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Book2 unit2 词汇检测(2)


1.________ vt.做东;主办;招待n.主人

2.________ vt.罚款

3.________ vt.& vi.收费;控诉n.费用;主管

4.________ vi.讨价还价;讲条件n.便宜货

5.________ vi.& vt.应受;值得

6.___________ vt.取代;替换;代替_____________ n.代替,替换

7.__________ vi.比赛;竞争____________ n.竞争者______________ n.比赛;竞争_____________ adj.竞争的,有竞争性的

8. _____________vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳__________ n.准许进入;承认;入场费

9._________________ vt.& vi.做广告;登广告__________________ n.广告

10.foolish adj.____________________________

11.medal n.____________________________

12.nowadays adv._________________________

13.pain n.______________________painful adj.________________________

14.magical adj.____________________ magic n.________________________

15.regular adj.____________________ regularly adv.______________________

16.athlete n._____________________athletics n._____________________

17.responsibility n.________________responsible adj.___________________

18.swift adj.______________________ swiftly adv.______________________

19.physical adj.____________________physics n._____________________ physician n.______________________


1.stand ________ 代表;象征;表示

2.pick _______ 拾起;捡起;用车接某人

3.take the place ________ 代替……

4.play a role ________ 在……起作用

5.make a bargain _____ 与……达成协议

6.take part ________ 参加;参与

7.in ________ 主管;看管;负责

8.________ from 除了

9.as ________ 也;又;还

10.one ________ another 一个接一个地

11.________ a matter of fact 事实上


1.Su Hua is invited by his uncle to vote for his cousin in the “Future Singer” ______________(compete).

2.With a code book,you might write down words that would stand ________ other words. 3.The 2020 Olympic Games have been decided ___________ (hold) in Tokyo,but many people are not yet sure of its safety from nuclear radiation.

4.It is doubtful whether she ____________ (admit) to graduate school this year.

5.___________ (advertise) persuade us that newer is better and that we will be happier with the latest products.

Book2 unit2 (2) 1

6.Little Tom admitted ____________ (cheat) in the examination,__________(promise) that he wouldn't do that in future.

7.It is those who are willing to give rather than receive that deserve _________ (respect).8.She expressed her strong desire that she ______________ (volunteer) to teach in the school when she was in college.

9.Don't worry.The hard work that you do now ________________ (repay) later in life. 10.An order came ___________ all the vehicles having seven or fewer seats should not be charged on the highway during the eight-day holiday.


1.Students as well as their teacher is wishing for a holiday.

2.He decided to travel by car instead of train.

3.After school,the students walked out of the classroom one after other.

4.When asked,he was admitted stealing the necklace.

5.We know playing computer games for a long time can harm one's physically health. 6.Taking part in eco-travel and you will find it will help you understand the importance of nature.

7.If you go to school early tomorrow,so do I.

8.Who will take the charge of the company after the manager retires?

9.He was lucky that he at last got a chance to compete the Olympics.

10.At this point,we should develop a media platform where can stand for your voices and send messages to all around the world.


1.奥运五环旗(the Olympic flag)上的五环代表地球上的五大洲。(stand for)


2.任何国家都可以参加奥运会。(take part in)




4.奥运会上也有志愿者提供服务。(volunteer,as well)





①host②fine③charge④bargain⑤deserve⑥replace ,replacement ⑦compete ,competitor;competition;competitive⑧admit ,admission

⑨advertise ,advertisement


二 1.for 2.up 3.of 4.in 5.with 6.in7.charge8.apart9.well 10.after11.as

三、https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f11314209.html,petition 2.for 3.to be held 4.will be admitted 5.Advertisements 6.having

cheated;promising 7.respecting/to be respected8.(should) volunteer

9.will be repaid10.that

四 1.is→are 2.train前加by 3.other→another 4.去掉was





https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f11314209.html,pete后加in 10.where→which

五 1.The five rings on the Olympic flag stand for the five continents on the earth. 2.Any country can take part in the Olympic Games.

3.Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.

4.There are some volunteers as well who offer help for the Olympic Games.

5.The motto of the Olympic Games is “Swifter,Higher and Stronger”.


必修三Unit 2《Healthy eating》单元测试2 笔试部分: I. 单项选择 1. It looks like rain, so you'd better ______ without an umbrella. A. go B. not to go C. going D. not go 2. The children are full of ______. They have been playing all day long without resting. A. force B. power C. energy D. strength 3. She became fatter and fatter, so the doctor advised her ______. A. losing weight B. to lose weight C. to keep weight D. to gain weight 4. Since your brother is in trouble, you ______ give him a hand. A. need B. could C. might D. should 5. Let's go to a movie after work, OK? — _____________ A. Not at all. B. Why not? C. Never mind. D. What of it? 6. I was really anxious about you. You _______ home without a word next time. A. mustn't leave B. shouldn't have left C. couldn't have left D. needn't leave 7. Black holes _____ not be seen directly, so determining the number of them is a tough task. A. can B. should C. must D. Need 8. I think he could have joined us, but he ____ A. doesn't B. did C. didn't D. couldn't 9. —Did you visit the famous museum? —No, we _____, but we spent too much time shopping. A. could have visited B. must have visited C. can' t have visited D. shouldn't have visited 10. —You know that you were driving 100 km an hour, don't you? —No officer, I ____. This car doesn't do more than 80. A. may not have been B. couldn't have been C. mustn't have been D. shouldn't have been 11. —Where is Jack? I can't find him anywhere. —He ______ his homework upstairs. A. might have done B. must have done C. might be doing D. must do 12. Mr. White _____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn't show up. A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving 13. We _____ last night, but we went to the concert instead. A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study 14. No potatoes for me—I'm _______ a diet. A. at B. in C. on D. with 15. The speed of cars and trucks is _____ to 30 kilometers per hour in large cities in China.

人教版2019-2020学年高一下学期英语必修二 Unit2 Wildlife protection 训练卷(二)(含答案)

2019-2020学年高一下学期训练卷 必修二 Unit2 Wildlife protection 英 语 (二) (本卷满分100分) 一、阅读理解(每小题2分,共16分) A A small insect is getting a lot of attention in the United States. The rusty patched bumblebee(大黄蜂) is the first of its species to be declared endangered in the lower 48 states —meaning every state except Alaska and Hawaii. The rusty patched bumblebee is named for a rust-colored line on its back. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced this month it was adding the bee to its endangered species list. The insect s are “on the brink of extinction”, according to the service. It said the bees were once found in 28 states. But there now are only small populations remaining in 13 states. The government agency will make a plan to help the dying bees recover. The agency said that such a plan might help other insects, like butterflies. U.S. officials think land owners can take small steps to help the rusty patched bumblebee. They say land owners can be friendlier towards bees by using native plants in their gardens. The insects directly fertilize many kinds of fruit and vegetable crops. And they fertilize grain crops used to feed cattle and milk cows. It costs billions of dollars to duplicate the job the bees do for free. Land owners are also being urged to cut back on their use of pesticide products. The officials also suggest that gardeners leave their plants alone at the end of the summer instead of cutting them. That way, the bees will have a place to live over the winter. The Fish and Wildlife Service says the rusty patched bumblebee was added to the endangered species list partly because of habitat loss. Other reasons were disease, pesticides and climate change. Officials are worried that other bees will suffer, too. Another species of bees in Hawaii is also endangered. 1. How many states declared the rusty patched bumblebee endangered? A. 13. B. 28. C. 48. D. 50. 2. Which one is harmful to the rusty patched bumblebee? A. Planting native plants. B. Reducing the use of pesticide products. C. Leaving plants alone. D. Cutting out plants regularly. 3. What can we know about the rusty patched bumblebee according to the text? A. All the states declared it as endangered species. B. It is named for a rust-colored line on its belly. C. It is beneficial to land owners. D. It is endangered mainly because of habitat loss. 4. What’s the best title for the passage? A. Bumblebee added to U.S. endangered species list B. Why is bumblebee on the brink of extinction C. Take steps to help bumblebee D. The benefits of protecting bumblebee B Red squirrels(松鼠) , a kind of animal once lost from their native woodlands, have been returned to the north-west Highlands, early results of a reintroduction(重新引进) project show. The new population has naturally increased since they were reintroduced to north-west Scotland last year. The animal had disappeared as a result of the reduction of forests, as well as illness and competition from the introduced non-native grey squirrel. However, Trees for Life —the organization behind the project —is hopeful that red squirrels will continue to add to their 138,000 number and continue their increase. 此卷只装订不 密 封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号


高二生物必修二第二单元复习题---2015.12.21 1、根据基因与染色体的相应关系,非等位基因的概念可概述为( ) A .染色体不同位置上的不同基因 B .同源染色体不同位置上的基因 C .非同源染色体上的不同基因 D .同源染色体相同位置上的基因 2、萨顿依据“基因和染色体的行为存在明显的平行关系”,而提出“基因是由染色体携带着从亲代传递给下一代”的假说,下列不属于他所依据的“平行”关系的是( ) A .基因和染色体在体细胞中都是成对存在的,在配子中都只含有成对中的一个 B .非等位基因在形成配子时自由组合;非同源染色体在减数分裂过程中也自由组合 C .作为遗传物质的DNA 是由两条反向平行的脱氧核苷酸长链盘绕形成的 D .基因在杂交过程中保持完整性和独立性;染色体在配子形成和受精过程中,也有相对稳定的形态结构 3、对甲、乙两细胞的分析,正确的是( ) A .甲、乙两细胞都处于四分体时期 B .甲细胞中染色体数是4,没有染色体组 C .乙细胞有两个染色体组,但不含染色单体 D .乙两细胞一定来源于雄性个体 4、菠菜的阔叶和窄叶是一对性染色体上的基因控制的性状,阔叶对 窄叶为显性。要判断阔叶和窄叶基因位于片断Ⅱ上还是片断Ⅲ上,现用窄叶雌株与阔叶雄株杂交,不考虑突变,若后代①雌性为阔叶,雄性为窄叶;②雌性为窄叶,雄性为阔叶,可推断①、②两种情况下该基因分别位于( ) A .Ⅱ;Ⅱ B .Ⅲ或Ⅱ;Ⅱ C .Ⅲ;Ⅱ D .Ⅲ;Ⅲ 5、以下二倍体生物的细胞中含有两个染色体组的是( ) ①有丝分裂中期细胞 ②有丝分裂后期细胞 ③减数第一次分裂中期细胞 ④减数第二次 分裂中期细胞 ⑤减数第一次分裂后期细胞 ⑥减数第二次分裂后期细胞 A .①②③ B .①③⑤ C .①③⑤⑥ D .①④⑤⑥ 6、科学家将抗冻蛋白基因导入烟草,筛选出抗冻蛋白基因成功整合到染色体上的烟草(假定抗 冻蛋白基因都能正常表达)。某些烟草的体细胞含两个抗冻蛋白基因,这两个基因在染色体 上的整合情况有图示的三种类型(黑点表示抗冻蛋白基因的整合位点);让这些含两个抗冻蛋白基因的烟草自交,后代抗冻烟草和 普通烟草(不含抗冻蛋白基因)的比值分别是( ) A .1∶0 3∶1 15∶1 B .3∶1 3∶1 9∶6∶1 C .1∶0 1∶1 9∶6∶1 D .1∶1 3∶1 15∶1 7、基因型为XXY 的人发育成男性,但基因型为XXY 的果蝇却发育成雌果蝇,由此推测人和果蝇的性别决定差异在于( ) A .人的性别主要取决于X 染色体数目,而果蝇取决于Y 染色体数目 B .人的性别主要取决于是否含有X 染色体,而果蝇取决于X 染色体数目 C .人的性别主要取决于是否含有Y 染色体,而果蝇取决于X 染色体数目 D .人的性别主要取决于X 染色体数目,果蝇取决于是否含有Y 染色体 8、雄鸟的性染色体组成是ZZ ,雌鸟的性染色体组成是ZW 。某种鸟(2N =80)的羽毛颜色由三种 位于Z 染色体上的基因控制(如图所示),D +控制灰红色,D 控制蓝色,d 控制巧克力色,D +对D 和d 为显性,D 对d 为显性。在不考虑基因突变的情况下,下列有关推论合理的是( ) A .该鸟种群中共有6种基因型 B .蓝色个体间交配,F 1中雌性个体都呈蓝色 C .灰红色雌鸟与蓝色雄鸟交配,F 1中出现灰红色个体的概率是1/2 D .绘制该种鸟的基因组图至少需要对42条染色体上的基因测序 9、一对夫妇,其中一人为红绿色盲患者,在什么情况下需要对胎儿进行基因检测( ) 10、将雌性蝗虫某个细胞的染色体中所有DNA 链都用32P 标记,然后将该细胞置于不含32 P 的培养基中培养,经过两次连续分裂产生四个子细胞。以下分析正确的是( ) A .如果是有丝分裂,则子细胞中含32 P 的染色体数目将有两种且两两相同 B .如果是减数分裂,则子细胞中含32 P 的染色体数目将有两种且两两相同 C .如果是有丝分裂,则子细胞中含32P 的染色体数目将都相同 D .如果是减数分裂,则子细胞中含32 P 的染色体数目将都相同 11、如图为某细胞正在进行减数分裂的过程(仅画出部分染色体),图中的现象是什么?若该细胞产生的配子参与受精,会发生何种情况( ) A .交叉互换 囊性纤维病 B .同源染色体不分离 先天性愚型 C .基因突变 镰刀型细胞贫血症 D .姐妹染色单体不分离 性腺发育不良 12、下图为某遗传病的系谱图,相关基因用B 、b 表示。图中1个体的基因型不可能是( ) A .bb B .Bb C .X b Y D .X B Y 13、如图甲乙丙是某高等动物体内发生的细胞分裂模式图,图丁为某一时刻部分染色体行为的示意图。下列说法正确的是( )


Unit 2 Healthy eating 一、单项选择题(1%×15=15%) 1,It looks like rain, so you’d better ______ without an umbrella. A. go B. not to go C. going D. not go 2,The children are full of ______. They have been playing all day long without resting. A. force B. power C. energy D. strength 3,She became fatter and fatter, so the doctor advised her ______. A. losing weight B. to lose weight C. to keep weight D. to gain weight 4,Since your brother is in trouble, you ______ give him a hand. . A. need B. could C. might D. should 5,Let’s go to a movie after work, OK — _____________ A. Not at all. B. Why not C. Never mind. D. What of it 6,I was really anxious about you. You _______ home without a word next time. A. mustn’t leave B. shou ldn’t have lef t C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave 7,Black holes _____ not be seen directly, so determining the number of them is a tough task. A. can B. should C. must D. Need 8,I think he could have joined us, but he ____ A. doesn't B. did C. didn't D. couldn't ; 9,---Did you visit the famous museum ---No, we _____, but we spent too much time shopping. A. could have visited B. must have visited C. can' t have visited D. shouldn't have visited 10,---You know that you were driving 100 km an hour, don't you ---No officer, I ____. This car doesn't do more than 80. A. may not have been B. couldn't have been C. mustn't have been D. shouldn't have been 11,--- Where is Jack I can’t find him anywhere. --- He ______ his homework upstairs. & A. might have done B. must have done C. might be doing D. must do 12,Mr. White _____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t show up. A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving 13,We _____ last night, but we went to the concert instead. A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study 14,No potatoes for me—I’m _______ a diet. A. at B. in C. on D. with 15,The speed of cars and trucks is _____ to 30 kilometers per hour in large cities in China. A. limited B. limiting C. limiting to D. limited to 二、} 三、单词拼写(%×10=15%) 1.He’s always full of e___________ and seems never to be tired. 2.Kitty has been wondering what is in the box and finally she opened it with c______________. 3.What will happen if you do not eat a b______________ diet. 4.The agreement will b________ both sides.

2019人教版高中英语教材必修二练习册Unit 2参考答案

Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period One Warming Up & Reading Ⅰhttps://www.doczj.com/doc/7f11314209.html,petitor(s) 2.telling/having told 3.nor/neither 4.was interviewed 5.regularly 6.to replace 7.had hosted 8.volunteering 9.what 10.magical Ⅱ.1.on a regular basis 2.as well 3.As a matter of fact 4.every four years 5.stand for 6.join in 7.was admitted to https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f11314209.html,peting for 9.took part in 10.playing an important role in Ⅲ.1.what is called 2.could be admitted as 3.which/that can stand for 4.will we compete with 5.as much competition; as 6.It is a great honour for me 7.is he interested in 8.Take part in 9.will be held 10.where it was Ⅳ.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了冬奥会(也叫白色奥运会)期间世界各国会发行邮票这一传统的由来。 1.A 细节理解题。根据第一段“The Winter Olympics are also called the White Olympics.”可知,白色奥运会和冬奥会是一样的。故选A项。 2.B 细节理解题。根据第一段“The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25, 1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From then on, publishing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule.”可知,自从第三届白色奥运会开始,期间发行邮票成为一个惯例。故选B项。 3.C 细节理解题。根据第三段“When the White Olympics came, the host countries as well as the non-host countries published stamps to mark those Games.”可知,主办国家和非主办国家都会发行邮票来纪念这一盛会。故选C项。 4.D 推理判断题。根据第一段“The Winter Olympics are also called the White Olympics.”和最后一段“Different kinds of sports were drawn on these small stamps.”可知,邮票上会出现奥运会上的各种运动的剪影,白色奥运会即冬奥会可能出现的应该是溜冰项目。故选D项。 Ⅴ.【文章大意】本文介绍了一种有效帮助胖人减肥的足球比赛。 1.has been organized 考查时态和语态。表示过去的动作或状态持续到现在并且已经完成,用现在完成时,且Man v Fat 与organize之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填has been organized。 2.Judging 考查固定用法。judging from根据……判断。 3.pounds 考查固定短语和名词复数。lose pounds减肥。 4.to get 考查不定式。句意:所以这个比赛的主要目的是让肥胖的人经常锻炼。用不定式作目的状语,故填to get。 5.it 考查代词。指代前面的“新的足球比赛”, 故填it。 6.which 考查定语从句。本句是“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,先行词weight-loss classes指物,故用which,并作介词in的宾语。 7.thinner 考查比较级。句意:我也不想和全都比我瘦的朋友踢足球……。由than可知这里需要用比较级,故填thinner。 8.as 考查固定短语。句意:……所以这个比赛给我提供了一个完美的与和我相似的那些人一起锻炼的机会。the same as 与……一样。 9.mainly 考查副词。修饰动词短语were filled with用副词,故填mainly。 10.an 考查冠词。泛指“一种有效的方法”,且effective以元音音素开头,故填不定冠词an。


优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 A .鸦片耗去了中国对英国制造品的支付能力 B .英国制造品遭到中国自然经济的顽强抵抗 C .英国制造品输入太多超过中国的购买能力 D .中国征内地税限制了英国制造品在华销售 6.19 世纪 60年代,江浙地区出现了“蚕事乍毕丝事起,乡农卖丝争赴市??番舶来银 百万计, 中国商人皆若狂 ??遂使家家置纺车,无复有心种菽粟”的现象。它反映出 A .资本输出成为列强侵华的主要手段 B .开埠通商促进了江浙地区民族工业的发展 C .中国对外贸易由入超变为出超 D .市场扩大刺激了江浙地区丝织业发展 7.1882 年 9 月《申报》记载: “即如公司一端,人见轮船招商与开平矿务获利无算,于是风气大 开,群情若骛, 期年之内效法者十数起。每一新公司出,千百人争购之,以得票为幸” 。这种现象 说明了 专题二 工业文明的崛起和对中国的冲击·测试题 一、选择题(共 25题,每题 2分,共 50 分) 1.“即使哥伦布没有发现美洲大陆,达·伽马没有绕好望角航行,在以后的几十年中其他人也会 这么做。总之,西方社会已经达到起飞点,即将起飞。 A .资本主义萌芽的产生 B C .转口贸易利润的刺激 D ”最能说明上述观点的依据是 .传播基督教思想的需要 .造船和航海技术的进步 2.从 16 世纪开始到 18世纪,欧洲国家开始进口蔗糖、香料、烟草、茶、咖啡、棉花及其他种植 园产品, 19 世纪,对这些产品的需求量急剧增加。主要是因为 A .海外市场不断扩大 B .生活改善人口大量增长 C .国际分工日益深化 D .工业革命原料需求增大 3. 16 世纪的一位英国人曾说过,以前的农民及其一家都睡在地板上,厨房里仅有一两口锅;而 到 16 世 纪末,一位农夫可能拥有“在橱柜里摆有一套精致的锡铅合金餐具,三四张羽绒床,好几 套床罩和挂毯,一个印制的盐罐,一罐酒??以及一打羹匙。 ”这一现象说明 A .工业化推动了农业的商品化 C .商贸中心转移推动了英国经济快速发展 D 4.卡尔·波拉尼在《大转型:我们时代的政治与经济起源》一书中指出: 器都是没有受到过教育的技师发明的, 经济状况的表述正确的是 A .自由主义经济思想盛行 C .国家垄断资本主义时期到来 以及一打羹匙。 B .世界性的贸易体系开始形成 英国成为世界上最发达的资本主义国家 “具有决定性作用的机 ”下列关于 “我们时代” 他们中的一些人甚至没有读写能力。 .世界市场最终形成 D .第三产业成为国民经济中增长最快的部 5.图 1 数据来源于严中平 《中国近代经济史》 。导致 1843~1852 年英国制造品输华值发生变化的 根本原因是 图 1 1838 ~ 1852年英国制造品输华值(年平均数) 单位:镑

2019-2020学年高中英语人教版必修三Unit2 单元测试题

2019-2020学年高中英语人教版必修三 Unit 2 知识运用 I.单词拼写 1. You should ______(节食)and take more exercise. 2. Old as he is, he has such______(精力)that he can work 14 hours a day. 3. The teacher told him not to______(为…叹息) over the failure of yesterday’s test. 4. Mum, I don’t want any cake; I’m______( 减肥). 5. You shouldn’t have had your son telling people______(谎言) here and there. 6. The men who were fighting g _____at each other. 7. Only having r ______ vegetables, fruit and water for a dinner could not offer enough energy. 8. There was a sign in the window of his restaurant: “C______ are God!”. 9. To see if the food would be popular, he decided to do some r ______in the market. 10. His English was so l ______ that he couldn’t even tell the foreign friend where he was from. II. 短语翻译 1. 平衡的膳食__________ 2. 厌倦__________ 3. 扔掉,丢弃__________ 4. 说谎__________ 5. 摆脱,除去__________ 6. 被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚__________ 7. 匆匆走过__________ 8. 充满,满是… __________ 9. 由…制成__________ 10. 对…感到吃惊__________ 11. in debt __________ 12. earn one’s living__________ 13. do some research__________ 14. slimming restaurant__________ 15. no longer __________ 16. look forward to__________ 17. fat and heavy food___________ 18. cut down__________ 19. spy on sb/sth__________ 20. glare at sb__________ III. 词语辨析:用所给词或词组的正确形式填空。 A. 用lie和lay 填空 lie 表示“位于,躺着,(东西)平放时”,其过去式和过去分词为lay和lain, 表示“说谎”时,其过去式和过去分词为lied和lied; lay意为“放置,下蛋”时,其过去式和过去分词为laid和laid. 1. They _____an old temple in the north of the village. 2. Mother _____ the baby gently on the bed and left. 3. He ______to his parents, which made them quite angry. 4. He felt tired, so he went and ______down for a rest. 5. Mom was busy preparing the dinner, so she asked John to ______the table. B. 用research和search填空 1. The police ______every room in the hotel for the criminal. 2. They have made great progress in the scientific ______into cancer.

人教版2019-2020学年高一下学期英语必修二 Unit2 Wildlife protection 训练卷(一)(含答案)

2019-2020学年高一下学期训练卷 必修二 Unit2 Wildlife protection 英 语 (一) (本卷满分100分) 一、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分) 1. The book is (保留) to whoever comes first. 2. The farmer gained a lot of experience by (观察) the growth of his vegetables. 3. If sales continue to recover, they can hire more workers and still make (利润). 4. The man was walking in the wood when he was (攻击) by a snake. 5. The government is the highest (权威) in the country. 6. As we all know, Pandas are precious (生物). 7. The patient had to have one of his legs (去除) because of infection. 8. It is a big surprise to learn that you (打算) to spend your winter holiday in China. 9. Drunk driving not only affects our everyday life, but may also (威胁) people’s lives. 10. As we know, water (存在) in three forms: solid, liquid and gas. 二、单句语法填空(每小题2分,共16分) 11. Many species are in peril of (extinct) because of our destruction of their natural habitat. 12. The new rules will become (effect) in the next few days. 13. This is the key to (harmony) human relations. 14. For the same reason we all have similar (emotion) expressions like smiling, and crying. 15. In the short term, however, the loss of jobs is (alarm). 16. As these are (endanger) species, he said, invasive methods of physiological study are not appropriate. 17. There is a (concern) look on his face. 18. The doctors held out little hope for his (recover). 三、单项选择(每小题1.5分,共9分) 19. My new apartment painted now, so I have to wait another month to move in. A. is being B. has been C. is D. will be 20. Lots of roads ______ these days. We’d better set out earlier. A. are repaired B. have been repaired C. are being repaired D. are repairing 21. Our teacher is ill, and we are all ______ her health. A. concerned about B. careful of C. interested in D. aware of 22. The picture of the village _________ me of memories of our family trip. A. called B. reminded C. remembered D. spoke 23. —The cars give off a great deal of waste gas in the streets. —Yes. But I’m sure something will be done to ________ air pollution. A. reduce B. remove C. collect D. warn 24. Mr. Harrison was finally employed by the company because his ability and work experience could ________ the position perfectly. A. match B. compare C. combine D. measure 四、阅读理解(每小题2.5分,共10分) The endangered pandas in Qinling Mountains might face a new threat: the loss of their food —bamboo, which makes up 99% of their meals. Adult pandas spend most part of the day eating bamboo and have to take in at least 40 pounds a day to stay healthy. However, a new study published in Nature and Climate 此卷只装订不密封 班级 姓名 准 考证 号 考场号 座 位号


I. 单词拼写 1. Most of the relief work was done by ________ ( 志愿者). 2. Companies must be able to _______ ( 竞争) in the marketplace. 3. This is a _____ ( 定期的) bus service to the airport. 4. The Olympic winner received a gold ______ ( 牌) as an award. 5. Her word has a ______ ( 魔法般的) effect on us. 6. Robots are _____ ( 取代) people on assembly lines. 7. He finally ______ ( 承认) that he had stolen a purse. 8. ____ (现今) young people like to wear their hair long. 9. Now you are 18, you should have more sense of ______ ( 责任). 10. We will all have a course in _______ ( 古代的) history next term. II. 单句语法填空 1. What is it ______ made him so angry? 2. That ' s ______ I want to know. 3. Let us combine our two firms against our ______ (compete). 4. How does one gain _______ (admit) to the Buckingham Palace? 5. One of the secrets of good health is ______ (regularly) exercise. 6. We want some ________ (volunteer) in the hospital. 7. You should take _______ (responsible) for what you said. 8. They attended a party _____ (host) by the president of the company. 9. We held a heated discussion on the ______ (base) of fact. 10. Would you like to join us in _____ (sing)? 11. First prize in the ______ (compete) will be a meal at the restaurant of your choice. 12. He admitted _______ (take) the money but promised never to do it again. 13. I ' m going to replace my battered car ______ a new one. 14. I don ' t have to stand ______ such rude behavior. 15. Miss Powel went to town every ______ (three) day. IV. 单句改错

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