当前位置:文档之家› 牛津初中英语7AUnit2参考教案




Unit 2 My day


一教学内容:Comic strip+ Welcome to the unit












1 投影仪2、图片(第18页)四张3、白纸若干(依照第19页事先划好表格)


1 简单回顾第一单元所学。让一两名学生到前面进行该单元重点内容“介绍”的表演:Introduce oneself,表演完后,教师问:Do y ou think they do them very well?(Yes),然后说:I think all of you do very well in learning Unit 1. Congratulations!(带领全班同学一场鼓掌)。接着,问学生:Do you remember Eddie and Hobo? (Yes) Please look at the time-table of Edie.在黑板上画出一张简单的表格,分别写出时间和活动名称。Say : This table can tell us Eddie’s daily activities.(教生词activities)Let’s have a short talk about it. What time does Eddie get up? What time does Eddie have breakfast ?

2 出示第18页图片,为学生朗读对话,并借助于图片、动作教单词

wake,just,sleep,fun及短语wake up,然后问学生:

What is Eddie going to do after breakfast/lunch?


们用动作、表情来进行表演。然后问学生: Do you want to be like

Eddie?(No)Then, What’s your daily activities?点出本单元所学重点:Today we’re going to learn Unit 2.In this unit, we’ll learn how to talk about our daily activities .

3 让学生分成3人一组,就日常生活和活动进行集体自由讨论并已划好表格的白

纸上记下各自的时间及活动名称,要求学生进行这样的提问:When do you get up/have breakfast?etc.

4 书本第19页,与学生们一道先浏览Millie’s day,让学生猜出 a.m. , p.m.


5 让学生装把自己讨论的日程活动安排草表,对照A部分Millie’s day的内容,加上a.m., p.m.,填入“My day”的表格中。然后让几位学生到前面向全班同学


6 游戏:将A部分表示活动名称的动词词组写在黑板上,领读数遍后分成休闲——运动——用餐——上学四种类别,分四个大组,让学生分类别写在白纸上,并可适当增加一些。然后合上书本,进行组与组之间的词组竞赛,看哪一组的词汇再现量居多,评出优胜组。

7 家庭作业:《全程训练与测评》第二单元第一课



一教学内容:Reading(A) School life


1 能听、说、读、写单词beause, buy, whole, day, other, spend, Tuesday , Friday, also, volleyball,swimmer,e-mail及短语more,than;能听懂、会读单词snack,hall,practice;能理解单词tuck,principal;

2 能通过图片与关键词来推测单词的大意,并通过阅读对语篇内容的正确理解;



1 对语篇内容的正确理解;

2 生词和习惯用语。


1 阅读技巧的培养;

2 通过比较能模仿范文,用英语简单描述出学校的大致情况。

五教学用具:1 、投影仪 2、录音机3、图片若干


1 复习上一课时中的日常生活问题:When do you get up every morning? When do you have breakfast? etc.

让一两个学生到讲台前根据自己的日程纪录,用英语简单描述一天的活动时间安排,可作为一个free talk. 教师这样说:

Now, please take out your diary and try to talk about your daily activities briefly. 2 问学生:Do you get up early every morning? ( Yes) Do you like your school? Why?

Is your school big or small? Are there any trees in your school? What class are you in?

What do you often do at school?


然后说:Here is an e-mail from Millie to her new e-friend Tommy. Listen

first, and try to answer the question: What are her favourite lessons?


找出问题答案。 3 打开书本,让学生快速浏览第20页上的文章,并帮助他们划出生词。将学生分为三人一组利用图片及上下文意思猜出生词含义,必要时可用学生装所学过的英语给予适当的解释。最后翻到“单词表”,核对全心全意的猜测,对猜对率高的一组进行表扬,鼓励并告诉学生:这是一种良好的有效的快速阅读技巧,希望他们以后多加重视、尝试。 4放录音或读米莉的电子邮件,学生跟读。教师提醒学生注意生词的正确语音及语句的正确语调。 5设计一些理解性问题并出示在投影仪上,帮助学生检查对课文信息的正确识别和捕捉。

1)Is Beijing Sunshine Secondary School a big school?

2)How many students are there in it ?

3)What class is Millie in?

4)Why does she like her classroom?

5)What’s in the playground?

6)Who is Millie’s best friend? etc

然后鼓励学生针对课文其余部分,互相提出问题,并分小组进行问答活动。 6让学生把自己的学校与北京阳光中学作比较,依照课文,写一段话,简单地描述。教师可在班上巡视,给予必要指导。最后选出一两篇完成较快的作为范文,在全班朗读让其他同学进行创造性补充或点评。

7 家庭作业

①以My school为题,写一篇描述自己学校的e-mail.



一教学内容:Reading (B)(C)(D)


1 能听、说、读、写单词something,other,kind,head,并听懂会说单词

meal,improve,skill,use及短语twice a week;

2 能识别有关学校生活和各种活动的具体信息;

3 能选择一些想法并用完整的句子表达出来。


1 在不同的情景和语境下运用英语;

2 能获取有关学校的准确信息并进行问答。


1 运用动词和名词谈论课外活动;

2 培养学生用英语思维的能力。


1 复习第19页My day 内容,让学生到讲台前做free talk.根据自己的日程安


2 复习第20页课文中的词汇,可借助《全程训练》中相关内容,也可自行设计



3 出示第21页的四张图片,利用图片帮助学生回忆第20页所学单词。

问:Where are the students? 待同学们正确识别并回答出以后,告诉他们:这


4 看书本第22页D: Millie’s Day.根据第19页上米莉的日程纪录,用方框


What does Millie do at 6:30 am? What does Millie do at 7:00 am? etc.


Picture 1:Millie does after-school activities at 3:30p.mm-4:30p.m.。等选出部分学生朗读他们的句子予以适当的点评后,让所有学生在图片下面的横线上写出相应的时间。最后利用时间和图片分组问答:What does Millie do at …?

5 归纳整个Reading部分材料中的useful expressions.写在黑板上,领读数遍后。圈出其中的动词或名词短语,让学生分组进行相关的信息交流:

When do you do after-school activities?

What kind of after-school activities do you like?

Do you like playing tennis?

Where is the Assembly Hall is your school?


6 家庭作业






1 能听、说、读、写单词newspaper,film,mum,school,right及短语make m odel planes

2 能用所学英语谈论日常生活或活动的喜恶。

3 能学会用合适的语调朗读一般疑问句。

4 培养学生练习改正对方错误的良好的学习方法。


1 生词和日常交际用语;

2 使用动词和名词谈论课外活动。


1 一般现在时:使用动词to do 提问;

2 选择并使用合适的动词描述特定的活动。



1 复习学过的活动名称,让学生将其分成不同的类别:休闲——运动——用餐——上学


然后问学生:What activities do you like?(does he/she like?)

Do you like to listen to the radio?

When do you watch TV?

Can you write an e-mail? Etc

出示第23页A中图片,利用与学生交流的机会,用上面类似的问题,教生词make,model,mewspaper 及动词短语:make model planes,read mewspapers.

2 打开书本,翻到第23页,看A部分,告诉学生此项的背景:Here are what activities Tommy likes to do.先让学生在图下横线上填上适当动词,然后进


A:What does Tommy like to do ?

B: He likes to play badminton/…etc.

再让学生互相交流各自的信息:What do you like to do? I like to …

选出几组在全班同学面前表演后,再问:What does he/she like to do? 然后让学生根据听到的信息,分组询问,以加深其他同学的进一步了解,也可收到听力训练的效果。

3 教师说:I’m s ure most of you can talk about your daily activities at school or after school. But I want to tell you that you should put your

study first. Am I right? 然后教学生:

Shirley is Amy’s cousin. She wants to know what Amy and her friends do

after school.

Now ,please read their conversation.与学生一道看23页B部分,先让学生独立完成此练习,检查答案并让学生自己改正错误,必要时做些讲解。

4 领读数遍后将学生分成两人一组,朗读这段对话,让学生注意一般疑问句的


5 让学生在白纸上画出表格,根据B部分对话获取的信息,填出



6 家庭作业:《全程训练》第四课时练习。


一教学内容:Grammar A: Personal pronouns (Subject form)


1 能听、说、读、写单词


busy,chat和短语all the time,meet up;能听懂、会读单词


2 能使用人称代词的主格来避免名词重复并学会抓住信息的要点。


1 生词和日常交际用语;

2 主格人称代词单复数变化的基本用法;


1 如何在语言交际中避免名词的重复;

2 综合运用语法项目解决语言实践问题。



1 复习上一课时“谈论课处活动”喜恶的内容,让学生根据自己所了解的同班同学的信息进行以下问答:

Does A like to play badminton? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t. Do you like to listen to music?Yes,I do./No,I don’t.

看学生是否能准确地使用主格人称代名词来避免名词的重复,若有错误,要及时纠正,并说:When we u se the same p eople or things again, we c an use personal pronouns to replace nouns, such as it, he ,she and so on.然后板书主格人称代词,点出本课时中心学习内容:This lesson we’d practice using the personal pronouns.

2 书本第24页,领读A部分表格中的词和句子,教单词walk/interesting,再让学生自己朗读,然后让他们画箭头将代词与其指代的让学生画箭头将代词与其

指代的名词连接起来,待学生基本弄清主格人称代词的含义后,出示第24页A1图片,分别问:who’s this ?和what’s this?检查学生是否能准确使用he’s/she’s及it’s来回答。再让学生独立完成书上A1部分的填空,提醒学生需要同时参考说话人和图片提示来完成练习,特别是作为说话人之一的Simon,应用I来表示。核对答案,让学生自我纠错,用英语解释或借助于手势、动作教单


3 与学生开展一个short free talk.

What’s your name? How old are you? How are you? What class are you in?

Who is your English teacher? Are you reading books? etc。



4 Say: We all know that there seven days in a week.通过手势复习Tuesday 和Friday,并问:What day comes a fter Tuesday?(Wednesday) What day comes after Wednesday?教单词 busy.然后让学生阅读第25页A3的文章。告诉学生其背景(文章上面的句子)。对部分生词及短语稍作处理后,帮助学生了解大意,


5 游戏:分成若干小组,让每位学生说几个含有主格代词的句子,其他同学猜


如:He is a boy. He is very tall. He’s my friend.… Who is he ? Can you guess?

It is an animal. It can fly. What’s it?…

6 家庭作业



一教学内容:Grammar(B) Asking questions with “to do”


1 能听、说、读、定单词ask,question,send和短语would like;

2 能熟练运用动词to do 提问和造句。


1 生词和日常交际用语;

2 一般现在时的疑问句式及回答。


1 助动词do 和does的准确使用;

2 在语言交际实践中使用to do 进行交流。五教学用具:1、投影仪2、图片3、练习


1 复习第23页B部分的对话,让学生互相询问对方或其他同学的喜恶。

Do you like to listen to music? Does he like to read newspapers? etc.

诊断出学生对一般现在时“to do “在疑问句式中使用的情况。然后在黑板上归


When the main verb of the sentence is not the verb“to be”, we should use “do /does” to form questions. Eg: She i s a student →Is she a student? She likes to play. →Does she like to play?

2 让学生自己看书本26页B中的表格,自由讨论,并提出问题。若学生理解较快、较好,则分组操练表格中的对话,然后设计一些补充练习,帮助学生对语法


3 出示第26页B1中的图片。先与学生一道浏览图下面的英文名称及人名,然


T:Does Amy like swimming?

S: Yes, she does.

T: Do Daniel and Kitty like walking ?

S: No, they don’t.

如遇到主格人称代词或动词错误,应及时指出并纠正,以巩固上一课时所学语法项目。待学生理解对话方式后,组织学生分组互相看图问答,操练“to do”的疑问及回答句式。

4 把学生分成两人一组,逐项完成B1答案。然后对照该页A部分中的表格检查自己所做的问句中动词to do 的用法是否正确。让学生自己打分,并找出存在

问题,帮助学生再理解一次表格中的语法规则,以确信所有学生能基本掌握Do 和Does的用法区别,最后让学生分角色表演提问和回答,提醒他们表达要流利,并对说得流畅,语调正确的学生给予表扬。

5 教师说:OK,now we know what the students like to do. But Tommy wants to know more about Millie’s life, so Tommy writes back to Millie and asks

her some questions. Please look at Part B2 on Page 27.

Can you help Million to answer Tommy?

要求学生先不看26页B1的内容,两人一组凭记忆讨论完成B2中的4个问题,然后再参照B1核对答案,并自我纠错。相信学生不难理解短语would like

( another way of saying “want”)

6 与学生一道浏览B3的背景提示,让他们看图片,并依照第一幅图中的例句,独立完成其他三幅图的“问句”。先与同伴互对答案,然后全班集体对答案。

7 依据26页B1图表中的信息,让学生分成若干小组,设计出更多的问题,进

行交流,最后互相提问对方的喜恶情况:Do you like walking? Do you play tennis ? Does she play tennis?等。以引发学生对身边同学们的兴趣,从而意识到如何用学到语言为自己服务。(这样就在一种热烈的气氛中,完成了教学任务,也把上一课时“主格人称代词”及本课时“ to do ”疑问句式揉合在一起,得到了综合运用的锻炼)。

8 家庭作业:《全程训练与测评》第二单元第六课时


一教学内容:Integrated skills(A): A school trip


1 能听、说、读、写单词information,space,museum,trip,closed,cannot,out



及短语look forward(to);

2 能听出有关景点开放时间的具体信息,并介绍其价格、天数和地点;

3 能用英语表达举办活动的愿望和请求。


1 生词和日常交际用语;

2 通过听一段关于景点介绍的广播节日,把握大意。


1 听力技巧的培养;

2 根据相关信息来做决定和安排。



1 师生对话开展Free talk

What c an we g et from listening and reading? We can get some i nformation.(学习单词information—something about…)What place do we call around us ? (It’s space) 学习单词space. Where c an we s ee old things? (In the museum).学习单词museum. If we go to some places, we can say: We have a trip. 学习并操练单词trip. The shop isn’t open now. That means t he shop is closed .学习并操练单词 closed.

2 问学生:Where do you often go at the weekends? Have you ever been to Shanghai/Guilin…?



如:science, technology等。

3 和学生一道浏览A1短信上方的背景提示,告诉学生:Mr Wu will take the Class 1 students to have a school trip. Do you know where they are going? 让学生边阅读短信边看海报,找出短语中的三个景点并写在正确的海报下。领读短信数遍后,让学生根据自己从海报上获取的信息,分组讨论并完成A2部分表格中的前4栏。教师与学生一起核对答案,并参照A1中的三张海报,帮助他们解决信息理解和捕捉中的一些困难、错误或障碍。

4 告诉学生: Millie gets the information about place、location、price and opening days, but she

doesn’t know the information about opening hours and try to fill the last column of the table.




5 Say: Mow, Millie and her classmates know all the information and where they want to go . She writes a note back to Mr Wu . And the Class 1 students wants to tell Mr Wu what they hope to go. 让学生先阅读note,帮助他们理解、猜测其中的生词或短语,然后根据现实生活情境或A2中的信息,完成空白处,允许学生有自己的见解和想法,鼓励学生大胆创新,积极运用英语表达自己的意愿。核对答案后,教师领读一两遍,最后让学生朗读。

6 若时间允许,可出示一些其他景点的海报,让学生模仿28页A2的表格形式,直出相应的信息,以使学生在真实生活情境中运用英语,从而体现学习英语的最终目的。

7 家庭作业:




一教学内容:Speak up: using “can” and “many”/Pronunciation


1 能听、说、读、写单词forget,bring,tomorrow,hot并了解其含义;

2 能正确运用请求许可和帮助的交际用语;

3 能运用提问做请求并正确应答

4 掌握一般疑问句的正确语调。


1 运用 may和can作请求许可和和帮助。

2 使学生意识到语调使交流更加有效并有助于听者更好地理解我们要表达的信



1 may 和can的区别;

2 一般疑问的升调如何处理。



1 设计一些简单的语境,让学生初步体会can和may的基本含义。

I can’t find my pen. If I want to borrow one from a student. I will say: Can I borrow yours, please ? But if I want to borrow one from another

teacher, I can say: May I borrow yours, please? 然后让学生分别扮演不同


Dialogue 1(student and father)

S: Dad, may I go out now?

F: No, you may not. You must do your homework first.

Dialogue 2(student and friend)

S: My bike is broken, can I use yours ?

F: Yes, you can. Here it is.

2 教师说:When we meet some p roblems in doing something, such as learning, using things, we should ask others for help. But we often use “can” and “may” in different ways.让学生看第29页底端的提示框,帮助学生弄清“can”和”may”的区别。然后表演1中的三个小对话,学生两人一组练习对话并交换


3 要求学生仿照书本范例,设计不同的语境,编写自己的对话,然后分组进行




4 出示第30页的三张图片,询问学生在这些场景里何处用may,何处用can .



地操练对话后,可告诉他们:三种场合从语法意义上说,都可用may和can.但can 在前信息幅图中更适合,may则更适合第三幅图。

5 先让学生把B2中的问句再朗读一遍,告诉学生: When a question can be answered “Yes” or “No”, we should make our voice rise at the end of

the question. 然后让学生边看书本30页 A部分的句子,边听录音,注意每一


问句,或让学生自己造一些疑问句,写在黑板上。练习用can, may,动词to do 和动词to be 正确提问,也可让学生到黑板上用前头标出升调所在的位置。

6 家庭作业:完成《全程训练与测评》第二单元第八课时练习。


一教学内容:Main task


1 能听、说、读、写单词food,enough,fun,part并了解其含义;能听懂、会说单词dislike,reason,reach,basket,difficult.

2 能在写作前组织思想,编写计划;

3 能在写作前表达自己的喜恶及原因;

4 能理解表达感觉和喜恶的单词。


1 生词和日常交际用语;

2 培养学生笔头表达思想的能力。


1 能通过阅读了解有关喜恶的信息并讨论原因;

2 能模仿所学短文写表达自己喜恶性循环的情况。

五教学用具:1、投影仪 2、白纸


1 复习第19页Millie’s day表格中表示活动的动词词组,问学生:

Do you like watching TV? Do you like listening to music? 等。让学生分组问答、交流并在全班面前汇总各人了解到的信息:What are his/her favourite activities?

2 向学生解释 a happiness chart,并介绍第31页A部分中的背景,说:the students in the club want to know what others like and dislike.让学生看米莉的调查表,在他们能准确理解love, like和dislike三种不同的喜恶程度后,再阅读下面的表格,帮助学生理解喜恶的原因,同时处理一些生词,领读


Why does she like Assembly? Why does she love lunchtime?等,提醒学生注意主格人称代词的变化,教师在班上巡视,可参与学生的交流,也可给予适当的指导、帮助和纠正。

3 要黑板上列一个各种活动的清单,包括卡拉OK、购物、聊天、游泳、打球、阅读、看电视等,让学生分成休闲、运动、用餐、上学四种类别,并鼓励学生想


分组讨论、调查,并帮助学生完成B部分中自己的兴趣调查表,仿照A部分中Millie’s happiness chart 的图示,画出不同的脸部表情来表示喜恶的程度,以加深自己的理解。

4 让学生根据B部分的信息来完成第32页部分的图表,并多加4项在一般的学校上课日里进行的活动,鼓励学生仿照米莉的句子,写出自己喜恶的原因。教师可提供词汇、拼写及构句方面的帮助。然后两人一组讨论他们为什么喜欢和不喜


5 与学生一道阅读C部分中的电子邮件,利用表格里的信息将它补充完整,事



6 游戏:如果时间允许,让学生不要把他们的名字写在初稿上,将学生的初稿


7 家庭作业:






1 能听、说、读、写单词answer,library,并了解其含义;

2 能熟练掌握和理解本单元所学的单词、短语以及语法项目;

3 能熟练地在不同的情景中运用本单元所学单词、短语以及语法项目;

4 能就本单元的内容进行自我检测,体验进步和成功。


1 能复习巩固所学的语言知识并用于谈论日常安排和活动;

2 能综合运用主格人称代词及相应的动词to do 提问、应答、谈论喜恶习及原因;

3 能正确使用may和can请求许可和帮助及做请求。


1 能准确运用动词+名词的搭配形式谈论活动;

2 掌握一定的听力、阅读和写作技能。


1 教师介绍本课内容:Today we will do some exercises to check if you can

use the words and grammar to make sentences or ask questions.

2 设计一些问题帮助学生复习本单元所学单词、句型和语法。

①When do you watch TV/read newspapers/have breakfast /have assembly/do after-school activities?

②What do you do at 8:00 a.m./5:30 p.m./?

③Does your brother make model planes?

④Do your parents and you play badminton?

⑤Can I ask you a question? Can you answer it?(学习单词difficult,answer)

⑥May I borrow a book from the library?(学习单词library)

⑦Do you like listening to music?

⑧Why don’t you like to do your homework?

3 出示第33页A部分图片,开展free talk

Who are these two girls? What are they doing? Are they studying hard?

Is it a difficult question? Is Daniel clever? Where is Daniel? Etc.

告诉学生:Amy and Sandy have some trouble with their English homework.

Can y ou help them? Now ,please look at Page 33 Part A. What are they saying?

Choose the right answer to fill in the blanks so that you can make the sentences. 然后让学生做A部分练习,给出时间限制。完成后,可让学生互相


4 告诉学生:When we talk about our daily activities, we should use

different verbs to make them right.画出第33页图片,让学生说出每一幅图的动作名称。要求用动词+名词的搭配形式,也可用一些自制的图片来帮助学生



5 设计一些其它练习,如兴趣调查表,含“can 与may”的对话及one’s day 日程纪录表,让学生根据所获取信息分组讨论、交流,若时间允许,可模仿第20页,第32页的范文进行简单的写作,也可留在课处完成,要求学生在写作之前


6 家庭作业:完成《全程训练》第二单元的自测练习。


牛津初中英语8AUnit5全部教案 作者:未知英语教案来源:本站原创点击数:600 更新时间:2008-1-30 Unit 5 Birdwatchers Welcome to the unit and Comic strips Teaching goals: 1. To learn common names of birds. 2. To revise characteristics and appearance in the context of birds . 3. To learn sth funny about Eddie. Focuses: To memorize the names of common birds Difficulties: To express opinions about birds Step 1 Introduction 1. Write ‘birdwatcher and birdwatching’ on the Bb and elicit Ss’ comments from Ss about what it is. Prompt Ss by asking such questions: What do birdwatchers do? Why? Where? 2. Sum up Ss’ answers on the Bb. Step 2 Presentation/ Practice 1. T: Now Eddie is going to the market tomorrow. What is he going to do there? Is Eddie a birdwatcher? Why? Show the slides to Ss to arouse their interest. 2. Play the tape for Ss to listen and give their answers according to the tape and the pictures. 3. Get some pairs to act out the part according to the pictures on the slide show. Step 3 Activating 1. T: Lazy Eddie doesn’t know what a birdwatcher does in fact. But now we all know what to do to protect birds. Birds are the spirit of the nature, all of us have the duty to love birds and protect them. You see your friends are coming. Show Ss the pictures of different birds and help them learn their appearance and characteristics together. 2. Practice the names and their characteristics together. Step 4 Practice 1. Ss describe the birds according to the pictures of each bird, help them at any time. 2. Ask pair Ss to make up conversations like this: A:Which bird do you like best? B:I like ________ best. A : Why? B:Because it has__________. Step 5 Production 1. Ask more able Ss to describe the appearance and characteristics in front of the class. 2. Praise them at any time and encourage more and more Ss to give their opinions bravely. Step 6 Homework


七年级《牛津初中英语预备课程》教学案 Unit 9 Signs 要点直击 1.Don’t play in the street. 不要在街上玩。/Look at the sign ! 看这个标志! 这两个句子叫祈使句,它表示请求、命令等。如:Open the door ,please,请把门打开。Don’ t be late for school again. 上学别再迟到了。 2.Let’s go .让我们走吧! “Let’s do sth..”是表示建议的日常用法。 如:Let’s look at the computer. 我们来看看电脑吧。 L et’s be good friends.让我们成为好朋友吧。 3.Why not ?句型 “W hy not do sth ?”是表示建议做某事,并非表示疑问。 如:Why not go swimming this afternoon ? Why not go to the supermarket? 为什么不去超市呢? 4.bring 与take bring 意为“拿来,带来”;指把某人或事物从一个地方带到说话人所在地来,强调由远而近。take 意为“拿走,带走”,指把某人或某物从说话人所在地带到另一个地方去强调由近而远。如:Don’t forget to bring your book here tomorrow.别忘了明天把你的书带来。 I want to take the newspapers home. 我想把报纸带回家。 5.情态动词must的用法 (1)表示“必须”或“应当” I must see her and thank her. 我得见见她向她道谢 We must look first when we across the road.过马路时,我们应该先看看。 (2)must not 表示禁止,相当于“不允许,不应该” You mustn’t be late for school. 你不允许上学迟到。 You mustn’t tell him about it.你一定不要把这件事告诉他。 6.on the right 在右边 7.look right 向前看 8.the right place 合适的地方 9.park 的用法 (1)park(n.)公园 We are in ABC Park. 我们在ABC公园里。 (2)park (v.) 停(车等)于 Where can we park the car?我们可以在哪里停车? She can park her bike in front of the supermarket.她可以把自行车停放在超市的前面。10.She must look up and down first.首先她得前后看看。 first(adv.)首先,最初,第一 I must finish this work first.我必须先完成这件工作。 11.情态动词can 的用法 (1)表示能力 Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗? Peter can answer the question.彼得能回答这个问题。 The boy can’t swim.这个男孩不会游泳。 (2)表示许可:can’t 表示“不准”。


《牛津初中英语》教学案例五年级:初二学科:英语学校:南京市第六十六中学执教:杨慧 8B Unit 4 Reading (I) Teaching aims: To read an e-mail about hosting a charity show. To improve the students’ reading skills. To make students know more about charities and what they can do for the charities. Teaching aids: Multimedia and a tape-recorder Teaching methods: 1.Imagine. 2. Listen and read. 3. Ask and answer. 4.Summarize 5.Free talk Important and difficult points: To know how to raise money for charities To learn about Ricky’s feelings before, while and after the show Emotional attitudes: By learning more about charities in China and what people do for the charities, let the students know our world is full of love. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Pre-reading 1.What is a charity?(showing this definition on the screen) It’s a system of giving money, food or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor or homeless, or any organization which is set up to provide money or help in this way. 策略:通过老师对charity这个词的最原味的英文解释,一下子把学生的思维跟本单元的话题拉近,也可以让学生从定义上初步获得一些我们可以为慈善事业做些什么的信息。 2.Revise the names of some charities in China and what these charities do.(showing them some pictures of these organizations) Project Hope helps schools and students in poor areas. Save China’s Tiger s protects tigers and other big cats in China. Spring Bud Project helps poor young girls return to school. Project Green Hope helps protect rivers and lakes in China. 3.Present some news.


《牛津初中英语》教学案例一年级:初一学科:英语学校:南京市第十二中学执教:潘洁Unit 4 Comic strip & welcome to the unit Teaching aims: 1. Introducing names of interesting facts and strange things. 2. Discussing something unusual and express the feeling. Teaching aids: Multimedia Teaching methods: 1.Asking and answering. 2. Listening and reading. 3. Free talk 4. Imagination. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in 1.Show some pictures and ask: How do you feel when you see these pictures? Look at the man, he has a long mustache. Isn't he amazing? If you meet a man like this on a bus. How do you feel? Strange And this pig, look carefully, What’s it made of? It’s made of orange peel. Isn’t it wonderful? What is he doing? He is playing a yo-yo. I think he is very clever. Isn’t it great? This dog is lazy, it is sleeping, and it is dreaming of eating. Isn’t it funny? And these babies are in the pumpkins. Aren’t they interesting? Lovely? 2.Read these words. (interesting, funny, wonderful, amazing, great, strange, lovely) 策略:精心选择六幅图片,包含生活中、自然界一些稀奇古怪的人,动物或现象。在提问过程中,有意识地用amazing, strange, wonderful, great, funny, interesting, lovely回答问题,使学生对本课的重点词汇有一个初步的了解。 通过展示六幅图片,引起学生兴趣,帮助学生初步感知本课的主题,amazing things. Step 2 Presentation Show the pictures about lighting, rocket, sneezing, elephant, goldfish, tortoise, giraffe and the tallest man, talk about each picture . 1.Who is he? Yao Ming. How tall is he? Do you know the tallest man in the world? He was from the USA, he was about 2.72 m tall. He died in 1940. What a pity!


Teaching design――The story of Xi Wang This teaching design is made up of 6 parts, including analysis of teaching material, analysis of students, teaching objectives , teaching methods, teaching theories and procedures. Analysis of teaching material This article, the story of Xi Wang , is from the reading part of Unit 5, 8A, Fun with English. The topic, wild animals, accords with the cognitive ability and lives of students. This course requires that students read a passage about lives of giant pandas. By learning it, students can know the growing process of pandas and develop the awareness of protecting wild animals by exploring the dangers giant pandas face. Analysis of students The target students are in level 4, they have certain reading ability. Their listening and speaking ability are enhanced in a certain degree. They have learning consciousness. With regard to the condition above, I will train their reading ability further and develop their comprehensive language skills by listening, reading, speaking and writing activities. Teaching objectives Students are able to (1) get to know some basic information of Xi Wang. (2) be familiar with and identify the new words and expressions: serious, none, mainly, be born, in the beginning, take action, look like, eat bamboo, live on, face serious problems, in the wild, in danger, right away. (3)improve reading ability by training skimming and scanning. (4) raise awareness of protecting wild animals by knowing the truth that many wild animals are in danger. Teaching methods Task-based language teaching, communicative language teaching and the guided-discovery method.


《牛津初中英语》7A 教案 Teaching and Learning Planfor Unit 6 of 7A 第四课时 Teaching plan for GrammarⅠ Objectives: 1. To recognize and use the Simple Past Tense. 2. To recognize typical contexts which use the Simple Past Tense. Teaching procedures: Ⅰ. Greetings Ⅱ. Draw the following time table on the blackboard and tell the students the difference among the Simple Present Tense, the Present Continuous Tense and the Simple Past Tense. Past Present Future Teach the usage of the Simple Past Tense. ① Subject + was +… Subject +were+… ② Subject +v (p.) +… Ⅲ.Teach how to use the Simple Past Tense to make positive and negative sentences. Ⅳ.Teach how to use the Simple Past Tense to ask and answer questions.

Ⅴ.Use some common time expressions to make some different sentences. Ⅵ.According to the simple past tense ask the students to try to say something. About what he did yesterday./ last night…… Ⅶ.Ask the students to finish the exercises on P93, P94 and P95. Ⅷ.Homework: Use the Simple Past Tense to write a short passage about “My day”


初中英语教学案例分析 7A Unit 1 This Is Me 牛津初中英语具有这样一个主要特点:按照任务型教学来设计语言实践活动。每个单元围绕一个话题。7A第一单元的话题重点就是介绍自己和结交朋友。第一课时是Comic strip & Welcome to the unit.教学对象是初一学生,这是他们进入初中的第一节课。学生从小学三年级开始就学习英语,英语基础知识和基本技能都还可以,对英语学习兴趣也很浓厚,但由于这节课是初中英语的第一节课,因此我们的主要目标是:在初中阶段继续激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。要让老师和学生在一种轻松愉快的氛围中互相交流,让学生放松,快乐地学习英语。 [案例片段] 案例片段(1):教师轻松活泼的语言在课堂上不仅能消除初一新生的陌生感和紧张感,同时也能调动学生的学习积极性,增强学生的自信心,形成师生互动的良好教学氛围。如这一节课的设计一开始是:老师自我介绍,然后叫同学向老师提问,再请几个活泼的学生自我介绍,带动课堂气氛。我是这样介绍自己的:Hello,everyone,I’m Miss Zhu, I’m your English teacher. I like pop music very much. I like the songs of Liu Ruiying most. 学生们此时就全都面带微笑了。而后,我又叫全班同学问我问题,其中有一个问题是: How old are you? 我立刻回答:Eighteen. 此时全班同学笑出声来,我又说:Of course, That’s my mental age(心理年龄)。同学们哄堂大笑。于是我们在一个轻松幽默的师生互动过程中,开始了我们的课程教学。 案例片段(2):英语作为一门语言,在信息发达的现在,很多时候可以采用多媒体课件教学,同时辅以启发式教学。启发式教学是指教师在教学中把所有的讲解的内容与学生的思考有机的结合起来,极大地调动了学生的积极性与求知欲。如,这节课我就做了课件,制作了comic strip的插图,把Eddie与Hobo的对话以动画片的形式用多媒体放映出来,随后我又设置了一个问题:Does Eddie like the e-dog?这个问题书上没用现成答案,学生们要靠自己对这段对话的理解以及对图片的分析后,才能给出答案,这就是一个启发式的并且吸引学生的问题,激发了他们的思考。同时我们还可以通过学生们对Eddie和 Hobo初步印象,问他们:Do you like Eddie? D you like Hobo?不露痕迹地引起他们的兴趣,激发他们的思考。 [案例分析] 1.快乐的学习英语:如何带领学生快乐的学习英语是所有英语教师共同研讨的问题?快乐的学习英语提倡的是在一种和谐、融洽、愉快的课堂气氛中有效地开展教学,培养学生的学习能力,发展学生个性与创造能力的教育理念。教师应随时注意到学生的情感状态,并且应善于调动学生快乐的情感。比如,教师自己的语


9A Unit 3 Main task 泰兴市姚王镇中心初中任祥元 一、教学分析(Teaching analyses) 1.教学内容:9A Unit 3 Main task ,该节课的内容是该单元的第九课时。学生学习和了解一些压力形成的原因以及一些基本的解决办法,并就压力问题写一封信。 2.学生情况:已学过本单元的课文和用法内容,基本上掌握了一些重要的表达句型。 二、教学目标(Teaching aims) 1、回答调查中的问题 2、学会在写信之前先写提纲 3、就压力问题写一封信 三、教学重点、难点 blame cause shout at of one’s age keep sth to oneself 四、教学步骤(Teaching procedures) Step1 Lead in (1) Give the students an English song called Sunshine on my shoulders to enjoy. (2) Show two pictures to the students. One is a sunny day and the other is a windy day. The teacher says: Everybody hopes his life is full of sunshine , but sometimes he has grey sky. These days, in my son’s eyes, the sky is grey. What’s the trouble? (3) Listen to my son’s trouble. (My son’s words: I am a little weak in maths. I often make a lot of mistakes in maths. Sometimes I fail in maths tests. I am afraid of maths and I hate maths.) (设计意图:由一曲英文歌导入,即创造出和谐的氛围,同时也自然呈现 bright sky、grey sky, 为后面任务布置做下铺垫。通过教师儿子的问题创设情景,引导学生通过倾听去探究老师儿子的压力所在,任务设计真实,与学生生活联系紧密,能激发学生的兴趣,激活学生知识储备。) Step 2 Assign a small task (1)T: What is the cause of his stress? (Make sure the students understand the


牛津初中英语教学设计案 牛津初中英语8B Unit5 International Charities 第二课时Reading 教学设计 ————江苏省沭阳县北丁集中学王利设计的基本理念:根据新课标,突出学生自主学习的主体地位原则,培养学生自主、合作、探究精神、突出语言运用能力培养的理念而设计。 《英语课程标准》是以学生“能做某事”的描述方式来设定各级 目标要求的。这就决定了我们在教学中要尽量采用“任务型”的 教学途径。在这一教学环节中,教师的任务就是根据单元和课 堂教学内容和目标,给学生设计一个阶段、一个单元和每一课 的学习任务、目标,并锁定任务,吸引和组织他们积极参与, 通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语, 完成学习任务。 一、教材分析 (一)教材的地位和作用 1、单元背景分析:慈善机构在当今人们的生活中,尤其是贫困地区人们的生活中起到了越来越重要的作用。这些机构通过不同的方式帮助世界各地的人们。本单元就是让学生重点了解UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会)、World Vision(世界宣明会)、ORBIS(奥比斯)、Oxfam(乐施会)、Wide fund for Nature(世界自然基金会)五个国际慈善机构。激发学生乐于助人的情怀,激励他们好好学习,为贫困地区的人们贡献自己的一份力量。 2、教材内容分析: 本单元主要谈论有关慈善机构的话题。本课是一篇阅读课文,通过学习对ORBIS一名医生的采访,了解ORBIS医生的基本工作状况。学生通过对比学习,引出新课标语言的学习,并通过一系列的听、说、读、写活动逐步深入,不仅让学生学会用正确的语言介绍ORBIS 医生的工作情况,又能让学生了解更多关于世界贫困人口的情况,激发学生乐于助人的情怀。所以本课是本单元的教学重点。 二、设计特色: 强调学生自主学习、合作讨论和语言表达能力,不同的学生提出不同的要求,让每个层

牛津书虫全套pdf 2015-2016沪教牛津版初中英语八年级上册教学案【含答案】

牛津书虫全套pdf 【全套】2015-2016沪教牛津版初中英语八年级上册教学案 【含答案】 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“【全套】2015-2016沪教牛津版初中英语八年级上册教学案【含答案】”资讯, 希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对https://www.doczj.com/doc/7d4616413.html,的支持! 2015-2016沪教牛津版初中英语八年级上册 全套教学案 Content 第一讲................................................................................................... (2) Unit1 Language points............................................................................................. .. (2)

第二讲................................................................................................... (9) Grammar-不定代词 (9) 第三讲................................................................................................... .. (13) Unit2 Language points............................................................................................. . (13) 第四讲................................................................................................... .. (27) Grammar-数词................................................................................................... 27 第五讲................................................................................................... .. (35) Unit3 Language points.............................................................................................


名词 (一) 概述 名词是表示人、地方、事物或抽象概念名称的词,可以说名词是万物之名称。它们可以是: 人的名字 Li Ming, Tom 地方名称 China, London 职业称呼 teacher, doctor 物品名称 pencil, dictionary 行为名称 study, invention 抽象概念 history, grammar (二)普通名词和专有名词 1.普通名词 凡不属于特定的人名、地名、事物名称或概念名称的名词,都属于普通名词。这类名词在所有的名词中占绝大多数。普通名词大致有以下四种类型: 1)个体名词 个体名词指作为个体而存在的人或物。可以指具体的人或物,例如: He has two aunts. 他有两个姑姑。 Most classrooms have computers. 多数教室里都有电脑。 也可指抽象东西,例如: We’ve live d here for twenty years. 我们在这里住了二十年了。 I had a dream last night 我昨晚做了一个梦。 个体名词有复数形式,如:weeks, problems;单数形式可以和a/an 连用,如:a week, a problem, an old man. 2)集体名词 集体名词表示由个体组成的集体,下面是一些常见的集体名词: family (家,家庭) army (军队) company (公司;全体船员) enemy (敌人) government (政府) group (小组,团体) public (公众) team (队;组) police (警方) 集体名词有时作单数看待,有时作复数看待。一般说来,视为整体时作单数看待,想到它的成员时作复数看待: 例如: 有的集体名词通常用作单数,例如: Our company is sending him to work in Berlin. 我们公司将派他去柏林工作。 有的集体名词多作复数看待。例如: The police are looking for him. 警察正在找他。 3)物质名词 物质名词指无法分为个体的东西,我们学过的常见的物质名词有: beer, cloth, coal, coffee, coke, cotton, ice, ink, jam, juice, meat, medicine, metal, milk, oil paper, rain, salad, salt, sand, snow, soup, steel, sugar, tea, water, wine, wood, wool 等。 一般说来,物质名词是不可数折,因而没有复数形式。但有一些特殊情况: a .有些物质名词可用作可数名词,表示“一份”,“一杯”: Tree beers, please. 请来三杯啤酒。 A chocolate ice-cream for me. 给我一份巧克力冰淇淋。 b .有此物质名词可作可数名词,表示“一种”: It was a special tea which tasted of orange blossoms. 这是一种特别的茶,有桔子花叶。 It was a delicious wine. 那是一种美味的红酒。 作单数看待 作复数看待 His family isn't large. 他家人不多。 The government is planning to build a dam here. 政府打算在这里建一座水坝。 The public was unlikely to support it. 公众支持它的可能性不大。 His family are all music lovers. 他家的人都喜欢音乐。 The government are discussing the plan. 政府在讨论这个计划。 The public were deceived by the newspaper. 公众受到报纸的蒙骗。

牛津初中英语7A Unit1教案

牛津英语7A Unit 1 正衡初中洑颖 教材分析及教学思路: 一、单元教学内容分析:本单元是以介绍自已为主线来学习带有be动词和do动词的一般现在时,,旨在激发初一新生对英语的兴趣和学习积极性,通过各种活动环节要让每一个学生都能开口讲英语。 一)教学目标: 1.学习带有be动词和do动词的一般现在时。 2.学会如何介绍自己并在不同场合向别人打招呼。 3.学习如何用英语提供个人信息和获取他人信息。 4.能写一篇文章向别人介绍自己。 5.掌握关于运动的词汇并加以拓展。 6.掌握一些重要单词及词组的用法。 二)能力目标: 1.培养多种阅读能力,如:scanning, using subtitles to predict content等,以适应平时生活中阅读的需要。 2.培养单元整体预习的能力。 3.培养日常交际能力及语言的综合运用能力。 三)德育目标: 通过本单元的自我介绍来培养与人沟通的能力,学会和他人合作。通过本单元的词汇部分,培养学生拥有良好爱好的意识,了解多做运动的好处。 四)教学重点及难点: 1.一般现在时的定义和用法。 2. 词汇、词组:1)be good at2)was/were born 3)love/like/enjoy doing 4)score for 5)play for 6)look after/take care of 7)live in/on 五)迁移与拓展:英语单词一词多义(多词性)归类;中文一词多英语表达方式归类。六)本单元课时安排:(共八课时) 第一课时预习:了解本单元单词、略读Welcome to the unit &comic strip。 第一课时:教师本人介绍,学生间简短介绍,如何在不同时段打招呼,本书人物介绍。 第二课时预习:一般现在时。 第二课时:通过教师的自我详细介绍为主线教授一般现在时(系动词和行为动词,包括三单)。第三课时预习:六位人物的介绍。 第三课时:Reading 整体教学、学生展示交流预习成果。 第四课时预习:Reading 部分的主要词组或难点。 第四课时:Reading第二课时。 第五课时预习:运动方面的词汇。 第五课时:vocabulary教学,拓展运动词汇,发掘运动的意义,引导学生养成良好爱好。第六课时预习:报纸上寻找有关着名运动员的介绍。 第六课时: Integrated skills运动员介绍,能在听力材料中获取有用信息,交流预习成果。第七课时预习:搜寻有用的课堂用语。 第七课时: 课堂用语学习等。 第八课时预习:整理自我资料。 第八课时: 学会如何写一份自己的介绍,复习一般现在时。

初中英语牛津译林版《Reading1Murder in West Town》省级名师优质课教案比赛获奖教案示范课教案公开课教案

初中英语牛津译林版九年级上册Unit8《Reading1:Murder in West Town》省级名师优质课教案比赛获奖教案示范课教案公开课教案 【省级名师教案】 1教学目标 1. 阅读一篇有关谋杀案的新闻报道 2. 培养阅读技巧 3. 能理解文中的重点知识点. 2学情分析 【学习重点、难点】 1. 学会谈论谁有可能是凶手。 3重点难点 4教学过程 4.1第一学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【讲授】Reading 【学习过程】 一、课前预习·导学(读背生词和对话) 二、课堂学习研讨 Explain language points ◆dress sb. 给某人穿衣服(dress sb. in…/as…) dress oneself = get dressed 穿上衣服 dress up 装扮,乔装打扮 be dressed in + 衣服/颜色穿着… 注:be dressed, be in, wear和have on 表示“穿着”的状态 (have on 不能用进行时态) put on 表示穿的动作 1. The boy is _________________________________.(年纪太小不会穿衣服) 2. --你穿好衣服了嘛?--我在穿夹克,就来。 --Have_______________________? --I’m _________________ my jacket. I’m coming. 3. --你不喜欢穿连衣裙吗? --不,只是想改变一下。 --Don’t you like___________________? --__________, just for a little change. 4. Look! The young girl is dressing up _______ an old woman ________ a black coat. 5. 他打扮得像个女人。He ________ _________ ________ a woman. 6. 这个女士今天戴着一顶帽子。 The lady is __________/___________ a hat today. =The lady __________ a hat__________ today.


Unit 1 This is me! Comic strip & Welcome to the unit I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. know the two cartoon characters, Eddie and Hobo, and the six students at Sunshine Middle School; 2. greet each other properly in English; 3. introduce oneself to others in English. II. Teaching contents 1. New words and phrases: master, e-dog, good morning/good afternoon/good evening/good night 2. New structures: Wha t’s your name? My name is … Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty How to introduce each other and greet each other in English. IV. Teaching procedures Comic strip Step 1 Lead-in:Enjoy the video “make friends”. T: Today we’ll learn Unit 1 This is me! Do you like the song in the video? We are now new students at Donglin Middle School, and meet many new classmates. Do you want to make more friends? I’d like you to meet two new friends in our books. Do you want to know them? 【设计意图:由视频再到图片make friends引出不同人物的名字。】Step 2 Presentation 1. Learn some new words (1)

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