当前位置:文档之家› 湖北省黄冈中学2014届高三年级十月月考英语试题1





2014-12 1654








1.Why will the man go to the airport?

A. To meet a girl on Flight 587 from London.

B. To catch Flight 587.

C. To see a girl off.

2.How will the man send the machines?

A. By ship.

B. By

air. C. By truck.

3.Where is the man going to plant the tree?

A. By the front

door. B. At the back of the garage.

C. At the other end of the garden.

4.What does the man advise Alan to do?[来源https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f2939074.html,]

A. Go out to work.

B. Listen carefully to John.

C. Be calm and patient.

5.What is the man’s attitude to the radio announcer?

A. He believes what the announcer says.

B. He thinks that the announcer is very good at her work.

C. He doesn’t have a good opinion of the announcer.




6.Where does the man most probably live?

A. In the countryside.

B. In a big

city. C. In America.

7.Why does the woman think that New York is the only place to live?

A. It has a large population.

B. It offers a colorful and exciting life.

C. It’s not only interesting but also quiet.


8.Why is the man not certain of getting the job?

A. His education is not enough.

B. Others are more suitable than him.

C. He doesn’t have enough work experience.

9.According to the woman, what is important for good work?

A. The ability to put knowledge to practical use.

B. Good knowledge with work experience.

C. Strong will and hard work.

2014.What is the man’s opinion about the interviewers?

A. They have very good experience.

B. They are experts in this field.

C. They are knowledgeable but proud.


11.What is the man famous for?

A. Doing business.

B. Collecting coins.

C. Teaching maths.

12.How does the man get the coins for his collection?

A. He trades for rare and old ones.

B. His uncle often gives him some.

C. He asks for some from his friends.

13.Who is the woman?

A. A teacher.

B. A

saleslady. C. A journalist.


14.When is the party said to begin?

A. At eight.

B. At half past

eight. C. At nine.

15.When had you better arrive when invited to a party in America according to the dialogue?[来源学科网]

A. You’d better arrive on time.

B. You’d better arrive half an hour later.

C. You’d better arrive an hour after the party begins.

16.What will be provided at a party besides alcoho l and food according to the dialogue?

A. Music.


Cigarette. C. Games.

17.What would the host serve at midnight during a party?

A. Beer.


Wine. C. Cookies.


18.What is the main idea of the speech?

A. To judge anything from facts.

B. People may fool you b y putting up a good appearance.

C. Don’t judge a person’s intelligence by his appearance.[来源


19.What do you know about the young man mentioned in the passage?

A. He is stupid.

B. He is a talented writer.

C. He has many faults.

20.What does the speaker want to say by giving the example of the student?

A. The teacher is fooled by the intelligent student.

B. The student is good at putting up a good appearance.

C. The teacher doesn’t know how intelligent the student really is.




21.I can’t advise you what to do and what not to do —it’s a matter of _________.

A. conscience

B. comprehension

C. awareness

D. identification

22.The young couple have been admitted into a badminton club of late, where they can enjoy all the benefits and _________ of club membership.

A. charges

B. procedures

C. privileges

D. circumstances

23.Jenny suggested our going on an outing to the countryside next weekend, but the rest didn’t sound very _________ about the idea.

A. anxious

B. enthusiastic

C. cautious

D. secure

24.The newcomer to the TV station has just started her own programme, which deals with subjects as _________ as pop music and ancient Greek drama.

A. accurate


familiar C. desperate D. diverse

25.At that very moment my mind went completely _________ and I

forgot what I was supposed to be doing.

A. efficient

B. abundant

C. shallow

D. blank

26.The local government has been accused of not responding _________ to the needs of the homeless in the flood-stricken area.

A. constantly

B. appropriately

C. gradually

D. selfishly

27.After hours of searching, their patience was _________ and they found what they were looking for.

A. calculated

B. confirmed

C. rewarded

D. evaluated

28.Despite the fact that all three teams ________ different approaches to the problem, they were all immediate successes.

A. adopted

B. acquired

C. adapted

D. accumulated

29.It is reported that the government has _________ the outbreak of violence by sending a large group of soldiers to police the area.

A. gone for

B. reacted to

C. appealed to

D. made for

30.The study of natural history is not something to be left to biologists. In fact, their capacity _________ the time they can spend away from their offices is very limited.

A. in terms of

B. in view of

C. in favour of

D. in search of



When Alice started to cycle home from Jenny’s house, she wasn’t nervous. She was certainly not afraid of the dark. 31 , it was only a 15-minute ride home. But halfway there, she began to wish that she hadn’t been so 32 .

As she rounded a sharp bend, it suddenly 33 cold — very cold. Alice’s breath became puffs of white cloud and her legs were so cold that it became hard to ride.

With her heart beating fast, she struggled so hard to

move 34 that she didn’t hear the car which suddenly appeared beside her. She stopped by the road. The big black car also 35 . Slowly, the passenger-window began to slide down. Alice held her breath. In the soft light inside the car, something 36 . Then, the light brightened and Alice was staring at a sweet, grey-haired old lady. “Hello, dear,” said the old lady. “I need 37 . I’m

afraid I’m lost. I need to find the nearest airport. I must be there in the next five minutes.”

“Airport? You 38 are lost,” Alice said. “You need to go back five kilometers 39 you reach the T-junction. Turn left

and 40 for about another 2014 kilometers to the main highway. From there, just follow the 41 to the airport. But I’m afraid there’s no 42 you’ll get there in five minutes!”

“Thank you very much, dear,” replied the old lady. “Don’t worry —I’ll 43 in time.”

The 44 moved up and the car started off. A little way ahead, it 45 and with headlights flashing, it drove past Alice. But then, something 46 happened. The car began changing. First, its color 47 from black to silvery-grey. Then, the wheels began disappearing, but the car continued to move forward, 48 just above the ground. As the car 49 into the dark sky, the big red tail-lights grew larger and larger and glowed more and more brightly. With a faint whistling 50 , the car was gone in seconds, leaving Alice shaking her head in disbelief…

31.A. Therefore B. Besides C. However D. Otherwise

32.A. curious B. excited C. brave D. stubborn

33.A. proved B. seemed C.

fell D. grew

aside D. backward

35.A. stayed B. stopped C. arrived D. started

36.A. gathered B. moved C. dropped D. existed

37.A. help B. water C. rest D. gas

38.A. necessarily B. certainly C. basically D. normally

39.A. if B.

as C. unless D. until

40.A. drive B. march C. follow D. walk

41.A. guidance B. signs C. notices D. address

42.A. way B. room C. time D. doubt

43.A. finish it B. get

it C. make it D. have it

44.A. wheel B. window C. headlight D. door

45.A. continued B. rushed C. turned D. passed

46.A. sensitive B. strange C. imaginable D. horrible

47.A. appeared B. developed C. spread D. faded

48.A. floating B. rolling C. drawing D. flash ing

broke D. rose

50.A. voice B. tune C. sound D. tone




Andy rode slowly on his way to school, day-dreaming about the fishing trip that his father had promised him. He was so busy dreaming about all the fish he would catch that he was unaware of everything else around him.

He rode along until a strange sound drew him to the present.

He came to a stop and looked curiously up to the heavens. What he saw shocked and terrified him. A huge swarm of bees filled the sky like a black cloud and the buzzing mass seem ed to be heading angrily

towards him.

With no time to waste, Andy sped off in the opposite direction, riding fur iously — but without knowing how to escape the swarm.

With a rapidly beating heart and his legs pumping furiously, he sped down the rough road. As the bees came closer, his panic increased. Andy knew that he was sensitive to bee stings (蜇). The last sting

had landed him in hospital — and that was only one bee sting! He had been forced to stay in bed for two whole days. Suddenly, his

father’s words came to him. “When you are in a tight situation, don’t panic. Use your brain and think your way out of it.”

On a nearby hill, he could see smoke waving slowly skywards from the chimney of the Nelson family home. “Bees don’t like smoke,” he thought. “They couldn’t get into the house.” Andy

raced towards the Nelson house, but the bees were gaining ground. Andy knew he could not reach the house in time. He estimated that the bees would catch up with him soon.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted a smal l dam used by Mr. Nelson to irrigate his vegetable garden. Off his bike and into the cool water he dived, disappearing below the surface and away from the savage insects. After holding his breath for as long as he could,

Andy came up for air and noticed the bees had gone. Dragging himself out of the dam, he struggled up the hilly slope and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Nelson took him inside and rang his mother.

“You’ll really need that fishing break to help you recover,” laughed his mother with relief. “Thank goodness you didn’t panic!” But Andy did not hear her. He was dreaming once again of the fish he would catch tomorrow.”

51.Why did Andy fail to notice the swarm of bees earlier?

A. He was lost in the thought of the fishing trip.

B. He was listening to a strange sound.

C. He was going fishing with his father.

D. He was riding to school.

52.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the swarm of bees

in the passage?

A. They made Andy stay in hospital for two days.

B. They shocked and terrified Andy.

C. They tried to attack Andy in a mass.

D. They crowded like a black cloud.

53.How did Andy avoid the bees in the end?

A. He rode off in the opposite direction.

B. He hid himself under the water.

C. He rushed into the Nelson house.

D. He asked Mr. Nelson for help.

54.Which of the following can best describe Andy’s escape from the bees?

A. In time of danger, one’s mind works fast.

B. Once bitten, twice shy.

C. Where there is a will, there is a way.

D. No pains, no gains.



The communications union

Head of Research

Salary £55, 271

We are looking for a Head of Research to manage the CWU Research Department and Information Centre. You would be required to exercise control of all research work of the department and manage a team of three researchers and four support staff.[来源https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f2939074.html,]

The person appointed would be expected to carry out research work of a strategic nature across the range of businesses in which the CWU has or seeks membership and to contribute to the strategic thinking and direction of the union as a whole.

You will need proven line management skills, especially in managing and motivating a team; good research skills, holding a good degree in a related subject or other similar experience; a high level of mathematical and calculating skills; the ability to produce high quality work under pressure; a commitment to and knowledge of the trade union movement and social democratic politics; and knowledge and/or experience of the postal and/or telecommunications industry.

To apply, please request an application pack by emailing hr@ cwu. org or by telephoning HR (Human Resources) on 020 8971 7482. When applying please state your source.

Closing Date for Applications 4th August 2014

Anticipated interview date 17th August 2014

No agencies please

55.In which column of a newspaper could we find this advertisement?

A. Arts.

B. News.

C. Jobs.

D. Sales.

56.One of the duties of the person to be appointed is .

A. taking charge of research work

B. running a telecommunications company

C. managing a team of three or four members

D. seeking membership for the trade union

57.If you want to apply for this position, you can do all


A. ask an agency for an application form

B. send in your application before 4th August 2014

C. email hr@ cwu. org for an application pack

D. dial 020 8971 7482 for more information

58.Which of the following applicants is most likely to be employed?

A. A school teacher with a master’s degree.

B. A clerk from a telecommunications company

C. A director from a research centre with a master’s degree.

D. A university graduate majoring in computer science.



Kong Zi, also called Confucius (551 — 479 B.C.), and Socrates (469 — 399 B.C.) lived only a hundred years apart, and during their

lifetimes there was no contact between China and Greece, but it is interesting to look at how the world that each of these great philosophers came from shaped their ideas, and how these ideas in turn, shaped their societies.

Neither philosopher lived in times of peace, though there were more wars in Greece than in China. The Chinese states were very large and feudal, while the Greek city-states were small and urban. The urban environment in which Socrates lived allowed him to be more radical (激进的) than Confucius. Unlike Confucius, Socrates was not asked by rulers how to govern effectively. Thus, Socrates was able to be more idealistic, focusing on issues like freedom, and knowledge

for its own sake. Confucius, on the other hand, advised those in government service, and many of his students went on to government service.

Confucius suggested the Golden Rule as a principle for the conduct of life “Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.” He assumed that all men were equal at birth, though some had more potential than others, and that it was knowledge that set men apart. Socrates focused on the individual, and thought that the greatest purpose of man was to seek wisdom. He believed that some had more potential to develop their reason than others did. Like Confucius, he believed that the superior class should rule the

inferior (下层的) classes.

For Socrates, the family was of no importance, and the community of little concern. For Confucius, however, the family was the centre of society, with family relations considered much more important than political relations.

Both men are respected much more today than they were in their lifetimes.

59.Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph?

A. Socrates and Confucius had much in common.

B. The societies were influenced b y the philosophers’ ideas.


十二月月考英语试卷 第Ⅰ卷 (共110分) 第一部分听力(共两小节,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。 1. W hat is the relationship between Miss Brown and Harry Hill? A. Workmates. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student. 2. What does the woman dislike about McDonald? A. The service. B. The unhealthy food. C. The noisy environment. 3. What are the speakers probably talking about? A. Buying a house. B. Finding a hotel. C. Renting a house. 4. What will the woman probably do? A. Leave. B. Sit down C. Remain standing. 5. What does the man want to do? A. Go out B. Stay in bed. C. Go to work. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-7小题。 6. Where will the performance be held? A. At the Moon Theatre. B. At the Youth Square. C. In the woman ’s school. 7. What is the performance for? A. Celebrating Christmas. B. Repairing the Youth Square. C. Collecting money for poor students. 听第7段材料,回答第8-10小题。 8. What do we know about the boy? A. He went to the supermarket yesterday. B. He left his exercise book at home. C. He often forgets to hand in his exercise book. 9. What does the woman think of the boy? A. He is lazy. B. He is bright. C. He is honest. 10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Mother and son. B. Sister and brother. C. Teacher and student. 听第8段材料,回答第11-13小题。 11. Where does the man often shop? 大赵家高中 红安三中


小学英语五年级下册 第一次月考测试卷 (考试时间:60分钟总分:100分)一.火眼金睛。(选出不同类的单词)(10分) ()1. A. farmer B. drive C.worker ()2. A. buses B. cars C. desk ()3. A. lived B. danced C. taught ()4. A.food B. radio C. telephone ()5. A. ago B. yesterday C. tomorrow 二.单词加工厂。(用所给单词的适当形式填空)(10分) 1. There (be) an apple and two oranges on the table. 2. What (do) you do yesterday? 3. My grandmother (make) a cake for me yesterday. 4. Sam (go) to school at eight every day. 5. She (work) in the fields ten years ago. 三.从方框中选择适当的介词填空。(10分) 1. Many years ago my grandparents lived a small house. 2. Look! It’s a programme China. 3. Thank you talking to us. 4. My grandma cooked a fire. 5. She learnt cook. 四.单项选择。(20分) ()1. There any books on the desk yesterday. A. are B. were C. weren’t ()2. I didn’t a bike two years ago.. A. have B. has C. had ()3. old lady talked about her life. A. A B. An C. a ()4. --- are they, Lingling? --- They’re my grandparents. A. Who B. What C.Where ()5. Many years ago, we didn’t have a TV a computer. A. and B. or C. of ()6. China is . A. changing B. change C. changeing ()7. There are too children. There isn’t food. A.much,enough B.many,enough C.many,much ()8. Mr Li Chinese now . A.is teaching B. teach C.taught


英语学习讲义高三年级十二月份月考英语学科答案(历届) 一:听力1-5、6-10、11-15、16-20 二:阅读理解21-23 ACB 24-27 CABD 28--31 CCAD 32---35 ACBA 36--40 FABCG 三:完型填空41--45 CADAB 46--50 CBADC 51--55ABDBC 56--60 BDCDA 四:语篇填空 61 freshly 62 it 63 in 64 when 65 is breathed 66 using 67that 68 a 69 as 70 smellier 五:基础知识测试 71. owed 72. briefly 73. respect 74. attached 75. deserved 76. defence 77. relieved 78. accused 79. glared 80. pretended 短文改错 1 which 改为where 2 their basic 改为them 3 but 改为and 4 decided to work 5 allow 加ed 6 write a positive 7 gradually 8 congratulate on 中on 删除9 much 改为more 10 subjects 书面表达: Dear Jamie, I am more than glad to know that you are interested in the traditional Chinese literature. It’s never easy to learn Chinese characters and essays. Even native Chinese speakers may find it hard to learn them well, so you don’t have to feel upset. Here are some useful tips. First, turn to the Internet for help when you have a problem, where you can learn how to read and write the characters. Second, you can learn from Chinese people around and I’m always here to help. But the most important is to keep on learning and reading. You are sure to make progress! Best wishes!


湖北省黄冈中学2018年自主招生(预录)物理训练试题C无答案) 2018 年黄冈中学自主招生(预录) 物理训练试题 C 一、选择题(每小题只有一个选项符合题意,3 分×10=30 分) 1、在月球上可能发生的现象是() A.放风筝B.用电风扇乘凉C.月球车不需要进行防锈处理D.听到雷声 2、在如图所示的电路中,发现通过电流表的示数减小0.2A 时,电压表的示数从6V 变为5V,那么该定值电阻所消耗的 电功率的变化量为() A.1.2W B.1.0W C.2.2W D.5.0W 3、如图所示,放在光滑水平面上的物体受到一对平衡力的作用下向右作匀速直线运动,现 其中的一个力 F2 逐渐减小到零,然后又逐渐恢复到原值。在此过 程中,物体的运动情况是() A. 速度先增大后减小 B.速度先减小后增大 C.速度一直增加 D.速度一直减小 4、杂技演员在进行顶杆表演时,用的是一根长直竹竿(不计质量),竹竿被站在地面上的演员乙用肩膀竖直顶起,演员甲在竹竿上表演。在竹竿底部与演员乙肩膀之间装有一个压力传感器,传感器能显示出演员乙肩部的受力情况。若质量为30 千克的演员甲自竹竿顶部由静止开始沿竹竿下滑到竿底的过 程中,传感器显示的受力情况如右图所示,则() A.演员甲一直匀速下滑 B.演员甲一直加速下滑 C.0~1s 内演员甲受到摩擦力大于重力 D.1~3s 内演员甲受到摩擦力大于重力 5、圣诞夜,金桥广场上有一棵美丽的圣诞树,树上有很多灯串,依次发出不同颜色的色光,小周想用高精度机械照相机留下这美丽的灯串夜景(不使用闪光灯拍照),当树上灯泡发出 红色的色光时,他调好焦距正准备拍照,灯泡的色光发生了变化,变成紫色的色光,此时他 要使像变得和刚才一样清晰,理论上他应该怎么调整镜头() A.不需调节,直接拍照B.镜头略微前伸再拍照 C.镜头略微后缩再拍照D.无法判断 6、在两端开口的弯管内用两段水柱封闭一段空气柱,A、B、C、D 四个液面的位置关系如图所示,若再往左侧管口A 管内注入少量水,则它们的液面变化情况 是() A. A 上升,B 不动 B. B 上升,A 不动 C. B 的上升量大于C 的下降量 D. B 的上升量小于C 的下降量


七年级第一次月考英语试题 一、词语使用(请根据句意和首字母或所给信息将句子补充完整。)共10分,每小题1分。 1. How many __________ (颜色) do you like? 2. Don’t forget your __________ (夹克). 3. Jack is my _________(同班同学). 4. ---W_________ book is this? ---It’s Li Ming’s. 5. Her ____________(女式衬衫)is very nice. 6. I ___________ (真地)like apples. 7.Jim has two ___________ (围巾).They are new. 8. Are you __________(准备好的)for class? 9. These are my shoes. Look! They are _________ (恰恰,差不多) right for me. 10.These women are ____________(漂亮的)in the black and white uniforms. 二、单项选择。共20分,每小题1分。 ( )1. ---Hello! My name is Lucy. ---____! My name is Kate. A Hello B Fine C Goodbye D Thanks ( )2 This is _____ eraser and that is ____ ruler. A a,a B an,an Ca,an D an,a ( )3 The red skirts ____ Betty’s. A be B am C is D are ( )4 ---_______ ---I’m fine,thanks. A How are you? B What’s your name? C Good morning. D See you later. ( )5---I like the dress. --- ______. A Me, too. B I do C I am D I too. ( )6---_______! Where is the school?---Here it is. A Excuse me B Hello C Sorry D Thank you ( )7---Do you have a blue shirt? ---No, I ____. A isn’t B don’t C doesn’t D aren’t ( )8 Let’s go ____ to buy some pencils. A shop Bshops C shopping D shoppings ( )9 ---Is this sweater new?---No. It’s ____. A big B small C old D nice ( )10 Your ____ are over there. A blouse B shoes C skirt D shirt ( )11 He looks nice ____green. A at B in C for D with ( )12 ---What’s that? --- It’s _____ sweater. A she B her C he D me ( )13_____ hats are Lucy’s. A These B This C That D Her ( )14 The ___ are in my bag. A hat B apple C keys D boy ( )15 ____ book is here. _____ can read it. A I, You B MY, Your CMy, you D I, your ( )16 We have ____ in our classroom. A lesson B lessons C class D classes ( )17 You can’t buy all the things ___ your list. A in B on C for D with ( )18 ---Can I help you? --- Yes, I want to buy some things ____ my class. A for B in C to D at ( )19 The boy ___ a good student. ____ name is Wu Bing. A am, He B is, His C are, His D is, He ( )20 ---Green is my favourite colour. _____?


贺兰四中2010—2011学年九年级第一次月考英语试卷 选择题 一.听力(共25小题,计分25分;其中有5个小题为非选择题,答题位置在第五题听力题内)。 Ⅰ.听对话选出正确的图画。(5分) Ⅱ.听句子选择恰当的答语。(5分) 6.A. Y ou’re welcome. B. Yes, I think so. C. It’s my pleasure. 7. A. She will go swimming. B. She likes drawing. C. She is a teacher. 8. A. You are right. B. That’s right. C. Never mind. 9. A. Come on. B. You are welcome. C. It’s very kind of you. 10.A. Yes, it does. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it has. Ⅲ.听对话及对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案。(5分) 11. A. A train. B. A bus. C. A taxi. 12. A. At 11:30. B. At 12:00. C. At 12:30. 13.A. 4. B. 5. C. 6. 14.A. She has got a heavy cold. B. She has got a stomachache. C. She has got a headache. 15.A. To a store. B. To his school. C. To a library. Ⅳ. 听对话或独白,然后根据所提问题,选择正确的答案。(5分) 第一节 16. Who is Jim talking with? A. His mother. B. His sister. C. His teacher. 17. What color shoes does Jim like? A. Blue. B. Green. C. White. 第二节 18. What do trees give us? A.Life. B. Rings. C. Wood, oxygen and many other things. 19. What is the weather like if the ring is thin? A. Fine. B. Dry or very cold. C. Warm and wet. 20. What’s the best title for this passage? A. Weather Report B. Cutting trees C. Rings of the Trees 二.单项选择(20分) 21.He studies _____ the test _____reading the text. A. of, by B. for, by C. for; for D. by; for 22.Peter isn’t a friendly boy, so no one would like to _____him as a friend. A. realize B. memorize C. face D. regard 23.I met a new word while reading, so I ______in the dictionary. A. looked for it B. looked it over C. looked at it D. looded it up 24. There are a lot of old things in the old house. And we don’t know how to ______them. A. make up B. break off C. deal with D. go by 25.His mother couldn’t afford to ______her education. A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay for 26. --_____go to work by car? --Yes. But now he rides a bike. A.Did he used to B. Uses he to C. He did use D. Did he use to 27.Money is important ____ it’s not the most important thing. A. and B. but. C. or D. so 28. --What do you think is the best way to learn English? --I think _____an English notebook is the best way. A. keep B. keeps C. keeping D. kept 29.---I don’t know how to improve my spoken English. ---Why _____an English language club? A. don’t join B. not joining C. not you join D. don’t you join 30. ---Do you play ______piano in your free time? ---No, I like sports. I often play _____soccer with my friends. A. /; the B. the; / C. the; the D. a; the 31.---Mary runs in the park every morning. ---Really? But she ______doing morning exercises. A.is used to hating B. was used to hate


2019-2020 年七年级下第一次月考英语试卷及 答案 注意事项: 1.全卷共 12 页,满分 120 分,答题时间为 120 分钟。 2.卷 I 的答案填到卷 II 相应的位置,卷 II 的答案直接写在卷 II 的试卷上。 第I 卷 听力部分( 20 分) 一、听力部分(每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 一、听句子,选图片。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 听下面五个句子 , 根据你所听到的句子的顺序选择相应的图片,每个句子听两遍, A B C D E

1. _______ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 二、听对话,选答案。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( ) 6. A. At school B. At home C. In the libraries. ( ) 7. A. By radio B. By mail C. By email ( ) 8. A. Because it’s expensive and comfortable(舒适的 ). B. Because it’s cheap and comfortable. C. Because it’s cheap and safe(安全的 ). ( ) 9. A. Yes, he will B. No, he won’t C. Robots will do it ( ) 10. A. Do her homework B. Do the housework C. Go shopping 三、听短文,选信息。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( ) 11. Tom A. can speak English well ( ) 12. His father B. can cook delicious food ( ) 13. His mother C. can play football well ( ) 14. His grandmother D. can sing and dance ( ) 15. His sister E. can play the piano well 四、短文理解。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( ) 16. This is ____ lost and found office. A. a city B. a school C. an airport ( ) 17. Daming lost his ____. A. tapes B. football C. crayons ( ) 18. Tony’s wallet is ____. A. red B. green C. purple ( ) 19. ____ lost her watch. A. Lingling B. Miss Li C. Betty ( ) 20. Maybe the gloves are ____. A. Tony’s B. Miss Li ’s C. Lingling ’s 笔试部分( 100 分)


高考物理二模试卷 题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分 一、单选题(本大题共 5 小题,共 30.0 分) 1. 以下有关近代物理的内容叙述正确的是( ) A. 放射性元素在发生 α 衰变时 2 个中子和 2 个质子结合为一个 α 粒子,设中子、 质子和 α 粒子的质量分别为 m 、m 、m ,则 2(m +m )=m B. 在关于物质波的表达式 ε=hv 和 中,能量 ε 和动量 p 是描述物质的波动性的 重要物理量,波长 λ 和频率 v 是描述物质的粒子性的典型物理量 C. 在原子核发生衰变后,新核往往处于不稳定的高能级状态,会自发地向低能级 跃迁 D. 重核的裂变过程质量增大,轻核的聚变过程有质量亏损 2. 极地卫星的运行轨道经过地球的南北两极正上方 (轨道可视为圆轨道)。如图所示,某时刻某极地 卫星在地球北纬 45°A 点的正上方按图示方向运行, 经过 12h 后再次出现在 A 点的正上方,地球自转周 期为 24h 。则下列说法正确的是( ) A. B. C. D. 该卫星运行周期比同步卫星周期大 该卫星每隔 12h 经过 A 点的正上方一次 该卫星运行的加速度比同步卫星的加速度小 该卫星所有可能角速度的最小值为 3. 如图所示,倾角为 30°的粗糙斜面与倾角为 60°的足够长的光滑斜面对接在一起, 两斜面上分别放有质量均为 m 的物块甲和乙,两物块通过一跨过定滑轮的细线连在 一起.在平行于斜面的拉力 F 的作用下两物块做匀速运动.从图示位置开始计时, 在甲物块与滑轮相碰前的一段时间内,下面的图象中,x 表示每个物块所通过的路 程,E 表示两物块组成的系统的机械能,E 表示两物块组成的系统的重力势能, W 表示甲物块克服摩擦力所做的功,W 表示拉力 F 对乙物块所做的功,则图象中 所反映的关系可能正确的是( ) 1 2 3 1 2 3 P f F

2018年黄冈中学预录数学试题 含解析

绝密★启用前 湖北省黄冈中学理科实验班预录考试数学试卷 一.选择题(共11小题) 1.记号[x]表示不超过x的最大整数,设n是自然数,且.则()A.I>0 B.I<0 C.I=0 D.当n取不同的值时,以上三种情况都可能出现 2.对于数x,符号[x]表示不大于x的最大整数.若[]=3有正整数解,则正数a的取值范围是() A.0<a<2或2<a≤3 B.0<a<5或6<a≤7 C.1<a≤2或3≤a<5 D.0<a<2或3≤a<5 3.6个相同的球,放入四个不同的盒子里,每个盒子都不空的放法有() A.4种B.6种C.10种D.12种 4.有甲、乙、丙三位同学每人拿一只桶同时到一个公用的水龙头去灌水,灌水所需的时间分别为1.5分钟、0.5分钟和1分钟,若只能逐个地灌水,未轮到的同学需等待,灌完的同学立即离开,那么这三位同学花费的时间(包括等待时间)的总和最少是() A.3分钟B.5分钟C.5.5分钟D.7分钟 5.已知实数x满足x2++x﹣=4,则x﹣的值是() A.﹣2 B.1 C.﹣1或2 D.﹣2或1 6.如图,在等边△ABC中,D为AC边上的一点,连接BD,M为BD上一点,且∠AMD=60°,AM 交BC于E.当M为BD中点时,的值为() A.B.C.D. 7.如图,等腰梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,∠DBC=45°,翻折梯形ABCD,使点B重合于点D,折痕分别交边AB、BC于点E、F.若AD=2,BC=6,则△ADB的面积等于() A.2 B.4 C.6 D.8 8.如图,正方形ABCD中,E为CD的中点,EF⊥AE,交BC于点F,则∠1与∠2的大小关系为()A.∠1>∠2 B.∠1<∠2 C.∠1=∠2 D.无法确定 9.已知某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为()


初三月考联考测试卷 英 语 学 科 本份试卷分第一部分和第二部分两部分;第一部分1至10页,第二部分11至12页,共12页,满分135分。考试时间120分钟。 第一部分(共100分) 注意事项: 1、答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自 己的考生号、姓名;填写考场试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应的这两个号码的标号涂黑。 2、选择题每小题选出答案后,用HB铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答 案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净,再选涂其他答案。不 能答在试卷上。 3、非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答 题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的 答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区 域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案 无效。 4、考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并 交回。 5、本卷共四大题,70小题,听力部分的第一大题“听取信息”的题号 用A~E表示。请考生检查题数。 1、听力测试(共20小题,30分) 1、听取信息(共5小题,5分;每小题1分) 听下面一段对话,从所给的内容中获取必要的信息,填入Ⅱ答题卷的题号为A~E的空格中。听对话前,你将有10秒钟的时间阅读题目。录音读两遍。你有100秒钟的做答时间。 Place Day People The students in __________ Departure(离开) Time At ___________ o’clock Transport(交通工具)On ___________ big buses

2、对话理解(共10小题,15分;每小题1.5分) 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卷的相应位置上。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒种的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第1小题。 1. Where is the cinema? A. B. C. Start start start 听第二段对话,回答第2~3小题。 2. What’s Johnson’s favourite hobby? A. Watching TV. B. Listening to pop songs. C. Reading the stories of famous people. 3. What kinds of programmes does Sally often watch? A. Stories of famous people. B. CCTV news. C. Both A and B. 听第三段对话,回答第4~5小题。 4. How many cities did the Blacks visit? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 5. Which city did they like best? A. New York. B. Sydney. C. Paris. 听第四段对话,回答第6~7题。 6. What does the man want to buy? A. A pair of brown shoes. B. A pair of black shoes. C. A pair of blue shoes. 7. The man will buy the shoes, won’t he? A. Yes, he will though they are a bit expensive. B. No, he won’t because they haven’t got the size he wants. C. Yes, he will because he likes the colour. 听第五段对话,回答第8~10小题。 8. What is the woman doing? A. She is cooking. B. She is reading a book. C. She is writing a letter. 9. Where did the man ask the woman to see him? A. Near the flower garden. B. In the flower garden. C. Outside the flower garden. 10. How long did the woman ask the man to wait for her? A. About 12 minutes. B. About 15 minutes. C. About 20 minutes. 3、讲话理解(共5小题,10分;每小题2分)


广安思贤国际学校2019年上期第一次月考 七年级英语试卷 一.选择填空题(20分) ()’s go and play _____ pingpong. I don’t want to play ____piano. A.a…the B. the…a C. /…the D. the…the ( ) wants ____ the singing club A.to joins B. join C. to join D. joining ( ) always help my sisiter _____ her history. A.to B. with C. for D. of ( ) 4. Can you play the violin ______. But I can sing. ,I do B. No,I don’t C. Yes,I can D. No,I can’t ( ) 5. Can you swim or play chess _______ . , I am B. Yes, I can C. I can swim D. I don’t know ( ) do you join the club Because I like music. B. Where C. Why D. How ( ) ’s play football. _________ . you B. That sounds good C. Yes,I can D. You’re welcome ( ) school begins at 8 o’clock in the morning. So I have to ___ school before 7:50 . at B. finish C. get to D. leave ( )9Jeff goes to work ____ and his wife(妻子) goes to work _____. A. by car…on bike B. by a car…on a bike C. by car…on her bike D. by his car…in her bike ( )10. Would you like ____ to the cinema with me A.going B. to go C. to going D. go ( ) is going to ____ the plane to Beijing. A.have B. take C. by D. make ( ) is going to stay in ____ tomorrow. A./ B. a C. an D. the () doesn’t go to work, ____she is ill. B. because C. and D. or ( ) ____ a conert at the theatre on Saturday evening. going B. going C. is going to be D. is going to have ( ) are laughing ____ way. B. all a C. all the D. in the ( ) are ____ students in our school. A. two thousands B. two thousand C. thousands of D. thousand of ( )’re going to play _____ table tennis. B. an C. the D. / ( ) children ____ to go sightseeing tomorrow. going B. are going C. am going D. go ( )’re looking forward to _____ your school. A. visit B. visiting C. looking D. watching ( ) boy ____ his homework after school every day.


温馨提示:同学们,月考是对你这一个月所学的知识进行阶段性的检 验,你一定要仔细读要求,认真书写,展示出最棒的自己。 ( )1. A. big B. s[x C. nice ( )2. A. work B. wall C. whose ( )3. A. sorry B. brother C. some ( )4. A. hear B. pear C. ear ( )5. A. map B. stamp C. face 、 单词拼写。根据汉语,写出对应的单词。(每此1分, 共10分) 汉堡包 鸭子 照耀 卡片 楼梯 享用 门铃 气球 美元 相片 三 、 选出不同类的一项(每小题2 分,共10分) ( )1.A.warm B.sunny C.rain D. wi ndy ( )2.A.hot B.cold C.weather D.windy ( D A.twe nty B.thirtee n C.twelve D.half ( )4.A.wa nt B.whe n C. what D.where ( )5.A. Friday B.Mo nday C.today D.Tuesday 四、 单项选择题。 (每小题1分,共10分) )1 、 What do you want ? A. eat B. eat ing C. to eat )2 、How is it ? It ' s $ 20. A. many B. much C .old )3 、Look , it ' s outside . A. raining B. rai ny C .rain ( ( ( 找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。(10分)


2020年湖北省黄冈中学高考三模数学文 一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.设集合U={1,2,3,4},集合A={x ∈N|x 2 -5x+4<0},则C U A 等于( ) A.{1,2} B.{1,4} C.{2,4} D.{1,3,4} 解析:集合U={1,2,3,4}, 集合A={x ∈N|x 2 -5x+4<0}={x ∈N|1<x <4}={2,3}, 所以C U A={1,4}. 答案:B. 2.复数z 1=2+i ,若复数z 1,z 2在复平面内的对应点关于虚轴对称,则z 1z 2=( ) A.-5 B.5 C.-3+4i D.3-4i 解析:由题意可知z 2=-2+i ,再利用复数的运算法则即可得出. 由题意可知z2=-2+i , 所以z 1z 2=(2+i)(-2+i)=-4-1=-5. 答案:A. 3.某校为了解1000名高一新生的身体生长状况,用系统抽样法(按等距的规则)抽取40名同学进行检查,将学生从1~1000进行编号,现已知第18组抽取的号码为443,则第一组用简单随机抽样抽取的号码为( ) A.16 B.17 C.18 D.19 解析:∵从1000名学生从中抽取一个容量为40的样本, ∴系统抽样的分段间隔为 1000 40 =25, 设第一部分随机抽取一个号码为x , 则抽取的第18编号为x+17×25=443,∴x=18. 答案:C. 4.已知向量m u r =(-1,2),n r =(1,λ),若m n ⊥u r r ,则2m n +u r r 与m u r 的夹角为( ) A. 23 π


湖北省黄冈中学2009年高二期末考试 化学试题 命题人:夏焕斌审稿人:傅全安 相对原子质量:H — 1 C—12 N —14 O—16 S—32 Fe—56 Al —27 Cu —64 第I卷(选择题,共48分) 一、(本题包括16小题,每小题3分,共48分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意。) 1. 建设"环境友好型、资源节约型”社会必须大力实行节能减排,下列有关CO2排放的说法 中正确的是() A .开发太阳能、氢能等新型能源有利于减少二氧化碳的排放量 B .煤的气化技术是减少二氧化碳排放的重要措施 C.减少二氧化碳的排放有利于减少酸雨对环境的污染 D ."不允许向大气中排放二氧化碳”是《京都议定书》的重要精神 2. 下列说法中错误.的是() A. F2在卤素单质中沸点最低,Li在碱金属单质中熔点最高 B .在氯化钠晶体中每个Na同时吸收8个Cl,每个Cl同时吸引8个Na C.聚乙烯塑料没有固定的熔沸点,且聚乙烯不能与溴水发生加成反应 D .利用丁达尔效应可以鉴别葡萄糖溶液和淀粉溶液 3. 分类方法在化学学科的发展中起到了非常重要的作用。下列分类标准合理的是() ①根据元素所构成的固态单质是否导电把元素分为金属元素和非金属元素 ②根据在水溶液中或在熔融状态下是否导电把化合物分为电解质和非电解质 ③根据分散质粒子的大小将分散系分为溶液、胶体、悬浊液或乳浊液 ④根据反应是否需要加热将化学反应分为放热反应和吸热反应 A .①③ B .②④C.①④ D .②③ 4. 下列现象或应用不能.用胶体知识解释的是() A .肾功能衰竭等疾病引起的血液中毒,可利用血液透析进行治疗 B. 牛油与NaOH溶液 共煮制肥皂,向反应后所得的溶液中加入食盐后,有物质从混合物中 析出,浮在液面上 C. 氯化铝溶液中加入小苏打溶液会产生白色沉淀和气体 D .水泥冶金厂常用高压电除去工厂烟尘,减少对空气污染 5. 只要用一种试剂就能将以下各组中的物质一一鉴别开来,这种试剂是() ①过氧化钠、硫②乙醛、苯、四氯化碳③无水硫酸铜、碳酸钡、氯化钠 A .蒸馏水B. AgNO a溶液C.汽油 D .乙醇 6. 有关晶体的下列说法中,正确的是() A .晶体中分子间作用力越大,分子越稳定 B. 原子晶体中共价键越强,熔点越高 C. 冰熔化时水分子中共价键发生断裂 D .氯化钠熔化时离子键未被破坏 7. 已知25C、101 kPa时,2H2(g)+O2(g)=2H 20(g);H 483.6kJ/mol。下列说法或表达正确的是() A . H2的燃烧热为241.8kJ/mol 1 B . H2(g)+—O2(g)=H2O(l); H 241.8kJ/mol 2 1 C . H2(g)+— O2(g)=H 20(g); H 483.6kJ/mol 2 D . 1mol H2与0.5mol O2总能量小于1molH2O (g)的总能量 F列离子方程式中,正确的是( A .向沸水中滴加FeCl3溶液制备Fe(OHb胶体 B.向苯酚钠溶液中通入CO2气体 C. 向澄清石灰水 中滴加盐酸Ca(OH)2 D. 向碳酸氢钙溶液中加入过量的氢氧化钠溶液 2 2 Ca 2HCO3 2OH CaCO3 CO3 2出0 在一定条件下,分别以高锰酸钾、氯酸钾、过氧 3 Fe 3H2O = Fe(OH” 3H —0+ C02 + H20 —OH+ CO 2 2 Ca2+ 2H2O 2H C . 2 : 3 : 1 D . 4 : 3 : 2 ② HCIO3+5HCI=3CI 2+3H2O ④ 2FeCl+Cl=2FeCl

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