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情和教材特点进行立体、综合的教学设计与开发。在课堂教学中,采用任务型语言教学模式,兼顾交际功能和语言知识结构的学习,从而提高学生的听说读写能力。本文从英语话题式复习的基本内涵入手,根据《新目标Go for it》教材的话题编排结构,重组话题。然后以话题为主线,以学生的长远发展为目标,科学选用教学方法,精心设计教学过程,进行有效的初三复习教学。并对话题式复习教学实施中应注意的问题提出几点反思,探讨如何创建一种真正激发学生的学习兴趣、关注学生的进步和发展的有效复习方式。















以课程标准的话题项目表为依据,对初中阶段的所有内容进行重新组合,确定出24个话题项目,每一话题为一章,每章中的内容可能分布在不同年级的教材中,所涉及的话题内容是基本相同的。如有关“学校生活”的话题内容分布在七年级上Unit 10 Can you play the guitar,,八年级上Unit8 How was your school trip,,八年级下Unit4 He said I was

hard-working.,九年级Unit1 How do you study for a test,。有关“旅游

和交通”,它的内容分布在九年级unit7 Where would you like to visit,,八年级上unit 3 What are you doing for vacation,,八年

级下unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park, 等。


教师要注意宏观备课,根据话题寻找有用的相关单词、词组和表达。根据语言学家Michael Lewis的词块分类法,将词块进行梳理、整合,把同一话题下的语块组合成话题“词典”。这样,原本孤立的词语统摄在话题语义场中,词与词之间有了意义联系,构成语义网络系统。在语言运用中,无论是听说还是读写,一旦话题被激活,话题词块的意义联系随即接通,词语的检索和提取将非常迅速。例如在教学“学校生活”这一话题时,我根据教材的内容和教学大纲,归纳出了以下词汇和句型。



fail, copy,dictionary,playground,homework,text,library,exam, college, exercise,…


2020年中考英语话题作文预测 预测(一)家规 不成规矩,无以成方圆。初中生处于身心迅速发展阶段,规矩的设定是必然的,否则,会出现很多问题,不利于身心康发展。 【预测题目】 俗话说:“国有国法,家有家规。”为了使子女身心健康、顺利成长,使家庭成员之间的关系更融洽、更和谐,每个家庭都会有这样或那样的家庭规矩。比如:必须按时回家,不准打电子游戏等。请你结合家庭的实际情况,根据下面的提示和要求,以“My Family Rules”为题,写一篇短文。 提示:1. 家里有哪些家规;2. 对家规的感受;3. 对父母的建议。 要求:1. 必须包括提示内容,可以适当发挥;2. 词数:不少于90词;3. 文中不得出现真实的地名和人名。 【参考范文】 My Family Rules My parents are very strict with me, and they have made some basic rules which I must obey. Firstly, I must finish my homework in time. Secondly, I cannot play computer games, even in my free time or on weekends. Thirdly, I have to do some housework, such as making the bed and tidying my bedroom and so on. If I break one of them, I will be punished. But thanks to these rules, I can live a healthy and regular life. I think the second rule is unfair to me. I hope sometimes I could be allowed to play computer games for a while. It will make me relaxed.


话题交际用语: 1. I won the junior 3 English competition last December. Key: Well done!/Congratulations. 2.I have just received a nice birthday present from my aunt in America. Key: Lucky you. 3. My uncle is badly ill and he is sent to hospital. Key: I am sorry to hear that. 4. Tomorrow is my birthday. Would you like to come to my party? Key: Yes, I’d love to. / I’d love to, but I am not free. 5. You don’t know the way to the post office. So you ask the policeman. Key: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the post office? 6. I am going to have a trip to the USA this summer. Key: Have a good trip. 7. I am going to sit an English exam tomorrow. Key: Good luck. 8. The shirt is nice and cheap. You are going to buy it, What would you say to the shopkeeper? Key: I’ll take it. 9.You want to buy a birthday present for your friend,what would you say if the shopkeeper says to you “Can I help you?” Key: Yes, I’d like a pen. 10.This is Jack’s office. Someone is calling Jack,but he’s out ,what would you say? Key: He’s out, can I take a message? 11.Your friend said to you, “Thank you for helping me.” What’s your answer? Key: You’re welcome. 12. I’m very sorry for breaking your bottle. Key: It doesn’t matter. 13.A visitor says to you, “ The food in Sichuan is very delicious.” What would you say if you don’t agree with him? Key: I don’t think so. 14.I am planning to go travelling this summer vacation. Any ideas? Key: You can go to Beijing. 15.I like Christmas very much. Which festival do you like best ? Key : The Spring festival. 16. Today is May 16th. What about the day after tomorrow? Key: May the 18 th. 17.What day is today? Key: Friday. 18. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Key: Noodles. 19. You look tired. When did you go to bed last night? Key: At 12:00 o’clock. 20. Mother ’s Day is coming. I want to buy a gift for her. Any suggestions ? Key: Buy some flowers for her. 21.How long does it take you to do your homework? Key:For 2 hours. 22.How far is it from your home to your school? Key:10 minutes’ walk.


2020年中考英语阅读理解专题练习《热点话题》 新科技 Passage1(2019台州) Brooke wanted a doll house and some sugar cookies. So the 6yearold asked Alexa to get them. Alexa wasn't her mom or babysitter. It was a voiceactivated home assistant powered by AI(人工智能). And it made Brooke's wishes come true. A few days later, much to her parents' surprise, a $170 dollhouse and four pounds of cookies showed up. They ate the cookies and gave away the dollhouse to a local hospital. And that's not the end of the story. When a news reporter told the story of what happened on TV, Alexa devices(设备)in many listeners' homes woke up and tried to order dollhouses! Alexa isn't the only AI willing to serve you. Apple Homepod has Siri, Google Home has its Assistant, and the upcoming Galaxy Home device will have Bixby. People who have these devices use them mainly for listening to music, checking the weather, and setting timers. According to a report from The Information, nowadays voice shopping is rare. But many scientists predict a boom(增长) in voice shopping in the near future. Is that a good thing ________. You can shout out an order as soon as you think of it, even if you are cooking, cleaning, o r driving. In addition, people with disabilities who are unable to use a keyboard or mouse can shop without any help. But voice shopping has its disadvantages. Unwanted dollhouses aren't the biggest problem. It's usually very easy to cancel an order or return products. The thing t hat worries some people is that these assistants are always listening. They have to be able to respond when you want them. So they listen for “Alexa” or “OK Google” or another order. When they hear it, they start recording the conversation. Some have worried about what happens to these recordings. Should companies be allowed to use them to learn about people's shopping habits And what if someone hacks(入侵) the device The CIA found a way to hack smart TVs to turn them into spies that listen all the time. Others could do the same with any smart device. What do you think Are you ready to start voice shopping ( )1. From the passage, we know that Alexa ________. A. can look after the baby B. can cook delicious food C. is a toy doll sold online D. is one kind of AI device ( )2. The underlined word “rare” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________. A. unusual B. expensive C. harmful D. impossible ( )3. Which of the following is the best to fill in the “________” in Paragraph 3 A. Convenience is the main advantage of voice shopping B. The cost of voice shopping is lower than other ways C. The popularity of voice shopping is increasing D. The technology of voice shopping needs improving ( )4. Paragraph 4 mainly tells us that ________ when people try voice shopping. A. AI sometimes forgets people's orders B. personal information might be hacked C. it's difficult to cancel or return products D. the needs for products can't be satisfied Passage2(2019宿迁) Technology is developing fast and it has become an important part of our life. Then what will


中考英语专题 作文解题技巧点拨 中考试题中的书面表达形式相对比较固定,主要有三种: ①看图作文; ②命题作文,即提示作文; ③小的应用文(包括书信、日记、贺卡、留言、通知等)写作。 无论哪一种书面表达形式,都要求:①紧扣题目,准确、全面地表达出要点中规定的全部信息和内容,不得遗漏;②表达正确,意思连贯,过渡自然;③格式正确,书写规范,标点准确,字数符合要求。 记叙文写作的基本要求是什么呢? ①要有明确的中心思想。 ②记叙要清楚明白。 ③线索要清晰。 ④要有恰当的叙事角度。 ⑤选材要详略得当。

记叙文写作要把握以下几点: 1.记叙文所记叙的事件必须相关连。要有开头(beginning)、中间(middle)和结尾(end)。在必要时加入冲突(conflict),以使情节曲折,跌宕起伏。一般说来,写记叙文应把握好六个要素:who(何人)、what(何事)when(何时)、、where(何地)、why(何因)、how(怎么)。初中阶段多为叙事短文,一般应包括where,who,what 这三个最基本的东西。 2.写作时观点的掌握非常重要。记叙文常用第一人称或第三人称两种人称记述。用第一人称的角度记叙,使人感到亲切,读者很容易产生身临其境之感,相信真有其事。这种形式常用在写自传、本人的经历或记叙耳闻目睹的事件;用第三人称的角度记叙,使人感到客观。这种形式常用在对重大事件的客观报导,以及记叙他人的经历或事迹。 3.常见的叙述方式有:①顺叙。按事情发展的顺序或时间顺序进行叙述。②倒叙。把事情的结局或某个突出的片段提到前面叙述,然后再按照事情的顺序叙述下去。③插叙。在叙述过程中,由于某种


中考英语口语模拟试题 第一节短文朗读(计6分) 你将有60秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的短文,并作朗读准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在90秒钟内朗读短文一遍。 请看下面的短文: From cats to horses,people have had animal friends for thousands of years. Pets have been part of our lives,big or small,living indoors or outdoors,for as long as we can remember. In the city,many pets are kept indoors because it may be too dangerous for them to run around outside. But how is it for the pets to be kept inside all day?Does the animal get sad or bored?It’s hard to know since they can’t talk to us. 第二节情景反应(共4小题,计8分) 你将有20秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信A号后,请根据提示的内容,按照提问顺序用英语回答问题,每道题的作答时间为15秒钟。 请看下面的情景提示:

朋友想知道你对写日记的看法、你的日记的内容、多久写一次等。 1. Do you have your own diary?(2分) 2. How do you like writing the diary?(2分) 3. What kind of things would you like to write in your diary?(2分) 4. How often do you usually write in the diary?(2分) 第三节口头表达(计6分) 你将有2分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的要点,用5句以上的英语句子在2分钟内进行表述。 请看下面的要点提示: 1. 你最好朋友的外貌特征; 2. 你最好朋友的兴趣爱好; 3. 你最好朋友的性格特点; 4. 大家都喜欢她。 相关链接 口语中如何说“want to” When I am talking to others in a friendly conversation,I often speed up my speech. I change words to make them faster to say. For example,when I am talking,I pronounce “want to”


话题作文预测 【话题一:二胎】 假如你是初中生李华,在家是独生子女,国家开放二孩政策后,你的父母想再生一个孩子,征求你的意见。恰好你的美国笔友Peter来信询问我国的二孩政策。你给他回一封信,内容要点如下: 1. 简单解释国家二孩政策; 2.得知父母打算生二胎后你的想法; 3.征求Peter的看法。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯的; 3. 开头语已为你写好,不计入字数。 Dear Peter, I have re ceived your letter and I’m glad to explain to you the two-child policy in China._______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________. Yours Li Hua 【参考范文】 The Chinese government recently plans to change the one-child policy into two-child policy, meaning that every family in China is allowed to have two children. Now my parents have made a decision to give birth to a second child, which worries me a great deal. Though it is good to have a brother or sister to grow up with, I have to share everything with him or her. Most importantly, what if the love from my parents is totally switched to the new child? As you have a younger sister, did you have simila r problems? What’s your opinion about this? 【话题二:安全自救】 【参考范文①】 Although our parents are trying their best to prevent us from difficulties, teenagers have to learn how to protect ourselves. I remember once I was doing shopping by myself. And a robbery happened. I was frightened. But I know that only by calming down can I got through it. So I hid under a shelf and called the police. A few minutes later, the policemen rushed into the store and saved everyone. That was an extremely unforgettable experience of my life. Sometimes life gets in the way and dangerous things are all over the world. Learning how to protect myself is very essential. 【参考范文②】 安全对于每个人都很重要。中学生年龄较小,学生安全更是人们关注的焦点,请根据以下提示,写一篇关于学生安全的英语作文。 内容提示:


1 Say something that makes you feel upset . 2 What changes have you got since you came into junior middle school . 3 Say something about your father . 4 Say something about your mother . 5 Say something about your English teacher . 6 Say something about your math teacher . 7 What will you buy for your mother’ birthday . 8 Which program do you like best and why (2 reasons) 9 Your ideas about playing computer games . 10Will you keep pets in your home ? why or why not ? 11.What do you think of school education . 12.Talk about what you will do if you go to the project “we can help” 13.Talk about the experience when you were sick . 14.Talk about the rules for the school library . 15.Talk about your favourite festivals. 16.What do you think about students’pressure . 17.Say something about the ways to make our world more beautiful . 18.What can you do for “Hope Project” 19.Say something about weather in your hometown . 20Talk about what you did last weekend ? 21.If one of your friends has a big problem in study,what will you do to help himor her. 22.Do you like to have your PE class ,why or why not? (two reasons ) 23.If you have a robot ,what would you like it to do for you ? 24.Do you like to have your English class . 25.Do you like to wear school uniforms ?why or why not . 26.What kind of gifts would you like to have ?somthing money or something small but has some meaning behind it ?why ? 27.Which do you like better ,Chinese food or fast food like KFCor MC Donald’s ,why or why not .(2 reasons ) 28 .Do you want to be a volunteer to help those who need help ? 29 Which do you like better ,soap opera?or Beijing Opera?why or why not ?(2reasons ) 30.What do you think of your English study .what will you do to improve your English ? 31. Your friend has a cold ,give some advice . 32.How healthy are you?say something about your eating habits . 33.Reading is helpful to students what do you think of it ? 34.what is your favourite transportation (2 reasons ) 35 .make a plan for next Sunday . 36.how do you go to school ( 2 reasons ) 37 .Do you like rainy days ? why or why not ? 38 .what is the differences between you and your friend


中考英语作文的答题技巧有哪些 作文是英语考试中的重点,下面就是作文啦小编为您收集整理的中考英语作文答题技巧的相关文章,希望可以帮到您,如果你觉得不错的话可以分享给更多小伙伴哦! 中考英语作文答题技巧 英语写作是中考中检测学生语言应用能力的最重要部分。 提高中考写作水平,需要有效的训练。正确无误的造句能力和各种文体的写作技巧,两者缺一不可。 正确无误的造句能力 这得从初中一开始就抓起,首先可以从替换单词、扩词造句训练,做到有效积累,扩大视野,灵活运用。 如:如何修饰一个最简单、最常用的”说”?我们就可以写出许多:say some thing gladly(merrily excitedly sadly kindly worriedly loudly sweetl ytimidly bravely confidently) 还可说say some thing in a friendly way.替换了一个副词,生动地表达了说话时的不同心情。 扩词有:play football------play foot ball in the play ground------play football in the play ground with my friends------play football in the play ground with my friends after school.对其中的动词我们还可替换成playgames,play the piano…

等,后面的状语都可以有相应的更换。 又如:a friend------my friend------my close friend------my close friend named Mary.以此类推,我们可以模仿着进行扩句训练。The students love life.------The studentsof Class One love enjoyable school life verymuch.为了避免句型的重复,我们还可以转换不同的句型,来表达同一内容。如:The dictionary is so big that it doesn’t fit in tomy pocket.------The dic ti on ary is too big to fit into my pocket.------The dictionary is not small enough to fit into my pocket. 这样训练写句的方法,可以帮助学生克服心里先想好中文,然后逐字翻译的不良习惯,从而造的句子符合英语表达的习惯。 在平时的学习中,我们可以试着用课文中所学的句型和词汇,设计一些中译英句子,虽然对初中学生有一定的难度,但长此以往可以有效地掌握正确的句子结构,巩固所学词汇,做到活学活用,为中考作文作好铺垫。 在《牛津》7B开始,我们针对所学的句型和学生日常学习生活的真实情景,设计了许多中译英,如: 1.尽管我的爷爷奶奶已80多岁了,他们还能每天早上坚持锻炼。(although…) 2.你与其他同学不同,你总是喜欢独自一人呆在家里。(be different from) 3.去天目山参观是一件很开心的事。(It’sfun…)


初中英语口语考试问题 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

初中英语口语考试面试问题荟萃 1.Doyoulikemusic?Whatkindofmusicdoyoulike? 2.Doyoulikeyourmotherorfather?Whydoyoulikehimorher? 3.Doyoulikeyourteacher,yesorno?Why? 4.Introduceyourselfandsaythepersonyouadmiremost. 5.Whoisthemostimportantpersoninyourlife? 6.Areyouoftenlateforclass?? 7.Which?is?the?most?important?traditional?festival?in?your ?country? 8.How?far?is?it?from?your?home?to?the?school??? 9.Howdoyouusuallygotoschool?(Bybus.) 10.What’stheageofyourgrandmother?Howisshenow? 11.Whatdoyouthinkoftheairinourcity? 12.Whichdoyouprefer,stayingathomeorgoingonatrip? 13.Whoisyourfavouritesinger? 14.What’sthetimenowbyyourwatch? 15.What’sthedatetoday? 16.WhichcityisthecapitalofAmerica? 17.Whichflowerdoyoulikebest? 18.Howoftendoyougotothecinema? 19.What’syourfavouritesport?


初中英语话题作文【三篇】 【篇一】 Our life occur a lot of things nearly every day. Some we may forget and some we may remember. There is one thing I won't forget forever. It is the birth of my little sister. Before she comes to the world, I have imagined thousand times what she looks. In fact, although I have guessed so many times, I still couldn 't hit the point. I never know that a newborn child will be so tiny and wrinkle. But she just likes an angel. Seeing her, I feel my heart get warm right away. I couldn 't forget the moment I saw h er. 在我们生活中几乎每天都会发生很多事情。有些我们可能忘记了,有些我们可能会记得。但有一件事我永远都不会忘记。那就是我的小妹妹的出生。在她来到这个世界之前,我想象过千万次她的样子。事实上,虽然我已经猜了那么多次,我仍然没猜中。我不知道一个刚出生的孩子会是那么的小和皱巴巴的。但是她就像天使一样。看到她,我的心都马上暖起来。我无法忘记见到她的那一刻。 【篇二】 Thanksgiving Day is coming soon, it is on the fourth Thursday in December. Thanksgiving Day is very popular in western country, on that day, people will make a big turkey to eat. The day is to in honor of Indian people 's great kindness. A long time ago, some puritans took the boat May Flower to Americafor freedom, but they suffered from starvation and illness, the Indian people helped them, gave them food and treat them. The puritan planted something, they were eager to have good harvest, at last, they


中考英语口语话题篇 1 2 1.Customsmeetingforthefi;Differentcountrieshasdif; 3 InJapan,it?spolitetomake;Weshouldactinrightwayswh;3.BadDays; 4 Oneday,Igotuplatebecause;________________________; 5 4.Saysomethingabouta 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------7 ------------ 8 1 . Customs meeting for the first time in Different Countries 9 Different countries has different customs.In Brazil , people think 10 it?s polite to kiss each other when they meet for the first time. In 11 Mexico and China, people shake hands. And in Japan and Keroa people bow 12 to each other.We should act in different ways in different countries.. 13 2 Say something about the tables manners in the world 14 In Japan , it?s polite to make noise when you?re eating, especially 15 when you?re eating noodles. It shows that you like the food and it?s 16 not polite to stick your chopsticks into your food. And you shouldn?t 17 point at anyone with your chopsticks.In France ,you should put bread on 18 the table instead of on the plate . 19 We should act in right ways when we are in different countries 20 3. Bad Days


(一) 一、朗读(5分) 给你50秒钟时间准备朗读。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,立即在80秒钟内朗读短文一遍,当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即中止朗读。 (操作说明:学生朗读的准备时间为50秒钟,录音时间为80秒钟。当80秒钟过后,电脑 播出录音中止信号,屏幕即显示第二大题的题目) Tom and Jerry are two of the most popular cartoon characters in the world. The short cartoons are full of fun. They show Tom, the cat, trying to catch Jerry, the mouse. They also have a long history. The first Tom and Jerry cartoon was shown in cinemas in 1940. It was a huge success. It’s easy to understand the cartoons, since there is usually no speaking in them. Instead, the two animals are always running around or fighting each other. Though Tom thinks he can catch Jerry, he always fails. In almost every cartoon, Tom gets in trouble with his owner, while Jerry laughs at him. The famous cat and mouse are still popular today. Children from all over the world love to watch their show on television. 二、对话(5分) 请你所提供的情景回答问题,每个情景播放两遍。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在15 秒钟内做出回应。当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即终止回答。(操作说明:每 个英语句子电脑录音连续播放两遍,只出现声音,英语单词不显示给学生。对话之间停顿 15秒供考生思考和录音回答问题。这一大题考生的录音时间共为75秒钟。录音中止信号出 现后,电脑屏幕即显示第三大题的题目) 1. A:My birthday is coming soon. Would you like to come to my birthday party? B: 2. A: I ran the fastest. I won the first prize in the running race. B: 3. A: I like snow, so winter is my favourite season. Which season do you like best? B: 4. A: I’m terribly sorry. I’ve broken your MP3 player. B: 5. A: I think Cantonese food is better than Sichuan food. What’s your idea? B: 三、简短说话(5分) 给你两分钟的时间准备。当听到“开始录音”的信号时,请根据所给的提示用6句以上的 英语句子在90秒钟内进行叙述。当你听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即终止叙述。(操作说明:录音中止信号出现后,考试系统播放“2015年天河区初中英语口语模拟考试 结束,请考生等待答案上传。”的声音,并在屏幕上显示相关的文字说明。) 每个人都拥有梦想,而实现梦想需要行动。请你根据以下图片,以“Take action to realize our dreams”为题,请用至少六句话,表达下图的内容。


初中英语作文 1为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,《中学生英语辅导报》举行了一次以How to be a good learner?为题的征文比赛活动,请写一篇80词左右的短文谈谈你的看法。 【优秀满分范文】 How to be a good learner? As a good learner, we should have good habits and ways of learning. We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. It’s good to study in groups and help each other. We should do more reading in our free time. If we have some problems, we’d better ask others for help. As a student, working hard is important, but don’t forget to do sports and keep healthy. I think all these above will be helpful to us. 2亲爱的同学,你的初中学习生活马上就要结束了,请你以“My English Study”为题,谈一下三年以来学习英语的心得体会。 要求:1.要点包括你在英语学习中所遇到的困难、解决的方法以及学习感悟;2.词数80左右。 【优秀满分范文】 My English Study How time flies! My three-year middle school life will be over soon. Looking back, I have many memories of my English study. When I entered the middle school, I had so many difficulties with my English. I was not able to understand the teacher in class, and I couldn’t master the words and phrases. For a time I wanted to give it up. Later, with the help of the teacher and my classmates, I listened to the teacher carefully in class, kept on reading English every day and spoke as much as possible. Step by step I made great progress in English. In a word, only when you develop interest in studying English can you learn it well. 3父亲节马上就要到了,但是有些同学不知道送什么礼物给父亲。请根据下面的提示进行适当扩展,并向同学们提出一些建议。80词左右,开头和结尾以给出(不计入总词数)。提示:1.如果有足够的零花钱,可以为父亲买一些使用单不贵的东西,如领带等: 2.还可以为父亲做些力所能及的事情(do something that you can do),如为父亲准备一杯茶等他下班后饮用等。 【优秀满分范文】 Father’s Day is coming and you must be thinking of giving a present to your father. Different people like different kinds of gifts. If you have enough pocket money, you can buy a useful but not expensive thing, like a tie. I think your father will like it. But if you don’t have enough pocket money, you can do something that you can do, for example, you can prepare a cup of tea. When your father comes back from work, he can drink it. No matter what you do, the most important thing is to make your father happy on Father’s Day. Don’t you think so? 4请根据提示以“The Spring Festival”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。 提示:1.春节是中国最重要的节日; 2.人们大多回家过年,家庭成员团聚; 3.家人一起吃团年饭、看电视、拜访亲朋好友(friends and relatives); 4.孩子们喜欢春节。 【优秀满分范文】 The Spring Festival The Spring Festival comes in wenter. It is the most important traditional festival in China. People usually go home to spend the festival with their family. They have a big family get-together. The Chinese people have big meals and watch TV during the Spring Festival. They also visit their friends and relatives.

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