 我去叫我们的经理过来。 21.I will bring it right away. 我马上给你送过来。 22.I will check it for you. 我帮你查一下。 23.It is my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸。 24.Glad to be of service. 很高兴为你服务。 25.Please sign here. 请签名。 26.Have a nice stay. 祝你入住愉快。 27.Have a nice trip. 祝你旅途愉快。 28.Thank you for coming. 多谢光临。 29.Hope to see you again. 希望再见你。 30.Good-bye. 再见。 前厅部日常接待用语 1.W elcome to our hotel. 欢迎光临我们酒店。 2.H ow many nights will you stay? 你要住几个晚上? 3.For which dates do you want to book the room? 你想预定哪几天的? 4.W hat kinds of rooms do you want? 你想订哪种房间?


F&B English Hand Book 餐饮部英语手册 一、Welcome and Greeting 欢迎和问候 1.Welcome to our lobby bar 欢迎光临大堂酒吧 2.Do you have any reservation? 请问您有预定吗? 3.Do you have any booking? 请问您有预定吗? 4.What your name, please? 请问您贵姓吗? 5. How many people are there in your party? 请问您一共有几位? 5.A table for two Please. 我要定张两个人的桌子 6.Would you like prefer smoking or non-smoking area? 请问您是喜欢吸烟区还是无烟区呢? 8. Non-smoking area 无烟区 9. Would you like the table by the window?

您需要靠窗的座位吗? 10. How about the table in the corner? 请问您座在角落的座位可以吗? 11 .How do you like the table here? 这张桌可以吗? 12. This is Fine 很好 13.I'd like to take a quiet table 我想要一张安静点的座位 14.I'll show you your table. 我带您去你的座位。 15.Please take a seat madam/sir. 您请坐。 16. A waiter will come and take your order. 马上会有服务生过来为您点单。 17. I'm sorry. I'm afraid all our tables are taken, sir/madam. 先生/女士,对不起,现在所有的座位都坐满了。18. Would you mind waiting until one is free? 您介意在这里稍等一会,直到有空位吗? 19. I'm afraid that table is reserved. 那个座位已经有预定了。 20. Would you mind waiting several minutes?


第一章做最好的餐饮服务员 工作准则1 把准职业的“定盘星”工作准则2 将岗位职责铭刻心间工作准则3 努力提升从业能力 工作准则4 牢牢把握工作要求 附录1 把握好服务标准及基本要求附录2 规范职责标准 第二章以“礼”服人,雅仪待客 待客技巧1 保持良好的面部表情待客技巧2 保持优美典雅的站姿待客技巧3 端正的坐姿很重要 待客技巧4 走姿要自然、规范 待客技巧5 采用适当的蹲姿 待客技巧6 手势展示体态美 待客技巧7 迎客送客不简单 待客技巧8 如何施鞠躬致意礼 待客技巧9 为客人相互介绍 待客技巧10 与客人寒暄有技巧 待客技巧11 如何应答客人提问 附录1 具有良好的仪容仪表 附录2 着装有标准 第三章说客人爱听的话 语言技巧1 语言表达有要求 语言技巧2 礼貌用语挂嘴边 语言技巧3 善于接打电话 语言技巧4 手势巧传信息 语言技巧5 对客沟通要灵活 语言技巧6 服务忌语不可说 语言技巧7 捏准称赞的原则 语言技巧8 学会赞美的技巧 语言技巧9 巧让客人接受你的意见语言技巧10 礼貌拒绝客人 附录常用英语挂嘴边 第四章巧手折出餐巾花 折叠技巧1 学会选择餐巾花 折叠技巧2 餐巾花摆设讲艺术 折叠技巧3 掌握餐巾花折叠手法折叠技巧4 常见盘花折叠 折叠技巧5 常见杯花折叠 附录餐巾清洗有学问 第五章端盘、托盘有讲究

端托技巧1 了解端托服务程序 端托技巧2 单手端一个盘 端托技巧3 单手端两个盘 端托技巧4 单手端三个及三个以上盘 端托技巧5 托两个碟和三个碟 端托技巧6 端托时如何行走 附录端托服务形体训练 第六章餐厅档次摆出来 摆台技巧1 选择合适的餐台 摆台技巧2 选择合适的台布 摆台技巧3 台布铺设有方法 摆台技巧4 规范化的摆台标准 摆台技巧5 为中西餐零点摆台 摆台技巧6 为中西餐宴会摆台 附录插花艺术与摆台 第七章为客人点菜有技巧 点菜技巧1 餐厅菜单要熟悉 点菜技巧2 呈递与解释菜单 点菜技巧3 为客人点菜的程序 点菜技巧4 为客人点菜的技巧 点菜技巧5 准确回答客人问题 点菜技巧6 给急于进餐者介绍省时菜肴 点菜技巧7 无法供应菜肴时,要表歉意 点菜技巧8 耐心等待不急于点菜的客人 点菜技巧9 灵活对待自带原料并要求加工的客人点菜技巧10 尽量满足客人提出的特殊口味 点菜技巧11 提醒不问价乱点菜的客人 点菜技巧12 向客人解释菜品价格疑义 点菜技巧13 巧妙向客人推销凉菜、汤及主食 附录1 背菜单的技巧 附录2 掌握基本的英汉菜单 第八章酒水服务要周到 斟酒技巧1 为客人准备酒水 斟酒技巧2 为客人开启各式酒品 斟酒技巧3 做好斟酒准备工作 斟酒技巧4 掌握好斟酒方法 斟酒技巧5 中餐斟酒技巧 斟酒技巧6 西餐斟酒技巧 附录1 了解中国酒俗文化 附录2 掌握酒水基本知识 第九章让客人吃得舒心 上菜技巧1 为客人介绍菜品的原则 上菜技巧2 了解中西餐菜品的特点 上菜技巧3 特殊菜品的食用方法


餐饮服务用语 称谓(Addressing): (1)(直接)Mr.(先生),Mrs.(太太),Ms.(女士,小姐),Miss(小姐),sir(先生),madam(女士、夫人),gentleman(先生),gentlemen(gentleman的复数),lady (女士),ladies(lady的复数),young lady(年轻的女士),young gentleman(年轻的先生) (间接)the lady with you(和您一起的女士),the gentleman with you(和您一起的先生),that lady(那位女士),that gentleman(那位先生) 问候(Greeting): (2)Good morning/afternoon/evening,sir/madam! (早上好/下午好/晚上好,先生/夫人!) (3)How are you today,sir?(您好吗,先生?) 欢迎(Welcoming): (4)Welcome to the Winter Flower/our restaurant.(欢迎光临冬之花/我们的餐厅。)(5)We're glad to see you again.(很高兴又见到您。) 询问/征询(Asking/inquiring): (6)May I have your name,please?(可以告诉我您的名字吗?) (7)Your initials,please?(请告诉我您姓名的首字母。) (8)May I take your order now?(可以点菜了吗?) (9)May I have your signature here,sir?(请您在这里签名。〕 (10)May I know whom I'm talking to?(请问您是哪位?)(打电话时用) (11)May I be of(your)service,madam?(请让我为您服务,夫人。) (12)May I recommend our … to you,sir?(先生,我向您推荐……。) (13)How about a …?(……怎么样?) (14)Would you like me to book you a …?(为您预订……,可以吗?) (15)Would you like to sit by the window?(您喜欢坐窗边的位置吗?) (16)Would you like to have a cup of tea?(您来一杯茶吗?) (17)Is there any thing else I can do for you,madam?(夫人,您还有什么需要吗?)


1.What kind of food do you prefer? 2.Do you like Chinese food? 3.What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American? 4.Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is ? 5.Do you know where I can get a quick snack? 6.What would you have for dinner? 7.What would you like to order? 8.Have you ordered yet? 9.No,not yet,I am waiting for a friend.I will order later. 10.What would you recommend? 11.What's your today’s special? 12.I would like to have something simple. 13.What will you have for dessert? 14.We are in a hurry. 15.Please rush your orders. 16.The beefsteak is very good today. 17.I will take the beefsteak. 18.How would you like to have beefsteak,well-done or rare? 19.I would like my beefsteak well done. 20.How about a drink? 21.Bottoms up! 22.To your health! 23.I ask you to join me in drinking to the health of Mr.Chen. 24.I ask you to join me in drinking to the future success of our cooperation


餐饮基础服务用语 下面,整理了餐饮基础服务用语给大家,希望帮助大家。 餐饮基础服务礼仪礼节用语一、培训目的:灌输服务从业人员的礼貌礼仪、行为规范、服务意识思想,培养良好精神面貌,树立良好的仪容仪表形象,使员工的举手投足更好地满足顾客的心理要求,以达到优化服务质量为目的,美化提升企业整体形象。 在员工懂得如何“礼貌待人前提下,强化员工的“礼貌意识二、礼节、礼仪、礼貌常识1、礼节:是指人们日常生活中,特别是在交际场合中,相互之间问候、致意、祝愿、慰问以至于给予必要的协助与照料的惯用形式,礼节是礼貌的具体表现。 2、礼仪是在人际交往中,以一定的,约定俗成的程序、方式来表现的律己、敬人的过程。 涉及仪表、穿着、交往、沟通、语言、情商等内容,礼仪规范的对象是个人行为修养,它适用于人与人之间,团体与团体之间的交往,礼仪是一个人内在修养和素质的外在表现。 2、礼貌:是指人与人之间接触交往中相互表示尊重和友好的行为,它体现了时代的风尚和优良的道德品质,体现了人们的文化城市和文明程度。 礼貌服务主要标准:⑴主动:无论多忙一样照顾,无论闲忙一样待客。 ⑵热情:待人礼貌,面带微笑,态度友好,语言亲切,工作热心

周到。 ⑶耐心:做到白问不厌,遇事不急,处事果断。 ⑷周到:一事同仁,待客诚恳,安排细致,服务热情达到标准。 讲究礼貌的意义:讲究礼貌是提高酒店服务质量的一个重要方面,因为酒店除了住宿、餐饮、康乐外,还必须提供优质的服务,一个高水平,高质量的酒店,一定待客有礼,服务热情周到。 微笑服务不仅能体现服务员的责任感,而且还能体现酒店服务的质量。 三、什么是服务:它是现代社会分工与合作的一种方式,服务者以自己的劳动知识和技能去满足被服务者对自己的劳动知识和技能的需求,从而达到双方获益,它是劳动价值的一种体现方式。 1.服务员的工作态度:①责任心②守时③效率勤勉④友善⑤服从⑥礼貌⑦微笑 2.服务员职责:作为一名合格的服务员,首先要树立正确的职业道德观,对本职工作充满热情与自信,还要不断提高充实自己文化修养,加强技能的操作,熟悉工作环境和特点,为客人提供餐饮服务的快速度,高质量为标准,做好每项工作。 3.服务员的素质标准:①思想素质的要求。 ②业务素质的要求。 思想素质的要求А:热爱本职工作,敬业乐业。 Б:培养良好的组织纪律修养。 С:树立高尚的职业道德观。

餐饮服务业英语口语大全 餐厅常用语

1、What kind of food do you like? 你喜欢哪一种菜? 2、Do you like chinese food? 你喜欢中国菜吗? 3、What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American?你喜欢吃什么菜,中式的还是美式的? 4、Would you tell me the where the Chinese restaurant is? 请你告诉我中国餐馆在哪里? 5、Do you know where I can get a quick snack? 你知道哪里有快餐可吃? 6、What would you have dinner?你要吃什么? 7、What would you like order?你要点些什么菜? 8、Have you order yet?你点过菜了吗? 9、No ,not yet. I am waiting for a friend.I will order later.还没有,我在等一位朋友,稍后再点。 10、What would you recommend?请你推荐一些好菜好吗? 11、What's your today's special?今天的特色菜是什么? 12、I would like have something simple.我想吃些简单的东西。 13、What will you have for dessert?你喜欢吃点什么点心? 14、We are in a hurry.我们要赶时间。 15、Please rush your order.我们点的菜请快送来。 16、The beefsteak is very good today.今天的牛排很不错。 17、I will take the beefsteak.我就要份牛排。 18、How would you like to have beefsteak,well-done or rare?你喜欢的牛排是熟一些还是生的? 19、I would like my beefsteak well-done.我要熟一点儿的牛排。 20、How about a drink?喝一杯怎样? 21、Bottoms up!干杯! 22、To your health.祝你健康! 23、I ask you to join me in drinking to the health of Mr chen.请你跟我一起举杯祝陈先生健康。 24、I ask you to join me in drinking to the future success of our cooperation.请你跟我一起举杯预祝我们合作成功。 25、I am looking for a cheap place to eat.我要找个便宜的地方吃。 26、Is there a restaurant near here?这附近有餐馆吗? 27、Can you recommend me a good restaurant?你能介绍一间好餐馆吗? 28、Is there a restaurant in this town?在本镇有中国餐馆吗? 29、Can you show me the a restaurant where they serve good food at reasonable prices?请你告诉我哪里有价钱公道而菜又好的餐馆好吗? 30、How is service?服务怎么样? 31、Could I have the menu please?请给我一从菜单好吗? 32、Here is the menu.先生,菜单就在这儿。 33、Are you ready to order now.你现在就准备点菜吗? 34、Where did you have dinner last night.昨晚你在什么地方吃饭的? 35、Do you like chinese dishes.你喜欢中国菜吗? 36、It's very dilicious.它的味道很好。 37、The food is too salty.菜太咸了。 38、I am thirsty.我口渴了。 39、Give me a glass of cold water,please.请给我一杯冷水。 40、I'm thirsty.我口渴了。 41、I don't feel like eating more.我不想再多吃了。

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