当前位置:文档之家› 五年级下册英语作业 (U1--4)

五年级下册英语作业 (U1--4)

五年级下册英语作业 (U1--4)
五年级下册英语作业 (U1--4)

五年级下册英语作业姓名: _____________ 班级: _____________


1 _______ 8 ________ 11 _______ 14 _______ 17_______ 20 _______ 23________ 28 _______

2 _______ 12_______ 1

3 _______ 21________ 31 _______ 3 _______ 26_______ 10 _______ 33________ 39 _______ 42 _______ 72_______

53 _______ 66________ 99_______ 83_______ 101_______


1.American Thanksgiving Day is in __________.

2.__________ is on December 25th.

3.Teachers’ Day is on __________ __________.

4.Summer vacation is in __________ and __________.

5.Mary gets up __________ 8:00 every day.

6.What do you do __________ the weekend?

I often go __________ and __________ TV. Sometimes I __________ my room.

7.We usually have a school __________ __________ autumn.

8.__________ is __________ Day?

It’s on June 1st.

9.I’m 11 years old. This Friday is my __________ birthday.

10.There are 7 days in a __________. The second day is __________. The

__________ day is Saturday.

11.There are some special days in __________. __________ Christmas and my


12.I often go on a __________ __________ my classmates on the weekend.

13.This is our classroom. This classroom are __________.

14.It’s your dog. The dog is __________.

15.These are my pens. The pens are __________.

16.That’s her storybook. The storybook is __________.

17.Here are your ruler. The ruler is __________.


1.Mid-Autumn Day is coming. ________________________________

We usually eat mooncakes.

2.There are some special days in September. ____________________

The Teacher s’ Day and the Mid-Autumn Day.

3.Mother’s Day is coming. ________________________________

I’ll cook for my mother.

4.I like spring best. ________________________________

My favourite season is summer.

5.We often eat mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Day. ___________________

Yes, I like eating mooncakes very much.

6.I like July best. ________________________________

I like April best. My birthday is in April.

7.The yellow cat is cute. ______________________________

Yes, it’s mine. I love it so much.

8.My birthday is on July 14th. ________________________________

My birthday is on June 3rd.

9.My birthday is in April . ________________________________

No, my birthday is in May.

10.I have a big family. ________________________________

There are four people in my family.

11.F ather’s Day is coming. ________________________________

No, it’s on the third Sunday in June.

12.I will make a card for my mum. ______________________________

No, I will cook noodles for her.

13.I often eat breakfast at 7:30 ________________________________

At seven o’clock.

14.The school trip is in May. ______________________________

No, the singing contest is in June.

15.Tomorrow is Saturday. ________________________________

I usually help my mother do some housework.

16.My favourite month is January . ______________________________

No, my favourite month is September. It’s my birthday.


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__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


总分: Listening part(听力部分) I.Listen and choose the word .(把听到的单词的序号写到括号里) ()1. A.MrsB. MrC.Miss ()2. A.bigB. bagC.pig ()3. A.whatB. whereC.wa t ch ()4. A.seeB. teaC.eat ()5. A.happyB. sunnnyC.candy II. Choose the sentence you hear.(选出你所听到的句子) ()1. A.He is our Chinese teacher. B.He is our English teacher. ()2. A.What’s she like? B.What’s he like? ()3. A.I often watch TV. B.Sometimes I watch TV. ()4. A.I have maths, English and music. B.I have maths, music and art. ()5.A.Do you read books on the weekend? B.Do you play sports on the weekend? III.Listen and write.(听录音,补全句子) 1. What do you have on___________? 2. Do you often_____ __________on the weekend ? 3. I like _______ ________very much. 4. I’d like a_______________.It’s________ . 5. My Chinese teacher is _______and________.


最新五年级暑假英语作业练习 A)补全单词。 c__l__ect w__ __de__f__l tw__c__ fa*__ __r__te __e__ay m__ra__h__n h__b__y b__ __ut__fu__ h__ __lth u__ua__l__ s__ri_g w__r__ie__ a__*__s__ *__ge__a__l__s sw__e__s l__z__ k__if__ k__tch__p q__i__t d__m__l__ngs f__u__t r__st__ __r_nt fl__ __r e__c__se ch__r__y e__pe__s__*e c__ __um__ers cl__s__ma__e d__l__ci__us c__oc__la__e br__a__f__st s__u__a__e h__mb__r__e__ d__f__i__u__t u__b__e__la s__ra__b__ __ry y__u__s__lf c__le__y c__k__ n__ __e B)按要求完成下列各题。 1.sit(现在分词)___________ 2.keep(过去式)_____________ 3.knife(复数)__________ 4.light(反义词)________ 5.eight(序数词)__________ 6.fish(复数)_____________ 7.nose(反义词)____________ 8.you(反身代词)___________ 9.children(所有格)_____________ 10.I(同音词)_________ 11.hungry(对应词)____________ 12.teacher(动词)____________ 13.small(反义词)___________ 14.Chinese(复数)____________


五年级英语期中考试总结 五年级英语期中考试总结 经过两个多月的时间,我完成了半学期的教育教学工作,迎来了期中考试。现就前两个月和期中考试的整个过程,以及今后优化教学,完善教学管理,查缺补漏,作如下总结。 首先,从这次的期中考试题进行分析。本次五年级英语考试题注重基础,体现能力,难易适中,知识覆盖广,偏难的试题较少。从具体上来讲,第一题是补全单词。这是很基础的题型,都是一些课文中更是英语日常交际中一些很普遍的用语,但学生总体反应不是太好,这应该与他们的英语基础,以及学习英语的态度关系很大,当然作为教师,我也有不可推卸的责任。第二大题是英汉互译,是课文中比较典型的一些短语的表达。五道题是汉译英,五道题是英译汉。在这来看,学生们做的是那五道英译汉,还是对汉语比较熟悉,这也是肯定的,另外的五道汉译英只有极个别程度较好的才写对一两个,成绩比较惨烈。第三大题单选题还稍稍好一点。里面涉及到的知识点都比较基础,紧扣课本的知识点,学生们得分还是在这道题上多一点。涉及到的一些小短语和有关第三人称动词单三形式的题,一部分同学能够答对。第四大题是用所给次的正确形式填空。以前做的题中这类题较少,所以考试时见到这样的题不免有点不知所措,责任在教师。第五大题是按要求写句子。其中包括一般疑问句的变化,对划线部分提问,做否定回答和回答问题。之前做过一些有关训练,但学生

反映在试卷上的情况还是不容乐观。有学生反映尤其是对划线部分提问这类题遇到后还是不知道往哪方面想,这应该就是问题所在。作为老师我以后应该多跟学生沟通。第六大题是阅读理解,判断对误。这道题就比较综合考查学生的语言理解能力。它只能在记住所学短语句型的基础上才能看懂,所以对于我们这样的学生,属于偏难的题型。但是说难也不难,问题里的好多句子都是出现文中的,所以在文中也是可以找到的。因此有一部分学生做的还是相当不错的。这也涉及到做这种题的技巧。第七大题是写作题。这是考察语言综合运用能力的题。而且最大的问题在于作为老师的我没有意识到五年级英语会考到作文题,这是很大的失误。平时就没有练过写作,学生也写不出来。不过,看了卷子后,还是有学生自己写出来的。作文题目是“My family”,这册书第一单元就是在描述关于家庭成员基本情况的。这单元出现的短语我当时也让学生们重复再重复的念,背。所以还是有学生记住的,但这毕竟是少数。还有一部分同学实在没办法就抄了第六大题里面的短文,那篇短文也是关于家庭成员的。这种做法不对,但对他来说这也是最下下策的办法。 总之这次考试结果不理想。老师和学生两方面都做得不够好,才出现了这样的成绩。这也让我开始反思之前的教学和方法。之前两个月我很重视学生的读,但现在看来考试还是靠写的。当然,这不是说我以后就不训练学生的读和念了,是也要关注学生的写,双管齐下效果应该才好。


小学英语五年级下册暑假作业答案 Exercise Se*en 一.1.去上学 2.七点零五 3.一百 4.吃早饭的时间啦 5.at se*en thirty fi*e6.eight fifteen7.ele*en forty8.twenty-one plus thirty-three9.eight sweaters10.se*en books11.what time12.at six13.ha*e lunch14.go home15.go to bed 二.Eighty-one fifty one two fifteen 三.se*en ten time four What’s the time three What’s the time six thirty What’s fifteen plus eighty-fi*e one hundred 四.ele*en nine two fi*e four nine four twel*e sixteen C C B A C C E B D A A B C A Exercise eight 一. close write Copy Drink draw 二.在课上起立全体同学 sit down come in come here 三.1.Yes.Mr Green,don’t be late again. 2.Now,open your books boys and girls. 3.Write the new words in your notebook. 4.Is the green ruler in the pencil case? 5.Plesse don’t eat that pear,all right. 四.1.Don’t close the wind ow,please.请不要关窗户 2.Don’t copy the new words in your notebook.不要讲单词写在你的笔记本上 3.Don’t drink any juice,please.请不要喝桔汁 4.Don’t go to school,please.请不要上学去 1/ 2


小学英语五年级期中自查卷 听力部分 一、听录音内容,将录音提到的内容的字母填在括号里。(10分) ()1.A. March B. May C. Augst ()2. A. first B. second C. third ()3. A. why B. what C. when ()4. A. plant trees. B. fly kites C. swim. ()5.A.cleaning the room B. clean the room C. listen to music ()6. A. Aug.1st . B. Sept.10th. C. Dec. 25th ()7. A. fifth B. five C. twelve ()8. A. skate B. ski C. swim. ()9 A. February B. September C. November ()10. A.drawing pictures B. cook dinner C. reading books 二、根据录音内容,判断下面的图片是否与录音内容相符,符的在图片下面的括号里打“ ”, 不符的打“ ”。(10分)

( ) ( ) 三、听问句, 选答句。(10分) ()1.A. Winter. B. Green. C. Football. ()2. A. Aug.1st . B. Sept.10th. C. Oct.1st. ()3. A. OK. B. Oh,no. C. You’re welcome. ()4. A.Because I can plant trees. B. Because it’s too cold. C. Because I can swim. ()5. A. Amy. B. Amy’s. C. Sept.10th. 四、根据录音内容,在句子的空格填上单词,将句子补充完整(每格一词)。(10分) 1. A: When do you ________ __________ ? B: At _______ . 2. ________ is my __________ season. ________ I like to plant trees . 3. I usually _______ ________ on the weekend. 4. A: What is the date today? B: It’s ________ _______ . 五、听一段对话,并根据录音内容判断下列句子的正误,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(10分)( )1. Mike’s birthday is in October. ( )2. Mike likes winter best. ( )3. Children can skate in spring. ( )4. Winter is very cold. ( )5. John doesn’t like winter. 笔试部分 六、补全对话:根据上下文的意思选择适当的句子,将其编号填在下面对话的横线上。(10%) A.What’s the date today?


Lesson2 课前作业: 一、将下列短语与其与相应的中文连线。 red 黄色的 blue 白色的 yellow 红色的 green 蓝色的 white 绿色的 二、翻译下列句子。 1、I like the blue dress. --------------------------------------- 2、Take off your jacket. ---------------------------------------- 3、What colour is it? ----------------------------- 课堂作业: 一、根据上下文意思,补充句子。 1. A: Is this your______? B:_________________. 2.A: What ______is the______. B: It is_______.(绿色的) 3. I like the_______(黄色的) _______ with the ________(蓝色的)________ 。 4.A: What are they? B: They are my_______(白色的)________ and

__________(棕色的)_________ . 二、选择填空。 ()1. Look! These_____my green socks. A. is B. are C. have ( ) 2. _______is it? It’s orange. A. What time B. What colour C. Whose ( ) 3. Is that your________? A. shoes B. dresses C. jacket ( ) 4.I have a new skirt ____my birthday party. A. on B. to C. for ( )5. Whose is the dress? It’s______ A. me B. Chen Jie’s C. she 课后作业: 一、补全对话:根据上下文的意思在下面对话的横线上填上适当的词,将对话补充完整。 (1) .A: ____________________________, Jack? B: It’s 4:45. A: Oh, it’s time____ my birthday party. Where is my dress? B:_____________________________? A: It’s blue and white. B:_____ ______your dress? A: _______________. Thank you.


小学四年级下册英语暑假作业答案三篇 【导语】暑假作业是在暑假期间需要完成老师或学校布置的作业。暑假作业形式多样,不仅有学科作业,也有社会实践方面的作业。小朋友们的暑假英语作业开始写了吗?WTT准备了以下内容,供大家参考! 篇一 一、 1.bee蜜蜂 2.fan电扇 3.hey嗨 4.skirt裙子 5.form表格 6.big大的 二、 略 三、画1.一个红苹果2.一条黄狗3.两双绿袜子4三双蓝鞋 四、 顺序1324 五、1.mother2.chair3.rice4.room5.forty-one6.light P2 一、 rabbitbananapigduckwathermelonpants 二、

BABCC 三、 DCEAB P3 一、 天气类:coolcoldwarm 动物类:donkeylambpig 食物类:hamburgerbreadsoup 服装类:sweatercoatdress 水果类:orangewhatermelonpeach 饮料类:milkjuicecoke 二、 CBCAA 三、 1.It”ssixo”clock. 2.Thecoatisninety-threeyuan. 3.No,theyaren”t. 4.Yes,itis. 四、 weather:hotcoolcoldsnowy animal:donkeyrabbitlambpig food:soupbreadcarrothamburger

colthes:jeanscoatdresssweater fruits:peachwatermelonorangestrawberry P5 一、1.light灯2.floor地板3.picture图画4.warm暖和的5.wall 墙6.bag书包7.snowy下雪8.thirteen十三 二、 ×√√√× 三、 EABCD 四、 读一读:是一对一 伴你成长学子园 P6 一、 1.music 2.pants 3.eleven 4.math 5.pig 6.sheep 7.is 8.hen 二、 5423617 三、 HK香港UN联合国USA美国CD光盘CCTV中央电视台 四、 ACBBB 五、1.school2.juice3.hamburger4.nurse


五年级暑假英语作业 同学们: 盼望已久的暑假终于来到了,希望你们利用这个假期好好休息,调整一学期紧张的心情。别忘了复习并完成以下英语作业呀! 1、坚持每天听英文录音。(内容自选) 2、完成7篇短文的阅读(见后面) 返校日,请各班课代表收齐阅读作业并交给英语老师。 可以正反面打印,如果不方便,可以将短文后的阅读题抄写在英语纸上。 2、如果你愿意的话,也可以自己选7篇短文阅读,短文的 字数在100左右。 3、如果有时间,尝试写写小作文(每个话题不少于5句话) 话题:Myself、My Hobby、My family、My Trip、My best friend … (可以电脑打印或写在英语纸上。) 祝暑假愉快!开开心心! 全体英语老师 2012年6月 五年级英语暑假阅读作业 No. 1 A Little Cat Long long ago, there was a little cat. On a sunny morning, the cat rode

a bike to the park. On his way to the park, he met a big fat dog. He rode his bike away. However, his bike broke. He had to take a bus home. When he got home, he was very hungry. He ate some noodles and drank a cup of milk. He broke the cup just after drinking the milk. So, he had to clean the floor. When he was cleaning the floor, his grandma came. He was very happy to see his grandma. His grandma cooked him a very delicious supper. After supper, they took a long walk in the park. They saw a snake there and ran away at once. When they went back home, they were very tired. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) ( ) 1. The little cat went to the park by bike on a cloudy morning. ( ) 2. He met a big fat dog in the park. ( ) 3. The little cat went home on foot. ( ) 4. He ate noodles and drank milk because he was hungry. ( ) 5. They saw a tiger in the park after supper and they ran away at once. No. 2 Crow and Fox One day a crow found a piece of meat. She picked it up in her mouth and flew to a tall tree. She was just going to eat when a fox saw her. The fox wanted to eat the meat. He came and stood under the tree and said, “How beautiful you are!” The crow was very glad to hear that, but she didn’t say anything. Then the fox spoke again, ”I can see your beautiful face, but I have not heard your voice. Why don’t you sing a song?” The crow was very happy. She opened her mouth and began to sing. When she opened her mouth, she dropped the meat. The fox picked up the meat at once and went away with it. 根据短文内容填空。 1. A crow found a piece of __________ one day.


五年级上册英语期中考试 试题 Revised final draft November 26, 2020

2011-2012学年度第一学期 五年级英语期中自查卷 (答题时间: 60分钟,满分100分,其中卷面分3分) Class:__________ Name: ___________ Mark: ___________ 听力部分( 满分47分 ) 一、Listen and choose(每小题1分,共7分) 根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号 内。 ( ) 1. A. Thursday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday ( ) 2. A. tomatoes B. photos C.potatoes ( ) 3.A. food B. fruit C. four ( ) 4.A. horse B. mouse C. house ( ) 5.A. strict B. strong C. tall ( ) 6.A. 13 C. 15 ( ) 7. A. It is Sunday. B. It’s sunny today. C. It’s a sunny da te. 二、Listen and judge(每小题1分,共10分) 根据所听到的内容,判断图片或句子是否相符,相符的在括号内打“√”,不 相符的打“X”。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6. My principal is kind. ( ) 7. Amy likes mutton very much. ( ) 8. Mr Black is short.


小学英语下册四年级暑假作业及答案 一、 Read and find.(读一读,选出不同类的单词共5) ( ) 1. A.gym https://www.doczj.com/doc/7b8989309.html, C. TV room ( ) 2. A.boots B.pants C.jeans ( ) 3. A.warm B.cold C. dress ( ) 4. A.fat B.duck C.raadfdsit ( ) 5. A.rainy B.windy C.se*en 二、Look and write.(看图,写单词共5) 三、Watch and judge.(仔细观察,判断划线部分读音是否一致,一致的“T”不一致“F” 共5) ( ) 1. A. nose B. home ( ) 2. A. pig B.bike ( ) 3. A. cat B.cake ( ) 4. A. music B. B. student ( ) 5. A. egg B.red 四. 看图,根据句意选择正确的单词填空共5) A.boots B.expensi*e C. library D. snowy E. How many 1. _______ pears?-----Two. 2.The skirt is 100yuan,*ery _______ . 3.Today is _______.Put on your _______. 4.Go to the ________ . Read some books. 五. Read and find.(读一读将右栏前的序号写在相应问句前的括号内共5) A B

( ) 1.What time is it? A. It’s on the second floor. ( ) 2.Are they goats? B. Yes, you can. ( ) 3.Whose is this T-shirt? C. It’s eight o’clock. ( ) 4.Where is the music room? D.It’s Amy’s. ( ) 5. Can I wear my new shirt today? E. Yes,they are. 六、Read and choose.(选择填空共5) ( ) 1. ----How much is this pretty dress? ---- ____________. A. It is 98 yuan. B.They are 98 yuan. C.Great. ( ) 2.It’s rainy today. Let’s _____! A. go to the playground B. play football C. watch TV ( ) 3. ----Can I help you? ---- ____________. A.Yes. How much is it? B.It’s pr etty. C.You are welcome. ( ) 4.----Where is the TV room? ---- It’s on the _____ floor. A. one B. first C. two ( ) 5.----Is this your T-shirt? ----_____________. A. No,it is. B.Yes, it is. C. Yes,it isn’t. 七、Read and match(读一读,连线共5) 1. What are these? ---They are cats. 2. Take off your jackets. 3. It’s hot today.I can wear my T-shirt.


五年级英语暑假作业(完整版) 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出句子中所出现的单词。(8分) ( )1.a. behind b. building c. beside ( )2. a. past b. first c. face ( )3. a. listen b. lesson c. lessons ( )4. a. floor b.four c. from ( )5. a. live b. left c. let ( )6. a. red b. ride c. rice ( )7. a. aunt b. art c. car 二、听录音,选出正确的应答。(8分) ( )3. a.he’s making a model car. b. no,he isn’t. c.he can sing an english song. ( )4. a. yes,very much. b.forty yuan. c.they are lovely pandas. ( )5. a.let’s go and help her. b.let’s go and join them. c. let’s go and read books in the reading room. ( )6. a.i can see six . b. it’s a diamond . c. yes, i can. ( )7. a.they have a telescope . b. they are near a hill. c. they are having a camping trip. ( )8. a. yes, i do. b. yes,i am. c. yes,i can. 三、听短文,填入所缺单词。(14分) 笔试部分(70分) 一、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(8分) ( )1.a.this b. thank c.that d.there ( )2. a.sports b.plates c.grapes d.that’s ( )3. a.vase b.stand c.after d.father ( )4. a.puppet b.brush c.music d.puzzle ( )6. a.red b.behind c. chess d. bed ( )8. a.home b.go c.oval d. song 二、根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。(9分) 2.there are some ___________ on the table .(glass) 3. do you have ___________ story book? (some) 6.look! miss gao has some tins of _____________.(fish) 7.the ___________ are near the tent.(child) 8.they are in the big tree . let’s go and help _________.(they) 三、翻译下列词组。(10分) 1.喜欢看报____________________ 2.玩电脑游戏__________________ 3.做家务______________________ 4.上一节美术课________________ 5.画一个三角形________________ 6.弹钢琴______________________ 7.在书房里____________________ 8.互相帮助 __________________


2014—2015 学年度第一学期五年级英语期中测试题 听力部分(35分) 一、选出你所听到的单词(10分) ( )1、A. kind B. funny C. shy ( )2、A. helpful B. hard-working C. healthy ( )3、A. Monday B. Thursday C. Sunday ( )4、A. Ms B. Miss C. Mr ( )5、A. sandwich B. hamburger C. tea ( )6、A. sweet B. drink C. thirsty ( )7、A. look B. food C.book ( )8、A. window B. yellow C. snow ( )9、A. watch TV B. do homework C. play football ( )10、A. read books B. play sports C. wash my clothes 二、听录音,在与所听句子相符的图片下打“√”,不相符的打“×”(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。(10分) ( )1. A. What would you like to eat ? B. What would you like to drink ? ( )2. A. What ’s he like ? B. What ’s your favourite food? ( )3、A. What do you often do on the weekend? B. What do you have on Mondays? ( )4、A. I ’d like some water, please. B. I don ’t like sports. ( )5、A. I have maths, English and music. B. I have Chinese, English and music. 四、根据所听内容,给下面的句子排序。(5分) ( ) Great! I like funny teachers. ( ) Is he young? ( ) Who is our Chinese teacher? ( ) No, he is old. And he is funny . ( ) Mr Young. 笔试部分(65分) 一、下面每组单词划线部分发音是否相符,相符打“√”,不相符打“×”( 5分 ) ( )1.cake cat ( )2. yellow window ( )3. happy baby ( ) 4.bread tea ( ) 5. cow slow 二、读一读,选出不同类的单词。(5分) ( ) 1.A.clever B. delicious C. funny D. strict ( ) 2.A.our B. hot C. fresh D. sweet ( ) 3.A.salad B. hamburger C.food D.ice cream ( ) 4.A.read B. draw C. play D. English ( ) 5.A.Friday B. weekend C. Sunday D. Saturday 三、选择正确答案.(15分) ( ) 1. We’d like some _________. A. noodles and fish B. noodle and fish C. noodles and fishes ( ) 2. ______ you often play sports? A. Are B. Do C. Can ( ) 3.What _____ you _____ on Mondays? A. do, has B. are, have C. do, have ( ) 4.She ’s young ______ thin. A. and B. but C. or ( ) 5.What ______ you like _____ on Mondays? 1、 4、 5、 ………………上………………装………………订………………线……………… 班级: 学号: 姓名: ………………下………………装………………订………………线……………… 3、 2、


四年级英语下册活页作业 Module3.4 班级_____ 姓名_____ 一、选择填空: ()1、What`s that ? a robot . A.This is B.That is C.It`s ()2、 they do our homework ? No ,they won`t . A. Will B.Can C.Are ()3、Robots can . A.talks B.taiking C.talk ()4、And they will help children . A .learns B .learn C .learning ()5、One day robots will do everything . A .一天 B .总有一天 C .过去一天 ()6、It will tomorrow. A .rain B .raining C .rainy ()7、Will it be in Shenyang ? A .snow B .snowy C .is snow ()8、The weather will be in Guangzhou . A .sun B .suny C .sunny ()9、Will it be windy tomorrow ? A . I won`t know B .I don`t know C .I can`t know ()10、 you walk fast ? Yes , I . A .Will can B .Can can C .Can will 二、连词成句。(注意标点符号) 1. Kite, tomorrow, you, your, Will, take(?) ___________________________________________________ 2 . go, I’ll , swimming, Monday, on(.) ___________________________________________________ 3 . capital, England, of, is , London, the(.) ___________________________________________________ 4 . teacher, a , nice, She, is(.) ___________________________________________________ 5 . on, do, my, I’ll, Thursday, homework(.) ___________________________________________________ 四年级英语下册活页作业 Module8.9 班级_____ 姓名_____ 一、为下列单词选择合适的义项。 ( )1. 谁 A. who B. where C. what( )2. 在那时 A. than B.there C. then ( )3.头发A. head B. hair C. help ( )4.年轻的A.yellow B. young C. old 二、单项选择。 ( )1. Will you go to school on Tuesday? ____________ A. No, I wasn’t. B. No, I was. C. Yes, I go. D. Yes, I will. ( )2. Who is that little girl? It’s _________ A. my B. me C. I D. She ( )3. _________ it fat then? No, it wasn’t. It was thin. A. Do B. Is C. Was D. Will ( )4. They were short then. But now they __________. A. are tall B. were tall C. are short D. are young ( )5. Who are they? _________________________ A. They were my parents. B. They are my parents. C. It’s me D. It’s my little brother. ( )6. Is your sister’s hair long now? Yes, ____


小学四年级英语家庭作业题 一、英汉互译 1.太小______________ 2.那么大______________ 3.在六点四十分___________ 4.九双袜子______________ 5.回家______________ 6.try on______________ 7.Don’t worry.______________ 8.have breakfast______________ 9.It’slate.______________ 10.Shall we…?______________ 二、单选 1.____my bike. A.Look B.Look at C.Watch 2.The jacket____too long. A.is B.are

C.am 3.—____shoes____they?—Helen’s. A.Who;are B.Whose;are C.What;are 4.—____do you watch TV?—At 7o’clock. A.What’s time B.What’s the time C.What time 5.It’s____.It’s time to go to school. A.seven-twenty-five B.seven twenty five C.seven twenty-five 6.She_____so funny. A.look B.looks C.like 三、连词成句 1.pair,this,of,shoes,is,pretty(.) 2.at,I,to,go,nine,bed(.) 3.is,time,what,the,please(?)


五年级英语暑假作业及答案三套 【导语】各位同学,暑期到了,有没有忘记上学期学习的知识呢,快来做一份暑期自测卷来检查一下自己,顺便巩固一下已学的知识吧!WTT准备了以下内容,供大家参考! 篇一 一、将你听到的单词画上圈。 (C)1.A.old B.cold C.road D. boat (A)2 A.tall B. talk C.tail D. tell (D)3 A.chair B.hair C.care D.clear (B)4 A.mouth B.month C.maths D.much (D)5 A.word B.work C.worker D.water (B)6 A.right B.bright C.night D.tonight (D)7 A.boy B.toy C.soy D.enjoy (B)8 A.show B.snow C.now D.know (D)9 A.book B.look C.good D.cook (C)10 A.little B.letter C.litter D.listen 二、将你听到的句子的序号写在括号里。 1.(B)A.They are going to listen to music tomorrow evening. B. They are going to see a film tomorrow evening. C.They are going to the concert tomorrow evening. 2.(A)A.Miss Li telephoned Mr Green yesterday. B.Miss Li didn’t telephone Mr Green yesterday. C.Miss Li will telephone Mr Green now. 3.(B)A.Helen cleaned her shoes yesterday morning. B.Helen cleaned her bedroom yesterday morning. C.Helen cleaned kitchen yesterday morning.

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